by Sutirtha De
A journey through Letters and Fine Script Fine Handwriting has always intrigued me since I was 8 or 9, and more than that what fascinated me deeply was the way the ink used to flow over paper and the writer’s Skill of making the whole thing happen. It was like a symphony or a ballet performance to my eyes ‌ and I could never stop myself since the first dip pen I lay my eyes on. So far it has been a beautiful journey, which, I have the grace of sharing with you . Thank you Sutirtha De
Ruling Pen & Poster Color
Dip Pen & Ink
Brush Pen and Parallel Pen
Hand made Cola Pen Automa;c Pen
Parallel Pen & Brush Pen
Dip Pen & Ink
Brush Pen, Parallel Pen & Fibre Tip Pen
Automa;c Pen & Ink
Parallel Pen
A typical work flow from Idea;on to finished LeGering Style Dip Pen and Ink
Pencil outline Penmanship over outline
Final LeGering Digi;zed Version
LeGering for TaGoo Design
Top – Calligraphy Marker, BoGom – Dip Pen & Ink
Thank You