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In this issue President’s Message Kennedy House Project 350 Year Anniversary Event: Shop for Our Streets Thanks to the Good Guys Tuggeranong Clemente – a pathway to free tertiary education Youth! 2010 Vinnies CEO Sleepout Rise to the Challenge DOORKNOCK APPEAL 2010 Will you open your door to help someone in need?

All correspondence and contributions can be sent to: Communications Officer Community and Corporate Relations PO Box 642, Mawson, ACT, 2607

President’s Message Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental right to dignity and a decent life – Nelson Mandela. Welcome to the autumn 2010 edition of the Canberra/ Goulburn Central Council News. It has been a busy time for the Society these past few months, especially as we launched our 2009 Christmas appeal in November. The Society would like to thank everyone in the community for supporting us this year, as we are happy to announce that we received over $220,000 in cash donations and thousands of donated gifts during the appeal. During the month of December, our passionate volunteers and staff busily worked at our Christmas donation stands at Westfield Woden and the Hyperdome, as well as organising hampers and gifts for many of the people we assist in Canberra and our country towns from Lake Cargelligo to Eden. The Youth volunteers also held a Christmas party at Manuka Pool for the children from families we assist, and Santa even came to give each child a Christmas present. During January, the Youth volunteers held four camps, in which over 100 children attended. For many of these children, camps and activities are the only ‘break’ they get from the struggles of their daily lives. Camps offer these children a fun holiday in a supportive and safe environment. In February, we are launching our annual Doorknock appeal. For the Society in Canberra, Doorknock is the main local appeal to raise awareness and funds for our core work, Home Visitation, and has been part of the Society for the last 26 years. Our volunteers will be walking through the suburbs of Canberra, knocking on doors, asking for financial donations for our Society. All money raised will be used in Canberra to support the people we assist. This year, the Society will be strengthening its position on social justice and advocacy through its good works in order to become a stronger voice for the voiceless across Australia. The St Vincent de Paul Society was formed by Frederic Ozanam as a Society that would be sympathetic to human needs in the tangible social, economic, and political environments we live in. We hope you enjoy this newsletter, thank you for all your support and generous donations. We will continue to work hard to meet and exceed your expectations as a charitable organisation.

Evan Brett President, Canberra/Goulburn Central Council

We wish to sincerely thank our supporters including:

St Vincent de Paul Society – Canberra/Goulburn Central Council Newsletter Autumn 2010

Kennedy House Project Kennedy House in Goulburn, NSW assists single men break out of the cycle of poverty and homelessness through learning the skills to obtain and maintain independent living. Late last year, Kennedy House received Council approval to move from the existing 10 bed facility into a larger central facility that accommodates up to 39 men, providing a continuum of care with a heavy focus on pre‑intervention and tenancy sustainability. In November 2009, the Society and the Canberra Institute of Technology offered a six-week competition to the final year Interior Design students to come up with a design to refurbish the new facility. Joanna Matesic created the winning design which cleverly met the practical and specific needs of the guests.

“I was initially shocked and then excited and confident I could make this happen. My biggest challenge when working on this design was to come up with something that would cater for all the different personalities that would be living under the one roof ” she said. Kennedy House will be officially opened in May, 2010. If you would like to volunteer please contact Allan Lieschke, Coordinator on (02) 4828 5972. Or you can show your support by making an in-kind or financial donation by contacting Nicoll Parton, Manager of Community and Corporate Relations m: 0427 930 460 or

Photo above: Mike Taarnby (Director of Property & Operational Services), Joanna Matesic, Allan Lieschke (Manager of Kennedy House), Bob Wilson (CEO of Canberra/Goulburn Central Council) at Kennedy House in front of one of her designs.

350 Year Anniversary This year is a special year for all members, volunteers, and staff of the St Vincent de Paul Society. It is 350 years since the deaths of St Louise de Marillac and St Vincent de Paul who have left a great legacy for all groups in the Catholic Church under their Patronage. Vincentian groups worldwide have been invited to use this opportunity to celebrate these two great prophets of charity. The theme for the celebrations is “Charity and Mission” - Our mission, to evangelize and serve the poor, motivated as always by God’s love which we translate into hands-on charity, direct contact with and love of the poor. Our hope is to promote a charity that is not a “handout” but a “hand up.” St Louise and St Vincent worked tirelessly in partnership, which went beyond simply a working relationship; it was a life relationship that involved a common mission to serve the poor. The Canberra/Goulburn Central Council Vincentian Family will hold the celebration of its heritage of “Charity and Mission” on the weekend of 13th and 14th March 2010. It is hoped many will come together to share with each other and learn about the diverse activities of our Vincentian Family; to explore and reflect on our Vincentian Heritage and Mission; to celebrate Eucharist with Archbishop Mark Coleridge and to discover and name some learning and directions for the future. For more information about the 350th Jubilee Celebrations for the International Vincentian Family see:

For further information contact Liz Rothe or call (02) 6121 2991

Ordinary people helping anyone in need

Event: Shop for Our Streets

Thanks to the Good Guys Tuggeranong The Good Guys Tuggeranong have supported the Society over several years, by helping to raise awareness and vital funds for our good works. In November 2009, the Good Guys Tuggeranong provided a fundraising shopping weekend event called Shop for Our Streets. The Good Guys presented storewide savings to encourage the public to shop, while supporting our Night Patrol service.

Night Patrol provides warm drinks, something to eat, warm clothing as required, and friendly conversation. The Good Guys Tuggeranong event, raised over $6,000 for our Night Patrol service. To find out more about Night Patrol please contact Max Vardanega (02) 6121 2954 or 0417 290 893 or e:

Clemente – a pathway to free tertiary education In March 2010 John Lusty one of our Clemente students will graduate with a Certificate in Liberal Studies at an awards ceremony to be held in the Great Hall of Parliament House. We congratulate John on his outstanding efforts. Clemente is a free university program offered in partnership with the Australian Catholic University. Our students are from diverse backgrounds and range in age from 25 – 60+ years. It is open to any interested people, but especially to those who have suffered trauma or setback in their lives. Clemente provides students with a sense of community and connectedness to the world around them. It also provides an opportunity to restore self esteem and to briefly escape the pressures of daily life by focusing on something other than their current problems. To find out more please contact Max Vardanega (02) 6121 2954 or e: max.

Youth! January was a busy month for Youth this year, with several very successful camps being run by our wonderful volunteers! Over 100 children from varying circumstances around the ACT and surrounding region were able to relax and have massive amounts of fun in a caring and supportive environment. Teen Camp saw 20 energetic teens and 8 volunteers venture up to Wollongong for four days by the beach. The camp was very successful and we were very fortunate to spend time with such an amazing group of young people. At Tuross Heads we were fortunate enough to have some children from the surrounding coastal region attend camp. They enjoyed the opportunity to play at the beach, collect sea shells and build giant sandcastles. The disco in particular was ‘coolsome’ (according to the children). Our young carers camp was for some very special young people who take on a caring role for somebody in their family. This camp was held at Batemans Bay and a particular highlight for this trip was attending the carnival on the third night. The last camp for 2009 was held just outside Canberra at the Cotter. The theme was ‘Around the World’ and over 25 children were entertained for the four days with activities such as cooking, arts and craft, swimming and our giant waterslide! I would sincerely like to thank the efforts of everyone who participated in any of the camps in 2009/10. I would also like to thank the campsites, schools and sponsoring organisations that helped make them possible. We look forward to working with you all in 2010. To find out more about Vinnies Youth call (02) 6121 2955 or e: Till next time, Chelsea Gutterson, Youth Coordinator

St Vincent de Paul Society – Canberra/Goulburn Central Council Newsletter Autumn 2010

2010 Vinnies CEO Sleepout Rise to the Challenge

The Vinnies CEO Sleepout has been held in Sydney for the past 5 years. This year, the Vinnies CEO Sleepout goes national and will be held on Thursday 17th June in capital cities across Australia. This event gives business and community leaders a unique opportunity to experience homelessness themselves for 1 night. The Canberra event will be held at the National Museum of Australia where participants get to sleep outside in the ‘Garden of Australian Dreams’! The Vinnies CEO Sleepout is a unique way for business and community leaders to create awareness and help us reach our national target of $1.5 million in support of our homeless services. With over 105,000 people sleeping rough every night across Australia, this is no light matter. To nominate yourself or your CEO visit or email

DOORKNOCK APPEAL 2010 Will you open your door to help someone in need? For the St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn Central Council, Vinnies Doorknock is the main local appeal to raise awareness and funds for its core work, Home Visitation, and has been part of the Society for the last 26 years. Each year we assist over 65,000 people in our drop-in centres and Night Patrol van; we receive over 12,000 calls through our emergency call centre; accommodate over 740 individuals and 280 families that are without a home; support over 40 disadvantaged persons through university; and provide ongoing outreach support for up to 100 homeless men, families, or those living with a mental illness. For the month of February, the Society’s volunteers will be walking through the suburbs of Canberra, knocking on doors, asking for financial support to help the most disadvantaged in Canberra. We ask for your help to help us help others. A sincere thank you to our sponsors for their generous support

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