Prison Law Office follow up letter to Sheriff Laurie Smith

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PRISON LAW OFFICE General Delivery, San Quentin, CA 94964 Telephone (510) 280-2621  Fax (510) 280-2704

August 5, 2015 Sheriff Laurie Smith Santa Clara Sheriff’s Office 55 West Younger Avenue San Jose, CA 95110 Fax: (408) 294-2467 Email:

Director: Donald Specter Managing Attorney: Sara Norman Staff Attorneys: Rana Anabtawi Rebekah Evenson Steven Fama Penny Godbold Alison Hardy Corene Kendrick Kelly Knapp Millard Murphy Lynn Wu

Dear Sheriff Smith, Thank you for meeting with us on July 28, 2015, and for allowing us to tour certain areas of the Main Jail. We found the meeting and tour to be productive, and helped us better understand some of the challenges you face in safely operating the jail facilities. However, we continue to believe there are serious violations of inmates’ federal and state constitutional and regulatory rights occurring in the Jail, as described in our letter dated June 25, 2015, that must be addressed. In the paragraphs below, we further describe our concerns and propose a framework for resolving them. Our goal is to work cooperatively with you to find solutions. I. Conditions in Maximum Security Housing Units During our tour, we went to Third West, 4C, and two recreation yards in the Main Jail. All of the inmates we observed were housed in solitary confinement, as defined by being locked down in their cells at least 22 hours a day.1 In Third West, we observed inmates single-celled in exceptionally small cells (approximately 6 by 7 ft), without any natural light, and with space for only a bed and toilet. All of the inmates were either in their beds or standing at their doors as there was no room for them to be anywhere else and nothing else to do. There were a few televisions in the hallway, but it was 11

For support for this accepted definition of solitary confinement, see, e.g., U.S. Department of Justice, Investigation of State Correctional Institution at Cresson, May 13, 2013, available at (“terms ‘isolation’ or ‘solitary confinement’ mean the state of being confined to one’s cell for approximately 22 hours per day or more, alone or with other prisoners, that limits contact with others. … An isolation unit means a unit where either all or most of those housed in the unit are subjected to isolation.”); Wilkinson v. Austin, 545 U.S. 209, 214, 224 (2005) (describing solitary confinement as limiting human contact for 23 hours per day); Tillery v. Owens, 907 F.2d 418, 422 (3d Cir. 1990) (21 to 22 hours per day). Board of Directors 1 WalkinHawk, Vice President Penelope Cooper, President  Michele Marshall Krause, Treasurer  Christiane Hipps  Margaret Johns Cesar Lagleva  Laura Magnani  Michael Marcum  Ruth Morgan  Dennis Roberts

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