Down Syndrome
D o w n S y n d r o m e a d i s e a s e c a u s e d b y T r i s o m y 2 1 .
Down Syndrome Down syndrome is a very unique disorder. There are quite a few people with Down syndrome, but they cannot help they have Down syndrome. Down syndrome is caused by having an extra chromosome caused by Trisomy 21. The symptoms may include flat facial profile, upward slant to the eyes, and a short neck. Down syndrome cannot be treated really be treated unless surgery is done and if surgery is not done then people attend regular checkups and screenings.
S y m p t o m s Down syndrome people have many symptoms that many can be seen, but some may not be able to see. Most of the time Down syndrome is caused by a extra chromosome called Trisomy 21. The symptoms you can see are that they have a flat facial profile, upward slant to the eyes, and a short neck. Symptoms you may or may not be able to see is exaggerated space between the 1st and 2nd toe, poor muscle tone, joint looseness, and broad feet and short toes. Many have difficulty finding comfortable shoes or shoes to fit their feet. Shoes are often the hardest thing to find with people who have Down syndrome. The best shoes found for people to wear with down syndrome is New Balance
D o w n
S y n d r o m e
Written By: Faith Campbell
“I’ll give you a chance if you’ll give me one too!”