Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2013 3

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59 (2013) 3

Strojniški vestnik Journal of Mechanical Engineering

Since 1955



Matej Hudovernik, Daniel Staupendahl, Mohammad Gharbi, Matthias Hermes, A. Erman Tekkaya, Karl Kuzman, Janez Marko Slabe 3D Numerical Analysis of 2D Profile Bending with the Torque Superposed Spatial Bending Method


Sebastijan Jurendić, Silvia Gaiani Numerical Simulation of Cold Forming of α-Titanium Alloy Sheets

Andreas Schubert, Henning Zeidler, Matthias Hackert-Oschätzchen, Jörg Schneider, Martin Hahn Enhancing Micro-EDM using Ultrasonic Vibration and Approaches for Machining of Nonconducting Ceramics


Tomasz Tański Characteristics of Hard Coatings on AZ61 Magnesium Alloys


Leszek Adam Dobrzański, Małgorzata Musztyfaga, Aleksandra Drygała


Final Manufacturing Process of Front Side Metallisation on Silicon Solar Cells Using Conventional and Unconventional Techniques


Angel Fernández, Manuel Muniesa, Jaime González Characterisation and Processing of Reinforced PA 6 with Halloysite Nanotubes (HNT) for Injection Molding


Gašper Gantar, Andrej Glojek, Mitja Mori, Blaž Nardin, Mihael Sekavčnik Resource Efficient Injection Moulding with Low Environmental Impacts

Journal of Mechanical Engineering - Strojniški vestnik


3 year 2013 volume 59 no.

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