6 minute read

Health & Wellbeing

54 Health & Wellbeing

There is research showing chocolates has the ability to improve blood flow, reduce blood pressure and lower heart disease and stroke risk too, as well as it being associated with a reduced risk of depression. This all sounds like a winner to me. Not that I need much excuse to eat chocolate! So, what cocoa content can we call dark chocolate? Well, the darker you can go, the better. 100% cocoa chocolate is pretty hard going, but 70% is pretty enjoyable to most people. For the other side of the coin, remember that chocolate is fairly high in fat, so the calories do quickly add up. A square or two a day is probably enough. If you’re thinking there is no way you could stop after a couple of squares, try going a little darker. The mix of sugar and fat is a huge trigger for overeating and is at least part of the reason that the less-dark chocolate is so hard to put down. The darker the chocolate, the less sugar and –in theory –the easier to put down after a sensible amount. Heather Smith is a fat loss specialist Personal Trainer. Get in touch for a free five-day meal plan www.fitbiztraining.co.uk Benefits of dark chocolate Enjoy a little this Easter - guilt-free! By Heather Smith Easter is upon us, and that means another time of year where we are surrounded by delicious sweet treats. Enjoying chocolate usually seems to come with a side serving of guilt, so I thought it would be a good time to explain some of the health benefits of chocolate. We’re talking about good quality, dark chocolate here, which is actually pretty rich in nutrients including magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and selenium. Chocolate is also full of antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, as well as having a high fibre content which is important for gut health, and flavanols which help protect the skin and brain.


through the door

Health & Wellbeing


56 Health & Wellbeing

The Key to good mental health

Harry (& Quantum)

We are increasingly aware that good mental health is equally important to good physical health. Many therapies and treatments are now available to help improve the lives of those affected by mental health issues including depression which can be totally debilitating for the sufferer and their loved ones. The Awareness Key offer an innovative approach to good mental health and its practitioner, Arabella (Harry) Mansfield spoke to Sussex Local about its aims and successes through the use of sport, equine learning and nature. Harry told us that her previous experience as a sports coach led to the realisation that meeting sporting challenges often developed other learning skills as well as improved mental health. Combining this with working with horses (equestrian knowledge is not required!) and in natural outdoor settings, the Awareness Key is able to offer a proactive approach to improved mental health. “Everybody deserves good mental health” says Harry and to this end clients are offered the ability to learn how to make the best of themselves through tailormade sessions including sport, nature or equine related activities - clients choice. Outdoor experiences are known to have a positive effect on mental health and Harry explained that her Innovative approach with proven strategies

courses involving nature aid relaxation and alleviate stress. Likewise, she continued, merely being in the proximity of horses has many beneficial effects and can help clients gain confidence and learn how to become more in control of their own circumstances. The calming presence of a horse can help to overcome negativity and can help clients to work through their own difficult situations. Harry told us that The Awareness Key can benefit adults in many ways, from achieving personal goals, meeting challenges, coping with bereavement or illness and becoming better communicators. Harry is aware that children and teenagers face many other difficulties in today's society. The sessions are carefully planned to address problems such as bullying and dealing with social media and to encourage the child to move in the direction of their choice. “Above all” said Harry, “the sessions focus on the positive and are expected to be fun!” 07971 011 939 or email am@awarenesskey.co.uk www.awarenesskey.co.uk or

through the door

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Storrington based Richings Health, launched by Jessie Anderson (pictured left) in the Summer of 2019, couldn’t be better placed for a relaxing treatment being situated at the foot of the beautiful South Downs National Park. Jessie has over 15 years experience in clinics in London and Kent offering advanced massage. She has BSc Hons degree in Sports Rehabilitation and an ITEC qualification in Aromatherapy. Jessie also taught a number of postgraduate courses in massage. I was warmly welcomed and shown to the inviting, purpose-built treatment room with the most stunning and peaceful views across the downs. I’ve experienced many massages before but wasn’t familiar with the term ‘advanced’ massage so was keen to find out more. Jessie said the quality of her treatments and the experience make hers stand out from the rest and she considers her treatments to be the ‘Ferrari’ of massages. Jessie believes massage is much more than a luxury and should be part of everyone’s lifestyle to maintain both physical and emotional health. Massage has a positive impact on every system of the body and can particularly help those who play sport, are pregnant, suffer from aches and pains, depression and anxiety. Jessie carried out a short health consultation and explained how she uses this information to tailor the treatment to the client’s specific needs. She also highlighted a benefit of working for herself in that she can be flexible and always builds in a little extra time between clients. Notepad away it was time for me to experience an ‘advanced’ massage. The next 60 minutes can only be described as pure bliss as Jessie used a variety of techniques to ease away the tension and knots in my shoulders. Jessie encouraged me not speak so I could achieve really deep relaxation and she periodically checked the pressure was comfortable. Jessie’s massage skills are incredible and her passion and knowledge on the subject inspiring. I left Richings Health feeling totally relaxed and revived and continued to reap the benefits for days to come with a sense of inner calm and balance. Don’t just take my word for it, there are many glowing reviews on www.richingshealth.com Jessie is offering £20 off a first treatment, quote “Sussex Local” and book by 31st May 2020 Tel: 07737 070612 Massage for optimal health Advanced massage in Storrington. Review by Lindsey Taylor

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