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If you are a business owner and think you have done everything in your power to increase sales and your SEO rankings, then think again, because there are always new keys of success to learn and utilize regarding your company. For the business owner unafraid to experiment and research, the rewards of careful planning and dutiful execution can lead to increased market share and commercial viability. The following are some key steps to implement to increase the SEO rankings of your website. The age of your domain or URL is crucial as an older site builds trust and confidence among surfers, which increases traffic to your site, ramped up SEO rankings, and a larger piece of the internet market share. A competent business owner should also be aware of the country of origin which hosts their domain. This is an often overlooked component of SEO rankings. Always enlist the help of a reputable host company in the same country as your physical place of business. A dedicated IP is a surefire way to maintain your website vitality. Do not cut corners or forget the small details which can lead your consumer quickly towards the next site and lower your all important SEO rankings. As the old adage goes...know thy neighbor. Pay close attention to what your neighbors are doing and see how your business matches up. If you are not satisfied with your self-evaluation, then that could mean your SEO rankings could suffer in the long-term. Don't just keep up with the Joneses. Surpass them through superior URL structure and other variables that many owners tend to forget. The content of your website builds character, builds a client base, which leads to better sales, higher SEO rankings, and greater confidence in your products. The internal link structure of your website is a vital part of increasing traffic and improving your SEO rankings. Make sure the proper links are included in your website. Verifiable codes and minimal flash can help to keep your website views, as well as SEO rankings, up. A clean, easy to navigate and accessible site pays dividends long-term. The keywords you use to attract customers should be one of the focal points of your online media blitz. The right words can draw more people to your website and keep them there, raising your SERP rankings and company profile. A surefire way to garner trust from prospective clients is to have direct contact information for the customers to use should they have any questions or concerns regarding a product available on your website. A satisfied customer is more likely to return and tell friends about your site, which potentially increases your revenue and enhances your SEO rankings.