This painting was initially inspired by Marie Antoinette, by her style and self-expression within her work. When I was creating this oil painting, I wanted to make the girl on the canvas make you feel amazed by her femininity that might be perceived as weak and fragile, but as you look deep into her eyes, you can sense fearlessness and power to conquer the world. I painted the hair in a very royal style, the exquisite strokes express the power and confidence to be yourself. In modern society women try to be like men: strong, masculine, in order to be recognized and succeed. I am a feminist yet I believe that women should be represented through beauty and self-love and this is the key to success and power. My work is based on my project “Hair”, where I experimented with conventional objects, exploring the mediums to make the feminine modern girl by creating the 18th century hair and dress styles. I crafted the costume out of fabric and cardboard by glueing and painting them.