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Many wonder if free advertising is an effective way for their website to get exposure. Contrary to what you might think, there is not an easy answer to this question. We know that advertising on television can be effective as well as radio advertising. We have seen many people use free advertising on classified websites that have had no success. On the other hand, we have also seen many others that have had tremendous success using free website advertising. The issue that must come to head and be addressed with any advertising (whether free or not) is writing good ad copy and by making sure that you are selling your target audience what it needs or wants. One of the biggest reasons free advertising, as well as paid advertising, does not work for some is because most advertisers fail to send a clear and precise advertising message to their potential prospects. Make sure your advertisement is clear and concise. Your free ad must be "catchy" as most people do not enjoy reading or having to decipher through hundreds of different ads. Good advertising will be delivered best through high impact with a short message. As with any type of advertising, a big key to free ads are to have your advertisements exposed on many websites at once. You've probably heard the saying before, "the more hits you get, the more sales you get." Many free advertising websites give you the option of upgrading to be featured on their site and many times it is at a very low cost (sometimes as low as $10). We have utilized these and found that our websites were getting about 7-10 more hits compared to just the free advertising without the upgrade. Here's the bottom line: radio advertising works, newspaper advertising works, television advertising works, AND free advertising works... all advertising can be very effective if utilized correctly.
To learn more about FREE Advertising Websites available on the internet, visit Brian's Yoli site. About the Author: Brian McCoy is a top internet marketer and works with industry leading MLM experts from around the world. Brian specializes in helping his team members generate FREE or low cost leads.