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Parish council news

44 Council News

Arundel Town Council


Edited extracts from the draft minutes of the Arundel Town Council meeting held on 9th January 2020. Public Questions A member of the public expressed concern with the council using (his) tax payers’ money to fund something that he thinks the commercial or businesses of Arundel should pay for. He asked, “Why does the council think they should use home taxpayer’s money, to do something for businesses, when businesses pay rates for things like a town manager. Surely the money could be spent on keeping Arundel clean and supporting what we already have”. Councillors discussed this question and agreed that they would listen to further relevant information provided throughout the meeting. From the Mayor The Mayor attended several concerts and school events over the Christmas period as well as a Carol Service at Ford Prison. The Mayor expressed her condolences for several local Arundel residents who have recently passed away including John Seller, Yvonne Chitty and George Stedman. Arundel Town Council Budget It was asked if the Council would consider additional budget towards the cleaning costs of Canada

Gardens, yet it was confirmed it was too late for consideration in the 2020/21 budget. Budget Amendment The Mayor proposed an amendment to the budget: “The employment of the role of a Town Manager/Economic Development Manager is an unjustified expense of £36,270 for Arundel Town Council as it does not fall within the remit or accountability of Arundel Town Council who have responsibility only for the residents of Arundel who pay the precept. It represents 21% of this income which finances the Town Council. The role of Town Manager is principally for the economic redevelopment of the Town. Businesses pay rates directly to Arun District Council therefore this economic redevelopment is their responsibility. That being the case the Employment of a Town Manager should be resolved by the Arundel Town Council to be removed from the Arundel Town Council Budget for 2020/2021.” The Mayor and Deputy Mayor voted in favour whilst several other Councillors voted against. The amendment was lost. For full minutes from these and other Town Council meetings visit: www.arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk

through the door

Parish Council News 45

Walberton Parish Council Edited extracts from the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 28th January 2020. Highways and Traffic An update on the A27 Arundel bypass consultation was presented. Reports of vehicles speeding in Eastergate Lane were noted. Speed Indication Devices will be researched and locations for siting will be discussed with the Police. Fontwell Meadows It was noted that the new design code has been recently added and the updated site layout and drainage strategy should be available in the next couple of weeks. Avisford Grange The site manager has now changed. The proposed tennis courts will be one of the first features to be constructed on the site. Neighbourhood Plan Good progress was reported. The Strategic Environmental Assessment has been submitted for review. The independent report on site selection was reviewed on 27th January. A meeting with Arun District Council has been arranged to clarify housing allocation queries regarding the sites. It was noted that

Arun reports they only have 3.7 years available of their 5 year land supply. The concern is that this will require higher numbers of dwellings to be built and that the ‘presumption of sustainable development’ will see speculative applications on sites that are unsustainable and inappropriate. Village Gateways The West Walberton Lane gateway signage should be installed in the next 3-4 weeks. Other business • The online databases list Walberton House as a Listed Building rather than Walberton Park. This is causing some confusion and correction of the listings will be requested. • There is no suitable cycle path alongside the south side of the A27 from Denmans Lane to Level Mare Lane. Barnham and Eastergate and Aldingbourne Parish Councils will be asked if they will support a request to West Sussex County Council for an upgrade to the path. • Litter at Fontwell opposite the garage/takeaway sites continues to be a problem. Residents will be encouraged to report any rubbish at or by the retail sites to Arun Cleansing. • The Arun District Council Compliance Officer will be contacted regarding a mobile home installation. www.walberton-pc.gov.uk

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