Celiac Disease _ Alexus Cumbie

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JCIB Celiac Disease

I n si d e t h e wor l d o f . .

February 18, 2013

Celiac Disease Introduction: What is Celiac Disease? This newsletter will include: 



Recipes for people dealing with Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a digestive disease and it makes it hard for people to digest foods that contain gluten. People with this disease can not eat rye,

Support Groups

gluten, barley, or without

What is Celiac Disease?

the symptoms of vomiting, constipation, or weight-loss. In some adults, it is not uncommon to experience fatigue, arthritis, seizures, or canker sores. It has been

showed to occur more in

later age, or have had his-

children that have been

tory of damage to the

breast fed longer then

small intestine. There are

usual, introduced to foods

many gluten-free foods

containing gluten at a

supplied now in grocery

Gluten Intolerance Celiac disease is also known as “glutenintolerance.” the numerous amounts of symptoms for this dis-

ease, it can be hard to diagnose. If you have any unusual changes with your body, you should report it to a

doctor. The only way for a celiac to avoid symptoms is a 100% gluten-free diet. .

JCI B Ce lia c D ise as e

Celiac Therapy Celiac disease is hereditary and is described as an auto-hereditary disease. GFD is an effective use of therapy for people with celiac disease. A celiac's diet may

liac disease. Oats are essential to a diet dealing with celiac disease however it takes a more in-depth process to manufacture the oats. A gluten-free diet is the

people dealing with celiac cannot endure, one could imagine how hindered a person with celiac with be. Beer, corn flakes, flavored coffee, most seasonings, brown

be low in fiber, zinc, iron, calcium, and vitamin B. Oats are proven to be favorable with patients dealing with ce-

most effective source of therapy for people dealing with celiac disease. As the chart on the next page shows foods that

flour, club wheat, glazed beans, and fried foods are common foods a person with celiac must avoid.

that have been breast

small intestine. If not

fed longer then usual, introduced to foods containing gluten at a later age, or have had history of damage to the

treated, celiac can lead to extreme damage of the villa. Damage to the villa makes it hard to digest certain nutrients.

Causes Celiac disease is hereditary and is described as an autohereditary disease. It has been showed to occur more in children

Symptoms 




Bone or Joint pains

Delayed Puberty





Mouth Sores

Stomach Aches


*Symptoms of Celiac differ depending on what allergies and person with celiac has and more.

P a ge 3

C el ia c Dise a se

“To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.�

For Gluten-free Recipes: http://GlutenFreeClub.com/Recipes www.LivingWithout.com http://allrecipes.com/recipes/healthy-recipes/special-diets/gluten-free/ http://www.abountifulharvest.com/sugar_free_cakes_cookies.asp http://DietNation.com

For support groups: Birmingham - Support Group Birmingham Celiac Disease Support Group (Alabama) Contact: Rebecca Kinney Email: birminghamceliac@hotmail.com

Understand that dealing with a child with celiac disease may be tough. Kids are naturally picky. Be patient. It only gets easier from here!

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