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Top 10 tips on how to optimize your website so as to increase your website rankings in the search engines. Social Bookmarking. It's a must to help your visitors bookmark your content, and thus creating valuable links that the search engines regard. There are loads of free social bookmarking widgets accessible on the internet. I recommend "Only Wire". To be bold or not to be bold. Use the tags around some of your keywords on each page. Do NOT use them everywhere the keyword appears. Once or twice is plenty. Deep linking. It's very important that you have a lot of links pointing to as many of your web pages as possible. Think about it, what do search engines think, when they see other web sites are linking to various pages on your website? That you certainly have plenty of beneficial content, and what does a search engine think when all your links are coming in to your home page? Most probably that you've got a depth less unsound site of little content, or that your website links were probably achieved by automation and not by the value of the content on your site.. Articles. Submit unique articles to EzineArticles. They allow you to have two links in the publisher box, these links will stay live many years. First in, first served. If you got to have image links in your navigation bar, also include also text links. Be that as it may, make sure the text links appear first in your source code, because the search engine robots always go after the first link they find on an appropriate page. They won't follow other links to that same page. Become a foreigner. UK, Canada, Australia all have a lot of directories for websites of organizations set up in those countries. Can you set up a business address in either of those countries? Multiple domains. If you have a variety of subjects that could each support themselves with their own website, it is worth having various domains. Why you ask? Well, search engines commonly list one page per domain for a given search, and you could ensure two, also, directories consistently only accept a home page, so your guaranteed more directory listings. Anchor text. Don't overdo it with the anchor text. If all your anchor texts is the same - Google will see this as automation, something that Google dislikes, and could end up with your site being sand boxed. Use your company name sometimes, "SeoProficient", use your URL other times, try, "SEO Mistakes" as well, "Cheap search engine optimization" some other times, etc.