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There are really loads of methods and techniques how to do SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is one of the best methods to generate targeted traffic to your website. Traffic comes from organic search engine listings and from my own experience, this traffic is the most targeted and hence valuable. Conversion rates are far way better from organic traffic than from any paid advertisement like AdWords. Nowadays internet is flooded with swindlers and scams, that's why paid ads are getting less and less trusted... This is why I consider SEO as the only reliable way to go for a long-term online business. First off, you need to choose one of all these techniques and strategies how to do SEO. It's really easy to get lost in the beginning but then you will get more and more confident with every right step you make. Making on-page optimization is the most reasonable first step you can make. On-page optimization means maintaining your keyword density at 2-4% out of all content, setting up the appropriate meta tags (not that important these days as it was before) and page tittles. If you have any images on your website, don't forget to set your main keyword as an alt text of these images. Having your main keyword in the domain name is a very good idea to boost your rankings as well. These steps are the easiest from the whole SEO process and not making them chances are you are wasting your rankings straight away. When you are fine with on-page SEO it's time to get on off-page optimization. Many marketers dislike this process defining it as tedious one. Well, I can say that it's all about how you are approaching it. When you know how to do SEO and are confident about the future results of your work, it's not tedious or boring at all. Best of all is to set up your own working plan ad follow it. When starting off-page SEO optimization it's important to remember about the quality of backlinks you generate. Ten quality backlinks to your site worth a lot more than hundred of low-quality backlinks.  How do we define if the backlink is quality... Link from relevant and highrespected website considered to be a quality one. Page rank is also an important bit. On the first stage you want to focus on building quality backlinks, this will boost your website rankings well. If you start off with crappy links back, Google will treat your website the same way. The power of fast and effective SEO lies behind instant and quality backlinks. Instant backlink building goes without any approval. This feature drastically speeds up the whole process. How can we avoid waiting for our backlinks to be approved along with our articles or blog comments? This is actually easier than you ever imagined.