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Many people want to find a way to make money online. They try every spam-laden message that makes it to their inbox and they follow ads that promise lots of cash. Individuals will shell out hard earned money for ideas that don't hold their weight in helium. Here are a few trademarks found in ideas you may wish to avoid. I went from living with mom to a zillionaire in one month. Ask yourself this question, if they really make that much money why spend time marketing an idea to make more money when they should already have plenty? Sure they indicate they are just kind-hearted humanitarians seeking to help out. If so, why charge for the idea. Most legitimate ideas will present a reasonable success story and present a reasonable answer to the workload required to make the idea work. So easy it runs itself. That may be true, but in many cases you will need to work diligently to get the idea to the place where it can run itself. In other words there may be significant front-end work required to get the idea off the ground. Ask lots of questions. Start with the definition of easy. Just read my testimonials. In many cases many entrepreneurs now purchase testimonials. In order to ramp up their startup they will visit bidding sites where service providers will accept a fee to provide a paid testimonial. Have they used the service or are they simply revising a script and attempting to have it sound personal? Will the owner of the product provide contact information so you can discuss the issue with actual customers? There are only five left - act now. In most cases this is not true. Leave the site and visit again. You will probably find that there are now 8 left and the countdown clock has been reset. This is used as a high-pressure sales tool to get you to act when you haven't had enough time to think things through. It's high tech impulse buying. Earn money in your spare time. Maybe, but probably not. Many of these ideas only result in padding the pockets of individuals who know that people want to make money so they promise something they can never deliver, but the price for information is low enough they aren't pushed out of business - or if they are they simply start up again with a new name and new idea. Just need to get a couple more people on board and this is really going to take off. Sounds like a pyramid scheme (illegal by the way). It might be network marketing as well, but even then you will be saddled with the chore of actual sales. If part of the job is recruitment of others in order to succeed it may be a significant red flag is waving. Pay attention. Any real moneymaking idea will include lots of hard work and have an idea that requires input from you. No absolute overnight success with a boatload of cash. We want that, but it's about as likely as a lottery win. If you want to make money online be prepared to work - be prepared to develop a