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Are you trying to find your website on the world wide web and rankings for your targeted keywords? Google has developed a ranking tool that can give you the answer fast...best of all it's free. The tool returns results for Google, Yahoo and MSN. You need a Google API Key to check how your domain ranks in Google. Go to http://www.Googlerankings.com to request your key and get started. Google gives these away free and all you need to supply is an email address where they can email the Key. If you are already a Google member (Adwords or Adsense user), enter the email address you use with one of your accounts. The key will be quickly emailed to you. It's that easy. The key is a long sequence of alphanumeric and special characters. Be sure to save it. Once you have it you can enter your keywords, domain and key to find your results for the three major search engines. It's a great tool to use and can assist you in optimizing your website and helping you determine what areas you need to work on to improve ranking. If you cannot find your website in the top 100, then perhaps you need to work on keyword optimization or targeting less competitive keywords. Here are some more free tools from Google: Google Newsletter - Monthly updates and announcements. Google Base - A place where you can easily submit all types of online and offline content that they'll host and make searchable online. Google Adsense - Add Google ads to your website and earn as an affiliate. Great program. Google Adwords - Advertise on Google with their Adwords program. Google Groups - Newer feature recently added by Google. Connect and network with others via their groups or start your own. Google Toolbar - Great tool bar which shows page rank, back links and more. Find more tools by visiting Google and doing a search. Use these tools to work you way to the top. Good luck!