BSA 310 ( Version 8 Business Systems ) Complete Course To Buy this Class Copy & paste below link in your Brower Or Visit Our Website Visit : Email Us :
BSA 310 ( Version 8 Business Systems ) Complete Course BSA 310 Week 1 DQ 1 And 2 A “business system”, as defined by Georgetown University, is “a combination of people and automated applications organized to meet a particular set of business objectives. Describe a business system you use in your work environment. What is the business objective of the business system? A companies “Business Model” serves to (1) articulate the value proposition, (2) identify a market segment, (3) define the structure of the firm’s “value chain”, (4) specify the revenue generation mechanisms, (5) describe the position of the firm within the value network, and (6) to formulate the competitive strategy. BSA Week 1 Individual Assignment System Inventory) BSA 310 Week 1 Supporting Activity BSA 310 Week 2 BSA 310 Week 2 DQ 1. Review Chapter 3 in the eBook. Apply Porter’s competitive forces model to your organization. Who are the new market entrants, substitute products, etc. 2. Review Chapter 4 in the eBook. Explain how informed consent, legislation, industry selfregulation, and technology tools help protect the individual privacy of Internet users. Describe common threats against contemporary information systems in your organization. What can be done to mitigate the risks imposed?