google rankings

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==== ==== This is by far the most comprehesive report and program on the market and it's guaranteed to get you top ranking on Google. ==== ====

Although you might be aware of the formulas that can get you good Google rankings, still knowing the process of their working may not be clear to all of us. By understanding how Google ranks pages, you'll be able to strategize your website better for ranking well. You shouldn't make the process of ranking better in Google to be a shot-in-the-dark exercise. Remember, the monetary aspect of your website depends entirely on the way you plan your online presence. All that's required is to understand the scoring system of Google, work on your website accordingly and the results will show for themselves. How does Google ranking work? Whenever someone performs search queries, Google does 2 things prior to presenting the results according to their ranking. At first, it is going to find the pages containing the query terms and rank them relevantly. And then, it determines the importance of every page. The eventual results for ranking is a combination of importance and relevance. Relevance Now, what is relevance for Google and how does it rank pages? If someone entered ' Online affiliate' as a search query, Google is going to look up its index to find pages containing 'online' & 'affiliate'. Websites' relevance is ranked based on the following: oPages containing both the words are going to rank higher than the ones with only one of them. oPages containing both the terms right next to one another and a discussion on them as a whole is going to be deemed more relevant than pages discussing the term 'online' or 'affiliate' in general with online affiliate being a term in passing. oPage with 'online affiliate' as title gives Google hint that they will be more relevant. oPage containing the term 'online affiliate' numerous times, is likely to have better relevant than pages having them once. However, avoid overstuffing your pages with targeted keywords. You might get penalized for keyword spamming. Google uses the title and content of your web page to determine its relevance for a targeted keyword/phrase. Importance Following the retrieval process using its index, Google determines the importance of these pages through Pagerank algorithm. Pagerank mainly considers 2 things: oQuantity of links to the page from other webpage oQuality of pages from where the links are originated

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