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I know. Let's build a Website that will flood us with traffic. Simple. Right? I wish, which is the greatest reason for keyword search engine tools. Wait! I have to spend money? I want to make money, not spend it! So do I, but good things come in time even when you're ready to buy computer accessories that will drive traffic to you by the droves from the Internet. To that end, here are 3 tools that will help you succeed on the Internet. The best part is that the first one is absolutely free. *** Keyword Search Tool #1 *** Google's Wonder Wheel. Google really isn't a big bad monster. Fact is, they want to help you succeed online. This is probably the biggest reason for one of their newest products called the Wonder Wheel. Do most any search on Google and (at the time of this writing) if you look on the left you'll see a button that reads "more options." Select that and then look down the left till you see "Wonder Wheel." Select "Wonder Wheel" and you have several keywords that are related to your project which you can use within an article content to increase your LSI (latency semantic indexing) results while decreasing your keyword density (the number of times you use a specific keyword phrase). Everyone who writes content for the Web needs to use this tool. *** Keyword Search Tool #2 *** Micro Niche Finder (MNF) MNF is absolute gold for anyone building content on the Web. Not only will it guide you in picking the right domain for your project but it will also show you which words are better to target according to proven statistical results verse those that are less than good to build resource points