Best of Botswana - Volume 05

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Volume 5

“MOVING BOTSWANA FORWARD” State of the Nation Address by His Excellency Lt. Gen. Seretse Khama Ian Khama, President of the Republic of Botswana Abridged, 13 November 2014


The Botswana Democratic Party was re-

jobs in 2014 and trained 9,317 entrepreneurs.

including the Makgadikgadi Heritage Trail. Our

elected on the basis of a detailed manifesto

Through the Botswana Bureau of Standards

conservation efforts were also acknowledged

that promised to secure our common future by

(BOBS), we have encouraged SMMES to

in the Okavango Delta’s listing as the 1000th

building on our past achievements:

implement quality assurance activities within

UNESCO World Heritage Site.

• Job creation;

their businesses.

• Food security;

Government has taken additional measures to strengthen anti–poaching efforts by increasing

• Land and housing ownership;


posts in the Department of Wildlife and National

• Quality education;

To address the shortage of serviced land,

Parks and deploying other law enforcement

• Economic empowerment;

Government shall continue to undertake

agencies like the Botswana Defence Force,

• Eradication of poverty;

land servicing projects to promote economic

Police and Prisons Services and the Directorate

• Zero tolerance for corruption;

development. In addition we will continue with

of Intelligence Services.

• Elimination of mother-to-child HIV; and

infrastructure design projects for another eight

• Government reform.

areas around the country.

Economic Outlook


600MW, supplemented by plants at Orapa and

The GDP stood at P124-billion in 2013 and is

Our GDP has been signifcantly boosted by

Matshelagabedi to meet spikes in demand, we

projected to expand to P136.5-billion in 2014.

renewed growth in the mining sector, which

should be able to cater for our domestic energy

GDP grew by 5.8% in 2013 and is projected

continues to drive our economy. This expansion

needs. To ensure long-term security of power

to grow by 5.2% in 2014, driven by both the

was primarily due to global diamond sales,

supply, additional power plants will give us the

mining and non-mining sectors (retail, hospitality

with current trends consistent with long-term

capacity to ultimately become a net exporter

and agriculture experiencing growth). Average

industry projections.

rather than importer of electricity.

Energy With Morupule B capable of producing up to

national infation continued to decline from 5.9%

Upward estimates of domestic production have been based on the opening of new mines


and an extension in the life spans of existing

Our enduring commitment to education and


mines. These developments should ensure that

training has resulted in it consistently receiving

Our Economic Diversifcation Drive (EDD) is a

we remain a leading global producer until at

the lion’s share of the budget. Government is

key instrument for job creation. Since 2010,

least 2050.

undertaking a system level transformation in the

in 2013 to 4.5% in September 2014.

form of the development of a sector strategic

EDD has facilitated employment generating


plan; the Education and Training Sector

consumption of local products. Our emphasis

In terms of job creation, rural income generation

Strategic Plan (ETSSP) 2014-19.

will shift to developing greater internal capacity

and food security, agriculture remains a priority

for export-led growth, while continuing to value

economic sector with still untapped potential.

International Cooperation

local goods and services. Nurturing SMMEs,

The Integrated Support Programme for Arable

Botswana continues to play an active and

supporting existing industries and value addition

Agriculture Development (ISPAAD), Livestock

meaningful role within the United Nations,

remain critical in our achievement of job creation.

Management and Infrastructure Development

intergovernmental and regional organisations in






Program (LIMID) and animal disease control

shaping the global agenda. Our foreign policy is


measures are key interventions for driving the

premised on the need to improve human dignity.

We have tightened our market monitoring for

sector forward.

greater effciency in the provision of goods and

Botswana’s credentials in promoting such cardinal values have earned her respect around

services, while the Competition Authority is

Tourism and conservation

the world. Botswana attaches the greatest

reviewing mergers and potential cartel activity

A driver of economic diversifcation, the tourism

importance to the peace and progress of her

involving both local and foreign companies. Job

and hospitality sector currently employs some

neighbours in SADC and the wider Africa region.

creation is inevitably linked to investment.

35,000. Our progress is refected in the fact that

UNCTAD’s 2014 World Investment report

we have experienced a 45% increase in licensed


showed Botswana grew by 27% in 2013. During

enterprises over the past decade, largely driven

Our foremost goal remains increasing job

the 2013-2014 fnancial year, the Botswana

by citizen investment.

opportunities for all Batswana. Our second

International Trade Centre (BITC) helped realise

We are continuing to fnd innovative ways to

priority is to bring dignity to all Batswana through

a total combined investment capital of over P1-

promote a broadening of the tourism product,

the elimination of abject poverty by 2016-17.

billion. Botswana was ranked number one in

in collaboration with the Botswana Tourism

Our third priority is to secure our citizens’ future

the 2014 Baseline Proftability Index, surpassing

Organisation, private sector and civil society

by ensuring that they have access to land and

Hong Kong as a location for medium to long-

partners. Our progress is evidenced by the


term returns on investment.

number of new attractions opening up in less developed areas.

Citizen Empowerment

Events such as Makgadikgadi Epic sky dive,

During the 2013/14 fnancial year, CEDA

the Khawa Dune Challenge and the Toyota

assisted 151 new enterprises with a value of

Kalahari 1000 Desert Race are bringing in

P152-million, collectively generating 1042 new

visitors while raising our country’s profle.

jobs. LEA has also facilitated the creation of 568

Several heritage trails have been developed

Let us remember to seek the blessings and guidance of the Lord in all of our endeavours; for in the end it is only through His grace, and our efforts, that all things are possible.


Foreword by His Honour the Vice President Mokgweetsi Masisi

“Best of Botswana” has become essential in the prestigious collection of books from Global Village Partnerships. The Republic of Botswana Presidency commends all contributors – and especially Batswana for their role in making Botswana the continental beacon that it is. “Best of Botswana” plays an integral role in inspiring the ethos of a prosperous, productive and innovative nation. For which we individually and collectively, play an integral part in sustaining our national heritage. 2014 has been a year of great successes. In May we hosted the 2nd African Youth Games in Gaborone. A fortnight of great sportsmanship as well as national and regional cohesion in support of the various sports codes that


participated. The event was verifcation of our

playing a part in the recent elections. As always,

success has been Botswana's ranking as the

commitment to sports and recreation as well

we exemplifed the democratic credentials of

least corrupt country in Africa, according to the

as apt demonstration of the positive role sports

an open, democratic and accountable nation

2014 Transparency International report.

plays on youth.

through the conduct of free and fair elections

Citizen empowerment remains our utmost

The Okavango Delta was inscribed as the

in October. The current administration have

priority, enabled through increasing job

1000th World Heritage Site by UNESCO in

staunch resolve to move Botswana forward


Doha, Qatar on June 22nd. This was the

through policies and programmes based on

Batswana through the eradication of abject

culmination of a seven-year process involving

people centred development.

poverty by 2017.






multiple stakeholders who ensured that our

In line with this, the Government of Botswana

“Best of Botswana Volume 5� offers a glimpse

Delta received the highest level of protection

remains committed to further growing the

into securing the future for our people and the

and preservation for posterity.

economy. The GDP stood at P124-billion in

abundant possibilities. Enjoy the publication and


2013 (up 5.8%) and is projected to expand by

be inspired.

development and we have tirelessly upheld

5.2% in 2014. This growth has been driven by

our green agenda. Not only does our prized

both the mining and non-mining sectors.





tourism industry rely on these values, so do the livelihoods of Batswana. Congratulations to Batswana for collectively

We remain highly competitive in the global markets and maintain a frm foothold within

Mr Mokgweetsi Masisi

southern African diplomacy. Another great

Vice President of the Republic of Botswana


Publisher’s Foreword “Best of Botswana is the ultimate showcase of all that this country has to offer. It is a celebration of Batswana who have worked hard to shape the successes currently being reaped and those that will endure for generations to come. Just as Botswana has become a beacon of political stability and economic sustainability on the continent, "Best of Botswana" has become an enduring beacon of pride amongst the nation.” Botswana still radiates an impressive rate of

dynamic and well-planned economy.

The beauty of Botswana’s renowned natural

growth with an enviable economy to match.

Not just the world’s future diamond capital,

heritage has established the country’s reputation

Government’s continued efforts to raise the

Botswana’s successes are rapidly gaining

as an appealing tourist destination. People from

standard of living have seen great improvements

momentum. The last year has seen a number

all over the world continue to visit Botswana with

for many in the population. The path of

of milestones being achieved – including

its offerings of a tolerant, warm and welcoming

sound economic management and political

successful national elections, the Okavango


governance, which has been forged since

Delta receiving UNESCO World Heritage status,

There is much to be proud of and Best of

independence, is being closely adhered to.

hosting the African Youth Games in Gaborone,

Botswana Volume 5 presents a celebratory

Economic diversifcation is evidently bearing

as well as being named the least corrupt country

outlet for this pride – with a unique heritage of

fruit and will continue to do so for all future

in Africa according to the latest Transparency

creativity and talent. The collective achievements

generations – presenting Batswana with a


of Botswana’s people have seen a surge in

Platinum sponsor

Proudly African

Boosting inter-trade & cultural relations across the continent


Gold sponsor

Silver sponsor

International Group Publisher Sven Boermeester Botswana Publishing Partner RedPepper PR & Communication Consultancy Africa Group Publisher Thapelo Letsholo Sales and Marketing Balepeng Montwedi; Delphene Lungah Project Manager & Production Gia Bischofberger GVPedia Communications cc Production Assistant Lebogang Bokole Managing Editor Rebecca Lovett Creative Direction Susan Heiman, iMedi8 Creative Images PressPhoto – BenDan Photography – Email: Vincent Grafhorst – Contact details: RedPepper PR & Communication Consultancy PO Box 26382 Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267 3951363 Fax: +267 3951368 Email: In partnership with Global Village Partnerships:

Thapelo Letsholo

entrepreneurial accomplishments, which has ushered in a new era in lifestyle.

success. Special thanks also go to our visionary

Once again I am delighted to share with the

sponsors for their continued support – most

world our ffth edition of Best of Botswana.

notably BoFiNet. We extend warm thanks to

Here we have collected a fresh pool of positive

the Vice President, His Honour Mokgweetsi

growth stories in a showcase of this land and all

Masisi, for honouring us with his Foreword and

that it offers.

sharing the continued endorsement from his




Proudly African - Connecting Minds - Building Communities





participants showcased here in our ffth edition. They have been leaders in their felds and played a signifcant role in contributing to Botswana’s

Thapelo Letsholo

Sven Boermeester

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in ‘Best of Botswana’ vol.5. Neither ‘Best of Botswana’, RedPepper PR, nor GVPedia Communications cc assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or submissions by participators. The editor reserves the right to amend and alter copy and visual material as deemed necessary. All rights reserved: No part of this publication shall be reproduced, copied, transmitted, adapted or modifed in any form or by any means. This publication shall not be stored in whole or in part in any form in any retrieval system.

Gia Bischofberger




Botswana Sport

Chapter 2

Chapter 1


Future Visions


Hotels, Lodges & Resorts

Chapter 4

Chapter 3


Travel & Tourism


132 Chapter 6

Fashion & Retail

Chapter 5

Dining & Hospitality



DĂŠcor & Interiors

Chapter 8

Chapter 7


Healthcare, Beauty, Lifestyle & Wellness



Chapter 9

Chapter 10



Chapter 11


Corporate Company Profles




Banking & Finance

Chapter 13

Chapter 12


Training & Education


Agribusiness & Food Security

Chapter 15

Chapter 14




244 Chapter 17

Transport & Logistics

Chapter 16

Mining & Construction



Internet Service Providers - ISP

Chapter 19

Chapter 18


Communications & Technology


296 Chapter 21

Conservation & Sustainable Development

Chapter 20

Media, Marketing Conferencing & Events


Botswana Vision 2016

‘Vision 2016 is a manifesto for the nation. It was designed to galvanise the efforts and resources of all Batswana for our national development’ – His Excellency, former President Masire.

Overview Vision 2016 was developed from a broad national





strategy for Botswana’s long-term development. The result was a set of ambitious goals for transforming a broad spectrum of the social, economic, entrepreneurial, political spiritual and cultural lives of Batswana, embodied in the Vision document: Vision 2016, A Long Term Vision for Botswana. The Vision was envisaged as a rallying point around which all Batswana would unite and actively manage the process of change. It was expected to guide strategic thinking and policy making over the following 20 years to 2016 when the country would mark 50 years of independence. Vision 2016 was based on four fundamental principles and contained seven pillars.

Fundamental principles: • Botswana operates within a rapidly changing world economy and social order; • The national principles that have defned Botswana’s cultural heritage must be embedded in the Vision; • Pride and nationhood should serve as rallying points for every Motswana; • The Vision and its implementation needs to be owned by all citizens.


Vision 2016 Pillars:

citizens, government, political parties, non-

1. An Educated, Informed Nation;

state actors and the private sector. At district

2. A Prosperous, Productive and Innovative

levels, Vision 2016 includes a number of socio-


economic and cultural rights under the Universal

3. A Compassionate, Just and Caring Nation;

Declaration of Rights and other international

4. A Safe and Secure Nation;

instruments that Botswana has acceded to.

5. An Open, Democratic and Accountable Nation;

Generally, CSOs and the private sector have aligned their policies with Vision 2016 targets.

6. A Moral and Tolerant Nation;

Botswana’s main development partners have

7. A United and Proud Nation.

also aligned their strategic plans with Vision 2016.


Three national development plans have been

In 1996, Botswana adopted Vision 2016 as a

developed in Botswana since Vision 2016 was

blueprint for its long-term development over

adopted in 1996. The goals and strategies of

a 20-year period. They year 2016 will mark

successive plans have complemented the

the end point of the Vision and 50 years of

objectives of Vision 2016. The theme for NDP

Botswana’s independence. As this landmark

8 was ‘Sustainable Diversifcation’. For NDP 9

year approaches, the Vision Council decided to

the Government adopted: "Towards Realisation

conduct an evaluation of Vision 2016.

of Vision 2016: Sustainable and Diversifed

As a long-term development strategy, Vision

Development through Competitiveness in

2016 is highly relevant to Botswana’s social,

Global Markets". NDP 10 aims at "Accelerating

economic, cultural and political development.

Achievement of Vision 2016 Through NDP10”.

The Vision has provided an overarching

The process of alignment of National

programme of action and a framework for

Development Plans to the objectives and



targets of Vision 2016 was initiated during the

mobilisation by a range of stakeholders including

implementation of NDP 9. NDP 10 achieved full

government, citizens, professional bodies, the

alignment with Vision 2016 and is presently the

private sector and development partners.

main implementation plan for Vision 2016.



There is overwhelming support for Vision 2016

Botswana has adopted the Millennium

as a national development strategy among

2000 Declaration and the UN Millennium


Development Goals. The MDGs complement

every September.

Vision 2016 pillars. Following the 2010 review

In terms of its governance structure, the Vision

of the MDGs in Botswana, NDP 10 became the

Council is accountable to the Offce of the

main delivery vehicle for the MDGs. As such,

Minister for Presidential Affairs in the Offce of

the implementation period for Vision 2016

the President.

overlaps with the programming for the MDGs in



Vision 2016 has made a signifcant impact


on public opinion around a common set of

Vision 2016 has been effective as a guiding

goals. Botswana has also achieved signifcant

framework for successive national development

economic growth and development since

Plans in Botswana since 1996. However,

the Vision was launched in 1996. However,

implementation of the Vision goals and targets

this cannot be directly attributed to Vision



2016 because it is likely that the rate of socio

sector level, and weaknesses in macro level

economic transformation could still have been

mechanisms and processes.

achieved within the framework of a stable macro-





The Vision Council was formally established in

Furthermore, other strategic policy frameworks

A small secretariat based at the Botswana

such as the MDGs could have led to signifcant

Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA)

social change within a similar macro-economic

was established in 2003. Functional committees

context. Nevertheless, the Vision has played an

are also operational. Of the seven Vision 2016

important role in galvanising Batswana around a

Council sub committees proposed in the Vision

common set of goals and objectives developed

document, only three are operational: Monitoring

by Batswana.

and Evaluation, Finance and Publicity.


economic environment and good governance.

1998, two years after Vision 2016 was launched.

The transformation of the economy over the

The Vision Council and Vision Secretariat have

period of Vision 2016 has resulted in major

made signifcant progress in popularising Vision

societal changes including rapid urbanisation

2016. Outreach programmes are effective and

due to a shift in population from rural to urban

successful and an annual Vision month is held

areas; transformation of the ‘family unit’ from

‘traditional’ to a nuclear family, and improved

economic transformation programmes.

access to education, health facilities, water and

programmes are based on a broader economic base to support development programmes.

Way Forward after 2016

To achieve this, the government will also

While some socio-economic groups and

As the end point of the Vision approaches

need to fast track its economic diversifcation

geographical areas have benefted from

in 2016, it is imperative that all stakeholders

programme while at the same time ensuring

improvements and government programmes,

including government, citizens, development

that the policy environment addresses key areas

poverty, economic exclusion, environmental

partners and NSAs, consider the country’s

of growth, wealth creation, sector support and

degradation, water scarcity, poor educational

options and their institutional/personal roles in

human development interventions.

outcomes and HIV/AIDS remains a reality for a

supporting Botswana’s development beyond

signifcant number of Batswana.



Resources will need to be channelled into institutional effectiveness in the post 2016 period.

There has been some success in the

Implementation of Vision 2016 has yielded

Specifc areas of intervention will include: policy

eradication of abject poverty as compared

valuable lessons for future development planning

development and implementation, governance

to employment creation. The proportion of

in Botswana. Botswana’s rapid transformation

systems, and capacity development.

individuals living below the Poverty Datum

over the period of Vision 2016 has been funded

At the programmatic level, there will be a

Line (PDL) decreased from 30.6% in 2002/3

mainly through diamond revenues. The decline

need to strengthen the effciency of programme

to 20.7% in 2009/10. The proportion of those

in government revenues as a result of the

interventions, participation strategies by partners

below US$1.25 per day decreased from 23.4%

global economic crisis has placed pressures

including civil society and the private sector

in 2002/3 to 6.5% during the same period. This

on government fnances and the development

and monitoring and evaluation frameworks for

relative success is due to Government’s direct


evidence based data collection.

involvement in abject poverty eradication.

A major policy question facing government is

Finally, any new long-term strategic plan for

how to increase employment, wealth creation

Botswana post 2016 will require political support


and economic diversifcation while at the same

and leadership. In this regard, not only will it be

Vision 2016 has been a galvanising force for

time achieving its goal of poverty eradication in

essential for any post 2016 national Vision to

Batswana in promoting national development

the face of declining diamond revenues. This will

have cross-party political support, it will also be

goals. Implementation of the Vision goals

be addressed by the remaining period of the

necessary that implementation of a new plan is

has been supported by favourable macro-

Plan, according to the MTR report produced

underpinned by legal and judicial frameworks for

economic conditions and relative political

by the Ministry of Finance and Development

the protection of rights and best practice in the

stability since 1996. Revenue generated mainly

Planning in 2012.

delivery of programmes.

from diamonds has been invested in social and

It is imperative that post-2016 development


Botswana Vision 2016 Vision 2016 was developed in 1996 through a national consultative process with the express purpose of defning a long-term vision for Botwana in order to propel its social-economic and political development into a competitive, winning and prosperous nation. Vision 2016 identifed seven foundation principles guiding us to 2016, the 50th anniversary of independance for the country.

By 2016, Botswana aims to provide its citizens with a universal, continuing and quality education system, enabling it to become an informed and IT literate society.

Botswana endeavours to achieve economic growth and diversifcation whilst promoting sustainable development and seeking to reduce unemployment.

A culture of responsible and accountable leadership will be enforced in the public service sector while the government will be expected to be open and transparent at all times.

In 2016, Botswana aims to be a discrimination-free society that respects moral and cultural values.


By 2016, Botswana seeks to alleviate poverty and to achieve a more equal distribution of income within the country as well as combating HIV/AIDS.

Our collective commitment to national unity, social stability and family values inspire us in our realisation and achievement of a united and proud nation.

Efforts are being made to combat crime and improve safety and security within the country with improved infrastructure to deal with newer forms of crime such as 'white collar' crime and major threats.

Secretariat Offces Plot 132 Unit B Milleniurn offce Park Tshwene Drive, Kgale View Private Bag BR 168 Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267 3918494 Fax: +267 3180234 Email: Web:


Proudly African

Boosting Trade, Development and Cultural relations across Africa.

Thapelo Letsholo, CEO Proudly African Proudly African is an initiative of Global Village Africa which is a marketing and business platform geared towards showcasing and harmonising Africa’s development, trade and cultural diversity to a global audience. This is where the BEST OF AFRICA organisations unite, promoting their vision

20 African states. We invite all leaders in business and government across Africa to showcase and integrate their visions and activities so as to promote inter-Africa trade, investment and technology transfer from around the globe. We also invite all Africa’s media, trade exhibitions, conferences and business chambers to use the platform to gain

customers, partnerships and joint ventures - so as to grow alongside the continent’s indisputable economic potential. The initiative has an unstoppable magnetic presence with its ever growing country and sectoral window already in over

Africa’s promise requires greater continentwide economic integration and inter-trade; such as in Europe, where integration has enabled the continent to become the world’s single biggest market. Integration and inter-trade is not only


urgent, but also indispensable to unlock economies of scale and propel Africa’s competitiveness in the global economy, thus

Africa’s massive economic potential still lies largely untapped - but not for much longer. The world is coming and so is the dream of a more united Africa. We need to make sure we maximise on the growth for the

Proudly African - Connecting Minds Building Communities

Botswana at a Glance


average caloric intake and education levels are

Botswana is a very open, upper middle income

well above average.

economy with exports representing a large proportion of GDP. It is a member of a number of regional and international organisations like the Southern African Development Community, Southern African Customs Union, African Development Bank, the African Union, the International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group

East Asian tiger’s per capita average of $3,854 and more than four times the $1,826 average per capita income of an individual living in sub-Saharan Africa. The proportion of births attended by skilled health peaked to an average of 99.0% in 2006. Of all sub-Saharan Africa

and the United Nations and its economy has no

nations, Botswana has been the only one

exchange controls.

free from international political turmoil since

Having enjoyed Africa’s longest and one of the world’s longest booms, Botswana has attained

independence. Botswana






a standard of living almost similar to those of

assistance from the International Monetary Fund

Mexico and Turkey. Relative to sub-Saharan

(IMF) and World Bank. Instead of borrowing

African averages, most economic and social

heavily from the IMF and World Bank, the

indicators refect outstanding living conditions for

country instead only allowed these lending

the average Botswana citizen. Botswana’s infant

organisations to play an advisory role rather than

mortality rates are much lower than the average

a lending or planning role.

sub-Saharan African rate. Similarly, Botswana’s


The country’s 2001 per capita income was approximately twice as high as the average

After gaining its independence, Botswana

remained dependent on the British Exchequer for

Communications which increased by 31.6, 9.8


international aid. By 1972, the country was able

and 6.3% respectively. The improvement in real

This activity started with the mining of diamonds

to sever fnancial ties with the British Exchequer

value added of the Water & Electricity sector was

after the discovery of diamonds and has been

at Orapa in 1971 followed by copper-nickel

due to a 95.1% increase in the local production

production in 1973 at Selibe Phikwe. Since

of electricity which led to a substantial decrease

the early 1980s, the mining industry has been

in intermediate consumption. The decrease

the largest contributor to real GDP. These

in intermediate consumption was a result of

mineral contributions enabled the government

imported electricity going down by 44.9%.

to undertake investments, in both human and

Mining continues to be the largest contributor to

physical infrastructure development over time.

growing from strength to strength since.

GDP Estimates The estimated GDP at November, 2014 prices for the second quarter of 2014 was P36 054.1 million compared to a revised level of P32 704.9 million registered in the frst quarter of 2014. The estimated GDP at constant 2006 prices for the second quarter of 2014 was P20 283.5 million compared to P19 958.1 million registered in the frst quarter of 2014, recording an increase of 1.6%. Real GDP went up by 4.5% in the second

GDP. Its contribution to GDP stands at 26.6% in second quarter of 2014 followed by Trade, Hotels & Restaurants and General Government at 14.5% and 13.7% respectively. Botswana’s national accounts are compiled according to the 1993 System of National Accounts by National Accounts and Prices

According to the National Accounts Report of 2012, the mining sector accounted for 19.6% of Botswana’s GDP, and more than 50% of government revenues. Even though the mining sector’s contribution to GDP has been below 25% since the 2009 economic recession,

quarter of 2014 compared to 7.3% accrued in the

Statistics. The accounts adhere to the General

available data shows that the sector still leads

same quarter in 2013. At industry level, most of

Data Dissemination System of the IMF, which

in terms of value added contribution to GDP.

the increase was attributed to Water & Electricity,

sets out standards on coverage, periodicity and

Statistics Botswana says that the index of

Trade, Hotels & Restaurants and Transport &

timeliness of data.

mining production in the frst quarter of 2014



stood at 96.2, showing a year-on-year growth

asset quality. In 2013, banks improved service

of 16.7%. Diamond production grew by 26.0%


in the frst quarter of 2014 as compared to

electronic banking offerings. Most notable was

2013 frst quarter. The increase in production

the expansion of internet-based services which

was largely due to plant maintenance which

allow merchants to accept credit and debit card

was done at Orapa during the frst quarter of

payments through the internet.

2013. Production increased following plant maintenance. Gold production increased by 25.8% from the frst quarter of 2013 to the frst quarter of 2014.

Banking Botswana’s commercial banks are competitive and growing rapidly. Currently, there are nine commercial banks, namely, Barclay Bank,





Moreover, access to banking services has expanded further through an increase in branches, Automated Teller Machines and other service delivery channels such as mobile phones and internet banking. The report also notes a gradual improvement in the competitiveness of the Botswana banking sector. Financial depth and development, as approximated by the ratio of private sector credit to GDP, improved from 17% in 2012 to

Standard Chartered Bank, Stanbic Bank,

18% in 2013 which is above the Sub-Saharan

First National Bank, Bank Gaborone, Bank of

average of 17%. This ratio has been found

Baroda and Capital Bank, Bank of India and

to have a strong statistical link to longterm

State Bank of India. In addition there are three

economic growth. The ratio of banking credit

statutory banks: the National Development

to GDP (another proxy variable that determines

Bank, Botswana Savings Bank and Botswana

the ability of banks to mobilise savings in the

Building Society.

economy) increased from 47% in 2012 to 51%

In its latest supervision report, the central

in 2013, which translated into a slight increase

bank – the Bank of Botswana, says that

of the sector’s fnancial depth. Liquid assets

notwithstanding the unfavourable economic

ratio remained above the minimum statutory

conditions globally, the country’s banking

requirement of 10%. The banking industry’s

sector is stable and remains broadly sound,

total income (interest income and noninterest

prudently managed and solvent. Banks remain

income) increased by 9.3%. Interest income,

well above the statutory prudential requirements

which is the main contributor to the sector’s

and the industry itself maintains satisfactory

total income, increased by 7.6%.


Botswana Stock Exchange

by widening the choice of asset classes available

This is one of Africa’s best performing stock

to local investors, increase the liquidity of the

exchanges averaging 24% aggregate return in

BSE and deepen fnancial markets in Botswana.

the past decade. Formally established in 1989,

The third largest stock exchange in terms

BSE operates and regulates the equities and

of market capitalisation, in Southern Africa,

fxed interest securities market. It continues to be pivotal to Botswana’s fnancial system as an avenue on which government, quasigovernment and the private sector can raise debt and equity capital. BSE plays host to the most preeminent companies doing business in Botswana. These companies represent a spectrum of


BSE is a member of COSSE (an Association of Southern African Stock Exchanges) and African Securities Exchanges Association. It is exploring ways of forming alliances with other stock exchanges through the World Federation of Stock Exchanges.

Water and Electricity Following





industries and commerce, from banking and

implementation of the Water Sector Reforms

fnancial services to wholesaling and retailing,

Project, the Water Utilities Corporation’s

tourism and information technology. In August,

customer base has grown from 80 000 at the

2014, BSE listed NewPlat, a platinum-backed

beginning of the reforms in 2009 to just over

exchange-traded fund. This listing is expected

300 000. The government has drilled 10 951

to help expand the Botswana investment market

boreholes across the country. The Corporation

presently supplies over 75 million cubic metres

of three of the four Morupule B Power plant

National e-Government Strategy

of safe, high quality potable water annually to

generators which was done towards the end of

This Strategy outlines seven major programmes

its total customer base. The water consistently

July 2013. This increase is also attributable to

and approximately 25 interrelated projects to

meets the Botswana Standard for Drinking

the continued use of emergency generators to

move appropriate government services online,

Water Quality Specifcation and the World Health

feed into the national grid.

signifcantly improving public service delivery

Organisation Drinking Water Quality Guidelines.

During the frst quarter of 2014, the volume of

A wide variety of parameters are tested in the

imported electricity amounted to 616 205 MWH

Corporation’s state-of-the-art laboratory near

compared to 595 429 MWH imported during

Gaborone, the capital city. Water samples are

frst quarter of 2013. Importation of electricity

also sent to other strategic laboratory alliances

increased by 3.5% between the frst quarter

in the region for further testing. The quality

of 2013 and that of 2014. This slight increase

of water is tested at various points in the

in imported electricity is attributed to technical

distribution network, including the consumer's

problems experienced in Morupule B Power

tap in order to maintain the set quality standards

plant during the months of February and March

e-Government projects by 2016 but the

and safeguard the consumer's health.

2014, resulting in more importation of electricity

complexity of some of these projects means

The index of the physical volume of electricity

to compensate for the shortage. In October,

that there will be spillage into the next planning

generation stood at 418.3 during the frst

2014, President His Excellency Lt. Gen. Seretse


quarter of 2014, indicating an increase of 13.4%

Khama Ian Khama announced that the country

Following on the completion of a fail-safe

over the same quarter of the previous year. The

will build more power stations to across the

national optic-fbre network, a rural electrifcation

increase is attributed to the commissioning


programme continues, with more homes and

and accelerating the uptake and usage of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) across all segments of society. Government consulted over 1 000 people and scores of organisations across the country to incorporate their insight into the basic tenets of the Strategy. The government plans to complete priority


villages being connected to the global community through international connectivity. Such connectivity has been enhanced by access to the East Africa Submarine System which the government has invested heavily in. Additionally, the liberalisation of the telecommunications sector has seen a dramatic increase in marketplace competition, resulting in improved service levels and lower costs for consumers. Currently, Botswana has over 60 unique major IT systems supporting government service. In 2010, the national number of mobile phone connections exceeded 130% of Botswana’s population. Major banks now offer services online, as do insurance companies. Air Botswana allows travellers to make online fight bookings, and many small to mediumsized companies are using the internet to market their goods and services. The use of computers and the internet is increasing in homes and offces throughout the country, supported by initiatives which seek to make ICT accessible to all Batswana. “For Botswana to fourish and prosper in the 21st century, we will need to become innovative users of ICT and have a high performing government that provides convenient, effcient electronic services to all of our citizens. e-Government can help us to achieve both of these objectives, and the 2011-2016 e-Government Strategy provides us with a pragmatic roadmap to get there,� President His Excellency Lt. Gen. Seretse Khama Ian Khama said upon the launch of the National e-Government Strategy.


Gateway to the North takes shape After decades of waiting, construction of the

Infrastructure Trust Fund Grant. The







Kazungula Bridge fnally began in September, 2014.

undertaken by South Korean Daewoo Engineering &

The Kazungula Bridge and Border Project entails the


implementation of new infrastructure to replace the existing ferry and border facilities between Zambia

Tax Benefts

and Botswana at Kazungula border post.

Unlike most tax authorities around the world, the

The project comprises the construction of a road

Botswana Unifed Revenue Service does more

bridge over the Zambezi River, border facilities in each

than enforce laws – it has a very strong customer

country and approximately 10 kilometres of bridge

service component. One particular beneft it extends

approach and access roads. Due to the absence

to companies is deducting 200% as an allowable

of a bridge, hundreds of vehicles have to wait for a

expense from their income after training their

week or two to pass through the existing pontoons,

employees at Botswana accredited institutions. The

costing the regional economy a lot of money.

criteria for eligibility are as follows: the employee

The bridge is seen as a vital economic link between

should be a citizen of Botswana, working either full-

Botswana and Zambia and the rest of Africa and is

time or part-time employment and undertaking or

expected to integrate the economies served by the

having undertaken education of training relevant

North South Corridor as well as develop the mining

to the employment of such employee. Training

sectors of Zambia and the Democratic Republic

must be undertaken at a university, polytechnic or

of Congo. More importantly, it would serve as the

other public institution for education, in or outside

“gateway to the north”, connecting the SADC region

Botswana and must be approved by the Botswana

to the entire continent. The bridge will eliminate the

Qualifcations Authority.

risks associated with operating pontoons and reduce transit time from 36 hours to 2 hours. The project is being funded by the Japan

Africa’s least vulnerable to climate change

International Corporation Agency (JICA), the African

For decades now, Botswana has pursued a path

Development Bank (AfDB), the European Union

of sustainable development to protect its natural

(EU) as well as the governments of both southern

resources. This task falls to the Department of

African countries. JICA is contributing 57.5%, AfDB

Environmental Affairs in the Ministry of Environment,

31.5%, Botswana and Zambia an equal 9.2% while

Wildlife and Tourism. The Department’s mandate

the remaining 1.8% will come from the EU’s under its

is to ensure protection of the environment and


conservation of natural resources by formulating, coordinating and monitoring the implementation of national environmental policies, programmes and legislation. The tourism of the Okavango delta, which was offcially declared one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa in 2013, is operated on a highvalue, low-volume business model – few visitors paying high prices. Botswana is currently developing a climate change policy and one of the people involved in this process is David Lesolle, a University of Botswana lecturer who is Africa’s Lead Negotiator at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In 2014, Botswana emerged as the 32nd least vulnerable to climate change among 116 nations and the least vulnerable in Africa according to the frst-ever climate change rankings by Standard & Poor’s (S&P) credit ratings agency. The Botswana’s overall ranking of Botswana of 32nd places it two places above Russia, seven above South Africa, eight above Netherlands, 22 above Japan, 24 above Brazil and 44 above Zambia. The average vulnerability rank of 'AAA'-rated sovereigns is 18; that of the 'B'-rated sovereigns 84. Botswana is rated ‘AA’. S&P says that the order indicates that over a long time horizon, climate change could contribute to diverging ratings.

Africa’s least corrupt For 18 years in a row, Botswana has been consistently ranked the least corrupt country in Africa and one of the least corrupt in the world in the Corruption


Perception Index of Transparency International. In

durable democracy made it an obvious choice for

recognition of this achievement, the Commonwealth

a peace-keeping mission in Somalia in 1993. The

has launched its frst continent-wide anti-corruption

Botswana Defence Force contingent acquitted

centre in Gaborone. The Commonwealth Africa Anti-

itself very professionally and there was not a single

Corruption Centre provides accessible and practical

instance when it engaged in any skirmish with any of

guidance to national agencies in 19 countries across

the warring factions in the country. Five years later,

Africa. The Association of Anti-Corruption Agencies

BDF was dispatched to Lesotho on another peace-

in Commonwealth Africa will play a vital role in

keeping mission where it worked alongside the South

developing programmes for the Centre, including the

African National Defence Force to restore law and

sharing of technical expertise and policy advice, the

order to the troubled mountain kingdom. In late 2014,

provision of a helpdesk based at Botswana’s own

a BDF brigadier, colonel and lieutenant colonel led a

Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime and

delegation of international military experts who were

specialist training in forensic investigation and asset

overseeing the reintegration of the Renamo militia into


the Mozambican army following a year-long armed confict. Other military experts were drawn from other

Africa’s most durable democracy

countries like South Africa, Britain and Italy. When

Alongside Mauritius, Botswana is the only other

the peace talks started, Renamo had insisted that

Africa to have consistently adhered to democratic

Botswana be given observer status at the talks.

rule since gaining independence. The country held its 11th general election on October 24, 2014 which

Best African model to emulate

were pronounced free and fair by all observers.

While it has become a subject of scholarly research,

The Southern African Development Community’s

the transition of Botswana from third poorest country

100-member team was led by South Africa’s Minister

at independence in 1966 to the economic success it

of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite

is today continues to vex development economists.

Nkoana-Mashabane, and included former Malawian

In an academic paper titled “Explaining Botswana’s

president, Joyce Banda. Botswana is consistently

Success: The Critical Role of Post-Colonial Policy”,

ranked the best governed country in Africa.

Dr. Scott Beaulier suggests that “By studying the history of Botswana’s development, we can begin to

One of Africa’s best peace-keepers

understand what choices other nations must make

Botswana’s reputation as the continent’s most

to truly reform.”




Top Reasons

to Do Business in Botswana

1. Political Stability Botswana has successfully held eleven general elections since Independence in 1966. Each election has been a multiparty affair in keeping with the constitutionally-entrenched democratic provisions. As Africa’s longest standing democracy, political stability is a key stimulant to invest in Botswana.

2. Safety and Security Botswana boasts one of Africa’s and the world’s most secure and safe countries, with low, stable rates of various crimes and well-trained law enforcement equipped with the latest crime prevention strategies and equipment. The country has either no or very little exposure to global vices such as terrorism, cyber-crimes, money laundering and others.

3. Corruption Over the years, international studies have consistently ranked Botswana among the world’s least corrupt countries, a position buttressed by several public, private and civic anti-corruption entities as well as a wellestablished ethos instilled in the country’s economic sectors.

4. Top Sovereign Credit Rating Botswana has long been among a handful of countries worldwide to enjoy top-notch credit ratings for both their economic outlooks and political stability. One such last rating, published by Standard & Poor’s in July 2013 ranked Botswana ‘A-’ and ‘A-2’ for the long and short terms, respectively based on a strong government balance sheet, well-managed economy and a long record of political stability.


5. Foreign Exchange Policy

services and increased uptake by businesses

Botswana does not have foreign exchange

and citizens. By the end of 2012, mobile phone

controls nor restrictions on capital outfows of

subscriptions were measured at 3.08-million

capital from fnancial institutions, freeing up cash

(153% teledensity), while broadband subscribers

fow movements for investors. In addition, since

were pegged at 18,838 from 6,000 in 2008.

2005, the country has used the crawling peg

Mobile internet subscribers were measured at

mechanism as its exchange rate policy, keeping

339,926 from nearly zero a decade earlier.

the Pula competitive based on the infation differential in major trading partners.

9. Infrastructure Since Independence, Botswana has heavily

6. Stable Infation

invested in the nationwide roll-out of primary

A major component of the country’s macro-


economic policy has been to attain a low, stable

world-class roads, dams, electricity, and ICT

and predictable level of infation in order to

installations to urban, rural and tourist areas.

maintain the economy’s global competitiveness

Since 2009, infrastructure spend has peaked as

and while preserving value for investors and

part of an initiative to pull the economy out of the

resident businesses alike. Helped also by

recession while also sticking to projects outlined

appropriate monetary policy, infation has largely

in the National Development Plan. Maintenance

been kept at or near set parameters over the

and upgrading of existing infrastructure has also

years, and has been downtrending since the

been a policy priority.




global recession.

10. Institutions 7. Taxation

Investors in Botswana in their various areas of

The World Bank’s Doing Business Report as

enterprise are guaranteed suffcient institutional

well as the World Economic Forum’s Global

support, without the attendant over-regulation,

Competitiveness Report have both highlighted

as a result of the global benchmarking

the comparatively low levels of taxation in

and consultations undertaken prior to the

Botswana as an incentive to investment. In

establishment of these institutions. Today,

recent years, fscal changes have been made to

the country boasts institutions such as an

simplify the taxation regime, as well as methods

investment and trade centre, fnancial services

of payment to further consolidate this position.

centre, fnancial intelligence agency, competition authority, local enterprise authority, accountancy

8. Information and Communication Technology

oversight authority and others.

Government and the private sector have

11. Investor Protection

poured billions of Pula over the years into the

The entrenchment of the rule of law in Botswana

development of the country’s ICT backbone,

from Independence to date and the subsequent

with the rapid roll-out of data, Internet and voice







protection laws in the country, makes it a rarity in a world turning towards resource nationalisation and protectionism. The country is a signatory to the World Bank's Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and other agreement ensuring maximum security for investors.

12. Enforcing Contracts The country’s bedrock of local laws and international agreements has seen it most recently ranked 61th in the world out of 185 economies for enforcement of contracts by the World Bank’s Doing Business Report 2015. The country has a competitive number of procedures, days and cost for contract enforcement which are continuously under review by a committee in the nation’s highest decision-making organ, Cabinet.

13. Resolving Insolvency The World Bank’s Doing Business Report 2015 ranks Botswana 49th among 185 economies for the ease of resolving insolvency with a recovery rate of approximately 62.7 cents per dollar invested and a duration estimated at 1.7 years. The duration compares with 3.4 for subSaharan Africa and 1.7 for the OECD.

14. Accessing Credit Financial and capital markets in Botswana are among the most sophisticated in Africa, boasting numerous home grown players as well as offshoots of established international groups. A recent Rand Merchant Bank survey placed Botswana among the top fve easiest countries in Africa to access a bank loan, while the World Enterprises Survey showed that Botswana boasts the highest percentage of frms with


bank loans or lines of credit in Africa.

have the ability to pay for high value goods as seen in the explosion of the retail sector in the

15. Trading Across Borders Being a landlocked country has traditionally

past decade.

limited Botswana’s competitiveness in lowering

18. Literate Population

the cost and duration of cross-border trade.

Botswana’s heavy investment in education over

However, heavy infrastructure spend in aviation,

the years has yielded dividends in data pegging

roads, railways and border control as well as

the country’s literacy rate (among citizens aged

policy improvements in trade have helped

15 and above) at about 81%. At this level,

improve ease of trading across borders from Botswana. Of late, signifcant investments have been made in automating border controls with the introduction of a scanner at the busy South African border at Tlokweng to boost costs and times taken for trade.

16. Registering Property The World Bank’s ranks Botswana 51st among 185 countries for the procedures, time and cost of registering property. Legislative improvements have also been passed to assist faster property development, which include the recent passing of amendments to the Town and Country Planning Act. The improved Act will allow

Botswana is Africa’s 12th most literate nation, a signifcant achievement given the low access levels of primary and secondary education at Independence.

19. Skilled Population The country has developed signifcant human resource skills across mining, construction, fnancial services, tourism and travel as well as other key economic sectors over the years. A network of local and international universities/ colleges, accreditation and certifcation bodies ensures that quality standards are kept to world standards, while government policy ensures that the skills being produced match industry requirements.

investors in far areas to have their application for planning permission approved locally instead

20. Labour Relations

of waiting for a sitting of the Town and Country

Relations between employers and employees

Planning Board in Gaborone.

in Botswana have traditionally been amicable, particularly when compared with other parts

17. High-net Worth Market

of the continent. In the public sector, several

While much has been made of the fact that

pieces of legislation and tripartite agreements

Botswana’s population is only 2.04-million, the

guide dispute resolution, while private sector

far less spoken story is that this is a high-net

entities have similar agreements based on

worth market of sophisticated consumers. The

existing laws. The existence of national laws,

country’s per capita GDP has risen from an

dispute resolution institutions and enterprise

estimated US$70 at Independence in 1966, to

level agreements have erased the need for

the US$7,136 recorded in 2013. The country’s

militancy among unions over the years.

government, private sector and households


2014 General



For the 11th time in its political history, Botswana went to typically free, fair and peaceful polls that returned the Botswana Democratic Party to power. That is also the verdict that was returned by all election observer teams from the Southern African Development Community and the European Union.

Speaking at a press briefng held three hours

the early hours of Sunday morning, the Chief

after voting started, the spokesperson of the

Justice of the High Court, Maruping Dibotelo,

Independent Electoral Commission (IEC),

appeared on Botswana Television to announce

Osupile Maroba, said that everything was going

that the BDP party had won 29 seats of the 57


in play and declared its leader president. Four

Three candidates vied for the presidency.

days later, Dibotelo swore in Khama at the

They were President Ian Khama of the ruling

National Assembly grounds in Gaborone. The

Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), Duma Boko

president will not serve out the full fve years

of the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC)

that a general election win mandates. The

and Dumelang Saleshando of the Botswana

constitution allows him to serve for 10 years as

Congress Party (BCP). The BDP won 37 seats,

president and having started his term on March

UDC 17 and BCP three.

31, 2008, his term lapses on April 1, 2018 when

October 24 marked the second round of

he will hand over to his Vice President.

voting – the frst had been exactly a week prior.

Vote-rigging in Botswana is next to impossible

In terms of the law, election offcers and police

because of the transparent and rigorous

offcers who will be on duty during Election Day,

processes put in place by the IEC. Candidates

as well as citizens residing outside the country,

are allowed to ask for a second recount if they

are given a chance to cast their votes a week

are not satisfed with the frst count. The very

in advance.

last results were announced on Sunday evening

Polls opened at 0630 hours and closed at 1900 hours at all 2606 polling stations across

after one of the candidates asked for a recount of close to 20,000 votes.

the country. Early vote results that started

The IEC is as independent of the control of

trickling in on the night of Election Day showed

the executive arm of government as its name

that the BDP was well on its way to victory. In



The privatisation of state enterprises The privatisation of state enterprises has reached a critical phase with the Botswana Telecommunications Corporation Limited (BTCL) launching its initial public offering (IPO) in November 2014. If the process goes as well as the government hopes, the National Development Bank will be next.

A month before the launch of BTCL’s IPO, prospective shareholders were briefed on the process and how they should ready themselves to take advantage of this historic opportunity. Speaking at the IPO Awareness Pitso (grand assembly), then Minister of Transport and Communications, Nonofo Molef, said that the government was determined to ensure that the transition of BTCL into a fully-fedged private sector entity succeeds and that “immediately” thereafter, the National Development Bank (NDB) will follow. “If it goes right, then we should see the success of privatisation in other state enterprises,” the Minister said. At the time of its IPO launch, BTCL’s CEO, Paul Taylor, said that the company was doing extremely well. “Our revenues have been impressive for the past years. Driven by our mobile network and revenue from data and private circuits, we surpassed the billion pula mark. In the fnancial year 2012/13, our revenues surged past the billion pula mark to stand at P1. 375 billion compared to P 1.187 billion recorded in the 2011/12 fnancial period,” Taylor told the Pitso. The company’s proft before tax increased by 20% from P237-million recorded in 2011/12 to


stand at P284m in 2012/13 with net proft margin

IPO; offer period; issuing shares and reconciling

dominance of its own spending in the economy

growing to 21% from 20% in the previous year.

fnances; and, listing on board at BSE.

and create a private sector-enabling and

“Data is compensating well for declines in

The privatisation process is being spear-

supportive policy environment. It recognises the

voice revenues” Taylor said that with internet

headed by the Public Enterprises Evaluation

need to bring about a policy environment that is

penetration in the country at about 10% there

and Privatisation Agency (PEEPA) whose

private sector-friendly and highly supportive of

is further potential for growth in data based

chief mandate is to develop privatisation

production processes.


strategies and implementation plans for cabinet

The privatisation of a state enterprise has


“Promotion of Private Public Partnership projects will boost investment in the economy

to be approved by cabinet, following which

Speaking at the BTCL Pitso, PEEPA’s Chief

and relieve government of the burden of being

such enterprise is registered as a company.

Executive Offcer, Kgotla Ramaphane said

directly involved in the productive processes of

When a fully-fedged private sector entity,

that support measures required to facilitate

the economy. Outsourcing of those activities

51% of the company’s shares are retained by

successful privatisation include encouraging

that are best supplied by the private sector

the government and 49% of the shares will

citizen participation. Through privatisation,

will increase effciency and productivity in the

be issued to citizens and non-citizens in the

the government hopes to strengthen the

system thereby enabling wealth creation to

following manner: 5% of the shares are allocated

role of the private sector in the economy,

occur. However, in order for prosperity for all to

to citizen employees through an Employee

reduce dependence on government welfare

be achieved, the privatisation and outsourcing

Share Ownership Plan and 44% to citizens and



process should be free of rent extraction,” the

non-citizens, with at least 30% to citizens and

encourage FDI fows and improve Botswana’s

Ministry of Finance and Development Planning

those remaining to non-citizens.

global competitiveness.

observes in a document that reviews the



The IPO is undertaken in the following stages:

Two weeks after the IPO Awareness Pitso, the

engaging IPO Advisors; undertaking due

government-owned Botswana Oil Company

In return for a conducive private sector-friendly

diligence (legal, operational, human resources);

(BOL) was launched. BOL’s Chief Executive

environment, the government hopes that private

auditing fnancial statements; undertaking

Offcer, Willie Mokgatle has also announced

sector investment will bring capital, managerial

fnancial due diligence and valuation; fnalising

that the parastatal will hive off some of its

skills, and technological knowhow in order to

prospectus; securing approval from the board

shareholding (49% according to government

achieve rapid economic growth.

of directors, the Botswana Stock Exchange,

policy) and offer them to citizens in its own

Unlike other Third World countries that

Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board

privatisation process that will be undertaken

privatised state enterprises at the instigation

and the Companies and Intellectual Property

when the company starts doing well.

of the Bretton Woods institutions, Botswana is

Authority; IPO marketing/road shows; launching







National Development Plan 10.

undertaking this process of its own volition.


Statistics Botswana Statistics Botswana was established under the Statistics Act of 2009 following transformation of the Central Statistics Offce which started its operations as far back as 1967. The Organisation is a preeminent parastatal organisation responsible for the development and management of offcial statistics, and the offcial source and custodian of offcial statistics in the country.

• Collect, process, compile, analyze, publish, disseminate and archive offcial statistics on commercial, industrial, fnancial, agricultural, energy,

communication and general activities but also on conditions of living of households • Produce and provide Government, the private sector, parastatal organisations, international organisations, the civil society and the general public with statistical information for evidence based decision-making, policy formulation and planning as well as investment purposes • Provide advisory and technical service to all users on statistical matters • Develop and promote the use of statistical standards and appropriate methodologies • Conduct the population and housing census every ten (10) years and other censuses and surveys such as agriculture census • Organize and maintain a central depository of statistical reports, publications, documents and data from both within and outside Botswana • Coordinate, monitor and supervise the activities of the National Statistical System (NSS). The NSS, once fully operational, is envisaged to consist of additional agencies and institutions in Botswana dealing with or directly associated with; - The provision of documents and other information






connected with carrying out of statistical business; - The use of offcial statistics and other statistics; - Research and development of statistical methods and techniques.


offcial Statistics Mission: To provide credible offcial statistics that enables evidence based decision making Values Our fve (5) founding values are: • Integrity/Botho • Accountability • Teamwork • Service excellence • Confdentiality

Statistics Botswana is governed by a Board of

Statistics Botswana’s business is to:


Vision: To be the leading provider of quality


Mandate and Functions


Strategic Foundations

Directors reporting to the Minister of Finance and Development Planning. The Organisation also





through a horde of highly trained professionals with tailored-skills and disciplines to drive the mandate of the Organisation forward.

Corporate Services Statistics Botswana’s Corporate Services function has been an integral part of the organisation’s transformation from being a department within the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning to being a parastatal organisation. The directorate gives support to undertaking numerous statistical activities as well as the Organisation at large. Some key administrative measures that have been put in place are: • The relocation of all Gaborone offces to a unifed building, Finance House-now Statistics Botswana headquarters; • Migration of payroll from Government to Statistics Botswana Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system; • De-registration (from Government) and registration of feet under the custody of Statistics Botswana; • Transfer of pension funds to a private pension fund administrator (AON Botswana); • A Performance Management System (PMS) has been developed; • Monthly compliance reports on internal control and cash fows are being produced.

Broad Areas of Statistics Produced and Support Services Social Demographic Statistics • Labour

His Excellency Lieutenant General Seretse Khama Ian Khama at the Statistics Botswana stall at the 2014 World AIDS Day commemoration

Statistician General-Anna Majelantle handing over the African Symposium Drum to the Head of the National Statistics Offce of Uganda as the next host of the ASSD • Poverty • Education • Health • Census & Demography and Crime Civil & Vital Registration • Crime Economic Statistics • National Accounts • Prices • Trade • Industry • Tourism • Transport • Infrastructure & ICT • Agriculture • Environment • Business Register Support Services • Statistical Standards and Methods • Quality Assurance, Training and Certifcation • Data Management • Information Systems • Mapping and Geographical Information Systems • National Statistical Systems Coordination • Dissemination and Documentation • Corporate services

Recent Statistical Outputs Since its establishment in 2009, Statistics Botswana has collected data and published a series of reputable statistical data from different surveys and the Population and Housing Census as well as from administrative data. Surveys and the Population and Housing Census • 2011 Population and Housing Census results showing that the total head-count of Batswana is at 2,024,904 against 1,680,863 realised in 2001. The results further show a


1.88% growth rate per annum. • 2013 Botswana AIDS Impact Survey (BAIS) IV results showing that the survey estimated a national prevalence rate of 18.5% in 2013, as compared to 17.1% on 2008, and that incidence rate went down from 1.45% in 2008 to 1.35% in 2013.

His Honour the Former Vice President-Dr P.H.K Kedikilwe (left), Statistician General Statistics South Africa-Pali Lehohla and Statistician General Statistics Botswana-Anna Majelantle, ASSD celebrations in Gaborone

Other Sector Statistics including Administrative Data • 2014





Developmental Goals (MDG) Indicators report which contains different indicators from the Vision 2016 pillars as well as from the MDG's. • 2013 Human Settlements Report showing that during the 2001 and 2011 censuses; the population of Botswana experienced an intercensal increase of 20.5% (annual average growth rate of 1.86%). The report further remarked that the annual growth rate of Botswana has been declining during the past twenty years and this could have been infuenced by the go-slow in natural increase and net migration. • Monthly and quarterly publications on the Consumer Price Index (apprising on National Infation fgures (December 2014 National infation rate stood at 3.8%), Gross Domestic Product (Estimated GDP at market prices for 2013 was P78, 007-billion), and the International Merchandise Trade Statistics (which details both imports and exports fgures as well as balance of trade for the country; total imports and exports stood at P6, 080.1 billion and P7, 943.7 billion, respectively in August 2014, recording a trade surplus of P1, 865.5 billion). • Education statistical publications indicate that secondary school enrolment stood at 172,669 in 2012, whereas primary school enrolment was 337,206. Health producers national health indicators such as Maternal Mortality Ratio which shows that in 2013 there were 91 maternal deaths compared to 74 recorded in the preceding year (2012) and a Maternal Morality Ratio (per 100,000 livebirths) of 182.6. • Transport shows that in the frst quarter of 2014 alone, Botswana realised 8,662 frstregistrations of motor vehicles. • Agriculture: The 2012 agricultural survey results depict a declining trend in agricultural production both in the livestock and crop sub-sectors. Results from the 2012 survey indicate that livestock population between the 2011 and 2012 agricultural seasons decreased as follows; cattle population dropped from 2.5-million to 2.2-million, goats from 1.8-million to 1.6-million and sheep from 295,966 to 293,966 etc.


Statistics Botswana Board Chairperson, Letsema Motsemme

Forthcoming Censuses and Surveys – Data Analysis and Enumeration Botswana Information & Communication Technology (ICT) 2014 Survey

evaluating and reformulating ICT policies, programmes and strategies; • Assess the digital divide in households in Botswana; • Provide data for international and regional

Fieldwork/enumeration of the Botswana ICT

benchmarking and for tracking progress

Survey of 2014 was conducted between 09

forwards achieving the MDGs and the WSIS

August 2014 and the end of September 2014,


under the theme “Credible ICT Statistics, A Key for Future Developments”. Data processing

Botswana Literacy Survey 2014

and analysis is currently underway, and results

Enumeration activities for the Botswana Literacy

are expected to be disseminated in 2015. The

Survey of 2014 were conducted between 03

objectives of the survey were to:

February and 31 March 2014. Data processing

• Obtain socio-economic information with a

and analysis is currently underway, and survey

view of understanding usage patterns of ICT

results are scheduled for release in 2015.


The primary objectives of the survey were to:

• Collect, collate and analyze ICT statistics in

• Measure the literacy and numeracy skills

line with World Summit on the Information

and competencies needed for individuals to

Society (WSIS); • Determine the ICT access gaps and identity barriers to ICT access in Botswana; • Provide a knowledge base for designing,

participate in socio- economic development; • Assist in better understanding how education and training systems can nurture these skills (literacy and numeracy);

commercial holdings will start in September 2015 and end in December 2015. Questions that Farmers and Ranchers will be asked The agriculture census data collectors will ask questions mainly about:

Honourable Minister of Finance and Development Planning-O.K Mathambo (left), Statistics Botswana Board Chairperson-Letsema Motsemme (middle) and Deputy Statistician General (Statistical and Technical Operations)-Dabilani Buthali, ASSD celebrations in Gaborone

• The population of livestock • Types of crops planted • Area ploughed • Farming practices • Disease-control measures • Impact of programs such as NAMPAAD and ISPAAD, etc.

Dissemination of offcial statistics Statistics Botswana disseminates statistical outputs and products to different stakeholders (government ministries, departments and agencies, researchers, training institutions, political leadership, international and regional organisations, researchers, the public etc.) through electronic mechanisms, dissemination conferences, meetings and workshops, and dissemination of publications. All stakeholders are invited to access offcial statistical outputs from the stated mechanisms especially through the Statistics Botswana Library and Website ( Dissemination conferences are organised to disseminate census and survey results. Other face to face dissemination mechanisms such as workshops, meetings and public outreach are also utilised. Dissemination of publications is done

Statistician General, Anna Majelantle • Assess literacy and numeracy skills and out of school population’s ability to use available technology to solve problems;

through: objectives of the agricultural census are to: • Provide time series basic information on crop and livestock production;

• Provide an accurate picture of the distribution

• Provide time series basic information on

of key information processing skills among

agricultural farming practices and farm labour;

adults with both high and low levels of skills;

• Produce a new baseline data at the district

• Provide equity levels in access to education

and national levels for evidence-based policy

and training for out of school population and

planning and decision-making by Government

• Collect a broad range of information from the

and other stakeholders, including farmers

adults taking the survey, including how their

and ranchers.

• Statistics Botswana Library • Public libraries around the country • Libraries of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agriculture Research and Botswana College of Agriculture • National Archives • Botswana National Reference Library • Universities • Stakeholders who were involved in the census or survey

skills are used in different contexts. Data Collection Plan

For your data requests contact:

The 2015 Agriculture Census

Field work (data collection) will start in January,

Private Bag 0024

The Agricultural Census is a count of Botswana’s

2015 and fnish in December, 2015. The data

Plot 8843 (Head Offce)

cattle posts, lands, farms and ranches, and the

collection exercise will be divided into two

Khama Crescent, Gaborone

people who operate them. The Government


of Botswana has always relied on agricultural censuses to produce agricultural statistics for

Phase 1: The frst phase will focus on traditional

evidence-based policy planning and decision-

holdings and run from January 2015 to

making. The Agricultural Census is aimed at

September, 2015.

Regional Offce: Private Bag F193 4th Floor Ntshe House, Francistown

collecting, processing, analysing, and publishing relevant agriculture statistics. Specifcally the

Tel: +267 367 1300

Phase 2: The last phase will focus on

Tel: +267 241 5848


Icons of Botswana Kgosi Mosadi Seboko In a Botswana where fathers stayed a safe distance away from newly-born babies because it was believed that the negative energy from their earthly misdeeds would jinx the babies’ chances of a happy life, word would have been swiftly relayed to Kgosi Mokgosi III on June 7, 1950, that his frst-born child was a girl.

Mosadi carved out her own life path, completing her secondary school at Moeding College in 1969 and venturing into the world of work. The year of 1971 was very eventful because not only did she launch her career at Barclays Bank Botswana, she also got married. In 1978, Mosadi divorced him and focused on her family and career. Mosadi’s brother ruled from 1996 until 2001 when he died heirless after a short illness. It was at this point that Mosadi staked her claim to the chieftaincy on the basis of being Mokgosi frst-born child. The Botswana of 2001 was different from that of 1966 when her father died and the idea of a woman kgosi was unthinkable. This was a Botswana in which women’s empowerment was moving at a tremendously fast pace and so few raised eyebrows when Mosadi declared her desire to rule her tribe. At this time, she was working as a foor manager at Century Offce Supplies in Gaborone. In justifying why she qualifed to be kgosi, Mosadi gave another reason besides accident-of-birth entitlement. She stated that in her career she had had the opportunity to handle, manage and supervise people. “This has given me capacity to discharge and develop my human

“Well. It’s a woman. What can I do? It’s my child’,” the chief remarked

resource management skills. Since the chieftainship is highly people-

stoically – or so Mosadi told the New York Times more than half a century

oriented this experience is important, and having been involved with a

later when the international media descended on Ramotswa to witness

service industry this has helped me work with people and consider their

her installation.

needs. And … I’ve also brought up children, including of course, helping

As the Balete supreme traditional leader, Kgosi Mokgosi III was expecting a boy heir apparent. His remarks begot the baby’s name – “Mosadi”, which is Setswana for “woman”. The only boy, Seboko Mokgosi Seboko, did come along much later and became kgosi when he reached majority age after a long period of regency. Not once entertaining the thought of ever donning the leopard skin wrap around her shoulders – the equivalent of coronation in western societies –


my mother with my younger sisters and brother – the late Kgosi Seboko – that is, after my father Kgosi Mokgosi III, died rather prematurely,” she said. With the support of her family and senior members of the tribe, she fought off challenge from detractors and on January 7, 2002 made history as Botswana’s frst woman kgosi. A year later she notched up another record as the frst woman to become Chairperson of Ntlo ya Dikgosi. Her offcial installation was on 30th August, 2003.

Phillip Matante If knowledge that there are heavily armed people protecting the country lulls you into deep sleep, then the person you ought to remain eternally grateful to is a now deceased man called Phillip Matante.

his party’s manifesto well enough to include “full independence under an African government, freedom of speech, press, assembly, religion and a review of the boundaries created by European powers in Africa.” A larger-than-life fgure, Matante was inducted into liberation politics in South Africa by African National Congress, among them Walter Sisulu. Coming back home to participate in a political process taking the country to independence, Matante joined the Botswana Peoples Party, becoming its vice president. He proved to be a handful for the last remnants of the colonial government. At this time the man who would later become Botswana’s frst Permanent Secretary to the President, Phillip Steenkamp, was working in Francistown as a District Commissioner and crossed paths

Having inherited no military establishment at independence, the new nation of

with Matante on numerous occasions.

Botswana was helpless against hostile neighbours in South Africa, which also

“He had Russian money and was stirring up people,” Steenkamp recalled of

controlled present-day Namibia and Zimbabwe – or Southern Rhodesia as

his namesake in a 2007 interview.

it was called then. As a member of parliament for a border constituency that

Matante won the 1965 election, becoming the frst Francistown and Tati

suffered ceaseless attacks from Rhodesian forces, Matante tabled a motion

MP as well as the frst parliamentary Leader of the Opposition. The latter

as early as 1966, calling on the government to form an army. Initially there

position earned him a seat the independence conference in February, 1966

was resistance from the government, including President Seretse Khama but

at the Marlborough House in London. He was one of four Africans from

the Francistown and Tati MP persisted. In a paper he authored with Paul

Bechuanaland Protectorate participating in the conference. The others

Sharp, the former commander of the Botswana Defence Force and current

were the Prime Minister, leader of the Legislative Assembly and head of

Botswana High Commissioner to Nigeria, Lieutenant General Matshwenyego

the delegation, Seretse Khama, Deputy Prime Minister Quett Masire and

Fisher writes that, “It must be noted here that the creation of the BDF could

Bathoen Gaseitsiwe who represented the House of Chiefs. Unhappy with

not have come about without the agitation of political and civil society.”

the draft constitution, Matante and Bathoen walked out of the conference

That agitation paid off in April 1977 when the BDF Bill was tabled. Matante

and never returned. That notwithstanding, the constitution was debated

welcomed the government’s decision noting, “I give the Bill my fullest

and approved in London on 21 February 1966.


Matante died in 1979 while still very active in politics. There are streets

The other agitation that history remembers Matante for is that he radicalised

named in his honour in Gaborone, Francistown and Selebi Phikwe.


Icons of Botswana

James George Haskins He may have been the only white person in Botswana’s frst cabinet but James George Haskins did not consider himself an outsider in any way. “I look on myself as a Motswana and I am proud of it,” Haskins told The Star in 1966. His parents were English but having been born and brought up here, Haskins would have been hard put to call any other place home. Called to the Legislative Assembly in 1965 as a specially elected member, he was part of the core group that oversaw the transition of colonial Bechuanaland Protectorate into independent Botswana. President Seretse Khama appointed him Minister of Mines, Commerce, Industry and Water Affairs. It seems fair to suppose that this appointment may have had something to do with the historical association between the Khama and Haskins families. The grandfathers of both men, Bangwato supreme traditional leader, Kgosi Khama III and James Haskins, were personal friends who also had a business relationship. A February 19, 1914 letter from Khama to Haskins outlines a transaction between the two

trading centre in what is now called the North

As Minister of Works and Communications, he

men and ends with the kgosi telling the English

East district, and moved back to Francistown

oversaw the takeover of the Rhodesia Railways

trader: “I am very much uncertain about my visit

in 1923.

line through the country by Botswana Railways

to Francistown but hope to do so whenever convenient.”

James George Haskins started his working

and the development of many tarred roads.

life in the family business which had grown

In 1979, a year before Khama’s death,

At this time, Haskins had been in Francistown

exponentially over the years. Haskins joined

Haskins became the third Speaker of the

for 17 years and was involved in a number of

what was then called the Bechuanaland

National Assembly and retired 10 years later. In

commercial enterprises. The Francistown of this

Democratic Party (which became the Botswana

retirement, he continued to indulge one of his

era was a booming mining town, its Monarch

Democratic Party after independence) whose

passions – philately and served as a member of

Mine, one of the leading gold-mining centres in

leader was Seretse Khama. His explanation

the Philatelic Advisory Committee. He was so

Southern Africa. After establishing himself in the

for this was that “I saw in Mr. Khama and his

enamoured of the Rhodesia Railways 10th-class

town, Haskins went back to Bristol, England to

party the best hope for the future in terms of

4-8-2 that when a stamp designed worked on

fetch his wife and six children.

development, prosperity and political stability.”

the issue of a trains series, he insisted on its

Of the three sons, one was called George and

Haskins would play a crucial role in carving

years later when he started his own family, he

out the path to such prosperity. As Minister

James George Haskins was born on 24th April

named one of his sons, James George. When

of Mines, Commerce, Industry and Water

1914 and schooled in Plumtree, a Zimbabwean

the patriarch’s sons came of age and joined

Affairs, he represented the government in talks

town that is some 107 kilometres from

their father, what Botswana now knows as

to establish Debswana Mining Company, a

Francistown. His marriage to Dorothy in 1939

J. Haskins & Sons was born. Having started

partnership between Botswana and De Beers.

produced four children: Patricia, Ian, Guy and

with a coffee shop in 1897, down the years



Carol. The great tragedy in his life was the loss

the business ventured into the motor trade,

rich diamond deposits in Orapa and later in

of three of the four children during his lifetime.

ranching, mining, retail and wholesale trade as

Jwaneng and Letlhakane. It was this discovery

However, two of his grandchildren now work in

well as hospitality.

that transformed Botswana from one of the

the family business – the ffth generation of the

poorest countries in the world to the economic

Haskins family to do so. Haskins died on 22nd

success it is today.

October 1990.

George, with his small family spent the early years of his marriage in Nswazwi, then the main





Thuto Ramphaleng Dramaboi When he listened to Eminem songs while still a primary school student, Thuto Ramphaleng knew what he would be doing in adult life. Now at the early stages of that life, he is no longer just Eminem’s fan but a fellow professional. Born on 3 March 1993 in Gaborone, Dramaboi went to Maoka Junior Secondary School and Gaborone Secondary School where he nurtured his musical talent. He started writing songs at the age of 14. Now hailed as one of the hottest motswako acts in the country,

Ramphaleng’s transition to bonafde rapper is complete. He is a certifed hit machine, has sold merchandise for the nation’s premier clothing label, packs entertainment venues to the rafters and has acquired a hip stage name that has overshadowed his offcial one – all this at the young age of 21. Hopefully, Dramaboi will one day get to share the stage with the man who inspired his career; because there is real promise that this could happen. When United States rapper Ja Rule came to Botswana in April 2014, he was one of the local acts who were selected to feature in this show. Ja Rule and Eminem are peers and it says something about Dramaboi that he can feature in a Ja Rule-headlined show. This career choice was nothing that his family (nuclear and extended) approved of; but he was determined to pursue his dream. To perfect his talent, Dramaboi participated in open-mic sessions, poetry shows and rap battles. At the tender age of 17, he released his frst single, Godzilla, under Dee Zone HsP record label. Then followed his frst album, Township Music, and a limited-period deal with Mafa Soul Clothing to be its brand ambassador.


Icons of Botswana

Shanti Lo By artistic standards, the name may sound ordinary, but there is certainly nothing ordinary about Shanti Lo when he hits the high notes.

music business, Shanti Lo has made a name for himself both locally and internationally. In addition to playing at corporate gigs and headlining local shows, he has become a permanent fxture at practically all national awards ceremonies and beauty pageants that matter. In 2014, he joined My Star, an America Idoltype show, as a judge. As an award-winning

An award-winning Afro jazz singer, Shanti (real

artist, Shanty Lo is more than qualifed to decide

name Tuduetso Loeto) started his musical career

who should win.

at the age of nine. Family circumstances seem

Internationally, he has wowed audiences

to have steered him in this particular direction.

in the SADC region as well in Sweden and

His grandfather was a ballroom dancer and a

Ireland. In Sweden he performed alongside

member of an acapella band in the 1940s; his

world-renowned guitarist, John Selolwane (also

pastor uncle was an accomplished guitarist;

a Motswana) and Swedish jazz singer, Anna

and his mother, a singer, was the frst Motswana

Christoffersson at the Stockholm Pride Festival

female artist to record an album in the late 1990s.

on 5 August 2011.

Coming of age, Shanti enrolled at the LISOF

The highlight of his career was on 6 July

College in South Africa to study fashion design

2012 when he was part of a show that featured

but his love for music remained strong. The

internationally-renowned jazz recording artists,

result is that he now juggles an active musical

David Sanborn and Joe Sample from the United

career with his fashion design business.

States - which was held at the Gaborone

In the period of time that he has been in the


International Conference Centre.

Alfredo Mos To have been in the local music industry for almost three decades and still be relevant is a rare achievement. This sums up the story of award-winning Alfredo Mos (real name Alfred Mosimanegape). Alfredo’s introduction to professional music was in 1987 when he played a guitar in Les Africa Sounds, the resident band at Gaborone Sun Hotel. The band leader was the now deceased Lawi Somana from the Democratic Republic of Congo – or Zaire as it was called then. Three years later, Somana died and the band went into a coma. However, it later regrouped under Alfredo’s guidance and began plying its trade in Gaborone and surrounding areas, mainly in Mogoditshane. Another DRC man, Bizzah Mupulu, came on board in 1993 and introduced to the band’s live shows a form of twerking dance known only called motlakase (electricity), which proved very popular with audiences. Les African Sounds came to national prominence in 1997 when it released its frst album – Botshelo – which enjoyed considerable airplay on Radio Botswana (there were no private radio stations then) and it notched up impressive sales. The following year, with Alfredo still at the helm, the band released another album called Motho. As the band’s stature grew, Alfredo made a good enough impression to play in local shows featuring musical giants like South Africans Brenda Fassie (now late), Jabu Khanyile, Bayete, Yvonne Chaka Chaka, Stimela, Mahlathini, Mahotella Queens, as well as United States super band, Shalamar. Some 28 years later, Alfredo has 17 albums under his belt and through his stewardship of Les Africa Sounds, created an environment conducive to the development of careers for stars like Franco. He has also taken up activism, advocating for the rights of musicians. It was through his lobbying that the Botswana government promulgated the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act to fght piracy.


Icons of Botswana Mogakolodi “Tsotso” Ngele In his very frst Premier Soccer League (PSL) season after signing from Botswana’s Township Rollers, Mogakolodi “Tsotso” Ngele scored 13 goals - helping his team, Platinum Stars, to fnish second in the league.

began his footballing career in 2007 at Uniao

In April 2012 when Rollers played Notwane at the National Stadium in Gaborone, Floyd Mbele, the Chairman of Platinum Stars, came all the way from South Africa to watch the 22-year old marvel everyone was raving about. Around the same time, Bidvest Wits was also interested in Ngele’s services. The team’s coach, Roger de Sa, revealed they had already invited him for trials in Johannesburg. Platinum Stars won this bid and Ngele ended up signing a three-year contract with the team in 2012. In April 2014, Ngele was signed by South Africa’s premier sports agency, Prosport International. While he signed a fve-year contract with Mamelodi Sundowns F.C. in 2014, he will stay with Platinum Stars until the end of the 2014/15 season. At no point has Ngele disappointed. In a championship game against SuperSport in 2013, he drove home a brace to enable Platinum Stars to win the Absa Premiership. Personally,

Flamengo Santos. Four years later he moved

he fnished the season as his club’s Leading

to Township Rollers where he stayed for two

Goal Scorer of the Season and as the fourth

years. It was while at Rollers that he attracted

leading goal scorer in the ABSA Premiership.

An attacking midfelder, Ngele is doing a terrifc job of fying Botswana’s fag in South Africa. In between his PSL matches, the former Botho College student also fnds the time to play for Botswana’s national team and was part of the frst ever squad to play in the African Cup of Nations tournament in Equatorial Guinea in 2012. Born on 6 October 1990 in Gaborone, Ngele


the attention of South African scouts.

Polka Dance Traditionally in Botswana, culture is exported from Gaborone to the rest of the country. But in a highly unusual development, Kgalagadi District is introducing the whole country to a type of dance that is taking the whole country by storm.

This dance is called polka and it made its formal

the National Academy of Recording Arts and

President Ian Khama attended this festival

entrée into the national cultural fare via the

Sciences, which hosts the Grammy Awards, had

and was shown on Btv gliding across the polka

President’s Day Competitions that are held in

a polka music category.

dance foor with a dance partner. There were

mid-July and broadcast on Botswana Television

Polka became popular throughout Botswana

many more events where polka dancers were

(Btv). The polka dance category is mostly

through the efforts of President Seretse Khama

featured. In September 2014, the Department of

dominated by a group from Kgalagadi and very

Ian Khama as well as the 2014 Khawa Sand

HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care in the Ministry of

few competitors come from the southern part

Dune Quad Challenge & Cultural Festival.

Health hosted polka dance competitions at the

of the country.

The latter is a tourism product development

ministry’s headquarters in Gaborone.

A couple dance, polka originated in the middle of the 19th century in Bohemia (part of present-

initiative aimed at achieving the goals of product diversifcation in Botswana.

The popularity of polka has made possible its commercialisation. In September 2014, Reharko

day Czech Republic) and spread to the rest of

The Festival features quad bike races and a

Polka Dance group released the frst polka music

Europe. It was from there that the dance spread

variety of cultural activities (such as polka dance)

album titled Die Antwoord which is Afrikaans for

to South Africa and then Kgalagadi. Until 2009,

that are native to Kgalagadi.

“the answer.”


Mascom Live Sessions – 25 editions of exciting music! Following a rich history of supporting

Mtukudzi, Salif Keita and Hugh Masekela have

Hansen-Larson, teaming up with jazz maestros

talent development, Mascom Wireless and

shared the Botswanacraft stage with local

Shanti-Lo, Nnunu Ramogotsi and Lister

Botswanacraft partnered to host the trail-

musos Socca Moruakgomo, Kearoma Rantao,

Boleseng for music workshops. Interested local

blazing Mascom Live Sessions in March 2011,

Shanti Lo and Nnunu. Who can forget the

artists had the opportunity to gain expertise

forever changing the Botswana entertainment

electrifying performances of Freshlyground,

in various disciplines, including vocals, bass,

landscape. The music extravaganzas have

ATI, Zahara and Micasa? Always ensuring that

now grown to be the fagship live music event

local superstars get equal billing, Mascom Live

in Botswana, attracting revellers young and

Sessions was also the frst Botswana event to

old. With the 25th edition of the Mascom Live

showcase the re-united South African super

Sessions closing the 2014 entertainment

group Bongo Maffn and give local kwaito group

calendar, the main objective in carrying out

MMP Family the opportunity to go head to head

the events, of developing the local Live music

with South African pop sensation Beantenberg.

industry and environment by featuring local





drums and guitar. As a truly Botswana proud company, Mascom actively supports the arts, especially those that aim at preserving our rich heritage and culture. Song and dance are increasingly proving their potential in making a signifcant contribution to the improvement of the lives of young Batswana. Our support is further motivated by a realisation


of the importance of song, dance and arts to

performing artists alongside more famous

performances, the Mascom Live Sessions have

Botswana Tourism, a key contributor to the

international artists continues to be realised.

provided artists with the platform to learn from

economy. Other initiatives we support over and

The 25 Mascom Live Session shows have

each other, a key success being the Swedish

above Mascom Live Session in this area include

featured an array of musical talent from across

contingent comprising of Annah Christofferson,

My Star and the annual Maitisong President’s

the world. International superstars Oliver

Pablo Donaldo, Jonathan Allgulin and Jophan


Mascom Head Offce Gaborone Tsholetsa House Main Mall Tel: + 267 390 3396/8


About Mascom Wireless Pty LTD Licenced in February 1998, Mascom is the leading mobile telecommunications operator in Botswana. Mascom has a subscriber base in excess of 1.7-million giving it a market share of just over 53% of the Botswana mobile telecoms market. Mascom is well-recognised as an innovative and proudly Botswana corporate citizen. Our Corporate Social Investment Initiative targets groups and organisations that work towards positively contributing to ordinary people and the less privileged by changing their lives for the better. Our brand promise “Number 1 because of you� embraces this concept and the company supports it by adopting an innovative approach to doing business.



Future Visions


Botswana Innovation Hub Botswana Innovation Hub was established following recommendations of the Botswana Excellence Strategy of 2008. The strategy proposed a three-pronged national strategic goal being the diversifcation of the country’s economy, creation of jobs and driving the country towards a knowledge-based economy. Botswana Innovation Hub, which is also aligned to the National Vision 2016 pillar of achieving a prosperous, productive and innovative nation, has been incorporated as a company to develop and operate the frst science and technology park in Botswana. The company is mandated to support new ventures and existing companies as well as attract innovative companies, universities, research institutions and advanced training institutes






Innovation Hub Science and Technology Park. In



supporting these entities, Botswana Innovation

provide state-of-the-art buildings and facilities to

a signifcant investment in the country’s

Hub contributes to the country’s economic

attract domestic, regional and global companies

infrastructure development. Its central buildings

development and competitiveness by creating

to locate business and research development

are a world-class, iconic masterpiece of

new scientifc, technological, and indigenous

activities within the park. It is anticipated that

architecture whose designs won the 2013 Auto

knowledge-based business opportunities.

such development and innovation will lead to

Desk Design Awards.

downstream job creation in new manufacturing The Botswana Innovation Hub Science and

and service enterprises located in Botswana.

Technology Park is located strategically on a 57-hectares site, Plot 69184 near the Sir

Construction of the Botswana Innovation Hub

Seretse Khama International Airport (SSKIA) and

Science and Technology Park commenced

Maranyane House

adjacent to the Diamond Training Centre (DTC)

on 1st August, 2014 and is scheduled to be

Plot 50654, Machel drive

in Gaborone. The Park provides an attractive

completed on 30th June, 2016 in line to be

Private Bag 00265

location for technology driven and knowledge

commissioned as part of the country’s 50th

Gaborone, Botswana

intensive businesses to establish themselves

anniversary of Independence celebrations on

Tel: +267 391 3328

and develop and compete in the regional and

30th September, 2016. The parks construction

Fax: +267 391 3289

global market. The focal point of the Hub is to

is a major national project that represents





from BITC Chief Executive, Letsebe Sejoe

“BITC is poised to become an even

Botswana Investment and Trade Centre (BITC)

agenda. Through these efforts, BITC continues

more signifcant player in creating a

continued to forge ahead in delivering on its

to engage and support District Councils

multifaceted mandate: the development and

to facilitate the development of their Local

competitive business environment in

promotion of investments into and Exports out

Economic Development strategies. This has

Botswana by energetically engaging

of Botswana. Our commitment to the fulflment

seen BITC support Francistown City Council

of the National Brand Program roll-out has been

to develop an investment strategy as part of

a major driver that underpinned our efforts to

their Vision 2020 Strategy for Francistown and

raise the visibility of Botswana globally.

the greater Francistown region. A key outcome

with all relevant stakeholders and by being the strongest voice of business advocacy in Botswana.” Letsebe Sejoe, Chief Executive

The year 2013/14 was an eventful year as

as part of this initiative was the hosting of the

we reached maturity of our transition from

City’s frst ever Francistown Investment Pitso.

the legacy institutions from which we were

BITC will lend similar support and facilitation to

established in 2012.

Lobatse Town Council and will extend this to other regions going forward.

Strategic initiatives


A notable achievement has been realised

In line with our new corporate strategy, BITC

by BITC through increased exports revenues

placed emphasis on local participation and

due to the increased penetration of new

investment by local businesses and Batswana

product lines into the immediate sub-region

to ensure they are included in Botswana’s

as well as an increase in the export of soda

efforts to grow the export trade and investment

ash, salt and tobacco extracts. A contributing

diversifcation drive. The strategic focus

factor was BITC’s continuous support of local

on local investment highlighted our efforts


toward economic regeneration across various

through our export and contact promotion

regions in Botswana other than Gaborone.

initiatives. Manufactured products ranging

This approach has enabled us to be more

from canvas materials, industrial clothing

infuential in the regional economic development

and electrical cables to fne table salts, boat





parts, semi-precious stones and cosmetics

by our efforts to negotiate and secure Service

with a view to addressing them through BITC’s

reached DRC, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Germany,

Level Agreements with key stakeholders such

advocacy agenda. A noteworthy achievement

Hong Kong, Malawi and South Africa. An

as Water Utilities Corporation (WUC) and the

by BITC in lobbying for various policy reforms

impressive achievement was frst time sales

Registrar of Companies & Intellectual Property

was realised with the repeal of the Sunset

of contemporary furniture products to Nigeria

(ROCIP), thus enhancing the effectiveness and

Clause on the IFSC incentive framework which

as well as the United States of America and

effciency of the Centre. Additional agreements

was due to lapse in 2020. BITC has also been

European markets.

with other key stakeholders such as Botswana

entrusted with the responsibility of developing

Strategic engagements, partnerships and

Unifed Revenue Services (BURS) and Botswana

the fnancial services cluster for Botswana,

collaboration with key stakeholders involved

Power Corporation (BPC) are in the pipeline.

with the view to formalising structures that will

in the investment process (pipeline) were

The establishment of the Facilitation Centre

enable competitiveness and innovation within



in conjunction with production of our much

the sector.

and meet requirements for international best

awaited Investor Handbook has signifcantly

practice in the area of trade and investment.

enhanced our service offering to potential

Key developments

BITC intensifed its efforts in this regard during

investors. The handbook offers an overview of

A new development for BITC is the introduction

2013/14 and successfully delivered on its goal

Botswana’s investment policies, information

of value propositions that are specifc to

of enabling improved ease of doing business

on various economic indicators as well as the

each industry sector. The value propositions

with the launch of a Business Facilitation

existing opportunities for investors.

that have been prioritised are component



Services Centre (BFSC). This achievement

BITC’s investor aftercare programme which is

manufacturing, transport and logistics and

marked a signifcant milestone for the

aimed at retaining, expanding and diversifying

agriculture production and agro-processing.

organisation. The BFSC provides facilitation

investment was steadfast in engaging with

BITC has been designated as an interim Special

services to local and foreign investors to obtain

existing investors and delivered considerable

Economic Zones Authority (SEZA) and has

the Government authorisations necessary

success during 2013/14. This programme

been mandated with the roll-out of the Special

to start and operate businesses within the


Economic Zones programme. The SEZA Bill is


towards with

maintaining existing


shortest time possible. The services currently




in its draft stage and when passed, the Bill will

offered by the Centre have been augmented

identifying issues and challenges experienced

confer powers unto the Authority to implement


and operate Special Economic Zones across

This resulted in a signifcant increase in the

Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe and, of

the country. A detailed mapping study to confrm

Pridemark exposure to Batswana in rural areas

course, Botswana. Global Expo Botswana also

the economic viability of SEZ’s has identifed

encouraging them to be proud of their country.

hosted the frst two-day international Investment

eight potentially viable sites across the country.

The Nation Brand was offcially launched to the

and Trade Conference that ran parallel to the

Development of the proposed sites has been

international community by the Honourable

exhibition. The conference featured high-level

prioritised into phases based on the degree

Minister of Trade and Industry in Johannesburg

international speakers who discussed various

of complexity of implementing the respective

and London during the review period. The

investment issues ranging from mining, nation

SEZs sites. Consultations on the draft SEZs

focus of the launched events was to introduce

and product branding and special economic

incentives are ongoing with key stakeholders

the country’s Nation Brand and to strategically

zones to regional integration, fnance and

and these will broadly leverage the pre-existing

promote Botswana’s investment and trade

business services. BITC also inaugurated a

fscal incentives currently provided for in existing


project for CSI that entailed the construction of

legislation. The incentive will also empower the

Efforts to promote Botswana as an attractive

a Guidance and Counselling Centre at Ikageng

SEZs Authority to promptly issue all statutory

investment and trade location also continued

Junior Secondary School in Metsimotlhabe in

Government authorisations that businesses are

and BITC embarked on outward investment

the Kweneng District during the period under

required to comply with in order to establish

promotion missions to Belgium, Kuwait,

review. The project aimed to improve student

themselves and operate within the SEZs.

South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, South Sudan

welfare, create a conducive environment for

and India; and hosted business delegations

learning and thus support and enhance student

Key Projects

from India, Germany, UK, Holland and South

performance. It also created an opportunity

Brand Botswana continues to ensure that

Africa. BITC hosted the eighth Global Expo

for staff teambuilding and participation in

Botswana is positioned favourably at national

Botswana as one of the key highlights on

community development. In recognition of the

and international levels. Brand Botswana

the BITC calendar. The premier business-to-

impact this Guidance and Counselling Centre

developed a programme to brand strategically

business expo attracted no fewer than 138

will make, BITC has committed to adopt the

located areas in villages such as shops and tuck

exhibitors from 13 countries from as far afeld

Ikageng Junior Secondary School under the

shops. The project was successfully completed,

as Indonesia, Italy, Japan and Poland as well as,

Ministry of Education and Skills Development’s

with 100 shops branded across the country.

Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South

Adopt-a-School programme.


Looking ahead – Competitiveness of the Business Environment BITC will continue to advocate for the introduction of a business facilitation law which will facilitate the issuance of all necessary Government authorisations. There is need to expedite this legislation to ensure we remain apace with competitor countries. Progress in this regard has been slower than we would ideally have preferred. We also continue to devise strategies to unlock our pipeline of investments that are still awaiting the allocation of land so that signifcant investment can be realised. Resolving the issue of lack of serviced land will continue to feature at the top of our advocacy agenda in the next fnancial year. We are determined to forge ahead with our targeted investment strategy supported

by leveraging on our resources – including

at the benefciation of our mineral resources.

by comprehensive, well-researched value

our well-educated population – along with

The country has done relatively well (regarding

propositions. We will also be looking at

our national investments in, for example, the

diamonds), however, we can and should

identifying niche opportunities which will clearly

undersea communications cables that link Africa

examine opportunities relating to other minerals

differentiate us from others in the SADC region

to Europe and the rest of the world, we will work

that are extracted in Botswana.

and in Africa as a whole. At present, it is our belief

hard to position Botswana as an investment

that investors are hard pressed to differentiate

destination in the ICT enabled sector. BITC will

Letsebe Sejoe

between the various African countries. However,

look more closely in the global diamond industry

Chief Executive


VISION STATEMENT from BoFiNet Chief Executive Offcer, Mabua Mabua

The Botswana Fibre Networks Ltd.


Botswana Fibre Network (BoFiNet) was

BoFiNet remains poised to make a signifcant

Private Bag 00236

established in 2012 as part of government’s

impact on the global telecommunications sector

Gaborone, Botswana

decision to restructure the current Botswana

with progressive plans in place to ensure direct

Plot 74769, Unit 3, Mowana Mews

Telecommunications Corporation (BTC) into two

connectivity to the rest of the world with planned

separate entities.

Points of Presence in the Middle East, Asia,

Gaborone CBD Tel: +267 3995500

BoFiNet is 100% owned by the Government

Fax: +267 3903414

of Botswana and is responsible for the

TOLL FREE: 0800601002

national broadband fbre optic infrastructure


and wholesale service provision. The decision

The organisation’s vision is to be a “World

was informed by the need to not only spur

Class Information Communications Technology

Botswana’s global competitiveness, but to

Organisation For A Globally Connected

ensure the sustained growth of the ICT sector

Botswana”. BoFiNet shall be the wholesale

as a key enabler of economic diversifcation in

carrier of choice through the provision of world-

the country.

class wholesale infrastructure and services

The facilitation of access to affordable telecommunications



The last fnancial years have seen the introduction of new products and services.

to the national, regional and international markets.

Government’s national development imperative.

BoFiNet’s mission is to maximise/optimise the

To this end the creation of BoFiNet, as a

country’s national and international bandwidth

‘carrier of carriers’ within the ICT space is

capacity to ensure affordable, effcient and

meant to rationalise the ICT sector, in particular

dependable open access for customers to

the wholesale segment, to ensure market

catalyse the development of the downstream

competitiveness and activation at the retail level.

ICT market in Botswana.

As such BoFiNet is expected to operate

As Botswana’s exclusive provider of fbre


networks, BoFiNet’s role is to fll the gap with

telecommunications infrastructure deployed by

regards to the underserviced wholesale fbre

the Government of Botswana, in the process

networks space, to service the nations’ retail

ensuring open access to services as well as

communications market and to maximise usage

launching focused services aligned to the

with regard to Botswana’s already existing but

requirements of the wholesale customers.

under-utilised fbre infrastructure.



India, and USA.





The infrastructure includes the International

BoFiNet’s ultimate objective is to empower

Connectivity infrastructure (the EASSy and

Batswana and the Botswana market by allowing

WACS Cables), the National Fibre Backbone

them to capitalise on Government’s pre-

Infrastructure, the Metro Loop Fibre Infrastructure

existing and on-going investment in broadband

and the Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

connectivity, so as to positively contribute to

Network at a combined investment outlay of

wealth creation and therefore a better quality of


life for all Batswana.


The Board of Directors for the Botswana

visits to appreciate how other regulators were

that has progressed to a satisfactory level.

Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA)

dealing with the task of regulation. The Board

The June 2015 analogue terrestrial television

was appointed on 1 April 2013. Being the

visited Rwanda, South Africa, Thailand, South

broadcasting switch off is certainly a priority that



Korea, and Japan to benchmark on various

the Board will work towards achieving in the

regulatory authority is as challenging as it is

regulatory and development issues, key among

next fnancial year.

exciting. The Board has to move as swiftly in

which were universalising Broadband provision

order to familiarise itself with the requirements of

and the preparation for migration to digital

The Board will avail the necessary resources to

both the new legislation and a new organisation.

television broadcasting platform.

facilitate delivery on the mandate of BOCRA and

The CRA Act envisages a number of actions for

The Board also needed to defne the path and

the Board to take to enable regulation to progress

direction for BOCRA to follow. To this end, the

in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the

Board needed to develop a forward looking and

Dr M. A. Mpotokwane

law. Upon assumption of duty in October 2013,

dynamic strategic plan to guide BOCRA over a

Board Chairperson

the Board had to ratify some of the decisions

fve-year period. The strategic plan would cater

that management made in the interim period

for the converged mandate and more importantly

from April to September 2013 following the

would be fexible to anticipate and better

establishment of BOCRA. Notable among

prepare for the ever changing technological

such decisions were the creation of additional

developments. Key considerations in developing

positions and subsequent appointment to

the strategic plan was tariff reduction with a view

such positions to address additional mandate

to encouraging uptake and ubiquity of services.

imposed by the CRA Act. The Board also ratifed

The Strategic Plan has been drafted and will be

expenses for renovation of the BOCRA building

launched during the next reporting period.





allow the communications sector to contribute to the growth of the economy as expected.

that needed to be prepared to accommodate the new and increased mandate. The Board

Going forward the Board is committed to

then approved the budget for the 2014/15

ensuring that all regulated sectors receive

fnancial year for submission to the Ministry.

necessary attention. In particular, broadcasting and postal regulation will require increased

To familiarise itself with the demands of its

attention to bring their regulation on par with

mandate, the Board undertook benchmarking

the regulation of telecommunications sub sector



from InnoLead Consulting Managing Director, Oabona Kgengwenyane (MEng)

What do you see InnoLead Consulting doing in the next 10 years? InnoLead Consulting has succeeded in positioning itself as the leading provider of corporate strategy and project management (PM) services in Botswana. Our aim is to focus on exploring ways of assisting Botswana government to grow her PM maturity and improved success rate on capital projects. This is aligned to our original vision of supporting “execution capabilities” across the Botswana economy for accelerated economic development. The second phase of the 10 years would be regional expansion where InnoLead Consulting would participate in regional economies such as Zambia and Namibia. InnoLead Consulting would become a “PM services” organisation grown and bred in Botswana but with a regional outreach.

Identify critical areas where there is urgent need to implement PM processes in order to make our systems more productive and detail how such implementation would be undertaken. The past 10 years have seen Botswana experiencing major project failures with cost and time overruns being the order of the day for new stadia, airports, power stations etc. InnoLead Consulting has a vision of supporting Botswana government with the application of best practice PM process within its structures to improve project delivery. Such intervention could include developing the processes, implementing comprehensive PM offces and building required competencies including professional accreditations for project teams.


In your judgement, which country has the best PM model in the world and what would it take for Botswana to attain similar status. It is very diffcult to single out one country but clearly the developed world has much more matured PM processes than a country like Botswana.

Within the context of successes it has notched up in terms of PM, what can Botswana offer to the rest of the continent and how do we get the continent to appreciate what we have to offer? I think it is for a company like InnoLead Consulting to reach out to other regional countries and showcase its experience and capabilities. As Botswana, we are much advanced now in PM compared to other countries outside South Africa. We are currently – in an organic manner, exploring the regional markets to position InnoLead Consulting and support other countries in the region with building up PM capabilities and improving their economic development agendas.

Is there any way at all that elements of PM can be introduced into the public school system to enhance educational productivity in its entirety? Indeed and it is high time such practical management tools get introduced at an early stage of our education system. Also PM is a life skill that is a necessity for almost all types of organisations. We have already started supporting tertiary education institutions such as the University of Botswana with lecturing

visits to some of their programmes to improve their relevance to industry. It would be greatly welcome if it can be cascaded right down to primary schools levels.

The African Development Bank stresses the need for African countries to march in lockstep hence its emphasis on regional integration. Currently, what integration or collaboration is there at the level of PM? I’m not aware of any collaboration apart from individual organisations. As an example in 2010, I was invited as guest speaker at the launch of the Zimbabwe Chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI). We agreed at the forum that more collaboration is required.

In a hypothetical scenario where all the PM fundamentals are in place in all sectors of the Botswana economy, what becomes of InnoLead Consulting? Would there still be need for your services? PM is a management practice that will always be required. Some organisations need it on seasonal basis as projects come and go, hence the need to outsource to frms such as InnoLead Consulting. We offer clients a smart way of managing their projects such that they can then focus on their core business. As experts in PM we tend to be more qualifed and bring in-depth experience to add to much desired projects success rates. Currently, we are assisting some mining companies with resourcing their projects and therefore do not have to worry about increasing their payroll, as projects are seasonal depending on need and/or economic climate.

VISION STATEMENT from First National Bank of Botswana Outgoing Chief Executive Offcer, Lorato Edith BoakgomoNtakhwana

Despite a tough 2013/2014 fnancial year for Botswana’s fnancial services sector, First National Bank of Botswana Limited (FNBB) continued to focus on elevating and solidifying its position as Botswana’s number one premier fnancial services institution. FNBB remains the largest company on the Botswana Stock Exchange by market capitalisation at P8.8-billion as at July 2014. It was named the second “Best Company to Work For” in the 2013 Deloitte “Best Company to Work for Survey” for the second consecutive

increased by 3%, a result of continued solid

and investment offering and helped the Bank


growth by driving volumes in most of the Bank’s

sharpen its competitive edge. RMB has enabled

business segments as well as the nature of its

the bank to improve its capacity and capability

diversifed business.

for structured fnance, secure some signifcant

At an international level, FNBB continued to do well. FNBB was voted the Most Innovative Commercial Bank in Botswana by the Global

Growth in deposits from customers was at

deals, and improve trading income. Financially,

Banking & Finance Review 2014. Global

11%, which was achieved despite the current

RMB strengthened the Bank’s balance sheet

Banking and Finance Review awards recognize

strain on the consumer and the liquidity

and advances in 2013/14.

the innovative banking, investment strategies,

pressures in the market. The Bank will continue

Ms. Lorato Boakgomo-Ntakhwana leaves at

achievements, progressive and inspirational

with planned initiatives to reduce reliance

the end of the 2014 calendar year to take up the

changes within the fnancial sector. Furthermore,

on professional deposits and to focus on

position of Deputy CEO of FNB International in

the Bank was awarded the “Best Local Trade

other segments for funding to ensure optimal

South Africa. The FNBB Chairman of the Board,

Finance Bank in Botswana” by the Global Trade

management of the balance sheet.

Peter David Stevenson, commended Ms.

Review (GTR). This award is given to a bank

During the fnancial 2013/2014 fnancial year,

Boakgomo-Ntakhwana for having led the Bank

that provides effective trade fnance solutions to

non-interest revenue grew by 7%, as a result of

through a successful phase of its development

the demands of the local market and takes into

a sustained focus on diversifcation and volume

in her fve years as CEO.

account the innovation, service, consistency,

growth, particularly for e-solutions such as

“The legacy of hard-work, her vision and

fexibility and pricing of the solution. FNBB also

prepaid electricity sales. Operating expenditure

her determination is self from FNBB’s current

received the “Leader Award for the Top Acquirer

increased by 13% as the Bank invested in

position, but she will also leave behind an

in Sub-Saharan Africa” at the 2013 Visa Security

revamping branches, repairing point-of-sales

energetic and cohesive management team and

Summit. This award recognises the exceptional

machines and installed more advanced ATM

high-quality staff,” Mr. Stevenson said.

efforts taken by the risk management functions

infrastructure, including Rand-dispensing ATMs

Continual technological innovation to improve

of selected Visa clients in effectively combating

and deposit-taking ATMs, bringing banking

customer convenience remains a priority,

fraud risks.

services to customers in remote areas.

the Bank’s primary goal is to improve service

The Bank’s overall Statement of Financial

A key contributing factor to the Bank’s sterling

Position remained strong with a balance sheet

performance was the offcial launch of RMB

growth of 12% year-on-year emanating from the

Botswana during the year. The introduction

17% surge in advances. The Bank’s proft after

of this trusted diversifed fnancial brand in

Lorato Edith Boakgomo-Ntakhwana

tax for the fnancial 2013/2014 fnancial year

Botswana has further broadened the corporate

Outgoing Chief Executive Offcer

performance and to make the customer central to all its processes.


VISION STATEMENT from Botswana Life Insurance Limited Chief Executive Offcer Catherine LetegeleLesetedi

Over 40 years, Botswana Life Insurance Limited

system that has signifcantly improved our

I’m a frm believer that learning is a lifelong

has grown to become the leading life insurer

operational effciencies and client service. We

activity, as a result, I’m constantly refreshing

in the country and one of the biggest in sub-

continue to explore this system in order to use

my knowledge through studying and I am an

Saharan Africa north of South Africa. The

its capabilities as a competitive advantage.

avid reader. I am also passionate about uplifting

company currently holds a share of the market in

In 2013, we launched Liferewards, a frst-of-

others and so I spend some of my spare time

excess of 75%, with assets under management

its-kind in Botswana prepaid debit card which

coaching and mentoring young ladies. Some of

in excess of P8billion.

has improved turnaround times for our clients

my efforts include charity work.

I’m very proud to be associated with a

to access their claims and benefts once paid

I would not be complete without my family;

company that is such a signifcant contributor

by Botswana Life. In addition to many other

they are a very important part of who I am, and

to the creation of fnancial security and wealth

benefts, this card also helps our clients to save

so I ensure that between work and my other

in Botswana.

as it offers them discounts with a number of

passions, I also allocate quality time to spend

merchants in the country.

with my family.

I’ve been at the helm of Botswana Life since 2010; it has been a challenging but extremely

Another great success is that in four (4)

rewarding experience; a heartfelt “thank-you” to

years, we have been able to double BLIL’s

all those who have shared this journey with me.

assets under management from P3.5billion to

I took over as CEO during the height of the

just over P8billion. This really signifes the trust

global economic crisis; the challenges were

that Batswana have put on us to manage their

many. At the time, my priority was to keep

money prudently.

the ship afoat; a task that we successfully

On the personal front, I am happy to have

executed even in the face of reduced ability for

been recognised as the Most Infuential Woman

new business and many clients cancelling their

in Business and Government in the fnancial

policies due to fnancial constraints.

services sector in Botswana and continentally

There is a perception that insurance is complex; I enjoy the challenge of simplifying

for 2014. This is a signifcant highlight in my career.

it for our market and making people see that

I have also enjoyed speaking opportunities

it’s a fundamental aspect of personal fnancial

at prestigious global events such as LIMRA


conference, in Europe. The Conference afforded

My greatest achievements since being

me an opportunity to showcase my talents; and

appointed the Chief Executive of Botswana

showcase Botswana Life as an example of a

Life include successfully guiding Botswana

successful local company run by Batswana

Life through a very challenging business period

for Batswana. I also had the opportunity to

during the recession, and delivering growth for

showcase Botswana as a country with immense

our investors and other stakeholders.

investment opportunities, which is a prime

In 2011, we implemented a life administration


destination for tourism.



Botswana Sport


2nd African Youth Games Botswana’s biggest sport and international carnival to date.

• Estimated 300 million television viewers • 8000 accredited people (athletes, coaches, team managers, Chefs de Mission, Technical Delegates, Sport Leaders, Media, Medical Staff) • Driven by 2000 volunteers and powered by 50 full-time staff members • Record number of participants at an African Youth Games: 1951 • 670 medals with a beautiful Botswana basket design • An African Carnival of 51 countries • A festival of 21 sports (19 Olympic & 2 non-Olympic) • A continent united and an economy stimulated • A celebration of Botswana’s rich cultural diversity and history • A legacy to live for many more years to come • A Games on time and on budget


A City Comes Alive; a country showcases her wherewithal

and still has some way to go to before it can

overwhelmingly positive, could not have been

be counted in the same league as South Africa,

possible if Gaborone residents and Batswana in

Set against the backdrop of the scenic

Algeria, Egypt and Nigeria of African sport

general failed to give the “Botho” (Humility) value

Kgale hills, well layered streets, open skies,


they are known for.

contemporary buildings and a cosmopolitan

Lo and behold, when the Games had ended,

From the ports of entry through the transport

community, the City of Gaborone no doubt

perceptions had changed; changed for the

service to accommodation and dining halls, at

exceeded expectations when from the 22nd to

better! There were accolades upon accolades,

the felds, shopping centres and the medical

31st May 2014 it hosted the African continent

confessions that the world had perhaps

facilities - visitors reported being treated

in a festival of sport, culture and education,

undermined Botswana and that the country

exceptionally well and with smiles most of the

dubbed “Gaborone 2014”: 2nd African Youth

should do more to sell herself; that Botswana



is ready to host bigger international events

A North African Team could not believe the

Akin to the coming-out-party of a young girl

and should bid for those. Many attested to

generosity of a taxi driver who spotted them

ready to take on the world, the peaceful and

visit Botswana in future and that they would

on the streets of Gaborone, when they had got

tranquil city of Gaborone; often mistaken for

voluntarily sell Botswana to their families and

lost while attempting to explore the city on their

being sleepy and with very little to offer, not only

others their paths cross with.

own, and took them back to the University of

showcased her beauty to the rest of the African continent but most importantly, demonstrated

In the words of Ismael Aden, Chef de Mission for Somalia:

Botswana, declining to receive payment when they offered suggesting it was his present to them.

the fact that Botswana boasts much more than

“When I was appointed Chef de Mission of the

democracy, diamonds, beef and wildlife. Through

Somalia Team to the 2nd African Youth Games,

Equally, many of the visitors were bewildered

the Games, Botswana was able to show Africa

I knew very little about Botswana and had

by the fact that not only could they walk

and the rest of the world that indeed the country

conjured in my mind that I would lead a team

Gaborone streets freely, but most importantly

is the perfect address for, amongst other things,

to the worst Games I’d ever been to, for I had

that Botswana police members walked around

business, health, education and sport.

never heard about anything major being held in

without guns!

When the thousands of visitors descended


The people of Gaborone and Batswana did

upon the City in the days leading up to 22

However, after a few days here I cannot stop

not just show their humility, but they embraced

May, many, by their own admission, did not

singing praises for their great organisation of

the Games in every sense. An unprecedented

know what to expect while others had braced

the Games, the great hospitality of the people

number of volunteers for any sport event

themselves for the worst; for they had limited

of this country and I will not seize any future

in Botswana was recorded; most of the

knowledge of Botswana and the City, especially

opportunity to come back to Botswana, for

competition venues were ‘sold out’, with some

with respect to delivering international events.

whatever reason. Botswana is one of Africa’s

sports experiencing that for the frst time in

This, it emerges, was hindered by the fact that

best kept secrets”.

Botswana; people cooperated on the roads

the country does not have a large population

Aden’s account, and indeed many others, all

and in other spaces; individuals and companies


responded to the sponsorship clarion call;

that the few thousand non-athlete international

could ever be, as young Africans sweated and

Government and the private sector seconded

visitors and the Games easily becomes the

pushed themselves to represent their countries

and/or extended services and resources to the

biggest international event Botswana had ever

with the greatest of honour and humility.

Games Organisers; and the list goes on!


Interestingly though, and indeed true to

For its part, the City of Gaborone did not

Not only was the number of sports delivered

the spirit of Olympism, it was very pleasing

disappoint either. The Games’ branding,

simultaneously a record for Botswana; it was

to observe the level of sportsmanship that

amongst which billboards, posters, signposts,

a record for the Games too. Rabat, Morocco,

prevailed - where athletes did not fail to shake

branded buses and other elements beautifully

the inaugural host of the Games delivered

hands even after being vanquished; where

complemented the City’s buildings and streets.

competitions across 16 sports, therefore the 21

mistakes by offcials were voluntarily corrected

The level of cleanliness and ease with which

in Gaborone was a 31% growth.

by athletes who were otherwise favoured; and

visitors could move around, not to mention their

Equally, the number of athletes that competed

where athletes on one team would appreciate

safety and security were amongst those that

in Gaborone was a record for the African Youth

good skill and/or performance by the opposing

created a memorable experience to visitors; one

Games too, as it was nearly double the number


to be relished for a long time to come.

in Rabat in 2010.

That was the spirit of the African Youth Games,

There was an splendid increase of countries

the spirit of camaraderie, sportsmanship and

A sport jamboree like never seen before in Botswana

that participated in the Games that took place

unity; all of which no doubt contributed to the

in Botswana from that in Morocco, 10 additional

Games’ objective of ‘Uniting African Youth’.

With 51 African countries represented across 21

countries entered the competition making it a

Held under the tagline “Unleashing African

sports by a cumulative 2000 competitors, the

total number of 51 countries – nearly the whole

stars”, the 2nd African Youth Games no doubt

2nd African Youth Games became the biggest

continent of Africa.

lived up to that ambition. Quite a few of the

sport event ever hosted by Botswana. Add to


Competition at the Games was as ferce as it

athletes that claimed their stake in the 670

medals that were on offer later won medals

committees have anything between four and

Reikeletseng (Vice Chair – Operations &

at the 2nd Youth Olympic Games that was

seven years to prepare for major multisport

Venues), Mr. Kenneth Molosi (Vice Chair –

held in Nanjing, China, a few months after the

international Games. The Botswana African

Commercial, Relations & Protocol), Mr. Peter

Botswana-hosted sport spectacle. In that list

Youth Games Organising Committee (BAYGOC),

Mongwaketse (Member representing Ministry of

was Botswana’s very own Karabo Sibanda and

the Committee charged with preparing for and

Youth, Sport and Culture), Mr. Ndeneni Mbuso

Baboloki Thebe; a duo that ensured Botswana

delivering the 2nd African Youth Games, only

(Member representing Ministry of Education &

tasted Youth Olympic Games’ medals for the

had 14 months!

Skills Development), Dr. Dele Akpata (Member

frst time, when they each won silver medals.

In fact, if you factor in that BAYGOC was only

representing the University of Botswana), Ms

Achievements by Botswana and African

constituted with 13 months to the Games and

Keitumetse Setlang (Member representing

athletes in China resonated well with Acting

the Secretariat’s critical mass only built with

Botswana Tourism Organisation), Mr. Letsholo

Minister of Youth, Sport and Culture’s remarks

about eight months to the Games, then you

M. Letsholo (Member representing Botswana

during the closing ceremony that:

should get an appreciation of the limited amount

National Olympic Committee (BNOC)), Mr.

“…the games were a spectacular showcase

of time the Committee and its structures had to

Moses S. Moruisi (Member representing

for sport that proved to the world that the

deliver what was no doubt a make or break

BNOC), Ms Tiny Kgatlwane (Member), Mr. Pius

impossible is possible through a persistent

event for Botswana.

Molefe, (Member), Ms Lorato Mosetlhanyane

pursuit of sporting excellence.”

The Regina Sikalesele-Vaka led Committee

(Member), Mr. Ephraim Mabengago (Ex Offcio

didn’t waste any time bemoaning the time

Member representing Gaborone City Council),

A driven Committee, a supercharged secretariat and amazing volunteers.

limitations, but took the task head on upon their

Mr. Tebogo Tshoswane (Ex Offcio Member

appointment by the Government of Botswana.

representing Gaborone City Council), Mr. Tuelo

Getting support from Mr. Jagdish Shah (Vice

D. Serufho (Ex Offcio Member: CEO), Mr.


Chair – Finance, Legal & Audit), Mr. Solomon

Steve Bothasitse (Ex Offcio Member: COO), Ms





Lena Kalake (Ex Offcio: Committee Secretary), Mr. Thato Kgosimore (Ex Offcio Member representing Botswana National Sports Council) and Mr. Kristian K. Mmusi (Ex Offcio Member representing MYSC) – the Committee rolled their sleeves and achieved what should be close to a miracle. This achievement could not have been possible were it not for the selfessness, drive and dedication of Members of BAYGOC, its substructures, the Secretariat, sportspecifc local organising committees, National Federations, volunteers, staff of the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture (MYSC) and other Government Ministries, Departments and entities, the University of Botswana, Botswana National Olympic Committee (BNOC), Botswana

hired staff as well as interns on the Government

his very busy election trail to offcially open the

National Sports Council (BNSC) and Botswana

Internship programme.

Games and stay through the entire period of the

National Youth Council, amongst the many

As if achieving such a feat through that small

very spectacular opening ceremony.

number of full-time staff was not enough, the

As if that was not enough, the Games were

Gaborone 2014 2nd African Youth Games

blessed with the presence of the International

broke new grounds for major sport event



Olympic Committee (IOC) President Dr. Thomas

hosting. Despite the time limitation, the Games

comparison to other major Games. While for

Bach and his entourage in the days leading up

were delivered with a full-time Secretariat of no

Gaborone 2014 their number of volunteers was

to and including the Games’ Closing Ceremony.

more than 50; a small fraction of the numbers

almost the same as that of athletes, in other

Dr. Bach’s visit to Botswana was only the second

normally involved at comparable Games.

major Games volunteers numbers are often a

visit by a sitting IOC President to Botswana,

Notwithstanding their number, the Secretariat

few multiples of athletes’ numbers.

the frst having been in the 1980s by the then

partnering and collaborating entities. The Gaborone 2nd African Youth Games




worked like horses on steroids, sacrifcing their

The Gaborone 2014 volunteers, most of

President, Juan Antonio Samaranch. The

weekends, public holidays and after hours -

whom were college going students and/or fresh

Association of National Olympic Committees of

all in the interest of ensuring the Games were

graduates, were simply amazing! Despite having

Africa (ANOCA) President and Members of his

delivered very successfully.

to multitask and on occasions work a few extra

Executive stayed throughout the Games.

Organising Committee Chairman Regina Sikalesele remarked after the Games: “Not fully knowing the magnitude of the task we had at hand, we sent boys and girls to do men and women’s work; but thankfully, the Team

hours, the volunteers kept their eyes on the

Outside of the luminaries listed above,

ball: ensuring the success of the Games and

Presidents of international and continental

acquiring new sets of skills and competencies

Federations came to Botswana in droves, and

in the process.

other international bodies like the World AntiDoping Agency (WADA), United States Olympic

For that, we can never thank Tuelo Serufho and

A well-supported Games, Impetus for the future

his Secretariat Team enough for the stellar work

Whichever way one may want to look at it, the

On the local front, the support of Batswana

they did.”

Gaborone 2014 2nd African Youth Games were

and residents of the country has already been

did not disappoint but rather did a splendid job.

Committee and the Norwegian Olympic Committee also sent top representation.

The Games Secretariat was made up of

very well-supported Games. Not only did the

recorded. However, it is worthwhile to note that

people seconded by Botswana Government

Government of Botswana commit resources to

amongst Batswana that graced the Games

Ministries/Departments and the private sector,

the Games, the State President took time from

were Cabinet Ministers, parliamentarians,


In his speech when he offcially opened the Games, State President Lt. General Seretse Khama Ian Khama remarked: “Through these Games, we are presenting Botswana as a destination for Tourism and Investment. We are confdent that our visitors will experience our hospitality, humility and above all the unique culture and heritage that we have.” To crown it all, the State President, being cognisant of the fact that about half of the private sector captains, civil society leadership and top Government offcials.

and others. Therefore, BAYGOC consciously resolved to

The other form of support worth highlighting

commit about 10% of its very modest budget

is that of sponsors and partners. Despite being

to the opening and closing ceremonies;

approached when they were already in the

recognising that the amount was a fraction

middle of their fnancial years, sponsors and

of what countries hosting mega sport events

partners did see the value in the African Youth

spend, but at the same time wishing to create

Games’ proposition and came to the party at

hype that would be good enough to project

very impressive levels. Non-traditional sponsors

Botswana in a positive light.

countries that descended upon Gaborone for the games were French-speaking, delivered part of his speech in French! Befttingly, the Opening Ceremony closed off with spectacular freworks that beautifully lit the Gaborone skyline. The Closing Ceremony on the other hand was held in the evening of the 31st May 2014, still at the National Stadium and with a near capacity crowd. Unlike the Opening Ceremony,

of sport came on board; new sponsorship

The Opening Ceremony, which celebrated

which had a big artistic programme, the closing

records for a short-term sport project were set,

Botswana’s history and cultural diversity, was

ceremony was more about recognising the

amongst other achievements in that space.

delivered on the evening of 22 May 2014 at

many people that made the Games a success.

BAYGOC can therefore never thank their

the National Stadium to a capacity crowd and

sponsors and partners (listed elsewhere in this

beamed live on Supersport, Botswana Television

A legacy to cherish

piece) enough for their foresightedness in having

and other networks throughout the continent.

Gaborone 2014 has no doubt left a long-

made the decision to support the games.

Celebrating Botswana’s past, present and

lasting legacy for Botswana sport, the country

Finally the media needs special mention for

looking into the future, the Opening Ceremony

and indeed for African sport. While the legacy

having ensured that the Games were sold in

showcased Botswana’s talent in music,

elements would be too many to list here, the

and outside of Botswana, with the cumulative

dance and other forms of arts. To add to the

following are amongst those that stand out:

television viewership estimated at 300 million.

excitement, Botswana’s double medallist at the inaugural AYG in 2010 and Olympic Silver

New Sport Opportunities

An event to remember, a country celebrated

medallist, Nijel Amos, lit the Games’ cauldron,

As a result of the Games, there are now

after receiving the torch from another 2010

opportunities for people in Botswana to partake

In many major multi-sport Games in recent

AYG double medallist, Ms Leungo Matlhaku

in the sports of canoeing, rowing and triathlon.

history, the single most remembered element

- while fybys were done by Air Botswana and

Botswana’s medal chances at the 2020 Olympic

has consistently been the Opening Ceremony.

the Botswana Defence Force early on at the

Games could well be enhanced by the addition

Examples include London 2012, Beijing 2008


of new sports to the country’s menu.


Sport and Education Infrastructure Improvement While no new facilities were purposefully built for Gaborone 2014, many of the competition venues received facelifts that either enhanced their international standard or ensured they meet such in the case of those that didn’t. Through these Games, we presented Botswana as a destination for Tourism and Investment. We are confdent that our visitors experienced our hospitality, humility and above all the unique culture and heritage that we have. Amongst the highlights of sport infrastructure improvements was the installation of timing and heating systems at the University of Botswana; with the latter expected to make all year-round swimming possible at the facility. The FIBA-approved basketball surface was the frst of its kind and apparently amongst the very few in Africa. This development would allow teams in Botswana to train and/or prepare for competitions on the same surface they would use at major Games; making possible the attainment of better results. Table Tennis, Badminton and many other sports received international standard installations and/ or equipment that would beneft their athletes for many more years to come; assisting with the improvement of performance by Botswana in those sports.

Environmental Preservation Project 53 Tree Planting The ‘53’ in ‘Project 53’ was derived from the

international Games are middle-aged to older

In addition, some traditional sports also

number of African countries expected to descend

citizens and residents of cities, some of whom

enlisted new patrons during the Games,

on Botswana for the 2nd African Youth Games.

would have retired from gainful employment and

developments that are good for Botswana sport

therefore looking for new experiences and/or

going into the future.

One of the key components of Project 53 was the planting of trees at a commemorative park located at the Lady Masire Youth Centre in

something to meaningfully engage them. The Majority of Gaborone 2014 volunteers

Skills Transference and Development

were overwhelmingly youthful, most of them

Seconded staff from Government, sport entities

Exactly one month before the start of the

college going students and/or those that had just

and BAYGOC partners, as well as volunteers

Games, 53 trees were planted, with each tree

completed their tertiary education. The youthful

had the opportunity to work with consultants

representing each of the countries expected to

Gaborone 2014 volunteers used the Games to

and/or experts in sport events delivery and

partake in the Games and labelled accordingly.

gain valuable experience, and given their age,

project management areas.

Gaborone West, Gaborone.

Plans at the end of the Games were for the commemorative park to be turned into an

they can have many more Games to volunteer at in future, in and outside of Botswana.

Consequently, valuable experiences were gained as well as transferable skills learnt that would be useful to the individuals and the

educational park, through amongst other things, installation and availing of free wireless internet,

Enhanced Sport Patronage

provision of benches and other installations.

One of the intentions of hosting the 2nd African

country in future.

Bin It and Bin It Correctly

live audiences at sport venues. Competitions at

Well done BAYGOC, Well done and good luck Algeria

Through the Games, an opportunity was created

the games attracted unprecedented numbers

Like many major projects, challenges were

for piloting litter segregation, something that can

of spectators at youth Games. Games time

encountered in the process of preparing for and

and should in fact be rolled out for purposes

and post Games interviews have suggested

delivering the 2nd African Youth. The time and

of waste management and environmental

that some Batswana experienced these sports

resource constraints brought their own set of


(through watching live and on television) for

challenges, while normal challenges of dealing

the frst time during the Games. Some such

with people existed and so did those that

audiences expressed interest in following the

were totally out of the control of the organising

sports in future.


Youth Games was to increase the number of

Next Generation Volunteers Traditionally,







and precision with which the Organising

With the dust now having settled on the

Committee handled the challenges, cushioning

Botswana edition of the African Youth Games,

any potential negative impact thereof.

the spotlight now moves to Algiers, Algeria, host

Of course when all is said and done, BAYGOC

of the 3rd edition of the Games in 2018. Good

did exceptionally well and delivered on behalf of

luck Algeria! Although Botswana has set the bar

Gaborone and Botswana, a Games like never seen before and one to remember for many more years to come; done so on time and on budget! Through the Games, the frst quantum leap towards




to the outside world has been achieved, now the challenge is to ensure the momentum is





demonstrated she has the capability to host big international events, in and outside sport - and therefore should not hesitate to bid to

quite high, we have no doubt that you can draw from your arsenals of experience, having hosted big events like the All Africa Games in the past, to ensure that the African Youth Games grow better and better, and in the process assist with unleashing more and more world beaters. Finally, gratitude must go to ANOCA for giving Gaborone and Botswana the chance to host the 2nd African Youth Games. Their guidance throughout the planning and Games’ phases were very instrumental. “The 2nd Africa Youth Games have been

host the Commonwealth Youth Games, the


All Africa Games, single sport continental and

advertisement not just for sport but for human

world sport events, as well as events in the arts,

development, solidarity and unity of the African

entertainment and other sectors in future.

continent. The African Youth Games are what







Algeria should be congratulated for having

will unleash African athletes to the world, and

fnished top of the medal tables at the Games,

therefore the brand needs to be grown while

South Africa for amassing the most number of

guarded very jealously.”

medals, and Botswana for holding their own on home turf - attaining an unprecedented 8th

Tuelo D. Serufho – Gaborone 2014 CEO



Rollers As a child growing up in India, Jagdish Shah took

a lifeline. The result of an extended negotiation

[2013’s] championship, we were runner’s up in

passionate interest in football. Coming of age,

process was a deal in which Shah became both

Mascom Top 8 and we won the Kabelano Cup

he would get to work for a company that had a

majority shareholder and chairman of the club.

in 2014,” Shah says contentedly.

nationwide league (bigger than India’s national

The other shareholders in Township Holdings

league as he recalls) while he continued to

are Gobuiwang and supporters as a group.

consume endless football viewing on television.

“As chairman, I look after the brand, I am

With regard to the latter, he mentions UEFA and

responsible for growing the brand and I ensure

La Liga games as particular indulgences.

that the brand is successful,” he says.

“I have also travelled to Europe to watch football matches,” Shah says.

In practical terms, that means that ensuring the administration, marketing and technical units

He attributes this dramatic turn in fortunes to the discipline and administrative rigour that he has brought to bear on the team. “Each and every section head has to ensure that he meets his performance parameters and every day we try to be more professional in the way we do things,” Shah says.

With such level of interest in this sport, it was

of the team are running smoothly and cohere

Insisting on not mentioning names, he adds

probably fated that decades later in another

into a seamless whole. He likes to think (and

that a rejuvenated Rollers has also been an

part of the world, he would be receptive to an

indeed there is physical evidence in the display

inspiration to other teams that have started

overture that he buy shares in one of Botswana’s

cabinet) that he has competently discharged his

managing their affairs the way the team does.

premier teams, Township Rollers.


He views this as evidence that Botswana’s

That was two years ago when then Rollers

“When I took over in January 2013, we were

chairman, Somerset Gobuiwang approached

number eight in the Premier League log and we

Shah and told him that the team was going

had lost the Kabelano Cup as well as Mascom

“We have raised the bar and will continue to

through a lot of fnancial diffculty and needed

Top 8. Since I took over, we have won last year’s

raise it. I am not the only one saying this: critics,


football in general has been a net benefciary of Rollers’ innovation.

journalists as well as supporters also appreciate what we are doing,” Shah says. Shah’s relationship with Rollers is an interesting one because he is a businessman who would

is self-sustaining. That’s where we ought to go.” To that end, Shah says that he is putting effort into the commercialisation of Rollers. He is very confdent that such effort will bear fruit.

naturally want returns on his investment. To

Founded in 1961 by Public Works Department

the question of what Rollers’ prime identity is

workers, Rollers’ original name was Makepe

(a football team or a commercial entity), he inhales deeply and offers the answer in measured tones. “Botswana is not ready for commercial sport,” he says, adding seconds later that his vision is to “slowly but surely” nudge the team in that direction. “Currently, every sport is stretching its

Football Club. The name change came four years later. For a brief period in 2003, the team was relegated to the First Division but bounced back after only one season. Some of the team’s players, past and present, have played for the national team as well as for prominent African

hand to every sector for donations but that is not

teams in South Africa and the Democratic

sustainable. My vision is to bring the commercial

Republic of Congo. They include Mogogi

aspect into the game so that ultimately the team

Gabanamong, Joel Mogorosi, Dipsy Selolwane

becomes self-sustaining. If you compare with

and Phenyo Mongala. The team’s colours are

Europe, football is self-sustaining. Cricket in

yellow and blue (home) and white and blue

South Africa, Australia and the United Kingdom



Gaborone United Sporting Club Vision

Club Background

To be the professional sporting club of choice and excellence in Botswana, the rest of Africa and the world.

Gaborone United sporting club is one of the

Mission To facilitate and nurture an economic diversifcation environment that will make Gaborone United a Sporting club provider of choice in sporting activities for sports professionals.

Values • Integrity • Accountability • Diligence • Unifed creativity


oldest clubs in Botswana. It was formed in August 1967, is affliated to FIFA through the Botswana Football Association and a member of the Botswana Premier League which is a sub body in the structure of the Botswana Football Association. The club headquarters are at Plot 5264, Village Gaborone. PO Box 349, Gaborone Offce: Plot 5264, Village, Gaborone Tel: +267 313 3509, Fax: +267 133 510 Email:



Travel & Tourism


Okavango Delta becomes 1000th World Heritage Site

For the past seven years, the Wilderness Foundation SA, the Wilderness Foundation UK, and the WILD Foundation (USA) have assisted the Government of Botswana and other stakeholders in realising this long-held vision. Consultations were held with key stakeholders

The Okavango Delta’s listing as the 1000th World Heritage Site was formalised on 22 June 2014, at the 38th Session of the World Heritage Committee in Doha – fnally giving it the stamp of international conservation protection.

including local communities living in and around the Okavango Delta in 36 villages, the National World Heritage Committee, OKACOM, BaTawana Tribal Authority, Dikgosi, NW District Councillors, Members of Parliament, HATAB, NGOs, Ntlo ya Dikgosi and the Okavango Basin Steering Committee.

Geology The Okavango Delta in north-west Botswana comprises




seasonally fooded plains. It is unique as a major interior delta system that doesn’t fow into a sea or ocean, with a wetland system that is intact. Its waters drain into the desert sands of the Kalahari Basin, forming Africa’s third largest alluvial fan and the continent’s largest inland delta. The area’s permanent swamps cover approximately 600,000 hectares along with up to 1.2-million hectares of seasonally fooded grassland. Uniquely, the annual fooding from the Okavango River occurs during the dry season, ensuring that native plants and animals have synchronised their biological cycles with these seasonal rains and foods.


At 1,500km, the Okavango River is the third


largest in southern Africa. The geology of the

The delta has never been subjected to signifcant

African Rift Valley System has resulted in the

development and is in an almost pristine

‘capture’ of the Okavango River that has formed

condition. Tourism is limited to small, non-

the Delta’s extensive waterways, swamps,

permanent tented camps with access by air.

fooded grasslands and foodplains.

Facilities are carefully monitored for compliance with environmental standards to have minimal


ecological impact.

The nutrient-rich clear waters transform the dry

The sources of the Okavango Delta’s waters

Kalahari Desert into a landscape of extraordinary

in Angola and Namibia remain unaffected by

scenic beauty, sustaining a remarkably diverse

any upstream dams or abstraction. The three

ecosystem. The annual food-tide that pulses

countries have established a protocol under

the wetland to life, is a critical life-force to the

the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water

ecosystems during the peak of Botswana’s dry

Commission (OKACOM) for the sustainable

season from June to July.

management of the entire river system.

The Okavango Delta is a miraculous display

The Okavango Delta comprises a mosaic

of contrasts with vibrant wetland in an arid

of protected lands. About 40% lies in the

landscape. This triggers a transformation which

protection of the Moremi Game Reserve,

draws an abundance of wildlife, including large

with the remaining 60% under 18 Wildlife

herds of Elephant, Buffalo, Red Lechwe, and

Management Areas and a Controlled Hunting

Zebra which migrate for weeks across the

Area managed by community trusts or private

Kalahari Desert to get there.

tourism concession-holders.

The Okavango Delta is home to endangered

Legal protection is granted by Botswana’s

species such as the cheetah, white rhinoceros,

Wildlife Conservation and National Parks Act,

black rhinoceros, African wild dog and

Wildlife Conservation Policy, and the Tribal Land

lion. The Delta’s habitats are rich with 1061

Act. The whole area is communally-owned by

plants, 89 fsh, 64 reptiles, 482 species of

Tribal Land under the control of the Tawana

birds and 130 species of mammals. Botswana

Land Board.

supports the world’s largest population of elephants, numbering around 130,000 and the Okavango Delta is the core area for this species’ survival.


Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park History was made when Botswana and a newly liberated, democratic South Africa signed in

Immigration and customs facilities have been

1999 a treaty to form the frst transfrontier peace

designed to allow travellers to enter the park in

park in Africa.

one country and depart in the other. The main

Plans to formalise the joint management

entry and departure point between the two

and development of South Africa’s Kalahari

countries is at the Two Rivers/ Twee Rivieren

Gemsbok National Park and Botswana’s

gate, which also has camping facilities, chalets,

Gemsbok National Park were proposed as early

shops and a restaurant.

as 1989, but no such partnership was possible

The national boundary with South Africa

during South Africa’s dark years of apartheid.

is along the dry Nossop River bed; and three

Following South Africa’s independence in 1994,

quarters of the park lies within Botswana

and with the support and encouragement of

territory. Currently, KTP is mainly visited by self-

the Peace Parks Foundation, negotiations

drive campers, with a few operators offering

concretised; and in May 2002, the park was

mobile tours.

offcially opened. This immense wilderness (37 000 sq kms) is now shared by both countries as a protected



At the time of going to print, the Botswana government had allocated fve fxed lodge sites for development by the private sector.

area, and is jointly managed. The entire park

There are three main areas to explore: the

is completely unfenced, allowing for wildlife to

Nossop River valley, along the South Africa/

move freely along the ancient migration routes

Botswana border, the wilderness trails on

so necessary for their survival in the desert.

the Botswana side, and what was once

Situated in the extreme southwest corner

the Mabuasehube Game Reserve, now

of Botswana, and adjacent to South Africa’s

incorporated into KTP at its most northeastern

Northern Cape Province, the Kgalagadi


Transfrontier Park (KTP) is run as a single

To maintain KTP’s pure wilderness experience,

ecological unit, and gate receipts are

there are strict limits as to the number of vehicles

shared. Tourist facilities, however, are still run

that can travel the wilderness trails, how many

nights a camping party can stay at a campsite

focus of the reserve. Campsites dot the

(usually limited to one night), and how many

various pans, and many are situated on slight

people can camp at each campsite. Hence

promontories, giving almost unimpeded vision,

booking well in advance is essential.

thus making for good game viewing right from

Self-drive campers must comprise at least two vehicles; well-equipped 4x4s are required for the rough, sandy roads.

your camp-side chair. Three of the largest pans lie along the main road; these are Bosobogolo, Mpayathutlwa

KTP’s very beautiful terrain comprises fossil

and Mabuasehube. Others, like Leshologago,

river valleys dotted with dwarfed trees and

Khiding and the fossil valley complex called

bushes, grasslands and different coloured sand

Monamodi, are linked to the larger pans by sand

dunes. Wildlife is abundant, and the animals are


attracted to waterholes along the otherwise dry riverbed.

Each pan is different. The foor of Mabuasehube pan is bare clay that is rich in

Several species of antelope, including the

salts, and this attracts animals that come to lick

ubiquitous springbok and gemsbok, hartebeest,

the surface, deriving essential minerals from it.

and eland can be seen, as well as the famous

The foor of Bosobogolo pan is short, shrubby

black-maned Kalahari lion, jackal, brown hyena,

grassland, which antelope frequent to graze,

and wild cats.

accompanied, of course, by predators.

Rich birding is always part of the experience.

All of the major predators can be seen at

Over 170 species of birds have been recorded

Mabuasehube, including the Kalahari black-

here, and it is not uncommon to see over 30 bird

maned lion, cheetah, leopard, brown hyena, bat-

species within a few kilometres of the campsite.

eared fox, lynx, and silver fox. Small mammals,

At Mabuasehube, the terrain is a mixture of

like the Cape fox, aardwolf and blackfooted cat

typical Kgalagadi tree and shrub savanna with

can be seen at the pans in the evening.

patches of wide open grass savanna. This area of KTP comprises a series of exceptionally large pans, which are the principle

Š Botswana Tourism Organisation


The Makgadikgadi A quintessential wilderness waiting to be explored. Words and Photos by Vincent Grafhorst.

Once upon a time there was a giant superlake covering a vast area of what is Botswana today. The lake was fed by great rivers from the north and it is now known that tectonic factors changed the course of the big rivers feeding the super-lake towards the east, which resulted in the lake drying up. This, combined with climatic changes resulting in drier conditions and strong winds, gradually flled the lake with sand deposits; the Makgadikgadi was born. The most obvious last remnants of the prehistoric superlake are Makgadikgadi’s large Sua and Ntwetwe Pans, claimed to be the largest salt fats in the world. When you stand on the surface of the perfectly fat, grey pans today, nothing around you but empty, endless horizons, just imagine that there is a 50 to 100 metre thick layer of accumulated clay, gravel and salt below your feet! It is amazing how all this empty space can provide for so much adventure and that is exactly what the Makgadikgadi does; its wildness ignites that quintessential innate desire


Kubu island bathing in early morning light. The National monument Kubu (or Lekhubu) Island is a rocky outcrop in the immense wide open fats of the Makgadikgadi Saltpans that is covered with the most ghostly baobab trees, star chestnut trees and even mysterious stone walls. This magnifcent place undoubtedly leaves an indelible impression upon all who visit.

A curious Meerkat takes a peek from its safe underground burrow. Suricates, or Meerkats as they are more commonly referred to, are very popular animals. It was the famous TV-series ‘Meerkat Manor’ that largely contributed to that popularity, but also the fact that people can very easily relate to Meerkats. And actually it is very hard not to humanise them! Perhaps this has to do with their highly social lifestyle and that they live in large extended family groups or maybe it is simply because they are so incredibly cute and funny.

of mankind to explore the unknown wilderness.

plains though. One of the most engaging and

In the dry season it is possible to drive across

entertaining animal species that occurs here

these enormous salt pans; a must do, but be

is the Meerkat, a.k.a Suricate. In the Ntwetwe

careful because a sucking, saline slush is hiding

Pan live a group of Meerkats that have been

beneath the pan’s deceptive, dry crispy crust.

habituated, but are completely wild and free.

Most of the year this truly inhospitable terrain

Tourists can visit this group on a guided tour,

is seemingly devoid from any life of note. Within

which is a fantastic way to observe them really

days of the frst rains, however, this dusty land

close and even to interact with them. If given the

transforms into a green oasis teeming with

opportunity the sentinels will even use you as a

life. Thousands of Burchell's zebra and blue

vantage point!

wildebeest make their way from the Boteti and

One of the most awe-inspiring destinations in

further, across the Makgadikgadi and Nxai Pan

the Makgadikgadi area is without doubt Kubu

National Parks to feed on the nutritious sweet

Island (also called Lekhubu Island). This granite

new grasses, lick from the mineral rich soils

rock island, strewn with ancient, fantastically

and drink fresh water from the pans and natural

shaped baobabs and star-chestnut trees in the

waterholes. With an estimated 30,000 animals,

middle of the fat, open, seemingly endless salt

this is the second largest migration of African

pans, is a world apart.

ungulates. The staggering numbers of zebra,

The fossil beaches with rounded pebbles

wildebeest as well as springbok and gemsbok

are an indication of the super lake’s former

obviously also attract the large predators with

water levels; and many rocks on the island are

lion and cheetah being commonly seen.

covered in fossilised guano from the water birds

It is not only the big game that roams these

that once perched here.

A group of zebras, including a very young foal, drinking from a waterhole in Nxai Pan. Due to the higher elevation of the Nxai and Kgama-Kgama pans these dried up earlier and escaped encrustation by leached salts like what occurred at the Sua and Ntwetwe Pans. As a result Nxai and Kgama-Kgama are now covered with extremely nutritious grasses that attract wildlife from afar. Moreover in the wet season when the zebras come in their thousands to foal. The staggering numbers of foaling zebra as well as wildebeest, springbok and gemsbok obviously also attract the large predators with lion and cheetah being commonly seen.


Elephant herd with a baby in their midst approaching a waterhole as they march across the dry Nxai Pan covered with elephant droppings. Elephants are a common sight in the Nxai Pan and Makgadikgadi National Parks, particularly in the dry season.


A fallen over Baobab continuous to grow on the granite boulders. The National monument Kubu (or Lekhubu) Island is a rocky outcrop in the immense wide open fats of the Makgadikgadi Saltpans that is covered with the most ghostly baobab trees, star chestnut trees and even mysterious stone walls. This magnifcent place undoubtedly leaves an indelible impression upon all who visit.

Gracious long-legged Greater Flamingos marching across a fooded Kudiakam Pan in the Nxai Pan National Park. The Makgadikgadi Pan complex is an important breeding site for famingos in Africa – as well as providing a haven for 30 other globally and nationally important birds. These beautiful birds are a true delight for sore eyes and add colour to this harsh land.

Archaeological and historical remains - Stone

Possibly the most well-known and iconic of the

Age tools and arrow heads, and stone walls

Makgadikgadi Baobabs is a clump of baobabs

and cairns - are proof of early and recent

known as Baines’ Baobabs. These mighty trees

human inhabitation. Not surprisingly, the entire

on the edge of the idyllic Kudiakam Pan were

island is a National Monument, and is still today

immortalised by the famous explorer, naturalist,

considered a sacred site by people who live in

cartographer and artist Thomas Baines on his

the vicinity.

canvas in 1862. Surprisingly not much here has

What makes Kubu, as well as its smaller sister

changed in one and a half century. Even the lying

island ‘Kukonje’ on the opposite side of the Sua

down tree is still going strong and if Baines were

pan, so inspirational however, is the fantastic

to repaint these Baobabs today, there would

feeling of total isolation and its immense,

probably be no discernible difference. These

unspoilt natural beauty. Both have a lonely, eerie

famous trees, like Green’s and Chapman’s, are

otherworldliness diffcult to capture in words or

now on the National Monument list of Botswana.


Due to the location's remoteness, the fact that

The nineteenth-century explorers that daringly

it lies within a protected area and is out of sight

traversed the great Makgadikgadi pans with

from any form of modern civilisation, this place

oxwagons and on horse-back, used the

still evokes a primeval feeling of wildness almost

enormous Baobab trees that dot this fat land,

like Baines must have felt.

as navigation beacons. Some of these trees

This is the magic of Botswana; places like

still show their inscriptions in the trunks and

the greater Makgadikagdi, that are still relatively

the famous Green’s and Chapman’s Baobabs

wild and where people can still explore and

respectively are even named after them.

experience adventure like the early explorers did.

Herd of zebra walking across the green plains of the Nxai Pan. An incoming local storm shower in the late afternoon, results in a rainbow against a dark stormy sky with the raindrops refecting the sunlight.


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Rosewell Chauffeurs Introducing Rosewell (Pty) LTD. A chauffeur-driven car hire company driven to redefne luxury travel. Based in Gaborone, Botswana Rosewell offer chauffeur driven vehicles for all occasions.


Redefning Luxury Travel


Rosewell (Pty) Ltd are a Botswana based chauffeur car hire service. A

We have a dedicated feet of unbranded vehicles. All our vehicles have

private hire operator, providing safe, punctual luxury chauffeur driven cars

full insurance cover with passenger liability insurance inclusive; valid road

& vehicles for business, tours, weddings, events and nights out.

transport permits; road worthy certifcates and tracking devices.

Whether your needs are for airport transfers, corporate transport, city

• Standard: Toyota Corrolla, Chevy Cruze

tours, weddings and events or simply a luxurious way to round off a night.

• Comfort: Mercedes Benz C Class, Audi A4, BMW 320i

Let Rosewell glide you there in safety and in style.

• Executive: Mercedes Benz E Class, BMW 7 Series

With executive cars for Gaborone and the rest of Botswana. You can choose the right vehicle for your journey. Your business will beneft from

• MPV (Mercedes Viano): people moving comfort • MPV (Toyota Quantum or similiar): roomy

professional and prompt service with friendly and effcient operators. Creating a seamless airport transfer, road show and multi-point itineries for


you and your business.

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Our commitment

• City Day Chauffeur

We pride ourselves in providing you with:

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Rosewell Executive Transfers

corporate clients. We understand that security and discretion are

Rosewell Chauffeurs brings you executive cabs that operate from hotels to

paramount and our Terms of Use refects our commitment this

ease your offce transfers in the week, and your pick up and drop off to your


chosen destination. This is a cheaper alternative to a full chauffeur drive.

• Smart Chauffeurs

The service also best serves corporates to transfer them from the hotel

Dressed in smart, dark suits our chauffeurs are immaculately presented.

to their different locations throughout the day. Our dispatcher monitors

• Experienced Chauffeurs

your itinerary and requested appointments. This is also a cheaper option

All of our chauffeurs are experienced professionals and are have a

to leasing a vehicle for your stay in Botswana. Our service is accessible

full background and criminal record check. They comply with our

and available for purchase through our affliated hotels; the Town Lodge,

confdentiality agreement – what is said in the car, stays in the car! They

Lonrho Lansmore Hotel, Phakalane Golf Estate and the Peermont Hotels.

all have a good topographical knowledge of Botswana, and do not rely solely on their in-car satellite navigation. Our chauffeurs are hand-picked

Presidential Visits

to provide a truly frst class service, from door to door. All have great

As our service is specialised, we host Presidential visits, Ministers and their

people skills as well as good driving experience.

entourage in Botswana. We provide a feet of specialised vehicles and

• Intellectual Chauffeur

drivers who are specifcally trained for this kind of drive.

We have carefully selected our drivers from different graduate levels to basic intellectual education level.

c/o The Business Centre Offce, GICC The Grand Palm

Driven to serve

& The Lansmore Hotel

Our selection process looks at the drivers’ attitude and commitment to


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Tel/ Fax: +267 363 7790 / 363 7450

much trouble for a Rosewell chauffeur; they take pride in their work with an

aim to provide the highest level of service.

The Chauffeur Cars The world's fnest chauffeur cars from, Mercedes-Benz to BMW, ensure that you get the right vehicle for your journey. Every car is valeted, include complimentary water and newspaper.


Hotels, Lodges & Resorts



Majestic 5 Hotel

Magestic Hotel – “Your ideal venue for your next convention” About Us

three restaurants and bars means that day or

The Majestic Five Hotel and Convention Centre

night one will never be short of options to whet

is proudly 100% owned by Botswana citizens.

one’s appetite.

Set in the heart of Botswana’s business and leisure district, the service excellence and world-

Dinning At Majestic Five

class facilities on offer, sets The Majestic Five

True to its name, the RESTAURANT really is “a

Hotel apart from its competitors. Built around

world in one”. You can circumnavigate the globe

the Botswana landscape, guests can enjoy the

in a journey of tastes that transports you from

decadent use of space which gives the feeling

Mozambique to the Mediterranean. Majestic’s

of grandeur in an area where space is at a

seafood menu includes Mozambican prawns,

premium. It’s this serenity of Renaissance-style

lobsters, langoustines, mussels, oysters, crab,

elegance that makes Majestic Five Hotel the

clams, calamari and salmon. Order from the

Leading Hotel of Botswana.

Mediterranean style à la carte menu or opt for a

This magnifcence encourages guests to take time to revel in the fner things life has to offer

buffet menu. All meals are complemented with the pick of Africa’s most commended wines.

– indulging in a superb meal at The a la carte Restaurant.

The Cigar Lounge: The Lounge serves as a very

The area boasts open felds, which means

private and intimate venue and you can toast

there is no shortage of places to indulge in

the sunset with cocktails, complemented by

hours of relaxation therapy. The assortment of

tapas and other light snacks. Business lunches


are served daily and ft neatly into the diary

(on request). For your security, all rooms

of the busy executive. We are geared to your

are equipped with electric safes and smoke

pace, allowing you to conclude your business

detectors with sprinkler systems. These rooms

discussions and your lunch within the hour.

can be used to accommodate an extra bed or baby’s cot if necessary. Guests have a choice of


twin beds or a king-size bed.

Stay in the lap of luxury in any one of our

There is nothing you could possibly want for

exquisitely furnished rooms which range from

during your sojourn at Majestic Five. Maybe just

one bedroom, en-suite Deluxe, Superior, Family

a little more of everything.

rooms to two bedroom Presidential suites.

Not only did Majestic Five Hotel make a unique

No matter which room you favour, service

place, but it also sells Botswana as a Tourism

excellence and satisfaction are guaranteed at


Majestic Five. All suites have private bathrooms with a separate shower and toilet, hairdryers, plasma colour TV, movie channels, sport channels

A1 Highway, Palapye

24-hour CNN individually controlled aircon,

Tel: +267 492 1222

direct dialling phones, free Wi-Fi for personal

Fax: +267 492 1229

internet, electronic razor plug (220/110V),


complementary tea & coffee and mini bar


Big Five Lodge The whole concept of Big Five Lodge in Mogoditshane was about proving what seemed to be impossible (bringing the bush to the city) to be actually possible. So it was in 2004 when The Big Five Lodge

lines, wireless internet and African-themed

arrived in the outskirts of Gaborone and


enthralled everyone who came within the vicinity of this African-themed architectural marvel. At the time the lodge was built there were no hotels nor lodges around with an African theme, therefore the Big Five Lodge was built to make a difference as it is not like the modern lodges

Big Five has two bars that cater for both residents and non-residents. The main bar is

Big Five has three different types of rooms:

called Tshukudu meaning hippopotamus.

family rooms with two units separated by an

The pool deck bar caters for functions that are

adjoining door, double rooms with double beds

held within the vicinity of the pool, this makes it

as well as rooms with two single beds.

more convenient for client as they do not have

To reinforce the “big-fve” theme, the lodge has

to walk far to get their drinks.

facilities named after wild animals in that rarefed

Along the perimeter wall are small caves

class. There is the Tlou Conference Centre

which are designed in a way that maintains

people are used to. The Big Five Lodge was

(which pays homage to the elephant) that seats

atmospheric temperature at all times and can

built for a bigger market, not only locally but

350 people in a conference set-up. On account

be used as breakaway rooms for conferences.

internationally as international clients tend to

of its African theme, the Tlou Conference Centre

Nine sit four while one sits six.

prefer traditional structures over modern.

is the most favoured venue for international

The Big Five Lodge was offcially opened in 2004, having His Honorable Festus Mogae as one of the guest of honor just to indicate how exalted the lodge was. Upon the opening the lodge had 37 rooms, due to the high demand 20 more rooms were added within 2 years. The extension didn’t ease the demand and in no time another 20 rooms were added. All the rooms are self-contained, have en-suite bathrooms, showers, Dstv, direct telephone




The swimming pool is one of the biggest in


Gaborone and the pool area caters for children’s

parastatal organisations and private companies

functions like birthday parties. Lodge facilities

have also demonstrated preference for it for

are also used for weddings, graduation parties

the same reason. Additionally, there are fve

and corporate functions like end-of-year parties.

additional small conference rooms that can

The Big Five restaurant has a variety of dishes

accommodate between 25 and 80 people.

that range from a la carte to cocktail to buffet

Conference facilities include data projectors

menus. With traditional food becoming popular

and a public address system with modern

with clients, the lodge plans to introduce a menu

cordless microphones. All packages for the use

for this cuisine very soon.

of these conference centres are offered at very competitive prices.

Due to the partial growth of the hospitality industry, the Big Five Lodge offers its clients/

customers an extensive choice. New launches in the industry tend to undergo aggressive marketing to maintain their position but Big Five Lodge has sustained their position in the industry for almost 11 years now and it takes pride by being in town and still holding on strong. Having been recently featured on Botswana Television which reaches the rest of Southern Africa, the lodge has become more visible. The Big Five Lodge acknowledges that competition is indeed one of the main challenges the lodge faces but also note with satisfaction that Big Five has transformed the hospitality industry by inspiring the African theme. Over time, Big Five has established a working relationship with two South African travel agencies. These agencies direct tourists travelling to and from the Central Kgalagadi Game Reserve and tourist hot spots in the northern part of the country to the lodge. Tel: +267 350 0500 Fax: +267 450 0337 Email:


Big Valley Game Lodge Big Valley Game Lodge- ‘Ideal place for tourist destination’

consisting of a living room, and 14 at the bottom,

and from the other side of the chalet, the sun

which line a natural spring on the hill tops, and

sets, giving a 360 degree view of the surrounding

these are where guests will stay - they’re lovely

area. At night, you are able to view one of Africa’s

thatched rooms, stone-packed feature walls

best star glazing’s ever to be seen from the hill

Big Valley Game Lodge is a superb choice for

are particularly attractive with cooling fans for

tops with no obstructions. From within, relaxing

serious wildlife enthusiasts looking for superior

the hot summers as well as an en-suite large

on the deck itself - there’s nothing like relaxing

game viewing and extraordinary scenic viewing

spacious bath rooms flled with beautiful mosaic

with a book and then looking up to see a giraffe,

from the hill tops. Big Valley Game Lodge is

walls grasping the natural beauty of the reserve.

kudu or Gemsbok drinking water within the 6

the frst lodge in Botswana, Lobatse to have

The big valley game lodge will be an eco friendly

hector beautiful encrypted dam. There is also a

brought in this kind of legendary bush craft.

environment that will be powered by solar

thrilling and exciting vibe you get by the Giraffes

power system.

coming to the chalets in search of food. Clients

But great scenic viewing and game viewing is far from being the Ranches only strength –

The Chalets feature a fre place together with

the lodge itself offers the guest the ultimate in

a self catering kitchen where guests will be

tranquility and relaxation!

able to do there own cooking with a naturally

Big valley game lodge is set along a rocky

constructed potjie stand, braais etc.

will have the opportunity to hand feed them from the restaurant decks as well. If you’re a family looking for an even more exclusive experience, this is the place to indulge

and mountainous ridge with stunning vistas of

Each chalet is fronted with large sliding wooden

your self with. It will have a big swimming pool,

the reserve - there are 21 luxurious rooms, all

framed glass doors which open up onto the

double deck restaurant all with excellent views

carved into the hills and carefully positioned to

private deck giving each chalet uninterrupted

of the bushveld including a very active waterhole

ensure ultimate privacy. 7 upper foor rooms

views of the amazing sun rise from the one side

(Dam) that can be seen from above and that is


home to over 5 species of fsh. All guests that come will be introduced with fun activities such as fshing, bike riding through the rocky hills, animal tracking through the thick bush, camel and horse riding and many more. In the middle of the dam will be an island that can be reached by boat only. The main feature of this island will be a beautiful scenic bird watching experience. The property already has 500 species of animals, among them giraffe, zebra, kudu, impala, water buck, wildebeest, red hartebeest, eland, gemsbok, duck, duiker, steenbok and different types of migratory birds. The main lodge itself is spectacular and you will be able to enjoy amazing scenic views extending as far as the eye can see. In the warmer summer months you’ll no doubt spend many hours lazing around the rocky pool deck with a cold beer or chilled glass of chardonnay. Meals are enjoyed on the double story deck restaurant over looking the tremendous scenic view of all the animals coming to drink water with an open freshness of air gushing

The camel and horse rides through the reserve is

in to your face. Dining is an experience to be enjoyed

the highlight of your stay at Big Valley Game Ranch.

Cell: 74865288

as we got different kinds of venison to enjoy, either

The game become increasingly accustomed to the

Tel: +267 492 1222

in the privacy of your deck, dining room, or under

presence of the camel and horse and as a result,

Fax: +267 492 1229

the African clear sky. The beauty of it is that it’s just

become more relaxed too and the quality and

you taking in Mother Nature facing each other, and

duration of sightings improve. What’s pretty certain

this is what she gives to every individual that comes

is that the memory of your stay in this incredible

to explore the game reserve.

place will linger for a very long time!



Wilderness Safaris

As well as being a leading provider of wildlife, marine and cultural safaris, Wilderness Safaris is a responsible ecotourism and conservation company, whose ethos lies in protecting the pristine wilderness areas of Africa and including the local communities in this process. The company has over 60 camps and safaris in eight African countries. Botswana’s beautiful places – the Okavango Delta, Linyanti and the Kalahari – and the wildlife that dwells within them are showcased through a variety of experiences, from luxury Premier and Classic camps to mobile camping safaris known as Explorations. Botswana has a well-developed network of protected areas, and the importance of visitors and tourism to the sustainability of these areas cannot be overstated. A visionary ecotourism policy, carefully nurtured by the government over the past 30 years, has had a spectacular impact on the sustainable conservation of all the animals and plants that live here. Ever since Wilderness Safaris began operating in Botswana, this has been one of its primary goals. A case in point: white and black rhino, poached to extinction in Botswana some time ago have,


thanks to a joint project between the Botswana

stakeholder project that included fundraising by

government, the Botswana Defence Force,

the Wilderness Safaris Wildlife Trust and Rhino

Department of Wildlife and National Parks

Conservation Botswana, negotiations between

(DWNP) and Wilderness Safaris, been returned

the governments of South Africa and Botswana

to their integral place in the hierarchy of wild

and the generosity of various private individuals


and state-owned parks. The sharp rise in rhino poaching in southern Africa over the past few

Under this scheme, a founder population of

years also increased the urgency of relocation

white rhino was translocated from South Africa

of more rhino into this protected area.

into Okavango Delta in 2001, with a number of others following soon after. As soon as

Thrillingly, in the frst half of 2014, the capture,

these animals were released from the holding

translocation and release of a number of black

bomas, they became the property of Moremi

rhino took place. Thanks to this project, breeding

Game Reserve and settled in quickly, forming a

populations of both African rhino species have

successful breeding nucleus. Joint monitoring

been re-established in the Okavango Delta,

patrols with the DWNP Anti-Poaching Unit

adding signifcant value to world rhino numbers

continue to achieve good results, and are

and population distributions.

successful in tracking rhino as they disperse throughout the broader area establishing new population nuclei. In 2003, a small founder group of south-central black rhino was introduced into the same area

Gaborone Offce – Reservations

and a single calf was born in 2009. Since then,

Tel: +267 392 6886

the need for more black rhino to create a viable

breeding nucleus has been a primary objective

Maun Offce – Operations

of Wilderness Safaris and became a multi-

Tel: + 267 686 0086


Planet Lodge Planet Lodge is a selected service world-class hotel facility located at plot 65877 along Bokaa road off Kubu road in Block 3, Gaborone, Botswana.

PLANET LODGE 2 Planet lodge 2, your premier hotel facility comprising of 21 ensuite rooms some of which are differently confgured to suit your individual accommodation needs, offering room services of the highest standard that make your stay a pleasurable and memorable one with extraordinary and unique decors in each room. We are in close proximity to Sir Seretse Khama international airport, Airport Junction Mall, West Gate Mall, the Central Business District (CBD), Sebele Mall, major banking facilities and other service areas. All rooms have high speed internet connection, split air condition, television sets with 11 DSTV channels, fridges, digital safe, reading desk, double beds and internal dialling phone lines. Self-catering facilities in the platinum rooms and a well equipped and modern conference


facility for your conferencing and seminars. For your outdoor recreational needs, we have a swimming pool, thatch roofed bar and garden with water fountain. For memorable wedding photo shoots, bridal showers, baby showers, lunches or kiddies’ parties, contact for more info. ROOM TYPES • Gold room with a combination of a standing shower, a toilet and a double bed. It is the perfect room for short stay for a budget traveller. • Gold Executive descent, moderate room that is comfortable and comes with all standard necessities. It has its own ensuite bathroom with a hand shower and double bed.

PLANET LODGE 1 Planet Lodge 1 is a medium cost facility located at plot 514 in the heart of Gaborone along south ring road in extension 4. We offer services to cater for low budget travellers. Rates are rooms only, breakfast is available at a minimal cost. All six rooms have double beds, fat screen • Diamond Executive standard room type consisting of a bedroom with its own bathroom (bath tub and a hand shower), fatron screen with DSTV channels, built in wardrobes, digital safes, air conditioned, reading study desks, telephone and coffee station. • Platinum Palace comprises of a bedroom with an inter-leading door to a small kitchenette with a lounge, kitchen utensils, hotplate stove and microwave oven. The platinum palace boasts a free city landscape overview. It’s quite a spacious room type and

televisions, mini fridges, coffee or tea making facilities, air conditioners and electronic safes. Planet Lodge 1's location provides easy access to the Main Mall, South Ring Mall and African Mall. ROOM TYPES Single Sharing Bathroom; Double Sharing Bathroom; Single En-Suite and Double En-suite. Our well trained and courteous staff make your stay enjoyable. "Planet Lodges 1 and 2, lodging redefned"

suitable for long stays. Tel: +267 391 0116 /391 0117 Mobile: +267 71 319 940/1, 74 004 783 Fax: +267 391 0118 Planetlodge

Tel: +267 390 3295 / 393 0452 Mobile: +267 745 57090 Fax: +267 390 3229 Email:

Planet Lodge 1 is a medium cost facility located at plot 514 at the heart of Gaborone along south ring road in extension 4


Travelodge Travelodge is located in the suburb of Block 3 off the Western Bypass, Gaborone. The Hotel targets both tourists and business travellers. It’s location off the Western bypass makes it convenient for people travelling from the Airport or Francistown towards the City Centre. OUR PHILIOSPHY

garden which provides a beautiful backdrop for

Our philosophy veers around providing Quality


Services at affordable rates to our esteemed customers and in catering to their requirements

Due to the increasing number of guests using

and needs. This is achieved through carrying out

the hotel and suggestions for a conference

a constant review and upgrade of the facilities

centre, Travelodge is building an extension to

offered at our Hotels.

the existing hotel. Phase II will comprise of an additional 31 bedrooms, new reception foyer,

This has led to Travelodge retaining its position

600 seated Conference Centre, 3 State of the

as a proftable player in the highly competitive

Art Boardrooms, Gym, Swimming Pool and

hospitality market despite adverse market

entertainment area as well as extensive secure


car parking facilities. The extension will be fnished off with beautifully landscaped gardens

WHO ARE WE? Travelodge has brought a breath of fresh air

Travelodge’s mission is to continue to enhance

into the Hotel Industry which was dominated by

and grow our reputation as one of Botswana’s

large chains running Hotels at exorbitantly higher

most respected hospitality facilities. We do this

prices and the small scale Hotel operators who

by exceeding guest expectations, providing a

lack service standards and facilities.

conducive, supportive work environment and delivering fnancial success and opportunities

Phase I, which started functioning in March 2012

for our employees and investors.

comprises of 82 modern and contemporary


designed rooms, with 130 secure parking

We promise

bays, a multi cuisine restaurant, and a tranquil

• A Fresh, energetic and vibrant look

• Affordable pricing with business travellers and families in mind

Travelodge brings into the market a three star business class hotel which is the frst of its

• Spacious, contemporary interiors

kind in Kasane. It is intended to cater for the

• Airport pick up and drop off

requirements of business travellers who need

• Wireless hotspots throughout the hotel.

a good night’s rest, internet and conference

• Menu’s to satisfy the taste buds

facilities to conduct their business uninterrupted.

• LED TV and multi-channel DSTV bouquet • Landscaped gardens provide a beautiful backdrop for relaxation

Ghanzi Plans are underway to start construction of the 60 room facility in Ghanzi.

Travelodge, with its vibrant and energetic look provides services consistent with any

It is intended to serve the same market targeted

International hotel brand. It is Travelodge’s

in Gaborone and Kasane. Guests will enjoy

promise to maintain service standards across

seamless internet, modern spacious rooms

the various upcoming locations.

and a fully functional restaurant and conference facility.

With the success of Travelodge in Gaborone, we have decided to roll out the concept to other

The group has plans to explore other towns like

parts of the Country.

Palapye and Francistown in the coming years.

Kasane Travelodge Kasane comprises of 68 rooms,

Restaurant, Pool, Bar and 200 seater

conference centre.

Tel: +267 310 5000, Fax: +267 392 4082



Lansmore Masa Square Recasting the rhythm of a nation Botswana has its own unique, nuanced rhythm;

Espretto Coffee Shop, Botswana’s frst rooftop

that pulsing lively beat that drives every aspect

infnity swimming pool, eventing space and

of the country. As the country grows, so too

fully equipped gym. In addition, it offers

does its rhythm, evolving with every passing

seven fexibly designed meeting rooms with

minute. Over the course of the last few years,

multimedia equipment, conference facilities

Gaborone has come under the spotlight for an

accommodating up to 200 people, the now

almost immeasurable sense of development,

infamous Absolut Gaborone bar and frst-in-the-

continuously reiterating its status as the literal

world Absolut Elyx Lounge.

and proverbial heartbeat of the nation.

Lansmore Masa Square is committed to establishing luxury in Gaborone’s hospitality

Against this background, Lansmore Masa

sector, shedding greater light on the kind of

Square has earned a reputation as a hospitality

service offering that guests can experience and

business that has begun to truly re-harmonise

the kind of lifestyle that goes hand in hand with

Botswana’s melody. Lansmore has established

this. As the rhythm of the nation goes on, it’s

itself as the preferred choice for business and

hard to escape that at the heart of the city lies

leisure tourists alike, as well as locals looking for

a business that has recast the beat of that very

a great time. The hotel is uniquely positioned,

rhythm. It is one that almost magically draws

both literally and fguratively, to raise the bar with

you in.

its own particular brand of impeccable service,

A pulsing, lively beat that continues to transfx

luxury and glamour, a mandate it has lived up

everyone who walks through Lansmore’s doors.

to since opening its doors to customers in June 2012. For more information, go to A series of frsts has characterised the hotel’s

every offering, frmly entrenching its reputation


as a go-to destination for all. The hotel boasts

153 luxury rooms spread over seven foors, the


gourmet La Touche de Provence restaurant,

Tel: +267 315 9954



The much anticipated 84-bedroom lndaba

• Riverwalk Gaborone Botswana

Lodge, Gaborone opened its doors in

• Easy access to Commerce & Business Park

December 2013 and provides affordable quality

• 84 en-suite Bedrooms

accommodation to the Corporate & Leisure

• Fully Airconditioned


• Safe Underground Parking • Coffee Shop

Ideally located on the Tlokweng Road and within

• Cocktail Bar

easy access of the Fair Grounds Corporate

• Pool & Pool Deck

Business Hub, the University of Botwana and the

• Residents only Gym

Riverwalk Shopping Centre; the lndaba Lodge

• Wi-Fi throughout

promises unsurpassed service excellence and

• Walking distance to Riverwalk Shopping

modern facilities to the discerning traveller who


enjoys that little extra. Tlokweng Road, Gaborone Private Bag RWOOl, Riverwalk, Gaborone

You've tried the rest, NOW TRY THE BEST. lndaba Lodge, Gaborone – your key to a PERFECT DAY

Tel: +267 399 9500 Email:


Ta Shebube Eco Lodge

fossil river environment of the Nossob and Auob River valleys, vast open Acacia savannahs and expansive grassy plains. The dry river beds with its multitude of waterholes show predators and antelopes off at a premium. Predators are the area’s big attraction and include the black-maned Kalahari lion, leopard, brown and spotted hyena, jackal and wildcat. It is one of the best places in Africa for the cheetah which thrive by hunting in the fossil river bed and the

Explore the new frontier in remote desert destinations

surrounding Kgalagadi dunes.

Ta Shebube’s unique desert safari delves deep

the largest conservation areas in the world, and

interested in birds of prey and the Nossob

into the Kgalagadi – an isolated, unspoilt and

one of the last truly unspoilt ecosystems. This

riverbed is rated as one of the best places in

undiscovered treasure trove with respect to its

vast wilderness is a protected area where the

Southern Africa to view raptors. Of the 80

remote desert and solitude feel, rugged scenic

boundary between South Africa and Botswana

raptors recorded in Southern Africa, 52 of them

beauty, the abundance and variety of wildlife,

has no physical barriers. This allows for free

have been seen in the KTP.

wilderness trails and culture.

movement of animals along ancient migration

Due to its extremely remote location and harsh terrain the park gets relatively few visitors

KTP is a haven for birders especially when

routes that is so necessary for the survival of

A pristine desert wilderness

animals in this harsh desert environment.

The Ta Shebube desert circuit consists of two

making it ideal for dedicated game-viewers,

The area is characterised by the red rolling

lodges, Rooiputs and Polentswa. Each lodge

bird-watchers, photographic safaris and for

Kgalagadi sand dunes, the Kgalagadi dune

promotes high-quality, low density tourism and

guests seeking a desert experience.

bushveld with its scattered salt pans, dune

is large enough to cater for groups of family

crests dominated by tall dune grass, the arid

and friends, yet small enough to ensure that

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (KTP) is one of


all guests will experience the tranquillity and solitude that make Kgalagadi such a desirable holiday destination.

ROOIPUTS Rooiputs is located about 25 km north of Two Rivers (Twee Rivieren). Situated off the predatorrich Nossob valley, the lodge is perched along a mature red sand dune, overlooking a water hole. Co-ordinates – S 26o200.85’ – E 20o44’54.64



Lodge and Facilities

• Nine standard en suite thatched chalets;

Polentswa is located 222km from Two Rivers

• The main open fronted lodge is set under

• One family unit;

along the predator-rich Nossob. The camp is

thatch on an elevated expansive wooden deck

• One honeymoon suite with outside bath tub;

nestled amongst tall trees and dwarf scrubs

and constructed out of a clever combination

• All chalets are privately set on raised wooden


of canvas and wood and decorated with

decks with a perfect view of the waterhole;

furniture which refects the rich textures of

• Chalets have a main sleeping area, small

Southern Africa and the desert; • Lounge area, a bar, dining room, reading area; • Craft shop;






waterhole and exciting game. Co-ordinates: S25o03’13.21, E20o25’40.23

sitting area, en suite bathroom with his and hers wash basin, toilet, outside showers and

Lodge And Facilities

a large verandah;

This is a classic tented camp capturing the

• The sleeping area has double or twin beds,

romance of this nostalgic bygone era. The

• Boma for fres and traditional meals;

high-quality mattresses and linen ensuring a

main building is on an elevated deck to catch

• Plunge pool.

relaxed night’s sleep.

the breeze and positioned under a canvas roof.


Here guests can either recline with a sundowner

and under enormous canvas roofs that also

and a book, watch the game visiting the camp’s

encompass a spacious private verandah and

waterhole or merely contemplate the desert.

an open air hot water shower. The tents will

• Lounge area, a bar, dining room

be originally furnished to refect the spirit and

• Reading area

essence of an authentic tented safari camp:

• Boma for traditional dinners

• Seven luxury classic safari tents;

• Viewing deck

• Two desert suites/family units;

• Waterhole

• Tents have a main sleeping area, dressing area, en suite bathroom with wash basin,

Accommodation In




cupboard space, adjoining shower area open Polentswa’s

to the stars and a water-born toilet;

accommodation comprises of classic safari

• The sleeping area has double beds, high-

tents, all built on raised wooden platforms

quality mattresses and linen ensuring a relaxed night’s sleep; • The Polentswa tents are not really suitable for twin beds.

Activities • Game drives: morning, afternoon/ sunset game drives; • Half-day birding safari; • Mid-morning birding & nature walks with our guide; • Star gazing with camp telescope; • Wellness massages*.

Safari Packages Ta Shebube offers fully-inclusive packages and self-drive packages for those that prefer to drive themselves.

Children Policy Children over the age of eight years old are welcome to the camp and a family friendly tent is


available for parents and children under 12 years old. However, parents must be aware of the danger posed by wild animals and the children must be under strict supervision all the time.

Eco-Tourism The camp is designed to ensure that its operations are carried out in an ecologically sustainable manner where fora and fauna are fully protected and conserved. Programmes are in place to minimise the negative aspect of conventional tourism on the environment and enhance the cultural integrity of the local communities. Therefore, every effort is made to use green technologies at the camp such as solar power, and to promote recycling, energy effciency and water conservation. The lodges are powered by a solar panel system with generators as a back-up. Limited charging of batteries is available.


• Two Rivers, Botswana: opens 7.30hrs, closes

Both lodges are serviced by two boreholes.

Limited cellphone signals are available at

The borehole water is very salty and a water

Rooiputs but not at Polentswa. The camp has

purifcation system is used to remove the salt

satellite phone for emergencies.

and provide potable water for the camp. Hot

By air

Access By Road

due to the scarceness of water; guests are

The park can be accessed by road from

asked to use it considerately and we urge all


guests to restrict showers to only a few minutes.

Alternatively, guests will be met at Two Rivers/




For the same reason there are policies in place

Twee Rivieren Parks Entrance or airstrip and

for the cleaning of guest towels and bed linen,

transferred to the lodgse.

around the KTP to ensure that the local communities beneft from tourism.

• Daily scheduled fights from Johannesburg and Cape town to Upington (SAA Airlink • There are private charter fight companies in Upington that can fy from Upington to Twee Rivieren in South Africa or Bokspits in

and the camp offers no laundry service. All junior staff are employed from the villages

• Mata Mata, Namibia: opens 8.00hrs, closes 16.30hrs

and cold water is available in all units. However,



Border Posts


• Twee Rivieren, South Africa: opens 7.30hrs, closes 16.00hrs


Elegant & Exclusive Boutique Guest House

About us

Each of our rooms has a theme of its own,

Situated in the heart of Gaborone, Botswana’s

intended to continuously attract repeat guests,

effervescent capital, the Elegant and Exclusive

to visit and stay with us again, for a different

Boutique Guesthouse offers comfortable,


exclusive, modern, upmarket accommodation, with unrivalled personality, dĂŠcor and ambiance.


Our service

With individually crafted and luxurious rooms

Catering for short and long stays, and for

inspired by Southern Africa, and premium

business or tourism, we put our guests at the

facilities set in stunning grounds, we pride

heart of everything we do. By actively engaging

ourselves in creating extraordinary experiences

with the local Gaborone community, and

for every single one of our guests.

weaving the spirit of Botswana into the very

• Gardens and outdoor relaxation areas • Barbeque facility (braai area)

• bathrooms include both a separate shower and bathtub

• Free unlimited wi-f

• work desk

• In-room television sets with dstv

• direct dial phone

• In-room ironing facilities

• air-conditioning and heating • tea and coffee making facilities

Our style

• luxury guest amenities

Elegant, serene, tranquil, relaxed and welcoming.

• hairdryer


• irons and ironing boards





modernity of city life with the timeless, exotic serenity of the African culture.


We believe hospitality is an art: an eye for

Semi-detached, with secluded privacy and luring

detail in perfectly appointed rooms, a restaurant

serenity, the emerald room comes equipped with

with menus that are hand-picked from all over

a spacious, open plan bathroom, kitchenette

the world, signature dishes, a swimming pool

and a lavish bedroom. Perfectly appropriate for

that offers tranquil retreat, and cutting edge

a business guest or a couple on holiday – a true

facilities that make any stay at E&E a memorable

embodiment of comfort and style.

extraordinary experience.

Sapphire About the rooms

For the shorter-stay traveller, the sapphire room

By blending high quality import pieces and

offers stunning hand-picked accommodation at

African personality, with exceptional modern

mid-range value. Simplicity with overtones of

fabric of our Boutique Guesthouse, we ensure

standards and luxury fttings, every room has


that any stay at E&E goes above and beyond

its own individual character and vibe. The

being simply a place to sleep. We make it

bathrooms are ftted with state of- the-art

memorable. We make it extraordinary.


sanware and accessories, each of them with its

Specially adapted for wheelchair access, the

own panache.

topaz retains the ambiance of the rest of the

We make it enjoyable and make our guests feel uniquely special and dear to us by offering them personalised service.

Our people

E&E rooms.

Diamond Unique presidential suite with opulent living and


dining areas, and extravagant bathroom. The

Bijou and compact, evoking simple elegance

Highly motivated, well trained, knowledgeable,

diamond is magnifcent in its luxurious simplicity

and the true spirit of Botswana, the amethyst

local and friendly, Our staff are the heartbeat

and breath-taking scale. Cocooned in privacy

offers unrivalled value for money for the E&E

and face of E&E – and no doubt, proudly the

with easy access to the pool area, this suite is


epitome of warm hospitality. Whether you are

ideally suited for a long stay business guest or a

visiting for business or pleasure, we shall make

good retreat for a honeymoon couple.

your stay an exceptional retreat, bound to be inspiring, relaxing and an unforgettable haven, away from the stresses, pressures and anxieties of everyday Life.

P/Bag BO 330, Gaborone, Botswana Plot 6197, Ntsu Close, Tshimotharo,


Broadhurst (Off Broadhurst Drive),

The ruby is a presidential suite that opens into a


private patio, overlooking the lush and pleasant

Tel: +267 391 7623

E&E gardens. Evidently inviting, soothing and

+267 391 7621

therapeutic. The ruby is an exclusively furnished

Fax: +267 391 7624

• Swimming pool

room – the epitome of comfort and leisure. Fully-

• Outdoor shower

equipped kitchenettes with modern appliances

The facilities


Tati River Lodge Discover an exclusive retreat in a tranquil African setting

Tati River Lodge is a picturesque traditional,

All rooms boast 13-channel digital satellite


televisions; air conditioning; telephones; and tea





conveniently situated 8km from the City Centre

and coffee making facilities.

of Francistown, Botswana. This tranquil venue with its unique ambience remains ideal for

The hotel also has a fully-serviced camp site and

conferences, weddings, camping, special

caravan site with hot showers. Both the camp

functions, and product launches 16 years later.

and caravan sites are supervised and secure, allowing you to enjoy your stay.

Our conferencing facilities: The Morojwa and Morula Rooms seat 100 people each, the

Food and dining

Motswere Room seats 150 and the Mowana

The Mophane Grill offers mouth-watering

room seats 300. The entertainment area with a

cuisine inspired by the many favours of Africa.

pool-side pub and band-stand accommodates

The lunch and dinner buffet menu is a wonderful

up to 500 guests for corporate functions,

assortment of home-style meals all ready to

weddings, braais, and tailor-made dinners and

tantalise your taste buds

other festivities.

Weddings and Functions


The hotel presently boasts 80 delightful rooms,

Tati River Lodge to date remains a sought-after

all tastefully decorated in rustic African theme.

venue for themed weddings.

Our fne-dining Mopipi Restaurant is geared for the discerning guest. This intimate, exclusive and sophisticated restaurant seats 48 and is stylishly decorated in contemporary lines that still retain its elegant traditional feel. The cuisine served is traditional with a cosmopolitan touch. A collection of vintage wines is always on offer. The restaurant is available for private functions as well. Open from 18h00-22h00, Monday to Saturday. An offcial three-star graded member of the Botswana Tourism Board, Tati River Lodge is ideal as a stopover for business and leisure. Tel: +267 240 6000 Fax: +267 240 6080



Dining & Hospitality


Rhapsody’s Gaborone Rhapsody’s restaurant has a natural ambiance which is effortlessly lively in a stylish yet relaxed setting, offering simple yet delicious food. The elegant decor and extensive array of superior wines help form part of the perfect backdrop for superb culinary fair. Combined with delectable cuisine, superb service, vibrant people and a pulsating atmosphere, the “Flavours of Life” experience is created. As a southern African group, Rhapsody's holds to the philosophy that every city deserves to be treated to its delicious menu and excellent service – which is exactly why Rhapsody's Gaborone was opened. The measure of excellence in the restaurant industry has always followed a set of specifed criteria – through details such as standards of food, service and ambience. Rhapsody's cannot be measured – only felt, lived and experienced. The aim is to surpass all levels of dining pleasure and enter a realm of delight in Rhapsody's distinctive Flavours of Life.

Local clientele Our patrons create the essence of the culture of living at Rhapsody's. We cater for clientele who are trendsetters, not followers – soulful personalities who light up rooms with vibrant conversations and laughter. The word Gaborone literally means it does not ft badly or it is not unbecoming. This defnition aligns perfectly with Rhapsody's, which now offers excellent food paired with beautiful wines to local Gaborone patrons. Lovingly referred to as "Gabs", the Rhapsody's group knew it was just a matter of time before this growing city would be ready for a Rhapsody's of its own. Situated at the Airport Junction,


Gaborone, Rhapsody's is conveniently located for ease of access to visiting guests and local patrons.

Desirable dishes Well known as one of only a handful of establishments





Gaborone, Rhapsody’s has gained a reputation in a very short time for their immaculate quality and competitive pricing in this department – becoming a popular dining destination. A favourite dish has to be the Chicken Espetada, which is created from deboned chicken thighs set on a skewer separated with spicy pickled jalapenos and a sweet-chilli basting sauce, grilled until golden brown and topped with garlic butter. Evermore enticing, the sumptuous Chicken Espetada at Rhapsody’s is subtly glamorous – these complementary elements making it both naughty and nice. Another one of the favoured menu times is by far the Beef Espetada. A dish defnitely reserved for big appetites, the skewer consists of 450 grams of wet-aged rump cubes, dusted with black pepper and coarse salt, skewered between bay leaves and then fame-grilled and served with garlic butter. Paired with a wide variety of quality drinks and cocktails, the lively atmosphere at Rhapsody’s makes it the perfect place to unwind with the setting Botswana sun. Do you really need any other reason to visit Gaborone Rhapsody's? Tel: +267 392 3989 Fax: +267 392 3984 Facebook: rhapsodysgaborone


Sky Lounge Business people and Safari-goers from all over

and alongside the iTowers is the Botswana High

prevent the sophisticated crowd of jet-setters

the world visit Botswana, a sub-Saharan African

Court. Here, Business meets elegance and

and diplomats from mingling, while couples

country, known for its peaceful politics, unspoilt

quality service is a way of life.

and groups of fashionable socialites retreat into four interconnected alcoves for an even more

nature reserves, and fve-star safaris. It's also a growing business hub, with most of this growth

Temporary Membership may be granted, at the

centred in the capital city of Gaborone.

Manager/ess' discretion. A cover charge for the

intimate setting.

evening is applicable to non members, but only

In the nearest nook, square ivory couches entice

Sky Lounge is a premier lounge, dining

if there’s availability after member bookings. The

chic politicos to relax beneath a neon light

and entertainment destination for members

Lounge seats 200.

show, or to join modish patrons on one of the

only, situated in the top foor of the iTowers

tall translucent chairs by the second smaller bar. A large curved sofa flls another alcove, as do

with 360° views. Its easily visible, within the new

What is the Sky Lounge experience

and immaculate buildings creating a new skyline

Well-to-do registrants and their dapper guests

intricate small plates.

in the CBD. Landmarks include the Masa Centre

make their way up an unassuming alley and

which houses the Lansmore Hotel and other

into a posh subterranean hideout up in the

Our Crowd

prominent business organisations. Just opposite

skies, with exposed brick and rustic stone

Successful professionals, international jet-

the iTowers is the home of FNB Botswana Head

contrasted by elegant banquettes, low chaises,

setters, socialites, fashionistas, diplomats,

offces. Arriving from the opposite direction

and rows of sleek metal stools. Tranquil

corporate bigwigs and whiskey lovers mingle

you'll pass the Three Chiefs Monument park

international trance and techno beats don’t

on the dance foor, in the gallery, dining area,

Botswana's tallest building, completed in 2013,


candlelit tables where hungry guests snack on

lounges and on the decks. Business people

Our frst exhibition is a collection of work from all

Sky Lounge Access

meet for brunch and to work while catching up

over the world. With great emphasis and pride,

The iTowers reception will direct you to the lifts

on international news.. as well as Members who

the gallery exhibits a celebration of African Art

to Lounge, where our hostesses will greet you

long to lounge, surfng the web on free high-

as well as celebrating its presence in Botswana.

and check your Membership details for priority

speed internet and meeting for fresh brewed

Without necessarily offering a theme, the

seating, reservations and requests.

coffee and cocktails.. Please note, no under

exhibition invites you to enjoy what our continent


and our country has to offer.

Gallery – Sophie Lalonde

Liban Restaurant

the lounge anytime from 11:00am to 5pm.

Sky Lounge will be showcasing some of Africa's

Sky Lounge's sister on the frst foor of the

Thereafter, an entrance fee may be required of

most prestigious artists through the Gallery in

iTowers building is the Liban restaurant. Meals

you to stay for the evening, subject to availability

Sky Lounge. Sophie Lalonde Art has partnered

may be taken here, with priority booking for Sky

and Manager/ess' discretion.

up with South Africa’s oldest and most

Lounge Members, or in the Sky Lounge itself.

Should you be a non-Member, please adhere to the dress code. You are welcome to access

Gaborone, CBD, Itowers, 19th foor

renowned gallery; Everard Read Johannesburg. The Gallery seeks to discover, encourage and

Sky Lounge Area

support the development of young artistic talent

Three levels of basement parking are available.

Tel: +267 392 5781/395 6245

in Botswana and will provide a platform for local

Please access the iTowers building through


artists to exhibit their work, while hosting some

Reception. Validated Parking will be issued from

of Africa’s most respected artists.

the Sky Lounge.

Gaborone, Botswana

Twitter: @skyloungeGC Lounge


Liban Restaurant The Sky Lounge created Liban Restaurant as

you have a delightful smoking experience with

an extension of its VIP service for Members,

a range of favoured tobacco's to choose from,

but also as a stand alone Restaurant to enrich

and the belly dancers – on special occasions-

Gaborone's dining options with something

will keep you mesmerised with an art form from

altogether different. Children, Families and

a time gone by.

Large parties are most welcome. Occupying the entire frst foor of the prestigious

Choose Liban for your End of year parties, birthdays and other celebrations.

iTowers building, Gaborone, Liban is a Lebanese restaurant that is proud of its cultural heritage.

Lebanese Culture and Cuisine

From traditional Lebanese dress, professional

Lebanese Cuisine is hard to describe. How

belly dancers to Middle Eastern feel decor, you

do you sum up the culture that invented the

will have an unforgettable taste of this Middle

alphabet? Is over 8000 years old? And traded

Eastern culture and cuisine.

with the ancient Egyptians? What can be said,

The restaurant seats 240, with indoor and

is that its distinct cuisine boasts favours of lime,

outdoor decks, lounging areas, hookah-

lemon, garlic and herbs, always includes olive

smoking lounges, adjacent to the main dining

oil and good quality sea salt, and its fsh and

area. Our receptionists, hostesses, foor

bean dishes are unlike any other cuisine, even

manager, waitrons and bar tenders are on hand

of neighbouring areas.

to make your evening fow perfectly. The knowledgeable hookah-wallah will ensure


Lebanon's earliest known settlements actually date to earlier than 5000 BC. In Byblos, which

is considered to be the oldest continuously

textiles but also in carving ivory, in working with

inhabited city in the world, archaeologists have

metal, and above all in making glass. Masters

discovered remnants of fshing communities

of the art of navigation, they founded colonies

that lived on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea

wherever they went in the Mediterranean Sea

over 8,000 years ago.

(specifcally in Cyprus, Rhodes, Crete, and

The Ancient Greeks called these seafaring people "Phoenicians" because of the purple

Carthage) and established trade routes to Europe and western Asia...

(phoinikies) dye they sold. Because of the nature

Today, Lebanon, a comparatively small

of the country and its location, the Phoenicians

country, is bursting at the seams with

turned to the sea, where they became specialists

passionately upheld tradition. Its uber modern

in seafaring trade, exploration and navigation.

face, especially evident in bustling Beirut, is

Due to this, closer to 2000 BC, evidence of

just another testament to the versatility and

active Phoenician trade with Egypt and the

inventiveness one of the most ancient cultures,

pharaohs of the Old Kingdom exists.

and cuisines, in the world.

The trade of exported cedar, olive oil, and wine from Lebanon resulted in the import of gold and other products from the Nile Valley. The Phoenician invention of the alphabet

Liban Mediterranean Cuisine Gaborone CBD I towers 1st foor PO Box 502895, Gaborone

facilitated communications and trade. The

Tel: +267 392 5783

Phoenicians also excelled not only in producing


Cigar Lounge

Let’s start with the customer service. Everywhere

over an extended period of time – including with

else customers have to compete for a scarce

non-member friends.

commodity called waiters. Cigar Lounge’s innovative solution to that problem has been to promote the purchase of bottles. Elaborating on the advantages of this choice, the owner, Mokwadi Pedro Nyame, says that customers who buy bottles will go for hours without needing the service of a waiter. That waiter will attend to other customers and, on the whole, this arrangement improves the quality of service.

Only three months old in December 2014, Cigar Lounge in the stockbroker belt of Phakalane can teach a tonne of lessons to competitors that have been operating for decades.


As time progressed, Cigar Club opened its doors a little wider to everybody else (“became something else” in Nyame’s telling) and it was at that time that the cigar concept fell away. Then the family that ran the place started scouting for a buyer. Nyame stepped up to the plate, bought the place, renamed it Cigar Lounge and introduced the nightclub concept to it. However, he retained the cigar concept and

Cigar Lounge is a reincarnation of what used

says that Cigar Lounge is one of the few places

to be Cigar Club, a members-only joint that,

in Gaborone where one can buy cigars.

by great coincidence, Nyame was a member of. He remembers Cigar Club as having been a close-knit collective of no more than 30 cigar

“We keep them nice and soft,” he says. Cigar Lounge also continued “to promote the

connoisseurs who would meet after hours to

language and culture of the bottle” which Nyame

wind down. Each member had a cubicle that he

says is a departure from the norm in the general

could use to keep his purchases (Nyame gives

nightclub scene. The bottles can be of any type

the example of a bottle of cognac) and enjoy

of beverage on sale at the club: champagne,

liqueur, whiskey or brandy. Nyame’s impression

“The terrace is now the most popular section of

able to stand on his feet will be allowed inside.

is that customers are generally appreciative of

the lounge,” he says.

Nyame says that one of the things that security

the bottle concept.

In order to keep Cigar Lounge “a bit upmarket”,

personnel at the door screen patrons for is level

“To them it’s like they are sitting at home with

the age restriction is 23 years and upwards.

of sobriety.

friends and they don’t have to be attended to by

In explaining this requirement, Nyame gives

“Someone who has drunk too much will not

a waiter,” he says.

the hypothetical scenario of an elderly reveller

be allowed inside because we are not chasing

walking into a nightclub and bumping into his

money like that,” he adds.

Nyame's day job is in architecture and interior design at a company called Architects

18-year old daughter.

Cigar Lounge has three VIP areas: the ordinary

International. Naturally, design ideas reeled

“We want to avoid situations like that,” he says.

roped-off VIP section; the “proper” (secluded)

around in his head after he bought the place.

Dress code (smart and strictly no trainers,

VIP suite with soundproof walls where patrons

His frst impression was that it was “just a hall

tracksuits, shorts and caps) is another method

can hold a business meeting while enjoying their

with four walls” and his professional instincts

of winnowing down the clientele to those the

drinks; and within the latter, the VVIP suite. The

told him that customers would appreciate some

club is meant for.

latter affords patrons an exclusive nightclubbing


“When one leaves home, he knows that he

experience. Patrons in the VVIP are assigned a waitress who attends to them exclusively.

“I felt that the frst thing that the place needed

is going to Cigar Lounge and has to dress in

was a terrace,” Nyame says.

a particular way; he doesn’t end up there by

That conviction led him to punch holes in some

chance,” Nyame says.

Mowana Park Shopping Mall

sections of the wall and erect doors leading on

That however doesn’t mean that a well-

Shop no. 29 & 30, Phakalane

to the terrace.

dressed reveler who arrives at the club barely

Tel: +267 393 1554


Fashion & Retail



Sefalana Sefalana Cash & Carry Limited (“Sefcash”)

malt and diastatic malt. Foods Botswana’s

Sefcash trades in the fast-moving consumer

for the Government feeding schemes but also

goods (“FMCG”) sector. The Company’s store

manufactures a variety of its own branded

portfolio is spread throughout Botswana and

products which include Sarona Samp, Sechaba

consists of 20 retail supermarkets under the

Mabele, Malutu, Tsabana, Tholo Malt and

name “Shoppers”, 25 cash and carry outlets

Tsabotlhe. We pride ourselves on the production

trading under the name “Sefalana Cash &

of our well-established, nationally-renowned

Carry”, three Hyper Stores located in Gaborone,

products for Botswana, by Batswana. A

Francistown and Mahalapye, trading as “Sefalana

maize plant is currently being set up at Foods

Hyper Store”, and one cigarette distribution

Botswana and is to commence production

outlet trading under the name “Capital Tobacco”.

in early 2015. This plant will manufacture our

In addition, the Company has just under 400

Group’s own brand products which is expected

voluntary retail franchise members located

to extract additional value from the supply chain.

main activity is the provision of enriched meals

throughout Botswana who trade under the Pula Value and Triple Seven Liquor. The Sefcash

Commercial Motors (Proprietary) Limited

business continues to be the largest contributor

As the offcial franchised local representative

to the Group’s fnancial results.

for MAN (Heavy commercial vehicles), HONDA

names Supa 7, Supa Deal, Citi Saver, Bonanza,

(Passenger vehciles and motorcycles) and

Sefalana Cash and Carry (Namibia) (Proprietary) Limited t/a Metro Namibia

TATA (Light and heavy commercial vehicles)

Sefalana took over 12 Metro retail stores in

Sefalana Group. The Company is proud of its

Namibia on 1 July 2014 which primarily trade

impressive showrooms and workshops in the

in the fast-moving consumer goods (“FMCG”)

Broadhurst Industrial area, Gaborone.

in Botswana, Commercial Motors remains an important and integral component of the

sector. These stores are located across the presence in Namibia. The Metro group is one

Mechanised Farming (Proprietary) Limited (“Mechanised Farming”)

of the largest wholesalers in the country and

Mechanised Farming is also situated in the

includes the country’s largest liquor outlet. Other

Broadhurst Industrial area from where it

additional store locations are currently being

operates a showroom and workshop. The

considered. This business is expected to grow

Company brings together the knowledge and

into a signifcant part of the Group over the next

heritage of leading agricultural brands. Through

few years.

these brands the company sells tractors,

country, providing the Group with a signifcant

agricultural equipment, construction equipment,



Foods Botswana (Proprietary) Limited (“Foods Botswana”)

power-generating plants, water pumps, EMD

Foods Botswana operates a factory in Serowe

workshop for repairs and maintenance provides

from which it mills and produces sorghum,

exceptional after-sales service on all machinery

soya and maize-based extruded products,

and equipment for our brands.


locomotives and related spares. Our engineering



Acquired 55% of MF Holdings

Sefalana sa Botswana


The management and

Merged the Group’s

was formed to

Botswana became

administration functions

wholesaling operations

purchase the

the 1st publicly

were transferred to

with the Botswana

Botswana operations

listed company in

Botswana from South

operations of Metro;

of Bechmalt Holdings,



formed Metro Sefalana

comprising six

Cash & Carry Limited

wholesale stores and

(Metsef), the formation

a maize mill.

being a predecessor to today’s Sefcash


Acquired HJ Heinz Botswana, later renamed KSI Holdings. Acquired an additional 40% of Metsef equity and gained control of the entity, renaming it Sefalana Cash & Carry Limited (Sefcash)

Kgalagadi Soap Industries (Proprietary) Limited (“KSI”) One of the oldest manufacturing companies in Botswana, KSI manufactures laundry and bath soaps, under brand names such as Marang, Olga, and the recently developed house brands for the Zimbabwe market. Our toilet soap is a favourite with local hospitality providers and our Company has provided employment for many Batswana since its inception in 1988.

Sefalana Properties Historically Sefalana has made signifcant strategic investments in property, and currently the Group holds over 525,000 square metres of land, of which just under 125,000 square metres is developed property. Sefalana and its subsidiaries occupy roughly three quarters of this developed property and the Group earns a considerable rental income from its third-party tenants. Our Botswana properties are spread throughout the country and include offce blocks, workshops, factories, and warehouses. Our undeveloped land provides the Group with a remarkable potential for future investment and

Tel: +267 391 3661 | Fax: +267 390 7613

capital appreciation. We are currently working

Private Bag 0080, Gaborone, Botswana

on a number of projects across the country

Plot 10247/50, Cnr Noko & Lejara Roads,

including the development of the Group’s new

Broadhurst Industrial, Gaborone, Botswana

Head Offce.





Investment in

Launched “Shoppers”

Continued expansion

Opened our first

Aquisition of

property in Zambia

supermarket chain

of our Shoppers chain

store outside

12 Metro stores

to 16 operational

Botswana in

across Namibia



Acquired the remainder of Sefcash shares and delisted

Acquired an additional

Sefcash from the

15% stake in MF

Botswana Stock




Choppies The business was founded by the Chopdat

in the next fnancial year.

family in 1986 when the frst store, Wayside

In the last 15 years, Choppies has grown to

Supermarket (Pty) Limited, was opened

become the most preferred home brand in the

in Lobatse. Following this, Lobatse again

retail sector in Botswana. Fuelled by explosive

witnessed the opening of a second store in

growth, Choppies presently enjoys a market


share of 32% in the retail sector of Botswana.

In 1999, the third store started its operations

Choppies owns the largest supermarket chain

in Gaborone, which commenced the start of

in Botswana, with a footprint extending to

a rapid and very successful rollout of stores in

rural locations which have been traditionally

Botswana. In 2008 the frst store of Choppies

underserviced in the retail sector.

was opened for the public of South Africa at Zeerust.

The Group created a paradigm shift in the Botswana retail market by taking stores to population centres and maintaining shop hours

Choppies History and Overview

convenient to the consumer. More recently, the

Currently the Group is one of the largest

Group extended its operations to South Africa,

employers in Botswana. Around 7000 people

with a network of stores in the provinces of

in Botswana, 2000 in South Africa and 1000 in

North West, Limpopo and the Free State.

Zimbabwe are on the payroll of the organisation.

The company was listed on the Botswana Stock Exchange on 26 January 2012, in what

Customer profle

is generally considered to be one of the largest

The core customer segment visiting the store

and most successful listings on the exchange

falls in the middle-tier segment of society. Yet

in the non-banking sector. Since listing, the

recently we are witnessing a change in this

share price has risen from P1,15 to P4,06 a

profle with an upper-middle class section of

share, nearly a fourfold increase in value for

consumers also frequenting our stores.

shareholders over a short period of time.

Today, the Group comprises of 99 stores:


71 in Botswana, 30 in South Africa, and 15 in

Social Responsibilities

Zimbabwe – with several scheduled for opening

The Group takes its social responsibility seriously

and is actively involved in the communities

Choppies is proud to be associated with the

within which it operates. It employs over

Lady Khama Charitable Trust Fund. We remain

100 physically handicapped persons and

one of the single largest donors to this most

contributes signifcant amounts to charities,

worthwhile cause.

inter alia Botswana Red Cross, SOS Children’s

The Group is a Gold Sponsor of the University

Villages, The Lady Khama Charitable Trust

of Botswana Foundation, which is a non-proft

Fund, and sponsors sports and recreational

trust intended to engage the public and private

entities and events.

sectors and other stakeholders in partnerships with the University of Botswana. The Group was the main sponsor of the

PMR Africa Awards We






recognition the Group received from PMR Africa for its various social responsibility activities. The following PMR Africa Awards were received during the year: • Companies doing most to enhance the Presidential Task Group’s Vision 2016 (a national manifesto for the people of Botswana) – 1st Overall;

promotes local talent in Botswana. Choppies was an associate sponsor of the Kabelano Charity Cup, which is an annual soccer event intended to provide a vehicle for the country’s budding footballers to put their talents on display. Other noteworthy social responsibility activities include: • Donation of wheelchairs to the Offce of the

• Retail Stores (fresh produce) – 1st Overall; • Companies/institutions

My Star Talent Show, which showcases and



President. for

economic empowerment – 1st Overall; • Retail Stores (food) – 4th Overall; • Companies held in high esteem as good corporate citizens based on their corporate

• Provided a bursary for a selected San student to undertake studies at the San Research Centre, part of the University of Botswana. • The group built and handed over 30 houses towards the Presidential Housing Appeal.

social responsibility initiatives and investments over the past 12 months – 1st Overall.


J. Haskins & Sons There are obvious advantages that come with being one of the oldest businesses in Botswana. The very frst that George Haskins cites is that having been established in 1897, J. Haskins & Sons is a very wellknown brand. that we sold a customer, our technical people

with challenges. Decades ago, J. Haskins & Sons

resolve it,” Haskins says.

was the only reputable dealer in building materials

Associating itself with reputable international

in the country. Haskins mentions the names of

brands has helped J. Haskins & Sons’

two competitors (one doing business globally) to

reputation. According to Haskins, who is Branch

make the point that the situation has changed

Accountant in Gaborone, the company is one of

from what it was years ago. With particular regard

two Honda dealerships in Botswana. It is also

to the competitor operating globally, he adds

an approved agent for Subaru industrial power

that it has very strong operational systems and


processes that allow it to replicate its business

From its humble beginnings 117 years ago as

model wherever it sets up.

a general dealer, the trading focus of J. Haskins

To push back against this challenge, Haskins

& Sons is now on building materials, hardware,

says that his company is focusing on providing

machinery and agricultural equipment. The

additional quality service, a wide range of goods

latter features prominently in the company’s

and technical back-up.

growth strategy and Brazil is the source of such

“I would say that the advantage we have is

equipment. J. Haskins & Sons’ head offce is in

that we are fexible. We have the discretion to

Francistown where the company was founded

make decisions on the spot.”

in 1897 and where most of the directors live.

J. Haskins & Sons was established by James

“We are also a trusted brand. People know us,

It has branches in Gaborone, Palapye, Kasane

Haskins, incorporated in what was then called

they know where we are and they know our

and Maun. At the latter, the company has

Bechuanaland Protectorate in 1949 and

history. They associate us with good quality

partnered with John Muller in a venture known

throughout has operated as a family business.

products and we try to make sure that our

as Northern Building Supplies.

For as long as it has existed, the company’s

service is strong,” Haskins says.

Haskins asserts that what is extraordinary

chairman has always been a Haskins. However,

One way the strong service manifests itself is

about the company is that it sells a wide range of

as this article’s Haskins explains, the company

through the provisions of technical back-up by

products that customers cannot fnd anywhere

is increasingly recruiting highly skilled individuals

in-house mechanics.

else. “It’s a one-stop shop,” he says.

from outside. An example he gives is of the

“If there is a technical problem with a product


Being a long established company also comes

group’s Managing Director who is based at the

head offce in Francistown.


In response to a question of what has

Plot 1216 Nkrumah Rd,

sustained the company for more than a century,

Industrial Sites, Gaborone

Haskins gives “fexibility” as the main reason. His

All Enquiries: +267 395 1001

elaboration of that point is that the business has

Sales: Fax: +267 391 4916

been reinventing itself over the years. “Being a family business also helps because it


ensures that there is continuity. One generation

Plot 1876 / 1877 Sam Nujoma Drive, Light

takes from the other and takes the business

Industrial Site, Francistown

forward,” he says.

All Enquiries: +267 241 2301

One of the ways that his generation has

Sales: Fax: +267 241 4298

taken J. Haskins & Sons forward has been by integrating enterprise resource planning (ERP) into the company’s operations.

PALAPYE BRANCH Old Industrial, Palapye

Companies can use ERP, which integrates core

All Enquiries: +267 492 0300

business processes to collect, store, manage

Fax: +267 492 0721

and interpret data from many business activities. The company is also buying its products from


new markets. In addition to Brazil, Haskins says

Plot 75, Kasane

that the company buys products from reputable

All Enquiries: +267 625 0124

manufacturers in China. He explains that the

Fax: +267 625 0528

Chinese manufacturers cater for everybody and that one has to be discriminating about whom they buy from. J. Haskins & Sons has also engaged an agent who is physically present when products are loaded onto ships to ensure they are of the right quality.


URBAN SOUL As Mafa Soul, now formally Urban Soul transforms its Business we take this opportunity to better defne our identity and brand promise to our valued customers and stakeholders. Our Core products and service remain the same, we are still an urban Fashion and lifestyle company. This campaign has been created to reveal our newly refned identity, and to introduce you to the personality, appearance, and voice of Urban Soul.

URBAN SOUL: The tale behind the name Naming is a very important aspect of branding. We had to construct a name not too different from what we had initially, yet that will be effective, self-explanatory and that will portray a positive message. The idea was not to abolish the entire brand of the company, but to build onto what had been created. With over a decade in operation we have infuenced many lives. Our dedication and commitment to supply world-class products has gained us good reputation in the urban environments within which we operate. We had to fnd a way to achieve our newly set goals and at the same time keep the most important elements our brand has earned over time. The commercial and cultural reputation we gained over the 15 years of operation compelled us to change our name to a more descriptive one, hence the change from “Mafa Soul” to “Urban Soul". Although the initial name had gained a good platform, the meaning faded with time as we entered new commercial spaces. The negative connotations and associations with the word ‘Mafa’ had negative implications for the brand, and it did not communicate appropriately who we are and what we stand for. The change to Urban Soul crystallises the company’s credibility and it has a very positive connotation. It builds onto the brand value perception and trust. It has become a selling point on its own. Urban Soul stands as a direction and reinforcement of the infuence our products had in the demographic and lifestyle changes that took place in the areas within which we


operate. We have helped defne and crystallize identities of young urban-based people. We stand to offer young urban people a platform to express themselves through fashion and lifestyle products.

OUR SIGNATURE The new signature is a graphic representation of Urban Soul and the values for which it stands. It identifes the brand to the world, displaying an image that is both strong and discrete. Making up the signature are three visual elements; the Urban Soul brand mark, the Urban Soul logotype and the Urban Soul tagline. It is mark that represents all touch points of the company, its corporate values, Mission and Vision.

OUR DESIGN CONCEPTION Over the years, our company has changed and transformed a great deal. The new brand identity needs to refect this. The identity and standards are a visual expression of our new brand, they represent our new character: urban bound, young and vibrant. They reveal the traits that make us stand out amongst competitors. We






communicates multiple messages associated with our brand. Amongst these are; competitive, innovative and timeless. Our business goals are to build a competitive brand that can stand out in any market place across the globe, and to provide products and services of international repute. We aim for our company to be known as a market leader in the fashion and lifestyle business in Botswana, Africa and the world. It is for this reason our signature was designed to refect and represent this philosophy. In the reconstruction of our signature, we have tried to include all aspects that are refective of us, we have developed an innovative concept that communicates all our touch points as a company, which is inclusive and addresses appropriately our corporate philosophy. It embodies within it, the concept of symbiotic relationships, strength and security, support, integrity, and the synergy and unity of all the elements uniting to create a whole. The narrative of the brand identity defnes the visual vocabulary and symbolic relationships to our vision, mission and values. Urban Soul 2014. All rights reserved.

Tel: +267 73 666 666 / +267 71 822 997 Instagram: urbansoulstores Twitter: Urbansoulstores Facebook: Urban Soul Botswana Email:



Healthcare, Beauty, Lifestyle & Wellness



Camelot Spa

at the Grand Palm Your world of wellness… A Camelot Spa experience is a sensorial

mind and soul into a phase of rejuvenation and

experience. We indulge all fve senses;


• Sight

The thought behind the design of the Camelot

The contemporary chic look of the design.

Spa at Grand Palm was to create a space that

• Smell

feeds ones visual senses.

The Frangipani signature scent is strategically

An area enveloped in textures such as gold,

placed all around the spa. The smell makes

silver, metallic, leather and wood; blended with

you feel relaxed and cocooned in the space

splashes of therapeutic tones of golds, bronze,

of security and pampering.

copper and ochre. The guest will be captivated

• Taste The tea infusion rituals given at the beginning of the treatment help you relax and leave the stresses of the outside world.

by a sense of calmness, continuity and peaceful abundance. The spa is elegant and stylish and true to all the treasures that Africa offers.

• Touch The professional and empathetic touch of our


skilled therapists, take you on a journey of



The riches of the marine universe: oligo-

• Hearing

elements, proteins, amino acids and vitamins

Our spa music is relaxing and soothing taking

are captured within Thalgo's philosophy. Vital

you to your World of Wellness journey.

for health and well-being, we can beneft from the goodness of marine based treatments and

Set in the majestic palm gardens of Bonnington

products. Experts in marine beauty for over

Farm, Camelot Spa at the Grand palm is

40 years, Thalgo has drawn on the riches of

sprawled over exquisite greenery and fountains.

the ocean to fnd the essential elements for

It is a completely secret space in the city.

authentic and effective cosmetology. Thalgo

Camelot Spa at the Grand Palm is a cool

makes the most of the extraordinary potential of

cosmopolitan space to unwind and recharge,

the sea to develop its professional treatments,

which includes unique facilities which present

beauty products and dietary supplements for

C-spa Products:

both visitors and city dwellers with a wealth of

the beauty and well-being of its clients. The sea

These are new age generation Aroma Wellness

wellness; with fve treatment rooms and three

is the support of life on earth and constitutes

products based on Aromatherapy purist

manicure stations, the spa’s designs refects

an immense reservoir of substances that are

principles. They offer a modern sensorial journey

tranquillity while a relaxation lounge presents

only just beginning to be exploited scientifcally.

of both balance and indulgence.

the perfect place to relax before or after one of

It contains over 500,000 aquatic species and

The “C” stands for Curatio which is Latin for

Camelot’s memorable signature treatments.

25,000 algae, of which less than 30 species are

healing. The serums which are made of pure

Refecting an ambience of professionalism

used today. Today, throughout the world, the

essentials oils form the “heart” of C-spa range

and luxury, Camelot Spa at Grand Palm offers

fnest destination spas and beauty salons offer

that yield profound results. The extensive Aroma

a range of spa treatments and therapies to de-

Thalgo treatments and spa therapies. Immerse

range has well-planned homecare products for

stress, re-energise and transform your body,

yourself in the world of Marine Therapy.

all skin types and body wellness requirements,


homecare treatments to maintain a youthful, soft and supple look. Medi-Hand & Medi-Heel (Elim Products): A new generation hand and foot treatment where a chemical peel forms the basis of the treatment and brand, which is FDA approved and is key to achieving the results. The products epitomise luxury, with decadent textures and fne fragrances. As there is minimal excessive fling of the feet, the Medi-Heel treatment is well suited for Diabetics as they tend to experience slow healing process that can occur from over fling from the conventional pedicures. Essie: Essie is a superior brand of nail polish. With a selection of colours and shades Essie polish is the front of fashionable nails, providing women worldwide classic and elegant looking nails.

Treatments Camelot Spa offers an array of treatments ranging from nail treatments, facials, body treatments and the Body Composition Analysis machine that is complimentary to frst visitors to the spa to help ascertain your current level of health and to assist with in-house treatments as well as homecare to bring you to a healthy state of wellness.

CORPORATE OFFERINGS We offer spa celebrations for all forms from baby showers, bridal showers, wedding anniversaries, corporate wellness outings. Prebookings are essential for convenience.

supported by precise professional treatments

them, whilst allowing them to grow without

designed for each condition. Treatment offerings


range from facials to body wraps.

Bio Sculpture has consistently led the market

Tel: +267 363 7788/87 Mobile: +267 76 880 762 P.O. Box AEH 497 AE Gaborone

in innovation since its inception, bringing to

Twitter: @CamelotSpaGP

Bio Sculpture Gel: Bio Sculpture Gel is

the market the frst colour gel, soak off gel and

Instragram: camelotspagp

applied as an overlay onto natural nails. The

gel nail sculptures. Bio Sculpture is also the

Facebook: Camelot Spa at the Grand Palm

permanent colour gel is strong and fexible, with

frst company in its class to have undergone a

Blog: www.camelotspaatthegrandpalm.

a glossy fnish, lasting for up to three weeks.

stringent independent Clinical Research Trial

Bio Sculpture Gel is an advanced nail treatment

and received a 5-Star safety rating.

that strengthens and conditions nails. The

Bio Sculpture has a wide selection of vibrant

fexible coating moves with the nails, protecting

colours for both hands and feet as well as


Articulate Image & Lifestyle Consultancy We offer personal training sessions and boot camps under the Lifestyle Umbrella. We also host wellness workshops for groups and corporates. Image consultancy involves: advice on image, shopping and style for individuals and also host corporates. We specialise in personal branding! We also have an image parlour that offers

Lifestyle consultancy includes:

• increase your self-esteem and confdence;

services including nails, hands and feet;

• a thorough assessment and analysis of your

• have others noticing the positive change in

waxing; make up; and massages. We stock Bio Sculpture Gel for nails.

current lifestyle;

your appearance.

• development of a personalised training and healthy eating plan;

You will receive a style manual that is:

The greatest wealth is health

• detox sessions;

• Personalised: made just for you.

Articulate Lifestyle Consultancy encompasses

• personalised training sessions;

Everything about you is taken into

all aspects of physical and nutritional wellbeing

• progress monitoring and evaluation.

to create a balanced life of happiness whilst achieving incredible physical results. We understand the strains, stresses and vices of the modern society, and the effects these

problem area, vertical body type, horizontal

Why Style Consultation?

body type, scale, face shape, shoulders,

This consultation will change the way you look

neck length and more. All the information is

at yourself and clothes forever.

then combined to give you a clear picture of

have on lifestyles. We offer a truly integrated approach – a fusion of scientifc, spiritual, teamwork and personalised attention – to combat these effects. Articulate provides all

consideration from your height, age, weight,

your needs. Recommendations are colour It will: • stop you wasting money on clothes you rarely wear;

coded for easy identifcation. • Comprehensive: illustrations by categories that cover every item you place on your

our clients with an approach that allows for a

• eliminate guesswork when shopping;

body from underwear to coats, swimwear

totally individual, tailored approach to health,

• make shopping quicker and less stressful;

to evening attire, business wear to weekend

wellbeing, body transformation and peak

• make your daily visit to your wardrobe one

casual, eyewear to hairstyles and shoes.

physical performance.


flled with inspiration instead of frustration;

• Accurate:




Personal Style Solutions’ program combines a fgure analysis and a style selector to ensure you get the most accurate information possible.

• enjoy new and exciting social and romantic interactions;

regularly to ensure it is in line with today’s

• create a wardrobe of clothes that excite and inspire you.

current looks. close to this one.

Style is not about beauty, age, size, wealth or even fashion, it’s about knowing and respecting

• Easy to use and understand: no diffcult concepts or terminology.

some guidance to fnd their own dressing style):

instant, and never look the same;

confdence to discover and project your unique

coordinate your clothing items to maximise your wardrobe; • essential to truly re-invent yourself;

Image Consultancy consists of wardrobe and

Wardrobe Consultancy

shopping advice. By improving your image you

We will assist you:


• to clean out the existing clutter;

• experience an increase in your self confdence

• to organise what you have left;

and self esteem; prospects

where you can dress for any occasion in an • a practical experience to learn how to

Why Image Consultancy?


Shop Smart Services (ideal for those who need

yourself for who you are and having the image in a consistent and confdent manner.


Shopping consultation

• expands your wardrobe into an effcient one

• Unique: No other image program comes

• improve

purchased to fll in any gaps.

• shop in half the time and with much greater accuracy;

• Up-to-date: re-assessed and re-illustrated

• to determine what items needs to be



• ideal for those too busy to fnd the time to shop.

• to co-ordinate clothes which will mix and

PO Box 45911 Gaborone

match easily and effortlessly to meet your

Tel +267 713 27755 / 72174334

lifestyle needs;



Urban Space

Urban Space is a chain of beauty spas situated in key locations across the country including Gaborone and Maun. The Gaborone branch has been in operation since 2007 whilst Maun was opened in 2014. We offer our clients an extensive range of innovative treatments and massages in a holistic, relaxed environment. A handful of friendly, skilled and certifed staff

For an added element of sensuality and

attend to our clients’ needs, crafting treatments

relaxation, try our aromatherapy, refexology,

that bring out the innate vitality and natural

herbal, hot stones and Indian head massages.

vibrancy of each individual. Our service centric

We also offer group massages for corporate

therapists are knowledgeable of the pressures

clients and bridal parties.

and demands placed on our bodies in order for us to serve our clients in the most passionate

Hair Removal

manner that exceeds their expectations.

Smooth skin is a pleasure to touch. We offer a range of wax hair removal therapies, including:


• Eyebrow shaping.

Massage has many benefts, including relieving

• Ear hair removal

stress and muscle tension, improving muscle

• Nipple and tummy hair removal

tone and circulation. It has been scientifcally

• Half and full leg hair removal

proven that touch releases dopamine, a

• Traditional and full bikini hair removal

hormone which gives a sense of happiness and

• Underarm, half arm and full arm hair removal

well- being.

• Upper lip and beard wax • Unisex chest hair removal

Urban Space provides an extensive range of

• Back hair removal

massages including: • Full body massage

We are also able to tint eyelashes and eyebrows.

• Back massage


• Full leg massage


• Neck and shoulder massage

Our pedicures are just the right treatment

• Refexology

for your tired feet. We provide a relaxing and

luxurious treatment that aids and protects

salon treatment for maintaining a balanced

• Nimue deep cleanse

your feet from common ailments. There is an


• Nimue Therapeutic Facial

extensive range of treatments to choose from,

oxygenates and regenerates the skin, keeping

besides the traditional pedicure:

it in optimum condition. Our Guinot treatments

• Gel overlay


• Nimue Bio-Complex

• Gel overlay with soak

• Hydradermie ¬– Lift Treament, Eye Treatment

• Nimue Active Rejuvenation Facial

• French gel overlay





and Deluxe

• Express facial, for when you don’t have more than half an hour

• 7.5 TCA Peel and 35% Glycolic Peel

• Specialised paraffn pedicure

• Beaute neuve

• Men’s foot grooming

• Liftosome care

The Urban Space experience is customer-

• Deep cleanse

centric approach and can be tailor- made to


accommodate single and group treatments.

Much of the time, the strain of day- to- day


Clients are able to use the garden for events

living is absorbed by our hands. Indeed, we

Thalgo is a Marine Product, their laboratories

such as baby showers and hen parties and

use them to perform hundreds of tasks a day,

use two types of algae namely brown marine

companies can take out corporate packages for

yet how easy it is to take them for granted. Let

algae and one red marine algae.The cosmetic

their clients and staff. Urban Space also offers an

us pamper your hands with a range of Bio-

and therapeutic effects of micronised marine

intimate couple’s massage, where couples can

sculpture gel treatments:

algae originate from the fact that all active

relax in a shared room, strengthening their bond

• Full set of clear, colour or French tips

ingredients are in a free state, making this

through this pleasurable, shared experience. To

• French and regular gel overlay

product capable of penetrating the skin barrier

give the gift of relaxation, Urban Space has a

• Soak

during an application or hot bath.

variety of gift voucher options to suit your needs.

• Specialised paraffn manicure

• Hydrating Facial

• Men’s manicure

• Soothing Facial

• Acrylic

• Anti-Ageing Facial

• Fill, repair, fle and paint

• Purifying Facial

Heaven awaits you at Urban Space.

• Stressed Skin Facial

Skin Renewal Technologies

• MMA Facial

Urban Space offers a variety of facial treatments.

• Mens Basic Facial

We give our clients a detailed consultation which

• Mens Ocean Facial

aids in identifying the unique composition of their skin. Quality is paramount at Urban Space.


Both Nimue Skin Technology and Guinot

Nimue Skin Technology has earned a reputation

Professional skin care products have been

for innovation through research, development

specially formulated to target specifc needs,

and testing of highly effective, results- oriented

such as hyperpigmentation, acne, sensitive and

derma- cosmeceutical skin treatment systems.

Urban Space Gaborone

ageing skin.

Urban Space provides a full range of Nimue

Tel: +267 318 7434/ 725 26944

facial treatments:

Urban Space Maun


• Skin consultation

Tel: +267 7570 4273

Guinot facials are the most advanced beauty

• Youth facial (10 to 16 years)



Jack’s Gym

Health & Fitness It is “the name on everybody’s tongue”, Jagdish

don’t want to say that the response has been

Shah says about Jack’s GYM Health & Fitness,

poor but the number of people who have signed

the high-end gymnasium brand that has been

up for membership are not high enough. You’ll

certifed and approved by Brand Botswana as

also see that an unbalanced diet does not

“the pride of Botswana.” He then proceeds to

correlate to the amount of exercise carried out.

cite reasons why that name would be frmly

In countries like Australia, Brazil and the United

lodged on tongues of ftness enthusiasts.

States, people spend a lot of money on their

“Our equipment is from a top Italian brand and

body but that has yet to happen here.” says

it is working all the time. We have trained staff

Shah, himself a ftness fanatic who has a mini-

members who are always ready and willing to

gym at his offces in the Gaborone International

help,” says Shah, who is the co-director and

Commerce Park.

shareholder of the chain.

The situation notwithstanding, he is not

His partner in the venture is Ian Thomson

discouraged and plans to open more gyms

and the chain is operated through a company

in the future. Currently, there are seven gyms

called Humaree Investments (Pty) Ltd. The

(six in Gaborone and one in Palapye) with a

gym equipment is supplied by Technogym, a

combined membership of between 3500 and

manufacturer of ftness equipment based in

4000. Shah says that he plans to open two

Cesena, Italy which sponsored the Olympics in

more in Francistown and Maun in 2015 because

Sydney, Athens, Turin and Beijing and provided

he feels that there is market potential in those

equipment to the London 2012 Olympics.


Established in 2011, Jack’s GYM encourages

Jack’s GYM came about upon realisation that

clients to “become the best version” of

Botswana has no proper health and ftness

themselves through both its tagline and


offerings. The showpiece of the brand is Jack’s

“There are gyms that are only good for

Mega GYM at i-Towers in the new Gaborone

pumping iron but not for health and ftness. I

CBD. This gym is spread out over three foors

have been able to bring the health and ftness

with amazing views of the city from all angles.

aspect to the consciousness of Batswana. The

The second foor has the strength machines

world over there are more and more health

and two studio rooms while the third has cardio

and ftness centres like Jack’s GYM. There are

workout equipment.

more and more opportunities for ftness as well

The latter also boasts a 25-metre outdoor swimming pool. It has a juice bar which serves fresh smoothies and protein shakes. The gym offers special rates for all.

as more and more healthy menus to ensure longevity.” Jack’s GYM offers premier ftness programmes with a choice of personalised small group

The gyms are equipped with a MindBody

coaching in classes and a one-on-one personal

Access Control system which allows staff to

at client’s convenience. It has a very unique

monitor the attendance of clients signed up

introduction session where prospective/new

by their employers. If requested, the gym can

clients are taken on a tour of a gym to see

send a monthly report to a company’s Human

the facilities and training staff, learn about the

Resources department so they can monitor

methods of workout and even experience a

attendance of the employees. The gyms also

workout. Additional services include access to

have backup generators to guard against power

Wi-Fi, free parking, weight loss programmes,

cuts as well as Dstv music and sports in all

Jack’s GYM merchandise as well as a wide

training areas.

range of USN and Herbal Life products.

Trainers work on a freelance basis and Shah says that this has enabled creation of selfemployment for citizens. While Shah says that the patronage of Jack’s GYM has been “encouraging”, it is not quite where it should be. “More and more Batswana are becoming health conscious but not all are committing. I


DĂŠcor & Interiors




The Gift Palace The Gift Palace is a professional fresh fowers, gifts, wedding and décor accessories sales and distribution business, offering a “one-stopshop” to individuals and the corporate market. It recently launched with a branch in Gaborone at Unit 14 Plot 5648 Craft Market Broadhurst. The Managing Director, Mrs. Sharon MahubeSebeo, explained that the enterprise was setup in response to a gap that was realised in the market and to the country’s economic business diversity agenda. Thus far, the MD says, as a business they pride themselves in their professionalism, exceptional service delivery, consistency in high quality of products and long-term relationships with their clients and suppliers. In response, the market has been very supportive of the business. The only challenge has been the supply of fresh fowers, currently there are no fresh fower farmers in Botswana and hence the need to source the fresh fowers from South Africa thereby increasing costs. From her point of view it was an excellent idea to combine both décor and fresh fowers because the two correlate. This has paid off as it provides a “one-stop-shop” for customers The horizon for the business bears promise and plans for expansion are afoot.


Unit14 The Craft MArket, Plot 5648 Broardhurst Industrial, Gaborone Tel/Fax: +267 393 9067 | Cell: +267 71 461 1331 Email:


ED LIGHTS Electrical Distributors ED LIGHTS is not only a highly exclusive, designer inspired, modern lighting distributor - it is also a phenomenon in Botswana. Our ever-expanding product range provides

ED LIGHTS acts as the exclusive distributor for

in homes, offces, retail spaces, manufacturing

several outstanding lighting manufacturers and

and hospitality environments across the country.

distributors around the world namely Europe,

Our range of light fttings represents the most

the Far East and South Africa.

unique style available globally with ingenious

Apart from selling and distributing lighting

innovative ideas to save energy. Quality and

products, ED LIGHTS is a specialised lighting

safety requirements are enshrined in the ethics

store that searches for lighting solutions tailored

codes of ED LIGHTS.

to suit both our customer needs and our

We ensure our customers receive the best by complying with world-class quality and safety



lighting solutions to most sectors and is popular

responsibility to the environment. We acknowledge the need to save energy


and contribute to a healthier environment in


Physical Address:

Botswana. Thus our products are conducive to

Be spoilt for choice, step into the universe of

Unit 10, Western Industrial Estate

energy saving light sources such as Compact

lighting solutions and experience an interactive

Postal Address:

Florescent Lamps (CFL) and the latest Light

personalised journey at the unique lifestyle

P.O. Box 1744, Gaborone, Botswana

Emitting Diode (LED) Technology.

showroom of ED LIGHTS.

From your driveway to your garden and pool

Tel: +267 391 3506

lights, your magnifcent double volume crystal

We await your arrival and are with you every

Fax: +267 391 3864

chandelier to your miniature under-counter LED

step of the way.

strip lighting, from your classical timeless fttings to the modern touch.







Botswana Housing Corporation History Since 1971 Botswana Housing Corporation is a parastatal

to Batswana. At least 14,142 houses of the

fact the Corporation has not increased rent for

under the Ministry of Lands & Housing. The

houses have been sold to Batswana while the

the past eight years

Corporation was established by an Act of

remaining 10,662 are rented out to citizens.

Parliament (CAP 74.03) of 1971. In brief, the

The Corporation’s assets have also grown from

Corporation’s mandate as outlined under

R6,548,855 in 1972 to over P2-billion in 2014.

section 14 of the BHC Act is as follows:• To provide for the housing, offce and other

Table 2: BHC Properties rented. Tenant type

No. of units





Table 1. BHC Properties sold to Batswana





Staff members



Local Authorities


3% 32%

building needs of the government and local

No of Housing





Outright – Conventional Titles





Tenant Purchase Scheme


Grand total



Step Ownership Scheme


arrangements for other persons to undertake

Outright – Sectional Titles


and carry-out building schemes in Botswana.

Available for sale

• To provide for and to assist and to make arrangements for other persons to meet the requirements of paragraph (a). • To undertake and carry-out and to make

(offers made) – Phakalane




BHC delivered almost 25,000 houses to Batswana to promote home ownership and citizen empowerment.

BHC provides affordable rent (between P200 and P3000 per month) to Citizens.

BHC has so far delivered almost 25,000 houses

that is affordable to an average Motswana. In



7 14,152

BHC has succeeded for 43 years to provide rent

BHC created Employment – Both Immediate and Long-Term Employment Opportunities and Spending in the Local Economy. For 43 years, the Corporation has succeeded in promoting local economic activity, and to create employment for thousands of Batswana. Developing BHC’s affordable houses created jobs over the years — both during construction and through new consumer spending after the homes have been occupied across the country. In addition to these “real-time” jobs

and economic activity, building family units also

BHC’s locations have attracted amenities such

leads to the long-term creation of new jobs that

as healthcare, schools, childcare and other

support the ongoing consumer activity of these

social facilities.

homes’ new residents.

BHC’s Affordable Houses Provide Immediate Fiscal Benefts for the Country’s economy

Where BHC has been allocated land, it has successfully developed and provided infrastructure.

The benefts of BHC’s affordable housing extend

BHC has been able to provide infrastructure

beyond its occupants to the community at large.

development in its locations/sites, even

The development of BHC’s affordable houses

though it is not part of its core mandate. The

increased spending and acted as an important

Corporation has been providing sewage

source of revenue for local communities.

reticulation and internal roads to ensure access

Some of the most signifcant sources of revenue

to BHC houses, over the years

during the construction or rehabilitation phase are sales taxes on building materials, corporate taxes on builders’ proft, income taxes on construction workers, and fees for zoning and inspections, just to name some.

BHC successfully consulted local authorities, engaged local contractors and promoted the use local raw materials. BHC consistently consulted local communities

BHC Establishes Decent Locations/Neighbourhoods

and authorities about its projects and services.

Since 1971, BHC has been synonymous with

contractors for most of its District housing and

development of decent, clean locations and

SHHA projects as a way to empower citizen

neighbourhoods in both urban and rural areas.


The Corporation has also engaged local

BHC Head Offce Tel: +267 360 5100 Fax: +267 395 2070


The frst Regus centre in Botswana is at Gaborone’s iTowers, the tallest building in Botswana, in the capital’s new Central Business District. Built to high technical and green specs, the building is close to the High Court and Court of Appeal.

With Regus offce space, you avoid all that.

There’s also more time to spend on your

You simply sign a one-page contract, and

business. Regus offce space comes with

you’re ready to go. The IT and telephony is up-

dedicated support teams, so many of the

and-running, your desks are in place, and a

non-core aspects of running a business are

professional receptionist is ready to greet your

lifted from customers’ shoulders. We provide


reception and security; we make sure the wi-f

Regus offers private, shared and campus-

and photocopiers are working; we manage

style offces at 2000 locations in 104 countries.

the cleaning and maintenance; and much else

They’re available on short or extended terms,


so our customers only need use them for as

With all those burdens removed, small

long as they want. Some companies have them

and large businesses can get on with what

as their long-term base; others use them as a

they do best. From a one-man band to vast

When you look for a new offce, you want

temporary home while they explore a market or

multinationals, Regus helps customers to be

it to be available quickly. You don’t want to

work on a short-term project.

more productive. We often end up helping them

waste valuable time waiting for leases to be

It’s a better and more agile way to work,

fnd new business too: our centres are great

fnalised, furniture to be delivered, or telephone

perfectly suited to the current economic climate.

hubs for networking and connecting with other

and broadband to be installed. It eats up time

With less money spent on unsuitable traditional

companies – very useful if you’re entering a new

and resources, and stops your company from

workspace, there’s more money to spend on


getting on with business.

your business.


Another Regus boost to business – to SMEs,

in particular – is access to resources. If you’re

Botswana, in the capital’s new Central Business

just starting up in business or entering a new

District. Built to high technical and green specs,

Equally, the availability of Regus’ fexible,

market, you’re hardly going to invest in your

the building is close to the High Court and Court

ready-to-use offces in Gaborone will encourage

own state-of-the-art video-conferencing studio

of Appeal. The Regus business centre occupies

foreign investors to explore the possibilities

or a series of different meeting rooms – just in

the prestigious ground and frst foors of the

in Botswana. With no need to manage their

case you ever need them. But at Regus offces,

building and features private and day offces,

corporate premises themselves, they can focus

all these facilities are there in the building. You

meeting rooms, walk-in business lounge, virtual

on core business, whilst enjoying the fexibility to

pay for them as you use them; if you don’t need

offce services, and professional admin and

quickly scale their presence up or down.

them, you don’t pay. You have the resources of

reception support. There is reliable, high-speed

a multinational at your fngertips, but within the

wi-f throughout the centre.

budget of a start-up.

centres globally.

The international-standard workspace and

Asked about the diffculties of entering

facilities at the new Regus business centre

new markets, 60% of businesses globally

allows local companies to project a professional

said property and paperwork were the major


challenges. Using Regus offce space minimises

contacts. They can also use Regus’ wider

Plot 54368

those challenges both at home and abroad,

network as a platform to expand into new

Western Commercial Road, CBD

leaving you free to work your way.

markets. Following the launch in Botswana,

Tel: +267 398 1904

The frst Regus centre in Botswana is at

this network encompasses 43 locations in 17

Contact Zodwa Mayisela

Gaborone’s iTowers, the tallest building in

countries across Africa, and more than1800

(General Manager)







MG Properties To demonstrate the level of confdence that the market had in her company, Mpho MoremongGobe recalls that at some point, MG Properties was the only property valuation company in Botswana that was listed with all the banks in the country.

That was indeed a major achievement for a

Equally important was the need to make MG

company that was only established in June

Properties unique in its conduct of business.

2010. Presently, it boasts of big-name clients like

To that end, Moremong-Gobe says that the

Debswana Diamond Company, Motor Vehicle

company’s management made a conscious

Assurance Fund and Debswana Pension Fund.

decision to give each customer “red carpet treatment” regardless of his or her socio-

“Although we are a fairly new company, we have

economic status in life.

found our feet in the market and are competing very well with established companies that have

“It doesn’t matter who you are, when you come

been operating for years. A lot of people think

to us we will give you personalised service, not a

that we have been in business for quite a while

one-size-fts-all type of service,” she adds.

but this is only our fourth year,” MoremongGobe says.

Customers themselves are thrilled with the service that they are getting from MG

She attributes the positive appraisal to the

Properties. Moremong-Gobe says that not

professional integrity of her team as well as the

only has the company been able to retain most

amount of spadework that went into setting up

of its customers, it has also been getting lots

the company.

of new ones who are referred to them by the former. MG Properties’ promise to its customers


“When we started, we pegged our service

is that they will “enjoy an exceptional level of

standards very high; we wanted to be at the

personal and professional service. And because

same level with international brands,” she says.

clear communication is the key to identifying

your individual needs and expectations, you

maximum effciency in satisfying the property

its footprint locally and with a solid foundation

won’t just have our word on it; you’ll have our

needs of both groups of clients. It also provides

at home and venture outside the country –

guarantee in writing.” The company’s peers also

input to viability studies where its knowledge

“northwards not southwards” she is keen to

have enough confdence in it to make similar

of the local market is important in helping to

add. Her explanation of this preference is that


assess proftability of the venture.

the north offers more opportunities than the

MG Properties is involved in the marketing, sales,

As an established surveying practice, MG

lettings, valuations of all types of properties,

Properties has chartered and graduate surveyors

“There are a lot of opportunities in countries like

general property consultancy services and

to advise on both residential and commercial

Zimbabwe, Zambia and Rwanda,” she says.

property management of both commercial


and residential properties. In addition, it offers

independent as it is not linked to any other

The grand strategy will be to realise a goal in MG



estate agent. This consultancy work includes:

Properties’ vision statement: “To be the Leading

foundation level through to fnishes. Its team has

analysing demand forecasts for specifc nodes

Real Estate Experts in Botswana and Southern

been actively involved in the developments and

(commercial and residential); analysis of the

African Region.”

lettings of some of the country’s best known

property market in various places; long-term

shopping centres, industrial complexes, offce

forecasts of property values in Botswana; and

blocks and residential complexes. The staff has

forecasting demands trends.

south – which is basically South Africa.








instant access to major property databases. On its own, the company maintains a database of

Having started as a Gaborone company,

prospective buyers and a portfolio of exclusive

MG Properties established a second offce in

Tel: +267 310 5497 / +267 241 2011

mandated properties for sale and lettings which

Francistown in June, 2014. Moremong-Gobe

Fax: +267 310 5498 / +267 241 2072

are constantly cross-referenced to ensure

reveals that the company’s strategy is to expand


Architects International

Upon leaving Conscom to set up his own

British company was third) in a hotly contested

company, Mokwadi Nyame wanted to provide

international competition where any company

service with a difference. Years later, Architects

from across the globe could enter the fray.

International is the vehicle through which he delivers load after load of such unique

“Getting position three showed us that we were doing something right,” he adds. Architects International was registered in May

service. always

2009 and started operating from Nyame’s own

separated architecture from interior design. We

house. Two months later, he acquired an offce

go beyond architecture because we design a

and started recruiting staff. However, fate dealt

building as well as its interior. It is very rare for

the new company a bad hand because around





companies to do that,” says Nyame, adding

this time, the global recession sneaked up on

that companies that combine the two services

commercial enterprises. The result was that

typically outsource the interior design.

major construction projects were shelved and

Companies that have taken notice of Architects International are among ones that

Architects International had to undertake interior design projects to stay afoat.

matter the most in the country: the Botswana

The very frst job that came along – “the frst-

Development Corporation, First National Bank,

born baby” to use Nyame words – was an

Barclays Bank, National Development Bank,

Orange kiosk at Mowana Park in Phakalane. He

Orange Botswana, JB Sports and Cell City. You

recalls sitting at home and having to fne-tune a

would want to add the Botswana Innovation

design concept about a small space that could

Hub to the list but there is a back story that is as

be used to support structures, display cabinets

relevant. At a time that Architects International

and house doors. In terms of income, the kiosk

had only just been established, an international

would pale in comparison to projects that would

tender was put out to design the BIH building.

come later but its sentimental value still warms

While the tender was won by an American

the cockles of Nyame’s heart in the manner no

company, Nyame says that it is a point of pride

other project seems to.

for Architects International to have come third (a






International’s core business, the interior design

Architects International gets more than

component is still crucial.

90 percent of its jobs by winning design

“We do a lot of interior designs for shops,” Nyame says.

competitions. “We are a young frm but we work very hard. I

The design – whether architectural or interior –

believe that what you have to do to ensure that

takes a defned pattern that Nyame likes to think

you produce quality designs. Even if you do few

of as being customer-centric.

projects, it is important that they should be of

“When we design we work with clients. Just

the right quality,” Nyame says.

like doctors, we make a diagnosis of what clients

A Maun native, the Architect International

want, what suits them best. We listen to clients

boss says that he has his home village is the

and respond accordingly; we don’t impose but

company’s next destination, not for reasons of

do what clients want,” he says.

sentimentality but the business promise that the

In marketing itself to the world, Architect

place holds.

International makes prominent the fact that it

“The population is high, most of the fve-star

is staffed with “young” people. There may be

hotels in the country are in that area but there

having to pause there and ask whether some

is something lacking in the architecture that you

clients would not equate youthfulness with lack

fnd there,” Nyame says.

of experience. On the other hand, Nyame holds

As crucial is the need to do business abroad

the view that as a creative industry, architecture

which is why the company was recently

actually equates youthfulness with dynamism.

registered in Harare, Zimbabwe.

“Obviously you need experience in terms of professional standards but young people are

2nd Floor, suite 201 BBS House Gaborone

generally perceived to be brighter and full of

P.O.Box 26401, Gaborone Botswana

fresh ideas. That is actually refected in our own experience,” he says. The experience in question is one in which

Tel: +267 390 1789 Fax: +267 390 1722





The Fairscape Precinct Premier A-Grade Offce, Retail, Restaurant, and Penthouses. Botswana Development Corporation (BDC) and

a world-class mixed-use property. Fairgrounds

proposed accesses coming from the Riverwalk

its 100% subsidiary, Commercial Holdings, have

had since transformed into a major offce hub in

road and the old dumping site that are to be

marked yet another milestone by investing in a

Gaborone but lacked a development that truly

constructed to improve accessibility into the

property development initiative dubbed “The

placed it as an offce location of international


Fairscape Precinct.� Strategically located in the

stature. BDC therefore found it imperative to

heart of Showground Offce Park, this state-of-

come up with Fairscape.

the-art development is unique and trendsetting

Phase 1 Phase 1 construction started in June 2011

as it is a mixed development tower standing


and comprises of four buildings; building 1A,

at 15 storeys and comprising of rental offce

It is located in the heart of the Showgrounds

building 1B, building 2 (The 15 storey tower with

space, retail space, penthouses and 884 car

offce park, which is the fnancial hub of the

penthouses and a roof garden occupying the

parking bays in the basement.

country boasting a combination of local and

uppermost foors), and building 3. The Phase 1

international companies. The site is strategically

development reached completion in Sep. 2014.

BDC found it imperative to initiate Fairscape

positioned as it is approximately 3 kilometres

The development is unique and trendsetting

Precinct to revitalise Fairgrounds by offering

east from the Government Enclave and the

as it is a mixed use development i.e. It

prospective commercial and retail tenants with

Gaborone CBD. There are two additional

comprises of retail, offce, and residential units


THE BDC BRAND BDC has a strong brand that has been around for 43 years. Our Corporate Brand values; enterprising, collaboration and integrity are a benchmark to measure the behaviour and performance




Corporation Limited and its employees. They are a code by which employees pride themselves

Fairscape Precinct Mixed-Use

and are known for. Our logo is the visual representation of who we are and what we do: a graphic representation of the BDC and the important role we play as a development fnance institution. The BDC brand logo represents four “pillars“ of Botswana Development Corporation Limited and a “round table“. The “pillars“ element represent the Corporation’s continued






investors through providing fnancial support to commercially viable projects, for the beneft of Botswana’s economic development. The pillars identify and reinforce Botswana Development Corporation Limited as a commercial and industrial development agency that occupies a central and responsible position in Botswana. The “roundtable” depicts a discussion type atmosphere where viable partnerships are forged, cementing lasting relationships meant to improve the quality of life, and strengthen the Corporation’s brand values and promise. The Brand Promise is by extension the mandate of a brand. The Botswana Development Corporation





therefore “To promote and facilitate economic development for Botswana” through: • Providing fnancial assistance to investors with commercially viable projects; • Supporting projects that generate sustainable employment for Batswana as well as add to the skills of the local workforce; • Encouraging citizen participation in all in one development, where restaurants, offces,

a vibrant “street architecture” where locals and

penthouses, and shops mix.

visitors can mingle.

This mixed use concept is the frst of its kind

The design and construction incorporates

to be implemented within the borders of

modern green building status, which render the

Botswana and brings modern and high-class

development to be environmentally friendly and

working and living environment into the country.

energy effcient, with a three-level basement

The core concept is to integrate the corporate


business ventures. The Botswana Development Corporation Limited Brand Differentiator, “Your Investment Partner”






cooperation and responsibility of both the Corporation and its stakeholders towards a sphere of common interest. It depicts Botswana

and private culture into one domain – where

Development Corporation Limited as the leader

business meets with pleasure. The design and

in development & investment fnancing and as

structure of the building is to acommodate

an agency that is worthy of its stakeholders’

pedestrian movements and accessibility to the

trust to improve their quality of life.

amenities of the precinct with a piazza forming the central (focal point of the precinct) having an

Fairscape Precinct

array of shops and open cafes, hence providing

Plot 70667, Fairgrounds Offce Park



Investment Management Services Botswana Year of Establishment and Background

through an empowerment initiative aimed at

STANLIB Investment Management Services


Botswana was established in 2002 as a 50/50 joint venture between Stanbic Bank of Botswana (Stanbic) and STANLIB Asset Management Ltd (STANLIB), which are both subsidiaries of the Standard Bank Group of South Africa. STANLIB Asset Management was created in May 2002 through the merger of Liberty Asset Management (LIBAM) and Standard Corporate and Merchant Bank Asset Management: Liberty Asset Management was founded in 1969 and SCMB Asset Management in 1974. Individually these operations were among the top 10 asset managers in terms of assets under management and combining these assets resulted in STANLIB becoming the third largest asset manager in South Africa.

fostering local participation and ownership in the

STANLIB Botswana Ownership Structure SIMS began offering investment management services in 2002 when it was established, initially targeting the retail market through its unit trust offerings. The company started managing pension fund assets in 2005 following the launch of its balanced fund unit trust product, the STANLIB Botswana Managed Prudential Fund.

STANLIB Franchise Model We recognise that our clients have diverse needs and that there is no ‘one size fts all’ investment solution. Consequently, we look at investments from a multitude of angles through many lenses. This gives us an in-depth understanding of an ever-changing investment landscape. To this extent, our investment model

In 2011, Stanbic Bank Botswana and STANLIB

houses multiple focused philosophies which

sold their respective 50% holdings in SIMS to

are able to cater for diverse client needs. Our

Liberty Holdings, resulting in SIMS becoming

Franchise Model refects various asset classes

100% owned by the Liberty Holdings Group.

and management styles such as the Balanced,

A local holding company, Liberty Holdings

Fixed Income, Listed Property, Direct Property,

Botswana (LHB), was then created initially

Research, Unconstrained Equity, Absolute

owning 100% of SIMS. In that same year, 26% of

Return, Beta Quants (passive and quantitative

LHB’s holding in SIMS was sold to local partners

driven investments) and Pan-African (equity and

fxed income) Franchises, headed by investment

In Botswana we have developed Fixed Interest

professionals who are focused on managing

(STANLIB Money Market Fund), Balanced

investments in their chosen area of expertise, in

(STANLIB Managed Prudential Fund) and Core

a style that resonates deeply with them.

Equity (STANLIB Equity Fund), Direct Property

The model embraces the strength of diversity

Investment and Research capabilities. These are

and the power of focus where:

managed and invested by our team in Botswana

• Focused teams concentrate on their highly

with support from the relevant franchises in SA

specialised areas of investment, and are able

where necessary – it is important to note that full

to express their best investment views

investment decision-making authority resides

• Entrepreneurial/owner driven behaviour is

in the local team. In addition, we tap into the

encouraged as each franchise head operates

expertise of teams such as the Pan-Africa

autonomously and has their own return/

Franchise for equity and credit insights across

proftability objectives to meet as a business

the continent in order to enhance the quality of


our investment decisions.

• A ‘shared services hub’ provides the following support services the to the franchises – HR,

Plot 50676 Fairgrounds Offce Park

IT, Legal and Compliance, Risk Management,

Unit 1, Ground Floor, Block D

Strategy and Operations, Finance, Marketing

P/Bag 00168 Gaborone Tel: + 267 391 0310 Fax: +267 391 0311

Diversity comes from: • Being able to provide asset management

services across different asset classes and investment styles across different regions that can be tailored into a solution that is specifc to each client’s needs • Providing





management of funds • A platform that is able to offer both single manager






Imara Group Imara serves African markets and promotes Investing in Africa by providing objective decision making as well as frst-class Financial Products and Services to Corporate, Institutional and Private clients, with funds under management exceeding US$600-million. As an independent Botswana listed investment banking group, Imara is proud to have unrivalled local knowledge, focus and presence. Imara is headquartered in Botswana and has offces in Angola, South Africa and the UK as well as associate offces in Malawi, Mauritius, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Imara has also partnered with Chapel Hill Denham in Nigeria, Sterling Capital in Kenya, Namibia Equity Brokers in Namibia. Imara Group Services include Asset Management, Corporate Finance, Stockbroking, Trust & Administration and numerous Imara Funds. Imara Botswana Ltd. Imara Botswana Limited forms the main component of the Corporate Finance division of Imara Holdings. The division


comprises of 13 professionals who are based between Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Zambia. The team has a combined business experience in excess of 100 years, having executed over 200 transactions across more than 12 countries, with a combined transaction value in excess of US$12-billion. The experienced professionals are deployed on cross-border assignments as and when required. The advisory services provided by Imara Botswana are extensive and include mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructurings, debt and equity capital raises, privatisations, listing, initial public offerings and strategic advice. Clients and sectors that Imara Botswana services are equally extensive and includes fnancial services, property, mining, infrastructure, agriculture, leisure and hospitality and consumer goods. Some of the transactions which Imara Botswana has advised on in Botswana and within the region over the last few years are included below. • African Banking Corporation Holdings Limited – Fair and Reasonable opinion on offer by Atlas Mara Co-Nvest Limited (2014); • Debswana Pension Fund – valuation performed for a potential target (2013); • RPC Data Limited – Fair and Reasonable opinion on disposal (2013); • New Africa Properties Limited – initial public offer and listing on the Botswana Stock Exchange; • Cresta Marakanelo Limited – initial public offer and listing on the Botswana Stock Exchange (2010); • Lafarge Zambia Plc – private placement of 9% equity stake on the Lusaka Stock Exchange (2014);

Sponsoring Broker Role Imara Capital Securities has been involved in several corporate actions ranging from share splits, capital raising exercises which include listings by way of initial public offerings (IPOs), debt issuances as well as listings by way of introduction. Working with listed companies on an on-going basis ensures that all regulatory requirements relating to securities listings are met. Imara Capital Securities are instrumental in the developments of the resource sector on the BSE as sponsoring broker for 99% of the listings in the sector. Leading investment specialists with group-wide research driven advice on purchasing and selling of stocks (shares/ securities) underpins Imara’s success.

Contact Morojwa Mews | Plot 74770 | Unit 6 2nd Floor | Western Commercial Road New Central Business District (New CBD) • ZCCM – IM – debt restructure and capital raised by way of claw back rights offer on the Lusaka Stock Exchange (2014); • Zambia National Commercial Bank Plc – privatisation and initial public offer on the Lusaka Stock Exchange (2008).

Imara Capital Securities +267 3188 886 |

Additional details of the services offered by Imara Botswana, as well as the team members and credentials, are set out on the Imara website. Imara Capital Securities Imara Capital Securities deal with all of Botswana’s major institutions, including banks, fund managers and parastatals, as well as large overseas institutions with considerable investments in Botswana’s economy. The institutional broking team is actively involved in capital raisings for a diverse range of companies, organisations, individuals and small to medium enterprises are continuously briefed and updated on the stocks researched by Imara Capital Securities, enabling them to make informed recommendations to clients as to the most appropriate stocks to trade in or to build share portfolios. Core Business Offering • Broking – Agents to buying and selling shares on the Botswana Stock Echange (BSE); • Research for the Botswana Market and offer regional research through the Imara Group; • Sponsoring broker services to companies seeking to list on the BSE and standing sponsoring broker to those already listed.

Through the active participation in Africa’s fnancial markets underpinned by extensive research coverage of regional equities, Imara offers clients the confdence to invest in Africa.


Corporate Company Profles



InnoLead Consulting


A principal at a Botswana company called

An engineer by profession, Kgengwenyane

Geofux, Kgengwenyane was at the time

has worked at Debswana Diamond Company

doing project management for Debswana

and he says that this background has proved

Mining Company. At that time, Debswana’s

particularly helpful in establishing a relationship

project management offce happened to be in

with mining companies. Presently, InnoLead

Johannesburg and it was during this sojourn

Consulting does business with Debswana

that Kgengwenyane made contact with X-pert.

itself, the BCL copper mine in Selebi Phikwe,

During that meeting he laid out his vision for

Africa Copper and the Morupule Colliery which

Botswana to develop its project management

Debswana is a shareholder in.

capability in both the public and private sector and suggested a partnership to that end.

InnoLead Consulting has also developed strategic plans for Barclays Bank Botswana,

Some 13 years later, he is Managing Director

the Water Utilities Corporation, the Competition

of InnoLead Consulting, a project management

Authority, the Botswana Communications

company that has a roster of marquee name

Regulatory Authority (BOCRA), the Botswana

clients in both the public and private sector.

International Trade Centre and Botswana

The frst major government client was the

Medical Aid Society.

Ministry of Health in 2010 which InnoLead

“We believe that in terms of making a mark, we

Consulting assisted to set up its offce of

have shown that we can deliver,” Kgengwenyane

strategy management as well as implement its


programmes. Soon the Offce of the President

The clients believe so too and Kgengwenyane

came on board, asking the company to develop

cites two examples to back that up. After

a strategic plan for it. InnoLead Consulting has

InnoLead Consulting helped Debswana develop

also helped the Ministry of Minerals, Energy and

its multi-billion North Star strategic plan, some

Water Resources set up a project management

fve-year targets were achieved within three

offce through which the latter manages its


numerous multi-billion pula projects.

“They came to us and said we achieved this



because the discipline of execution was never

management. When our consultants go out

like this before,” he recalls.

and talk to clients, they are listened to because

Another happy client was Diamond Trading Company which relocated from London to Gaborone. The process necessitated the

what they are saying is globally tested,” Kgengwenyane says. Those






dissolution of the Botswana Diamond Valuing

themselves. As Kgengwenyane says, “We

Company and in all, was to be undertaken over

have the most qualifed project management

14 months. Kgengwenyane remembers the managing director calling upon him to handle this project because “you guys are the best in town in terms of project management.” InnoLead Consulting also runs an academy through which it has trained over 15 000 people from across various sectors in the art and discipline of project management. Having established itself frmly in Botswana, the company is starting to penetrate the regional market with Telecom Namibia as its frst client.

professionals under one roof in Botswana and are the largest consulting company in the country.” Additionally, InnoLead Consulting is the only company in Botswana that can train in the Prince 2 management methodology – employing the only Motswana accredited to train in it in the country. It is also the only company in Botswana which has a qualifed professional scheduler, someone who is recognised internationally as a specialist in the time management of a project.

Plot 140, Unit 2 Kgale Terrace Gaborone International Finance Park

Kgengwenyane reveals that other opportunities

The next frontier for InnoLead Consulting is Primavera, a project and programme


are being actively explored.

management software from Oracle, which

What is perhaps the biggest feather in

Kgengwenyane describes as “top-notch”.

Tel: +267 390 9102

InnoLead’s cap is the relationship it has

Through its association with Oracle, the

Fax: +267 318 0565



company trained 12 of its staff members in


bodies who are at the cutting edge of project



the use of this software in November, 2014.

management technology.

The training was provided by one of the top

“I am talking the latest principles in project

Primavera experts in the world.


Simon & Lawrence PTY LTD operates in more than one


industry or market, and uses different distribution channels as a matter of corporate strategy, in short we have multiple,

We have years of experience in the print and electronic

unrelated businesses. Unrelated businesses are those

media communications industry. We plan and deploy

which (1) require unique management expertise, (2) have

media communication best practices. Through our

different end customers and (3) produce different products

subsidiary, Flame Power Multimedia, we help different

or provide different services.

companies to innovate and develop successful print and electronic media communications.

We are engaged in the business of exploring for

Our positioning and differentiation strategy lies in our

opportunities within our four portfolio segments and

commitment to professionalism, innovation and adherence

through partnerships. Those segments are Media,

to international standards at all levels of our operations.

Financials, Real Estate and Partnerships.

As a local company we are fully conversant with the local market and we have consequently engaged local

Our commitment to investing in new initiatives to meet

professionals to formulate customised products.

the ever-changing needs of our customers is an essential part of our corporate philosophy. As a result, Simon &

Media Projects

Lawrence (Pty) Limited is selling products and services within our portfolios that are nationally and market usable.

Production of a 52 Episodes series in


conjunction with BITC and BOFINET

Whether it is world-class infrastructure development

called ‘’ Doing Business in Botswana’’ for

or products to drive increased processing requirements,

solutions that enable sustainable applications as consumer devices continue to shrink in size, Simon & Lawrence

CNBC Africa on Channel 410 on DSTV 2.

Production of a 10 part series for Travel TV profling tourist behavior in Southern Africa

Properties is committed to meet and exceed its customers’ needs each and every day.



& Lawrence


is that we are more nurturing and caring. Our operational strategies are the most fexible of all types of commodity supply and delivery because we can deliver our

Our real estate business is multifaceted, encompassing activities that range from the renovation and lease of existing buildings to the purchase of raw land

products and services exactly where/ when they are needed; when you need help, the person you need to talk to is the person you “get”.

and the sale of improved land to others. As a property developer and investor, we

We currently are in partnership with Indian and Taiwanese companies to deliver

are the coordinators of the activities, converting ideas on paper into real property.

medical consumables and South African companies for Corporate Wear and Broadcasting equipment.


Partnership Projects

Corporate Financing can be a critical lever for businesses that need to maximise


Questek Technologies RSA – Botswana Television Video Wall

industry and can structure the right program to help you achieve your goals.


Ethnics RSA – BCL Digital Media Network

We work with a wide variety of mid-size businesses, large businesses, and


Karma Clothing – Corporate Wear for NBD, Air Botswana and MVA

liquidity and fexibility. It’s important to work with a partner who understands your

and Graphic Playout System

multinationals and private equity sponsors. We currently offer factoring solutions to SMEs, as well as short-term loan fnancing to Pick n’ Pay customers in


greater Johannesburg in partnership with SL Capital - a BEE company based in





Rosebank, Johannesburg.

Flame Power Mutimedia




SL Capital




Global Minerals Botswana




PARTNERSHIPS We offer a functional delivery service around a true single point of contact, with




Mafkeng, Capetown

St Tropez




a team of experienced, diverse people. Our point of difference from other frms

Physical Address Exponential Building 5th Floor North Wing Central Business District (CBD) Gaborone

Postal Address P.O. Box 40596 Gaborone Botswana

Contact Info Tel: +267 391 0738 Fax: +267 391 0759 Email:


Botswana Ash (Botash) In the fercely competitive international market of salt and soda ash, Botswana Ash (Botash) has been able to hold its own.

“The purity of our salt, as compared to others in

leases 504 of these houses. A free bus service

the market, stands out. The moisture content of

for Botash employees operates between Sowa

Botash salt is very minimal and as such, our salt

and the plant. Sowa Town was commissioned

fows freely and doesn’t form lumps. Our natural

by the Botswana Government to house the

process of production also gives us competitive

company's employees and their families. Today,

advantage as our soda ash is natural, not

it is an active and friendly community, with many

synthetic like some in the market,” says Wame

essential facilities such as a bank, post offce,

Tshaila, Botash’s Sales and Marketing Manager.

shops, library, gymnasium and sporting facilities for golf, swimming, tennis, and squash. It also

The United States happens to be the lowest

has a modern stadium.

cost producer and mines soda ash from natural sources. Staying not too far behind, Botswana

Botash’s Sales and Marketing Department

also produces soda ash from naturally occurring

is the frst point of contact for existing and

brine reserves and Botash has established a

potential customers. The Department consists

working relationship with a US company that

of the Sales and Distribution section whose

has licensed the process it uses.

responsibilities include: responding to customer queries regarding product pricing and terms

Not too long ago, Botash was unable to meet

and conditions of sale; coordinating the required

regional customer demand for soda ash. The

logistics for the loading and transport of soda

company is now past that hurdle and is now

ash into South Africa, where Botash has a sales

constantly searching for new markets. Up until

depot in Natalspruit and from which its customer

now, Botash’s primary markets have been

base in the country is serviced; coordinating the

South Africa and Zimbabwe but as Tshaila

required logistics for loading and transportation

reveals, there are plans to expand the footprint

of salt and soda ash into Botswana and regional

even farther.

markets; ensuring that wagons that arrive on site are loaded with the correct product

“We are already in the fnal stages of opening

effciently and effectively; liaising with the various

a distribution hub/branch in Lusaka, Zambia.

strategic partners such as Botswana Railways

Our plans include extending into markets further

and Transnet Freight Rail of South Africa and the

north, like the Democratic Republic of Congo,

Botswana Unifed Revenue Service to provide

Tanzania and Burundi,” she says, adding that

a seamless customer service; liaising with key

Botash continues to do business in the local

internal customers such as Operations, Finance

market. “Our salt, both coarse and fne, is sold in

and Engineering departments; participating in

Botswana. A detergent manufacturing company

public relations and sales/advertising activities

in the country also uses Botash’s soda ash for

to maximise sales volumes and revenue as well

the production of its powdered washing soap.”

as to create a favourable corporate image.

Botash is owned by the Botswana government,

Botash has appointed two sales and marketing

which, at 50%, is the majority shareholder.

agents, namely Lake International Technologies

AECI, Anglo American Corporation and De

in South Africa and Chemplex Marketing in

Beers each hold 14% and the balance of 8%

Zimbabwe. These agents are responsible for

is held by a bank consortium. The company’s

customer liaison, sales and marketing activities

P736-million plant started operating in April

and providing the head offce with market

1991. Concurrent with the construction of

intelligence in these markets and internationally.

the plant, Sowa Town was built 20 kilometres


away at a cost of P100-million and was offcially

Botswana Railways and Transnet Freight Rail

opened on 3 August 1990. The town was built

of South Africa have built specially designed

on behalf of the government by the Botswana

wagons that are used to transport Botash’s salt

Housing Corporation and originally comprised

and soda ash exports. Tshaila says that as part

of 605 houses. An additional 232 houses were

of its growth plan, the company will increase its

built during a second phase. Botash currently

plant capacity.

Sua Pan, Sowa Tel: +267 621 3210 Fax: +267 621 3213 Email:











For All Your Auctioneering Needs

Auction It (Pty) Ltd is a 100% citizen-owned enterprise duly registered in Botswana in 2011 after being founded by Harry Fleetwood-Bird (Motswana) and Adrian Rass (Motswana), to provide the Botswana market with a higher level of service and choice when it comes to asset disposal. The company’s expertise regarding disposal,

Adrian Rass is at the helm of Auction It,

ranges across a multitude of sales techniques in

introducing new and innovative ways in which

order to achieve the highest return for the seller

to market auctions, educate and create

or client from the assets that are sold. These

enthusiasm about auctions with Batswana and

include auctions, silent auctions, sealed bids,

fnally bring auctions on to the big stage within

tender and private treaty sales.

Botswana as a whole.

We use each disposal technique’s strengths

He has arranged and conducted auctions across

and characteristics to best suit the job at

the globe, auctioning everything from Fine Art

hand in regards to time frame, nature of assets

valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars, to

being sold, locality of assets, legal obligations

vehicles and immovable property. Adrian Rass

of the sale and of course the requirements of

has had over 10 years’ experience in the auction

the seller.

arena and this shows in the professionalism which abounds in each of his auctions.

The company offce and warehouse is located


at Plot 25001 Gaborone West industrial, which

The Auction It team is a fully 100% Motswana

is the location where we hold all salvage vehicle

workforce that has helped Auction It evolve and

auctions on behalf of Zurich Insurance, Hollard

grow into Botswana’s leading Auctioneering

Insurance, Sure Insurance (BIHL), Maemo Cell

Company. The management team is made up

Insurance and Mutual & Federal Insurance, as

of Adrian Rass, Desby Ludick, Reuben Kaizer

well as our monthly furniture auctions.

and Kago Kebitsang.

Since inception, Auction It has become widely

(movable and immovable) through auctions as it

recognised for its ability to market and sell

makes a world of difference to any seller.

a spectrum of goods using a wide variety of marketing techniques. To iterate this, the company spends in excess of P40,000 per month on marketing and advertising alone.

Our Auction Strategies We at Auction It have seen the auction market explode in the last two years, especially in respect to vehicle auctions. From a general perspective we have seen a growth in the interest of auctions by the purchasers at our auctions, as well as a growth of our auction portfolio which includes private sellers, the insurance companies and liquidators. This fourish is a result of the world moving out of economic recession and people are looking for good deals, with the auction route becoming a more popular and common way to buy and sell. With our towering position already established, the auction route for movables and vehicles is already cemented as we have the infrastructure and client base to make our auctions a great success. More and more individuals and companies are now selling their property

Pricing, Valuations & Reserves In regards to pricing or setting reserves, Auction It collaborates with its clients in setting and establishing reserve prices on items that we are instructed to sell. We gladly provide input into suggested reserve prices based on our experience; however the fnal decision on sales value lies ultimately with the clients. If formal

“Auction It successfully sells, approximately 1000 vehicles a year through auction. Our marketing strategy works, our auction team is friendly and diligent in their duties and our auction processes and procedures are the most effective in Botswana. Success is not our aim its our standard.”

valuations are required on certain items, we can arrange for this to be outsourced.

Advertising and Marketing The key to disposing of goods is to ensure that the movables are marketed effectively not only to potential buyers, but qualifed buyers. What needs to be ensured is that: • the goods have been marketed for a reasonable period of time prior to auction; • there is more than suffcient information available for a buyer; and • a guide price (not reserve) is advertised. Despite our relative youth in the marketplace, Auction It has represented and assisted many well-known and established companies in Botswana with the auctioning and disposal of

Plot 25001, Unit 1 Gaborone West Industrial Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267 3918724 Fax: +276 3918722




Training & Education


Botswana Accountancy College (BAC) ”Achieving academic excellence and economic opportunities through real investment in education and skills development”

It is not by coincidence that if you want to be with the best, be the best! BAC shines a beacon towards which the greater part of business education is steered. It happens through a deliberately designed rubric consisting of a carefully knitted mosaic of offerings which collectively paint the picture of a performer’s pirouette. It attracts to itself only the best. The best students, the best strategic partners, the best teachers and mentors, the best business propositions, the best solutions – we could go on. It is therefore not surprising that many people want to be a part of BAC!

Education as a business It is a common cause that education is now universally regarded as a business, albeit somewhat tacitly by the classical education institutions which still have to operate as a part of a knowledge landscape which has transformed signifcantly. Most education institutions which have hitherto been referred to as state institutions, or public education institutes, including universities and higher education centres, now have to ‘earn their keep’ in order to stay in business. This is a phenomenon that has ‘side effects’, for it adds another layer of intra-competitive imperatives within the institutions themselves which are ‘not for proft’. As a consequence, the dynamics of quality also succumb to pressure from the more ‘slick’ and effciency driven private


sector education corporate bodies. BAC is part

for Africa’ left behind a trail of destruction,

shift away from resource based economies to

of such a system, and has thrived because

whose effects are still felt today, generations

knowledge based economies founded on real

of it – from being a ‘hybrid’ type institution.

later. Currently however, the ‘scramble’ is of a

investment in education and business skills

Nothing came as a surprise therefore, when

different kind. Although it is still underpinned by


private sector norms which invaded the public

the continent’s resources, often times referred

institutions crossed roads with the BAC in a

to as a ‘curse’, Africans now have a fghting

The BAC value proposition

state of readiness.

chance to call the shots amidst the scramble.

Academic excellence is at the heart of what BAC

Our own brewed Business Hive (BH) joined

There are conditions – it requires a different

The College aspires to provide students with rich

forces with LEA in February 2014. The BH is

type of mindset to defeat corruption, unethical

and deep learning experiences. BAC aspires to

the fraternity at the College which has created a

behavior, abject poverty, run-away diseases, and

prepare its graduates for a fulflling career and

platform for developing future business leaders

literally, causing the continent to be regarded as

help them make a positive contribution to society.

by putting models to practice and by working

a pariah continent among nations in the 21st

Through accreditations such as Quality Learning

with key industry players as mentors. Joining

century. This may sound gloomy and defeatist.

Partner from CIMA, we provide students with

forces with LEA provided a mutually benefcial

In effect it is merely a build up to an argument

nothing but world-class curriculum material. In

platform in which our students continue to

that a case has to be made to catapult today’s

addition to this we have garnered international

beneft from acquiring the necessary skills to

generation of Africans who have the knowledge,

partnerships with prominent institutions such

succeed outside the classroom.

experience and skills to seize the moment. The

as, University of Sunderland, Sheffeld Hallam

size of the skills base may not be enough, but

University, and University of Derby and we are

With the support of the Public Procurement and

they are currently present – some of which in

achieving this progressively.

Asset Disposal Board (PPADB), BAC developed

effect beneft advanced economies through a

a new qualifcation. The programme is designed

process of migration. This presents phenomenal

To be “the Best of Botswana”, the College is

to enhance skills in delivering the objectives of

opportunities for deepening the skills base, the

known for its non-compromising stance on

the PPAD Act, provide professionals within the

knowledge resource and capacity building for

quality and the relevance of its programme

procurement function in the public sector with

true leadership.

offerings. By extension, the quality of its

hopes to achieve as an academic institution.

the skills to effectively manage the function.

graduates ensures that they are the most In addition, many African states including

sought after by industry, in other words, the

The open skies of Africa – Botswana still the ‘shining star’

Botswana have since embraced the concept of

college places a premium on its graduate

transforming their economies from a resource

employability factor. By far the most unique of

Quite unrelated is the notion that the African

based to knowledge based economies. Herein

its propositions, is the depth of its investment in

continent is still in its frst phase of its renaissance,

lies the vantage point of BAC the institution.

talent and expertise. The signifcant investment

which brings with it a different set of challenges.

We are a signifcant player in our part of the

in talent represents one of the hallmarks of its

Not long ago, the experiences of the ‘scramble

continent, guilty of ‘aiding and abetting’ a

success and differentiation.


For this reason, and in order to produce workready graduates, and those who will stand out as future potential wealth creators, the college identifes key strategic priorities amongst which are the integration of teaching/learning, research, community engagement and student experience. In many respects, its brand anchors on this value proposition.

Reputation built on ‘The company you keep’ For good measure, even as the college edges towards attaining the capability to be an awarding institution in its own right, it very jealously guards its own brand against the background of the value addition from ‘the company it keeps’. With its strategic partners, the BAC continues to grow from strength to strength, thereby ‘separating itself from the crowd’. The current partnership with three UK universities (University of Derby, the University of Sunderland and Sheffeld Hallam University), offers the best of both worlds in which each of the universities have something unique to offer through its key area of strength. With the prospect of an addition to its strategic partners, a new strategic relationship with one of the most respected and highly ranked UK Business Schools in the offng during 2014. The college is therefore set to assert itself as the best there is in Botswana, the region and beyond.


In this regard, ‘the company BAC keeps’ is of

are gender and ethnically diverse, spontaneous

jurisdictions is logical, only if properly adapted

utmost importance. It makes the college one

in their ways, wide-eyed and always ready for

to ft with the agenda of African institutions.

of its kind in Southern Africa, with a business

something new. Purposefully, BAC is able to tap

model which ensures it offers a diversifed

into this positive energy of young people, a new

To illustrate the point, and almost like ‘going

suite of courseware in its portfolio of offerings

generation with its new rules.

for the jugular’ BAC has launched into the rare

mostly sought after by modern day business

offerings (for Botswana) in the hospitality, travel,

undergraduates and researchers, and most

With this conundrum at its disposal, the

and tourism suite of destination management

importantly, respected and embraced by

college is able to infuse within its ‘student

programmes at degree level, in partnership

business and industry.

experience’ strategies, the type of blended

with a UK strategic partner who is best at it.

learning interventions, the type of mix most

This is consistent with the Botswana Education

On the basis of international recognition of

familiar to young people. At the earliest available

Hub agenda of attracting undergraduates to

programmes offered by BAC, the prestigious

opportunity, we will engage with undergraduates

Botswana, thereby exporting education.

awards conferred on BAC by global professional

to reinforce their ‘thinking digital’ approaches

What the year 2015 has in store for BAC, can

bodies – ‘Platinum’ by Association of Chartered

which will enable them to generate ideas

only be described as the “Best for Botswana”.

Certifed Accountants (ACCA) Global, ‘Quality

which have the power to change communities,

Learning Partner’ by Chartered Institute of

businesses and the environment around them.

Management Accountants (CIMA) Global, For more information, visit

bestows on the college, some of the most

As a consequence, the BAC undergraduates

sought after ‘badges of excellence’. Other

and postgraduates are drawn to an institutional or

institutions world-wide competing in the same

culture of entrepreneurial fair which supports


space can look in admiration. It also confrms

their aspirations. It also instils creative habits

BAC’s pedigree and ‘footprint’ as an institution

among them.

which acts locally and thinks globally.

BAC going for the ‘jugular’ The millennial generation conundrum

The Tertiary Education landscape transformation

Considering the perplexing phenomenon of

time for BAC. Almost spontaneously, the

the millennial generation in various spheres of

opportunities presented are both unavoidable

modern day life, the college is itself a relatively

and simply too good to be true. With education

young institution which attracts to itself the best

depression in other countries particularly in

performing and talented of young people. The

Europe, smart partnerships with institutions

College is therefore able to, and has put into

in Africa by a process of osmosis in order to

context, the mind of the young graduates who

engender the otherwise idle capacity in those

in Botswana could not have come at a better


BA ISAGO University College Promoting Quality Teaching, Learning, Research and Community Engagement.

Proposed Development-Phase II

BA ISAGO University College is devoted to

Entrepreneurship and Project Management

promoting excellence in teaching, learning,


research and community engagement through

development in various sectors of the economy.




As part of its commitment to transforming into a fully-fedged University, four Faculties have since been established, namely; Faculty

outreach programmes. Currently, the College

The University College is pursuing programmes

of Commerce, Faculty of Education, Faculty of

has a population of 3102 students and a staff

that promote South-South cooperation and

Law and Para-legal Studies and the Faculty of

compliment of 239 between its three campuses

at the same time maximising prospects and

the Built Environment, Arts and Sciences.

in Maun, Francistown, Gaborone and the Serowe

opportunities for further and higher education

The College remains strongly committed to

Satellite Campus. It offers Certifcate, Diploma,

in Botswana. The institution is positioning itself

growing its business through sound, ethical and

Degree and Post Graduate Programmes. The

to play a critical role in the SADC region and

internationally acceptable best practices. BA

majority of these programmes are home grown,

more widely in Africa and the rest of the world.

ISAGO is a dynamic private tertiary education

while others are offered through collaborative

It is vigorously exploring prospects, possibilities,

institution offering market-driven programmes

partnerships with the University of South Africa-

opportunities and strategies designed to provide

of international repute. All its programmes

UNISA (Pretoria) and the National University of

study opportunities to students from outside the

have a direct bearing on the human capital

Science and Technology-NUST (Bulawayo).

borders of Botswana.

development of Botswana. The College’s

Other strong collaborative partnerships include

BA ISAGO’s new focus on curriculum

philosophy and guiding business principles are

ACCA, ICDL, UNISA Graduate School of

development is increasingly shifting towards

always premised on the understanding that

Business Leadership (SBL), UNISA’s Centre for



there must, at all times, be a meaningful balance

Business Management (CBM) and the Botswana

commensurate with the expectations of the

between its business imperatives and the

Institute of Chartered Accountants (BICA).

new Human Resource Development Strategy,

academic pursuits of its students. BA ISAGO

The College also offers 45 short-term learning

which among other things, seeks to promote a

is focused and committed to transforming itself

programmes, through its Centre for Research,

knowledge-based economy in Botswana.

from a University College to full University status.








BA ISAGO University College


30. Certifcate in Human Resources Management 31. ACCA (Association of Chartered Certifed Accountants) 32. CAT (Certifed Accounting Technician) 33. BICA (Botswana Institute of Chartered Accountants)

Faculty of Education 1. Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership and Management

Faculty of Commerce

2. Bachelor of Education in English Language

1. Master of Business Leadership (SBL, UNISA)

3. Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development

2. Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (SBL, UNISA)

4. Bachelor of Education in Social Studies

3. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Risk Management

5. Bachelor of Education in Mathematics

4. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Banking and Finance

6. Bachelor of Education (General)

5. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Accounting

7. National Professional Diploma in Education (NPDE)

6. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Human Resources Management

8. Certifcate in Vocational Education and Training (CVET)

7. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Entrepreneurship 8. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Marketing

Faculty of the Built Environment, Arts and Sciences

9. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Economics

1. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Real Estate

10. Bachelor of Commerce Degree (Hons) in Risk Management and

2. Bachelor of Science Degree in Quantity Surveying

Insurance (NUST)

3. Bachelor of Technology in Safety Management (UNISA)

11. Bachelor of Commerce Degree (Hons) in Fiscal Studies (NUST)

4. Diploma in Real Estate

12. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Industrial and Organisational

5. Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety

Psychology (UNISA)

6. National Diploma in Safety Management (UNISA)

13. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Marketing Management (UNISA)

7. Diploma in Development and Disaster Management (NUST)

14. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Financial Management (UNISA)

8. Certifcate in Real Estate

15. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Management Accounting (UNISA) 16. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Risk Management (UNISA)

Faculty of Law and Para-Legal Studies

17. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Entrepreneurship (UNISA)

1. Diploma in Court Administration

18. Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting (UNISA)

2. Diploma in Law

19. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Transport and Logistics (UNISA)

3. Certifcate in Law

20. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Human Resources Management

4. Certifcate in Court Administration

(UNISA) 21. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Strategic Supply Management

5. Certifcate in Customary Law 6. Intermediate Certifcate for Deputy Sheriffs and Court Bailiffs

(UNISA) 23. Diploma in Insurance

Centre for Research, Entrepreneurship and Project Management (CREPM)

24. Diploma in Marketing Management

In October 2008, BA ISAGO established CREPM for the purpose of

25. Diploma in Accounting

enhancing professional development of various organisations in the

26. Diploma in Entrepreneurship

public and private sectors, as well as promoting academic research and

27. Diploma in Transport Management and Logistics

expanding the business of BA ISAGO, through conferences, short-term

28. Certifcate in Entrepreneurship

training, seminars, workshops and community engagement.

22. Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Logistics Management (UNISA)

29. Certifcate in Business Management


Programmes Offered 1. Advocacy & Lobbying

41. Programme in Public Procurement and Supply Management (CBM: UNISA)

2. Performance Management Systems

42. Fundamental Management Programme (SBL: UNISA)

3. Research Methods and SPSS

43. Management Development Programme (SBL: UNISA)

4. Project Planning

44. Executive Development Programme (SBL: UNISA)

5. Monitoring & Evaluation

45. ICDL (International Computer Driving Licence)

6. Occupational Health and Safety 7. Property Valuation 8. Property Economics and Finance 9. Introduction to Building Technology 10. Property Marketing 11. Customer Service 12. Introduction to Property Law 13. Small Business Management 14. Business Plan Preparation 15. Business Management 2 16. Computer Skills 17. Communication Skills 18. Employment Relations 19. Training and Development 20. Organisational Behaviour 21. Business Communications 22. Basic Concepts of Information Technology 23. Using a Computer and Managing fles 24. Word Processing 25. Spreadsheets 26. Database 27. Presentation (PowerPoint) 28. Information and Communication 29. Introduction to Vocational Education and Training 30. Determine Training Methods and Techniques 31. Produce a Lesson Plan 32. Develop Learning Materials 33. Facilitate the Lesson 34. Evaluate Training Sessions

GABORONE CAMPUS 11 Koi Street Corner of Western Bypass (Motsete Road) and Mogoditshane Road, Block 7 Gaborone, Botswana Email: Tel: +267 395 7744 Fax: +267 395 7709 Mobile: +267 714 37500 FRANCISTOWN CAMPUS Haskins Building, Plot 1602/3, Light Industrial Site Francistown, Botswana Email: Tel: +267 241 8780 Fax: +267 241 8778 MAUN CAMPUS Plot 394, Mabudutsana Ward Corner of Moremi 3 Road and Mogalakwe Road, Maun Tel: +267 686 7021 Fax +267 686 7021 Email:

35. Produce Assessment Instruments 36. Demonstrate Time Management in the Work Place 37. Finance for Non-Finance Managers 38. Programme in Offce Management (CBM: UNISA) 39. Short Course in SMME Management (CBM: UNISA) 40. Programme in Safety Management (CBM: UNISA)


Brookhills Montessori School Welcome to a World of Difference! Brookhills Montessori School is a unique place.

sense of independence, self-discipline and

The very best way for you to experience our

confdence in a safe, supportive, culturally and

school is to visit us. Walk our center, observe in

academically diverse environment as guided by

a Montessori classroom, and see our students

the Montessori philosophy.

and teachers in action. Our qualifed teachers

BMS is a child-centered, parent-inclusive

guide our students’ work with creativity and

school that provides a stimulating environment

dedication. They nurture, challenge and support

that is very unique. Our school accepts children

each student on their journey to self-discovery.

from as young as 1 year of age regardless of

What you’ll walk away with is a profound sense

race, national origin or religious beliefs. A racial

that innovative, joyful learning is a reality here.

and ethnic mixture is considered important to

We live the essential Montessori philosophy that

the health of the school and to the full social

nurtures internal motivation, supports academic

development of the child.

excellence, and builds social and emotional growth in each child.

Our Values • Providing excellence in child care and

Our Mission Brookhills Montessori School values and encourages the development of the child’s


education; • Building




empowerment, integrity and accountability;

• Providing a respectable environment for one’s self, others and the environment; • Ensuring a diverse, dynamic learning community and service.

Co-curricular activities We offer Swimming, Languages, Cooking, Computers, Science Experiments and lots more! Brookhills Montessori School, an International Preschool Curriculum Franchise prides itself in providing high-quality International Preschool Education guided closely by Montessori

family we serve. Our programs are carefully researched and well thought out, and we approach every day with a sense of imagination, innovation, and fun to help young children learn comfortably and confdently. Our Curriculum includes a variety of interesting and inspiring activities to stimulate early brain development with a focus on creative play and work. We encourage a love of learning through working and playing thereby encouraging the ability to learn and grow physically, cognitively,

Curriculum with daycare/preschool amenities

socially and emotionally. Our Montessori and

and service in a warm, nurturing environment.

International Preschool Curriculum provide

We understand that choosing the right center

plenty of hands-on learning allowing each child

to ft a child’s needs is an important decision,

to be prepared for primary school and for life-

and we strive to meet the expectations of every

long learning. BrookhillsMSchool @bhsmontessori Tel: +267 396 9978 Cell: +267 72 869 302, +267 75 592 690

“Never do for the child what the child can do for herself” Maria Montessori



Banking & Finance


Growing the Economy With the most Innovative Commercial Bank in Botswana. First National Bank of Botswana’s “Bricks-to-

of its kind in Botswana and also a frst within the

Clicks” Strategy, which focuses on migrating

FirstRand Group subsidiaries.

customers from traditional banking channels to

The telling areas – which deal with cash

more cost effective electronic ones, continued

deposits and withdrawals, are one of the main

to unfold in the 2013/2014 fnancial year as it

service pressure points in the Bank’s branches.

introduces new digital solutions.

Regardless of the amount of cash to be

The frst solution is the new Slimline Auto

deposited, and in whichever denomination or

Teller Machines, an innovative breed of ATMs

combination of denominations chosen, the ATM

that offer customers easy banking access and

Advance are designed to deal with all deposits

convenience in locations where the bank does

with remarkable ease and effciency. An ATM

not have branch representation or a traditional

Advance can accept 200 notes at a time and

ATM. The Bank is partnering with existing

confrms the credit amount immediately. It also

businesses in these locations that, due to the

allows non-FNBB customers to make deposits

nature of their business, have to hold large cash

into FNBB customers’ accounts.

amounts onsite.

During 2013/2014, the Bank invested in 20

The Slimline operates exactly like a traditional

ATM Advance units of which nine have been

ATM except that it does not hold any cash.

installed with the balance ready to be deployed

Customers access their accounts via the

in the new fnancial year. The rapid expansion

Slimline ATM in the normal way, obtain a printout

of this initiative to all branches will be a strong

of the amount they wish to withdraw from their

driver in 2015.

account and approach a cashier with one of our

The third initiative was the launch of the FNB

business partners to receive their money. The

Banking App, which enables customers to have

account of the business partner is credited with

safe, secure, direct and easy access to their

this amount immediately.

FNB accounts.

This system has revolutionised the way

These channels have seen massive adoption

FNBB does banking in the more remote areas

and use by customers and as a result, FNBB’s

because it provides banking-related services to

electronic transaction volumes increased by

people who cannot always travel long distances

31%, online banking by 17% and cellphone

to get to a branch, and considerably reduces

banking by 35% year-on-year.

risk as customers do not have to travel far while carrying large amounts of cash. During the 2013/2014 fnancial year, the Bank installed 30 Slimline machines with an additional 25 in the pipeline.

First National Bank of Botswana Limited

FNBB also unveiled the ATM Advance, a 24/7

Tel: +267 370 6000

real-time cash depositing device, which is a frst





National Development Bank (NDB) Unveils New Corporate Identity The National Development Bank (NDB) launched its new corporate identity on Thursday 07th of August at an unveiling ceremony atthe Gaborone International Convention Centre (GICC). In 51 years, NDB has made great strides in contributing to Botswana’s economic development through the provision of fnancial products across various key sectors, including agriculture, retail and commerce, property and human capital development. In his keynote address, Honourable Minister of

important for organisations to undertake a

NDB is undergoing a huge transformation

Finance and Development Planning, Kenneth

health check on their brands to determine their

and our new corporate identity is intended

Matambo, acknowledged the Bank’s role during

relevance and strength of their identities within

to complement this renewed attitude and

the past 51 years of its existence, through

the ever-changing business climate”.

commitment,” said Seitei.

contributing towards Government’s agenda

“The Bank has not only evolved and emerged

NDB Chief Executive Offcer, Mrs. Lorato C.

of food security, economic diversifcation and

as a key player in our economic development,

Morapedi reinstated the Bank’s clear intension

employment creation. He further congratulated

but has been characterised by competition, new

by taking guests through NDB’s 51 year journey

the Bank for embarking on a rebranding

entrants in the market and most importantly, the

with major milestones and contributions over

exercise when it was appropriate to do so

demand by customers for a quality service. I am

the years and most importantly the way forward

looking at the major transformation the Bank

therefore, pleased to note that NDB’s rebranding

with the implementation of post launch activities

was going through and the competitive banking

exercise seeks to address or mitigate against the

to support the Bank repositioning strategy

and economic climate the Bank is operating in.

effects of these challenges with a strong focus

through implementation of key projects such

Minister Matambo said that he was pleased

on ensuring that the Bank is responsive through

as; the new corporate strategy (MADUO), offce

to note that rebranding further affrms the

distinguished customer service standards and

refurbishment, Implementation of a new banking

Bank’s position in the market as “Banka ya

remains connected with emerging and more

system, bank wide customers service training

Batswana” with focus key sector areas including

demanding stakeholder expectations,” he said.

amongst others.

agriculture, but with a new brand promise where

It is NDB’s intention to preserve its heritage,

Headlined by the new tri-leaf logo, the new

stakeholders will enjoy a new banking experience

which is as rich as the history of Botswana, said

visual identity is fresh and dynamic. It represents

through quality customer service with a renewed

NDB Board Chairman, Lesedi V. Seitei. “We

a Bank that is rooted in Botswana’s culture and

sense of commitment to stakeholders.

are indeed in a process of defning our brand

heritage, but, that is also undergoing creative

He said that the time for the Bank’s new

promise, and not just changing our look, for a

re-invention, and ready for emerging complex

corporate identity was opportune. “It is

totally enjoyable experience for our customers.

consumer needs.

CAPTIONS: 1) A captivating perfomance from Mophato Dance Theatre 2) Keynote address by Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Honorable Kenneth Matambo 3) NDB Board Chairman Mr. Lesedi V. Seitei giving the welcome remarks 4) Deputy Board Chairperson, Mrs. Faith M. Nteta bringing the night to a close with a vote of thanks 5) NDB CEO Mrs. Lorato Morapedi taking the audience through the NDB 51 Year Brand Journey. 6) Dr. Micas Chimbombi sharing a lighter moment with invited guests 7) BDC CEO, Bashi Gaetsale, Botswana Post CEO, Pele Moleta, AON CEO, Thapelo Matsheka and other invited guests 8) NDB Board members, Mr. Cosmas Moapare and Mrs. Thembisile Phuthego 9) Entertainers par-excellence, Zeus and Samatha Mogwe wowing the guests with their duet, Transitions. 10) Event MC, Jazelle Kebakile taking care of business 11) NDB Staff Choir going through their paces as they stir the guests with their voices 12) NDB customers and business associates. 13) The NDB staff dazzled at the event.



The rebirth of a Brand Our Story Understanding Our Visual Langauge In one form or another, mighty trees depend on the humble leaf, which in their numbers, work to support physiological, biological and chemical processes that are essential for the growth of their host – like so many little factories.

“That is the story behind the new NDB logo. It captures the idea of small, humble leaves pumping life into a mighty tree”.



That tree is Botswana’s economy, being nurtured to growth through every single Motswana through projects fnanced by NDB. NDB is represented by a trio of stylised leaves, fueling Botswana’s development through a unique bias towards strategic growth sectors including agriculture, commercial, industrial, real estate and human capital development. The dynamic NDB tri-Leaf Logo Our new logo captures the nurturing role of NDB to the mighty tree that is Botswana’s economy. It features a trio of vibrant stylised leaves that are arranged in a sequence of cumulative movement that portrays Progress;


Transformation; Growth and Development. These pillars


represent the diverse: strategic growth sectors including; Agriculture, Commercial, industrial, real estate and human capital development. A dynamic strike through arcs across the leaves highlighting the future focused attitude of the Bank towards a better future.



10 The Vivid



Green displays

The color Blue


NDB‘s interest

represents our

represents a

on growth and


very strong and


to all our

driven Bank

with a strong


with a complete

a focus on

and epitomises

sense of control



and providing

security and

direction in

wealth–It’s a

its chosen

National Pride.


11 This is the new NDB, retaining the same mandate, but delivering new solutions through distinguished customer service guided by our values; TEAM WORK,






Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA) The Citizen Entrepreneurial Development

and to streamline the numerous projects

contribution of the SMME Sector to the overall

Agency (CEDA) is a development fnancial

providing similar schemes.

economic performance.

of Botswana. It was set up to provide support

Assistance is in the form of start-ups,

CEDA offers assistance to citizen businesses

for business development through various

expansions, stock or working capital in new

under various sectors namely Agribusiness,

funding mechanisms, thereby promoting citizen

and existing businesses. CEDA also offers


economic empowerment and entrepreneurship.

business advisory services to entrepreneurs in

Manufacturing. Furthermore, CEDA can also

institution wholly owned by the Government




various skills thereby enhancing the success of

assist citizens to partner with no-citizens in

It was incorporated as a company listed by

investments made in citizen owned business

joint ventures through the Structured Finance

guarantee on April 12th, 2001 and commenced

ventures. With these services CEDA has been

product. By doing so, the Agency paves way

in June 2001. The company was established

able to harness the business expertise, skills

for new industries, guiding the footsteps of

in response to a recommendation made by

and wisdom of senior business and professional

intrepid entrepreneurs who blaze the trail ahead,

the National Conference on Citizen Economic

people, making their services available to CEDA

bringing prosperity and stability to those who

Empowerment (NCCEE) held in July 1999, in

funded entrepreneurs in small, medium and

follow and to the economy of the country.

order to introduce the professional management

micro enterprises, with the key intention to

of the Government fnancial assistance initiatives

enhance sustainability, proftability and collective


The Agency is overseen by the Board of

Directors whose main function is to direct,


monitor and control its strategic direction in

To be the premier citizen empowerment partner

order that sound business policies are practised and the objectives of the Agency are met.

Mission: To fund and support the development of viable

The Agencies core Strategic Objectives are:

and sustainable industries

• To foster citizens entrepreneurial spirit and empowerment. • Promote Economic Diversifcation. • Encourage the development of competitive and sustainable citizen enterprises. • Create sustainable employment opportunities • Promote the development of vertical and horizontal linkages between citizen enterprises and primary industries in Agriculture, Mining and Tourism.

CEDA House Prime Plaza, Plot 54358, Corner PG Matante Road and Khama Crescent Extension CBD, Gaborone Private Bag 00504, Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267 317 0895 Fax: +267 319 0001 Email:



Your peace of mind frst



First Sun Alliance Insurance Brokers First Sun Alliance is the insurance provider of choice, for Short-Term, Long-Term, Offshore Investments, Fund & Asset Management, and Risk Management.



• Individual & Group Life Insurance Marketing

First Sun Alliance (Pty) Ltd was incorporated

and Administration

in 1999 in Botswana as an Insurance Broking

• Risk Management

company under the provision of the Botswana

• Short-Term

Insurance Act (Chapter 46-01). First Sun Alliance has since grown to a regional operator and is now registered in South Africa (Paulo Sun) and Zimbabwe.


• ABSA Life • Bramer Life Marketing


Administration • Offshore Life Insurance and Investments Marketing and Administration • Fund and Asset Management, Group Beneft Risk and Beneft scheme administration and

First Sun Alliance started operations in 2000

• Liberty Life Insurance

unit trusts

• African Alliance Botswana • Stalib • London 360 • Royal Scandia • Friends Provident

MILESTONES First Sun Alliance Insurance Brokers is without

with a staff compliment of fve, which has since grown to an average of 80 employees


doubt the largest operator on individual life

over the past 10 years. First Sun’s head offce

To meet and satisfy Risk Management and

marketing and fnancial planning business in

is in Gaborone, where they operate from their

Insurance needs of the public through excelled

Botswana and is also the leading brokerage

own premises at Kgale View, Gaborone. They

technical knowledge, professional conduct,

amongst the indigenous players in Botswana

also have offces in Francistown and area

expert delivery and dedicated personal service.

on short-term and group business. The establishment of First Sun Alliance was primarily

representatives in Maun and Phikwe.

CORE VALUES The company was formed and is headed by Mr.

• Stewardship;

Paul Chitate.

• Passion; • Integrityl

Its establishment was primarily motivated by First

• Service Excellence; and

Sun Alliance management’s desire to operate a

• Teamwork.

viable independent business and play a role in the indigenisation of the insurance industry in


Botswana. It is noted, the regional insurance

First Sun Alliance (Pty) Ltd represents all Short-

industry is skewed in favour of and dominated by

Term and Long-Term Insurance Companies in

huge multi-national broking houses leveraging

Botswana namely:

on their International networks and technical

• Botswana Insurance Company Limited


• Regent Insurance Botswana • Hollard Insurance Botswana

It is without doubt that First Sun Alliance have

• Zurich Financial Services

achieved their objective and are now a force to

• Old Mutual

reckon with in Botswana and are on course to

• Sunshine Insurance Company

set a successful regional footprint.

• Phoenix Assurance • Botswana Life Insurance Limited


• Metropolitan Life Botswana

FSA’s primary service provisions include:

• Regent Life Insurance

motivated by First Sun Alliance management’s desire to play a leading role on the indigenisation of the insurance industry in Botswana. First Sun Alliance has indeed taken the leading role as it now commands a diverse client base ranging from Mining, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Transport, to Agriculture and Tourism. Having taken baby steps inside a three-roomed house at an obscure location in Gaborone, 14 years later, alluding to the old Chinsese addage, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the frst step", First Sun Alliance Insurance Brokers has made major strides and boasts the ownership of a block of offces in a prime location in Gaborone. From his second foor offce, the Managing Director, Mr Paul Chitate, expresses satisfaction with progress that the company has made thus far;

Mr Paul Chitate, Managing Director


“We have set the pace for indigenous insurance

that most brokers specialise in only one area. He

brokers in Botswana. We have become the

holds a diploma from the Institute of Bankers, an

model that most of the smaller brokerages

Honours degree in Business Studies (Marketing)

are using. His recollection is that at the time

and is also an associate and fellow of the

that First Sun came into being, the Botswana

Insurance Institute of South Africa.

market was wholly defned by a “traditional broking arrangement which was spearheaded

He has held positions of responsibility at

by multinational brokerages leveraging on their

Old Mutual, Zimbabwe Insurance Brokers,

foreign parentage and technical support””. Mr

Corporate Insurance and Omega Insurance

Paul Chitate says that his business approach

Brokers, which he left in 1999 to form First Sun

is premised on building personal relationships

Alliance. He holds the view that tomorrow’s

and excelling on service. "First Sun’s business

policy holders will be more sophisticated hence


the need to keep abreast of innovations in the






administration of individually based products


like Life Assurance. On individual life assurance in particular we believe in the continuous

First Sun Alliance delivers value and service to

recruitment and training of new life agents

its customers through three operating divisions

as a source of creating employment while

namely, Long-Term, Short-Term, and Group

imparting professional qualifcation and income.


In the process the business also derives some sustainable income in pursuance of the primary

Long – Term Insurance Products


With strong emphasis on training, First Sun employs a team of over 50 fnancial planners,


Part of that development is a rigorous staff

geared to offer frst-class fnancial planning

training program through which staff members

service to the public on all Life and Investment

sit for examinations of the Insurance Institute

products including: Life Insurance; Pension

of South Africa (IISA) or UK. Mr Paul Chitate

Planning; Education and Savings; Investment

himself has vast experience and impressive

Planning; Estate Planning; and Funeral

professional qualifcations in the insurance

Assurance. First Sun has contributed a lot to the

business. He has worked in both Long- and

development of the Financial Planning industry

Short-Term insurance, which is very unique in

in Botswana as many life agents and agencies

have graduated from the FSA stable either to join the main frame industry as direct agents or started brokerages and agencies of their own.

Mr Godfrey Taderera, General Manager – Long Term Department

Short – Term Insurance Products First Sun thrives on the understanding of their clients and customising insurance products to suit their specifc needs and cover all classes of insurance. They are experts in classes of insurance including Fire; Accident; Engineering; Liability; Marine; Motor; Credit; Construction; and Aviation.

Group Business Insurance Products Leveraging on strong Customer Relations and the various service providers in the market, First Sun offers unique products to cater for Employees; Affnity Groups; and Credit providers. Major products offered are Group Life Assurance; Funeral; Permanent Disability; Dreaded Disease; Permanent Health; Group Funeral; Credit Life; Accident and Retrenchment.

THE FUTURE OF FIRST SUN ALLIANCE The need for effective fnancial planning is normally underrated and the role of fnancial planners is totally misunderstood. While the government provides fnancial support to citizens particularly in old age, the general public requires effective education and guidance on fnancial planning to ensure that they are always fnancially prepared for all eventualities and are not overly reliant on government. Employment provisions like severance pay may appear good in the short term but will not do any good in the long term.

First Sun Alliance Insurance Brokers FSA House, Plot 138, Unit 7 & 8 Second Floor, Kgale View Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267 391 3666 | Fax: +267 390 7655


Old Mutual Short-Term Insurance (Botswana) Limited Executive Summary

with each other, our customers, the community

Old Mutual Short-Term Insurance (Botswana)

and other stakeholders.

open; • Acting in accordance with the highest ethical standards.

Limited is an insurance company operating under the Insurance Industry Act (CAP 46:01),


and is duly licensed by the Non Bank Financial

In our careers with Old Mutual, we take


Institutions Regulatory Authority. Old Mutual

responsibility for the commitments we make, the

At work, we treat each other as we would

provides short-term insurance for corporate,

actions we preform and the problems that arise.

like to be treated – we value and learn from

commercial as well as personal risks. We also

We accept that we will be judged by our actions:

the strength of our diversity. We actively listen

have strong capabilities in the specialist classes

• Being prepared to make commitments and

to others and recognise that everyone has a

of engineering, marine and liability risks. Old

be judged against these;

Mutual operates through two offces; one in

• Delivering on commitments;

Gaborone and another in Francistown.

• Taking ownership for actions and problems and being responsible for them.


contribution to make: • Treating others as you would have them treat you; • Leveraging the strengths of diversity; • Actively listening to others and treating people

To be the market leading short-term insurer


of choice through responsible sustainable

As employees of a highly respected fnancial


services company, we act honestly and openly

Pushing Beyond Boundaries

and we are trustworthy and consistent in all that

In our feld of expertise, we strive as individuals,

Our Values

we do. We act in accordance with the highest

as a team, and as an organisation to break new

Our values encompass beliefs, commitment and

ethical standards:

ground and achieve higher levels of performance,

motivations and guide all our business dealings

• Being honest, trustworthy, consistent and

reaching to the depth of our abilities:


with dignity.

• Playing the maximum as individuals, teams

division comprises of a specialised team of

operations within the short-term insurance

and as an organisation – across boundaries;

experts who will provide your broker with advice

industry, while simultaneously addressing the

• Always striving to break new ground with

and information necessary to allow you to make

needs of underdeveloped communities.

innovation and creativity; • Being passionate and committed and always striving for improvement.

informed decisions regarding the adequacy and type of cover you require. This cover

Old Mutual is the principal sponsor of Gaborone

options includes contractors all risks, machinery

United Sporting Club with a record breaking

breakdown and business interruption.

sponsorship of P3.6-million over three years.


Marine Insurance – Our Marine Insurance

Allsure – Allsure is personal insurance that

products provide you with security and peace of

An increasing focus at Old Mutual will be the

caters for unexpected events and which

mind. Our range of cover options include cargo

encouraging of staff volunteerism both in

can be customised to meet your individual

insurance, inland transit insurance and marine

terms of hands-on involvement and identifying

requirements. Allsure offers you the convenience

advanced loss of proft insurance.

desirable projects within their own communities.

of covering just about all of your assets with one

Farming and Agricultural Insurance – Our

comprehensive policy.

farming and agricultural insurance is the

Multisure – Our comprehensive business

insurance solution of choice for the modern

insurance for small and medium enterprises

farmer, giving you the ability to insure your

(SMEs), is provided through our Multisure

personal and farming business risks.

Unit 8, Plot 64511, Fairgrounds Gaborone, Tel: +267 399 5700

product, a fexible comprehensive solution for all your business insurance needs, providing

Corporate Social Investment

competitive pricing and peace of mind.

Old Mutual's CSI programme focuses on

Engineering Insurance – Our Engineering






Plot 644, Lobengula Avenue Francistown, Tel: +267 399 5702


Bramer Life Insurance Bramer Life Insurance was offcially launched


by the Vice President Hon. PHK Kedikilwe in

relevant to the market. We develop sustainable






June 2014. It is a joint venture between British

partnerships to complement our business and

American Investment (Mauritius) a conglomerate

create internal partnerships with our employees

that owns the largest life insurance company in

for superior customer service.

Mauritius (BAI), Bramer Bank, Bramer Asset Management, Apollo Bramwell Hospital retail


stores, etc. and Citizens.

Trendsetting We endeavour to bring dynamic products that

To quote the Vice President:

are new to the market, that serve the needs of

“This investment represents a key milestone

every individual.

in the history of the Life Insurance industry because we are welcoming the frst Life


Insurance Company that has its origins outside

We forge solid long-term relationships with

the Republic of South Africa. This will create

stakeholders which will help us to better satisfy

much needed diversity in the industry.

the needs of our customers through all the

As a Government, we wholly embrace the

various stages of their lives.

investment and welcome the new company. I take this opportunity to encourage Batswana


to embrace contractual savings such as life

Our offerings are designed for our consumers,

insurance, investments and pensions‌�

so in line with Setswana custom and tradition

Botswana will be used as the hub for the

we hear from them how our product offerings

expansion into the rest of the African continent.

can better assist them.

Value Proposition


Bramer Life uses innovative means to develop

We have a single focus towards enhancing

products that suit individual or collective needs

Human dignity and creating wealth for our

and protect your family or loved ones against


fnancial hardships.

Our products


The Way we do it

Monyadi Wedding Plan Cover

Bramer Life thinks ahead of time. We listen,

This fagship product helps young people save

understand and offer advice to all stakeholders.

for their wedding or for weddings of children or

grandchildren. The pay-outs can be converted

and can be customised to your needs i.e.

to other uses such as anniversaries, mortgage

number of dependants, funeral costs, extended

deposit etc.

family members.

It is available as a savings plan with life insurance cover or as a pure savings plan.

Lefa Life Cover A life cover that ensures you are able to take

Pula Cash Back

care of your loved ones, beyond your earthly

This is a plan of saving towards that milestone

existence and can be the last gift you give to

you’ve always dreamt of e.g. holiday, home

your family.

renovations, further studies etc. In addition to the intermittent cash back it has life cover to

Bramer Life Mortgage Protector

businesses. It has adopted the Diamond

protect your dependants in the event of your

The Mortgage Protector provides protection

Melodies Choir made up of unemployed youth

passing. It is available as a Life cover Plan or an

for your mortgage in the event of your untimely

which gives the unemployed youth a sense of

Investment Plan.

death or disability so that your dependents do

purpose and creates a platform to identify and

not have to worry about servicing the mortgage

develop talent.

Leungo Pension Plan

in the event of your passing or worse, lose the

This Plan assists you to save for future income


whist you are still productive so as to maintain the same lifestyle after retirement. Upon retirement /

Group Products

maturity, one third of the accumulated fund is

A variety of products (Group Funeral Scheme,

paid out as lump sum and the remaining two

Group Life Assurance and Credit Life) provide

thirds will be transferred to purchase an annuity

protection to groups of people such as

beneft. Pension contributions are exempt from

employees, churches, associations, burial


societies, cooperatives, banks, micro-lenders,

We work closely with youth groups to help them create employment and to encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship.

Private Bag 001 AAD,

clubs etc. against the inevitable risks in the

Poso House, Gaborone

Thebe Funeral Cover

journey of life such as death, disability, dread

Plot 54374, Unit 4A, Grand Union, CBD

The Thebe Funeral Plan includes up to 18

disease or retrenchment. These products take

Tel: +267 398 1800

members of the extended family and will ease

the stress from both the Groups and their

Fax: +267 390 0282

the fnancial burden upon the passing of a loved

members when the unexpected occurs.

one. This low-cost plan is payable within 48 hours from the time of death notifcation of the

Corporate Social Responsibility


Bramer Life has a comprehensive strategy to

It is available to both individuals and groups

work with the communities which build their


The Advantage of Knowing

Liberty Life Botswana Liberty Life Botswana is a registered life insurance company. It was awarded an operating licence in 2008 and it is regulated by the Non Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority (NBFIRA). We are a specialist life insurance company

from severe injury, illness or death of staff or

Critical Illness Plan offers a lump sum to help

which focuses on providing group based and


ease the fnancial burden that a person could

individual risk insurance products. We roll-up

suffer due to a critical illness.

our sleeves every day and put our knowledge

Credit Life Insurance

• Boago Funeral Plan

and insight to work to make a difference in our

We also offer credit life insurance to fnancial

The loss of a loved one is a diffcult and

customer’s lives. We see it as our responsibility

institutions, this offering is designed to pay off

emotional time for family members left behind.

to empower our clients – individuals, small

the balance of a loan in the event that the policy

The high costs of arranging a funeral can add

businesses and large corporate institutions – in

holder passes away or is disabled. Its purpose

offering the best suitable risk beneft solutions

fnancial stress, which is why this Funeral

is basically to take care of any outstanding debt

Plan provides a lump sum within 48 hours

that the policy holder may leave behind.

giving you and your family peace of mind and

for their staff or members. We have a well-experienced team to provide superior customer service as well as insight into the local and international market.

Products and Services Our product design is centred on simplicity, affordability and the ability to offer competitive and relevant benefts. Group Risk Products We offer group risk products to organisations

fnancial freedom during these diffcult times. Individual Life Products

• Simple Life Plan

We have a range of products and solutions to

Life is full of unfortunate life changing events.

meet the changing lifestyle risk situations. Our

Our Simple Life Plan provides comprehensive

solutions offer cover for unforeseen events

cover with additional benefts that are

such as death, critical illness and disability. Our

designed to help you and your loved ones

customers will have peace of mind knowing that

during a diffcult time when you can no longer

you have the best insurance plan for unplanned

earn an income or be there to provide for

events. • Critical Illness Plan

them. • Platinum Life Plan

compromising of 10 members or more. It does

Being diagnosed with a critical illness could

When life takes an unexpected turn for the

not only provide fnancial peace of mind for

be a painful and stressful time. In this diffcult

worst, your focus should be on your family’s

members, but can remove the potential for any

time, assistance may be needed for healthcare

wellbeing, and not your fnances. That’s

fnancial dilemmas for the organisation, arising

resources or other medical expenses. The

where our comprehensive Platinum Life Plan


Lulu Rasebotsa, Managing Director

can make a real difference to you and your


clients and properties that cover 1,1-million

family. You can have complete peace of

Strategic partnerships are key to forging good

square kilometres. With a presence in 15 African

mind knowing that if you were to pass away

relationships with the communities in which we

countries, Liberty has grown from being a South

or become unable to provide for your loved


African life insurer to a pan-African fnancial

ones due to illness or disability, your family will

• We are one of the key sponsors of the highly

services company, offering asset management,

receive a lump sum to help them through this

popular Gaborone-based professional soccer

diffcult time.

team, Township Rollers, for the 2014/15

Liberty has a Fitch National Insurer Financial

season. The partnership with Township

Strength (IFS) rating of ‘AA (zaf)’ and National

Changing Realities with our sleeves rolled up

Rollers, known affectionately as Popa,

Long-term rating of ‘AA-(zaf)’. Current Capital

reinforces the association between the

Adequacy Cover (CAR) that is 3.1 times above

Corporate Social Responsibility

respective brands and businesses.

the required regulated CAR requirement.

We are an organisation that understands the

• We are the main sponsors of the Kgalemang

value of knowledge and its power to change

Tumediso Motsete (KTM) Choir promoting

realities when set in action. This is why we have

youth, arts and culture.

investment, insurance and health products.

Fairgrounds Offce Park Plot 50676, Ground Floor, Block D, Unit 1 Tel: +267 391 0310

invested in support of education initiatives and projects in our communities.

Our Heritage

Fax: +267 391 0311

• We have partnered with the Community

Liberty Life Botswana is a subsidiary of Liberty

Capacity Enhancement and Empowerment

Holdings, founded in 1957 by Sir Donald

Society of 10 villages in the Kgalagadi South,

Gordon with the belief that everyone should

to educate their communities with life skills,

have the opportunity to grow their wealth and

fnancial education and leadership qualities.

leave a proud legacy for their family. Liberty has

• We support the Stanbic Bank CE’s Charity

grown into an international organisation with

Ride; proceeds of which are donated to

assets under management of BWP445-billion

communities along the cycle route.

(as at 30 June 2014), More than 2.5-million


Botswana Life Insurance Limited There are a number of factors that make

deliver on its promises that makes the Company

creation of jobs, infrastructure development and

Botswana Life Insurance Limited an icon in

a trusted service provider. This has led to

many other economic activities.

Botswana. Formed in 1975, the company

immense success in the attraction of long-term

has grown consistently over the last 40 years,

contractual savings.

making it the most experienced life insurance provider in the country.





development is not limited to government and

Botswana Life’s unique position as a

the private sector only. The Company is making

subsidiary of Botswana Stock Exchange-listed

a real difference in the lives of its individual policy

Its estimated market share of over 75%

Botswana Insurance Holdings Limited (BIHL)

holders. In 2013 and 2014, Botswana Life paid

has been built over time through hard work,

enables Batswana to buy the BIHL shares and

claims and benefts in excess of P2-billion. In

resilience and a keen interest in sustainability.

take indirect ownership of the business; thus

the fve (5) years before that, the fgure was a

The Company is currently managing a fle

contributing meaningfully to their prosperity.

cumulative P3.5-billion. This is money back into

size of over 300,000 policies and an Annual

The signifcance of Botswana Life in the

Recurring Premium of P1-billion. It is proud of

socio-economic prosperity of Botswana is

its contribution towards employment creation,

well-documented. The Company’s investment

Botswana Life is driven by innovation and

currently employing over 600 direct agents,

in Botswana’s economy over the last 40 years

constant change. The Company has been a

500 sub-agents (employed by brokers) and 260

is proportionate with its size and success,

pioneer in Botswana’s life insurance industry in

employees. With over 7,000 people receiving

and is demonstrated through various projects

many ways. Back in 1992, the Company was

their monthly pensions from Botswana Life, the

including property developments, the holding

the frst to introduce a fexible universal life cover

Company is defnitely amongst the largest, if

of government and corporate bonds which

product. It has also pioneered the introduction of

not the leading payer, of occupational pension

exceed P5-billion.The bonds represent loans to

an extended family funeral cover in the market.

benefts in Botswana. It is Botswana Life’s ability

businesses in Botswana, which are facilitating

As far back as the mid 1990s, when fnancial

to invest on behalf of its clients and consistently

the growth of private businesses as well as

inclusion of the economically marginalised was


the hands of Batswana; and it is the primary reason why the company exists.

still not widely embraced by the broader fnancial

Botswana Life to take service to its customers

Kuke Primary School; P450,000 towards

services industry, and the issue was not a key

in their own environment.

post-graduate studies for six benefciaries of

agenda item for many governments; Botswana

One of the benefts of being the only insurer

the Thomas Tlou Scholarship in 2013, as well

Life saw this as challenge and took it upon itself

in the market with an in-house Actuarial team

as donation of P1,2-million to Maru-a-Pula

to develop fnancially inclusive products, leading

is that Botswana Life has been able to develop

School’s Orphans and Vulnerable Children

to the introduction of Mosako Funeral Plan, a

derived Mortality Tables for Botswana, in order

programme. These projects are just some of the

funeral cover product for the unbanked market.

for rates to refect the actual mortality experience

many implemented under the CSI programme

This product has gone on to enjoy immense

in Botswana.

ever since it was developed. Botswana Life

popularity in this segment of the market.

Botswana Life is proud of its heritage in

contributes 1% of its proft after tax to BIHL

Premiums for Mosako can now be paid via cell

Botswana. It will always be a Botswana

Trust annually, to enable these projects to be

phones, making it accessible to everyone who

company, owned by Batswana and managed

undertaken. Since inception of the Trust to 2008,

has a cell phone. In 2013, the Liferewards card

by Batswana, creating wealth for Batswana.

Botswana Life has contributed P11.3-million to

was launched in the market. This is a prepaid

That is why the company also has a strong

the Trust to enable its mandate. If indeed there is

debit card underwritten by strategic partner

stance on community development through its

a company that is trying to achieve much more

BancABC and supported by Visa, which allows

Corporate Social Investment (CSI) programme.

than good profts, it is Botswana Life.

Botswana Life clients access to their claims and

Some of the major CSI projects that the

benefts in a faster and more secure way. This

Company has undertaken, under the banner

Head Offce

card is the only one of its kind in Botswana and

of BIHL Trust, include a P2,1-million investment

Plot 50676, Fair Ground Offce Park

Africa, excluding South Africa. Another frst is

in the construction of a multi-purpose hall for

P/Bag 00296, Gaborone

the Company’s web-based Life administration

Gamodubu Child Care Trust; over P600,000

Tel: +267 364 5100 | Fax: +267 390 5884

system, which given its portability, enables

on the construction of a school library for



Agribusiness & Food Security


Dawn of a new era The Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board (BAMB) was established by an Act of Parliament, No. 2 of 1974 mandated to provide a market for locally grown scheduled crops such as cereals, pulses/beans and oilseeds, and to ensure that adequate supplies exist for sale to customers at affordable prices. Powers of BAMB – Conferred by the Act

Our Mission

market for locally grown arable produce such

To provide a stable grain market that is effcient


• Set prices for purchase or sale of produce;

and fair, in support of national food security.

- Cereals – sorghum, maize and millet; - Cow-peas and Beans – Tswana cow-peas,

• Import or export any scheduled produce; • Arrange for transport, storage, processing and sale of scheduled produce; • Enter into any transaction which, in the Board’s opinion, will facilitate proper discharge of its functions.


Purple cow-peas, Blackeyed beans, white

• Innovation: we strive to become an innovation

haricots, Jugo beans, terapy beans and

and forward-thinking hub in the provision of agricultural services; • Integrity: we uphold the highest professional standards with integrity and accountability;

The Act also requires BAMB: • To cover its operating costs from revenue generated from its trading activities; and • To establish a Stabilisation Fund through a Parliamentary appropriation – primarily to

• Team-work: we will work together to achieve a common goal; • Effciency: we will strive to become a centre of excellence by working more effciently in a productive manner.

seeds; • Value addition: we enhance marketing of locally produced agricultural products through value addition:- BAMB Sunfower cooking oil – extracted from sunfower seeds grown locally; - Mosutlhane – dehulled sorghum grain with no added preservatives;

stabilise prices.

Products & Services Our Vision

BAMB offers the following to the farming

To lead, to empower and to grow the market

community and consumers:

for grain.

• Agricultural Produce: we provide a guaranteed


China peas; - Oilseeds – groundnuts and sunfower

- Ntlatlawane – sorghum whole meal with no added preservatives. • Agricultural Farming Inputs: BAMB sells different types of fertilizers, quality rain-

fed agricultural seeds, vegetable seeds,

BAMB provides guidance in product and

Marketing Board unveiled its strategic

agrochemicals and packaging materials for

market development for locally grown rain-

brand – the frst landmark project since being

agricultural produce.

fed produce and also informs farmers about

established 40 years ago.

• Animal Feeds: BAMB stocks a wide range

market conditions ahead of planting to

The auspicious occasion theme, “The dawn of

of animal feed for cattle, poultry, piggery,

guide them to plan their production, as well

a new era”, saw the Marketing Board reaffrm

game and small stock. BAMB has recently

as to access fnancial support from lending

its commitment to food security and nurturing

introduced sunfower cake to its line of

institutions. The information imparted to

strategic partnership with the agricultural sector.


farmers typically includes crops that the

A new website for the organisation was

market demands and price projection and

also revealed at the occasion. The website

opportunities in the grain industry.

is expected to be more interactive and more

• Custodian of Government Strategic Grain Reserve: BAMB is contracted by the


Government of Botswana to manage its

• Contract farming: BAMB searches for

Strategic Grain Reserve (SGR) for national

markets for specifed crops and contract

food security purposes. BAMB has been

farmers to produce them at agreed prices and

The rebranding exercise was motivated by the

managing and maintaining the government

quantities. This helps to minimise exposure to

following reasons:

SGR for more than 20 years. The government

price risks due to price fuctuations dictated

• Competitive environment which we operate in

has increased SGR from 10,000 Mt of

by market conditions.

sorghum to 70,000 Mt, comprising of 30,000

now which did not exist in 1974; • We have a new drive to get into retail;

Mt of sorghum, 30,000 Mt of Maize and

The Brand Reveal

10,000 Mt of beans.

In what has been dubbed a remarkable journey

is evolving, taking into consideration the

aimed at repositioning, Botswana Agricultural

environment we operate in now;

• Product Development and Market Information:

• We must be seen as an organisation that


• To reposition the company and assert its place in the corporate environment; • To keep customers thinking about the new brand promise.

hotels and restaurants in and around Gaborone

23 August 2014 at Botswana Craft. It was set to

showcasing their unique talents and skills

bring a whole new dimension in the promotion

in preparing traditional cuisine using BAMB

of locally produced scheduled crops cooked

marketed grains.

with a modern fair.

The competition was judged by three industry

The fun flled activities of the day ranged from

In line with the 2014–2019 strategic plan

chefs and one celebrity judge followed by tasting

food tasting of various recipes by BAMB, live

for Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board,

of the savoury dishes by invited guests when the

entertainment by both local and international

this new brand will offer an insight to our

winners were announced. The top three Chefs


commitment of promise that we at BAMB hold

will have their dishes featured in the upcoming

stakeholders who exhibited their products and

dear to our spirits – that we will ensure that we

BAMB recipe book.

services supporting this ground-breaking event.

provide a stable grain market which is equitable and fair, in support of national food security.

This event was just another initiative to ensure BAMB marketed grains are incorporated in the







This event left a long-lasting impression on the marketed grains that BAMB sells.

various business operations through the chefs,

Chef’s Competition

culminating into increased sales in the long run.


Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board hosted the frst ever battle of the Chef’s competition on

Dijo Tsa Rona Food Show

Tibe, an Economist by profession is the

14 August 2014 at Culinaria School of Cooking

In the same spirit of celebrating 40 years of

Assistant Representative of the Food and

in Gaborone under the theme “Dijo TsaRona

‘Feeding the nation’, BAMB for the frst time

Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations.

Food Show”.

hosted a food show themed “DijoTsaRona Food

He has served as Consultant, Productivity

Show”. This trendsetting occasion was billed for

and Quality at the BNPC, and Senior Agric

The competition saw 11 chefs from different


Economist (Policy Analysis and Management) at

Technology from the University of Exeter, United

the Ministry of Agriculture and Planning Offcer

Kingdom and holds professional qualifcations

at the same Ministry. He holds a Diploma in

such as Chartered Member of the Institute of

Education from the University of Swaziland,

Public Relations (CIPRUK) and Chartered Public

BSC-Agric from the University of Botswana

Relations Practitioner (PRISA- Southern Africa).

and an MA in Economics from the University of Manchester.

Board members • Shaboyo Motsamai


• Thembisile Phuthego


• Oemetse Nkoane

Kabelo is the owner and Managing Director of

• Jacob Van Der Westhuizen

Hotwire PRC and Wired Y&R, a Public Relations

• Ruth Maphathi

and Marketing Services company. He worked

• Molef Keaja

for Debswana from 2000 as a Communications Offcer in Orapa and rose through the ranks, until he became Group Public Affairs Manager in 2004 to 2006. He was the Corporate Social Investment Manager at the time he left the

Tel: +267 395 1341

company. Kabelo has a Bachelor of Arts Degree

Fax: +267 395 2926

with Honours, Public Relations with Information


Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) OUR STORY

Consortium Global Standard for food Safety

chilled vacuum packed and -18 degrees for

Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) was

(issue 6, 2011) for Lobatse and Francistown

frozen). This temperature control is maintained

established on 24 December 1965, by an act

plants. Hazard Analysis Critical Control

throughout the journey of the product to its fnal

of parliament to promote the development of

Point (HACCP) certifcation based on SANS

destination. In accordance with our HACCP

the country’s beef and related beef products

10330:2007 was maintained for Lobatse and

system, product temperature is monitored

globally. The frst abattoir was opened in Lobatse

Francistown plants while the Cannery achieved

throughout distribution value chain.

with Francistown and Maun abattoirs following in

its frst HACCP certifcation as an independent

1983 and 1989 respectively. The BMC has had a

plant from Lobatse. Business-wide certifcation

Our Markets

signifcant contribution to the development of the

against ISO 9001: 2008 was also maintained.

Our products are sold globally from Africa,

country over the years. Lobatse and Francistown are European approved plants respectively. BMC headquarters situated in Lobatse comprise an integrated complex housing an

European Union, Asia to Middle East and we

Quality and Food Safety

continue to look for other markets globally.

We at the Botswana Meat Commission are

Europe: Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium,


United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Greece,





of the ISO 9001:2008 Standard in order to

Finland and Portugal

manufacture products of consistent quality,

Asia: Hong-Kong and Thailand

which meet statutory, regulatory and customer

Middle East: Kuwait, Labanon, Iran and

requirements. To ensure food safety, we have


implemented and continue to maintain a Hazard

Africa: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Angola,

Offce in the United Kingdom.

Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system

Mozambique and Zambia

In a day, BMC Lobatse which is the headquarters,

African National Standard (SANS) 10330:2007


slaughters about 700 cattle, Francistown 400

and the British Retail Consortium (BRC) Global

It is mandatory by law in Botswana that

cattle followed by Maun plant which slaughters

Standards in Foods (Issue 4,2005).

cattle from three months-old should carry an

abattoir, deboning and cutting plant, cannery, rendering plant and tannery. Besides owning three abattoirs in Botswana, BMC has a cold storage facility and Sales Offce in Table Bay, Cape Town, South Africa and another Sales

that conforms to the requirements of South

identifcation device that could be decoded

100 cattle. To ensure quality and safety of our chilled and

and read by compatible scanning devices.

BMC greatly improved its compliance with

frozen products, immediately after deboning

This identifcation device contains information

quality and food safety management systems

and packaging, product temperature is rapidly

pertaining to each animal regarding birth,

and attained Grade A against British Retail

lowered to optimal levels (0 degrees for

ownership, movement and place of origin. This


enables the BMC to trace meat produced from each animal back to the owner or farm of origin. Hence, it ensures traceability of products from “fork to farm�.

Canned Products Selected beef cuts are used in the production of various canned products. Canned products are marketed under our own ECCO brand, or are specially packaged for the retail trade under their own brands.

By-products Carcass meal, blood meal and beef tallow are produced in rendering plants which are designed to process and pack on a daily basis all non-edible matter from the slaughter halls and deboning rooms. These products meet the standards required by the European Union.

HEAD OFFICE Botswana Meat Commission Private Bag 4, Lobatse, Botswana Tel: +267 534 0000 | Fax: +267 533 2228 Email:


Mining & Construction



Khoemacau Copper Mining (Pty) Ltd


WE’RE BUILDING A LEGACY THAT STARTS TODAY. Khoemacau Copper Mining (Pty) Ltd, previously known as

Khoemacau is a Botswana company that holds fve prospecting license blocks in Botswana that cover 2, 149 square kilometres. The Ghantsi

Hana Ghanzi Copper (Pty) Ltd,

Project is located within these license blocks.

a subsidiary of Cupric Canyon

and developing the Copper Project since 2007.

Khoemacau Copper Mining has been exploring

Capital Plc has been exploring

The project is managed from a base camp

and developing the Ghantsi Chobe

Kuke Village, and another camp near Somelo

located approximately 40 kilometres east of

Copper Silver Project (Khoemacau

Village (Zone 5 Camp) and an administrative

Project), located in the Kalahari

Project have now successfully completed the

copper belt within the Ghantsi and Ngamiland Districts.

offce in Gaborone. Activities at the Khoemacau 70,000 metres infll drilling programme at the North East Fold and Zone 5. To date, work on the project is positive and efforts continue




in earnest with the multiple studies required in meeting expectations. Cupric believes there is signifcant resource potential (both opencast and underground) and plans to fast-track the development of the project in order to complete the feasibility study during 2014 and quickly move the project into construction thereafter. Based on the above, Cupric confrms that it has now identifed two target areas for mine development in both Ghanzi and Ngamiland Districts.

Fairgrounds Financial Centre Ground Floor, North East Wing Block 3, Plot 50374 P.O. Box AD 80 AAF Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267 393 1006 Fax: +267 393 1008 Email: To date, some P600-million has been spent on

Mabeleapodi near Kuke and Cau (Tsau) near the

exploration, development and management of

Khoemacau Copper Mining Project.

the project. By the end of 2014, it is anticipated

The students took the prefxes of the names of

that a further P250-million will be spent on the

the three hills and came up with “Khoemacau”.


The name encapsulates the essence of the

Kuke Primary School students gave the project

project as it encompasses the physical features

the name Khoemacau Copper Mining Project.

of both Ghanzi and Ngamiland Districts. These

This name was inspired by the hills found in the

are “The hills of the people”, (Khoemacau)

region where the copper-silver mineral wealth is

translated from the Setswana phrase “Thaba

located. These hills are: Kgwebe near Somelo,

tsa batho”.


Botswana Ash (Botash) Botswana Ash (Pty) Ltd began operating in April 1991. The mine is located at Sua Pan, which is approximately 180km from Francistown in northern Botswana. The Company produces Soda Ash and Salt. It was established at a cost of P736-million, with an additional P100-million investment in supporting infrastructure in the form of Sowa township. All the activities of the mine are undertaken at Sua Pan – from production through to marketing and sales and administration.

The primary market for Soda Ash is South

and environmental legislation and other

standards are reviewed on a continuous basis

Africa, where most of the products are used in

requirements, namely the Mines, Quarries,

and implemented to ensure their effectiveness

the glass industry. The nameplate production

Works and Machinery Act, EIA Act, Waste

in achieving the continuous management and

capacity of the soda ash plant is 300,000

Management Act, Atmospheric Pollution

improvement of occupational health, safety

tonnes per annum.

(Prevention) Act, Water Act, Mines and

We also produce fne and coarse salt. Like

Minerals Act and as best practice the

• Ensure that this policy and all applicable

Soda Ash, the Salt products are sold within the

Occupational Health and Safety Act, is

occupational health, safety and environmental

continent. Our production capacity is 650,000


documentation is communicated and made

tonnes per annum.

Safety, Health and Environmental Policy

and the environment; and

• Make available realistic fnancial resources to

available to all employees and visitors by way

ensure that all occupational health, safety and

of training, communication articles, general

environmental objectives and requirements of

information and discipline.

this policy are achievable;

Quality Policy Statement

Botswana Ash (Pty) Ltd (Botash), situated at

• Ensure that this policy is implemented and

Sua Pan, endeavours to produce soda ash

maintained by all levels of management and

In partnership with the Company’s stakeholders,

and salt in a safe, healthy and environmentally


the management and employees of Botswana

friendly manner. In order to achieve this goal

• Ensure that this policy is reviewed annually

Ash are committed towards the complete

by Management, the recognised Trade

satisfaction of our customer’s needs and

Union Committee and Health and Safety

expectations. To this end we will consistently

• Endeavour to ensure that all risks regarding

Committees in order to ensure that it remains

supply the right quantity, at the right quality, on

illness, injury and environmental degradation

effective and appropriate to Botswana Ash

time and at competitive prices.

such as, dust, fre, and chemical spills that

(Pty) Ltd;

Botswana Ash (Pty) Ltd will:

To achieve this we will set and review

could affect this goal are identifed and

• Ensure that all occupational health, safety

objectives against which we will measure,

removed where possible, or reduced if not

and environmental policies, procedures and

manage, communicate progress and continually

possible and controlled; • Plan and commit to continually improve in terms of occupational health, safety and




performance to such an extent that incidents are minimised, ensuring that both employees and members of the public are unlikely to be placed in unnecessary and unacceptable risk situations; • Occupational health, safety and environmental objectives will be established at all relevant sections and levels within Botash and progress monitored on a regular basis; • Develop and implement a system to ensure that a high level of legal compliance with applicable





improve our Quality Management System to

Ash is sold to three major glass manufacturers in

ensure compliance with the requirements of ISO

South Africa, namely Consol Glass and Nampak


Wiegand (container glass) and PFG (fat glass). About 20% of the soda ash produced by

Sales and Customer Relations

Botswana Ash is sold into the Chemical industry

The nameplate production capacity of soda ash

sector while less than 2% of its production of

is 300,000 tonnes per annum and for salt it is

light soda ash is sold into the detergent sector.

about 650,000 tonnes per annum. In terms of annual sales, we are unable to meet customer


demand for soda ash in the region. For salt,

The salt produced at Botash contains between

our production is about 250,000 tonnes per

98.0% – 99.0% sodium chloride. At Botswana

annum and is limited by the market rather than

Ash, salt is a complementary product resulting

production constraints.

from the production of soda ash. There are three types of salt that are produced and sold at

Soda Ash

Botswana Ash namely chemical grade coarse

Botswana produces soda ash from naturally

salt, coarse salt and fne salt. The salt produced

occurring brine reserves. The biggest demand

at our plant is amongst the purest found

for soda ash is for the manufacture of fat

anywhere in the world.

glass used for industrial applications such as

Sua Pan, Sowa

automobile windscreens and for architectural/

Tel: +267 621 3210

building glass and container glass consisting of

Fax: +267 621 3213

bottles and other consumer applications. Over 60% of soda ash produced by Botswana



ZAC Construction (Pty) Ltd Zac Construction (Pty) Limited is a Botswana

we are commissioned to undertake from time to

varying in scope and magnitude. It is pertinent

registered Company. It was incorporated on


to note that all projects which the company

the 7th May 1992 with a clear policy to provide

All the Directors in the company, whilst

Botswana with frst-class civil and mechanical




engaged issues

in and





has been involved either as main contractor or





successfully on time.

planning of the business, are also involved in

Since 1992, we have worked tirelessly as a


the day to day productive operations of the

team to develop and nurture our operations

Zac Construction is registered with the Public

practice, with each Director assigned a specifc

from a small construction company to one of

Procurement and Asset Disposal Board in

responsibility to coordinate a defned group of

the best and reputable companies in Botswana.

different categories – refer appendix

functions and tasks.

As a result of these developments, today our

Operating from its well equipped Head

company is suffciently resourced to enable us

About Us

Offce in Gaborone, with a complement of 40

to provide our Clientele with those proffessional

This is to present to you the Company

permanent staff, the company is well poised

capacities, skills and advice which might be

Profle and the capability Statement of ZAC


needed for the successful implementation of

CONSTRUCTION. In it, we outline the evolution

development and venture into other disciplines

and growth of Zac Construction in Botswana.

of commerce. We are desirous and committed

Since our business philosophy is Client

We are going to share with you our corporate

to achieving this goal through our concerted

centred, it is imperative that we engage in

culture and business philosophy which is the

efforts towards consolidating our proud track

constructive dialogue with our Clients and

cornerstone of our service provision and to fully

record of succesful engagement over a period


appreciate our professional capabilities and

covering approximately 22 years in execution

process of project execution which are not

commitment in handling the various assignments

of road project and infrastructure development

only technically sound and economical, but











meet the requirements of the end user in a cost

Location of Business

effective and sustainable manner and are also

The Head offce is located in Gaborone at Plot

environmentally and ecologically friendly.

54368 iTower – CBD. Full fedged workshops are located within areas of current projects with the

Core Ideology

main workshop being at Bokaa Kgatleng District.

Our core ideology is to adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and ethics whilst

Long Term Plans

providing high quality services.

The company’s long term emphasis is to intensify and expand our list of clientele to include other


construction disciplines.

It is our vision, to not only provide services to

It is the intention of the Directors to expand the

our clients in Botswana, but also to expand

services offered by the company to countries

and offer these services throughout the SADC

within Southern Africa and beyond.

Region and beyond.

To be the leading Private construction company in Botswana and we could humbly


say, we are not far from reaching that goal.

The mission of Zac Construction (PTY) Ltd is to assist our clients in achieving their development

Zac Construction (Pty) Ltd

goals through the provision of high quality

Gaborone CBD I towers 1st foor

roads, mechanical service, water & sewerage

PO Box 502895, Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267 395 6245 / 71301808







reticulations and infrastructure.

(P T



Transport & Logistics



Botswana Railways

Powering the Economy into the Future Established in 1987, Botswana Railways forms

effective freight service for minerals such as

a crucial link in the Southern African region

coal, soda ash, salt, fuel and copper. Our transit

railway systems. Its strategically laid rail network,

times between the south and north are fast

coupled with good relationships and other rail

enabling an effcient customer-centric service

operators, makes Botswana Railways Freight


services the most suitable, reliable and cost-

Botswana Railways Freight Services is the

effective mode of transport to use for moving

country’s leading transport operator of bulk

bulk commodities. Botswana Railways Freight

goods. Currently bulk commodities transported

services targets bulk commodities that may be

by Botswana Railways are driven by the mining

operationally challenging for transport by road.

industry. With the ongoing mineral explorations taking place in Botswana and the discovery of


various mineral deposits in certain parts of the

To provide quality, safe and competitive

country (mainly coal), opportunities are there to

transport and logistics solutions to customers

grow the business.

and ensure stakeholders’ satisfaction.

Vision To be the regional leader in customer-driven transport and logistics solutions.

Services Botswana Railways aspires to provide total logistics solutions that are in line with its customers’ changing needs and in accordance with global trends. Our commitment is to continuously engage in effective and effcient ways of improving service delivery to our customers and ensure stakeholder satisfaction.

Freight services

Dry port facilities Botswana Railways has four dry ports, with container terminals located in Gaborone (Gabcon), Francistown (Francon), Palapye (Palcon) and Walvis Bay Dryport in Namibia. Established with the aim of increasing Botswana Railway’s share of traffc, these dry ports facilities have reduced the turnaround time and costs of containerised cargo deliveries, giving locally based importers and exporters a safe, fast, and cheaper alternative to road transport.

Gaborone Container Terminal Botswana Railways is the majority shareholder of






Railways and South Africa’s Transnet Freight

Our 641km rail system from Ramatlabama to

Rail. GABCON was established in 1999 with

Bakaranga, coupled with branch lines to various

the aim to operate as an international container

lines, offers convenient, reliable and cost-

terminal business in Gaborone. The terminal


relies on sea, rail and road transport systems for its operational functions. This internationally recognised dry port further facilitates all rail transported containerised cargo into and out of Botswana. This effcient rail link monitored by computer systems operates between Gaborone and the ports of Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth and East London in the Republic of South Africa.

Francistown Container Terminal The Francistown Container Terminal (FRANCON) is wholly owned by Botswana Railways and is strategically located as a northern hub offering convenience for trans-shipping traffc from rail to road or vice versa. FRANCON is a recognised international dry port which has a terminal in Gaborone. Future plans for FRANCON are to enable it to act as a northern hub for consolidating road based traffc from destinations in the northern countries. This repositioning strategy will ensure that Botswana Railways is able to increase its market share, therefore increasing its profts.

Palapye Container Terminal Botswana Railways has recently obtained yet another licence to develop and commission another dry port in Palapye which will be targeting services within the central region.

Walvis Bay Dryport in Nambia Botswana Railways Dryport in Walvis Bay, Namibia provides an alternative route for imports and exports that facilitates international trade for Botswana and the SADC region, with improved turnaround times. commercial lines by partnering with the private

Blue Mark

sector, individuals and public institutions/

Blue Mark is a parcel delivery service. It is




management practices. BR Properties is also

delivery service, which runs between Lobatse

entrusted with managing the existing property

and Francistown. This service is fast, secure

of Botswana Railways by maintaining and

and affordable for both the individual and the

developing for leasing and renting.






organisation. Bluemark services are available at all major stations: Lobatse, Gaborone,

A1 Main Road, Mowana Ward

Mahalapye, Palapye, Selebi-Phikwe, and

Mahalapye, Botswana


Postal Address Private Bag 0052 Mahalapye, Botswana

BR Properties

Tel: +267 4711 375 | Fax: +267 4711 385

BR Properties was established to exploit


Botswana Railways’ prime land along sound


We are Botswana’s leading Courier and Logistics company incorporated in 2001 as a private registered company under the Botswana Companies Act (Cap 42:01), governed by a Board of Directors. With the Head Offce based in Gaborone, Botswana Couriers & Logistics has a branch/ agency distribution network of over 130 locations in Botswana. We have set the benchmark in the logistics industry as the premiere courier company in the local market, striving to continuously innovate and create customised solutions to meet customer requirements in keeping with local and international market trends.

Services Offered • Messenger Services • Prepaid Solutions • Tender and Embassy Collections and Submissions • Collection and Delivery of Mail • Local Across Town

Botswana Couriers and Logistics


• Domestic Courier Services • International Document and Parcel Express • Mailroom Management

Vision The preferred business partner... ...for value adding and innovative supply chain and logistics solutions.

Mission Going beyond... ...through leveraging our local expertise and global collaborations, we deliver tailor made, secure and effcient logistics solutions that enable our target customers and Government to focus on their core activities.

Core Values

through the establishment of the international as

freight, air & ocean cargo forwarding, customs

underpinned by our values of Entrepreneurship,

clearance and daily cross border express

Partnerships, Innovation, Service Excellence

courier services. Through this service, we cater

and Accountability we offer a unique customer

for cross border shipments of various sizes by


providing a tailor made solution to ensure a






As we continue to grow in leaps and bounds, we achieved the following in the past year:

Growing the business through enhanced customer service

reliable and cost effective delivery.

Warehousing and Inventory Management We also provide comprehensive warehousing

We have established a Call Centre to provide

and distribution services at competitive rates,

an enhanced customer experience providing

this service includes warehousing, packaging

immediate responses to our customers in a

and delivery. Our logistics experts will handle

friendly and professional manner. To this end

the nuts and bolts of your supply chain

this will strengthen our customer service and


create a loyal band of existing customers while acquiring new ones.

Corporate Social Responsibility Our CSR policy seeks to develop and

Life Sciences

enhance the skills necessary to sustain a

As part of expansion we have established the

livelihood through a specifc focus on Life Skills

Life Sciences division which is a specialised

development to empower and support the less

logistics solution addressing science specifc

privileged members of society allowing them

market needs. In this connection through

access to economic opportunities to improve

our partnership with the Ministry of Health,

their way of life. We strive to equip not only the

Botswana Couriers & Logistics has taken over

communities we conduct business in with life

the warehousing, inventory management and

skills but all our stakeholders as well.

distribution of medicines providing outsourcing services of the Central Medical Stores.

Client Relations Manager, Mr Jerry Mooketsane (black suit) at one of our CSR initiatives at the Sebele 1 Primary School in Molepolole

Botswana Couriers & Logistics ...going beyond

Hub25 Logistics Another exciting addition to our company is the establishment of our subsidiary Hub25 Logistics

Botswana Couriers & Logistics House

which is located in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Plot 89, Tshukudu Road

This is a strategic initiative with the view to

Gaborone International Commerce Park

extend our regional reach and to compete in new markets.

Tel: +267 393 0629 Fax: +267 393 0630 Toll free: 0800 600 996

Freight Forwarding and Clearing Further growth of our organisation has been

Call Center: +267 398 3000



Fast+Furious Fast+Furious International is a rapidly growing Botswana company that constantly evolves to do things differently and better all the time. We are distinctive due to our unique model and

Some examples of our industry specialisation

the way we approach a customer’s needs. We

include print and media, re-forwarding,

do not try to ft the customer’s requirements

health and beauty, direct sales networks, and

into our model but attempt to create the best


solution for the customer. Our people are ‘hands on’ and totally involved The company is evolving and investing into our

in the business. This is refected in our fat

infrastructure to support our sustainable growth

management structure that removes layers of

plans which include custom-built facilities, new

bureaucracy and provides practical on-the-job

technology, the best people, new vehicles and

training and personal development.

new processes. We intend to remain a focussed and specialised transport solutions company. We do not want to be the biggest, but we do want to be the best at what we do. This is what we refer to as the ‘drive to win’ and our culture sets us apart from

Our culture is one of recognition and reward, encouraging teamwork and commitment to ensure that individuals know their role and what they must achieve to ensure our client’s success.

the traditional players. Fast and Furious International’s transport solutions are a paradigm shift, a methodology for two companies to work together to achieve mutual success. We tackle things that may appear impossible to some. We work closely with our clients to codesign, engineer and implement the appropriate

Tel: +267 393 4893

customised solution. We strive for long-

Fax: +267 393 4897

term relationships which creating meaningful




IHAWU Logistics Established in 1991 in Francistown Northern Botswana, Ihawu Holdings has launched itself as one of the leading, wholly citizen-owned Transport companies that has proved to be an invaluable partner predominantly in the mining sector. Operating nationally and now the SADC

enabled Ihawu to operate at peak performance

at operating in safe environments, with safe

region, we have built strong relationships with

and better prepare ourselves and our customers

equipment guided by safety conscious people.

some of the world’s most respected resource

for on-time scheduled deliveries. This privately

Ihawu Holdings’ long-standing Green Fleet

companies and grain seed trading companies.

owned company has made an indelible mark

corporate policy has been to maintain speeds of

With a modern feet of more than 200 units of

in the transport and mining industries. We

80km/hr or the posted road speed, whichever is

truck horses and side tipper interlink trailers,

realise that our strength lies in our people and

the lowest number. This has helped contribute

equipped with the latest satellite-based tracking

we therefore spend considerable resources in

to the company’s overall fuel economy

and communications system which takes

training our drivers to promote energy effcient

initiative put in place to assist in reducing the

full advantage of advanced technology, we

driving as a cost-effective and responsible way

company’s fuel consumption and the amount

are always ready to productively service our

ensuring minor environmental impact to our

of greenhouse gas emissions which our feets


operations. This initiative is led by the Executive

release. We are committed to recycling, key

Chairman himself – Abel Khupe, a former trucker

products being tyres and used engine oil. Used

We continuously improve our transportation

himself with years of hands-on experience in

tyres with no life casings are returned to our tyre

management system which includes electronic

association with our truck horse suppliers.

suppliers and the used engine oil is picked up by

logging, communication messaging, detailed

an accredited used oil dealer. Our Core Values

routing and automated diagnostic checks.

We are proponents of the saying ‘Safety is not

are centred on our reputation, safety, green

Keeping up with the latest high technology has

negotiable’ and hence our policies are aimed

operations and delivery.


We have serviced and are still servicing some of the country and the world’s respected companies: • Tati Nickel Mining Company • Rio Zim • Asphalt Botswana • Botswana Concessions Limited • Pan African Trading and Cement Product

Private Bag F333 Francistown Botswana Tel: +267 241 3336 Fax: +267 241 4522 Email:


Communications & Technology



Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority The Botswana Communications Regulatory

BOCRA Core Values

market demands and the latest technology

Authority (BOCRA) was established through the

The core values represent the attitudes,


Communications Regulatory Act, 2012 (CRA

behaviours and characters that will create

Act No. 19 0f 2012), on the 1st of April 2013 to

an enabling environment for the successful

People Centered

regulate the communications sector in Botswana

implementation of the strategy. To this end,

We believe that our people are indispensable

comprising: telecommunications, internet and information communications technologies, radio communications, broadcasting, postal services and related matters. The CRA Act replaced the Broadcasting Act (Cap 72:04) and the Telecommunications Act (Cap 72:03), and caused an amendment of the Postal Services Act to create a converged or integrated regulatory authority for the communications industry.

BOCRA has identifed the following core values:

Transparency Our decision-making will be open and informed by consultation with the various stakeholders. We will embrace the diverse interests of our different stakeholders.

Consistency We will ensure that our decisions are fair, predictable and dependable. We will be

assets who drive success through their commitment to excellence. We shall therefore harness individual skill and strengths and work done.

Accountability We are responsible for our actions and decisions. We take due care in the use of public resources and adhere to internationally acceptable governance principles.

BOCRA Oversight BOCRA’s decision-making body is the Board

BOCRA Vision

objective in our decision-making and apply

of Directors, which provides strategic direction

To have a Connected and Informed Society

remedies that are proportionate.

for the organisation. Appointed by the Minister

BOCRA Mission


To regulate the Communications sector for the

We will continuously explore new ways in

and the BOCRA Chief Executive, Mr Thari G.

promotion of competition, innovation, consumer

designing pro-active regulatory interventions

Pheko sits in the Board of Directors as ex-offcio

protection and universal access.

that will respond timeously and effectively to


Dr Masego A. Mpotokwane

Ms Esther Norris

Mr Thari G. Pheko

Board Chairperson

Deputy Board Chairperson


An Environmental Scientist by training, Dr

Ms Esther Norris is a Communications and PR

Member of BOCRA Board of Directors

Mpotokwane was a lecturer at the University of

specialist with over 15 years’ experience and

Mr Thari G. Pheko is the BOCRA Chief

Botswana for 27 years before he retired. He has

also Executive Director for Brand Management

Executive and Ex-Offcio Member of the Board.

served as Chairman of Board of Directors of the

with the Botswana Investment and Trade Centre

He has held key positions in local, regional and

former National Broadcasting Board (NBB) for

(BITC). She has previously held positions of

international companies BMC, BHC, Builders

12 years, and was also the Deputy Chairman of

Director, Communication Services at the Offce

Merchants Botswana, PPC in South Africa and

the BTA Board for 7 years.

of the President; Head of Corporate Affairs,

Marks and Spencer in the UK. Pheko was also

Barclays Bank of Botswana and PublicRelations

involved in the formulation of the National ICT

Manager & PA to Managing Director, Debswana

Policy (Maitlamo) and was the consultant on

Diamond Company Head Offce.

the Information Society and ICT Development

for Transport and Communications (MT&C), the Board of Directors is composed of 7 members


Strategy for BTA.





Plot 50671 Independence Avenue Private Bag 00495, Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267 395 7755 | Fax: +267 395 7976

Mrs Cecilia Mamelodi-Onyadile

Mr Mabalaankwe K. Rabashwa

Dr Ditshupo E. Maje




Mrs Cecilia Mamelodi-Onyadile is Senior

Mr Rabashwa is a private sector lawyer and

Dr Ditshupo Ecco Maje is a lecturer at the

Programme Offcer (SPO) Communications and

has been partner with Motlhala Rabashwa

University Botswana. Dr Maje holds a PhD

ICT at the SADC Secretariat providing strategic

Ketshabile Attorneys since 2004. As Counsel, he

in Electrical Engineering from the Missouri


has advised varied clientele. His areas of focus

University of Science and Technology, USA.


are commercial law, corporate law, labour law,

He also holds Msc in Radio Engineering from

programmes priority action areas and strategies

divorce and drafting commercial agreements.

the Vinnitsa State Technical University in the

within the SADC member states. She has served

Rabashwa’s legal skills complement skills

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Dr Maje

on the Board of the Local Enterprises Authority

possessed by other members of the BOCRA

has served as a Board Member in the then

(LEA) from 2005 – 2009, where she was also

Board of Directors.

Botswana Telecommunications Authority.

Mr Andrew O. Sesinyi

Mr Roy Davies

Ms Pako Ralehika-Phiri



Board Secretary

Mr Andrew Onalenna Sesinyi is the Head of

Mr Roy Davies is the Head of Financial Advisory

A lawyer by training, Ms Pako-Ralehika-Phiri

Communications at the Bank of Botswana.

Services with AON Botswana. He manages

acquired LLM Degree from the University

His career spans the broadcasting and print

teams of fnancial planners, consultants and life

Westminster (2010) and LLB Degree from the

industries within the country and regionally, as

agents. He specialises in offshore investments,

University of Botswana (2006). She worked for

well as Foreign Service in various diplomatic

retirement planning and life insurance. Prior

Armstrong Attorneys and later the Administration

functions. Mr Sesinyi has also served as Deputy

to joining AON he spent 17 years with PG

of Justice as a Magistrate. She joined BOCRA in

Permanent Secretary (Media Relations) in the

Industries Botswana, 13 of which he was

2010 and was later appointed Board Secretary

then Ministry of Communications, Science and

Managing Director. Mr Davies is a member of

in 2013.

Technology in 2005.

Botswana Institute of Chartered Accountants








Chairperson of the HR Committee of the Board.

and former chairman of the Association of Botswana Financial Advisers.


The History of BOCRA

Approval of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 [No. 15 of 1996]; Establishment of the Botswana Telecommunications Authority (BTA) and the beginning of liberalisation of the telecommunications market.



1997 Development of the Telecommunications Policy of 1995

Executive Chairman: Mr. Cuthbert Moshe Lekaukau

1999 Parliament passes the Broadcasting Act CAP 74:03. Licensing of the frst two commercial FM Broadcasting Radio Stations; Yarona FM and Gabz FM. BTA awarded the frst Internet Service Providers’ licences.


Beginning of competition and awarding of the frst ffteen year mobile licences to Mascom Wireless (Pty) Ltd and Vista Cellular (Now Orange Botswana (Pty) Ltd. The licences were awarded with a ten (10) year exclusivity period.

Setting up of the BTA with the assistance of the Swedish Management Group (SMG) and publishing of the tender for the procurement of mobile telephone services.



Implementation of the new seven digit-numbering plan. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) conducted a study on the BTA and declared it a best practice model for regulators and policy-makers to emulate.


Hosting of the Telecommunications Regulators Association of Southern Africa (TRASA) Programme ofce. BTA moved into its own building (the current ofce). National Roaming was suspended. BTA issued two rulings directing Botswana Telecommunications Corporation (BTC) to provide leased line capacity to two Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Establishment of the National Broadcasting Act (NBB).


Study on the Pricing of Telecommunications Services in Botswana. ITU Secretary General Mr. Yoshio Utsumi ofcially opened the BTA Ofce.


BTC was granted a ffteen (15) year licence. BTA issued Interconnection Guidelines and the frst interconnection ruling between Botswana Telecommunication Corporation (BTC), Mascom Wireless and Orange Botswana.

Board Chairman: Dr John Mothibi Chief Executive: Mr Cuthbert Moshe Lekaukau


Development of the Telecommunications Technical Specifcations and Type Approval Procedures. Development of the Telephone Numbering Policy and the Spectrum Management Strategy.



Ofcial opening of the spectrum monitoring facility - The Spectrum House. Market study of the telecommunications sector in Botswana and the beginning of the Mobile Phone Sim-cards Registration requirement.

2006 Introduction of the Service Neutral Licensing Regime leading to the birth of the BTC mobile phone service arm -beMOBILE.

Board Chairman: Dr. Botswiri Oupa Tsheko Chief Executive: Mr Thari G. Pheko

Development of the Telephone Numbering Plan and Draft Universal Service and Access Policy.

Board Chairman: Dr. John Mothibi Chief Executive: Mr Thari G. Pheko



Installation of the Automated Frequency Management System (AFMS) which simplifes many of the responsibilities of radio Frequency Spectrum administration such as licensing, engineering analysis, frequency assignment and monitoring. Study on Cost Model and Pricing Framework for the Telecommunications Market in Botswana.


Study on Further Liberalisation of the Telecommunications Market in Botswana that led to the August 2006 Minister’s pronouncement on the lifting of the restriction on the provision of VoIP by Value Added Network Service Providers and permission for mobile operators to selfprovide transmission links.

Parliament passes the Communications Regulatory Authority Act (CRA). The Act provides for the regulation of Telecommunications, Broadcasting, Postal and Internet services under a converged environment.

Board Chairman: Dr. Masego Ayo Mpotokwane Chief Executive: Mr. Thari G. Pheko



Allocation of the Fixed Wireless Access Spectrum and the Development of a Cost Model and Pricing Framework for Communications Services in Botswana.

Directive on the implementation of the Recommendations of the Cost Model and Pricing Framework for Communications Services in Botswana leading to the reduction of wholesale and retail tarifs.


Establishment of the Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA). Implementation of structural separation of the Botswana Telecommunications Corporation (BTC) to create Botswana Telecommunications Corporation Limited (BTCL) as a retail business and the Botswana Fibre Networks (BoFiNet) as a wholesale business.


If Anderson Kgomotso had to characterise how he came to be sitting at the helm of a major IT company, four words will suffce: right place, right time.


The place was Gaborone where ICL Botswana

only then that the partners (with Kgomotso as

had been doing business for more than two

Managing Director) could announce the change

decades and the time was April 2004. Two years

of ownership to staff members.

earlier, Fujitsu, which owned the Botswana

Kgomotso says that at that point the company

operation, determined that the African market

was not doing well and management had to

was not good enough and deemed it prudent

embark on a turnaround strategy to change its

to disinvest. Company policy was to offer

fortunes for the better. That strategy (literally)

assets being sold off to management frst

paid off in the third year when ICL Botswana

and Kgomotso, who was General Manager

broke even.

of ICL Botswana at the time, was a potential

Five pillars have come to characterise the

buyer. He invited a former colleague, Chris

company and the one that takes pride of place

Mokgware, who had worked as the company’s

is staff.

Financial Controller and was now an employee

“We believe that our people are our greatest

of Debswana Mining Company, to come

assets and we do a lot of things to show that

on board as a partner. Six months later, the

we appreciate them. We remunerate them

acquisition talks were concluded and it was

competitively and spend a lot of money to

The fourth pillar, which is directly linked to the

Through FrontRange Solutions, ICL Botswana

stresses the need to attract what he calls

provides a service management tool called HEAT.

“solution partners” in order to be able to offer

The latter is a fagship and market-leading help

many products and services. These partners,

desk solution that enables clients to manage

who are both local and international, supply high

all their help desk service and support needs,

quality products.

from initial request through incident closure.

“If your products are good, we will partner

Kgomotso says that ICL Botswana has sold the

with you. We need good partners who can

product to various government departments,

help us deliver quality products and services,”

parastatal organisations as well as the private

Kgomotso adds.

sector. The latter include commercial banks.

Some of the companies that have made the

ICL Botswana also develops its own software,

grade are HP, Dell, Fujitsu and Lenovo from

all the time ensuring that it stays off the beaten

which ICL Botswana buys hardware as well as


Microsoft and FrontRange Solutions who supply develop them professionally. IT is an everevolving sector and we can’t afford to not develop our staff,” Kgomotso says.

bought from the company.

third, is to keep the right company. Kgomotso


“We don’t do it the usual way where we do research, develop a product and hope

The ffth pillar is prudent fnancial management

the market likes it. We develop a product

which, as Kgomotso is keen to stress, can make

specifcally for clients,” says Kgomotso, citing

The second pillar is delivering excellent

or break a commercial enterprise. In the particular

a hypothetical scenario where the Botswana

products and services. ICL Botswana places a

case of ICL Botswana, the fact that the company

Power Corporation asks the company to

high premium on quality and Kgomotso stresses

has been growing from strength to strength in

provide it with a particular software.

the need to not only deliver excellent customer

the past couple of years means that its fnancial

service but to also exceed the customer’s

management is staying clear of the red lines.

Topping off the company’s raft of services are customer requirement analysis, project management and change management.

expectations. This helps promote customer

“For us prudent fnancial management doesn’t

loyalty who double the favour by making positive

just mean what we spend but how we spend

Although the company’s main focus is

word-of-mouth recommendations to potential

it. It’s about how we manage our cash fow; it’s

Botswana, it plans to expand its footprint into


about having good credit and maintaining good

Africa. Kgomotso says the strategy is to go into

credit worthiness,” Kgomotso explains.

a country, establish a solid foundation, move

The third ICL pillar recognises the fact that Botswana is a small market and that to survive

ICL Botswana also provides maintenance and

on to the next and do the same thing. That

in it, a company should offer as wide a range of

support services for customers and there is no

strategy was launched in 2010 in Zimbabwe

products and services as possible.

requirement that the products should have been

by establishing a company called Fury Tek. The


choice was motivated by the fact that there was

company’s radar but the current civil strife in the

“This building” (where this interview takes

an ex-ICL Botswana employee in that country

country has made it impossible to do business

place) is a three-story structure in a prime

“who was willing to take the risk.” Kgomotso

there. Zambia and Namibia hold a lot of promise

location next to gleaming supermall along the

says that as ICL Botswana expands into the

and Kgomotso reveals that next year the

Botswana’s main highway.

continent, it would be looking for partners it can

company plans to set up shop in the former and

Kgomotso further reveals that ICL Botswana


the latter if conditions of its expansion strategy

has also invested in other businesses and is

are met.

looking to expanding its portfolio. As well it

The Zimbabwe operation didn’t take off as ICL Botswana had hoped because of the political turmoil and a stagnant economy. “That is why we didn’t move any farther,”

After 10 years, all the patience, hard work and business acumen are paying off handsomely.

might because it is in the right place and this is the right time.

“We have grown. In 2004, the company was not making money but losing it. The

Unit 1, Plot 143

The situation notwithstanding, Furytek is

staff complement was 18, now it’s 55,” says

Gaborone International Finance

still doing business in Zimbabwe – a project

Kgomotso who considers the hiring of citizens

P. O. Box 468, Gaborone, Botswana

management job in Bulawayo to be precise

by a citizen-owned company to be a double

Tel: +267 395 3947

and ICL Botswana is providing resources from

achievement. “Our balance sheet is improving

Fax: +267 397 4646

the Gaborone base. South Sudan is also in the

and we own this building.”

Kgomotso says.




IT-IQ Botswana IT Managed Services, Consulting, Hardware & Software Sales, Training and Testing that meets the changing needs of your business and the individual nature of each client. At IT-IQ Botswana we pride ourselves on always

• Kaspersky Lab

making pioneering technology available. We

• Zebra Technologies

strive to achieve this by maintaining the highest

• Motorola Solutions Channel Partner

levels of certifed trainers and engineers and

• Acronis

leveraging partnerships with industry leaders.

• Adobe Partner • CBP Authorised Training Partner

Our Industry Partners • Microsoft Gold Solutions Partner (Mid-Market Solutions) • Microsoft Silver Partner (Learning; Management & Virtualisation; Device & Deployment) • Cisco Premier Partner • Ruckus Wireless Top Dog


• BQA Accredited Training Institution The year 2015 marks 20 years that we have been working to deliver value to our clients.

OUR SOLUTIONS OFFERING MANAGED SERVICES We provide innovative solutions and services to manage, maintain and support your ICT

• CompTIA Gold Partner

infrastructure. Our engineers ensure that your

• HP Preferred Partner

ICT systems meet your business requirements in

• Dell Partner Direct

performance and uptime. Our support enables

• Apple Authorised Reseller

customers to increase operational effciency and

• Symantec Partner

reduce and control operating costs. It allows

• Prometric Authorised Test Center

you access to highly skilled resources, without

• Pearson VUE Authorised Test Center

the capital investment.



We use offcial course curriculums to deliver

Our consulting service provides advisory,

both instructor and virtual training for Microsoft,


CompTIA, Cisco, ITIL and Ruckus Wireless.

operations management to meet the ever-

We also provide soft skills training in Customer

changing technology and operational demands

Service, Business Etiquette, Leadership and

that impact your business. We are available to

Communication using internationally approved CBP Material. To ensure a value proposition we assist with training needs analysis, and recommended learning solutions to improve your organisation’s competency. We are fexible in mapping our course scheduling and delivery to our customers’




partner with you and advise your key projects in ICT, Wireless Solutions, Training and Operations Management. We help you unravel what hardware, software and connectivity needs are best suited to your budget and your organisation. Plot 68, Unit 8 Gaborone International Commerce Park

requirements. To achieve competency all our

P.O. Box 40509

courses are supported by proctored computer-

Gaborone, BOTSWANA

based certifcation exams.

Tel: +267 318 1684 Fax: +267 319 1059

Our institution, courses, and trainers are BQA Accredited.

Email: Web:


Mascom CSR initiatives in line with the millennium development goals Mascom Wireless is a reputable, responsible

corporate value by driving innovation and

in 2009 as a partnership between Mascom and

and responsive corporate citizen, which fully

implementing sound ethical business practices.

the Government of Botswana. In 2014, a total

appreciates the role and responsibility the

We continue to foster a corporate culture that

of 81 Kitsong Centres will be been handed over

company has towards its various stakeholders

values CSR and meets the expectations of our

to the youth from 81 different villages around

and the environment. Mascom’s approach to

stakeholders in contributing to a better, more

Botswana to operate as their own businesses.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is to use

sustainable society for all.

Mascom also has a keen interest in improving

our expertise, technology and partnerships to

As a way of contributing towards Botswana’s

the lives of ordinary people especially children,

create positive impact around Botswana. We

millennium development goals of eradicating

this we have successfully implemented through

believe that being socially and environmentally


the support we give to non – governmental

responsible is essential to the long term

recognises the basic right to adequate shelter


sustainability of our business. Our CSR

for all and provided houses to 22 deserving

disadvantaged and vulnerable communities.








important to our business and stakeholders








around Botswana.





Our view is that, it is through sport, that we can, not only, engage with stakeholders,

while focusing on continuously enhancing our

Mascom has embarked on a mission to

but also do good work in contributing to

corporate value to help shape a better, more

bridge the communication gap between urban

Botswana’s Vision 2016 Pillar of “A United

sustainable society.

and rural areas, and also respond to the

and Proud Nation”. With this notion Mascom

While society’s expectations of Mascom are

global need of transforming small villages into

supports sporting codes like, football, volleyball,

constantly evolving in line with the diversifcation

knowledge based economies; to date, Mascom

motor sports, netball, athletics, cycling, chess

of markets, advances in technology, and

has made thousands donations of Information

and karate. Through these initiatives, Mascom

the changing concerns of the company’s

Communication Technologies (ICT’s) to Primary

ensures that our contribution to the targeted

stakeholders; Mascom strives to remain abreast

Schools around Botswana.

groups address especially the socio-economic

with such changes and continue to undertake

Mascom has also invested over P20-million in

bold measures and initiatives to enhance our

the Kitsong Centres Project; this project started

Mascom Head Offce Gaborone Tsholetsa House Main Mall Tel: + 267 390 3396/8


challenges faced by the groups and that indeed our efforts address the greater good.

About Mascom Wireless Pty LTD Licenced in February 1998, Mascom is the leading mobile telecommunications operator in Botswana. Mascom has a subscriber base in excess of 1.7-million giving it a market share of just over 53% of the Botswana mobile telecoms market. Mascom is well-recognised as an innovative and proudly Botswana corporate citizen. Our Corporate Social Investment Initiative targets groups and organisations that work towards positively contributing to ordinary people and the less privileged by changing their lives for the better. Our brand promise “Number 1 because of you� embraces this concept and the company supports it by adopting an innovative approach to doing business.


BoFiNet Brand The Botswana Fibre Networks Ltd. (BoFiNet) BoFiNet’s establishment in August 2012 and

Over the coming years, Botswana must

electronic equipment as well as the East African

launch in September 2013 heralded a new

become a nation that maximises the power,

Submarine System (EASSY) and West African

dawn in Botswana, and more particularly in the

reach, versatility and innovation of ICT. This will

Cable System (WACS) from BTCL, BoFiNet has

country’s telecommunications sector.

enable the country to secure a key position in

become Botswana’s only wholesale provider of

the emerging global information society, and

national and international telecommunications

fourish economically throughout.

infrastructure to provide and operate a world-

This was the result of a process that involved the unbundling of the various goods and services provided by the Botswana Telecommunications

As such, the Government of Botswana

Corporation, BTC, in preparation for the partial

made the decision to segment the broadband

privatisation of the later organisation.

connectivity market into wholesale and retail

BoFiNet’s focus, lying within the wholesale

parts, entrusting the continued construction and

communications domain, involves applying

provision of wholesale broadband connectivity

itself solely to improving the existing broadband

to the newly created BoFiNet Ltd.

connectivity mainstay, by servicing licensed

Prior to this proposed action, the Government of





exercise that critically examined the country’s communications and connectivity infrastructure.

class fbre network that will drive broadband connectivity.


It resolved that privatisation of parts of BTC

Role in Botswana

would enhance the overall effciency and

In recognition of the prominent role of fbre

annual report was about new beginnings and


optic networks with regard to broadband

the dawning of a new era in Botswana. BoFiNet

connectivity, Botswana’s further integration into

is a work in progress, but its brand essence is

the amphitheatre of the international political-

already taking shape.




connectivity in Botswana.

In line with this, the theme of BoFiNet’s frst

BoFiNet – Shaping ICT

economy and thus the furtherance of the nation’s

In keeping with the Vision 2016 (Pillar of

development objectives, the Government of

The Brand

Educated and Informed Nation), it is envisioned

Botswana determined that it would retain whole

Like all new business operations, it was

that the National ICT initiatives will position

ownership of BofNet.

essential that the company adopt a brand

Botswana for sustained growth in the digital age

With the transfer to BoFiNet of all local and

icon that would be instantly recognisable and

by serving as a key catalyst in achieving social,

national access dark fbre systems, the newly

also encapsulate its mission: to bring access

economic, political and cultural transformation

deployed Dense Wave Division Multiplex

to quality telecommunications within reach of

within the country.

(DWDM) fbre system, associated active

most Batswana in a way that is sustainable


and without being a burden on the government

limited largely to a prescribed number of service



The swallow, or ‘peolwane’, was chosen as

The task therefore is to ensure direct customers,

the ideal icon for this purpose. Why? Because

the service providers, are informed about the

this modest but brave little bird is regarded as a

latest BoFiNet products and services; while end-

positive and fateful omen heralding good things

users are kept appraised of developments that

to come. Often seen taking to the skies before

could ultimately make a difference to the way

the rains fall, peolwane are almost inherently

they consume ICT services and products.

associated with the blessing of rainfall. They

So, for example, BoFiNet has made public

soar above, watching over the rest, present and

news about the price reductions it has been able

yet subtle.

to implement, thereby promoting transparency

BoFiNet, similarly, is poised to work tirelessly

in the entire ICT industry.

in the background, delivering good things to

This is the start of the new dawn – a

Botswana in the shape of ICT – which in turn will

dawn that heralds bright days ahead for

bring knowledge, education and opportunity.

telecommunications in Botswana.

As a wholesale provider, BoFiNet plays a quiet yet crucial role that, like the swallow, does not


distract but remains a reassuring presence

Private Bag 00236

promising reliability, transparency, security and

Gaborone, Botswana


Plot 74769, Unit 3, Mowana Mews

A challenge for BoFiNet has been to fnd the

Gaborone CBD

right balance to market the organisation. As a

Tel: +267 3995500

parastatal, it is important that all stakeholders,

Fax: +267 3903414

including Botswana citizens and taxpayers,

TOLL FREE: 0800601002

be made aware of the company’s activities.


At the same time, BoFiNet’s customer base is



Internet Service Providers – ISP 271

BROADBAND BOTSWANA INTERNET (BBI) AND WIRELESS @ HOME BBI and Wireless@home was formed and created in 2000 when it was awarded a communication License by Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) to transmit data and internet service throughout Botswana.

The company installed a very sophisticated satellite earth station at the showgrounds in Gaborone, which set us apart from other ISPs in the market giving us the reliability, and independence the market was looking for. BBI and Wireless@home runs and maintains its own backbone built on the highly stable Motorola Point to Multipoint wireless system. We guarantee a 99.9% uptime under normal operation. We’re also using fber and Frame Relay connectivity to places our signal doesn’t reach. We have some of the most sophisticated Satellite Partners that gives us the opportunity to offer you a guaranteed connection wherever you are, with a mission to provide you instant access to the service you need. Our easy to use solutions making sure you can live and work in remote locations much like at home or the head offce. BBI and Wireless@home has employed some extremely experienced





industry who are on call 24 hours per day. It should be noted that we operate on a citywide basis, with a National Focus and an Inter-country Infrastructure. In addition to this, we have teamed up and formed alliances with wellestablished leaders in the industry, locally and globally. BBi have a strategic relationship with Globalstar who is the largest provider of mobile satellite voice and data services. Globalstar offers these services to commercial and recreational users in more than 120 countries around the world.

Our Internet Services Broadband Botswana Internet (BBi) / Wireless @ Home is one of Botswana’s largest providers of Broadband service that explores the true potential of the Internet. It offers


high speed, high quality, low cost and easy to use

and surrounding blue-ocean areas: Botswana,

devices for recreational use. SPOT Global Phone

Internet connection at home and in the corporate

South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Tanzania,

uses the Globalstar network to transmit two-way

world with various packages and solutions tailored

Madagascar, Swaziland, Lesotho, Malawi, Angola,

voice and data communications. SPOT messaging

for everyone’s needs. Broadband Botswana

Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Burundi and Zambia.

devices use both the GPS satellite network and

Internet broadband keeps up with the new, fast,

The gateway signifcantly extends Globalstar's

the Globalstar network to transmit text messages

and ever-changing world of Internet needs. The

coverage in sub-Saharan Africa and will allow

and GPS coordinates. Since 2007, SPOT has

need to get easy, quick and uninterrupted access

Globalstar to provide a near-global service offering

provided peace of mind by allowing customers

to internet is a reality with BBi.

for SPOT and Simplex services.

to remain in contact completely independent

We Are

About Globalstar, Inc.

rescues worldwide. For more information, visit

Faster – Our speed out runs all other players.

Globalstar is a leading provider of mobile satellite

Convenient – Easy to use and easy to manage.

voice and data services. Globalstar offers

Friendly – Our friendly staff is always there to

these services to government, commercial and

assist you.

recreational users in more than 120 countries

Affordable – Our price structure is setup to

around the world. The Company's products include

compete with the competition.

mobile and fxed satellite telephones, Simplex

Time – Our staff is hard at work to bring the best

and Duplex satellite data modems and fexible

service as fast as possible.

service packages. Many land based and maritime

of cellular coverage, having initiated over 3,000

industries beneft from Globalstar with increased

Globalstar and Broadband Botswana Internet (BBi)

productivity from remote areas beyond cellular and

Globalstar who has partnership with Broadband

include: oil and gas, government, mining, forestry,

Botswana Internet (BBi), has commenced on a

commercial fshing, utilities, military, transportation,

Globalstar gateway in Gaborone, Botswana. This

heavy construction, emergency preparedness

gateway will provide Globalstar's full line of Simplex

and business continuity as well as individual

services, including its SPOT line of affordable

recreational users. Globalstar data solutions are

personal tracking and life-saving solutions, as

ideal for various asset and personal tracking, data

well as its line of commercial simplex tracking

monitoring and SCADA applications.

landline service. Globalstar customer segments

and monitoring solutions. Globalstar anticipates that this gateway will be operational by the end


of this year and will provide coverage across

SPOT LLC, a subsidiary of Globalstar, Inc., provides

southern Africa, including the following countries

affordable satellite communication and tracking

Broadband Botswana Internet Wireless @ Home Unit 1, Fairgrounds, Gaborone, Botswana Tel: + 267 391 2345 Fax: + 267 393 0183


VBN IS THE PREMIER BUSINESS NETWORK SERVICE PROVIDER IN BOTSWANA. VBN Services is a full service VAN operator (Value Added Network) licensed by BOCRA, focused primarily on providing data communications solutions and Internet Services for the business sector in Botswana.

VBN’s major shareholders are the directors that are actively involved in the day to day management of VBN and have over 50 years combined experience. VBN’s shareholders have continued to regularly reinvest their returns over the past 10 years into building VBN to what it is today. VBN has 2 advanced Data Centers in Gaborone, the latest being in the CBD, built specifically to host mission critical data communications equipment. In addition to that VBN recently installed the largest VM platform in Botswana with 4.5 Terabytes of RAM and 120 Terabytes of storage space to offer a range of Cloud services. The Data centers are the best connected locations within Botswana with redundant fiber to BTC, Bofinet and direct connectivity to BINX and all the major operators in the region.

VBN are the preferred host for the region’s major international data operators POPs (Points of Presence) in Botswana, namely Internet Solutions, Telkom SA, MTN-Network Services , Vodacom Business, Liquid Telecom, and CMC Networks. These operators chose VBN due to the extensive investment in the necessary infrastructure to host mission critical services and VBN’s management experience in the local data communications environment. Further to supplying hosting services to these operators, VBN procure all the local loop for the operators to connect the multinational clients to the data centers and onward connectivity to the border.

PRODUCTS & SERVICES VBN provide a complete range of complementary products and Internet services backed up by structured Service Level Agreements and Helpdesk support.



+ Supply & Rental of Cisco Routers + Load Balancers, VPN Routers & Firewalls + VoIP gateways & phones + Wireless Links & Wi-Fi equipment

+ ADSL + Fixed Wireless + Leased lines + Metro Ethernet + MPLS WAN

HOSTING & CLOUD SERVICES + DNS registration & hosting + Mail hosting & web-mail access + Web site hosting + Rack space rental for data communications equipment + Hosting of mission critical corporate servers + Disaster recovery hosting + Virtual Machine rental

DATA COMS CONSULTING + Wireless Hotspot design & management for hotels + Corporate WAN (Wide Area Network) audit and design

2014 IS VBN’S 10TH YEAR OF OPERATION Thanks to the loyalty of our client base we are now recognized as the premier provider to the business sector.

4th Floor Masa Centre, CBD PO Box 790 AAH, Gaborone Email T +267 3710101 F +267 3710103

Zebranet Under market conditions where the Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority regulates Internet prices, the Managing Director of ZebraNet, Venkata Rami Reddy Pallapolu, says that prices are no longer key as a factor of competitiveness. What he deems to be key are quality of staff, training given to such staff and the time it takes to respond to customer needs. “Zebranet Provides value added services to

The company’s growing client list includes

Although it resells for Botswana Fiber Networks

customers like frewall and failover (Redundancy)

Cresta Group Hotels, Limkokwing University

(BOFINET) and Botswana Telecommunications

confguration. Customers do not mind paying a

of Creative Technology, De Beers Holdings,

Corporation Limited (BTCL) by using its

bit more because of the quality of service they

e-Botswana, CA Sales, Jack\s Gym, Hungry

backbone, Zebranet has its own Internet

get from us”. Pallapolu says.

Lion, 911 Emergency Assist, Shrenuj Diamond

Protocol (IP) Structure through which it is able

As an ISP, ZebraNet offers Internet services

Company, Big 5 Lodge, Majestic 5 Hotel, the

to remotely log in assist a client. Pallapolu says

(ADSL, Broadband, leased line, Wi-Fi, VSAT,

Non-Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory

that such assistance will be rendered within one

Data links, Metro-Ethernet; hosting services



hour. In instances where a customer’s modem

(Domain, Web, e-mail); as well as VOIP and

Confederation of Commerce, Industry and

is ruined and needs to be replaces. ZebraNet

Support services. ZebraNet Service is available

Manpower (BOCCIM).

sends a new confgured modem by courier




round the clock (24X7). Outside normal working

ZebraNet counts among its strengths the

service by using Botswana Courier service. The

hours, the company has staff which feld calls

fexibility that it brings to ICT Business. ZebraNet

modem is plug_and_play. The result is that the

from customers. As standard practice, all

use of wireless enables it to operate in any

company has been able to retain 98 percent of

customers are given cell phone numbers to

environment and gives it access to every part

its clients all the while acquiring new ones.

reach after normal working hours. ZebraNet

of a building. Wireless is also ideal for diffcult-

“We are also getting client from other ISP’s

charges Standard fee of P 250 / hour, Pallapolu

to-cable locations such as heritage buildings or

some of them transferring their connection to us

says that to his knowledge, there is no other ISP

sites where new wiring can’t be laid for structural

after we assist them with a problem”. Pallapolu

in Botswana which provides this sort of service.




When the company started in 2012, it had only 3 employees and two years later has 22 employees. We believe empowering people are good and better future for Company. “We employ qualifed parallel to the company growth”. Pallapolu explains. The choice of employees was aligned to the

was negotiating with the South African

will be interconnected. Pallapolu says that when

company’s expansion plans. Pallapolu says

Development Community to host the regional

this project is complete, connection would be

that he hired people from Ghanzi, Francistown

Fibre Network. While Botswana and other

much faster. This development would help

and Kasane to plan for a future when the

SADC countries are now connected to two

ZebraNet (and indeed other service providers)

company will expand to those areas and these

submarine fber-optic cable system (Easy and

penetrate the SADC market.

employees will be deployed there to open

WACS) Pallapolu points out that the region is

ZebraNet franchises as owner-managers.

not reaping all the benefts there are to this new

The expectation is that this will happen in fve

level of connectivity.

Desert Road (Pty)Ltd t/a ZebraNet 2nd Floor, Portion 867, New Lobatse Road

years. This approach dovetails neatly with the

“SADC itself is not interconnected”, he says

Tel: +267 395 9000

Botswana government’s e-governance strategy

citing as an example of a user in Zambia who

Fax: +267 395 6000

though which it plans to modernize its service

has to access a website through a United

Private bag 00442 Gaborone Botswana

delivery by creating online platforms. Pallapolu

Kingdom service provider when it would be

expresses the hope that the roll-out of this

more desirable to connect via a regional source.

strategy would expand ZebraNet’s clientele

The Ministry is trying to become that source

as more and more villages join the information

and Botswana’s central location may help this

super highway.

bid. Once the deal goes through, there will be

At the time of the interview (November 2014),

need to physically lay cables (pretty much what

the Ministry of Transport and communications

was done with EASSY and WACS) and SADC



Media, Marketing, Conferencing & Events


H&G Advertising The tagline of H&G Advertising is “media with impact” and the impact that the company is making is being felt as far afeld as the media capital of the world. “We have clients in New York, Dubai and the

Zambia. Ganje says that plans are underway to

a mere idea germinate and bloom into a major

United Kingdom,” says Knight Ganje, the

open another offce in Swaziland and Lesotho

media communications company.

company’s Managing Director for Africa.

in 2015. “He saw the potential that I had. We met and

Such reach is bringing H&G Advertising closer

“The whole plan is to conquer Africa. From

discussed the vision and he believed in it. I

and closer to the goal it set for itself in April 2009

Southern Africa, we are currently working on

strongly feel that we need more established

when it was established: to be a leading African

expanding our footprint into East and West

Entrepreneurs such as himself to invest and

advertising and marketing communications

Africa,” he says, adding that with a combined

mentor the youth to realise their dreams,” Ganje

company. The services that the company

client roster of over 100 clients, all Southern


provides include strategic media planning

African operations have been hugely successful.

and buying, digital and interactive marketing,

Ganje started his business at a tender age of 21.

direct and promotional marketing as well as

The battle plan is drawn up at the base (a

Now, at 27 years he is the managing director of

activations. Entities that provide these services

suite of gleaming offces that lie snugly along

a pan african media agency. This he accredits

operate as separate brands.

the country’s main highway on the outskirts of

to his hard work and diligence to the vision. “Im

Gaborone) and is executed by an army of some

focused and dedicated to my work. With this

The company – which is headquartered in

45 foot soldiers deployed across the region.

comes a lot of sacrifces,” he says. Nothing was

Gaborone, has offces in South Africa, Malawi,

Ganje credits his business partner Mr. Jagdish

ever handed to him on a silver platter. Ganje

Namibia, Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe and

Shah, for having played a crucial role in helping

has always had to prove himself and seize


opportunities as they present themselves. “It is

deepen niche knowledge as well as understand

up to us to show what we can do,” Ganje says.

the dynamics of a market better.

The evidence suggests that what the company

"And if a client is not happy with an aspect of

could do was impressive enough for big

service he is getting, he can fre the brand that

international brands to retain its services. Along

he dealt with – not the entire company,” he

the way, H&G also picked up new clients and


positioned itself to spread its wings. Ganje advances the theory that H&G Advertising has

Naturally, Ganje expects the competition to

been able to thrive because of its innovative

adapt but he says that when that happens, “we

approach to media communications business.

will already be ahead.”

While the trend among its competitors is to lump all services together, this company's brands operate as separate entities. For example, the strategic media planning and buying brand does not ever have to handle direct and promotional marketing work. Ganje says that this helps staff


รกvr a brand communication business partner



Our mission is to create high-performance brand campaigns that drive response and unlock business growth. We are a creative Brand Communication business partner. We have a strong and truly dedicated team of craftsmen and women, digital strategists, account directors and others who ensure that we deliver beyond clients’ expectations. We unleash our global network of partners for projects that require skills outside of our local team – even if it is only for an external perspective.

We put all our people frst because we know that when we do, everything falls into place. With a strong focus on strategy, our approach is delineated by attention to detail and the power of puritan simplicity. We take complex business and marketing challenges and design and develop simple,

user-focused solutions that impact our clients’ bottom lines. We deliver measurable multi-channel communications that get talked about, as well as ideas worth sharing across online, print and environmental touch points. Our digital marketing solutions are applied across web, mobile, tablet and other emerging digital channels. Our unique approach to business and marketing challenges ensures that we create campaigns that are cohesive and consistent in ways that go beyond the superfcial. The result is work that consumers want to truly engage with and share with others.

Project enquiries To arrange a meeting with one of us, please send an email to: Employment To express interest in joining our highly motivated and committed team, send an email to:



RedPepper works hard to push the limits of what is possible, making each impression brighter, sharper, more unique and more engaging. Delivering solutions that don’t get forgotten - making brands brilliant.


Through strong attention to detail, use of clear

Communication Consultancy has developed

and effective language, and the power of

into one of Botswana’s most recognised and

engagement on an experiential level, the team

respected public relations and marketing

works collaboratively with clients to create


compelling branded materials and experiences.

As an innovative Brand Possibility Agency,

RedPepper draws on a depth of local and

RedPepper’s mission is to create memorable

international knowledge and experience to

experiences that shape the way people

develop powerful strategies, enhancing the

engage and connect with brands.

value of organisations, products and services.

As passionate believers in the benefts of

We drive results by converting business

collaboration, the team draws upon a broad

strategy into meaningful brand activation and

network and collective team of frst-class local

engagement. Every opportunity deserves the

and international talent to deliver and produce

very best team; we draw upon a broad network

the very best. With a strong network of select


partners, RedPepper thrives on fnding and

web developers, copywriters, printers and

maximising the opportunities for brands and

production crew.









delivering exactly what they need to excel and prosper.

Our partnerships allow for projects to be undertaken with a project team that offers

With a wealth of production experience and

specialist knowledge of Botswana and sub-

unrivalled technical capability, RedPepper lives

Saharan Africa, as well as a progressive

by the philosophy that anything is possible.

international perspective.

Plot 135; Unit 6 Gaborone International Finance Park P.O. Box 26382 Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267 395 1363 Fax: +267 395 1368 Email:


KAMOSO Consulting KAMOSO plays a unique and valuable role in assisting Botswana’s evolving economy at the dawn of the African century.


KAMOSO Consulting (Pty) Ltd is the continued partnership between RedPepper and Australia based design studio SouthSouthWest.

strategies, enhancing the value of organisations, products and services. This drives results by converting business strategy into meaningful brand activation and engagement.

Leveraging the resources of international brand consultancy SouthSouthWest and Gaborone-based communications

Due to the depth of engagement with client organisations, Kamoso prefers to partner with organisations long term, meaning that projects will all be overseen past their launch phase, ensuring the strategic objectives are met and a viable brand positioning can be achieved and upheld.

valuable role assisting Botswana’s evolving economy at the dawn of the African century. The agency develops powerful

Tel: +267 395 1363 Email:


PressPhoto PressPhoto is the leading photo agency in Botswana with its imagery, services and technology. We are an essential source of real-time editorial

clients we provide on-time services to them. Our

and creative pictures. We cover Botswana and

experienced photographic team will make sure

beyond for media and other secondary users

your assignment from concept to fnal creation

and have a strong photographic network to

meets the standard. Whether for sport or

reach all over Botswana where news happens.

entertainment, portrait or lifestyle, corporate or

We cover most of the international events which

advertising, we can coordinate your commission

Botswana might have interest in.

– from start to fnal creative.

PressPhoto is a very young and focused photo agency with a global standard in practice. Every day we add lots of new pictures for our clients. Pressphoto not only takes pictures for today, it also preserves the present for the future as we believe that photography is a powerful tool to contribute to the process of development and echo the voice of less powered voices. PressPhoto provides a variety of photographic services starting from hardcore photojournalism to




photography, corporate photography, and PR photography. Our photography team provides clients demand-based services, training and

Private Bag AD 168 ABE

photography consultation. Besides our own

Gaborone, Botswana

assignment we also take care of special and

+267 717 76751

exclusive assignments for our clients. Our photo


archive is also a very good source of news and

creative pictures. To meet the deadline of our



Wild Scenics African Nature Photography by Vincent Grafhorst

Vincent Grafhorst is an award-winning and published nature photographer who is passionate about the wild, arid southern African landscapes and animals. Vincent’s aim is to create inspirational works of art that evoke emotions and command respect for Nature. He believes that sharing the unparalleled beauty of the wild through photography will help create an appreciation for – and engender the conservation of – our fragile planet and its last wild places. FINE ART PRINTS Fine Art Photographic Prints are our specialty. Our unique range of Limited Edition Fine Art Colour and Black & White or Sepia Prints are perfect to decorate the walls of Offces, Hotels, Lodges, Restaurants, Conference rooms, Shops and Homes to create a rustic time-less African atmosphere. Prints are made on archival quality media only, with premium archival inks that will last for many decades. These quality materials and the printers used moreover result in maximum detail and unmatched colour accuracy. Traditional paper prints can be offered on a variety of fne art archival papers, including the top of the range Hahnemühle papers, in various dimensions. Prints can be mounted and framed to suit your personal preferences and interior design. Alternatively we also offer a range of Prints on Canvas. Due to the texture of the canvas these prints have a completely different character. Canvas Prints come stretched on a wooden frame, ready to hang. Now also available: Diasec and Aluminium prints! Diasec is a patented framing method to facemount prints on Acrylic glass with a Dibond backing. The Acrylic results in sharp images with vibrant colours and a high gloss fnish. Black and white photographs look stunning printed straight onto brushed aluminium Dibond, creating an extraordinary metallic appearance.


IMAGE LIBRARY In need of digital images for editorial or advertising use? We have literally thousands in our image library to choose from. Our images have been used all over the globe for educational books, calendars, glossy magazines, book covers, adverts, bill-boards, screen savers, video productions, web design and lots more.

PHOTO WORKSHOPS Do you have an interest in nature photography and wish to develop your skills? Consider joining Vincent on a customised in-the-feld Photo Workshop.

P.O. Box 47208, Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267 393 7184 Cell: +267 71 429 733 Gallery: Craft Market Unit 18 Plot 5648, Broadhurst Ind. E-mail: All images Š Vincent Grafhorst


BenDan Photography (Pty) Ltd BenDan





Photography Company which is 100% citizen owned. BenDan Photography started its full operation as a registered company in 2011.

Mission Is to be the most aspiring photography company in Botswana and had given each individual a chance to be part of the digital world.

Vision To be the leader in transforming photographic opportunities in Botswana, to be a globally recognised platform with the use of professional equipment.

Core Values Passion, Creativity, Flexibility, Exploration

What we offer We





Photography, thus encompassing: events, models, landscape, portraits and wildlife.

Customer Care To our every assignment, we are fully committed and always knowing that customers are the reason for work and not an interruption of work. At BenDan Photography we do recognise the value of our customers as we always work alongside them and beyond the fnal product.

Email: H/P: +267 76 637 629/72 783 300 Facebook: BenDan Photography



Fairground Holdings (Pty) Limited Fairground Holdings (Pty) Limited, was established on 21st March 1986 and is a subsidiary of the Botswana Development Corporation (BDC) with 51% shareholding and the other shareholder being the Government of Botswana with 49% shares. Fairground Holdings offers the following products and services: • Conferencing and Banqueting (Boipuso; Ditshupo; Annex; Banquet; Pavilion Halls and breakaway rooms) • Pavilion Restaurant • Pavilion Bar • Social Events such as Garden or Indoor Weddings, Music Festivals and Church Congresses • Pavilion Terrace • Equipment Hire • Outside Catering


We organise key annual events including the Botswana Consumer Fair, and the Annual Cultural Night.

BOTSWANA CONSUMER FAIR The 9th edition of the Botswana Consumer Fair was held from Monday 25th August to Sunday 31st August 2014 at Fairground Holdings. This year, the event managed to attract 512 exhibitors who booked all the available stalls. With respect to market segments, Fairground Holdings (Pty) Ltd, the organisers managed to recruit 25 local manufacturers and 24 exhibitors from 10 foreign countries that include China, Japan, Kenya, Lesotho, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Swaziland and Tanzania representing 5% of total number of exhibitors. The organisers are satisfed that the Fair is growing organically and in 2014, the Fair has recorded a 4% growth rate in terms of the number of exhibitors and stall sales when compared to the previous years. The Botswana Consumer Fair continues to contribute to the socio-economic development of this country through supporting signifcant sectors of the small to medium enterprises throughout the life of the Fair by contracting various local suppliers such as media houses, cleaning, security, catering, branding and marketing agencies amongst others. This is an all-inclusive event to create an interactive forum between exhibitors/manufacturers and visitors in order to provide opportunities to diversify the economy from mineral led growth. The Fair also promotes trade between local and foreign exhibitors in an endeavour to diversify the economy. Local companies also have a ready platform for brand activation where consumers are able to interact with different products and services. This year’s season of the Fair brought exciting innovations that made the Fair a paradise for business and fun-fare. Off road enthusiasts were given an opportunity to test drive 4x4 vehicles on a course that is laden

4x4 stunt during the Consumer Fair

H.E, The President of Botswana and FGH CEO touring Consumer Fair stalls with obstacles. Professional 4x4 drivers were on

from web ticket kiosks at Riverwalk, Kgale,

standby to instruct the nascent drivers.

Broadhurst, Airport junction, Village, Mochudi &

On the other hand, Fairground Holdings and the Botswana Music Union (BOMU) partnered to provide a platform for local artists to showcase their talent.

Molepolole Spar shops, Maitisong @ Maruapula School and online at As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility, Fairground Holdings once again invited children

The fashion industry had a fair share of

aged between 4-8 years on a complimentary

representation through a new concept aptly

basis to enjoy the hospitality of the Fair. These

called Fashion X. This is a collaborative effort

children came from Tlamelo Trust as well as

between Fairground Holdings as the hosts, and

Holy Cross Hospice Day Care Center, which is

InnerAura as the coordinators of an event that

an NGO that supports children of terminally ill

will add a touch of lifestyle, fashion, colour and


Minister of Environment, Wildlife & Tourism giving Awards during prize giving With the objective to reinforce and celebrate the unique strength of Botswana’s cultural diversity, the Cultural Night has grown to be an unrivalled event offering access to an amazing array of food and art from across the globe and the 2014 event, attended by 500 guests proved to be the biggest Cultural Night to date marking a great step in bringing culture closer to people. The 2015 cultural night dinner will be held on Friday 5th of June.

glamour to the Consumer Fair programme. Over the years, a lot of children were separated


from their parents during the Consumer Fair due

Remains: Shop.Discover.Explore which captures

to the magnitude of traffc within the grounds.

the essence of the event in three short words.

Whilst all the lost children were reconnected with their families, it took a long time thereby

Botswana Consumer Fair will take place on

negatively affecting the psychology of the family

Monday 17th – 23rd August 2015.

member’s more so than the lost child. In our bid to reduce the time lag between family and child


separation, Fairground Holdings in partnership

Once a year, Fairground Holdings hosts a

with The Botswana Red Cross Society will put

cultural night, where patrons are taken on

together a new project, called Restoring Family

an around the world journey in one evening.


Boipuso Hall is transformed into a Global village

In the area of traffc management and

showcasing culture in all its forms including

effciency, the organisers have continued with

art, poetry, dance, traditional music and food,

effecting electronic ticket sales for speedy entry

history, theatre and more; accessible to people

into the Fair. Visitors bought tickets in advance

of all ages.

Tel. +267 397 5555/365 1600 Fax. +267 390 4263/313 2651


Conservation & Sustainable Development




NDB Celebrates 51 Years By A B

A. NDB CEO, Mrs L. C. Morapedi breaking ground. | B. NDB Board chairman, Mr L. V. Seitei with Bakwena Paramount Chief Kgosi Kgari handing over christmas gifts to children who attended th

National Bank Development (NDB) as one of Botswana’s iconic banks recently pledged a house, festive season food and clothing baskets to the Keloilwe family and thirty (30) other children from needy families of Magokotswane Ward in Molepolole Village. The Keloilwe family was also present at the ground breaking ceremony of their future home. NDB brought groceries and clothes for the family and they accepted them with open arms and expressed their gratitude towards the organisation’s good deeds.

The biggest donation that NDB donated on the day was a two bedroomed house with sitting room, kitchenette, bathroom and a separate toilet that the Bank gave to the Keloilwe family, an orphaned family which is being taken care of by the oldest sibling. The oldest sibling is only in her early 20s. NDB together with key stakeholders carried a ground breaking ceremony for the start of the construction of the house.

the Kweneng District Council the organisation managed to facilitate the allocation of a piece of land by Kweneng Landboard. NDB has invested an amount of P 135 000 to build the four roomed house and will also furnish it upon completion.

The NDB staff took some time off from the office to clear out the bushes and erected a fence at the plot to prepare for construction. Speaking during the ground breaking ceremony NDB CEO Lorato Morapedi stated that through the assistance of

and assist the government in the development of citizens, “I wish to remind and challenge other NDB is currently celebrating 51 years of existence in corporate to invest in the development of our promoting economic development and developing citizens as this leads to the social and economic the community it operates in. development of our country” said Morapedi.

Morapedi explained that the Bank found it fit to give back to the community stating that the community is the very basis on which the bank exists. “NDB would not exist if there were no communities to promote economic development” she said.

Furthermore, NDB with continue to played a major role in developing communities around the country, the bank is in the process of building a library for the youth and installing an irrigation system for an incubation horticulture project in Maun and She further said NDB is determined to partner Francistown respectively.

Giving To The Community

he event.





C. NDB Board members in attendance (from left to right), Mrs T. Phuthego, Mr J. Makwinja and Mr G. Molefe.| D. NDB CEO L. C. Morapedi addressing guests. | E. NDB staff, de-bushing the building site. | F. Children having fun on the jumping castle. F. Children who received gifts posing for a photo with NDB staff. | G. NDB staff and the public paying attention to proceedings.

GABORONE: Tel: (+267) 395 2801 Fax: (+267) 397 4446 | FRANCISTOWN: Tel: (+267) 241 6044 Fax: (+267) 241 6065 MAUN: Tel: (+267) 686 0316 Fax : (+267) 686 0645 | PALAPYE: Tel: (+267) 492 0552 Fax : (+267) 492 0551

First National Bank of Botswana As one of the biggest corporate givers in

donated a new Nissan Combi valued at

Botswana and a leader in Corporate Social

P370,000 to the Centre, thereby providing

Responsibility in the fnancial services sector,

access to safer and more reliable transport.

FNBB continues to live up to its brand credo of

Through the Staff Volunteer Programme, employees identify worthy community projects to

“How Can We Help You?”. FNBB engages in CSR activities in two ways:

support during the course of each fnancial year.

through its Staff Volunteer Programme as well as

These are assessed according to FNBB’s CSR

the FNB Foundation. In the 2013/2014 fnancial

guidelines. These initiatives must relate to the

year, the Bank contributed P3-million to the FNB

Bank’s core focus which is education; healthcare;

Foundation which the latter used for fnancial

skills development; vocational training; support

and non-fnancial support to disadvantaged

for disadvantaged and handicapped people;

communities across Botswana, representing an

arts and culture development; and sports and

increase from P2,9-million in 2012/13.

recreation. Many of the community projects

Each business segment receives P50,000

that FNBB staff support involve infrastructure

a year to fund its work on such projects.

upgrades, such as the renovation of crèches,

Funds are distributed by the FNB Foundation

school classrooms or primary healthcare clinics.

which supports legitimate non-government

This is in line with the Bank’s policy of supporting


community initiatives, rather than individuals, in




organisations (NPOs) operating in those areas. FNBB insists on being proactive in its pursuit to deliver CSR interventions that beneft communities from their perspective. It reaches out on both a corporate and individual level to those communities within which it operates. A major highlight of FNB Foundation’s philanthropy in 2013/2014 was the renovation of Tawana Park in Gaborone, which will be renamed First Park. This facility was in a state of disrepair and, in response to Government’s call to the private sector to assist with improving recreational facilities, several of the Bank’s divisions collaborated on an upgrade programme. With volunteer programme's grants being insuffcient to cover the costs of the improvements required, FNB Foundation came to the rescue, donating a P2,7-million grant for a children’s playground, outdoor recreational areas for families, and a recreational centre with such facilities as internet access. It is expected that the project, which was started in 2013, will be fully completed by the end of the 2015 fnancial year. Since 2002, FNBB has been supporting the Kamogelo Day Care Centre in Mogoditshane. Established by the Roman Catholic Church in 1998, this Centre provides care for orphans and vulnerable pre-school children, whose circumstances are related to the incidence of

order to beneft as many people as possible. Under the purview of the FNBB Foundation, Lobatse Branch staff members painted the walls of Athlone hospital. They also refurbished and branded a bus shelter used by patients to reach the hospital. Molepolole Branch FNBB staff members refurbished the Dikgosana house at the Molepolole kgotla, restoring and painting the roof, cleaning and tiling the foors, painting the walls and extending the house to increase its capacity. On 22 May 2014, Maun Branch FNBB staff painted the walls of the paediatric ward at the Letsholathebe Memorial Hospital. The Finance Team collaborated with Bontleng Ward Development Committee in Gaborone to refurbish the White City Day Care Centre and develop a playground for children in the neighbourhood. The FNBB Foundation built a fully furnished café for Thapong Visual Arts Centre in Gaborone. The café, which was unveiled on 25 July 2014, will be used to generate income and contribute to the sustainability of the Centre. In the fourth quarter of the 2013/2014 year, staff at the Ghanzi branch embarked on a campaign to clean-up D’Kar village. The event was offciated by the Minister of Agriculture, the Honourable Christiaan de Graaf, who joined staff and the community in cleaning up the village. The FNBB Foundation donated 35 large refuse bins to encourage residents to continue keeping the village clean.

HIV/AIDS in Mogoditshane and surrounding areas. The Centre provides a safe and stigma-

First National Bank of Botswana Limited

free environment for children to develop and

Tel: +267 370 6000

fourish. In 2013/14, the FNB Foundation



BoFiNet Community Investment Initiatives The Botswana Fibre Networks Ltd. (BoFiNet) Objectives of BoFiNet’s CSI policy:

and people through a programme of carefully

individuals. During the review period, the

selected corporate sponsorships and corporate

company “adopted” three secondary schools

• To help with the development of Botswana’s

social investment (CSI) activities.

and an orphanage.

Projects selected by BoFiNet for support must

BoFiNet provides transportation to 30

comply with the company’s CSI policy and

orphans in Tlokweng, enabling them to get to

• To stimulate the use and appreciation of the

criteria including a requirement that the projects

and from school during term time, as well as

latest or relevant technology by youth across

make a positive contribution to the lives of the

to various activities during the school holidays.

the country.

people, the community or the country; and

BoFiNet also provides these young people with

should also be part of a long-term plan that is

additional school uniforms to supplement the


basic uniform supplied by government.

youth in different areas including work and play (sports and the arts).

• To create a legacy of knowledge, innovation, technical advancement and sustainability. • To promote BoFiNet’s reputation as an

Because BoFiNet’s mandate is aligned with

organisation that cares about the well-being

education, the company’s CSI focus is largely

orphanage, giving the children an opportunity to

of the people we share the environment with

directed at youth. There is also a particular focus

interact with adults from different backgrounds

as well as the country at large.

on women because, as an ICT organisation,

on an informal and caring basis. This interaction

BoFiNet shares a global concern about the

ranges from informal mentoring to taking

miniscule number of women in the ICT industry,

the children on outings over weekends, thus

particularly in technical roles.

affording them an opportunity to experience life

• To contribute to the national poverty eradication plan. • To promote BoFiNet values of customer centricity,




leadership and high-performance.

BoFiNet has therefore affliated with the International Telecommunication Union’s Girls in






away from the extreme poverty and even abuse that has largely shaped their lives.

ICT initiative – a global effort to raise awareness

BoFiNet has provided three senior secondary

Sponsorships and Corporate Social Investment

on empowering and encouraging girls and

boarding schools - in Selibe Phikwe, Mmadinare,

young women to consider studies and careers

and Bobonong - with broadband Internet

BoFiNet, as a good corporate citizen, gives

in ICT.

access. The internet is available for access

back to the communities it serves by engaging

BoFiNet is also involved in projects aimed at

by students and teachers at the libraries and

with and supporting underprivileged groups

making a difference to the lives of disadvantaged

administration blocks, as well as in the student


hostels. This will enable the children to become

international tournaments.

familiar with technology before they move on

BoFiNet partnered with Botswana Post and

to tertiary education; while teachers will fnd it

Cloud Seed to deliver WiFi connectivity at the

easier to prepare their lessons.

Second African Youth Games held in Gaborone.

Partnering with “Who are We”, BoFiNet has

The tournament, which attracted 5,500

also provided 30 tablet computers to each

participants from 51 African countries, was

school for use by the teachers as well as the

played out in 17 competition venues.

head boy and head girl at each school.

Together with Botswana Investment Trade

In addition, BoFiNet has employed and

Centre (BITC) and advertising agency Simon

deployed local ICT graduates to each of the

& Lawrence, BoFiNet is sponsoring a weekly

schools. These graduates provide support for

30-minute programme on CNBC Africa which

the infrastructure that has been installed in the

showcases Botswana to the world – and

schools; assisting the teachers in ICT-related

provides an opportunity for BoFiNet to raise

matters; and serving as role models to the pupils.

awareness of its capabilities and offerings.

Sponsorships and partnerships Because sport plays an important role in

Private Bag 00236

youth development, particularly in social and

Gaborone, Botswana

leadership skills, BoFiNet is sponsoring the

Plot 74769, Unit 3, Mowana Mews

Botswana Softball Association for a period of

Gaborone CBD

15 months in an effort to help restore softball to

Tel: +267 399 5500

its previous status as one of Botswana’s leading

Fax: +267 390 3414

sporting codes. The sponsorship is to assist

TOLL FREE: 0800601002

with coaching, infrastructure and equipment,


as well as to enable Botswana’s participation in


VIP Bin Cleaning At VIP Bin Cleaning, we have the ability and expertise to clean any bin and waste container, whatever the type, shape or size. This includes all types of domestic wheelie bins, commercial waste containers and the lesser known and normally larger industrial waste containers. Domestic Bin Cleaning

on the environment and is a key part of our

We will visit your home after your bins have

company culture. Our “Environment First” policy

been emptied and clean your domestic bins

affects everything from the cleaning products

once every 2-4 weeks. We use recycled water

and machinery we use, to how we dispose of

and only biodegradable cleaning products and

resources following our cleaning sessions.

deodorisers to thoroughly clean the bin, leaving it clean, dry and smelling fresh.

Franchise Enquiries At VIP Bin Cleaning, we currently have

Commercial and Industrial Waste Container Cleaning

opportunities available for both the experienced

Similarly, we will visit your property after

operation, and the fedgling entrepreneur, who

your waste containers have been emptied

is new to business but keen to own their own

and each container will be cleaned on an


business person, looking for a multi-unit

agreed work schedule. As with our domestic cleaning process, we use recycled water and

Contact us

only biodegradable cleaning products and

For further information on any of our services or

deodorisers to thoroughly clean the bin, leaving

to request a cleaning service, please contact us

it clean, dry and smelling fresh.

at our Head Offce address:

Environmental Practices As a company, we adhere to a strict “Environment

VIP Bin Cleaning (Botswana) PO Box 26382, Gaborone, Botswana

First” policy, which infuences every stage of the

Tel: +267 771 444 44

cleaning process to ensure minimum impact






We brand and build the image of the world’s most exciting economic regions to afect a change in the perception of a continent, a nation, a city and its people by the rest of the world.

Global Village Africa is Africa’s premier platform for showcasing and networking governments, leading companies and entrepreneurs in business, tourism and lifestyle. The ‘ Best of series ’ books crisply profile leading companies and innovators, as leaders within their genre. We celebrate the success of countries, individuals and companies with ‘the good news’ editorial and pictorial imagery in the highest quality print format available.


All books now available for download on your iPad with the new VIPedia app.

Over 4 million unique readers from 175 countries

Participators Index Architects International Articulate Image & Lifestyle Consultancy Auction IT Avrio BA ISAGO University College BAYGOC - Gaborone 2014 African Youth Games BenDan Photography Big Five Lodge Big Valley Game Lodge Botswana Accountancy College (BAC) Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board (BAMB) Botswana Ash (Botash) Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) Botswana Couriers & Logistics Botswana Fibre Networks Ltd (BOFINET) Botswana Housing Corporation (BHC) Botswana Innovation Hub (BIH) Botswana Investment & Trade Centre (BITC) Botswana Life Insurance Limited (BLIL) Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) Botswana Medical Aid Society (BOMaid) Botswana Railways Botswana Vision 2016 Bramer Life Insurance Brand Botswana Broadband Botswana Internet (BBI) & Wireless@home Brookhills Montessori School Camelot Spa Choppies Cigar Lounge Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA) ED LIGHTS Electrical Distributors Elegant & Exclusive Boutique Guest House Fairground Holdings Fairscape Precinct Fast+Furious International First National Bank of Botswana (FNBB) First Sun Alliance Insurance Brokers Gaborone United Sporting Club Global Village Partnerships H&G Advertising ICL Botswana Ihawu Logistics Imara Group Indaba Lodge InnoLead Consulting IT-IQ Botswana J. Haskins & Sons Jack’s GYM Health & Fitness Kamoso Consulting Khoemacau Copper Mining Lansmore Masa Square Liban Restaurant Liberty Life Botswana Magestic Delta Hotel Majestic Five Hotel and Convention Centre Mascom MG Properties National Development Bank (NDB) Old Mutual Short Term Insurance (Botswana) Ltd Planet Lodge PressPhoto Proudly African RedPepper PR & Communication Consultancy Regus Rhapsody's Restaurant Rosewell Chauffeurs Sefalana Holdings Company Simon & Lawrence Sky Lounge STANLIB Investment Management Services Statistics Botswana Ta Shebube Eco Lodge Tati River Lodge The Gift Palace Township Rollers Football Club Travelodge TRL Travel American Express Urban Soul Urban Space VIP Bin Cleaning Virtual Business Network Services (VBN) Wild Scenics African Nature Photography Wilderness Safaris ZAC Construction Zebranet


170 148 190 282 198 70 292 100 102 192 226 188, 240 63, 254, IBC 248 IFC, 62, 268, 302, OBC 164 52 58, 172 66, 224 232 144 246 12 220 1 272 202 146 136 130 210 158 118, 154 294 174 250 65, 205, 300 212 80 6, 306 278 260 252 178 112 64, 182 264 138 152 286 236 110 128 222 96 98 50, 266 168 208, 298 218 106 288 6, 18, 306 284 166 124 94 134 186 126 176 38 114 120 156 78 108 92 140 150 304 274 290 104 242 276

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