Autism And Asperger_Kierra Lyons

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Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome February 14, 2013

Kierra Lyons

Autism Spectrum Disease

There is no cure for Autism

Asperger’s syndrome is linked to Autism.

Autism is a complex disorder characterized by social impairments. It’s the most severe type of the Autistic Spectrum

Disorder. Males are four times more likely to have autism than females. Scientists aren’t sure what causes Au-

tism. There’s no cure for autism but they do have therapy for it.

Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s syndrome is a disease asso-

ciated with autism. It’s the highest functioning

level of autism. People with autism have social

Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s Syndrome continued...

“There is no

Autism continued...

cure for Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome.”

problems have restricted range in interests and perform in repetitive behaviors. People with

Currently there is no diagnosis for autism. However, there are

asperger’s usually have uncoordinated. Compared to other forms of autism, asperger’s syn-

specialized tests that evaluate it. Parents should get

drome is the least effective. Scientists estimate that 1 in 8 people will asperger’s . Children with asperger’s

their children tested from birth to at least 36 months.

How Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome is Related

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Asperger’s syndrome is a form of autism. The main problems are socially re-

lated. Social communication, social interaction, and social imagination. Most

people with asperger’s syndrome have a broad imagination and don’t

How Autism and Asperger’s Syndrom is Related Continued. .

Know how to share is with others. Autism is called the spectrum disease because it effects varying

parts of the mind except for. Asperger’s syndrome is the most “hidden disability..” Most people cant

Kierra Lyons

tell when they or others around them have it.

Asperger’s Syndrome continued..

People with asperger’s often have a hard time understanding

gestures, facial dont know expressions, what subjects and tones of to talk about. voice, such as sarcasm. They

Autism continued..

Autism is a lifelong disability. Some people with autism are able to live

their lives independently depending on how severe the disability is. People with

autism may become very sensitive to things such as light and sound.

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Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome is the most Organization

commonly diagnosed disability in America. KML

7th period

Kierra Lyons


For more information visit... 

http:// www.autis Aboutautism/ Autism-and -Aspergersyndromean-

introduction/Whatisautism.aspx 

http:// www.autis aboutautism/

autism-andaspergersyndromeanintroduction/what-is -aspergersyndrome.aspx

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