Su gu 815638 earth book 2017 lizz watt wed 9 am low d

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CONTENTS 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3

THREE RELATIONSHIPS Point/Line/Plane Mass Frame & Infill

2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4


3.0 FINAL DESIGN 3.1 Final desing model 3.2 Final design drawings 4.0 REFLECTION 5.0 BIBILIOGRAPHY

1.0 THREE RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Point/Line/Plane 1.2 Mass 1.3 Frame & Infill Dealing with On the Ground Undergound Above the ground


1.1 Point/ Line/ plane

Subtle, it is so subtle, that planes are actually lines; Interesting, it is so interesting, that lines are actually habitated with points. Why sometimes the points I saw become lines? And why sometimes the lines I glare at suddenly changed to a plane? Amazing, Amazing! They are playing hide and seek in the space I believe! Su Gu 04/20/2017

Precedent 1 Point, line, plane Artist Unknown, n.d. Interesting composition of points, lines and plane. Big dots can be regarded as a plane, similarly, a rectangular plane can also be a thick line.

Precedent 2 Graphic Scores Artist Unknown, n.d. This image can be regarded as either plan or section of an object. It expokes veiwers’ imagination of its form. Those fine lines may be a plane placed perpendicular to one another. The balck dots can be a flat plane or a column placed horizontally.

Sketch Model

Closer inside.

In this model, I engaged in the transitoins among points, lines and planes with repetitive geometry incluidng rectangles and cylinders. THe model looks very flat at tht op, but since the views change, This “2D� model stands up. I also manipulated with the lighting effects, which can create unexpected patterns, adding volumn and life to my model.

Perspective, flat plan change to be three diemntional.


1.2 Mass

I sink to the sea A sea of dark I feel the tough waves I breathe the air that is depress Cold So cold...... Am I going to catch the death? BUT, but, oh, wait the time sudenly stopped-----I saw a ray of lights The heavenly dancing lights Su Gu 05/10/2017

Precedent 3 Cave of Heavenly Palace, Quang Ninh, Vietnam Eugene, April 29, 2012 A beam of lights shining through the cave, creating a soemn atmosphere. The lights seemingly come from the Heaven.

Precedent 4 Church in Skyros island. Thatkindofwomen, April 14th 2016 The rough texture of this stone house is a representation of this particular mass. It is the rough texture of the mass makes the space and objects unique.

Sketch Drawing , drizzle lines of rough texture.

Collage, new arrangement of space.

Interested in the lights source and rough texture of mass, I explore those ideas in my second tectonic practice. Drizzle lines in a free style represent the irrigular texture of mass. The pale blue and light white charcoals are practiced to form strong contrasts with black shadows, creating floating heavenly effects.

Final Mass Drawing



My grandma gave me an old picture frame But I never fill it with any thing Lie on the grass and take it out: Little Jassie running in the frame Distant Fragrant Olive blooming in the frame Raindrops passing through my old frame Tiny ants climbing over my old frame-----I wonder and I wonder why they are easy-coming and easy-going? Do they actually infill my old frame temporally Or my little frame fill their permanantly being? Su Gu 05/17/2017

Precedent 5 Frame, Japan Hiroshima Ueda, 2012 This is one of my favourite images of frame and infill. From the lecture, it is noticed that if the infill is on the frame, it means permanent temporary features are equally important. If infill is behind frame, it means permanent frame and structure is more important than transience and vice versa. However, in this image, the tree which grow literally behind the frame now stretch its branch out of the frame. It indicates an interesting possibility of the relationship between frame and infill. It also makes the object more three - dimensional.

Precedent 6 PLan Bruno Morassutti Enzo Mari, July 1965 Straight Framing and geometric infill sometimes can create surprisingly curve shape. Lights and shadows give it not only volume but also flowing movement, which is really interesting.


For the tectonic Frame & Infill, I use sequences of black and white panels to create the frame, filling with small boxes and rectangles. It is found that various filing ways will provide distinct depth and volumn to the model. It vitalizes my model with unpredictable experience at different perspectives.


SOMETHING ABOUT PAVILLION 2.1 Site Analysis 2.2 Conceptacle 2.3 Concept (A PLACE FOR KEEPING SECRETS) 2.4 Design development

2.1 SITE ANALYSIS Herring Island Construction: 1929 Officially open: 1995 Location: Herring Island, Richmond, VIC 3121 (4 km away from central Melbourne) Named after: Sir Edmund Herring (the president of the Australian scout association)


Highest conservation area Nature recreation in Herring Island Adjacent Parkland Constructed Artwork & Sculpture Proposed Area


My proposed site on Herring island is located in Melbourne in the southern Hemisphere. Therefore, this site will recieve full sun durinig the day to the North but no sunshine to the South. In the morning, most of the lights will reach the easten side of the island, however, in the afternoon, the entire westen part will be exposed to the sun lights. This feature of my site will dominately influence the orientation and design of my final project.


On the Herring Island, all construction system here are made by native materials including rock, sticks, sand and limestone. In order to naturally fit into this site, my project will also be made of very neutural and natural stone.

2.2 CONCEPTACLE A merging and new birth of Polint/Line/Plane Frame/Infill Mass

For my conceptacle model, I derived two strongest tectonics from my previous three exercises, which will be taken to my final projects. 1. Repetitive geometry • the compositoins of simple geometrics of my previous wokrs create impressive perspectives from distinct side. • models looks relatively flat and plain to some certain angles (for example tops), however, as the view angles changed, those twodimensional works stand up. 2. Lights & Shadow • Playing around with lights and shadows gives life to my works. Depth and movements are created in the models, while providing intersting feelings for people. • The black and white box board is kept as my material while fully represents lighs and shadows. It is one of the most strongest language throughout my whole research exercises.

2.3 Concept (A PLACE FOR KEEPING SECRETS) She called me evil Trying to hide me as deep as possible; She called me angle Lighting her fire as bright like I am impossible She said I am treacherous Atracting endless admirers; She said I am loyal Being faithful to her than no one else She frowned Complaining that there are too many ways for people To get closer to me But then she smiled As there are only a few Only the few can actually see Me, as the way a secret should be. Su Gu 05/25/2017

Precedent 7 Barcelona Pavilion, Barcelona, Spain Mies van der Rohe, 1929 For me, Barcelona Pavilion is one of the most striking modern architecture. It consists of rigour geometry, however, the elegant and sleek form it presents is the most impressive. Mies addressed his understanding of his pavilion to be useless, that is, Barcelona pavilion is nothing than a building. It would neither house arts or sculpture, but transforming itself into an “inhabitable sculpture� (Kroll, 2011). Those ideas further determined my idea to design a pavilion of simple geometry. It may not serve any function but a place for tranquility and exploring.

Precedent 8 Serpentine Gallery, London Sou Fijimoto, 2013

Precedent 9 Primitive Future House (N House), Japan Sou Fujimoto, 2003 Sou Fujimoto is one of the architects that influence me a lot through my whole design studies. His works consist of simple and repetitive elements, but create surprisingly interesting space and experience. Like his N house, the whole architecture is composed of staggered strata of 350mm-spacing slabs. However, distinct perspectives and interesting spatial relationships are created. Simplicity is power.

2.4 Design development FORM Based on my site analysis, concepts and concepticle, I finally developed my design to a dramatic form that spreading out the whole site while invading to the underground. The whole projects connect the earth tightly with verticle relationships among above ground, on the ground and underground. People can entry the centre of upperground from four directions with distinct spacial experience(“various ways to get to close to a secret”). However, only the northern entrance will actually lead to the underground(“only a few can actaully see”). People will have to wonder around to find the entrance to the underground world, although the steps to the “secret” place is identible from all directions. Design Version 1

Design Version 2

Design Version 3

Design Version 4

Northern & Southern Entries

Northern & Southern Entries Western & Eatern Entries

Roof & Toilet & Sequences of Walls Northern & Southern Entries Western & Eatern Entries

Roof & Toilet & Sequences of Walls Northern & Southern Entries Western & Eatern Entries Underground

2.4 Design development Quality of Space In order to create interesting experience in different entries, above ground and underground to fully present my concepts, distinct qualities of spaces are studied and designed.

Precedent 10 Arts of beams Shanni Sroor, N.D. WESTERN ENTRY In western entry, an optical illusion will be designed. It will deal with the mix of light sources, which creates sublte patterns and tonal differences between each column.

Precedent 11 Marquee for les Cols Restaurant, ES-Olot RCR Arquitectes, 2014 SOUTHERN ENTRY Inspired by precedent 9, a small space which can only enter one person at each time is design. I ray of lights from the top will be the only lighitng source in this space.

UNDERGROUND This impressive lighting effects will be my focus of the quality of underground. Comparing to the very regular straight lighting composition, I would prefer the ones which are more of organic style. It is because the underground space is my secret space. Those vivd circular forms will be a great contrast to my rigour geometry on the ground, which can provide people an unexpexted experience(the real secret). Therefore, I designed sequences of circles of different sizes. Lights will shine through those round holes, reaching underground.

Precedent 12 Scenography, Paris, Rick Owens, October 29, 2013 Very Straight lights and shadows.

Precedent 13 Men’s, Spring, Paris Sonny Vandevelde, June 28, 2013 Round lighting composition .

3.0 Final Design 3.1 Final Design Models

Black Facade.

Eastern Entry.

White Facade.

3.0 Final Design 3.2 Final Design Drawings

Site plan Scale: 1: 200



Elevatoins (North & West) Scale 1 : 100



Elevatoins (East & South) Scale 1 : 100

Section Scale 1 : 50

Perspective 1 (Southern Entry) This entry can only fit one prson at each time. A beam of lights will be introduced in this space from the top.

Perspective 2 (Underground) The underground space can only be entered from northern entry. Changable lighitng during the day will provide this space unique experiences. It is different any time people visit.

Perspective 3 (Western Entry) The Western Entry is desinged to fit two people at each time. In this entry, people will get to experience the opticle illusion mainly.

4.0 REFLECTION Studio Earth is such an enjoyable subject that I relished every single step during this whole semester. We explored three architecture tectonics: Point/ Line/Plane, Mass and Frame/Infill at the first half of this semester. It provides me with a chance to develop designs from initial ideas through various ways: sketching, making quick sketching models and looking for precedents. By dealing with the spaces tightly connected to earth, unique spcial experience is also studied. During this period, I came up with numerous ideas without any limitation. It is undoubtedly important as a fascinating design will come from these moments of sparks. Meanwhile, I improved my skills of making models, using digital tools and expressing my concepts during the presentations, which helps me get prepared for my final design. Sharing ideas with others and receiving feedbacks are also significant. The most interesting thing I found when presenting our works is that, although we are all inspired by the same architect and design, the distinct focus and ways of thinking will make us understand them differently. By exchanging those ideas, I learned to look at things in various ways. Receiving feedbacks and helps from others especially my tutor indeed push me to think about my design deeper. I am grateful to hear about candid critics professionally and get encouraged when I am lost and feel unconfident. In the second half of this semester, we focus on gestating our final project. It is a long way of finding problems and solving problems indeed, however, I feel myself become more mature about designing. By emerging various ideas including site conditions, briefs and concepts, I learn to abandon immature ideas and appreciate relevant concepts. I can still remember the days when thinking about the orientation and quality of my spaces right as I wake up in the morning. It is quite painful. But when I look back to it, it is such an exciting and enjoyable ways of learning. Studio Earth is my first architecture studio, which, not surprisingly, confirmed my mind to work as an architect in the future. I believe I learned a lot from it more than I can tell. I suffer those intensive nonsleeping days and nights but appreciate what I learned and came up with my design that I am satisfied with.

5.0 BIBILIOGRAPHY Cohen, L. L. 2017, “The Depths of Astonishment: City Mysteries and the Antebellum Underground.” American Literary History, vol. 29 no. 1, pp. 1-25. King, D. (2010). Review. The College Mathematics Journal, 41(5), 416. <> Paul Klee Quotes. Retrieved June 5, 2017, from <>

Lists of Images Precedent 1, Point, line, plane n.d., Drawing, Pinterest, viewed 3rd June, 2017, <> Precedent 2, Graphic Scores n.d., Drawing, Pinterest, viewed 3rd June, 2017, <> Precedent 3, Eugene 2012, Cave of Heavenly Palace, Photograph, Flicker, viewed 4th June, 2017, <> Precedent 4, Thatkindofwomen 2016, Church in Skyros island, Photograph, Tumblr, viewed 4th June, 2017, < paristavitian-church-in-skyros-island> Precedent 5, Hiroshima Ueda 2012, Frame, Photograph, Pinterest, viewed 1st June, 2017, < F7976772206%2Fin%2Fphotostream%2F> Precedent 6, Bruno Morassutti Enzo Mari 1965, Plan, Drawing, Domus 428, viewed 4th June, 2017, <> Precedent 7, Paul J White 2010, Barcelona Pavilion, Photograph, Flicker, viewed 4th June, Precedent 8, Primitive Future House (N House) 2015, Photograph, Conceptmodel, viewed 5th June, <> Precedent 9, Richard Morrison 2013, Sou Fujimoto, Serpentine Gallery, W2, Photograph, viewed 4th June, <> Precedent 10, Oscar Navarro n.d., Arts of beams, Photograph, Pinterest, viewed 5th June, <> Precedent 11, Marquee for les Cols Restaurant 2014, Photograph, AIb Architecture, viewed 5th June, <> Precedent 12, Rick Owens 2013, Scenography, Photograph, Style Taboo, viewed 2nd June, <> Precedent 13, Sonny Vandevelde 2013, Men’s Spring, Photograph, viewed 2nd June, <>

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