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Search engine optimization involves boosting the traffic you're getting to your company website. Of course, a business needs to learn how to do SEO before they can benefit from search engine optimization and their internet marketing techniques. However, the basics of learning search engine optimization can be pretty simple if you sit down and take some time to learn how searching actually works. The Site Design To learn how to do SEO first requires an adequate knowledge about how to design your company website. There are a couple principles about website design for search engine optimization purposes that can make a difference between a truly popular website and one that simply looks pretty. For example, perhaps you have seen websites of all kinds designed with Flash animation in mind. These are the kinds of websites that may have an elegant introduction and may even include all of the site content wrapped up in Flash designs. However, Flash is essentially useless for internet marketing purposes and if you're going to learn how to do SEO properly then it would be best to stay away from Flash. Clean-Cut and Professional On the other hand, a clean-cut website that is professional-looking for your company is the avenue that your business should be going in to learn how to do SEO. Having a clearly laid out website with clean and simple navigation, no broken website links, and unique content will boost your efforts with search engine crawlers and make your site easier for them to read. In addition, a clean-cut and professional website is also something great to have for your visitors. A major internet marketing principle to keep in mind is that consumers have very short attention spans when it comes to surfing the web; if your website isn't organized and clearly navigable then you'll be losing traffic for your business. Implementing SEO Techniques When it's time build your website and learn how to do SEO properly, you'll need to learn about issues such as keyword research, Meta tags, and even backlinking. Keyword research involves taking a look at what search terms will be really valuable for your business and implementing those keywords throughout the content of your website.