Free Money

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In the free to earn industry, many people make the mistake of not realizing they are their number 1 referral. Often they think in terms of referring only. Free to earn programs want YOU to do something. IF everyone simply referred people and that was all, no one would make any money. Make sense? Sure it does. The free to earn industry expects ACTION from it's users. For that action, they will PAY YOU. This is very important! You absolutely must realize it is YOU taking the ACTION of UTILIZING the free to earn program in order to make money. If you focus only on referring others, you will lose every time! You lose by not being an example to those you refer. You lose because YOU are your own referrer so if you are not doing the ACTION, you leave money on the table that could have been in your pocket. Even if you have not referred anyone at all, remember, You are Your Own Referrer and You can still make money! A very big mistake people often make is thinking in terms of how much money they made in a day, a week, or even in a month. Well, this is not a 40 hour, punch the clock, offline job. This is the internet and I am talking about the free to earn industry. You DO want to think in terms of how much money you make in a YEAR within free to earn programs. Some people give up after one day or one month because they base their free to earn earnings, on that day or that month... this is absolutely what you NEVER want to do in the free to earn industry. A free to earn program may have a lot for you to do one day and not much the next day. A free to earn program might have very little for you to do one month and lots for you to do the next month. A free to earn program may go through slump periods and zoom periods. You might make little in one free to earn program for three months and then WHAM... you make lots of moolah the next three months. This is why it is very important to realize that you cannot determine your income in any free to earn program based on one day, one week, nor one month. You must look at it in terms of YEARLY INCOME. If you focus on referring others only, you leave a lot of money on the table through out the year. ALWAYS remember YOU are your number 1 referral. In the free to earn industry, you can make money on your own actions. Yet, there is more to it than that. You have to be the beacon of light! In this day and age with all the scams, junk, and difficult high risk programs online... most people just want to know that a program is honest, really pays, and they won't lose their time and energy. I've seen people with a free blog, post their proof of earnings, how the program works, and then... achieve large numbers of referrals for simply doing so... and that earnings amount was no more than $5 or $10. The point is, they gave proof to visitors that they really are getting paid... they relayed how the program works, how they made that $5 or $10 and how that visitor can do it too! BUT if you are not utilizing the program, you cannot give a real and honest proof of earnings for your actions... reality is, you probably cannot even fully relay exactly how the program works... how could you if you are not using it. So as you can see, there is lots of ways you lose out by not utilizing a free to

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