SUSTAINABLE DANCE FLOOR Series v1.0 product sheet. Rotterdam, February 2013
TEL: +31 (0) 10 2762213 FAX: +31 (0) 10 4257094
COC (KVK) 24424521 VAT (BTW) NL8186 64 630B01
1. Product Description
Sustainable Dance Floor Series v1.0 product sheet
p. 2
Intro The DFM series v1.0 is a scalable dance floor system consisting of the v1.0 Dance Floor Modules, the CMv1.0 controller system and the Dance Floor Experience. The module and the controller are both described in section 1.1. „Dance Floor Module and Controller‟. .
The Dance Floor Modules, Madrid 2010
Being fully modular, the Sustainable Dance Floor amount of possible sizes, shapes and setup designs. be completely customized in order to fit any of Technical details of all the system components are „Technical Specifications‟
allows for a large The experience can the clients wishes. supplied in topic 2: .
The dance floor is an energy producing product. It converts human mechanical energy into electrical energy, feeding the floor with its own power. The floor can be described as a large touch screen providing information on the location and movement of the people on the floor. This feature is further described in section 1.2. „Dance Floor Experience„.
1.1. Dance Floor Module and Controller The dance floor modules are a miniature power plant, creating electricity using the energy provided by the people dancing or walking on it. To create electricity, the floor will compress 10mm (0.4”) when being stepped on. This small compression is enough to activate the internal generator of a module which will produce up to 15 watt (with peaks up to 25 watt) of sustained output.
The Sustainable Dance Floor, Köln 2011
The modules are connected to each other, forming a dance floor. For communication and electrical reliability no more then 40 modules can be connected to one controller. When all 40 modules are connected, a small power plant producing a maximum of 1 kW has been created. Multiple controllers can be connected together to create larger floors. There are no limitations to the amount of controllers connected, so practically, the Sustainable Dance Floor can be infinitely large. The Dance Floor Modules are 75x75x20cm (29.53”x29.53”x7.87”) large and can be placed and connected very rapidly by a small crew. We use one single multi cable for connecting the modules which handles both the electrical as well as the data signal. We use a specifically designed magnetic coupling system for physically joining the modules. The dance floor modules are watertight up to IP56 and are easy to clean, therefore can be placed outdoors. The glass surface is scratch resistant and the edges of every module are bevelled making it less likely for people to trip when modules being compressed. The Controller Module is 19” wide, 1HE (1.75”, 4.45cm) high and about 30cm deep. A single controller can control up to 40 modules using one or two chains of 20 modules. Each chain has a separate multi cable from the controller to the first module and then daisy chaining the rest of the modules. (Please refer to the DFMv1.0 installation manual for a detailed description). The Controller Module manages the energy generated by the Dance Floor Modules. When possible, the energy is directly used to power the Dance Floor LED‟s as well as the Controller Module. If there is an energy surplus the Dance Floor will light up and additionally low power applications being powered or an (optional) battery system will be charged. For more information on the Sustainable Dance Floor energy system, please refer to section 2.5. “Energy system”.
TEL: +31 (0) 10 2762213 FAX: +31 (0) 10 4257094
COC (KVK) 24424521 VAT (BTW) NL8186 64 630B01
1. Product Description
Sustainable Dance Floor Series v1.0 product sheet
p. 3
The Sustainable Dance Floor is designed to handle high levels of force, so we encourage people to jump on the modules to produce as much electricity as possible, The v1.0 Dance Floor Module is specified to handle up to 10kN allied on its surface. It‟s very important that the modules are placed on a surface which also can also handle the amount of force.
1.2. Dance Floor Experience
Energy Meter Tower, Miami Science Museum 2010
One of the most important aspects of the Sustainable Dance Floor is its feedback system: people using the floor must understand that they are the ones producing the energy to power the dance floor. The most basic feedback are the LED lights in the floor. The Dance Floor Modules that are generating energy will light up as soon as energy is being generated by that module (this is called the Generator Effect). The sensitivity and colour of the Generator Effect can be adjusted.
Next to the floor, there are a few auxiliary feedback systems that can provide a more intense experience of the Sustainable Dance Floor. First of all we can offer the Energy Meter Tower. This is a tower made of aluminium and transparent plastics with a height of about 2.10m (6'10”). It can be placed near the floor and connected by using the same multi cable as the Dance Floor, meaning it can be included in the Dance Floor chain. The Energy Meter Tower has five rings of LEDs that light up when a certain amount of energy is being generated. This amount can be manually set in our software to fine-tune and maximize the Dance Floor Experience. A similar product, with bigger visual impact is the LED Battery. A 2,5 meter high LED battery working in the same way the Energy Tower does, but with more visual impact. The battery can be used to create a climax in a large dancing crowd or to attract visitors to a booth or location where the floor is installed.
The Battery made of red LED‟s.
Furthermore, we provide the Digital Energy Meter: a software application which can display all available information of the dance floor. Typically this means that the current power output (in watt) and the amount of energy produced (in joule or watt x second) are displayed. To encourage people to produce as much energy as possible, an energy meter is included which will rise to an adjustable 100%. The Digital Energy Meter can be customized to include company logo's or even be completely modified to match any corporate style (see section 1.3. Customization).
TEL: +31 (0) 10 2762213 FAX: +31 (0) 10 4257094
COC (KVK) 24424521 VAT (BTW) NL8186 64 630B01
1. Product description
Sustainable Dance Floor Series v1.0 product sheet
p. 9
1.3. Customization Many parts of the sustainable dance floor can be customized. The software that controls the dance floor is designed to allow easy customization and, although not all described below, a high variety of additional features are possible. Please contact Energy Floors for specific requests.
1.4. Powering external equipment
Branded SDF, Heineken, SEE ME in Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011
The Sustainable Dance Floor can directly power other equipment. There are some restraints: every module produces up to 15W of sustained power per module. You can power other equipment but you will need twice the amount of modules. So for example if your equipment requires 150w, you need 2x(150W/15W) = 20 modules. Please understand that there is only power when people are on the floor and that the amount of power depends on exactly how people are dancing or walking. Also, the outlet of the controller is 20VDC. You might need a converter to power your equipment. It is always best to contact Energy Floors for a calculation of the requirements. They will design a solution to meet your specific needs.
1.5. Controlling external equipment Digital Energy Meter, Custom designed for Radio Station 40 principales HotMix, Spain 2012.
As the data system of the Sustainable Dance Floor uses standardised protocols as UDP, DMX and MIDI for communication, we can control a very wide range of equipment. Dance on the floor and the music will start, the mirror ball will start spinning or a photograph will be taken. Please contact Energy Floors for details.
1.6. Branding the Sustainable Dance Floor The Sustainable Dance Floor, the Digital Energy Meter and Energy Meter Tower can be customized to reflect your specific wishes. As long as the desired content is provided in a suitable format (vector graphics, fonts, corporate identity guide lines) it can be woven into our Energy Experience.
Digital Energy Meter, Custom design for Eyes Up event by Belgacom in Brussels 2012.
TEL: +31 (0) 10 2762213 FAX: +31 (0) 10 4257094
COC (KVK) 24424521 VAT (BTW) NL8186 64 630B01
2. Technical Specifications
Sustainable Dance Floor Series v1.0 product sheet
p. 4
2.1. Dance Floor Module Product name
Sustainable Dance Floor
Product number
Product function
Electrical generator set with illuminated top surface.
Energy Floors
Shipping size
Shipping weight
Allowable physical total load
Allowable physical point load
Maximum vertical deflection
Maximum generator noise
55dB(A) @ 1m
Operating temperature
-20˚C to +75˚C
Operating humidity
30% – 80%
Data stream to DFMv1.0
USITT DMX512A (1990)
Communication Protocol
Power from DFMv1.0
48VDC – 85VDC; 0.5A Max.
Power to DFMv1.0
48VDC – 85VDC; 0.15A Max.
Light output
Nichia Type NSSM016DT, 48 leds per module
DMX mode
3 to 24 channel RGB
Connection to other modules
Every DFMv1.0 can connect to another DFMv1.0 using the magnetic couplers on every side of the DFMv1.0.
Cable connection
Every DFMv1.0 can connect to another DFMv1.0 or to the CMv1.0 using multi cables.
TEL: +31 (0) 10 2762213 FAX: +31 (0) 10 4257094
p. 4
COC (KVK) 24424521 VAT (BTW) NL8186 64 630B01
2. Technical Specifications
Sustainable Dance Floor Series v1.0 product sheet
2.2. Energy Meter Tower
TEL: +31 (0) 10 2762213 FAX: +31 (0) 10 4257094
Product name:
Energy Meter Tower
Product number
Product function
Illuminated Feedback
Energy Floors
Size without connector
Size with connector
Shipping size
Operating temperature
‐10˚C to +30˚C
Operating humidity
30% --‐ 80%
Power usage
20VDC, 0,6A Max.
p. 5
COC (KVK) 24424521 VAT (BTW) NL8186 64 630B01
p. 5
2. Technical Specifications
Sustainable Dance Floor Series v1.0 product sheet
p. 6
2.3. Dance Floor Controller Module Product name:
Controller Module
Product number
Product function
Light Controller and Power Management
Energy Floors
483 x 45 x 500mm
Operating temperature: Operating humidity: Power usage: Power Output:
‐10˚C to +30˚C 30% --‐ 80% 100-240VAC, 6A Max. 42VDC 17A Max.
Data I/O
Front panel:
1xRJ45 communication port 1xUSB B programming port 1x 5pin XLR DMX signal in
Rear panel:
1x RJ45 Controller system communication port 1x USB B Hardware programming port 2x 10pin Harting DFM connector
TEL: +31 (0) 10 2762213 FAX: +31 (0) 10 4257094
p. 6
COC (KVK) 24424521 VAT (BTW) NL8186 64 630B01
2. Technical Specifications
Sustainable Dance Floor Series v1.0 product sheet
p. 7
The Photo-Application (Optional)
2.4. Digital Meter TheEnergy Photo-Application is a perfect example for a combination of sustainability and interaction. The dancing crowd can see the energy meter tower Product name Energy Meter Digital (or battery) going up to 100%: once this Series happens, the camera v1.0 takes a photo of all the dancers. This picture is shown on the energy Product number EMDv1.0 meter, and can be printed on the spot or used Product function Visual feedback of the afterwards online (social media). Can be used output. with DJ or band, but energy also with in combination with a headphone disco. Manufacturer Energy Floors Default output
WXGA @ 1366x768px
Instantaneous power in watt
The Battery (Included) Total power in joule (watt x second)
A 2,5 meter high LED battery working in the Dashboard style same way the Energy Tower does, butmeters with more visual impact. The battery canlogo be used to create Custom a climax in a large dancing crowd or to attract visitors to a booth or location where the floor is installed.
Gaming Setups (Optional) Furthermore we can also provide SDF in a gaming set up: creating a competition with the floor in combination with the applications above. For example the Energy Battle, where the total electricity generated for different groups at the same time is measured and shown on a screen, or where instructions are given and the participants have to step on a certain color of modules as fast as possible. In another scenario, the feedback from the energy meter is made understandable by linking its information to daily life examples in terms of economics, environment and health. The energy meter shows for example: - “The energy you just generated is enough to power your microwave and heat up your dinner” - “Congratulations! You just powered this light bulb for 25 seconds!” - “In the last 3 minutes you burnt the equivalent of 1/10th Big Mac in calories.”
TEL: +31 (0) 10 2762213 FAX: +31 (0) 10 4257094
p. 7
COC (KVK) 24424521 VAT (BTW) NL8186 64 630B01
2. Technical Specifications
Sustainable Dance Floor Series v1.0 product sheet
p. 8
2.5. Energy system The DFMv1.0 modules and the CMv1.0 together form an energy system. This system is designed to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and distribute this electricity over a bus system. Ultra efficient electronics and high speed data systems allow this elaborate system to distributing electricity with minimal losses. Every module can produce up to 15 watt (with peaks up to 25 watt) and it is possible to connect up to 160 dance floor modules to one controller system (4 Controller modules), creating a 3200 Watt energy system.
The data bus in the system allows for communication between all DFMv1.0 modules and CMv1.0 controller modules. Depending on the amount of electricity produced per module and its own electricity need, the system determines where the energy has to go to. This also means that you can connect external load, such as DJ equipment or LED spot lights to this system. The CMv1.0 controller system also has an optional battery system and a power inlet for connecting to the eternal grid. Therefore, all loads both internal and external will first use the electrical energy produced by all the DFMv1.0 dance floor modules. If this is not sufficient, stored energy can be drawn from the the battery or from the external grid.
TEL: +31 (0) 10 2762213 FAX: +31 (0) 10 4257094
p. 8
COC (KVK) 24424521 VAT (BTW) NL8186 64 630B01