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Spiritual REFLECTION guide

Nurturing New Life July 2009

Dear Vincentians and Friends, We are pleased to offer you a set of Spiritual Reflection Guides for the months of July, August and September 2009. Each week’s guide seeks to provide you with a reflection theme, an exploration of or commentary on the theme, discussion topic or questions and a suggested prayer for private or conference use. Wherever possible, the wish is to relate the spiritual message to contemporary daily life and happenings. A suggested method of using the guides could be: • • • • •

Reading (silently or out loud) all or part of the liturgical texts Presentation of the commentary in light of the reflection theme Sharing based on the discussion topic or question Consideration of the text or content in the THIS WEEK … panel Making the connection of the theme with the Prayer Text before praying the prayer together

Once again an invitation: we are always looking for assistance in producing the guides for members and volunteers. If you would like to help and could spare a day or so, please contact Wendy Scott or Bill Johnston on (02) 9560 8666.

Particular thanks are due to the contributors to this series of the Guides, Anne Bailey, Robyn Presdee, Jessica Pollard and Dr. Andy Marks. Anne and Robyn are also members of the editorial team. A useful weblink for the full Sunday readings is All spiritual reflection guides for 2009 can be accessed on the national website, and follow the spirituality link. In your work as Vincentians, may you continue to “nurture life, in joy and in hope”.

Bill Johnston Spiritual Advisor

Our Mission The St Vincent de Paul Society is a lay Catholic organisation that aspires to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society. Our Vision The St Vincent de Paul Society aspires to be recognised as a caring Catholic charity offering “a hand up” to people in need. We do this by respecting their dignity, sharing our hope, and encouraging them to take control of their own destiny. Privacy Statement Because the St Vincent de Paul Society respects the privacy of the people it serves, the names of any clients featured in this guide have been changed and pictorial models used. The Spiritual Reflection Guides of the St Vincent de Paul Society are produced by Spiritual Advisor, Bill Johnston. Acknowledgements: Text: Bill Johnston, Anne Bailey, Robyn Presdee Design: Rachel Anne Irvine ABN: 46 472 591 335 Spiritual Reflection Guide July - September 2009

My Grace is Enough 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ezek 2:2-5 2 Cor 12:7-10 Mk 6:1-6

Jean Vanier and L’Arche With customary directness, Saint Mark relates how Jesus was not accepted in his home town synagogue on the Sabbath. There are probably two points to make on this narrative. The first is that all of us encounter failure, even in some of our most generous gestures; Jesus was no exception. The second issue relates to what happens after failure or rejection. Saint Paul in the second reading has the Lord responding to his prayer “My grace is enough for you; my power is at its best in weakness” leading Paul finally to claim “For it is when I am weak that I am strong”. The name “L’Arche” is French for “The Ark”, as in Noah’s Ark. It was founded by Jean Vanier in 1964. From the original community in France, 130 other communities have been founded throughout the world in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and North and South America. L’Arche is a worldwide organization welcoming people from many different faith traditions, as well as people who have no formal affiliation with any particular faith tradition. Vanier became aware of the plight of thousands of people institutionalized with developmental disabilities. Although L’Arche communities are found in many different cultures and reflect the ethnic and religious composition of the locales in which they exist, they share a common philosophy and approach. People with disabilities and those who assist them live and work together to create homes.

THIS WEEK... Jean Vanier's 5 principles:

All humans are sacred; Our world and our human lives are evolving; Maturity comes through working with others; Humans need to be encouraged to make choices and to become responsible for their own lives as well as the lives of others; We need to reflect and to seek truth and meaning.

Prayer Dear Lord, Our world often believes that power is the key to life. You tell us: “Blessed are the meek, the gentle, the pure of heart.” In following your example, may we value and see your grace present in weakness and community. In Jesus’ name. AMEN

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Lord, Open my Ears 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Amos 7:12-15 Eph 1:3-14 Mk 6:7-13

Peace of God


I will hear what the Lord God has to say, A voice that speaks of peace, peace for his people. (Psalm 84:9)


Open my eyes, Lord. Help me to see your face. Open my eyes, Lord. Help me to see. Open my ears, Lord. Help me to hear your voice. Open my ears, Lord. Help me to hear. Today’s Gospel describes how, having lived with and followed Jesus for a couple of years and learned what he has to say, the disciples are now commissioned to go out and spread the message of the love, mercy, faithfulness, justice and peace of God. They are to offer and receive hospitality and bring healing to those who are troubled or sick. But this is to be done quietly and simply, not with great fanfare and trumpeting and they are to do all of this in God’s name, in Christ’s name, not on their own authority. What is the Lord God saying to you today?

Open my heart, Lord. Help me to love like you. Open my heart, Lord. Help me to love. © 1988, Jesse Manibusan, Published in As One Voice, used with permission, Licence No: 2262

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Who are the voices that speak for peace in your own daily life?

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How can we bring God’s message of mercy and love to those among whom we minister?

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Spiritual Reflection Guide July - September 2009

Contemplation in Action 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time Jer 23:1-6 Eph 2:13-18 Mk 6:30-34



A person who lives only at the active level is like someone who only breathes out, or like a heart that only releases blood. That would be a strange kind of life, if indeed it were even possible. Work and Leisure - by Br David Steindl-Rast OSB


Community is always poised between two poles: solitude and togetherness. Without togetherness community disperses; without solitude community collapses into a mass, a crowd. But solitude and togetherness are not mutually antagonistic; on the contrary, they make each other possible… We need time and space to be alone, to find ourselves in solitude, before we can give ourselves to one another in true togetherness. Contemplative Community - by Br David Steindl-Rast OSB

For the full article and other writings by Br David refer to his website: In his own life, Jesus recognized the need for “time out”, time in solitude where he could collect his thoughts, recover some of his energy, reaffirm his relationship with God. And he encouraged his apostles to do the same. Life cannot be always contemplation and solitude nor always action in ministry. There must be a balance. How do you manage to balance the demands of active ministry with your own need for prayer and contemplation? What particular aspects of prayer or contemplation bring you the most refreshment?

God of our lives, you are always calling us to follow you into the future, Inviting us to new ventures, new challenges, new ways to care, New ways to touch the hearts of all. When we get tired, Or feel disappointed with the way things are going, Remind us that you can bring change and hope Out of the most difficult situations. “The Pattern of our Days”, The Iona Community

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WYD SYD is really over 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 Kg 4:42-44 Eph 4:1-6 Jn 6:1-15

World Youth Day remembered

I was recently part of a pilgrimage group that represented many Dioceses in Australia and different groups and movements of the Church. We were the official delegation to handover the WYD Cross and Icon to the Spanish youth. For me, the most life-giving part of the pilgrimage was the other pilgrims. I met really genuine people from around our country, young people whose lives have been profoundly affected by WYD SYD. One girl came from Bourke Diocese in WA. She had never left WA, let alone Australia! Her experience of the week in Rome was one of excitement and awe as she struggled to take it all in. As we prepared to hand over the Cross and Icon, I could see two Spanish girls standing opposite us, ready to receive. They were so excited; one was holding the other’s hand and hopping from one foot to the other. I was reminded of the excitement in the lead up to WYD in Sydney and I prayed that Spain would be as deeply blessed by everything that WYD brings as Australia has been. The handover officially marked the end of our WYD and the beginning of Spain’s. The Spanish delegation was extremely vocal as the Holy Father addressed them as part of the handover. WYD Madrid is bound to be a noisy, joyous and a slightly crazy couple of days!! - Jessica Pollard

THIS WEEK... For all young people we ask: May Christ live in your hearts through faith... until, knowing the love of Christ, which is beyond all knowledge, you are filled with the utter fullness of God. (Eph.3:17 -19)

Prayer Good Lord, you fed in abundance those who were with you at the Sea of Galilee. You also fed the hearts and minds of all the young people who gathered in your name for World Youth Day. May your spirit in them bring peace and hope to our world. Amen.

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I am the Bread of Life 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Acts 4:8-12 1 Jn 3:1-2 Jn 10:11-18

Spiritual Nourishment

of Christ.

We need to be nourished spiritually to be able to fulfil the tasks that God demands of us. For Christians of the Catholic tradition the Eucharist is their primary source of spiritual nourishment. By celebrating the Eucharist we are linked to other members of the Body We become a Eucharistic community.

This experience should not be confined to the presence of the community at the Eucharistic sacrifice of the Mass but should flow over to all aspects of our lives. Is the family meal consumed in front of the television or the computer? Or is it consumed in front of the image of God – those we live with; members of the Body of Christ? A Eucharistic community can also be present in our Centres of “good works” such as the Nagle Centre in Campbelltown, a crisis referral centre partnered between the St Vincent de Paul Society and the Wagga Presentation Sisters. The Centre provides meals to anyone in need drawn there by desperate circumstances but also by what the Lord has provided; as in the wilderness experience of the Israelite community told in the reading from the Book of Exodus. At the Nagle Centre, members of the Body of Christ “come as they are” to be fed by other members of the Body of Christ who volunteer there. While physical nourishment may be the only focus of some there can also be felt the real presence of Christ in this Centre.

THIS WEEK... I am the bread of life, those who come to me will never be hungry; those who believe in me will never be thirsty. (John 6:35)

Prayer Loving God, we thank you for all your gifts so freely bestowed on us. Inspire us to live justly through the sharing wisely of our resources. Help us to serve our sisters and brothers, as you send us out to do your will in love for you and one another. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ, the true bread from heaven. Amen.

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Trust in God 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Acts 9:26-31 1 Jn 3:18-24 Jn 15:1-8

Blessed May of the Cross August 8th 2009 marks exactly one hundred years since the death of Mary MacKillop, whose life echoed the words of Jesus as quoted in today’s gospel reading from Saint John: “the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world”. In recognizing the holiness of her life, the Church named her ‘Blessed Mary of the Cross’ an acknowledgement of both the sufferings of her life and perhaps, too, the land where her work for others flourished. In recent months, Archbishop Philip Wilson formally apologized to the Sisters of Saint Joseph for the events leading to the excommunication from the Church of Mary and her Sisters in 1871. At a Catholic conference in Melbourne in April, Doctor Katharine Massam spoke of Mary as someone who was profoundly aware of the context of her life and had a sure trust and confidence in her own and her sisters’ mission. That was the source of her strength and sense of purpose, even in times of great hardship and persecution. The inscription at the foot of her tomb reads: Trust in God. Do you ever lose confidence in your ability and determination to work for the good of ordinary people? Mary MacKillop often said: “Never see a need without doing something about it.” Where do you find your strength to do just that?

THIS WEEK... "Overlooking the passage of time, the hardships we face as a society are not so different to Mary's - poverty, broken families, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, crime, homelessness, overwork and stress.. Mary is a modern-day heroine and a saint not because she was faultless but because she was able to draw on her faith and the strength and virtues of her character to mount seemingly impossible hurdles, not for her own ends, but to help ordinary Australians." Lesley O'Brien, Mary MacKillop Unveiled

Prayer Most loving God, Blessed Mary of the Cross witnessed to the human dignity of each person. She faced life’s challenges with faith and courage. Make us clearminded and persevering in doing good. Amen.

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Mary Full of Grace 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Prov 9:1-6 Eph 5:15-20 Jn 6:51-58

God Bearer The traditional fifteen mysteries of the Rosary - Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious - present to us the events of the life of Jesus for reflection and prayer. All five joyful mysteries relate to the Virgin Mary, all sorrowful mysteries concentrate on the passion and death of Jesus. But Mary is celebrated in the glorious mysteries as taken body and soul to paradise at the conclusion of her life and crowned Queen of Heaven. The tradition of the Assumption of Mary for Western Christians and of the Dormition of the Virgin in Eastern Churches is a very long one dating from as early as the fifth or sixth centuries. Although this feast has long been celebrated as the principal feast of Our Lady for Catholics, its definition as a dogma of the Catholic Church by Pope Pius XII on November 1st, 1950 is quite recent.


Mirror of justice, Seat of wisdom, Cause of our joy, Spiritual vessel, Vessel of honour, Singular vessel of devotion, Mystical rose, Tower of David, Tower of ivory, House of gold, Ark of the covenant, Gate of heaven, Morning star, Health of the sick, Refuge of sinners, Comforter of the afflicted, Help of Christians, Pray for us. Litany of Our Lady of Loreto Figure at right: Our Lady Warmun

Prayer Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ… May the prayers of this woman clothed with the sun Bring Jesus to a waiting world And fill the void of incompletion

The feast is at once a reaffirmation of the place that Mary occupies in Christian and Catholic liturgy and private devotion and a hopeful celebration of our belief in life beyond death. One of Our Lady’s oldest titles in the Greek orthodox tradition is simply “God bearer”. That is why the prayer from the Mass for the Feast of the Assumption can be confidently prayed by all who seek to bring the peace, compassion and hope of Jesus to others.

With the presence of her child. Amen.

‘Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.’ (Saint Luke)

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What place does devotion and prayer to Our Lady play in your life as a Vincentian?

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Spiritual Reflection Guide July - September 2009

You have the Words of Eternal Life 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Joshua 24:1-2, 15-18 Eph 5:21-32 Jn 6:60-69

The Rule: Jesus Christ

The Gospel of John is the gospel of the Eucharist and the gospel of no compromise for the follower of Jesus. In several places, it confronts the reader, as Jesus did the apostles, with the reality of his presence in the breaking of bread. And each time the only response is the one of faith that the words of the Master are ‘spirit and life’. The Eucharist is at the heart of Christian life; belief in the sacramental, continuing presence of Jesus in his followers and in the world is both humanly challenging and our ultimate source of hope. Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote that goodness or God is what all things strive for, that all things ‘go for God’. But human beings have the capacity to mistake goodness and choose what is not God; fame, money, power, possessions, influence. Despite the strength of the challenge of Jesus to the apostles in today’s gospel, the post – Easter promise is one of “my peace I leave you… come to me all you who labour and are heavily burdened and I will give you rest… my yoke is sweet and my burden light...” Saint Vincent de Paul said that his followers have only one rule: Jesus Christ. How do we make sure that we continually look to Jesus as the source of all that we do?


I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another. (John 13:35)

Prayer Lord Jesus All truth is from you And you alone bring oneness of heart Give us the joy Of hearing your voice in every sound, And of being in your presence in all that we do in your name. Amen.

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What is essential is invisisible to the eyes.

Follow your Heart 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 James 1:17-18, 21-22, 27 Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

The Presence of God Lord, who shall dwell on your holy mountain? Those who walk without fault; Those who act with justice and speak truth from their heart. Psalm 14:2 Br. David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk, who has been a leader in exploring ecumenical dialogue for more than 30 years, has been in Australia recently on a lecture tour.


John Calvin was born on July 10, 1509 and died May 27, 1564. Since 2009 marks the 500th anniversary of Calvin's birth, it's worthwhile to cite a passage from Calvin's writings: Christianity is not a matter of the tongue but of the inmost heart. [The gospel] is not apprehended by the understanding and memory alone, as other disciplines are, but it is received only when it possesses the whole soul and finds a seat and resting place in the inmost affection of the heart. Institutes

Br. David Steindl-Rast’s definition of religion: “The three main areas of every religion – intellect, will and emotions – are always prone to shrivel up into dogmatism, legalism, and ritualism unless they are continually rerooted in lived experience. This process is prayer. Prayer puts religion into the religions. Praying (in the widest sense) is what keeps religious experience from drying up into nothing but religious structures.” If you follow your heart, this sometimes involves making tough decisions. St Vincent de Paul teaches us that the work that we do within the Society will be fostered and strengthened through our prayer life. He encourages all in the Society to continue to pray. Can you think of an example of a time in your Vincentian work when your heart and mind were not in harmony?

Prayer May we follow God’s will by acting justly, loving tenderly and walking humbly with our God. Amen.

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Signs of Hope 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 35:4-7 James 2:1-5 Mk 7:31-37

Look a little closer

THIS WEEK... Hope growing, Silently, secretly, Swelling, burgeoning, bursting, Until the flower opens, The child is crowned, The prisoner is released, And hope is born.

Prayer God of all hopefulness, Think for a moment of the symbols of the desert – rocks and stones, sand and red dust, tumbleweeds and cactus, hot, dry winds. Picture the landscape of the Outback, or country Victoria after the devastating bushfires consumed everything in their path. Stay with these images for a while. Now look a little closer. Can you see the green shoots at the base of the trees? Can you hear the small creature scurrying amongst the blackened vegetation? Can you taste the cool, clear rainwater that has collected in the pool or is springing up from the great underground well? “Be present till the desert places blossom like a rose and hope is born again.”

For seeds of silent growth And secret expectation, We thank you. Bring hope to birth in us; Release us that we may worship In freedom and joy. From “The Pattern of our Days”, The Iona Community

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Stay with these images of new life, healing and hope for a while.

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Now you are invited to share the symbols and images you have with other members of your community.

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Spiritual Reflection Guide July - September 2009

Take up your Cross 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 50:5-9 James 2:14-18 Mk 8:27-35

Cross and Vincentian spirituality We preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human’s strength. 1 Corinthians 1:23-25 A cross is not just a piece of wood. It is everything that makes our lives difficult. It is everything that causes us suffering, particularly as we try to create a world that is less divided between rich and poor. “Vincentians see the crucified every day. But it is easy for the “world” to forget them. The challenge is to recognise the disfigured, crucified Lord and, like St Vincent and St Louise, to raise the consciousness of others to their plight. They also encouraged their communities to gladly bear their crosses as a positive reference point, like growth in service of the poor, community living and prayer.”


"Jesus has now many lovers of his heavenly kingdom, but few bearers of his cross. Many he has who are desirous of consolation, but few of tribulation. Many he finds who share his table, but few his fasting. All desire to rejoice with him, few are willing to endure anything for him. Many follow Jesus unto the breaking of the bread; but few to the drinking of the cup of passion (Luke 22:42). Many reverence his miracles; few follow the shame of the cross. Many love Jesus so long as no adversities befall them." Imitation of Christ, Book 2, Chapter 11.

Prayer Compassionate God, whose Son shared in our sufferings; we pray for the sick, hungry and all who suffer in any way. May they come to know your love and receive the help that they need. Amen

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He Hears the Cry of the Poor by R.P. Maloney, C.M.

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Can you name any such crosses that may have inconvenienced or burdened you while being called in service of the poor?

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May Peace Prevail 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 2:12, 17-20 James 3:16 – 4:3 Mk 9:30-37

Weathering the Storm The United Nations’ International Day of Peace – marked every year on September 21 – is a global holiday when individuals, communities, nations and governments highlight efforts to end conflict and promote peace. It is an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to create practical acts of peace on a shared date. Anyone, anywhere can celebrate Peace Day. It can be as simple as lighting a candle at noon, or just sitting in silent meditation. Or it can involve getting your co-workers, organization, community or government engaged in a large event. International Day of Peace is also a Day of Ceasefire – personal or political. Take this opportunity to make peace in your own relationships as well as impact the larger conflicts of our time. Imagine what a whole Day of Ceasefire would mean to humankind.” An extract from “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta.


"Whoever wants to be first must place themselves last of all and be the servant of all." Mark 9:35 This teaching of Jesus should be firmly entrenched in the work of the Society as its members become the humble servants of the poor. In doing so, we also become peacemakers; bringing practical and spiritual help to those who are not at peace in the many dimensions of their humanity. What act of humble service can you perform in the name of peace?

Prayer God of peace, guide us in the ways of mercy and truth. Send your Spirit to lead us through the cares of daily life. May we keep cool heads and loving hearts, as we walk the way of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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Justice and the Young 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Num 11:25-29 James 5:1-6 Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

Agents of change - bearers of hope At a recent social justice forum conducted at the Australian Catholic University, a young student posed the question, “What sort of society do we want to live in?” This is a question that goes to the heart of what social justice is all about. While it infers many aspects of present day society are flawed, it also says that we can make a change. With faith, compassion, knowledge and understanding we can determine what kind of society we want to live in. Justice has never been about having all of the answers. It is about asking the right questions. This is the impulse that motivated Frederic Ozanam, the principle founder of the St Vincent de Paul Society. In 1830s Paris, at a time of intense political upheaval, nineteen year-old Frederic was not concerned with questions of politics and power, his quest was social in nature. Like many young people, Frederic refused to accept that poverty and suffering was a part of life. He was not discouraged by the scale of the inequality he witnessed nor was he deterred by the cynicism of many elders who were convinced that change was impossible. Instead, Frederic drew inspiration from his colleagues and mentors and added “work to talk”. This passion for change and the belief that a better future is possible remains a central part of the St Vincent de Paul Society’s mission. As agents of change and bearers of hope, young people keep the Society young and remain a critical part of the Society’s pursuit of social justice. - Dr Andy Marks

THIS WEEK... "When I give bread to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no bread, they call me a communist." Dom Helder Camara, Former Brazilian Roman Catholic Archbishop Blessed are they who, instead of trying to batter down the gates of the kingdom of heaven, approach them humbly and lovingly and purified, for they shall pass right through. (UNIYA: Peace Prayers)

Prayer May the God of Justice make us see what is right and needs to be done May justice always guide our relations with other people. May Christ’s holding us dear be what motivates us. Amen.

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Spiritual Reflection guide

Spritual Reflection Guides are a publication of the St Vincent de Paul Society’s Spiritual Advisor, Bill Johnston and are designed by Rachel Anne Irvine. For more information about these Guides, contact Bill Johnston on (02) 9560 8666 or email

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