Free Advertising

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The title here reads Paid Search Advertising vs Free Advertising. Here we can look at both methods allowing you the reader to come to your own conclusion as to which one is best. The two methods in the title are pretty self explanatory but in a nutshell, the former relates to website owners paying the search engines to get their websites highly ranked on the results pages, and of course to get clicks and sales, whereas the latter relates to organic marketing such as content writing or forum discussions. As with many a topic on the internet these days, opinions are quite varied on this particular subject. My objective here is not to push you in one direction or the other but to give you the facts surrounding each method of marketing and then simply to allow you to make up your own mind as to which is best for your own cause. Paid search advertising has been used for quite some time now and is still being used today. Probably the main, if not only reason it is used is because the website owner feels that this is the quickest method of getting traffic to his website, and he may well indeed be correct in his thinking. This pay per click method does actually come across as fairly simple to use. I mean what could be easier. You simply bid on your best keyword, and you know that in theory at least, the higher you bid the higher in the search rankings your website will be, so ultimately those searching for your products will see your website at the top of the results page. For you as the website owner, you are paying for prospective customers to visit your online shop and of course hoping for quick and easy sales. With this method you don't get involved in writing content, building links, visiting various forums or blogs etc, you simply pay and wait for traffic to get to your website. An important point here which you may already be aware of is that with paid search advertising you may need to raise your bid amount to a point where they are actually reaching your profit levels. End result - the profit has been eaten up by the cost. Now I need to say here that I am not against paid advertising, but in my opinion, and it is an opinion, this is a method which can eat into profits so it may only be useful for a new site which fundamentally needs rapid exposure and is not concerned about making profits. Free advertising, or as it is often called, organic or natural advertising is firstly of course, free though it does need effort put in and especially so for a new website or business and more so in the initial stages. This method of advertising includes writing of content, blogs, forums, video's etc with each one including a link or two back to the website in question. This is never a blatant self promoting form of advertising. Rather it involves discussions or "help" pages or even question and answer type forums. You can even have quite a lot of fun with some of these methods as you customise your page with relevant photographs, video's or news bulletins. This free method of advertising is not such which will give you instant traffic. You will need patience in the early stages of your website as your content and discussions take time to filter

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