welco me! 2015-2016
H el lo
I’m Michelle
and I can’t wait to meet you.
we’re so excited for you!
You’re ge t t i ng ma r r i ed. How t hr i lli ng!
’m so glad that you’ve come to me to design and decorate your wedding. Here at Michelle Edgemont we pride ourselves in providing our clients with a fun, detail-oriented design experience. Your wedding is going to be cohesive, beautiful, awesome, and most of all, astonishingly bold and stress-free. L e t ’ s g e t s ta r t e d !
FA Q’s
what I do
look! polka dots made chic!
S o, a r e yo u a w e d d i n g p l a n n e r? I d o n ’ t g e t i t.
C a n ’ t I j u st d e s i g n m y ow n w e d d i n g using Pinterest?
Nope. I specialize in the aesthetics of your wedding, the visuals, flowers, décor, stationery, and lighting that creates the ambience of the party. My advice is to let the planners plan and the designers design. I’m happy to recommend to you my favorite full planners and month-of coordinators to work with us on your amazing wedding.
Sure you can. Do you have the knowledge and experience from executing five years of weddings for wonderful couples? Do you have hours and hours of free time to find the perfect inspiration images of the modern, colorful, vibrant invitations you crave? Do you know who all of the most creative and kind wedding vendors are in the NYC area who won’t rip you off? Are peonies available in August? (If you answered NO to all of those questions, then how about you contact me to chat about your wedding design and décor?)
diy W h at i f I d o n ’ t h av e q u i t e t h at much in the budget for design, d e co r, a n d f low e r s, b u t a m w i l l i n g t o s o u r c e m y o w n m at e r i a l s ?
W h at i f I d o n ’ t h av e av e r a g e d é c o r b u d g e t o f 1 5 k to s p e n d o n st y l i n g b u t o w n a l o t a l r e a d y t h at I wa n t t o u s e ? D o e s t h e 1 5 k c o u n t t o wa r d s t h e va l u e o f t h i n g s I o w n ?
I recommend you start with my Virtual Creative Direction option. This will give you a Design Board, color palette, and design direction PDF to use to source your own materials. If you decide you need help with installation or creation of decor and flowers, I’m happy to add on these services for you.
I’m happy to work with you to incorporate some of your own props. The average spend of $15k could easily be lowered by DIYing or sourcing some of your own decor. Many of my clients find sentimental value in creating a small amount of their own wedding decor elements. I can guide you through any projects you’d like to take on yourself. With my creative direction, I find that many of my couples find success in hand making details.
classic, with pops of color
details C a n I h i r e yo u to j u st d o m y f low e r s?
H ow m a n y p h o n e c a l l s a r e included in Virtual Event Design? D o yo u c h a r g e by t h e h o u r?
Long answer: Brand new to 2016 clients is the exclusive offering to work with me for Full Event Design. By giving me the opportunity to be able to design every aspect of your wedding— not only the flowers—you let me have more creative control to design your event with my unconventional, modern, vibrant style. Short answer: No.
The Virtual Event Design includes one initial design meeting phone call (or Skype so I can see your pretty faces) and one to go over the final Design Direction PDF. Hourly rates are charged if you need more than two revisions to the Design Direction PDF or would like any additional phone calls.
C a n yo u r e co m m e n d v e n d o rs o u ts i d e o f N YC ?
W i l l y o u t r av e l o u t s i d e o f N Y C f o r F u l l E v e n t D e s i g n i f w e c o v e r t r av e l c o s t s ?
Yes! My years in the industry has let me create valuable relationships with some of the best creative in the nation. Let me know where you are getting married and I’ll send of my favorites your way.
D o yo u d e s i g n w e d d i n gs o u ts i d e o f N YC ? Yes! You can hire me for my Virtual Creative Direction service, which is offered to clients who live/are getting married anywhere. Yay! I get to meet amazing brides and grooms from all over the world!
H ow m a n y w e d d i n gs d o yo u book in a weekend? I work on maximum one wedding per weekend. More specifically, I only work with ten couples per calendar year for Full Event Design in order to give you my absolute full attention. I recommend booking early.
off eri ngs
full event design $X,000
celebration that is equally as vibrant as it is memorable is my specialty. A cohesive design plan, especially for your stationery, ceremony, reception, flowers, and special details, creates the engagingly modern wedding day that you crave. Lucky for you, I’ll also be your florist, designing the colorful and carefree arrangements that I’m known for. My team and I will expertly execute your event décor—stationery, contemporary installations, backdrops, prop styling, and centerpieces—seamlessly on the day of your wedding
w h at’s includ ed? •
Custom Design Board and Color palette
Cohesive design direction for your flowers, stationery, rentals, lighting, and special detail décor presented to you in my exclusive Creative Direction Plan.
All individual items, such as escort cards and centerpieces, will be priced based on size, complexity, and materials used.
*Art direction and management of all other creative vendors, including stationers, calligraphers, and lighting professionals.
Curation of linen, china, and lounge rentals based on the Design Board
Event Design is only available to ten couples per year in order for me to provide you with the highest level of attention and service.
Timeline: Try to hire me at least 9 months out from your wedding day.
Event design is offered to clients with an average budget for décor, florals, and stationery of 15k (including the design fee), to make my service worth the investment.
look at that bouquet!
Virtual Creative Direction $ X , 25 0
what ’s i ncluded?
erfect for couples who are either A) very passionate about bringing to life a creative direction & need a solid start, or B) are working with an amazingly comprehensive wedding planner. We work together, entirely online, to create a design vision for your wedding. You take that vision, called a Creative Direction Plan, and make it come to life with your favorite wedding creatives, such as florists and stationers. This is a fun way for you to work with me to create a cohesive, vibrant design for your wedding without having to commit to full Event Design.
Custom Design Board and Color palette
Cohesive design direction for your flowers, stationery, rentals, lighting, and special detail décor presented to you in my exclusive Creative Direction Plan.
Timeline: Try to hire me at least 9 months out from your wedding day.
Perfect for couples that might not live or be getting married in the NYC area.
Options to add on: vendor recommendations, management and art direction of creative vendors, décor creation, & custom sketches
design that’s all YOU!
mi ssi on
believe that weddings don’t have to be traditional. Two people, pledging their lives to each other, will always be the foundation of a wedding day. I believe that personal celebrations are an opportunity to unleash bold creativity. I applaud those that do things in a way that are uniquely their own. I believe wedding dÊcor is more meaningful when it’s handmade, custom, and cherished forever. Details are made important, simply because they become mementos of the day you become a husband or wife. Be vibrantly unconventional.
pro ce ss
design process 1. Gather
You have officially hired me and booked your date with a retainer fee. From there, we’ll go through my exclusive design research process to gather inspiration for your design plan.
2. Present
I get to work designing the unconventional, modern, bold décor that I specialize in and present it to you in a comprehensive PDF full of sketches and inspiration images.
3. Execute
We source, purchase, art direct, and hand make all of the décor and florals for your wedding using my years of prop styling, design, and floral artistry experience.
4. Celebrate
I install and decorate your venue with my team. Your décor and florals are executed with the fullest attention to detail. You dance the night away with your new spouse surrounded by intentional décor that feels and looks exactly how you envisioned.
we want you to have fun!