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Local history

through the door

Church St, weddings


Following Valentine’s Day, a couple of wedding photographs from the past. In 1938 the wedding of Patricia Ravenscroft daughter of Colonel Ravenscroft of the Abbey and Sir Walter Barttelot of Stopham took place at St Mary’s, a very grand affair with a real guard of honour.

57 History

St Mary’s, 1938

Some years earlier, in 1910 the crowds turned out to see Miss Austin and Mr Hood make their way down the steps to their horse drawn carriage after their wedding.

Miss Austin and Mr Hood, 1910

A popular venue for wedding receptions for many years was the Manor House Hotel in Church Street with its lawns and gardens behind. It was demolished in the 1970s and is now the site of Manor Court and Manor Close.

Manor House Hotel, Church Street, 1970s

Storrington Museum The Old School, School Lane, RH20 4LL 01903 740188 storringtonmuseum.com

58 Pets

Obesity is a condition defined by an excess of body fat that has developed to the point that health is compromised. Although we often hear the term in relation to humans, pet obesity is one of the key welfare issues facing pets in the UK today. According to the PDSA Pet Animal Welfare Report 2018, 98% of veterinary professionals surveyed said that more focus should be placed on preventing obesity rather than treating it. So, we’ve put together this list of five easy ways to help your pet maintain a healthy weight. 1) Calculate how much to feed Just like humans, pets require a certain amount of energy per day to maintain their weight. And also, like humans, this figure will be unique to them. How much food your pet should consume could depend on factors such as life stage, activity levels and any health problems. The guidelines on pet food packaging are exactly that; guidelines. Ask your vet to help you work out the right amount of food 2) Stick to it Once you’ve calculated how much food to feed your pet to maintain a healthy weight, measure it out daily to make sure you don’t go over. To maintain a Paws for thought Obesity Dr Julian Hoad

healthy weight, a pet’s diet needs to be consistent. Stick to set mealtimes rather than leaving food out all day. In a busy household, it’s easy to top up an empty feeding bowl without realising somebody else did exactly the same thing an hour ago. 3) Treats are treats In moderation, treats are ok. However, problems can occur when treats are no longer treats and instead become the daily norm, or a way to show a pet that you love them. Any treats given should correspond with a reduction in regular food quantities. Chat to your veterinary team about which treats to use and try out some healthy ones. 4) Exercise everyday The physical benefits of an active lifestyle are endless; from improving muscular and cardiovascular fitness to alleviating stress, boredom and anxiety. So, when it comes to showing affection to our pets, exercise should be an obvious choice. Pets love spending time with their owners and exercise is great way to do this. 5) Preventing problems Prevention is always better than cure and the easiest way to provide your pet with the best chance of a long and happy life is to keep on top of their preventive healthcare. Regular health checks with the vet will ensure that your pet’s weight is monitored regularly and that any health issues or concerns are picked up early before problems arise. Crossways Veterinary Group, School Hill, Storrington, 01903 743040 www.crosswaysvets.co.uk

through the door


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