OU Green Building Standards

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Climate Action Plan, Supporting Document #1 Establish OU Green Building Standard by 2014: Recommended Standards: 1.) LEED Silver certification on all new buildings/renovations at or exceeding $2 million. 2.) LEED-based approach for projects budgeted under $2 million. The below standards must be met always (over and under $2 million):

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. -

Never construct on green land Storm water control during construction Only low emitting, low impact construction materials Maximum recycling/repurposing of materials Maximum use of local/ sustainable materials Minimization of light pollution Motion Censored lights in non-main areas Sub metering for energy (and water?) Strategic use of shade trees Maximum utilization of natural light Build with longevity and adaptability in mind Make stairs more accessible (focal point, less focus on elevators/ escalators) Include entrance mats (requires increased maintenance) Create sustainable furniture purchasing archive of options/requirements for designers 30% of product from climate neutral materials “locally� bought to decrease GHG from transportation Use rapidly renewable resources Wood as a construction material 75% of wood must be from sustainable forest practices

The below standards should be considered:

xvi. Consolidated cooking areas in residence halls (a “communal kitchen� per floor/ floor section with energy efficient appliances) xvii. Build taller buildings (preserve green space and resources) xviii. Do not use window air conditioning units in residence halls xix. Creating an Eco-Residence Hall on campus (Eco-house practices applied on a larger scale) 2. Evaluate existing buildings for easy fixes and necessary renovations a. Improve insulation Consider:

b. 3. a. b. c. d. 4. a. b. c. d. 5. a. i. ii. b. c. d. 6. a. i. ii. b.

Motion detection for Baker escalator Reduce GHG emission Sheltered bicycle storage (future construction, not current) Bicycle racks at all new buildings Low emitting vehicle parking spots Re-evaluate food/ items available at markets based on student demand to decrease the number of students driving elsewhere for goods Reform water use Grey water use in toilets, irrigation, cooling Low flow shower heads and motion censored faucets Rainwater collection at residence halls and dining halls for mopping, laundry, gardening, toilets, Greenhouse watering as well etc.) Prohibit installation of permanent irrigation systems that rely on potable water Heat Island Mitigation Increase tree and vegetative cover by 20% (increase offsets) only native species (threatened species preferred) plant on university owned land located off main campus Install Green roofs on Boyd, Porter, 1 President Street, buildings uptown depending on compatibility If roof is incompatible with green roof, roof must be light colored Use cool pavements Reduce Energy Intensity Solar panel installation on buildings/ open areas (mostly for awareness/ visual appeal) Use rainwater to cool panels to increase efficiency +6inches gap between building and panels for convection cooling Wind Turbines

i. Raised to high elevations to increase efficiency c. d. e. f. 7. a. b. i. ii. c. d. e. f. i. ii. g. 8.

Low head hydroelectric power on Hocking River Retention Pond with Geothermal system underneath to heat/cool Use departmental sub-metering Purchase renewable energy credits Landscape Management Plan Rain Gardens/ Butterfly Garden (reduce maintenance staff) Community Gardens and/or Greenhouse Personal use Charitable use (donated goods) Natural cooling through shade trees Only organic fertilizer Only organic pesticides Lawn mowers/ landscaping equipment Preferred renewable energy power but electric is acceptable No gas powered (GHG emissions, fossil fuel dependence, loud) Composting used to nurture soil Behavioral Changes

Campus Programs: a. Campus Wide Bike Event b. Water Awareness Initiative (potential focus: plastic water bottle use vs. reusable water bottles) c. Increased awareness and marketing of ResChallenge, etc. d. Educate staff and students to ensure proper use of buildings and technologies e. Residence Hall water use reduction contest in the fall (to separate from Earth Month and ResChallenge) Employees: (class schedulers, maintenance, and custodial)

f. Geothermal Power i.

Air filter maintenance. Clean/replace filters at least twice a yr and check them regularly ii. Pressure checks. If a closed loop system: frequently check the pressure ranges iii. Condensation checks. Condensation pans to collect moisture must be inspected for mold and algae, also check range g. Replace air conditioner filters h. Seal Windows and doors i. Turn off Baker elevator at night

j. Clean lights and light covers to keep light output high k. Green cleaning products l. Lawn clippings are left on lawn after mowing (sequester large quantities of CO2) or recycled m. Don’t mow the grass too short (water loss, allows weeds to grow easier) n. Sharpen mower blades for a healthier lawn o. Heat buildings to 68 and cool to 78 p. Only heat rooms in use q. Plan classes/events to minimize energy expenditure r. Consecutive classes and consolidate buildings/ floors i. Bottom floors in summer ii. Top floors in winter ii. Goals for Phase Two (2032): 1. Creative roof use on every compatible roof on campus (green roofs, solar panels, etc.) 2. Evaluate cost effectiveness of solar panels, wind turbines a. Install more panels and/ or turbines b. Investigate other alternative energy opportunities i. Algae biodiesel ii. Captured infrared radiation by electromagnetic antennas/sheets iii. Synthetic Photosynthesis (hydrocarbon fuel) 3. Sustainable resources used in construction, dining hall trays, etc. iii. Goals for Phase Three (2050): 1. 80% of campus buildings are carbon neutral iv. Goals for Phase Four (2075): 1. Carbon neutral campus Sidenotes: **Follow building occupancy fire code **The majority of our construction, behavioral, etc. changes will require execution by Facilities **South Green Renovations must be built according to CAP for 2075 goal to be accomplished **Re-evaluate Capital Improvement Plan based on CAP recommendations **Grant application for C/D projects is recommended

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