Sussex Local Magazine - Storrington NOVEMBER 2022

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THAKEHAM | WASHINGTON through the door every month to 6,631 homes via Royal Mail ...PLUS charity local news prize crossword health & wellbeing walks, property business directory Nov 2022 ENERGY Intake v outlay for weight loss EVENTS Including Glow Wild & Bonfire Night BATS In your garden KITCHEN Energy saving tips Win South of England Winter Fair tickets Book Surviving Her” by Jo Johnson HISTORIC HERD The Leconfield Estate cattle
2 T 01798873281 W LMCAutoServices Unit7&8 | StationApproachIndustrialEstate Pulborough | WestSussex | RH201AQ *5%donationgoestoTheMaryHowTrust Carandmotorcycle MOTteststation ComputerDiagnostics MOTRepairs Tyres Tuning MechanicalRepairs Servicing Welding Exhausts MOT Specialoffer £40 ifbookedonline SAVE 26% Usualprice £54.85* Allmakes andallmodels undertaken FREEcollection &delivery OT LMCMD LOCAL,INDEPENDENTGARAGE FORALLYOURVEHICLENEEDS

Novemberiswhenwe commemorateRemembrance Sundaywhichthisyearison13th November.Thiswillbethefirsttime thateventswillbepresidedover byournewKingCharlesIII.The RoyalBritishLegionstates,aswe continuetoemergefromalong periodofgreatdifficulty,we shouldstilltakethisopportunityto reinforceouradmirationofthe unfailingsenseofdutydisplayed bytheArmedForces,and commemoratethosewhogave theirlivesinourservice. Wehaveplentyofgoodreading foryouthismonthincluding energysavingtipsandhowto addvaluetoyourhome.Garden designerAndrewStaibwrites aboutSussexBatsandKierHartley visitstheLeconfieldEstatetofind outaboutthehistoricherdof cattle.Wehaveaseasonalrecipe plushealthadvicefromnutritionist HeatherSmith.We’vealsogota roundupoflocalBonfireNight eventsinourWhat’sOnpages withmoreonlineat prizewinnerssay,“I’veneverwon anythingbefore!”.Ifthissounds likeyou,thenwhynotenteroneof ourcompetitionsthismonth?

ofstrikesplannedoverthenext fewmonths.Wehopethiswon’t affectdeliveryofyourSussex Localmagazinebutifyoudo noticeanydelay,thisislikelythe reasonandweareverysorry aboutthis.


Disclaimer-Whilstadvertisementsareprintedin goodfaith,SussexLocal(KayPublishingLtd)isan independentcompanyanddoesnotendorse productsorservicesthatappearinthismagazine.

oromissionsorclaimsmadebycontributors.Views andopinionsofcontributorsarenotnecessarily thoseofthepublisher.

ARUNDEL andsurroundings– 6,829 addresses

andsurroundings– 6,063 addresses

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Every address every mon h 3SUSSEX LOCAL
KayPublishingLtdPOBox2237PulboroughRH209AH||01903868474 SUSSEX USSEX LOCAL “ ” Nov2022 Coverimage: GlowWildat Wakehurst SUSSEX USSEX LOCAL CONTENTS Establishedin2007,wepublishandhand-deliverseven editionsfreeofchargetoover45,000homesandbusinesses everymonth.Wewelcomereaderlettersandcommunity noticeswhichwepublishfreeofcharge. Advertisingfromonly £10 peredition
“Autumncarriesmoregoldinitspocketthan alltheotherseasons.”-JIMBISHOP Quoteofthemonth... 4 What'sOn 15 InYourGarden-Sussex Bats 20 Property-Increasethe valueofyourhome 22 Property-Energysaving tips 26 Recipe-CrownPrince Soup 28 WinticketstotheWinter FairatTheSouthof EnglandShowground 30 Energy&weightloss 32 LocalGuidedWalks 36 Charity&Community News 40 HistoricHerdthe LeconfieldEstateCattle 43 Storrington NeighbourhoodWardens 46 LocalSchools 48 PrizeCrossword-wina £30voucheratThe CrownInn 50 Motoring-Reduceyour chancesofbreakdown 52 ParishCouncilUpdates 57 LocalBusinessDirectory 63 IndexofAdvertisers

What’s On - November 2022

Event organisers please enter your event details on add/ We regret that we cannot accept submissions by email. We take the details from our website for the magazine listings which can appear in up to all seven editions distributed to over 46,000 addresses. Charity, community and non profit events are free of charge (subject to space). Commercial events can be listed from just £25 plus VAT which includes promotion through Facebook & Twitter. Deadline for December events to be put on website 4th November


04/11/2022 5:00 PM Fireworks With Night Putting Mannings Heath Golf & Wine Estate RH13

6PG Adult: £10 Kids: £6

04/11/2022 6:30 PM Slinfold Bonfire & Fireworks annual celebration with food and drinks served from outside bar at The Red Lyon Slinfold Horsham RH13 0RR £10 under 16s free

05/11/2022 4:00 PM Findon Village Firework Fantasia Low noise fireworks with Fire Performance, music, BBQ and bar St. John the Baptist School BN14 0TR st john the baptist

05/11/2022 5:00 PM Annual Lewes Bonfire Night The annual Lewes Bonfire Night is one of the most well known bonfire nights. Lewes BN7

05/11/2022 5:00 PM Barnham Fireworks Night A fun filled night for the family at Murrells Field next to Barnham Community Hall Bognor Regis PO22 0AY Adult £5.50, Family £16, Child £2.50

05/11/2022 5:00 PM Fireworks Night 2022 Horsham Rugby Club annual Fireworks night is back! Horsham Rugby Club RH13 6PJ £5 for singles and £18 for a family ticket. Horsham Rugby Club

06/11/2022 5:30 PM Annual Walberton Bonfire and Fireworks Walberton Village Hall BN18 0PJ £6 £3 Fiona

06/11/2022 5:30 PM Wizards and Witches Fireworks Night at Fontwell Racecourse everyone can dress as Wizards and Witches. Fontwell Park Racecourse Arundel BN18 0SY 13yrs+ £8 / Family £20 / 4 12yrs £6 01243 543335

11/11/2022 4:00 PM Ardingly Fireworks Spectacular fairground and fireworks display by Illusion Fireworks Ltd £5, Under 5's free fireworks spectacular/200023399571810

11/11/2022 5:30 PM Fireworks Extravaganza Fireworks, stalls, BBQ, games and refreshments Ashington CofE School RH20 3PG Tickets available from the school office. Fundraisers of Ashington CE School (FACES)


19/11/2022 10:00 AM Sew What Stitch Club A small and friendly independent group run for children aged 8 16. The Marriott Scout Hall Goring BN12 4NR £5 Liza Moon 07912 303367

Every Tue 4:45 PM New Youth Choir Rehearsal for choir for children aged 8 to 11 Trinity Methodist Church Storrington RH20 3NG £3 Robert Gamble


01/11/2022 2:00 PM Arts Society West Sussex Talk on ‘Artists of the Montmartre’ by Hilary Guise Fittleworth Village Hall RH20 1JB Visitors £7 (cash) Jackie 1903 411086 05/11/2022 10:30 AM Parkinsons support group A support group for people with Parkinsons and their families in Washington Memorial Village Hall RH20 4AP Maureen

07/11/2022 8:00 PM Felpham Singles Social Club Social club for over 50's who are single, widowed or divorced. The George Inn Bognor Regis PO22 7PL Free. Anne Cook 01243 821530

11/11/2022 3:00 PM Rosehill Book Club, Pulborough New members welcomed to this small friendly group Rosehill Book Club Pulborough RH20 4NL Carol Davison

More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes

4 What's On
Every address every month 35

14/11/2022 7:30 PM Pulborough Meadows WI November Meeting Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF Mary

16/11/2022 2:30 PM Pulborough Society meeting Regular meeting of civic amenity group Pulborough Village Hall RH20 free to local residents. Ian 01798 874686

16/11/2022 7:30 PM Sullington Windmills Women's Institute A friendly group of around 60 ladies The Parish Hall Storrington RH20 3PP Erika Brichta

Every Thurs 2:00 PM Circle Dancing/European Folk Dancing Dance in lines and circles, to diverse music. All dances are taught Storrington and Sullington Parish Hall RH20 3PP £6 Sue Kewley 01903 744929


19/11/2022 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast in Chichester community event Men's breakfast with Dr Tim Fookes, High Sherriff of West Sussex Chichester Park Hotel PO19 7QL £9.50 Peter Sutton 07813 024585 breakfast/

26/11/2022 10:00 AM Christmas Coffee Morning Walberton Gardeners Club Christmas Coffee Morning Walberton Pavilion Arundel BN18 0PJ walberton gardeners


19/11/2022 9:30 AM Birding for beginners Winter Wetlands at Pulborough Brooks Learn about winter visitors at RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £20.50 members/£25.50 Non members Lydia 01798 875851

Every Wed 7:30 PM Is there more to life than this? Free Alpha course Join Life Community Church to explore the big questions of life, faith and meaning The Village Hub Storrington RH20 4DJ Free. Stuart Spinney 01903 743547


1st 5th Nov 10:00 AM Dylan and Adrienne Shields Exhibiting together, Adrienne Shields and Dylan Shields are mother and son. Shaped. Colonnade House Worthing BN11 3DH Paula Tollett 01903 221142 paula.tollett@adur dylan shields adrienne shields shaped/

1st 5th Nov 10:00 AM Liz English: Chinoiserie Chaos Local artist Liz English is “crazy about Chinoiserie”. Colonnade House Worthing BN11 3DH Paula 01903 221142 paula.tollett@adur liz english chinoiserie chaos/ 19/11/2022 10:00 AM Art Exhibition Local artists/art groups will be exhibiting and selling their works Storrington & Sullington Parish Hall RH20 3PP Free. Storrington Museum 01903 740188 22/11/2022 10:00 AM Brian Tew and Deborah Michelson: Capturing Nature in Surface and Form This joint exhibition is a natural progression of the shared creative space. Colonnade House Worthing BN11 3DH Paula Tollett 01903 221142 paula.tollett@adur brian tew deborah mitchelson/ 11th, 18th & 25th Nov 10:00 AM Blue Idol Open Days Visit local historic building and Quaker place of worship Blue Idol Quaker Meeting House Coolham RH13 8QP Free. 22nd 27th Nov 10:00 AM Starlings Murmurations / Conversations Two artists come together to celebrate creativity. Colonnade House Worthing BN11 3DH Paula 01903 221142 paula.tollett@adur ruthmulvie claireknill/ 29th & 30th Nov 10:00 AM Elizabeth Mienert Elizabeth's exhibition features watercolour sketches taken from her travel sketchbooks. Colonnade House Worthing BN11 3DH Paula Tollett 01903 221142 paula.tollett@adur elizabeth mienert musing and meandering/

More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes

6 What's On
Every address every month 3 Batik Ceramics Enamelling Furniture Glass Jewellery Leatherwork Metalwork Pewter Quilt making Silversmithing Textile Art Textiles Woodturning Contemporary CRAFT SHOW Midhurst 3 & 4 DECEMBER 2022 10.00am - 5.00pm Admission: £3 Adults, Students and Children Free Midhurst Rother College, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9DT Reg Charity no: 292234 7


1st 12th Nov 7:00 PM The Famous Five: A New Musical A musical family adventure based on Enid Blyton's books Chichester Festival Theatre PO19 6AP From £10 Half price for under 16s 01243 781312

05/11/2022 3:30 PM Alice in Wonderland

Performed by the Rosemary Bell Academy of Dance. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN Adult: £12.50 Child: £3.50 Hazel Latus 01243 867676

17/11/2022 7:30 PM My One & Only An explosion of dance & design. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN Adult: £16 Child: £12 / nus £8. Hazel Latus 01243 867676

24/11/2022 7:30 PM Nice Work If You Can Get

It An explosion of song & dance. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre Bognor Regis PO21 1BN Adult: £16 Child: £12 NUS £8 Hazel Latus 01243 867676

24th 30th Nov 4:30 PM Glow Wild | Wakehurst

The winter lantern trail is back at Wakehurst Haywards Heath RH17 6TN From £14 (Adult Kew/Wakehurst Member) From £11 (Child).

26th 30th Nov 10:30 AM Tree Mendous Christmas Explore Petworth House to see Christmas trees taking centre stage Petworth House and Park GU28 9LR 01798 342207


12/11/2022 10:00 AM Steyning Holistic Fair Autumn brings the return of this uplifting and cosy event. The Steyning Centre BN44 3X £3 Free. Silverdragon Wellbeing 07939 642917 holistic fair 12/11/2022 10:30 AM Arundel Museum

Christmas Fayre Handmade gifts by local artisans and more. Arundel Museum BN18 9PA 01903 885866

to check for changes

More events on please contact event organisers T: 01243 641306 | E: Market Opening:Mon-Sat: 9am-5:30pmLate night shoppingThurs 15th & 22nd: Until 7:00pmSun: 10am-4:30pm Discover the magic of Christmas... in the pedestrianised precincts of East Street and North Street woodlandcrafts EVENTS MANAGEMENT Chichester Christmas Market 21 daysof festive shopping! 8 What's On

26/11/2022 10:00 AM

Tillington Christmas Fair

Tillington Village Hall Petworth GU28 9AF £1 Free for children. Gerald Gresham Cooke 01798 342151

26/11/2022 12:00 PM Ashington Christmas Fayre Annual Christmas Fayre in Ashington Community Centre RH20 3PG £1, Children go free. Margaret Alford 01903 892633


09/11/2022 7:30 PM

Rotary Film Night Operation Mincemeat Starring Colin Firth. Bar + Raffle Sullington Village Hall RH20 3PP £5 Ken 01903 740745

21/11/2022 7:30 PM Pulborough Film Night Fisherman’s Friend: One and All 2022 Drama/ Comedy 1hr 51m Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF £7 Terri Ashpool 07711 470635


Every Mon 11:45 AM Wellness Yoga New Yoga Classes focus on mindful movement paired with awareness of the mind body & breath in Bury Village Hall RH20 1PA Wellness Yoga

Every Mon 6:30 PM Beginners Running Course Learn to Run over 10 weeks, supported by a qualified Coach in Running Fitness Lower Street Car Park Pulborough RH20 £60 Tanya Boardman.

Every Tue 6:30 PM All abilities running group Arun Valley Runners build confidence in your running Pulborough RH20 £5 Tanya Boardman groups pulborough

Every Tue & Thurs 9:30 AM Weekly Yoga Classes in Ashington with Manna Yoga Small, personal, friendly Yoga classes for all levels. Ashington Scout Hut RH20 3JX £9 Manna Pope 07798 616821

Every address every month 3
More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes Christmas Lunch Celebrate the festive season with us 1 – 23 December From £18.95 Book online Advanced booking required Visit No deposit necessary London Road, Washington, RH20 3BP What's On 9

Every Wed 7:30 PM Weekly Yoga Classes in Ashington with Manna Yoga Small, friendly, weekly Yoga Classes Ashington Scout Hut RH20 3JX £9 per class Manna Pope 07798 616821


14/11/2022 10:30 AM November Raceday seven races and food & drink. Plumpton Racecourse Lewes BN7 3AL From £14 01273 890383 sports racing november raceday/


02/11/2022 2:30 PM Christmas Memories An afternoon of Christmas songs & carols. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £14.50 Hazel 01243 867676

04/11/2022 7:00 PM Dreams of Fleetwood Mac A Fleetwood Mac Tribute Show. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £28.50 £26.50 Hazel 01243 867676

05/11/2022 7:30 AM Classical Guitar Concert by Xufei Yang acclaimed classical guitarist. Regis School of Music PO21 1ER Non member £15 / Under 18s free. Sasha Levtov 01243 866462 7th & 14th Nov 7:30 PM Sandgate Singers Sandgate Singers are looking for new members. Sullington Parish Hall RH20 3PP John Fisher 01903 741256 17/11/2022 7:30 PM Dixieland/Trad Jazz Evening of Dixie/Trad Jazz by the Featherstone Jazz Four. DRNK Cafe Lancing BN15 0PH Free. Derek 01903 249900

19/11/2022 7:30 PM Choral Concert Fernhurst Choral Society Autumn Concert St Mary's Church Petworth GU28 0AE £17 Tina 01730 816542

26/11/2022 7:30 PM Rossini Petite Messe Solonnelle The Chantry Quire performs at St Mary's Church, Petworth GU28 0AE £15 Chantry Quire

More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes

Every Mon 8:00 PM Fernhurst Choral Society

Weekly rehearsals leading to concerts Fernhurst Village Hall GU27 3EH See website for information Nigel 07485 145141 or Tina 01730 816542

1st & 2nd Nov 9:00 AM Ardingly Antiques Fair Shop 1,700 antiques stalls from dealers in the Ardingly Antiques Fair South of England Showground RH17 6TL £20 Eve Oliver

19/11/2022 9:00 AM Arundel Farmers Market discover local growers, bakers, meat, poultry, flowers, plants, food and drink makers Arundel BN18 9AA

19/11/2022 10:00 AM Christmas Sale Fundraising sale of exciting and unusual gift items Midhurst Methodist Church Hall GU29 9DU Contact Kate Cox:

24/11/2022 10:00 AM Cheeki Monkeys Big Baby & Children Market Buy/Sell Preloved Baby & Children Clothes, Toys and equipment; The Shoreham Centre BN43 5WU £1.50 Delphine

26/11/2022 9:00 AM Pulborough Farmers Market fresh vegs, eggs, home made cakes and preserves & cafe. Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF 07711 470635

27/11/2022 12:00 PM Christmas in Boxgrove Christmas market and family fun day Boxgrove Village Hall PO18 0EE 01243 788332


24/11/2022 7:00 PM Angel in Blue Psychic evening Social/support evening & Psychics Medium demonstration Storrington Village Hall RH20 4DZ £6 Val

More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes 10 What's On
8 – 31 DECEMBER A CAPITOL PRODUCTION Sponsored locally by


02/11/2022 10:45 AM The Arts Society South Downs "Greeks where we began" by Giles Ramsay Fittleworth Village Hall RH20 1JB £7 Free to Members. Jane Allison 01798 813314

04/11/2022 2:30 PM Gardens of South East England Find out about the greatest garden designers and what inspired them. Storrington Museum RH20 4LL £8 / £6 for members 01903 740188

12/11/2022 11:00 AM Book signing Exploring The Bridleways of Sussex David Bathurst will sign his latest book at Shoreham Art Gallery BN43 5WA Free David Bathurst 07536 984943

12/11/2022 7:00 PM Dinner & Auction with speaker and live music. Hosted by Natasha Kaplinsky. Barcombe Village Hall BN8 5BH £50 The Bevern Trust 01273 400752

14/11/2022 10:00 AM The Arts Society

Steyning Eastern Influence in European Jewellery by Patricia Law The Steyning Centre BN44 3XZ Free to members, £10 visitor donation

15/11/2022 2:30 PM The Shetland Bus Talk by Gillian Halcrow about Norwegian sailors in their fishing boats in WWII. Methodist Church Hall Midhurst GU29 9DU £2 members, £3 visitors

17/11/2022 7:30 PM

Talk for the Midhurst Society Compassion in World Farming South Downs Memorial Hall Midhurst GU29 9DH

Free for members £3 visitors Tina 01730 816542

23/11/2022 2:30 PM Storrington Flower Club

Affiliated to NAFAS Sullington Parish Hall RH20 3PP £6 Chris 01903 742102

More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes

23/11/2022 7:15 PM A toss of the coin my life as a railway professional An illustrated talk by a retired railway senior manager Bassil Shippam Centre Chichester PO19 7LG £3 07403 885061 branch chr chichester/ 26/11/2022 1:30 PM A floral treat for Christmas Christmas Flower Demonstration by Dee Watkins (Seed2Design) Pagham Village Hall PO214NJ £10 Jenni Bennett 07790 375229

28/11/2022 7:45 PM Mig and the Beanstalk An evening of flowers, fun and theatrical tales. Chichester Festival Theatre PO19 6AP £18 01243 781312

29/11/2022 7:00 PM Rails to Midhurst hear the tales of the rails to Midhurst at an illustrated talk by local historian Bill Gage West Sussex Record Office Chichester PO19 1DD £8 Matthew 01243 753602


1st, 8th & 9th Nov 7:00 PM Dance House 2022 An evening of dance from the House of Dance Alexandra Theatre Regis Centre PO21 1BN £12 Under 16's £6 Hazel 01243 867676

9th 13th Nov 7:30 PM School For Scandal comedy adapted by Robert Tremayne The Curzon Brighton BN2 1NF £15/£12 07767 607483

25/11/2022 8:00 PM 'Is That a Bolt in Your Neck?' mixing spooky paranoia, surreal nightmare and frantic farce. Empire Hall Petworth GU28 0QB £15 / £10


26/11/2022 7:00 AM Dawn of the Ducks at Pulborough Brooks Watch waders, ducks and geese at RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £20.50 members / £25.50 Non members Lydia 01798 875851

2 T
More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes 12 What's On
Every address every month 3 Storrington Service Station, Old Mill Drive, RH20 4NF powerstorrington powerstores_uk Open every day 6am-10pm HIGH STREET OLDMILLDRIVE HAWTHORNWAY MILL LANE SCHOOLHILL HERE WE’RE Rollover Hot Dogs Smokin’ Bean Coffee Machine Jisp Gander Moo-Shakes Cool Slushies Machine Soft ScoopIce Cream Machine GREAT OFFERS & PRODUCTS IN YOUR NEW LOOK STORE Proud to be supporting and raising money for the local community 13

In Your Garden

Monthly gardening ideas & tasks by Andrew Staib of Glorious Gardens

Sussex Bats

What species do we have?

There are a total of 18 species of bat that breed in the UK and all of them can be found in Sussex. The Barbastelle, Bechstein’s, Greater Horseshoe, Greater Mouse eared and the Alcathoe whiskered bat are all very rare yet still live within Sussex. The Serotine and Noctule are both uncommon. The Brandt’s, Nathusius’s Pipistrelle, Natterer’s and Whiskered are scarce. The Daubenton's bat, Common Pipistrelle and the Brown long eared bat are abundant as is the Soprano Pipistrelle.The Leisler’s and Grey long eared bat has been rarely recorded in Sussex. They have only recorded spotting one Lesser Horseshoe. The Greater Horseshoe bat is one of the rarest bats in the UK, their numbers are thought to have plummeted from about 300,000 at the turn of the last century to just 9,000 today.

The greater mouse eared bat

earlier bats kept some of the additional finger claws inherited from their ancestors.

There are over 1400 species of bat in the world, the smallest having a wing span of 15cm the largest having 1.7metre wide wings! Some bats are solitary, some live in colonies. The largest in the world is Braken Cave in Mexico with a population of 20 million bats!

What do they eat?

A single bat can consume up to 500 insects within an hour, a common bat can eat over 3000 insects in a single evening.

The origins of bats

Bats fossil records are around 50 million years ago during a time known as the Eocene. Palaeontologists have recovered remains ranging from teeth and bits of jaw to stunning full skeletons. There are some differences between the oldest bats and their modern relatives. Based upon the ear anatomy of the better preserved specimens, for example, scientists know that the first bats couldn’t echolocate. They relied on sight, smell and touch to find their meals. While modern bats have a claw only on the equivalent of our thumb,

Where can I see bats near me?

Bodiam Castle is the place to visit to see one of the most important bat roosts in the Uk. In 2013, they recorded the earliest ever births of wild baby bats in the UK.

On average there are over 200 Daubenton’s bats, with 321 recorded in 2012. The volunteers who count the colony believe it is the largest known Daubenton’s bat maternity roost in the UK. The roost is also used by another bat species in the Myotis family, the Natterer’s bat, with up to 100 of these counted in the past.

The best months to spot bats are between April to November. You should locate yourself by a river or pond because they tend to be hunting for insects there and start looking outside 20 minutes after sunset. Planting insect loving plants will help attract insects to your garden which bats feed on.

Leading Sussex Wildlife Trust business partner Infinity Foods has recently given funding towards a bat box project in the city of Brighton and

Every address every month 3
Gardening 15
2 QUALITYANDVALUE DIRECTFROMTHE GROWER! • YouwillfindanexceptionalrangeofSeasonal andHardyplantshereatourNurseriesin WestChiltington allgrownandsoldonsite. AndtheGoodnews! NoPriceincreasesfor yourplantsthisyear! • NewsSeasonAutumnBeddingandSpring Bulbs AvailableNow! CLAIMAFREEPACKOF VIOLASWITHEVERY PURCHASETHISAUTUMN. VILLAGENURSERIES SINNOCKS,WESTCHILTINGTON,RH202JX 01798813040 OPEN9AM-5.00PM–7DAYSAWEEK 07880 742977 Talk to experienced and professional designer Andrew Staib Large Garden Design Gale Tree Consultancy • Detailed decay evaluation using sonic tomography and electronic microdrill technology • Aerial inspection of the crown structure • Health & Safety tree assessments • BS5837 development site surveys • Tree disease diagnosis Tel: 01798 875731 Email: Web: 16 Gardening

Help with providing a care and rescue service for sick and injured bats, with the backup of permanent bat hospitals. What does the SBS do?

They record and monitor bat populations in Sussex. The group assists Natural England with roost visits where threats to bats may exist. They also help by carrying out conservation projects such as bat box schemes, improving roost sites or opening and protecting potential sites.

Where to visit in November

Knepp Estate, where you can experience rewilding at first hand, has signed walks that vary from an hour to four hours. A £5 donation is suggested at the car park. New Barn Farm, Swallows Lane, Dial Post, Horsham RH13 8NN

Fancy choosing your own Christmas tree? Wilderness Woods in East Sussex offers you the chance to select your tree from their plantation in November, put a ribbon around it, then come back in December and chop it down.

November tasks

• Harvest the last of your tomatoes as the frosts can get them even if they are green they will ripen in a bowl.

• Lift your Dahlias and store them in a dry, dark place (some people leave them in the soil over Winter but this is a risk)

• Prune tall Roses to reduce the rock to their roots a strong Winter wind can wreak on them.

• Bubble wrap any precious tropical trees like Bananas or Tree Ferns if frosts are imminent.

• Think about planting Perennial and trees. Trees can be bought as bare root specimens which means they will be cheaper plus the plants will have five months to establish without any real need of watering before Spring arrives.

Every address every month 3
Contact Barry Drennan 07774 635705 or 01798 812099 Do You Ne ed Hel p Wit h Pru nin g? Pruning - Autumn/Winter Roses - Wisteria etc Border Work - Division - Planting - Bulbs etc Crystal Ponds 01903 937817 | 07872 940599 Contact Tim  Design & build  Fully insured  Maintenance  Rock designs & waterfalls  Small or large projects Free advice & estimates Limited 07922 240729 Storrington based electrician offering a friendly, reliable service All work certified & guaranteed for 12 months Proud member of Checkatrade & NICEIC Domestic Installer Scheme Gardening 17

Hove, led by Sussex Wildlife Trust’s Huw Morgan and Ryan Greaves in collaboration with Brighton and Hove City Council, Sussex Bat Group and local parks’ Friends groups.

Why should I get a bat box for my garden?

Building a bat box will provide the creatures with somewhere safe to roost, raise their pups and sleep during the day. Because the numbers of insects have plummeted since the 70s, bats are having a tough time finding enough food and many of their natural roosting places are being damaged and destroyed.

Seeing by sound

Bats are one of the few mammals that can use sound to navigate, this is called echolocation. Echolocation along with special morphological (physical features) and physiological adaptations allows bats to see with sound. Most bats produce echolocation sounds by contracting their voice box. A few species, though, click their tongues. These sounds are generally emitted

serve bats and their habitat whilst raising awareness of bats. Go along to one of their educational events which are held throughout the year.

Bat box
For more information please call sales: 18 Gardening
Every address every month 319

Increase the value of your home

Not much escapes the reality that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, none less so than a prospective home buyer!

But whilst pricing brackets are largely controlled by supply and demand (and the political circus in Westminster!) the good news is that homeowners have the power to impact where in that bracket they sit.

Increasing the value of our home is normally associated with wanting to sell. However, another reason could be quite the opposite increasing equity to get the best mortgage rate. And with banks becoming extra conservative on their offers and higher interest rates looming, now more than ever do we need to maximise our equity.

Here are some common ways to increase the value of your home, you might be surprised by how much some of the smaller changes can impact the overall value.

Single storey rear extensions - they create a modern and open style that opens the rear of

the home with full width bi fold or sliding doors into the garden. One of the most popular changes you can do.

Loft conversions are always on the ‘wish’ list. With so much unused space, converting can pro- vide bedrooms, bathrooms, ensuites and more. But remember, whilst these projects can add value, the property needs to have a suitable loft to allow this conversion.

Garage conversions Simply put, these are one of the most economic ways to create space, and a great return on your investment.

Kitchens are the heart of the home and may have a larger impact on value than you might think. With a bit of modernising you could realistically increase the value of your home by 6-8%.

All properties are different so your potential might not be obvious, so get in touch with your local architect today to discuss what options you have available.

Windows & Doors Energy rated A+ Windows Available A rated as standard 20 Property
Every address every month Residential property surveyor covering Storrington and Pulborough areas Level 2 – Home Condition Reports Level 3 – Building Surveys Excellent local knowledge Over 25 years’ experience in the property industry High quality reports Regulated by RICS 01243 552620 07740 337893 Contact us today Property 21

saving tips for the kitchen

Energy bills are set to continue to rise, and with nearly 30% of household energy consumption being used in the kitchen (according to Energy Saving Trust 13.8% of electricity for cooking, 16.8% for freezing/cooling food), being energy efficient in the kitchen should help cut down energy bills. Tips on being efficient in the Kitchen

Use the microwave: Cooking by heating water molecules inside food, from inside outwards, the heat generated by microwave is not wasted in heating the air surrounding the food. Microwaves can be used to reheat, defrost and cook meals. Microwave recipes such as mac and cheese, leek and salmon in a parcel, risotto primavera and banana muffins can be found with Google. You can also try part cooking potatoes or butternut squash for 6 10 minutes before roasting. Microwaves can also steam cook. It takes 4 5 minutes to cook softer/ moist vegetables and 6 8 minutes for firmer ones.

Property of the month

Use the kettle: A kettle heats water faster than the stove. When boiling water in a sauce pan, heat from the hob is absorbed by the surrounding air.

Use a slow cooker: Slow cookers are insulated, and the lid stays on during cooking. An average slow cooker uses 1.3 kWh per meal. They cook everything in one pot so there are less items to wash. The slow and longer process also makes it perfect to create meals from cheaper cuts of meat.

Use less water: Only use as much water as you need (just enough to cover the food). Boiling extra water takes more time as well as energy. Cover pots and pans: The water will boil faster and use less energy to heat food. Turn off the heat a few minutes before it is fully cooked particularly if you have an electric hob, as they take time to cool down and will continue to cook.

Defrost your fridge and freezer: The energy efficiency of both is reduced if there is a build up of ice or frost. Leave a 10cm gap behind your fridge so the heat can flow away easier.

For more info:

3BX - Offers in excess of £1M

An attractive home located close to the village centre offered for sale in first class order throughout, having been extended and refurbished to a high standard. Accommodation comprises: sitting room with wood burning stove, dining room, family room, re fitted kitchen/breakfast room with integrated appliances, utility room, two ground floor bedrooms with en suite, three first floor double bedrooms and family bathroom. Outside is extensive parking to front with car port and storage barn. Rear garden is a feature of the property with a southerly aspect with landscaped gardens and large terrace providing outside entertaining space. Property also benefits from solar PV system. Fowlers: 01903 745844

30% of household energy consumed
in the
kitchen Let's mitigate rising bills! Energy
Mill Lodge, Ashington, RH20
22 Property
Every address every month 3 The road to a successful let this Autumn Leading Letting Agents with four offices covering Sussex, Hampshire, Surrey and Kent. Contact us for a high quality Lettings and Management service. Stewart Cunningham 01798 877501 23
2 Head Start is our free property finder service. Tell us your property criteria and using the latest technology, we’ll do the searching for you to find your perfect home before it’s even on the market. Interested? Talk to our team or visit our website to find out more. Talk to Henry Adams Storrington: 01903 742535 Visit Get a Head Start on finding it with Henry Adams. There’s a home out there... just for you. 24

Are you hanging on to too much cash?

At Investment Solutions Wealth Management Ltd, we have been blending investment portfolios since 1988.

When stock markets wobble, people are often reluctant to invest, instead choosing to keep their hard saved money in cash. But are you hanging on to too much cash? And could you be investing more to get your money working harder?

Capital at risk. The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Let’s talk: 01903 214640 email: website: www.investment

‘Investment Solutions’ is the trading name of Investment Solutions Wealth Management Ltd who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Every address every month 3
Investment solutions group photo Finance 25

A healthy soup to keep you warm


• 1 crown prince, (around 1kg) deseed (reserving 2 tbsps. of seeds, wash and put to one side), peel and chop the crown prince into 2cm pieces

• 4 tsp Carla’s aromatic seasoning

• 1 tbsp olive oil

• 1 onion, finely chopped

• 3 garlic cloves, crushed

• 2 cans of Potts vegetable stock

• 70ml Susana & Daughters kefir drink

• Fresh chives, chopped

• Salt and pepper to season

• Brown Chewy, to serve


1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the onions until translucent, this should take around 10 minutes. Add the garlic and aromatic seasoning to the pan and cook for a minute more.

2. Stir in the crown prince chunks and cover with a lid for 5 8 minutes until just starting to soften. Add the stock and bring to a simmer, cook for 15 minutes, covered, until the squash is tender.


stick blender until smooth, and season well.

4. medium heat until starting to crack and sizzle, set aside.

5. drink, top with seeds, fresh chives and cracked pepper. Enjoy with warmed artisan chewy bread, with lashings on butter.

Find all ingredients at the Village Larder and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more weekly meal inspiration @village_larder

Aromatic Crown Prince soup Order instore or online VILLAGELARDER.CO.UK Turkeys - Fruit & Veg - Trimmings - Cheese CHRISTMAS 26 Recipe
Every address every month 3 Looking for Lwork? ooking for work? 01798 1798 874355 - Do you need Dflexibility? o you need flexibility? Get in touch Gtoday... et in touch today... Are you trustworthy A& re you trustworthy & rreliable? eliable? Would you like to Wearn ould you like to earn £13 per £hour? 13 per hour? Do you enjoy Dcleaning? o you enjoy cleaning? Book now to get your oven cleaned for Christmas 27

Festive fun for all the family 19th & 20th November 2022

Open from 9am on the 19th and 9am 4pm on the 20th November. Tickets to the Winter

At the Winter Fair, visitors can shop till they drop with an abundance of artisan produce and gifts as well as food and drink on offer from local and independent traders.

It’s not just about the shopping with festive fun to be had too; families are sure to enjoy the giant snow globe that they can step inside to capture the perfect Christmas card worthy picture. There’s also a street food area with live music, a funfair, a chance to meet Mistletoe the Elf, and of course Santa’s grotto.

If that weren’t enough, there will be festive workshops, including wreath making and chocolate decorating.

Win a family ticket to the South of England winter fair on 19th November at Ardingly.

2022 are limited and it is advised to book in advance to avoid disappointment. For more information visit

Win a family ticket to South of England winter

Send your answer and contact details to: South of England winter fair Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter online at: Winner drawn after 15th November 2022. Please indicate if you wish to remain on our mailing list.
fair South of England Winter Fair To enter answer the following question: Q: Where is the Winter Fair being held? a) Fontwell Park b) Weald & Downland Museum c) South of England Showground Please join us for one of our Light Up a Life gatherings of celebration and remembrance on Monday 12 December 2022 at Worthing Assembly Hall at 4.30pm and 7.00pm. You can make a dedication and, if you wish, make a donation in memory of your loved one by visiting or scan the QR code to find out more about the appeal. Remember your loved ones and support your local hospice 2022 Registered charity number 256789 28 Competition

Food sensitivity's affect on arthritis

How dietary changes can help by

Different arthritis affected by different foods

There are several reasons why we may suffer arthritis, from a genetic predisposition to a knock on effect of injury. However, there are natural solutions to help reduce the pain of arthritis. Food sensitivity is common in arthritis sufferers. Osteoarthritis sufferers are nearly always intolerant to gluten. Rheumatoid arthritis usually have intolerance to the nightshade family including peppers, aubergines, tomatoes and potatoes. Many people suffer from food sensitivity and may not realise what they’re eating is having a poor effect on their health concern.

sensitivity affected ability to walk

came to see me and could barely walk with the pain in her knees. I identified she had an extreme gluten sensitivity and after cutting it out for 6 weeks she was walking normally.

foods are inflammatory and will irritate joints that are already sore. Dietary changes can help reduce the inflammation and pain. Computerised health screening is a great way to start. It takes the guesswork away. The analysis looks at


imbalances in the





Every address every month 3
body and
check for
ic issues including food sensitivity, nutrition, hormones, toxins, heavy metals etc. A
ised health plan is written for you with
of dietary changes. Correct nutritional supplements may be recommended along with advice to help you regain optimal health, naturally! Clare Gale: 07717 281604 / 07717 281604 Clinics in: • Chichester • Storrington • Littlehampton Allergies Hormonal Issues and more… Children Welcome IBS Joint Pain Migraine Digestive issues Blood Test Available if required Consultation, testing and advice can help with MONDAYS & THURSDAYS atWashington Memorial Hall, RH20 4AP KOREAN MARTIAL ARTS FIRST MONTH TRAINING ONLY £10 PER PERSON Contact us on 07711 954 466 | | @richingskma Booking isrequired forallclasses so pleaseemailto register interest and book your FREE trial class Thursdays 6pm: Kids 8+ and Family Thursdays 7pm: Teens and Adults Thursdays 8pm: Martial Art Fitness Mondays 4pm: Young Kids up to 7 Mondays 5pm: Kids 8+ and Family Mondays 6pm: Teens and Adults Health & Wellbeing 29

All about Energy

If you’re to lose weight, you must use more energy (calories) than you eat. This sounds simple, but when you look deeper, it becomes more complex as there are many factors which influence what we eat and the energy our bodies use. Your age, muscle mass, how hungry you were before you ate, what you ate and even the microbes in your gut affect how your body uses energy

Your appetite

While it is true that you can lose weight by only eating Mars bars, as long as you’re eating less calories than you’re burning off, you’re going to be starving most of the time.

What you’re eating

You can feel at least as satisfied by a real, whole food meal the same size as a processed food meal, for less than half the calories.

Base metabolic rate

This is how many calories your body needs to stand still. Your age, muscle mass, hormones, dieting history, genes and sleep quality will affect how much energy your body needs to just stand still.

Non Exercise activity

Keeping active and generally ‘moving about’ consumes more energy than sitting still.


How much you move, the intensity and type of exercise all affect what calories your body needs to complete the activity. How used your body is to the exercise is also a factor because our bodies become more efficient with practice.

Sleep quality

Plays a big part in how hungry we feel and how much we eat.

This is not an exhaustive list, but illustrates how different people respond to different diets/calorie intakes. You can make many of these factors work in your favour. More on this in the New Year.


& Associates BSc(Hons) MRCPod HCPC Registered Chiropodist / Podiatrist •Nails •Corns / Callus •Verrucae •Fungal Nails • Biomechanics • Insoles • Heel / Foot Pain • Ingrowing Toenail 30 Health & Wellbeing
Every address every month 3 •General Dentistry •Dental Hygiene Services •Special Interest in Age Related Dental Issues Senior Citizens Warmly Welcome! Easy wheelchair access at rear • Gum & Jaw Problems • Smile Improvements & Tooth Whitening New Patients Always Accepted! Living in pain isn't normal. While there is no way to avoid getting older, there are proactive steps you can take to stay active and pain-free. If you're tired of living in pain - give us a call. Don’t let pain rule your life! Make time for you MANNA YOGA Ashington Scout Hut, Church Lane Term time: Tuesdays 9:30 am Wednesday 9:30 am (gentle flow) Wednesday 6 pm (gentle flow) Wednesday 7:30 pm (more advanced) Thursday 9:30 am Mobile: 07798 616821 Facebook: Mannayoga1 Health & Wellbeing 31

Sussex Walks - Nov 2022

These walks are led by volunteers. If the weather is poor the walk may be cancelled. There is no need to pre book for the Horsham Guided Wellbeing Walks. To view their full programme visit and leisure/walking/wellbeing walks

To book onto Sussex Ramblers Walks visit: You must book for the Chichester HeartSmart walks:

Horsham County Council Weekly Walks

Check website for the full monthly schedule (not available at time of print)

Every Mon 10:45am North Heath Horsham 2 miles 30 or 75 mins A gentle walk around the North Heath area riverside. Refreshment and toilets in pub

Meet: Sussex Barn pub car park, off North Heath Lane, RH12 5PJ Ann & John 01403 268885

Every Wed 10:30am Horsham Park Stroll 1+ mile 30 or 50 mins Suitable for all. Dogs on leads welcome. Friendly group and stop for a coffee at The Pavilion Centre Meet: Bandstand in Carfax (RH12 1FD) Emmy 01403 255517 or Doreen 01403 230293

Every Thu 11:00am Billingshurst 2.3 miles 60 mins Walk around Billingshurst‘s footpaths or Jubilee Fields. Stay for coffee afterwards. Dogs on leads. Meet: Billingshurst Library, Mill Lane, RH14 9JZ Chris 01403 782745

Every Fri 10:30am St Mary’s Church, Horsham 2.5 miles 90 mins

Gentle walk around Chesworth Farm or Denne Hill; no styles or steep hills. Suitable for all. Meet: St Marys Church, Horsham Peter Tobutt 01403 260783

Sussex Ramblers

Wed 2nd 10:00 Compton 8.5miles Moderate Up, down and around Compton Horsley Farm, Forestside, Broadreed Farm, West Marden

Meet: Compton, Village Rec Car Park, PO18 9EX

Sat 5th 09:30

Halfway Bridge

11miles Moderate Mill Farm, Bexley Hill Common, Lodsworth. Hilly. Booking required, max no 30

Meet: Halfway Bridge, layby of A272 eastbound GU28 0PQ Upperton Common

Wed 16th 10:00

Surrounds of Stoughton 8.5 miles Moderate

A series of ups & downs via Watergate, Stoughton & Bow Hill

Meet: Walderton Corner, immediately east of the B2146, PO18 9EA

Sat 19th 09:30

Duncton Delight 12mi Moderate Duncton, Barlavington, Sutton, Decoy Copse, Sutton End, Burton Park, Graffham, Seaford. Could be muddy. Registered assistance dogs only

Meet: Duncton, Willett Close, GU28 0LD

Sun 20th 09:30

Out from Eartham

12 miles Moderate A circular, hilly walk. Upwaltham Hill, South Downs Way, Houghton Forest, Great Down. Booking required, max 15

Meet: Eartham Woods Forestry Commission Car Park, PO18 0LU Chichester HeartSmart walks more on:

Mon 7th 11:00

Bosham Harbour & Village 1.5 miles Easy (for all) Flat & no stiles. A circular walk through historic Old Bosham and along its scenic harbour front. Meet: Bosham Car Park, PO18 8HZ, at the pedestrian area near Bosham Public Toilets. Fri 25th 10:30

Goodwood & Singleton 8 miles Advanced A more advanced walk with steep uphill sections and stiles. Lovely open countryside also taking in the villages of West Dean and Coleworth. We will have a stop so please bring a snack.

Meet: Goodwood Seven Points Car park (not the Triangle car park)

32 Walks


Every address every month 3 Mill
Antiques Enhance your home with unique furniture for all budgets Follow my passion for Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian furniture. Find that unique and practical piece for your home with prices to suit all budgets. I have over 30 years experience restoring antique furniture, the ultimate recycling ethos! Free parking outside. 42-44 High Street, Storrington RH20 2LQ 07533 759606 or 01903 446783 33

Appeal for foster carers in West Sussex

From West Sussex County Council

Right now there are over 850 children in West Sussex we care for. All these children are in safe accommodation, with many living with local foster carers, but we also have a significant number of children waiting to find a foster family. Every child deserves a loving and local place they can call home but we urgently need to recruit more foster carers in order to provide them with this.

Children aged between 11 and 17 account for 64% of those we care for and desperately need people who can guide them through this important and uncertain time in their lives. Helping them to develop into happy, confident and independent young adults.

If you are over 21, with a spare bedroom and the ability to provide a safe, stable and supportive environment for vulnerable children, you could be a foster carer and we’d love to hear from you.

As a foster carer for West Sussex County Council you will receive comprehensive training and

We are currently recruiting experience and empathetic support staff and nurses in your area.

Our nurses pay rate is £40 an hour and Support Staff £18 an hour. The recruitment process is simple.

If you know someone who could potentially make a difference, you could earn up to £500 for any successful referral. Simply send across details to or contact us today on 0800 292 2331 or visit our website

Find us on Social Media @HarmonyHealthUK • LinkedIn: Harmony Health 34 Community
Every address every month 3 Too many young people in West Sussex don’t have a loving place to call home. Could you transform a child’s life by sharing yours? Join our fostering family today: 033 022 27775 • 35

Sussex Snippets

Charity & Community news from across the counties

Steven Rushmer, age 17 from West Sussex has been given The British Citizen Youth Award. Now in its eighth year, the award honours 25 young people from across the UK who have made a difference in their communities and society as a whole. For the past three years Steven has given up his weekends leading up to Remembrance Day to volunteer by selling Poppies for the Royal British Legion.

4Sight Vision Support, which offers support to blind and sight impaired residents of all ages throughout West Sussex, provides specialist advisors who guide its clients through the process of identifying and accessing benefits and concessions to which they may be entitled. If you or someone you know needs support accessing benefits and concessions call 01243 828555 or visit

West Sussex County County (WSCC) has renewable energy systems including two solar farms and many more solar panels on its buildings which generated more than 16,000 MWh of clean electricity last year. That’s enough to power more than 5,500 average UK homes. This prevented 3,700 tonnes of CO2 being released into the atmosphere compared to generating the same amount of electricity from fossil fuels.

The Warmer Homes programme is still available to residents in West Sussex and aims to help raise the energy efficiency of low income and low energy performance homes. Funding is available for things like roof, underfloor, wall and park home insulation, air source heat pumps, solar panels, storage heaters and heating controls Apply quickly so you don't miss out and please pass this information to anyone you think may benefit from this programme. More details at

Applications are now open for children who start in reception at primary and infant schools in

September 2023. The quickest and easiest way is to apply is online and the deadline for applications is 15 January 2023. Search for Starting School Places at The next major fundraiser for Air Ambulance charity Kent Sussex Surrey (KSS) is Host a Roast in which people invite friends, family or colleagues in November to enjoy a roast and, through donations, raise vital funds. To find out more about Host a Roast or other opportunities to support KSS, please visit David Bathurst, author of several walking guides both local and national, has just written a guide called “Exploring the Bridleways of Sussex”. It is the definitive practical and armchair guide to Sussex bridleways which provide the perfect means of exploring the countryside. The book costs £15 and all profits will be donated to Friends of Sussex Hospices. David will be signing copies at Shoreham Art Gallery BN43 5WA (just by Shoreham railway station) between 11am and 3pm on Saturday November 12th.

The Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Centre (Portsmouth) is for anyone affected by cancer, patients and loved ones. It helps with emotional support, counselling, financial advice, self management workshops and signposting to other professional or voluntary services all free of charge. The charity is looking for Meet & Greet Volunteers to welcome visitors in by offering refreshments and a listening ear to all that come through the door. If you have a friendly disposition, and want to spend some spare time helping others feel supported, then this could be perfect for you. If you can help please email or give them a call on 02392 283 323 for more information. Community stories are printed free of charge. Please email

36 Charity & Community

Charity & Community News

Rotary Club BookStall raises £10k for local causes

The Rotary Club of Storrington & Pulborough District continues to welcome customers on Saturday mornings at Place Villerest, Storrington and now has other outlets in Pulborough Station and Stable Antiques, Storrington.

The running and organisation is carried out by a team of five with the support of other Club members and Rotary Friends. In the past year £10,000 has been raised helping the Rotary Club develop its community support programme including Young Person’s development at Lodge Hill, Christmas Sacks distribution to needy families, local Pop in lunches for the elderly and monthly film nights. Internationally, where disasters have struck, the Club has been able to help, more recently in Ukraine and Pakistan.

Project leader Wendy Rendal Jones is grateful for the support of her team and others involved in this major fund raising project. “Sponsorship from Wall Bros Carpets and Flooring and the generous

offer of space for our book sorting cabin at Instone Air in Storrington has helped to ensure the success of our first year operating the Book selling programme and Rotary has, as a result, been able to extend its charitable outreach”.

Evening of Christmas carols in Storrington

Join Sandgate Singers for an evening of carols and refreshments on 4th December 7 9pm at Our Lady of England Church, Fern Road, Storrington, RH20 4LW. All are welcome. Tickets are £15 and include refreshments and are available from the card shop in Storrington and at the door:

St Barnabas House Light Up a Life gatherings

Monday 12 December at 4.30pm or 7.00pm at Worthing Assembly Hall. Olivia’s mum, Michelle, spent her final weeks at St Barnabas House. Olivia: “Seeing her friends and watching her grandchildren play in the gardens brought mum so much joy. Donating to Light Up a Life is my way of saying thanks for everything St Barnabas did for our family.” Book free tickets and make a dedication: up a life.

Every address every month 3
Charity & Community 37

Charity & Community News

Storrington Conservation Society

The first day of October, a sunny morning with gentle breeze, what better place to be than Hurston Warren with like minded company? A glorious setting for the work party to relish. The task? To further restore the SSSI, by clearing self seeded saplings. A good example of the ever changing landscape being conserved for the benefit of endangered species, such as the sand lizard. Also great restorative exercise for mind and body, uplifting the spirits, helped by a time to chat over a welcome cup of coffee.

Our next work party is on 5th November at 10am and we are meeting at Hurston Warren again to continue on from our last session. As ever, all volunteers are welcome to join in. For information about this and our other activities, or on becoming a member, (no subscription is required, donations welcome) please get in touch with Chairman Mick Denness on 01903 745971

Horsham Foodbank needs urgent help Horsham Matters is launching a new “It Could Be You” campaign to increase understanding of the poverty levels amongst residents in the Horsham District. The charity runs the Horsham District Foodbank and provides food, fuel, and essential services to those experiencing hardship locally. In a recent survey, 50% of Foodbank users told the charity their need was a direct result of the cost of living crisis.

Horsham District Foodbank, has provided almost 5,000 individual food parcels since the beginning of 2022, with 2,006 of these to children. Amalia Lovett, Network and Campaigns Lead for Horsham Matters, said “We are being pushed to our absolute capacity to meet demand from those in need. We need both money and food. We are also asking the public to send a message to their MP to urge them to increase the support to low income households with further payments through the social security system and uprate social security benefits in line with inflation.” Easily send a message online via this form: Or visit www.horsham

WS33165(Q) 09.22 0330 222 6222 Free off-peak travel for residents of state pension age anywhere in England. 38 Charity & Community
Every address every month 3 Personal Assistant Flexible support delivered with utmost compassion, dignity & respect Call Dinah: 07508 175645 Recently relocated from East Sussex & looking for new clients in & around Storrington Supporting clients to live well & retain their current levels of independence Specialist in Dementia care Personal Assistant accredited with the East Sussex & the Brighton & Hove Support with Confidence schemes. Wide range of care and support services both in the home and out in the community. DBS checked, fully insured with both public liability & business car insurance Offers a flexible service, tailored individually to your needs Both Cooling and hea ng Energy efficient Improved air quality VAT exempt Maximises your return on investment10% discount Quote “SLM10” System price installed from £1,100.00* (excluding electrical supply) Call or email us for a no obliga on quote Phone: Mark 07853 312979 or Phil 07720 149292 Email: Modular air con Air Condi oning & Hea ng Systems for all orders placed on or before November 30th 2022 39

The Historic Petworth Herd

The Leconfield Estate cattle. By Keir Hartley

They stand on a small rise in the pasture, observing our car which has just drawn up. Thirty or so cows, calves, heifers and a single massive bull. Deep red all over, against the green grass and the deeper green of Black Down behind them. These are Pedigree Sussex cattle, part of the Petworth herd. And I am on the Leconfield Estate just north of Petworth on a warm summer afternoon. I am about to learn not only about the cattle, part of our Sussex heritage. But also about one of the most remarkable Englishmen of the eighteenth century, and his role in transforming the world.

It’s good to be cautious when you approach herds with calves and John Giffin, Director of Leconfield Farms Ltd, asks us to wait in the car until the animals get used to us. John has worked here for 57 years and has spearheaded the development of the Sussex Breed since the 1970s. The herd, about twenty yards away look back at us as our second car rolls up the slope. Fred Lucas, Managing Agent, and Farm Manager Scott Bushby join us, along with Scott’s son Jacob. The animals in front of us are part of a working herd. The Leconfield Estate has about 150, including 50 females with calves, heifers and 3 stock bulls. “It’s a closed herd for females” Scott explains” the trick is to buy a bull when you don’t need one, as demand fluctuates.” They graze on 200 acres of pasture at Stag Park and 75 acres of water meadows, alongside a flock of sheep. Overall, there are about 2000 Sussex cattle in herds across southern England. One noteworthy group grazes at Windsor, as property of His Majesty the King, and they contain Petworth genes.

Unbroken line since 1780s

John explains why these animals are truly special “We have had an unbroken line here at Leconfield since the 1780s.We’re not quite sure when the herd was established, but it was here in 1782 when the 3rd Earl of Egremont cleared and drained the land to create the farmhouse

and model farmstead. The herd is said to come from imported Indian cattle. They were first used as oxen to help clear the forest. We still sometimes find their old clay shoes.” The Petworth and Leconfield Estates were once synonymous. Petworth House was gifted to the nation in 1947, but the Leconfield Estate, property of the current Lord Egremont, still owns most of the land in the area.

George O’Brien Wyndham, 3rd Earl of Egremont (1751 1837) was a remarkable figure and deserves to be better remembered. He was a patron of the arts, counting such notable figures as JMW Turner among his friends. He was pioneer of transport, organising programmes of canal cutting. He was involved in politics, as a Whig, and even raised regiments for home defence during the revolutionary wars with France. But his true importance was as a pioneer of the most advanced agricultural techniques of the time. His Estate was at the forefront of the Agricultural Revolution.

A beacon of progress

Before 1700 agricultural progress had been slow for centuries. By 1800 the work of pioneers like Tull, Townshend and others had transformed everything. There were changes in crop rotation, machinery, and extensive breeding programmes for all kinds of animals, such as pigs, sheep and cattle. As an enlightened aristocrat, the 3rd Earl decided that he would put the new ideas into practice. He would create a farm that would be a

Photo credit: Andrew Thompson
40 Community

Every address every month

beacon of progressive techniques for the whole world to copy. It would showcase the very latest ideas in land management, food production and buildings. A kind of eighteenth century Silicon Valley in Sussex.

So, in that single year of 1782 the land was cleared and drained. The centre of the farm was moved to take advantage of a spring. A whole cluster of buildings was put up including farmhouse and barns. They exist to this day, as we’ll see. Once the work of the oxen was complete, the 3rd Earl turned the herd over to beef, as it still is.

Still relevant

His achievements were carefully noted by Arthur Young, a famous chronicler of the agricultural revolution, who praised them in his 1793 work The Agriculture of West Sussex. And the special qualities of the Sussex pedigree would last. The breed is referenced again and again in herd books throughout the nineteenth century, its meat being especially noted.

Sussex Herd book

Sussex cattle are an historic breed, hardier than many modern breeds and can thrive on rougher pasture, making them more economic in an extensive system or as a conservation grazing herd. Because they mature quickly, they produce less methane another contribution to reducing global warming. As issues like food security move up the agenda, so too do those of locally and sustainably produced food. This piece of heritage is part of the future.

We leave the herd to board the cars and, after a bumpy ride (this is a working farm, not a

The farmhouse and barns today
Community 41

theme park) we arrive at a cluster of buildings largely unchanged since the eighteenth century. Most, including the farmstead are in the typical red brick of that era. But the real “hidden gem” is the barn, which stands as the 3rd Earl had it built. We step inside and peer up at an intricately constructed framework of timber beams and uprights. A tribute to the skills of the craftsmen who made it, lofty and intricate like a medieval cathedral.

Finding the Balance

in the spirit of its founder, Leconfield Farms still looks to the future and the role it will play in food production and conservation. It’s a work in progress, as Fred notes “finding the balance between both environmental and productive sustainability who knows where that balance will be?” John welcomes the growing emphasis on sourcing: “People are more aware of food miles and where their food comes from there is a strong demand for local beef” he explains. Meanwhile, the Estate cooperates closely with conservation bodies in a range of projects for all sorts of local environmental enhancement

It's time to leave, and we take our last photographs. “There’s so much history” muses Fred

“The estate has been in the same family’s ownership for about 900 years. We’re stewards really, in custody of the Estate for a generation before passing it on in, hopefully, an improved condition” And they love it. “Getting up each day with a general enthusiasm to care for the livestock you’re entrusted with. It’s not a job, it’s a way of life” says Scott. “It’s a privilege” says John. Sometimes there’s a clash between defenders of “heritage” and modernists, who allege it’s stopping us from looking to the future. Our visit has made me think about these things in a different way. Yes, this place is as much part of Sussex Heritage as the Seven Sisters or Arundel Castle. But the things preserved here are ideas of the future and there is plenty of potential still. Our grateful thanks to the management of the Leconfield estate and The Sussex Cattle Society.

Be Smart, Glaze Smart. • Windows • Doors • Orangeries • Conservatories • Fascia line • Guttering • Extensions • Alterations • Flat roofs • Warm Roofs • Kitchens • Bathrooms FREE UPGRADE TO TRIPLE GLAZING* 01903 444 520 | Ends Nov 30th *minimum order value £1000.00, UPVC windows only. Offer ends 30th Nov 2022, Subject to T&C’s. Company number - 12918174 VAT #386299831 42 Community

Storrington neighbourhood wardens

Community safety event, parking & free boxing sessions

At the beginning of September, we held a community safety event at Sullington Warren that focused on keeping dogs safe, and responsible ownership. Along with The National Trust and Sussex Police (Rural Team) we gave out advice and some biodegradable dog poo bags that had been donated by Gatleys Pet Shop. Angela from The Dog Stylist in Storrington gave grooming tips and demonstrations, Jenny and Lily from Arun Veterinary Group were showing people how to give CPR to a dog.

Mark from Bone Canis and Ange from Ravendale Training gave advice on dog behaviour and training. Thanks to Pets at Home and The Kennel Club who also donated resources for the event. It was great to see the variety of dogs that we have in Storrington and Sullington.

We have received a number of reports recently regarding cars parked on the highway for long periods of time, often near or outside peoples’ residences. Although it can be frustrating, if a car is taxed and has MOT, there are no parking

restrictions and

it is on a public road, providing it is not parked in a dangerous or obstructive manner, the car can legally be parked there. If you are concerned that a car has been abandoned, this can be reported to Operation Crackdown on their website .

We are excited to tell you that working alongside Chanctonbury Leisure Centre, Brighton and Hove Boxing Team and Horsham District Council’s Youth Provision Officers, free boxing sessions have started on Tuesdays at the leisure centre for 11 to 17 year olds. They have been a great success with a fantastic number of young people attending the sessions.

Chris: 07795 046743 / Alison 07789 943201 storrington

Every address every month 3
Wardens Alison and Chris
Community 43

Letters of Wishes

Wills can become a public ordeal and although you may no longer be around to deal with any of the fall out, there are occasions where you may not want your reasoning or wishes to be openly available for everyone to see.

Families, friendships and personal choices can be made up in many different formats these days. This means that making sure that you document who is getting what is more important than ever but many feel the need to give an explanation on why they have made certain decisions. It’s at this point that you may want to consider what options you have to keep some privacy even after you have passed on.

Your Will is a personal document where you can bequeath belongings, assets, property and money to whom ever you choose. Their origins date back to ancient Greece but it was the Romans who adapted the rules to give us something that is more familiar with today’s intestacy laws. Essentially, Wills were designed as a way of passing on or handing down a legacy and

more importantly, to make sure wealth and belongings, stayed withing the family unit. Once probate has been granted, all Wills are added to a database, this means that if someone passes away, there is documented evidence about how they wished their wealth to be distributed, these documents are openly available for the public to see, albeit for a small fee.

Over the course of the last 10 years, Letters of Wishes have become increasingly popular, these are documents that are connected to your Will, but are not and will not be made publicly available. It allows individuals to add personal thoughts, reasons, comments and explanations to their Will without the fear of people outside of those it’s addressed to, being able to read it. These letters can also be used to give guidance to Trustees on how you wish money left to children to be spent and in the case of guardianship, a guide on how to raise your children in your absence. Please do get in touch on 01903 821010 or email

44 Legal
Every address every month 345

St Mary’s C of E Primary School, Washington

Silver Games awards, Thankfulness & Governor vacancy

Pupils at St Mary’s were excited to be awarded the Silver Games Mark in September 2022. This award is given to schools, in recognition of commitment to Physical Education. This is a huge accolade for St Mary’s and reflects our passion to support our young people in developing healthy lifestyles.

Our worship focus this half term is linked to Thankfulness. Children have begun to think about the people in school to whom we are thankful for helping us, in turn they are also learning how we can show thanks by being helpful ourselves. Children are encouraged to apply for pupil leadership roles within school, this helps children learn and develop skills in a practical way.

We currently have a vacancy at St Marys for a Governor, this voluntary role means that you can make a positive contribution to the education of

children. We greatly value a diversity of experience, skills and background to help our children have the best start in life.

For more information about the governor role please contact our Chair, Gillian Stevens, marys

Unit 2 Northbrook Business Park, Northbrook Road, Worthing, BN14 8PQ 01903823803 DIRECTBLINDS • Awning & Canopies 18 years experience • Approved Supplier for Caribbean Awnings & Canopies Home visits available • Full range of shutters expertly fitted by our City and Guilds qualified carpenter and joiner • Vertical, Venetian, Wood, Roller, Pleated • Specialists in Conservatory Blinds & Inshade sails Perfect fit blinds FAMILY RUN LOCAL RETAILER / SERVICE PROVIDER HAMILTON COLE Call 01798 872237 Sta on Road, Pulborough, RH20 1AH SERVICE PROVIDER Aerial/Satellite Custom Installer TV Wall Moun ng NICEIC Domes c Electrician PAT Tes ng Electrical Vehicle Charge Points Replacement Watch Ba eries Copying of VHS Tapes to DVD RETAILER Flat Panel TV’s DAB/FM Radios Domes c Appliances Freestanding/Built In Ligh ng and Hea ng REPAIRS TV, Audio, DVD Recorders Lamps Microwaves Vaccum Cleaners Cookers Hobs 46 Local Schools

Storrington Primary School

Year 6 Isle of Wight residential trip

The year 6s in Storrington had an exciting start to their new year with a school residential, bike ability and starting their new topic, “Survivors.” Two of Storrington year 6s would like to tell you about their residential trip below.

A trip of a lifetime By Tegan and Emma

Last week, year 6 made their annual residential trip to Little Canada on the Isle of Wight. We had an awesome and unforgettable trip; everyone enjoyed the experience and made many new friends along the way.

So many of us overcame our fears and pushed ourselves to try abseiling, rock climbing, kayaking and much more. It was a great way to develop teamwork and really get to know our new year 6 teachers and teaching assistants. The residential instructors were polite and motivating, always making sure we felt safe and secure. We think that the residential will be one of the best adventures we have and will be something we remember for a long time.

Storrington Primary open days

For those who missed the Storrington Primary open days for new starters September 2023, they have dates available on 8th November 9:30 10:30am and 5 6pm. People are also welcome to make an alternative time with the school office.

Every address every month 3
Local Schools 47
2 Prize Crossword September anagram solution: BLOTCHY Send the answer above to: Sussex Local Crossword, PO Box 2237 Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter details online at our website Closing date: 30th Nov 2022. Sussex Local may wish to keep in touch with occasional information and offers. We will never share your details with third parties. Please tick if you would like to receive such information. Nr Horsham, RH13 8NH 01403 710902 inn Award winning country pub with rooms Win £30 voucher (on food only lunch or dinner) Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Full address: …………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Postcode: ……………………………………………………………………………….. Email: …………………………………………………………………………………….. Phone: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Answer from yellow box: ………………………………………………………….. Across 1 Head armour (6) 5 Missing (6) 8 Retaliation (8) 9 Exclamations of surprise (4) 10 Island in central Hawaii (4) 11 Immense (8) 13 Stylist (11) 18 Plan of attack (8) 22 Bedouin (4) 23 Angry (4) 24 Cosy (8) 25 Artificial limb (3,3) 26 Mistakes (6) Down 2 Nonsense (7) 3 Cocktail (7) 4 Flavour (5) 5 Exhausted (3,4) 6 Body of honeybees (5) 7 First prime minister of India (5) 12 Metal bearing mineral (3) 14 European mountain (3) 15 Pencil sketch (7) 16 Prison (7) 17 Installation for nuclear fission (7) 19 Stage (5) 20 Saudi Arabian currency (5) 21 Kent coastal town (5) September 2022 solution below: Win a £30 voucher for a meal at The Crown Inn 48 Crossword
Every address every month 3 In an idyllic rural location in Storrington 01 903 947640 Care South is a not-for-profit charity. Registered Charity No. 1014697 Stay warm, safe and cared for this winter “ I feel very fortunate that we found Sussexdown for my mother – she is very happy there and is treated as an individual with dignity and respect. ” A real review taken from Contact us today to see how we can help create a new home for you or a loved one at Sussexdown – a Care South home for residential, dementia and nursing care Washington Road | Storrington | RH20 4DA NATIONAL INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL GUIDELINES 49


There is a sharp increase in breakdowns when the weather turns cold as underlying mechanical issues escalate. To reduce your chances of breaking down, make sure to use the acronym ‘FORCES’ to carry out regular ‘DIY Checks’ on your car this winter:

Fuel: Check your tank has plenty of fuel. Running out of fuel and being stranded is never wanted.

Oil: Keep an eye that your oil level is between the minimum and maximum mark your car’s dipstick and top up as necessary. For specific information on checking your car’s oil and the type of oil you need, refer to your owner’s handbook or trusted mechanic.

Rubber: Make sure your tyres have enough tread depth. The minimum requirement is 1.6mm, though it is advisable you have 3mm of tread on your tyres for increased traction and grip. Remember to also check your wiper blades effectively clear your screen. Wiper blades may freeze so use de icer to free them, if necessary, before switching them on.

of break down

Coolant: Although it is a sealed system and shouldn’t need attention, double check your car’s coolant level before a long journey. The coolant and mix to use should be available in your owner’s handbook.

Electrics: Check all lights are working and free from dirt, grime and snow. If your car struggles to start and your battery is over four years old it may be getting towards the end of its life and could let you down. When having your battery tested ask for a check on the charging system and drain this will give a good picture of your cars electrical health.

Screen wash: Top up your screen wash regularly. To prevent your screen wash freezing, use a quality additive that protects to very low temperatures.

Credit: RAC
Reduce your chances
Winter motoring tips by
Goldsmith *Offer valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override. Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Our expert local installers will fit your new door and they’ll take away the old one too, so there’s no mess. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge. From £895 for a fully fitted electric garage door. Gotta get a Garolla. WHAT’S INCLUDED WITH EVERY DOOR: • EXPERT MEASURING & FITTING • 2 REMOTE CONTROLS • ACOUSTIC & THERMAL INSULATION • FREE DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD DOOR • AVAILABLE IN 21 COLOURS CALL US TODAY ON: 01243 630 052 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 50 Motoring
Every address every month 3 We are a long standing, reputable garage established in the local area for more than 20 years, offering friendly servicing and repairs for all cars including new (complying with manufacturers’ warranty). Please pop in or call us for a no obligation estimate or any advice. 01903 742666 Unit 6 | Cotton’s Yard Water Lane | Storrington RH20 3EA 51

Ashington Parish Council

The good news is that the Parish Council’s planning application to put a Parish Office at the Parish Yard and to tidy/level the site, reconfigure the front access, pipe trenches and resurfacing has been approved by Horsham District Council. Whilst it is not the Tearoom that we had envisaged, it is at least the start to being able to use this site.

Over the past few years, the site electrics and the drains have been brought up to modern standards and we are now able to do the same with the rest of the site. There will be an end to the district wide water supply issue at some point and we will re visit the Tearoom idea when this happens.

With the Clerk retiring at Christmas the recruitment process is well underway. Whilst tidying out some files the Clerk came across some old newspaper cuttings from across the years proposed landfill sites at Laybrook and Rock Common, proposed compost waste site at Broadbridge Farm, proposed independent faith

school on greenfield land at Billingshurst Road, proposed 600+ homes north of Rectory Lane have all been successfully fought over the years.

The Neighbourhood Plan that saw 27 sites submitted for housing but only allocated 3 sites was a huge project that divided opinions but does offer Ashington a good degree of protection from larger scale developments that could have come Ashington’s way. Neighbourhood Wardens and a Youth Worker for the village, a new play area at Foster Lane (part funded by the National Lottery), two refurbished play areas (Posthorses and Warminghurst Close), a halfpipe added to the skatepark, and all ramps regularly maintained to a good standard, hanging baskets every year, well maintained Council land. All of this done with mostly no increase in Parish level Council Tax for residents. Lots for the Parish Council and Clerk to be proud of.

Parish office approved at the Parish Yard site 0800 887 0475 "Not for Profit" Community Interest Company • Wills • Trusts • Funeral Plans • Probate • Lasting Power of Attorneys Coverage Sussex wide and home visits 52 Local Council News

Storrington & Sullington Parish Council

Traffic issues & Festive Afternoon

Edited extracts from draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting 28th September 2022. Traffic Issue CCTV survey underway to monitor a number of HGVs breaching the weight restriction on School Hill. A site visit would be arranged with Highways Officers to discuss the results and consider methods of enforcement. The most recent incidents of damage to buildings by lorries trying to make the turn into School Hill from Manleys Hill were raised and it was noted that CCTV footage was available for these. Council met with residents of the RAFA Home and Foxmead to discuss issues on Manleys Hill and Washington Road. Council was investigating the possibility of the Community Speedwatch group carrying out checks on cars coming into/ leaving the village and also a Traffic Regulation Order to extend current 30 mph speed limit up to the junction of Water Lane. Council reported that a further meeting would be arranged with Highways Officers to discuss how the Tesco roundabout could be realigned to allow for improvements to Monastery Lane exit.

Every address every month 3
FUNERAL SERVICES LTD We offer a choice of funerals to suit every need and circumstance from £1,495 fully inclusive. You’re in safe hands… Always available when you need us, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Independently owned Funeral Directors in Storrington, bringing the best care and value, with kindness and compassion to families across Sussex and beyond. Visit us in our modern, inviting premises and we can chat through your options and discuss your wishes, allowing you to make choices that feel right for you. Not connected to Safe Hands Plans – We are independent family owned Funeral Directors The Forge, 38 West Street, Storrington RH20 4EE Tel: 01903 741444 Email: | Safe Hands
Penny Strachan Funeral Director
Local Council News 53

Thakeham Parish Council

Recycling, vacancies, planning, roads, allotments & volunteering

Village Hall: ham Village Hall is taking bookings for regular hirers in 2023. If you need a venue for your group/ club/class, please contact Amanda by email to discuss our facilities and availability. Take a look at our website for information about our upcoming events, regular activities, facilities, availability and to make a booking.

Recycling: The Sussex Green Living special recycling facility is available every weekday morning (9.30 11.30) at the Village Hall. For details of what materials are accepted, visit our website.

Parish Councillor vacancies: We have two councillor vacancies. If you would like to be involved in delivering local services and making decisions affecting your community, consider joining our team contact the Clerk.

Planning: Most new housing schemes in Horsham district remain held up by the need to meet 'water neutral' requirements, due to pressure on local resources. This situation seems likely to continue to at least the end of 2022, and there seems no early prospect of a new District Local Plan for housing emerging until well into 2023 (or longer). Construction of the last 75 house phase of the Abingworth development is underway and will run through to late 2023. There is no further news about the proposals for new homes at the site off High Bar Lane, or the site south of Furze Common; both are subject to Parish Council strong objections, and ‘water neutral’ challenges.

Monaghans mushrooms closure latest: Following the recent closure of this site, Monaghans management have indicated an intention to sell the site. Potential buyers include housing developers, despite the fact that our Neighbourhood Plan specifically opposes housing on this site. HDC Planners have been alerted.

Roads: The Parish Council has asked WSCC Highways to extend a 40mph speed limit on the B2139 north and south of the Picketty Corner junction with West Chiltington Road, due to the poor sightlines there. We are also trying to improve pedestrian/cyclist safety at the north end of Water Lane.

Please report any road safety issues you spot direct to WSCC Highways via: travel/ Community facilities Abingworth allotments: New allotments are due be delivered mid 2023 and the waiting list for plots is still open contact the Clerk. More information on our website.

Community events: Everyone who attended the Halloween fireworks event agreed that it was fantastic as usual. Our thanks go out to the Thakeham Community Events volunteers who organised the display, and who are now looking forward to other events at Christmas and next year. To join this great team, see info below.

New Thakeham parish clerk: We are delighted to welcome our new Parish Clerk, Andrew Brown, who joined us in October. He has spent the last month getting to know Thakeham and meeting its residents, and will be helping the Parish Council to take forward plans for enriching and enhancing the community.

Local groups: Thakeham Bellringers seek new recruits to join them for regular ringing at St Mary’s church. See our website and contact Christine Hounslow (01798 815993).

Thakeham Short Mat Bowls Club meets at the village hall on Monday evenings and we welcome new members. Come and learn something new. Email for more information.

The local history section of our website can always benefit from new additions contact Roger Taylor ( if you have any information you can share, or have questions about our village history.

Local volunteering opportunities: If you have time to spare to help others, do look at our Thakeham Parish Community Facebook page, where volunteering opportunities are often posted. Contact us: Email: Phone: 01798 815305

You can find Parish Councillors’ contact details at: If you are new to the Parish, contact us to receive a welcome pack!

54 Local Council News
Every address every month 3 • Wet rooms • Walk in showers and baths • Waterproof wall panelling • Slip resistant safety flooring • Grab rails, shower seats & raised toilets • Established family business • Disabled Facilities Grants Zero VAT on disabled bathrooms Discounts for over 60s, SSAFA and EX Service personnel 01903 251480 Wet rooms • Walk in showers and baths Waterproof wall panelling • Slip resistant safety ooring Grab rails, shower seats & raised toilets • Automatic bidet loos Established family business 01823 729564 Call for friendly advice and free survey and quote Bathing a problem? – we can help Disabled Facilities Grants • Zero VAT on disabled bathrooms Discounts for over 60s, SSAFA and EX Service personnel *Terms and conditions apply, visit our website for more information. Showroom open 7 days, Blackdown Garden Centre, Hockholler West Buckland TA21 9HY 01823 661910 | 9.19/10 COVID-19 - SAFEGUARDING CUSTOMERS & COLLEAGUES Now taking orders for pre-Christmas ttings Wellington 145 x 215 Sept.indd 1 19/09/2020 13:29 *Terms and conditions apply, visit our website for more details. Call for our friendly advice, free survey and quote COVID-19 - SAFEGUARDING CUSTOMERS & COLLEAGUES rooms Walk in showers and baths Waterproof wall panelling resistant safety flooring Grab rails, shower seats & raised toilets Bathing a problem? – we can help FREE* Georgia toilet basin with bathroom order and conditions apply, visit our website for more details. • Disabled Facilities Grants • Discounts for over 60s and EX Service personnel • Charity work and grants 02382 543308for friendly advice and survey and quote 134 x94.indd 4 03/11/2020 08:04 For qualified and impartial advice, call us on 01903 942410 Retirement With thanks to This is a lifetime mortgage To understand the features and risks please ask for a personalised illustration A lifetime mortgage may impact your entitlement to means tested benefits and the inheritance you may leave. Come visit us: At Home Estate Agents, 12 Church Street, Storrington, RH20 4LA. When could a lifetime mortgage be best for you? If you’re over 55 and own your own home, you could be eligible for a lifetime mortgage ✓ No monthly repayments ✓ Tax-free cash lump sum ✓ No negative equity guarantee ✓ Remain in your own home 55

Washington Parish Council

Local news updates & information for residents

Report from Washington Parish Council. From the Chairman, Cllr Patrick Heeley.

Parish Meeting Postponement

Following the sad news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the parish council made the decision to defer September’s planned special meeting of the parish, out of respect for the Royal Family. The meeting was due to take place in the same week as the funeral but will now be held as an Annual Parish Meeting early in the Spring (date to be confirmed shortly). We apologise sincerely that information concerning the postponement was not posted in time on the website or noticeboards.

Investing in our Community (CIL)

Following our call to residents for their input in how we might best invest monies from the Community Infrastructure Levies (CIL) paid by developers, the council’s working party will be considering and making recommendations for specific projects. The survey closed on October 30th and we thank all those who participated and put forward their ideas.

Upgrade to the Bridleway In Georges Lane

The long awaited works to upgrade the lane between the A283 and Warren Hill Car Park are under way at the time of writing, to be completed during October. This section of road comes under the responsibility of the National Trust and has long been a bone of contention due to excessive potholing and flooding. The Trust has invested significant capital into the new construction (known as a Forestry Track) and has been supported by a grant from Washington Parish Council.

Winter Emergency Plan

The Parish Council has updated its winter emergency planning. For details, visit our website. During the winter, grit bins on the public roads will be maintained by WSCC, whilst those on the unadopted roads and Lanes will be maintained

by the parish council. In the event of snow or ice, gritting lorries will be dispatched to treat all the main roads through the parish. In addition to the A24 and A283 trunk roads, the scheme includes London Rd, Rock Rd, and Merrywood Lane.

Recreation Ground

Recent improvements to the MUGA (Multi Use Games Area!) include the replacement of the ‘kickboards’ with high quality painted replacements. Just outside the recreation ground, the main village bus shelter is to be provided with a new light to help bus users and pedestrians in

We are pleased to welcome new member Cllr Kate Capella, who joined in September, representing Washington Ward. We also congratulate Cllr Steve Buddell, who takes over the reins as Vice Chairman.

We currently have vacancies for co option in both the Heath Common and Washington Wards. All members are volunteers and there is no political affiliation. If you are interested in supporting your local community and having a say in matters that affect our area, please contact the Clerk for further information and an application form.

Upcoming Meetings

Members of the public are most welcome at our meetings, held in the Dore Room of Washington Village Hall. The remaining meetings this year are on November 7th (Full Council), November 21st (Planning & Transport, and Open Spaces Committees), and December 12th (Full Council). Full Council Meetings are usually attended by the Storrington & Washington District and County Councillors.

Village Hall and MUGA at the Recreation Ground
56 Local Council News
Every address every month 3 FUEL & LOGS GARDENING GROUNDWORKS GARAGE GARDENING 07734 721720 Garden Design by Suzanne • Complete garden design for new or existing gardens • Planting plan specialist • On line garden design GARAGE GROUNDWORKS GARDEN SERVICES GROUNDWORKS • Concrete bases • Foundations • Sewage treat ment plants • Demolition • Ponds • Equestrian facilities GUTTERS GARDENING GROUNDWORKS Business Directory 59
2 HANDYMAN LOCKSMITH MORTGAGES 01903 650062 07921 068564 lee@lees LEE’S LOCKS NO CALL OUT CHARGE • Window Locks • Supplied & fitted • Fully Guaranteed • O.A.P Discounts • Insurance Work • UPVC Specialist • Digital Locks • Break Ins • Garage Door • UPVC/Patio • Police Checked • No VAT LOCKSMITH OVEN CLEANING IRONING PEST CONTROL IRONING Joanna’s Ironing Service Fast, reliable & efficient Free collection and delivery (3 mile radius of Washington) Quick turnaround Priced per item Smoke/pet free environment Items returned hung/folded More information/booking: 07946 519188 LOGS Call Andy: 07793 500 129 Arundel Based 01903 882531 PEST CONTROL LOGS PEST CONTROL KEYS / SHOE REPAIRS LOGS PEST CONTROL 60 Business Directory
2 ROOFING SECURITY TOOL & PLANT HIRE PRIVATE HIRE / TAXI ROOFING TOOL & PLANT HIRE PROPERTY SERVICES ROOFING TREE SURGERY ROOFING TREE SURGERY Tree & Vegetation Management Specialists • Tree removals • Tree reductions • Tree pruning • Stump removal • Hedge cutting • Fully insured • Fully qualified BronzeleafLtd 07903 648288 07854 369097 PROPERTY SERVICES ROOFING 62 Business Directory



Every address every month 3 TREE SURGERY TUITION TREE SURGERY WELLBEING TREE SURGERY WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING Accountants / Bookkeeping ACS Direct 39 Care Services Angelica Care Ltd 43 Clapham Village Care Home 49 Community Minibus Assn 37 Dinah O'Brien 39 Harmony Health Care 34 St Barnabas House 28 Sussexdown Care 49 West Sussex Bus Passes 38 Estate & Letting Agents About Mortgages 55 Batcheller Monkhouse 23 Fowlers 22 Events Chichester Christmas Market 8 Horsham The Capitol 11 Storrington Community Market 8 The Sussex Guild 7 Finance Investment Solutions 25 Food / Drink Nisa 13 Village Larder Ltd 26 Fostering & Adoption West Sussex County Council 35 Funeral Services Safe Hands Funeral Services 53
Services Andrew Gale Tree Surgery 16 Ashwood Tree Surgery 16 Crystal Ponds Limited 17 Glorious Gardens 16 Greenacre Garden Design 16 Miles Japanese Maples 18 Squires Garden Centres 9 Sussex Manures Ltd 18 South Downs Plantsman 17 Tom Hoadley 17 Village Nurseries 16 Health & Wellbeing Acupuncture & Massage 30 Chanctonbury Leisure Centre 49 Green Arbor Dental Practice 31 Manna Yoga 31 Nicholas Coysh Osteopath 31 Podiatry Services 30 Richings Korean Martial Arts 29 Well Adjusted Health 31 Home & Property A Williams Carpentry 21 AHM Installations 55 Carters Domestic Appliances 64 CJS Electrical 17 David Cooper Gas Technician 18 Direct Blinds 46 Excel Roofcare Ltd 41
55 Garolla Holdings Limited 50 Goring Glazing 44 GS Windows Ltd 5 Hailwood Homes 39 Hamilton Cole 46 J G Roofing 33 LBS Kitchen Worktops 47 Matthew Cattell Surveyor 21 Mill House Antiques 33 Miss Mop Ltd 27 No1 PHD Ltd 21 Oven Gleamers 27 Oven Rescue Group 27 Padwick Builders Ltd 14 Roberts Miller Redshaw 20 Smart Home Improvements 42 Steyning Double Glazing 20 Storrington Sawmills 14 SunRay Conservatories 19 Legal Services Nsure Estate Planning 45 Sussex Wills CIC 52 Motoring LMC Auto Services Ltd 2 Wiggs Auto Repairs Ltd 51 Travel & Holidays Michelle Murray Travel Cllr 31 Business Directory / Advertiser Index 63

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