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People often wonder... How do some people come across or find so many contests to enter? Here's some answers in how to find these seemingly elusive contests and sweepstakes.
Shopping - Grocery and Drug stores are great places to find contests and sweepstakes. One strategy (if you have the time) is to go shopping many times a week to a few different stores. Part of this strategy can be to not only shop for items on sale or for what is needed at home, but also to find contests and sweepstakes. Grocery and Drug stores often have displays set up promoting a contest or sweepstakes. They also often put entry forms on the isle shelves promoting certain products. If you have the time to develop this skill, you can learn to scan the isle shelves that you pass by, with a glance finding contests and sweepstakes that are also listed on the packaging of products.
Radio - Most of the big radio stations (even a lot of the smaller ones) have numerous contests throughout the year. If you listen to the radio in the car, have a pen and note pad handy to write down info on any contest or sweepstakes that is aired, but please only do so when after you have safely pulled to the side of the road and stopped, as safety while driving is always the priority.
TV - Try not to watch too much TV, but there are lots of contests and sweepstakes advertised through this very expensive media. Keep that pen and paper handy to write down the details of the contest or sweepstakes, and the address of where to mail an entry to (or the website).
Magazines - Most of the popular magazines have a contest or sweepstakes advertised in every issue. Some issues even have multiple contests and sweepstakes advertised. Usually the contests are not put on by the magazines themselves, but rather advertisers of products in the magazines.
Newspapers - Most of the big city newspapers advertise contests and sweepstakes. Not every