The Suttonian 1996

Page 50

Dr. Ian Gray

Julian Bell

Ian Gray was with us in the physics department for Julian Bell enjoyed a good rapport with pupils and 3 years. When I first met him I was enormously colleagues alike and he shall be missed. His passion impressed by his energy and enthusiasm for the for literature and writing had a contagious effect on subject. Since then he continued to impress me with the many pupils he managed to inspire duringhistime his teaching abilities and knowledge ofphysics - his here. We glimpsed his own flair in thejoint poetry PhD gave him an extra range of experiences to share and art exhibition he held with Mike Wildridge and in the classroom. it was his introduction of creative writing as part of As an SVS teacher he was excellent. He was patient the A level syllabus which will remain his haltmarkon with the lesser able and was able to extend the Sutton Valence. brighter pupils. He was totally fair, had no discipline His interest in the performing arts committee exproblems and was very well liked by the pupils. Ian tended to producing school plays, including The helped me run the school team in the the "Education Taming of the Shrew and A Midsummer Night's in Engineering Scheme". He was a great supporter Dream. He was always keen to involve a broad of this and he supervised the team in 1994/5 at the spectrum of pupils, not only the most gifted but end of which the team was invited to represent Kent anyone who showed enthusiasm warranted his time in a presentation at Imperial College. The team owed and energy. He has moved on to St. Dunstan's an enormous amount to his enthusiasm and guid- College in London. He will be missed not only for ance. his academic expertise but for also for his sense of He started an astronomy group as an activity and fun. took them through to GCSE with very successful PSR results. I shall miss him enormously from the department - he will be a hard act to follow, but Westminster House will miss him just as much. As living-in House Tutor Ian goes on to j oin the physics department of Epsom he was always available to give help and advice College where I am sure he will introduce an engiwhether with personal problems or physics prep. He neering team and astronomy and give the Epsom gave a huge amount of his personal time to the pupils the benefit of his time, care and wisdom. Westminster boys who greatly respected him for it. Tam very grateful for the support which Ian gave me He also helped in the CCF: he rescued an ailing in the Physics department and for all that he did for signals section and go it backup to working strength. the School and wish him well in his future career He also came out to help on Field days and Adven- which I am sure will be bright. Geoff Piper turous Training even though he did not want a Head of Science commission.

Photographic Print - Johnie Tse U6

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