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Do you want to achieve guaranteed search engine ranking for your website? Some people may take this question as a pure joke. They think that to guarantee the ranking of any website on top of the search engine result pages is nothing but a big joke. Well actually, I can't really blame these people. I've been in their shoes once when I was just starting to find my way around on the internet, and boy do I still remember how frustrating it is when you can't even get your website to show on the first page of Google. But that was just me before, when I was still a newbie. A guaranteed website ranking is very much possible for me to accomplish if you ask me today. What happened and how do I do it? Well, it's a simple answer. I studied the behavior of the search engines and how they come up with result pages for each specific keyword. I also did my own experiments and case studies. You see, with all the hard studying and case studies I've accomplished - I have finally come to the conclusion that more than half of what I learned when I was just starting is all garbage. There is just too much information around that will mislead you instead of teach you. As bad as this may sound, I guess it's all part of the learning process. So in a very short but concise explaining, let me now tell you what it takes to achieve a guaranteed website ranking. First, you need to understand that although I can guarantee you that it is possible to rank your website on top of the search engine result pages, the length of time to achieve that is another side of the story. Yes, you can attain guaranteed website ranking - but consider the number of competitors who are also targeting the same keyword you are after. The more number of competitors the more time you need to spend and the harder you need to work your butt off to achieve that ranking. Search engine optimization is all about optimizing your website for the search engines - that's just it. Do not confuse yourself a lot. If you are like me when I was starting and you think all the recent information you have accumulated have confused you more than teach you then I suggest you forget all that for now. Here's the whole picture to get guaranteed website ranking. Don't worry, no super technical words involved and no scary sounding approaches to undertake.