Club Use Policy--OODs Officers of the Day are volunteers that have been trained and are qualified to operate the club. They volunteer their time to staff the club during operating hours. Qualified OODs are also granted the privilege of opening the club outside of operating hours at their own discretion within the following guidelines: 1. The person who opens the club must remain in the club and act as OOD and bartender. You are not obligated to, but may allow any club members or members of reciprocating yacht clubs who happen to stop by. They do not, however, have to keep the club open as long as people want to stay. When the OOD says the club is closing, all those present must leave. 2. The OOD must enter all purchases on Keystroke, and clean the club and leave it in the same condition as they found it. If the galley or barbeque were used, dishes and surfaces must be cleaned before leaving. 3. If the OOD who opens the club wants to leave while others are still present, they must either call “last call� and ask everyone to leave OR turn over responsibility to another OOD who agrees to clean and close up properly. A note should be left in the drop safe as to who took over and at what time. 4. All normal OOD procedures for closing should be followed, including depositing money in the drop safe. Envelopes have been left in the cash register for this purpose. Obviously, the club must be locked and the alarm set. 5. If the OOD is opening the club for their own private group, the group must be 10 people or fewer. 6. Groups of more than 10 people are considered a club rental, not an OOD privilege. If an OOD wants to use the club for a group of more than 10 people, they must make a group rental reservation with the Vice Commodore as far in advance as possible. The member rental rules and rates will apply. 7. For groups of 25 people or more, OODs should not plan to act as their own OOD. Please arrange for a fellow OOD to attend and act as bartender. This allows for you to host your large group, while the other OOD handles the bartending. 8. All Alcohol & Beverage Control (ABC) and Club operating rules must be adhered to at all times, even outside of operating hours.