Purpose of the Awards Vinnies Social Justice Awards seek to encourage young people, their schools and the communities to which they belong. The Awards celebrate the good works already being done. The key objectives for the Awards are:
Affirm the value of action for the benefit of others
Encourage young people to be generous with their time, energy and resources
Acknowledge young people who have displayed generosity and commitment to social justice
Young people’s enthusiasm and energy flow into passion for creating better opportunities for themselves and others. The St Vincent de Paul Society came into being because older people encouraged young university students to take action which supported their beliefs. The Awards pay tribute both to today’s young people who have taken action and to those who nurture their spirit.
“Never see a need without doing something about it” Mary MacKillop
It is not the words alone which have brought Mary MacKillop to sainthood; it is the living out of her beliefs through actions. Blessed Frederic Ozanam said … The problem which divides people today is not a political problem; it is a social one. ... Many people have too much and still want more. Others do not have enough, or do not have anything at all … Because we are young; because we are not wealthy, we can more easily fill the role of mediators. 175 Years ago Frederic and his companions founded the St Vincent de Paul Society in Paris, 1833. They simply met to see what could be done for those in need.
Nominate a Young Person of action and leadership
Vinnies Social Justice Awards 2010 1st September 2010 South Australia is searching for young people who make a difference
(Up to 30 years of age)
for others in need.
Contact: Tim Taylor
Let’s celebrate their good works in building a fair and just community.
St Vincent de Paul Society (SA) Inc Vinnies Social Justice Awards GPO Box 1804 Adelaide. SA 5001 Phone: (08) 8112 8725 Fax: (08) 8112 8798
E-mail: ttaylor@svdpsa.org.au All information, including nomination forms at
Publication Date 29th April 2010
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The Four Award Categories EMMANUEL BAILLY AWARD For group nominations. Typically, these groups are involved in service and taking action to achieve social justice outcomes.
ROSALIE RENDU AWARD For outstanding service To an individual who has participated in a range of activities and is an integral part of the action.
BLESSED FREDERIC OZANAM AWARD For a student’s outstanding leadership and service. This person ‘makes things happen’ over a period of time. Jess was a leader of her social
Year 5/6 students play games with elderly people with dementia. BARMERA PRIMARY SCHOOL
Tayla & Zoe raised money for various causes, ran stalls and wrote a song to raise awareness of social justice. ST MARY’S COLLEGE
Justice & Ministry Group,
Elleni organised various
planned, publicised and raised campaigns to raise awareness. MERCEDES COLLEGE funds to support Vinnies, Mt Brayden was chair of student Barker in providing long life action group set up student food for those in need. ST FRANCIS DE SALES peer mediation among three COLLEGE year levels. PARADISE PRIMARY SCHOOL
justice group, initiating: Reconciliation Action Plan, Rice Day, Christmas Hamper, volunteers for Fred’s Van & college leadership in promoting justice and peace.
ST LOUISE DE MARILLAC AWARD For a post-secondary young adult advocating for social justice through their leadership and service. (18-30 yrs of age) Mason returned to ROSTREVOR COLLEGE to lead
formation of young people. He advocated his cause on You Tube. Madina raises awareness at UIGHUR LANGUAGE SCHOOL
about multicultural issues and CARDIJN COLLEGE helped put people in touch with Charlotte takes opportunity to their homelands. reach out to others, communicates Alice is a VINNIES YOUTH world issues to students, tutors leader, involved in leadership refugees, volunteers with various formation, Bailly Camps for kids, agencies & was college service rep. SEYMOUR COLLEGE and is a St Vincent de Paul State Council youth rep.
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Social justice is about working towards a fairer society and taking action to prevent injustice and social exclusion. It is about people reaching out to meet the needs of others. Va luin i es r gE o t S g xc e n i r a llen h S ce Commu nity Con nections