SCVS Networker - July 2016

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thenetworker The newsletter for Sutton’s Voluntary and Community Sector

In this issue:

Free cakes, Happy birthday Healthwatch Sutton and lots of training opportunities

July 2016

In this issue Pages 2 - Susanna’s Column Susanna Bennett is moving on to pastures new Page 3-4 - news ISCBF update and results of the SCVS annual survey Page 6-7 - local organisations We meet Free Cakes for Kids and info on the new local giving scheme coming to Sutton. Pages 8-9 - Healthwatch Sutton Healthwatch Sutton is three years old! Pages 10-11 - children and young people We take a look at safeguarding and private fostering Pages 12-13 - training Learn something new this Autumn Pages 14-15 - What’s On What’s on this July and August in Sutton

Cover pic: - Happy birthday Healthwatch Sutton!

Susanna’s column Dear Colleagues, It is time for me to say my goodbyes. I am leaving SCVS at the end of July after more than thirteen years with the organisation and five years as Chief Executive. I have loved working in Sutton, and especially being part of SCVS, but we have always planned to move back to the South West when we could and live in Devon. So we are off to reside in the country, pretty much in the middle of nowhere, and where my friends assure me the earth spins more slowly. I’m really looking forward to that! Despite being excited about the move there are many things I will miss about Sutton. Having lived here for almost twenty years and worked here for much of that time I know it is a great place and I have made many good friends from across all sectors. It goes without saying that we are living through extraordinarily difficult and challenging times, especially if you work in the voluntary or public sector. However, there are so many positive things about the voluntary sector and the local partnerships which put you all in a strong position to both survive and thrive over the coming years. I was new to the voluntary sector when I joined SCVS in 2002/3 but what impressed me then is still as evident today – the voluntary sector is driven by local people who care about their community and want to improve the lives of other local people. The work carried out by trustees, staff and volunteers is delivered with passion, enthusiasm and tireless energy, and it makes a real difference. Sutton has a fantastic voluntary sector and it is both able and willing to play an even greater role in over-coming the challenges ahead. The partnerships in Sutton are strong and built on a long commitment to working together - even if they are being strained by the current operating environment. There are many examples of excellent voluntary sector partnerships within and outside the consortium, and I know there is a real determination to continue working in this way to share scarce resources and deliver maximum impact. The partnerships with the public sector are also strong compared to many boroughs, and again there are opportunities to strengthen these through the (award-winning) Compact and the development of the Sutton Plan. I am also really pleased to confirm that the SCVS Board has appointed Alison Navarro as the new Chief Executive. I will let her introduce herself in due course but she comes from Community Links Bromley (a partner CVS), has significant voluntary and public sector experience, and was the unanimous choice of both the stakeholder and trustee interview panel. Alison is starting on 1 August so there will be no gap and we will have some hand-over time together before I leave. So finally, thank you to everyone I have worked with in Sutton and I wish you all the very best for the future. Susanna Bennett, Chief Executive SCVS



ISCBF update The Infrastructure Support and Capacity Building Fund (ISCBF) commissioned by Sutton Council to provide support to voluntary organisations in Sutton, completed its first year in March 2016. We take a look at what has been achieved so far. The work was delivered by SCVS in partnership with Volunteer Centre Sutton, and additional training and forums provided by Age UK, Bioregional, Sutton Carers Centre and Sutton CABx. The targets have been met for the year, and in many cases exceeded, with the highlights as follows: Communications targets have all been surpassed e.g. 55 e-bulletins against a target of 24 and 79% of respondents to the annual survey indicating that they feel well-informed through our communications. Several major marketing events/campaigns were delivered – June 2015 Volunteers Week and Volunteers Big Breakfast ; June 2015 Small Charities Week; #votelondon campaign in partnership with GLV for London to be named as the European Volunteering Capital in 2016; One Planet volunteering; August 2015 Launch of Sutton as Social Enterprise Place; August 2015 50th Anniversary Tea Party; November 2015 – Trustees Week (including trustees event on 15th Nov and the trustee of the year award); December 2015 Giving Tuesday.


Whilst 3 VCOs closed in Sutton during the year the percentage with business plans (83%), fundraising strategies (67%) and marketing plans (47%) has increased (percentages taken from Annual Survey, April 2015). Sutton Together membership has increased to 16 full and 9 associate members and two contracts (Information and Advice plus Carers Support) were secured from four bids. SCVS supported at least 50 organisations to work in partnership to develop projects/bid for funding. 10% of Sutton VCOs attended SCVS governance training (two training sessions and the conference) and in addition 33 one-to-one governance support sessions were provided. A new health-check was developed by SCVS and one more organisation achieved PQASSO accreditation. The Sutton Community Fund considered 37 applications and funded 18 at a cost of £94,765. £28,459 was secured to develop a local giving scheme. 26 training sessions were delivered to 334 participants (183 VCOs). 19 VCOs attended specialist safeguarding training, 5 One Planet Sutton training, 21 digital capacity building and 7 Developmental Assets training.

Small voluntary organisations have been supported by SCVS with 43 one to one development sessions and two small groups Network targets have all been exceeded with 22 forums (14 VCOs attending) covering funding, meetings held and 313 attendances. Good examples of impact e.g. detailed feedback on HWB quality standards and book-keeping. strategy and Care Act consultation; carers and SCVS has taken over the running of the BME carers’ organisations enabled to contribute to the Forum following the closure of Sutton Centre for commissioning process for the Carers Support Equalities, this has involved visits to 8 small tender: development of an online referral facility BME organisations and a forum meeting attended for partner agencies to refer clients to SBCABX by 30 people. A new network has been for debt advice; links made between small groups established and joint work with LBS started on working with older people and Ramblers Group to developing a race equality scorecard encourage walking; successful bid to track health impact of volunteering. Volunteer Centre Sutton managed 2194 volunteer registrations (76% of volunteers are accessing


news services digitally).

disseminated, 16 discussed at networks and 6 responses submitted.

476 volunteering opportunities were available through Volunteer Centre Sutton in 2015/16 - 110 The Voluntary sector was represented on all key new opportunities created and 136 opportunities strategic boards and partnerships e.g. Health and Wellbeing Board, Children’s Trust Board and available for young people. adults and children’s safeguarding boards. 52 organisations received volunteer good practice support and training from Volunteer Centre Sutton was shortlisted for a National Compact Award and a special meeting organised to address Sutton. issues in the VCS/LBS relationship. 30 strategy/commissioning consultations were

SCVS Annual Survey - the results are in! provide which are less well used . Only 12% of you use our admin services and 16% use our community accountancy service. Take up for some of our free services id slightly better, but more of you could be taking advantage of some of the expertise we can offer: 19% have received support to achieve a quality standard, 38% have received support towards securing a sustainable income We asked which SCVS communications you and fundraising and 35% of you have benefited read? from help writing and implementing policies and procedures. You told us 91% of you read our e-bulletins and Don’t forget you can receive up to 14 hours of 69% of you read this newsletter—The Networker. free support as a member organisation of SCVS Only 14% of you follow us and read our updates on social media though, so if you don’t already see every year—find out more on our website at we are up to on social media, we are on membership Facebook as SuttonCVS and on Twitter we are @SuttonCVS.

Back in April we asked you all what you thought of our service, which ones you used and how you see your future in Sutton’s voluntary sector. We take a look at what you told us...

Our forums… Through our forums 96% of you feel better informed, with 95% of you thinking they offer better opportunities to network. In addition 75% of you feel that through the forums you are more able to influence strategies and services, and 68% of you feel better able to apply for funding after the forums. You can find out more about our forums on our website at http://

Our services… While some of our services are well used—for example 60% of you feel you benefit from SCVS making sure VCOs are consulted on local developments, there are many other services we


Quality Standards

33% of you currently have a quality standard. We can help you get your PQASSO accreditation for free—get in touch and find out how.

Volunteer recruitment

48% of you feel that your volunteer recruitment needs will increase over the next year. Don’t forget, if you ever need help recruiting volunteers, to get in touch with the Volunteer Centre As an incentive for completing the survey we entered all those who gave us their feedback into a draw to with £100 for their organisation. The winner of the prize draw was Sheila Heard from Transitions - well done!


How healthy are your finances? Just like your car, every now and then your finances need an MOT. We can help take the stress out of keeping on top of your finances — our community accountant Laura explains why...


independently examined. If a funder asked to see your financial policies and procedures could you confidently present them? Internal financial controls are just one part of a charity’s overall control framework. The aims of internal financial controls are to safeguard the charity’s assets and take steps to ensure the charity is protected against financial abuse.

Even the smallest charity needs good financial management - the responsibility for managing finance needn't fall on one person's shoulders, it could be shared among different people with different skills in the organisation – they could be Can you produce financial performance figures a trustee, a volunteer or staff member. Is this you easily for your organisation? or someone you work with? Perhaps it’s time to consider the following: Are your paper and computer systems set up to provide this information easily? Trustees of Are you sure you know about the up to date charities of all sizes need access to accurate and legislation on presenting your accounts? up-to-date financial information to enable them to Trustees have legal responsibilities to keep make proper decisions that affect their accounting records, and to prepare an annual stakeholders. report and accounts in the necessary format. Do you know if you need an Independent Examination of your annual accounts? All charities (whether registered with the commission or not) must prepare accounts and make them available on request but, if your income is more than £25,000 in a financial year, you are required to have your accounts

Here at SCVS we can help you with your financial management. If you are a member of SCVS you may be entitled to up to 14 hours of free advice, or you could join us for a morning’s Financial Healthcheck training session on Thursday 8th September at Granfers Community Centre (see page 12 for booking info).


local organisations

Five minutes with Free Cakes for Kids Sutton Free Cakes for Kids Sutton is a community project donating delicious home baked cakes to children whose families are unable to provide one. The organisation is part of Free Cakes for Kids UK — the network of Free Cakes for Kids groups in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their service is free, friendly and confidential. Its a pretty simple idea, Free Cakes for Kids Sutton matches local enthusiastic home bakers with families in need. Their bakers bake a cake in their own kitchens, donating their time and the ingredients. They are not professional bakers, but will do their best to bake a cake with the child's favorite theme or style. Most of their cake requests come via a 'partner' organisation, such as Sutton Women's Aid, the Young Carers or the Rainbow Trust. We had a chat with Lynne from Free Cakes for Kids Sutton, and found out a bit more about the organisation in Sutton and how it came about.

Why did you decide to start free cakes for kids? My sister lives in Oxford where the first group was set up in 2008 by Henriette Lundgren. She knows I love baking so she sent me an article in the Oxford paper about Free Cakes for Kids and I got in touch. I always love baking my own kids a nice cake for their birthdays and thought it would be a lovely way of using my time and skills to help less fortunate families to celebrate their child's birthday.

And when was that? I started the Sutton group in 2011, we baked our first cake in October of that year.

How many bakers do you have? I have about 20 bakers on my list


What is your favourite cake Free Cakes for Kids has baked so far? Tricky one! Some of the cakes are just so amazing its hard to pick one out. Having said that the simpler sponge and buttercream cakes are just as special. I will attach pics of a few of my favourites and let you decide!

Are you a Great British Bake Off fan? Of course!

And who is your favourite judge? I don't really have a favourite.

Do you just bake cakes for kids? At the moment yes, however I am considering expanding to also offer cakes to vulnerable adults, such as lonely older people. I think it would be lovely to cheer someone up on their birthday however old they are. Also at the moment most of our cakes go to younger children, just because the organisations we work with tend to be those working with younger families. I would love to get more referrals for teens, even big kids like to feel special on their birthday.


local organisations How can anyone wanting to bake with you get involved? If anyone is interested in baking for the group or helping out in any other way then please contact me, the best way is via email

And how can organisations contact you about getting a cake? Once again its best of all if they drop me a quick email and I am always happy to visit potential referring organisations to give out some more information, supply posters etc. And I often have cake with me!

Local businesses we need you! initiative. We’re not asking for a huge time commitment, simply asking the business community to share their business skills and acumen to make a difference to our community. The Steering Group will meet on a monthly basis and ambassadors will be required to support our scheme on an occasional basis to help share Sutton Local Giving’s story and gain support. We’re excited to announce that The Sutton This is your chance to make a difference to Centre for the Voluntary Sector, working in your local community. partnership with London Borough of Sutton, has To express an interest, please send an email secured funding to create a Local Giving scheme to Jenny O’Neill, Development Manager at in Sutton. We are keen for business people, who Sutton Local Giving - are passionate about our borough’s future and are briefly outlining the skills you can add to our committed to making Sutton a better place, to Local Giving Scheme. We are looking for become involved. representation from a cross-section of businesses The project is very much in its infancy and including larger players as well as SMEs, we’re currently determining local priorities to businesses based in different areas of the borough address within our borough whilst developing a and from a range of market sectors. distinct and memorable brand for Sutton Local Giving. We are looking for members of the We look forward to hearing from you business community to become Steering Group The team at Sutton Local Giving members or Ambassadors and help shape this

You may have heard of ‘Local Giving’, a campaign that is spreading across London, aiming to bring communities together to tackle local issues and make a positive impact.


Healthwatch Sutton Volunteer Centre

Healthwatch Sutton is three years old! We take a look at some of the highlights from the past three years, and at some of the fantastic work Healthwatch has done in the borough.

Enter and View visit In 2013 Healthwatch Sutton volunteers visited the Jubilee Health Centre and spoke with patients and staff about the facilities at the new centre. Some of the key issues patients & staff highlighted were;  Poor signage  The building temperature  Misuse of the parking/drop off area  The garden area had not been finished Read the full report

In 2014 Healthwatch Sutton volunteers visited 5 wards in St Helier Hospital and asked patients if they could be contacted once they had left hospital. Healthwatch volunteers contacted approximately 33 patients once they had left hospital to find out how they felt about the process of leaving hospital. The main issues patients raised;  Lack of communication  Delays (transport/pharmacy)  Discharge process  Lack of Information The Healthwatch Sutton report was used as part of Healthwatch England’s Special Inquiry in to unsafe discharge. Read the full report



Healthwatch Sutton In 2014 Sutton residents contacted Healthwatch to voice concerns around GP opening days and times, the out of hours services and the appointment systems at some local surgery's. Healthwatch investigated by asking people at GP surgery’s to complete a short questionnaire. The questionnaires were analysed and showed some interesting findings. Find out more in the full report via

In 2014 Healthwatch Sutton held a consultation asking young people to share their health and social priorities. Body Image was highlighted as the most important issues for young people at that time. In 2015 a local film production company was commissioned to produce a short film showing young people speaking openly about body image and the effects it can have. The film was then shown to local youth groups and sixth forms students, the feedback will be used to produce a report with recommendations by August 2016. You can see the film here

In 2014 Healthwatch Sutton held an event for Carers of people with Dementia. Questionnaires were sent to Carers that could not attend on the day as many had caring commitments. Following a good response to the questionnaires the Healthwatch Sutton Board agreed the best way forward would be, to meet with Carers and the people they cared for on a regular basis and collect information to produce a dairy. This piece of work is nearly complete and a report with recommendations will be published by August 2016..

St Helier Hospital In 2015 Healthwatch Sutton volunteers visited various Outpatient departments within St Helier Hospital. Some of the issues for patients at that time were;  having their appointment changed by the hospital to a later date.  having to wait more than 15 minutes beyond their appointment time to be seen and not being told about the delay. Read the full report


children, young people and families

Safeguarding children how much do you know? Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility - if you are concerned about a child, don’t keep it to yourself tell somebody, is the message from the Local Safeguarding Children Board. Set up to promote and safeguard the wellbeing of children and young people the Sutton Local Safeguarding Children Board (LCSB) provides a wealth of information and advice to help both organisations and individuals keep the borough’s youngest generation safe. The purpose of Sutton Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) is to make sure that all children and young people in Sutton are protected from abuse and neglect. Children can only be safeguarded from harm if agencies work well together, follow procedures and guidance based on best practice and are well informed and trained. The Sutton LSCB website - contains a vast amount

Are you familiar with the local procedures for reporting concerns of a child’s wellbeing?

How would you respond if a young person disclosed self-harm?


of information to give local guidance on all of the above and much more. Information includes: 

London Child Protection Procedures

Sutton’s Escalation Policy and Referral Form

Sutton’s Missing Children’s Protocol

Private Fostering information for Professionals

Sutton’s Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) toolkit

Sutton LSCB Self-harm Protocol

Local Serious Case Review reports

Sutton’s Domestic violence and abuse strategy

Links to free e-learning on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Forced Marriage and the PREVENT duty.

If you had a conflicting professional judgement regarding the wellbeing of a child with a colleague what would you do?

You are aware that a young person has been staying with someone other than close-family for more than a month, what must you legally do with this information??

How would you identify and assess if a young person is at high risk of sexual exploitation?

What would you do if you were aware of a child had gone missing?


children, young people and families

Private fostering Did you know that thousands of children in the UK are looked after by people who are not foster carers employed by the local authority, or a close relatives. Sutton Council tells us what you need to be aware of when working with children in private fostering arrangements. What is Private Fostering? Private fostering is when a child under the age of 16 (under 18 if disabled) is cared for by someone who is not their parent or a ‘close relative’. This is a private arrangement made between a parent and a carer, for 28 days or more. Close relatives are defined as step-parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles or aunts (whether of full blood, half blood or marriage/relationship).

who are looking after privately fostered children, all parents and private foster carers must notify the local council of a private fostering arrangement. If you are involved in private fostering it is your legal duty to inform Children’s Services, who can offer you and your privately fostered child help and support (remember, if the arrangement was made by social services it is not private fostering). It is an offence not to tell the local authority about a private fostering arrangement.

What do you need to do? You can help us keep children safe by spreading the word and telling us if you know of a child who is being privately fostered. Do you know of a child who is being privately fostered? Do you look after someone else’s child? Is someone looking after your child? Why is Private Fostering important? It is vital that the local council is aware of Thousands of children across the UK are being every private fostering arrangement so that we cared for today by someone who isn’t a close can safeguard and promote the welfare of relative. This includes teenagers who have had a potentially vulnerable children. Ideally row with parents and gone to live with a friend, notification should come from the carer and and children who because of family circumstances parent but education, health and social care (illness, parents working away, etc) are sent to professionals may notify carers and parents that live with friends or neighbours for a period of they have a duty to notify the local authority time. While many of these children will be fine, some could be at risk of abuse. How to make a referral: Examples of private fostering situations To notify London Borough of Sutton about a include: private fostering arrangement or make further  children living with host families while enquiries, please call the Multi-agency studying in the UK Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 020 8649 0418 or you 

children and teenagers living apart from can e-mail: their families for a variety of reasons, eg a parent is ill, has had to temporarily move for work, or there has been an argument within the family

children with parents working or studying elsewhere in the UK

children with parents overseas

Why are the local council involved? To help us keep children safe and support families



Time to learn something new... possible shape to face the challenges ahead. We’ve courses right through the year—all the way up to Christmas, and our sessions are excellent value for money - we charge considerably less that other training providers, and many of our courses are free! Also with our knowledge of the local voluntary sector we can make sure that all our sessions are relevant to you. With so many changes in the voluntary sector, Have a look through our programme of and ever decreasing sources of funding, there has courses coming up, and book your place on one or never been a better time to look at what you can do make sure that your organisation is in the best two today!

At Sutton CVS we run a number of training courses throughout the year on a range of subjects ranging from budgeting to social media, and from governance to fundraising.

Get Fit for Funding Thurs 28th July, 10am - 4pm Granfers Community Centre Trainers: Hilary Chisnall & Razia Sattar, SCVS Cost: £40 per person (lunch provided) Get Fit for Funding is a new full day training course that combines the fundamentals of business planning with the development of fundraising strategy. This course has a practical focus and utilises a number of planning tools. By the end of the day you will not only be leaving with new ideas, approaches and enthusiasm but with tangible outline business and fundraising plans for your organisation. This course is suitable for CEO's. Managers and Trustees who are involved in the development of your organisational plans. Book your tickets

Sutton Community Fund Workshop Thurs 25th August, 10am - 12noon Granfers Community Centre Trainer: Razia Sattar, SCVS Cost: Free Bring your project idea to this and we will help you to make a start on your application. The session will cover ways to gather evidence using different sources and the reasons why some


funding applications fail. The deadline for the next round of the Sutton Community Fund is 5pm on Monday 26th September 2016. Go to to find out more and download the application form. Book your place

Financial Healthcheck! Thurs 8th September, 9.30am - 12.30pm Location: Granfers Community Centre Trainer: Laura Corney, SCVS Cost: £15 per person Are you confused by updates you get sent from the Charity Commission? Is producing a finance report for your Board an easy process? Do you know who your Persons of Significant Control are? Are you sure you never miss a deadline to the Charity Commission/Companies House/HMRC? If a potential funder asked you to justify a budget or to see your financial policies and procedures, could you do it with confidence? These and many other questions are ones your organisation needs to think about all the time. Whether you are a new or old organisation, a trustee or a manager, if you're not sure of legislation, join us for an up to date summary of the financial compliance things you need to know. Book your tickets


training Introduction to Using Social Media Thurs 27th October , 9.30am - 12.30pm Granfers Community Centre, Trainer: Claire Avery, SCVS Cost: £15 per person Want to get your organisation on social media but don't know where to start? Or maybe you already have a Facebook account and a Twitter account but it seems a lot of work for very little reward? This session will look at how to use social media effectively, and making sure that you are getting the right message out to the right people.

By the end of the session you will have a better knowledge and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a trustee, have a better understanding of trustee involvement within a group and understand the liabilities involved in becoming a trustee. Book your tickets

Introduction to Managing Risk Wed 23rd November, 9.30am - 12.30pm Granfers Community Centre Trainer: Hilary Chisnall, SCVS Cost: £15 per person

Book your tickets

Getting to Grips with Good Governance Sat 12th November, 9.30am - 12.30pm SCILL, 3 Robin Hood Lane, Sutton, SM1 2SW Trainer: Razia Sattar, SCVS Cost: £15 per person This session is aimed at both new and existing trustees and will help them be clear about their roles and responsibilities.

Looking for ICT training tailored to the voluntary sector? Look no further than Superhighways who run sessions across south London, and if you are an SCVS member, you’ll get a discounted rate on charged for courses! Superhighways will be coming to Sutton in a couple of weeks time to help organisations with any ICT issues they are facing. These sessions are free so make the most of them while there are here!

Summer Surgeries Tues 19th July, 1 - 4pm Granfers Community Centre Trainer: Superhighways Cost: Free Like to know more about using social media or your website to communicate the difference you

Risk is an everyday part of charitable activity and managing it effectively is essential if trustees are to achieve their key objectives and safeguard their charity's funds and assets. This session introduces risk management tools and techniques and provides the opportunity for you to reflect and think about your current approach to risk management, and whether this can be strengthened and improved. Book your tickets

make? You’ll be able to talk through your needs with someone who understands digital technology and can work with you to make best use of the tools you’re already using, to capture and tell your stories in a clear and effective way. We can also show you additional free and low cost useful tools too. Especially the ones that can save you time and money. All you’ll need to bring with you is your ideas, your challenges, your log in details and a couple of examples of something you’ve done really well recently that you’d like to share. Book your place

Find out more…

To find out more about Superhighways and what they can do for your organisation visit their website at


what’s on

June – Aug 2016 Take Part, Take Pride 2016 Summer 2016 - across Sutton

day. Tours meet at the top of the how to use your own device and high street by the Crossroads, get to grips with the internet. £3 just outside Barclays bank and per person. Caffe Nero.

Sutton Council has again produced a round up of all the best events going on over the summer in their Take Part, Take Sutton Farmer’s and Pride events guide. From history talks to ecology workshops, from Artisan Market theatre to summer fairs, there is Sat 18th and Sun 19th June, something for everyone going on 10am-5pm Sutton High Street, Sutton this summer in Sutton. Find British and continental cheeses, Indian cuisine, Italian takeparttakepride cheese and pastries, Austrian Sutton Summer Fun rye bread and pretzels, handmade chocolate, artisan bread and pastries and a choice of meats at this monthly market. The perfect place to shop for a summer picnic! 1st July - 31st Aug, from 10am Trinity Square, Sutton High Street, Sutton

Historical walk around This Summer, soak up the sun on the colourful deckchairs or Beddington Village enjoy a game of ping pong, giant Sunday 24th July, 2pm Jenga or giant Connect Four The Secombe Theatre, Sutton courtesy of Enjoy Sutton. A guided walk led by local historian John Phillips. Meet on Church Rd in front of St Mary’s Church. Please telephone 020 Sutton Town Centre 8770 4297 to book. Tickets are Walking Tours £3.50 (£3.00 Friends) Every Thursday Sutton High Street, Sutton Join Chas Bailey, A London Blue Badge Tourist Guide on a free walking tour of Sutton Town Centre. Tours last approximately 90 minutes. Take in the Sights and Sounds of this historic town and discover the history of Sutton from the Domesday Book to the present


Cheam Village Walk Sat 13th August, 2pm Cheam Library

Join Andrew Skelton from the Church Conservation Trust for a gentle guided walk around the village, focusing specifically on buildings and locations of historic interest. Meet outside the entrance to Cheam Library. Suitable for all ages. £2.50 per person, £5 family ticket.

Carshalton Environmental Fair Monday 29th Aug, 10.30am-8pm Carshalton Park, Carshalton Sutton’s biggest fantastic family day out! Three stages with live music, kids’ fun, 150+ stalls with craft, local groups, farmers’ market, hot food from around the world, drink and more! Under 12s free, 12–16 year olds and OAPs £3, Adults £5

Digital Tea Party Age UK Sutton Friday 12th August, 1-5pm Sutton Civic Offices, Sutton Tea with a side of Tech. Try new digital devices including smartphones & tablets, learn


More Dates for the Diary Tuesday 12th July, 10am to 12noon - Health, Wellbeing & Social Care Network @ Granfers Community Centre Wednesday 27th July, 9.30am to 11am - Children, Young People & Families Forum @ Granfers Community Centre Tuesday 13th September, 10am to 12noon - BME Forum Thursday 15th September - Safeguarding Event Wednesday 28th September - Carers Forum Thursday 29th September, 10.30am to 12.30pm Voluntary Sector Forum Thursday 13th October, 3.30pm to 5pm - SCVS AGM Monday 7th November, 5.30pm to 8.30pm - SCVS Trustee Event More information to follow over the next few weeks but in the meantime please pop the dates in your diary.

contact us thenetworker The Networker is the magazine of : Sutton Centre for the Voluntary Sector (SCVS) Granfers Community Centre, 73-79 Oakhill Road, Sutton SM1 3AA

020 8644 2867 @SuttonCVS Registered Charity No: 1063129

Chief Executive: Susanna Bennett Communications and Admin: Claire Avery Jackie Parr Development Team Razia Sattar Hilary Chisnall Accountancy Services: Glory Sivaraja Laura Corney Creative Payroll Solutions Ltd (CPS): Karen Adorjan Tina Green

Wednesday 20th July 2016 3.30pm to 5pm Sutton Salvation Army, 45 Benhill Avenue Sutton, SM1 4DD To book your place email:

Sutton Local Giving Jenny O’Neill Healthwatch Sutton Pete Flavell Pam Howe Sara Thomas


Payroll that stacks up

Get CPS to manage your payroll and see how much time you could save Focus on service delivery - getting us to sort out your payroll means that you can concentrate on what’s important for your organisation Comply with current legislation - we make sure that pay is calculated correctly, and HMRC have all the correct up to date PAYE information for your organisation No need to purchase specialist software or train staff - we are specialists in payroll and up to date with all the latest legislation

Contact us today: t: 020 8644 2867 e: w.

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