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Hydropower for Vanuatu’s Population Espiritu Santo and Malekula, Vanuatu
Inhabitants 8.99 million
GdP per capita $6,862
Geographic area 2,061 km²
Expanding Viet Nam’s power supply will require significant private sector investment. With limited potential to further develop hydropower and growing public environmental concerns from coal, the development of renewable energy is crucial.
Electricity supplied to Viet Nam’s power grid will increase the availability and reliability of clean power, thereby increasing industrial and agricultural productivity.
Adding new, reliable capacity to the power grid will increase access to power in remote areas, promoting socioeconomic development and increasing access to improved infrastructure and services.
ho Chi minh CitY, viet nam a sunny Boost for viet nam’s power
Viet Nam begins its energy transition with a 50 MW solar plant just outside the capital city.
One of Viet Nam's first utility-scale solar power plants is located 50 km outside Ho Chi Minh City, the country's most populous city. The plant began operations in mid-2019 and generates roughly 78,000 MWh of clean energy annually. This will meet the needs of an estimated 40,000 households and reduce annual CO₂ emissions by around 29,760 tons starting 2020.
Viet Nam seeks to increase the share of renewable energy, including small hydro, solar, wind, and biomass power plants, as a percentage of total forecast installed capacity to 21% by 2030, and to reduce the use of imported coal-fired electricity. To meet this target, installed solar power capacity is expected to increase to 12 GW and wind power to 6 GW by 2030. Rapidly scaling up renewable energy use will also help Viet Nam achieve its target to reduce GHG emissions by 8%–25% by 2030.
The $51.5 million project was funded through an ADB loan as well as cofinancing from commercial banks, a non-parallel loan from the ADB-administered Leading Asia’s Private Infrastructure Fund, and sponsors' equity.
50 mW solar power plant. The plant is located about 50 km outside of Ho Chi Minh City (photo by TTC Energy Development Investment Joint Stock Company).
Inhabitants 13,300
GdP per capita $9,397
Geographic area 21 km²
Historically, Nauru has relied heavily on imported diesel for power generation, creating the risk of power outages if supply is interrupted, but they are on a journey to change that.
The project will help reduce the cost of levelized electricity from $0.40 to $0.30 in Nauru by reducing the reliance on expensive, imported fuel.
As part of the project, Nauru Utilities Corporation employees will receive technical assistance, training, and institutional strengthening.
Yaren, naUrU solar–Battery Combination for nauru
The world’s third-smallest country is investing in PV solar panels and a battery system to reduce emissions and its dependence on imported and expensive diesel fuel.
Nauru has recently invested almost $30 million in a PV and battery energy storage combination. The project will finance a 6 MW grid-connected PV solar system together with a battery energy storage system, that will be completed in 2023 and reduce over 11,000 tCO₂e emissions annually.
Once complete, the solar facility will generate about 12.4 MWh of power every year. During solar generation or when the batteries are delivering power, the diesel generators will be turned off and will only turn on when required. The project will provide reliable, affordable, secure, and renewable energy, reducing Nauru’s dependency on diesel, and boosting the amount of electricity generated from renewable sources from 3% to 47%.
The project will directly support the target of 50% renewable energy for Nauru under the Nauru Energy Road Map 2018–2020, and assist the country in achieving its nationally determined contributions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The project was funded through an ADB grant of $22 million and government counterpart financing of $4.98 million.
increasing nauru’s renewable energy generation. Through the project, residents will benefit from affordable, reliable, and clean power supply (photo by Rafayil Abbasov).