==== ==== Join an AWESOME pre launch and set your self up for LIFE! http://signup.wazzub.info/?lrRef=c5b0e24e ==== ====
A pre-launch allows companies, teams, and individuals to get a big jump start to build a home based, network marketing, or MLM business. Now there are several different types of prelaunches, depending on what a company or the individuals behind the launch are aiming to accomplish. The first type of a pre-launch is a "Company Launch". This type of a launch is used when a brand new company is gearing up to officially launch their business for the very first time. A company pre-launch can last anywhere from 30, 60, or even 90 days. You typically see these types of pre-launches in the home-based business industry because it allows affiliates, distributors, or members to pre-build their business usually using free replicated websites. Members simply share their website with their friends, family, and often market their websites online and off to enroll other like-minded people into their business. Because there is no cost to join during a pre-launch, you typically see thousands, even tens of thousands of people joining the pre-launch. When it's time to officially launch into the company, a percentage of free members become "paid" members, meaning they officially join the home-based business opportunity. And that's where the power of the pre-launch really kicks in because you can earn upfront and/or monthly residual income from everyone who joined your team during the pre-launch. (Both from people who you've personally enrolled as well as people they've enrolled, and people that they've enrolled, and so on.) Now contrary to what some may think, the actual companies themselves who are gearing up to launch are not typically the people behind the pre-launch. Let's face it, when a company is launching their business, they have 4,000 other things to worry about and get set up. Running a pre-launch is an extremely time intensive and often a difficult puzzle to put together for the people who are setting everything up. Sure, everything seems easy and flows well from what you see, but we can assure you a LOT of time, people, software, programming, and more goes into a pre-launch. So typically the pre-launches you see on and off of the Internet are created by teams of expert marketers who have partnered with the company who is launching and/or became a distributor or affiliate for the company. You see, pre-launches are a very, very specialized marketing strategy. Like we always say and