Volunteer projects in Mexico

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International workcamps in Mexico Contents Workcamps & MLTV Program 2013.................................................................................................................................. 2 The workcamp season principles of work......................................................................................................................... 3 OPTIONAL ACTIVITY FOR ALL VOLUNTEERS ...................................................................................................................... 7 WORKCAMPS .................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Workcamps Location ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Workcamps in Mexico..................................................................................................................................................... 10 Workcamps Summary List............................................................................................................................................... 10 SPANISH COURSE ............................................................................................................................................................ 10 WORKCAMPS – COMPLETE LIST - 1/4 ............................................................................................................................. 11 SPANISH COURSE ............................................................................................................................................................ 11 WORKCAMPS – COMPLETE LI ST - 2/4 ............................................................................................................................ 12 SPANISH COURSE ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 WORKCAMPS – COMPLETE LIST - 3/4 ............................................................................................................................. 12 SPANISH COURSE ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 WORKCAMPS – COMPLETE LIST - 4/4 ............................................................................................................................. 13 Descriptions of Workcamps ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Ha O Mek Ka.................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Itinerant Cinema Debate................................................................................................................................................. 17 Urban Permacultural Garden .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Pachamama..................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Mexican Culture Immersion............................................................................................................................................ 23 Igloo Kokolo .................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Angels of Love ................................................................................................................................................................. 28 Jaguar de Madera ........................................................................................................................................................... 29 Chulmeil .......................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Foro de Desarrollo Sustentable ...................................................................................................................................... 32 Summer Camp................................................................................................................................................................. 34 World Heritage: Churches in the Zoque Province, Chiapas ............................................................................................ 36 World Heritage Palenque................................................................................................................................................ 38 Sierra Morena ................................................................................................................................................................. 40 Kuxul Lum Permaculture ................................................................................................................................................. 42 Caimans, Crocodiles and Turtles ..................................................................................................................................... 43 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista ................................................................................................................................................ 45 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo ............................................................................................................................................... 47 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco ............................................................................................................................................ 49 Medium and Long Term Volunteer Projects ................................................................................................................... 51 Type of Activities ............................................................................................................................................................. 53 Participation Fees............................................................................................................................................................ 53 Mexican Culture Immersion Programme........................................................................................................................ 54 Food and Accommodation .............................................................................................................................................. 54 Recreational Activities .................................................................................................................................................... 55 List of MLTV Projects 2013-2014 .................................................................................................................................... 56 MLTV Projects Location................................................................................................................................................... 57 Parque Educativo San Jose.............................................................................................................................................. 57



Tzajala (Eco-community) ................................................................................................................................................. 59 Urban Permacultural Garden NEW PROJECT! ................................................................................................................ 61 Our organization – Volunteer Coordination (Administrative support)........................................................................... 63 Our organization– Communication and Promotion (Administrative support) ............................................................... 65 Tsomanotik 1 (Agriculture and Animal Care) .................................................................................................................. 67 Tsomanotik 2 (Graphic Design) ....................................................................................................................................... 69 Tsomanotik 3 (Eco-Technology) ...................................................................................................................................... 70 Tsomanotik 4 (Education and Work with Children) ........................................................................................................ 72 Alianza Civica................................................................................................................................................................... 74 Jaguar de Madera (Sustainable building)........................................................................................................................ 75 Chantiik (Homeless youth training and education) ........................................................................................................ 77 Maderas del Pueblo (Eco-technological training for indigenous communities) ............................................................. 78 Angeles de Amor (Work with disabled persons) ............................................................................................................ 80 Voces Mesoamericanas (Mesoamerican Voices – Migrant Issues) ................................................................................ 81 CHULMEIL (Childcare and Education) ............................................................................................................................. 83 Languages & Cultures Teaching ...................................................................................................................................... 84 Leading Project Our organization ................................................................................................................................... 86 Itinerant Cinema Debate................................................................................................................................................. 87

Workcamps & MLTV Program 2013 ¡Bienvenidos a Chiapas! We are extremely glad to present you this 2013 Workcamp and MLTV program in the land of the Mayas. After six great years, our organization keeps growing and making stronger connections in Chiapas. We are implementing andimproving many programs in order to further sustainable development, support philanthropic organizations, and promote beneficial international exchange and friendships through voluntarism. This year, we have the honor to present 95 workcamps and 18 MLTV positions to the international NGO community involved with international cooperation, local development and International Voluntary Service. We started the year with many new members on our staff. We are very happy to join efforts, strengths, and enthusiasm with them in the gratifying work we do. We are convinced that thinking of people first, focusing on quality instead of quantity, and basing our actions on values like mutual respect, solidarity, professionalism, constructive communication, and peaceful relations are the key to success. Together, we can realize the changes to our lives and our relation to our environment that will lead to an equitable, plentiful, and peaceful world.

In 2013, we are presenting projects throughout Chiapas and Jalisco. Our projects were selected to ensure the best possible coordination with local hosts and partners in order to optimize the quality of accomplishments and the experiences of all participants. We are very proud that our years of experience receiving volunteers 3

have taught us so many lessons that we can apply now to provide all that is necessary and desirable to facilitate successful international workcamps. Since our beginnings, we have endeavored to be attentive to social, political, and cultural development in Chiapas, one of the most socially and economically disadvantaged regions of the Mexico. We understand that our destiny is bound to this complex and beautiful land. As well, an important goal of our organization is to be active in the entire national territory of Mexico, particularly in the areas where indigenous people are still a well represented part of the community. We look forward to expanding our focus to more areas where our service is needed, broadening our vision and the opportunities available to future volunteers. This year, as we work together with all the wonderful people and organizations in our international community, we are grateful to have the pleasure to share our home and our lives with you all.

The workcamp season principles of work Our organization will do its best to apply the CCIVS and Alliance Guidelines standard formats, procedures, and principles of work in its communication and project organization. We thank you in advance for helping us organize better projects by sending us your comments and those of your volunteers. Gender: All activities presented in this brochure are international projects. We try to reach a maximum cultural and gender balance in the composition of the groups, but you might find more than two volunteers from the same country on the same project. Age: All our projects are open to volunteers who are at least 18 years of age when the workcamp starts. We have no maximum limit and we encourage the participation of “grown-up� volunteers in order to increase the inter-generational dimension of our projects and exchanges. The first and last days of all projects are arrival and departure days. We will systematically host the volunteers

for two days (generally Saturday and Sunday) of on-arrival training in San Cristobal. Timetable: The basic timetable on our camps includes 30-35 working hours per week, generally from Monday to Friday. The needs of the project may require volunteers to work a few more hours (rarely less). 4

Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps. Being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here (especially before the workcamp begins) will greatly enrich your volunteers’ experience. There will always be at least one experienced English and Spanish speaking campleader per camp on call for the whole duration of the project. In most of the projects, daily timetables, tasks, free time,etc., will be decided by the group and the coordinator according to the needs of the project. In all , we expect to create a unified and strong team of volunteers, for the benefit of the team itself, the project, and the local community. Our organization will do its best to support the volunteers and to facilitate constructive and educational experiences. However, our projects are organized according to Mexican culture and based on local standards of living. Volunteers are expected to adapt to simple living conditions and local food. Volunteers will be required to show the highest level of respect for the local population and culture. When in insulated communities and working with children, all volunteers are encouraged to dress in a modest way. We recommend holding pre-departure training, which exposes volunteers to the following themes: cultural diversity and intercultural learning, culture shock, intercultural and constructive communication, conflict management and problem solving, voluntary service, and active participation. Volunteers should be prepared to reflect on their own experiences and be able to control their reactions during the entire project, taking into consideration the culture and different ways of living. We expect the sending organization to systematically provide the volunteers with our documentation (workcamp program, workcamp infosheet, and infopack) and to introduce international Voluntary Service fundamental principles.

Insurance: All the volunteers are required to individually apply for private insurance for the entire duration of the project, covering third party liability, health care, hospitalization and repatriation. Inclusion policy (A4A) 5

We are very open to host “volunteers with fewer opportunities” when suitable hosting and support conditions are met. Extra Fee: The only way for us to organize quality-based workcamps is by the direct contributions of the participants, to cover the expenses of their projects and the overall running costs of the organization. Each project has different participation fees, adapted to the real costs we have to cover for the project expenses and volunteer needs. Conscious of the burden it represents for your volunteers, we do our best to keep fees as low as possible and aim at self-financed projects at mid-term level. At the moment, we cannot count on any sufficient support generated by donations from local, regional or national institutions or ethical private funding. But we are working on it! Please clearly inform your volunteers about this fact before they leave for Mexico, including the reasons why we require their cooperation to keep organizing quality programs. All the extra fees are to be paid in Mexican pesos at the beginning of the project. Except in the case of exceptional events or cancellation on the part of our organization, the fee is not refundable. The extra fee covers: Transportation to/from the meeting point (in San Cristobal de Las Casas) and to/from the project site. Orientation meeting and cultural introduction on arrival (1 to 2 days in general). Accommodation and food during the project. Access to the material required for your project. On arrival, Midterm and Final evaluation meetings.

Administration expenses. Emergency number 24/24 – 7/7. English and Spanish speaking workcamp campleader and/or coordinator for the whole duration of the 6

workcamp. The extra fee does NOT cover: Travel (medical) and cancellation insurance, Visas and expenses related to the travel (transportation to/from the meeting point, airport taxes, etc.). Extra leisure activities outside the program. Changes in the project, once the placement has been confirmed (unless in very special cases). Alcoholic beverage of any kind. TRANSPORTATION For travel to Mexico it is recommended that volunteers search and compare prices of flights on their own or with the help of volunteer organizations or travel agents. Note that prices vary by season and airline. Arriving by Air: Arrival Airport : Mexico City (MEX, Internacional Benito Juarez) International flights arrive in Mexico City. From there it is possible to take a bus to San Cristobal de las Casas. The bus trip is approximately 14 hours but is less expensive than connecting by air. http://www.ticketbus.com.mx/wtbkd/index.jsp Arrival Airport : Tuxtla Gutierrez (TGZ) The nearest airport to San Cristobal is Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. Connecting flights are available from Mexico City. From Tuxtla it is is possible to take a taxi or a much cheaper collective transport (colectivo) to San Cristobal de las Casas. Colectivos depart from the airport at 9:00, 13:00, 16:00, and 20:30 and arrive in San Cristobal del las Casas approximately 50 minutes later. If you arrive too late, please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a private taxi pickup service. Or to take a taxi at the airport to reach San Cristobal. It costs approximately $600 pesos (35 euro) and you can share it with other passengers who are in the same situation.

Arriving by Bus: The arrival station is OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Taxis are available from the station and will take you to the organization office for about $25 pesos. From the station volunteers can also walk about 16 blocks to the 7

organization office. It’s a scenic stroll passing the central plaza (where a tourism office offers city maps), the main cathedral, continuing along a pedestrian avenue to the Santo Domingo church and craft market, and finally arriving at the office (1.5 blocks East of Santo Domingo along Real de Mexicanos). Printing a map of San Cristobal de las Casas before arriving is recommended. SECURITY Security conditions in Mexico are at some times and in some places dangerous. However, media sources have exaggerated the dangers in most cases. The vast majority of the isolated events of violence that have been publicized of late have taken place near the border with the U.S., far from Chiapas. The areas in and around San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, where volunteer projects are located, are safe. Due to its popularity with travelers, the government of Chiapas ensures a secure and hospitable environment. Nonetheless, as with any travel experience, volunteers should always be aware of their surroundings, not wander alone at night, be careful trusting casual acquaintances, not drink to excess or use drugs, and always ensure the safety of their valuables. Volunteers are asked to inform our organization of their travel plans, including destination and date/time of return. They should consult our organization staff as to recommended destinations, routes and modes of travel, and other details. It is very important during their stay, that volunteers keep us informed of their whereabouts whenever possible. This being said, volunteers have a great deal of independence and are trusted to use common sense and caution at all times.



VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATIONFOR ALL THE VOLUNTEERS ACCEPTED IN OURPROJECTS Our organization offers an Intensive Spanish Program for Volunteers (or also a Mayan language Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the 8

Mayan living culture). Classes will not only to improve your Spanish, but also provide you with a greater cultural understanding.

































01 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 16/03/13 22/03/13 Language 02 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 06/04/13 12/04/13 Language 03 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 13/04/13 19/04/13 Language 04 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 27/04/13 03/05/13 Language 05 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 18/05/13 24/05/13 Language 06 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 01/06/13 07/06/13 Language 07 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 08/06/13 14/06/13 Language 08 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 22/06/13 28/06/13 Language 09 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 29/06/13 05/07/13 Language 10 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 06/07/13 12/07/13 Language 11 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 13/07/13 19/07/13 Language 12 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 20/07/13 26/07/13 Language 13 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 03/08/13 09/08/13 Language 14 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 10/08/13 16/08/13 Language 15 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 31/08/13 06/09/13 Language 16 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 21/09/13 27/09/13 Language













17 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 03/10/13 09/10/13 Language 18 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 12/10/13 18/10/13 Language 19 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 02/11/13 08/11/13 Language 20 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 23/11/13 29/11/13 Language 21 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 03/12/13 09/12/13 Language 22 Spani sh Course San Cri s tobal 12/12/13 18/12/13 Language

Language course can be designed for those who have little or no Spanish or for those who have a pre-intermediate or intermediate level and would like to understand more in-depth Mexican culture and improve their fluency. Classes are taught in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere with an emphasis on communication to help you feel more confident and truly enjoy your workcamp. The course takes place a week before your workcamp starts at La Casa en el Arbol Language School, in the city centre of San Cristobal de las Casas. The course runs over 8 days and 7 nights and includes 3 hours daily of intensive theoretical and practical Spanish with professional teachers alongside activities of cultural immersion to fully enjoy Mexican culture. It also includes a guided visit of San Cristobal de las Casas, workshops and several cultural activities together with other students. After participating, the volunteer must travel to his/her project meeting point (only if you join Igloo Kokolo workcamp in the State of Jalisco) ACCOMODATION: Lodging at a local youth hostel downtown. TIP: do not carry heavy dictionaries. You can buy one here! SPANISH PROGRAM FOR VOLUNTEERS : 160 Euro ( 2,700 pesos) This cost includes: 

3 hours daily – 5 days a week - of intensive

theoretical and practical Spanish with

professional teachers.

Organic full Breakfast and coffee break

Hosting in a local hostel for 8 days and 7 nights with all facilities at your disposal.


Scholastic material

Tours, museum visits and workshops according to the weekly program


Workcamps Location Workcamps in Mexico Our organization Voluntariado Internacional A.C. Calle Real de Mexicanos, 10 ,Barrio de Mexicanos-, 9240 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Workcamps Summary List NAME Camps TYPE LOCATION REGION AGE VOLS FEE Educative Park San Jose 1 & 2 2 ENVI/CONS Zinacantán Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Ha O Mek Ka 1 to 6 6 AGRI/MANU Tzajala Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Itinerant Cinema Debate 1 to 3 3 CULT/SOCI/KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Urban Permacultural Garden 1 to 14 14 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Pachamama 1 to 5 5 ENVI/RENO/AGRI Tzimol Chiapas 18+ 12 195 € Mexican Culture Immersion 1 to 14 14 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285 € Igloo Kokolo 1 to 3 3 MANU/ENVI Chapala Jalisco 18+ 12 170 € Angels of Love 1 to 3 3 DISA/AGRI San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Jaguar de Madera 2 to 5 4 MANU/CONS/ENVI San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 195 € Chulmeil 1 & 2 2 KIDS/SOCI San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Foro de Desarrollo Sustentable 1 AGRI/MANU/SOCI Ocosingo Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Summer Camp I to IV 4 KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 3 NO FEE Summer Camp V to VIII 4 KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € World Heritage Chapultenango 1 HERIT/CULT/ENVI Chapultenango Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € World Heritage Copainala 1 HERIT/CULT/ENVI Copainala Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € World Heritage Tapalapa 1 HERIT/CULT/ENVI Tapalapa Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € World Heritage Palenque 1 HERIT/CULT/ENVI Palenque Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Sierra Morena 1 & 2 2 ENVI/CONS Villa Corzo Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Kuxul Lum Permaculture 1 & 2 2 MANU/CONS/ENVI Teopisca Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Caimans,Crocodiles and Turtles 1 to 6 6 ENVI Puerto Arista Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 1 to 6 6 ENVI Purto Arista Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 1 to 6 6 ENVI Boca del Cielo Chiapas 18+ 12 170 € Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 1 to 6 6 ENVI Barra Zacapulco Chiapas 18+ 12 170 €

SPANISH COURSE START END CODE NAME TYPE LOCATION REGION AGE VOLS FEE START END 23/03/13 06/04/13 NAT13-01 Educative Park San Jose 1 ENVI/CONS Zinacantán Chiapas 18+ 12 170 16/03/13 22/03/13 23/03/13 06/04/13 NAT13-02 Ha O Mek Ka 1 AGRI/MANU Tzajala Chiapas 18+ 12 170 16/03/13 22/03/13 23/03/13 06/04/13 NAT13-03 Itinerant Cinema Debate 1 CULT/SOCI/KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 16/03/13 22/03/13 23/03/13 06/04/13 NAT13-04 Urban Permacultural Garden 1 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 16/03/13 22/03/13 25/03/13 06/04/13 NAT13-05 Pachamama 1 ENVI/RENO/AGRI Tzimol Chiapas 18+ 12 195 16/03/13 22/03/13 23/03/13 06/04/13 NAT13-06 Mexican Culture Immersion 1 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285 04/04/13 16/04/13 NAT13-07 Igloo Kokolo 1 MANU/ENVI Chapala Jalisco 18+ 12 170 13/04/13 27/04/13 NAT13-08 Angels of Love 1 DISA/AGRI San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 06/04/13 12/04/13 13/04/13 27/04/13 NAT13-09 Urban Permacultural Garden 2 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 06/04/13 12/04/13 13/04/13 27/04/13 NAT13-10 Mexican Culture Immersion 2 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285

22/04/13 04/05/13 NAT13-11 Pachamama 2 ENVI/RENO/AGRI Tzimol Chiapas 18+ 12 195 13/04/13 19/04/13 04/05/13 18/05/13 NAT13-12 Jaguar de Madera 2 MANU/CONS/ENVI San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 195 27/04/13 03/05/13 04/05/13 18/05/13 NAT13-13 Urban Permacultural Garden 3 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 27/04/13 03/05/13 04/05/13 18/05/13 NAT13-14 Mexican Culture Immersion 3 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285 25/05/13 08/06/13 NAT13-15 Jaguar de Madera 3 MANU/CONS/ENVI San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 195 18/05/13 24/05/13 25/05/13 08/06/13 NAT13-16 Urban Permacultural Garden 4 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 18/05/13 24/05/13 25/05/13 08/06/13 NAT13-17 Mexican Culture Immersion 4 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285 08/06/13 22/06/13 NAT13-18 Itinerant Cinema Debate 2 CULT/SOCI/KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 01/06/13 07/06/13 08/06/13 22/06/13 NAT13-19 Ha O Mek Ka 2 AGRI/MANU San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 01/06/13 07/06/13 08/06/13 22/06/13 NAT13-20 Chulmeil 1 KIDS/SOCI San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 01/06/13 07/06/13 08/06/13 22/06/13 NAT13-21 Foro de Desarrollo Sustentable AGRI/MANU/SOCI Ocosingo Chiapas 18+ 12 170 01/06/13 07/06/13







16/06/13 30/06/13 NAT13-22 Pachamama 3 ENVI/RENO/AGRI Tzimol Chiapas 18+ 12 195 08/06/13 14/06/13 15/06/13 29/06/13 NAT13-23 Angels of Love 2 DISA/AGRI San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 08/06/13 14/06/13 15/06/13 29/06/13 NAT13-24 Urban Permacultural Garden 5 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 08/06/13 14/06/13

15/06/13 29/06/13 NAT13-25 Mexican Culture Immersion 5 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285 15/06/13 29/06/13 NAT13-26 Educative Park San Jose 2 ENVI/CONS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 08/06/13 14/06/13 29/06/13 13/07/13 NAT13-27 Summer Camp I KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 3 NO FEE 22/06/13 28/06/13 29/06/13 13/07/13 NAT13-28 Summer Camp II KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 3 NO FEE 22/06/13 28/06/13 29/06/13 13/07/13 NAT13-29 Summer Camp III KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 3 NO FEE 22/06/13 28/06/13 29/06/13 13/07/13 NAT13-30 Summer Camp IV KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 3 NO FEE 22/06/13 28/06/13 29/06/13 13/07/13 NAT13-31 World Heritage Chapultenango HERIT/CULT/ENVI Chapultenango Chiapas 18+ 12 170 22/06/13 28/06/13

29/06/13 13/07/13 NAT13-32 Sierra Morena 1 ENVI/CONS Villa Corzo Chiapas 18+ 12 170 22/06/13 28/06/13 29/06/13 13/07/13 NAT13-33 Kuxul Lum Permaculture 1 MANU/CONS/ENVI Teopisca Chiapas 18+ 12 170 22/06/13 28/06/13

29/06/13 13/07/13 NAT13-34 Jaguar Madera 4 CONS/CUL/ENVI San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 195 22/06/13 28/06/13 03/07/13 16/07/13 NAT13-35 Igloo Kokolo 2 MANU/ENVI Chapala Jalisco 18+ 12 170 06/07/13 20/07/13 NAT13-36 World Heritage Copainala HERIT/CULT/ENVI Copainala Chiapas 18+ 12 170 29/06/13 05/07/13

06/07/13 20/07/13 NAT13-37 Urban Permacultural Garden 6 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 29/06/13 05/07/13

06/07/13 20/07/13 NAT13-38 Mexican Culture Immersion 6 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285 06/07/13 20/07/13 NAT13-39 Chulmeil 2 KIDS/SOCI San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 29/06/13 05/07/13 13/07/13 21/07/13 NAT13-40 Summer Camp V KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 06/07/13 12/07/13 13/07/13 21/07/13 NAT13-41 Summer Camp VI KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 06/07/13 12/07/13 13/07/13 21/07/13 NAT13-42 Summer Camp VII KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 06/07/13 12/07/13 13/07/13 21/07/13 NAT13-43 Summer Camp VIII KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 06/07/13 12/07/13 21/07/13 04/08/13 NAT13-44 Pachamama 4 ENVI/RENO/AGRI Tzimol Chiapas 18+ 12 195 13/07/13 19/07/13


20/07/13 03/08/13 NAT13-45 Urban Permacultural Garden 7 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 13/07/13 19/07/13

20/07/13 03/08/13 NAT13-46 Mexican Culture Immersion 7 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285




20/07/13 03/08/13 NAT13-47 Angels of Love 3 DISA/AGRI San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 13/07/13 19/07/13 20/07/13 03/08/13 NAT13-48 World Heritage Tapalapa HERIT/CULT/ENVI Tapalapa Chiapas 18+ 12 170 13/07/13 19/07/13 20/07/13 03/08/13 NAT13-49 Ha O Mek Ka 3 AGRI/MANU Tzajala Chiapas 18+ 12 170 13/07/13 19/07/13 27/07/13 10/08/13 NAT13-50 World Heritage Palenque HERIT/CULT/ENVI Palenque Chiapas 18+ 12 170 20/07/13 26/07/13 27/07/13 10/08/13 NAT13-51 urban Permacultural Garden 8 CONS/CUL/ENVI San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 20/07/13 26/07/13

27/07/13 10/08/13 NAT13-52 Mexican Culture Immersion 8 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285 20/07/13 26/07/13 27/07/13 10/08/13 NAT13-53 Kuxul Lum Permaculture 2 MANU/CONS/ENVI Teopisca Chiapas 18+ 12 170 20/07/13 26/07/13 11/08/13 23/08/13 NAT13-54 Pachamama 5 ENVI/RENO/AGRI Tzimol Chiapas 18+ 12 195 03/08/13 09/08/13 10/08/13 24/08/13 NAT13-55 Itinerant Cinema Debate 3 CULT/SOCI/KIDS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 03/08/13 09/08/13 10/08/13 24/08/13 NAT13-56 Ha O Mek Ka 4 AGRI/MANU Tzajala Chiapas 18+ 12 170 03/08/13 09/08/13 10/08/13 24/08/13 NAT13-57 Jaguar Madera 5 MANU/CONS/ENVI San Cristobal Chiapas 18 12 195 10/08/13 24/08/13 NAT13-58 Sierra Morena 2 ENVI/CONS Villa Corzo Chiapas 18+ 12 170 03/08/13 09/08/13 17/08/13 31/08/13 NAT13-59 Caimans,Crocodiles and Turtles 1 ENVI Puerto Arista Chiapas 18+ 12 170 10/08/13 16/08/13 15/08/13 28/08/13 NAT13-60 Igloo Kokolo 3 MANU/ENVI Chapala Jalisco 18+ 12 170 17/08/13 31/08/13 NAT13-61 Urban Permacultural Garden 9 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 10/08/13 16/08/13 17/08/13 31/08/13 NAT13-62 Mexican Culture Immersion 9 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285 17/08/13 31/08/13 NAT13-63 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 1 ENVI Purto Arista Chiapas 18+ 12 170 10/08/13 16/08/13 17/08/13 31/08/13 NAT13-64 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 1 ENVI Boca del Cielo Chiapas 18+ 12 170 10/08/13 16/08/13 17/08/13 31/08/13 NAT13-65 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 1 ENVI Barra Zacapulco Chiapas 18+ 12 170 10/08/13 16/08/13 07/09/13 21/09/13 NAT13-66 Urban Permacultural Garden 10 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 31/08/13 06/09/13

07/09/13 21/09/13 NAT13-67 Mexican Culture Immersion 10 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285 07/09/13 21/09/13 NAT13-68 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 2 ENVI Puerto Arista Chiapas 18+ 12 170 31/08/13 06/09/13 07/09/13 21/09/13 NAT13-69 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 2 ENVI Boca del Cielo Chiapas 18+ 12 170 31/08/13 06/09/13 07/09/13 21/09/13 NAT13-70 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 2 ENVI Barra Zacapulco Chiapas 18+ 12 170 31/08/13 06/09/13


SPANISH COURSE START END CODE NAME TYPE LOCATION REGION AGE VOLS FEE START END 07/09/13 21/09/13 NAT13-71 Caimans,Crocodiles and Turtles 2 ENVI Puerto Arista Chiapas 18+ 12 170 21/09/13 27/09/13 28/09/13 12/10/13 NAT13-72 Urban Permacultural Garden 11 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 21/09/13 27/09/13 28/09/13 12/10/13 NAT13-73 Mexican Culture Immersion 11 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285 28/09/13 12/10/13 NAT13-74 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 3 ENVI Puerto Arista Chiapas 18+ 12 170 21/09/13 27/09/13 28/09/13 12/10/13 NAT13-75 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 3 ENVI Boca del Cielo Chiapas 18+ 12 210 21/09/13 27/09/13 28/09/13 12/10/13 NAT13-76 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 3 ENVI Barra Zacapulco Chiapas 18+ 12 170 21/09/13 27/09/13 19/10/13 02/11/13 NAT13-77 Caimans,Crocodiles and Turtles 3 ENVI Puerto Arista Chiapas 18+ 12 170 12/10/13 14/12/04 19/10/13 02/11/13 NAT13-78 Mexican Culture Immersion 12 lANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18 12 285 19/10/13 02/11/13 NAT13-79 Urban Permacultural Garden 12 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 12/10/13 18/10/13 19/10/13 02/11/13 NAT13-80 Ha O Mek Ka 5 ENVI/CONS Tzajala Chiapas 18+ 12 170 12/10/13 18/10/13 19/10/13 02/11/13 NAT13-81 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 4 ENVI Puerto Arista Chiapas 18+ 12 170 12/10/13 18/10/13 19/10/13 02/11/13 NAT13-82 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 4 ENVI Boca del Cielo Chiapas 18+ 12 170 12/10/13 18/10/13 19/10/13 02/11/13 NAT13-83 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 4 ENVI Barra Zacapulco Chiapas 18+ 12 170 12/10/13 18/10/13 09/11/13 23/11/13 NAT13-84 Urban Permacultural Garden 13 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 02/11/13 08/11/13 09/11/13 23/11/13 NAT13-85 Mexican Culture Immersion 13 LANG/CULT San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 285 09/11/13 23/11/13 NAT13-86 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 5 ENVI Puerto Arista Chiapas 18+ 12 170 02/11/13 08/11/13 09/11/13 23/11/13 NAT13-87 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 5 ENVI Boca del Cielo Chiapas 18+ 12 170 02/11/13 08/11/13 09/11/13 23/11/13 NAT13-88 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 5 ENVI Barra Zacapulco Chiapas 18+ 12 170 02/11/13 08/11/13 30/11/13 14/12/13 NAT13-89 Caimans,Crocodiles and Turtles 4 ENVI Puerto Arista Chiapas 18+ 12 170 23/11/13 29/11/13 30/11/13 14/12/13 NAT13-90 Urban Permacultural Garden 14 AGRI/KIDS/WS San Cristobal Chiapas 18+ 12 170 23/11/13 29/11/13 30/11/13 14/12/13 NAT13-91 Ha O Mek Ka 6 ENVI/CONS Tzajala Chiapas 18+ 12 170 23/11/13 29/11/13 30/11/13 14/12/13 NAT13-92 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 6 ENVI Puerto Arista Chiapas 18+ 12 170 23/11/13 29/11/13 30/11/13 14/12/13 NAT13-93 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 6 ENVI Boca del Cielo Chiapas 18+ 12 170 23/11/13 20/12/13 30/11/13 14/12/13 NAT13-94 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 6 ENVI Barra Zacapulco Chiapas 18+ 12 170 23/11/13 20/12/13 30/11/13 14/12/13 NAT13-95 Mexican Culture Immersion 14 LANG/CULT san Cristobal Chiapas 18 12 285





Descriptions of Workcamps

Educative Park San Jose CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-01 Educative Park San Jose 1 Zinacantan 23/03/13 - 06/04/13 ENVI/RENO 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-26 Educative Park San Jose 2 Zinacantan 15/06/13 - 29/06/13 ENVI/RENO 18+ 12 € 170 Project: The San Jose Educative Park is a zoological park and conservation organization located in the village of Zinancantan, near San Cristobal de las Casas. The park is part of the Institute of Environment and Natural History of the State of Chiapas. Its primary objective is the protection, preservation, and


exhibition of the native flora and fauna of Chiapas. It is also a research center where biologists work to study and conserve the biodiversity and natural resources of the region. The park occupies approximately 16 hectares, of which 2 hectares are in use. The administration seeks to reorganize, rehabilitate, and 14

expand the facilities and exhibits in harmony with sustainable and ecologic principles so as to offer an experience of responsible tourism to nature lovers, families, and student groups. Work: The work done by volunteers will depend on the needs of the park at the time of the workcamp. Proposed projects include the creation of demonstrative exhibits on the themes of water cycle, soil resources, ecosystems, etc. (from planning to the implementation of the design), a mural, and the development of environmental education materials and children's games. Volunteers will also assist with maintenance of the animal enclosures, feeding of animals, and improvement of cycling and hiking trails. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in shared rooms in a convivial youth hostel in San Cristobal de las Casas, located five minutes walking distance from the Our organization office and ten minutes from the historic city centre. They will have access to all basic facilities, including eco-kitchen and eco-bathrooms. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes (or send them to a laundry).Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: The park is located in the village of Zinacantan, 9 km from San Cristobal de las Casas. The State of Chiapas, is one of the regions with the most biodiversity in the world. It offers many sights and adventures such as waterfalls, white-water rivers, lagoons, mangroves, tropical jungles, canyons, ancient Mayan ruins, and magnificent Pacific coast beaches, all within a half-day’s travel. Guatemala is also a few hours away. Volunteers will have a wealth of opportunities to discover and experience this cultural richness. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while

here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the 15

Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Arrival: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Ha O Mek Ka CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-02 Ha O Mek Ka 1 Tzajala 23/03/13 - 06/04/13 AGRI/MANU 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-19 Ha O Mek Ka 2 Tzajala 8/06/13 - 22/06/13 AGRI/ MANU 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-49 Ha O Mek Ka 3 Tzajala 20/07/13 - 3/08/13 AGRI/ MANU 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-56 Ha O Mek Ka 4 Tzajala 10/08/13 - 24/08/13 AGRI/ MANU 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-80 Ha O Mek Ka 5 Tzajala 19/10/13 - 2/11/13 ENVI/RENO 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-91 Ha O Mek Ka 6 Tzajala 30/11/13 - 14/12/13 ENVI/RENO 18+ 12 € 170 Project: The center Ha O Mek Ka is a place to live in community, where everybody works together,sharing knowledge about different topics such as nutrition (preparing natural local food, mostly vegetarian), herbal medicine (gardening, tailoring dyes and ointments), vegetable planting, preparing compost, vermicompost, promoting the use of dry bath, fruit harvest for transformation, seed and plant conservation, domestic animal care (e.g. chickens, sheep), experimental beekeeping and fungi cultivation; all within an integral vision of environmental friendliness, harmonious integration with the local people, and developing local economy through the products of the Cotzalselch cooperative, with workshops and the cafe shop for sales. The collective works in the culture rescue sharing “temazcales” (prehispanic steam bath), favoring traditional dancing and consciousness with documentary films, etc. All the activities depend on the seasons, the weather and also local needs. In your free time, you can practice

manual and craft activities, swim in the river or walk to the waterfall. Work: Several construction projects will be the focus of the workcamp, including the continuation of a pathway, renovation and building of cabins, and the creation of raised beds for cultivation. As well, 16

volunteers will become involved with and learn about the activities of the farm such as harvest, processing, and preservation of organic produce, composting, lombriculture, jewelry making, use of medicinal plants, soap making, cooking, and other crafts. Volunteers may also make presentations in local rural schools. Accommodation: The Ha O Mek Ka center has wooden cabins. In accordance with the philosophy of the centre, volunteers will be using compost toilets.. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes. Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: Tzajala is located 1.5 hours from San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. Located in a sub-tropical valley and surrounded by lush vegetation with a clear-running river on site, Ha O Mek Ka is truly idyllic. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Itinerant Cinema Debate CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-03 Itinerant Cinema Debate 1 San Cristobal 23/03/13 - 6/04/13 CULT/SOCI/KIDS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-18 Itinerant Cinema Debate 2 San Cristobal 8/06/13 - 22/06/13 CULT/SOCI/KIDS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-55 Itinerant Cinema Debate 3 San Cristobal 10/08/13 - 24/08/13 CULT/SOCI/KIDS 18+ 12 € 170 Project: Our organization Voluntariado Internacional has organized a workcamp called CINE DEBATE ITINERANTE (Travelling Film Screening and Discussion). This workcamp will focus on the screening of films and/or documentaries and the facilitation of workshops with social themes. This project focuses on the exchange of experiences via dynamic activities, theatrical presentations, and creation of murals to effect workshops on topics such as recycling ethics, all this with the objective of letting volunteers and people in general to express themselves and use this activities to become awareness of reality in an alternative way. These workshops will be tailored to address different sectors of the population. Activities: Volunteers will be in charge of organizing screenings of films and documentaries followed by discussions, which will engage attendees in debate and reflection on specific themes. Volunteers will also facilitate workshops on the topic of recycling and present theatrical productions to different sectors of the population based on themes presented in screenings. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in shared rooms in a convivial youth hostel in San Cristobal de las Casas, located five minutes walking distance from the Our organization office and ten minutes from the historic city centre. They will have access to all basic facilities, including eco-kitchen and eco-bathrooms. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes (or send them to a laundry).Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: This project will be implemented in the beautiful city of San Cristobal de las Casas, located in the Mayan Highlands of the state of Chiapas in South-eastern Mexico. San Cristobal is a distinctly charming town that has maintained its colonial architecture and Mexican flavour, while welcoming a blend of indigenous, Mexican, and international bohemian cultures. As well, it is a strategic point of


departure to the surrounding region, which exhibits incredible biodiversity and natural areas that can be reached within a half day’s travel or less. Nearby points of interest include natural parks, lakes, Mayan archeological sites, coastal mangroves, waterfalls, canyons, and the beaches of the Pacific. 18

Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: Ynglish is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Urban Permacultural Garden CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-04 Urban Permacultural Garden 1 San Cristobal 23/03/13 - 06/04/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-09 Urban Permacultural Garden 2 San Cristobal 13/04/13 - 27/04/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-13 Urban Permacultural Garden 3 San Cristobal 4/05/13 - 18/05/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-16 Urban Permacultural Garden 4 San Cristobal 25/05/13 - 8/06/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-24 Urban Permacultural Garden 5 San Cristobal 15/06/13 - 29/06/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-37 Urban Permacultural Garden 6 San Cristobal 6/07/13 - 20/07/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-45 Urban Permacultural Garden 7 San Cristobal 20/07/13 - 3/08/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-51 Urban Permacultural Garden 8 San Cristobal 27/07/13 - 10/08/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-61 Urban Permacultural Garden 9 San Cristobal 17/08/13 - 31/08/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-66 Urban Permacultural Garden 1 0 San Cristobal 7/09/13 - 21/09/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-72 Urban Permacultural Garden 1 1 San Cristobal 28/09/13 - 12/10/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-79 Urban Permacultural Garden 12 San Cristobal 19/10/13 - 2/11/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-84 Urban Permacultural Garden 13 San Cristobal 9/11/13 - 23/11/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-90 Urban Permacultural Garden 14 San Cristobal 30/11/13 - 14/12/13 AGRI/KIDS/WS 18+ 12 € 170

Project: Our organization Permacultural Space is an area where volunteers put into practice principles of restoration, re-organization, and maintenance of a natural environment using, as much as possible, the elements that exist in on site, including wood, organic matter, traditional and worm composts, etc. 19

Furthermore, this space will become a demonstration site and meeting place for other volunteers and community members in reference to knowledge and training in the areas of urban agriculture, recycling and re-use, and sustainable culture and practices in San Cristobal de las Casas. Towards these goals, volunteers will work in four principle areas. Activities: RECYCLING . We are creating an urban garden and permaculture demonstration site by re-using diverse materials that are already on hand. By being attentive to both the available materials and the proposed works, we can investigate and utilize techniques that will implement a thoughtful and effective transformation of this space. RESPECT FOR THE LOCAL CULTURE. The traditional knowledge of the region, especially in the area of medicinal and agricultural plant species, will be consulted in the design of this space. In Chiapas there is plentiful and available knowledge on this topic, which is used to treat and feed many. As such, this project includes an investigation into agricultural and forestry practices in the region. This will entail excursions to different parts of Chiapas to meet and consult with local persons with experience in the identification, harvest, processing, and application of medicinal plants. Also, knowledge in the area of organic pest-control, systems of cultivation, seed production, and recycling of organic materials will be sought. DEMONSTRATION SPACE . We hope this space will serve as an educational meeting place for those interested in the richness of Chiapas in terms of biodiversity, ethnobotany, and culture. It is important that the natural resources of this region are considered not only in economical terms, but as invaluable cultural components that... are tangible in their use and estimation. As we look for

alternative and sustainable ways of living, we have found that their realization implies our careful attention, sharing of knowledge and resources, collaboration of efforts, and appropriate applications within contexts of culture and place. 20

PERMACULTURE . We will endeavor to create a space, which may act as a point of reference with regards to permaculture practices. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in shared rooms in a convivial youth hostel in San Cristobal de las Casas, located five minutes walking distance from the Our organization office and ten minutes from the historic city centre. They will have access to all basic facilities, including eco-kitchen and eco-bathrooms. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes (or send them to a laundry). Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: The beautiful city of San Cristobal de las Casas is the capital of the municipality of the same name in the Mexican state of Chiapas. Located in the Maya Highlands at an altitude of 2,100 meters, San Cristobal is a distinctly charming town that has maintained its colonial architecture and Mexican flavour, while welcoming many contemporary influences. This “pueblo magico” (magical town) has an engaging character that results from the meeting and blending of indigenous, Mexican, and international bohemian cultures. The surrounding region exhibits incredible biodiversity and natural areas can be reached from the city within a half day’s travel or less. Points of interest nearby include natural parks, lakes, Mayan archeological sites, coastal mangroves, waterfalls, canyons, and the beaches of the Pacific. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the

Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. 21

Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Pachamama CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-05 Pachamama 1 Tzimol 25/03/13 - 06/04/13 ENVI/RENO/AGRI 18+ 12 € 195 NAT13-11 Pachamama 2 Tzimol 22/04/13 - 4/05/13 ENVI/RENO/AGRI 18+ 12 € 195 NAT13-22 Pachamama 3 Tzimol 16/06/13 - 30/06/13 ENVI/RENO/AGRI 18+ 12 € 195 NAT13-44 Pachamama 4 Tzimol 21/07/13 - 4/08/13 ENVI/RENO/AGRI 18+ 12 € 195 NAT13-54 Pachamama 5 Tzimol 11/08/13 - 23/03/13 ENVI/RENO/AGRI 18+ 12 € 195 Project: Tsomanotik is an educative and demonstrative agro-ecologic center focused on sustainable development. Their activities are realized in two parts: Intercultural projects integrating youth of differing social strata 2. Solidarity projects with the interest of local community development. The center work allows participants to reflect on varied cultural and social conceptions in the hopes of motivating movements of solidarity on local and global scales. The vision of the association is to awaken a consciousness of solidarity in youth and instigate the discovery of the causes of poverty and injustice so that they may play a role in the creation of a more just and cooperative world. The agro-ecologic center seeks to promote sustainable development by demonstration of appropriate technologies and practices. There are composting toilets, gray water treatment systems, rain catchment cisterns, an organic garden, composting areas, apiculture (beekeeping), rabbits and chickens, mushroom cultivation, and corn cultivation and processing.

Work: During the first week, volunteers will receive training about sustainable development and community life through workshops, films, demonstrations, and other activities. They will also travel to visit nearby points of interest, including two “trapiches” (mills used for the extraction of sugarcane juice 22

and sugar production), an organic coffee plantation, the beautiful Montebello Lakes, and the spectacular Chiflon waterfall. The second week, volunteers will be involved in agro-ecological activities, such as agricultural work in the organic garden, composting, lombriculture, tending the rabbits and chickens, and work in the milpa. Accommodation: Volunteers stay at the Tsomanotik center in shared rooms (male and female separate). Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes (or send them to a laundry). Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: Tzimol, community located 10 minutes away from the city of ComitAn. The State of Chiapas, where Tzimol is located, is also one of the regions with the most biodiversity in the world. It offers many sights and adventures such as waterfalls, white-water rivers, lagoons, mangroves, tropical jungles, canyons, ancient Mayan ruins, and magnificent Pacific coast beaches, all within a half-day’s travel. Guatemala is also a few hours away. Volunteers will have a wealth of opportunities to discover and experience this cultural richness. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus

Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 3,400 Mexican pesos (195 euros aprox.) . It includes accommodation, food, 23

administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Mexican Culture Immersion CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-06 Mexican Culture Immersion 1 San Cristobal 23/03/13 - 06/04/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-10 Mexican Culture Immersion 2 San Cristobal 13/04/13 - 27/04/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-14 Mexican Culture Immersion 3 San Cristobal 4/05/13 - 18/05/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-17 Mexican Culture Immersion 4 San Cristobal 25/05/13 - 08/06/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-25 Mexican Culture Immersion 5 San Cristobal 15/06/13 - 29/06/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-38 Mexican Culture Immersion 6 San Cristobal 06/07/13 - 20/07/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-46 Mexican Culture Immersion 7 San Cristobal 20/07/13 - 03/08/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-52 Mexican Culture Immersion 8 San Cristobal 27/07/13 - 10/08/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-62 Mexican Culture Immersion 9 San Cristobal 17/08/13 - 31/08/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-67 Mexican Culture Immersion 10 San Cristobal 07/09/13 - 21/09/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-73 Mexican Culture Immersion 11 San Cristobal 28/09/13 - 12/10/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-78 Mexican Culture Immersion 12 San Cristobal 19/10/13 - 02/11/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-85 Mexican Culture Immersion 13 San Cristobal 09/11/13 - 23/11/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 NAT13-95 Mexican Culture Immersion 14 San Cristobal 30/11/13 - 14/12/13 LANG/CULT 18+ 12 € 285 Project: After many years of successful experience teaching Spanish and Mexican culture to volunteers and students, Our organization, together with La Casa en el Arbol Language School, have developed a comprehensive “Mexican Culture Immersion” program for volunteers. This program provides a great opportunity for volunteers to learn or improve their Spanish skills whilst engaging in a wide variety of activities, interacting with native people, visiting important sites, appreciating local flavours, and discovering the fascinating Mexican culture. The engaging dynamic, friendly atmosphere, and conversational approach to language learning make our classes enjoyable and effective. Our qualified and experienced teachers, many of whom are previous Our organization volunteers, are eager to teach participants about the local culture as well as the language.

A wide range of study materials are used in classes and are included in the cost of the program. Additionally, volunteers will be assigned a small amount of manageable homework every class. Our Spanish courses are tailored to students of all language levels, from absolute beginners to 24

advanced speakers. Teacher rotation is also important to us, as volunteers will become accustomed to speaking with people who have different accents, voices, pronunciation, vocabulary, and points of view, as may be encountered in the Spanish-speaking world. Cultural activities are an integral part of our teaching philosophy. We will give you a well-rounded education of both language and culture. Walking tours and visits to important sites and natural areas will be included in the program. Work: The Mexican Culture Immersion program in detail: 3 hours per day of group classes, Monday thru Friday. Cultural activities such as Cafe idiomas (informal language exchange), Mexican documentary screenings, and conferences held to gain an understanding of the cultural, political and socioeconomic diversity of Mexico. Mexican cooking classes and weaving classes taught by indigenous women, for whom the craft is an ancient tradition and a form of mastery, from the village of Zinacantan. Outdoor activities such as permaculture workshops, bird watching at the Huitepec cloud forest, hiking and biking to see the Mayan archaeological ruins of Moxviquil, etc. Guided visits to the Coffee Museum, Cacao Museum, Jade Museum, Traditional ChiapasMayan Costumes Museum, Na Bolom, Paper Workshop Museum and the Mayan Medicine Museum, etc. Guided tours of San Cristobal and the surrounding Mayan villages. Week-end excursions to Mayan archaeological sites and beautiful natural areas such as huge

waterfalls, emerald lagoons, the Lacandon jungle, and Pacific Ocean beaches, where, from August to November, participants may visit Our organization's workcamp sites to see hatching baby sea turtles. 25

After completing the course, you will receive a certificate from La Casa en el Arbol indicating the language level that you have achieved. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in shared rooms in a convivial youth hostel in San Cristobal de las Casas, located five minutes walking distance from the Our organization office and ten minutes from the historic city centre. They will have access to all basic facilities, including eco-kitchen and ecobathrooms. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes (or send them to a laundry). Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. This charming town is one of those places you can't miss while travelling through Mexico. Set in the pine-forested Jovel Valley at 2,200 meters, yet still at tropical latitudes, the weather is usually mild and pleasant. San Cristobal’s atmosphere is a mixture of both traditional Highland Mayan culture and cosmopolitanism within a colorful and lively colonial town. The combination of kaleidoscopic indigenous costumes and crafts, authentic Mexican flavour, and modern international bohemianism give the town a fresh and vibrant atmosphere. Bustling open-air markets, thriving pedestrian avenues, shops, boutiques, restaurants, bars, and nightclubs abound. The nightlife is excellent and there are many popular festivals throughout the year. San Cristobal is centrally located in the Mexican state of Chiapas, which is one of the most biodiverse regions in the world. It is a strategic point from which to explore waterfalls, white-water rivers, lagoons, mangroves, tropical jungles, deep canyons, ancient Mayan ruins, and magnificent Pacific coast

beaches, all within a half-day’s travel. Guatemala is also a few hours away. Volunteers will have a wealth of opportunities to discover and experience this natural and cultural richness. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to 26

contribute 4,900 Mexican pesos (285 euros aprox.) It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Igloo Kokolo CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-07 Igloo Kokolo 1 Chapala 4/04/13 - 16/04/13 MANU/ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-35 Igloo Kokolo 2 Chapala 03/07/13 - 16/07/13 MANU/ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-60 Igloo Kokolo 3 Chapala 15/08/13 - 28/08/13 MANU/ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 Project : Igloo Kokolo is a center of environmental diffusion center actually in development based in principles such as permaculture and bioconstruction, Situated in front of the biggest natural lake in Mexico "Chapala", it has an extension of 160 virgin hectares. This center pretends to experiment and to diffuse life alternatives to achieve a balanced coexistence among the environment and the beings living in it. Work: The volunteers will work in teams in three different projects. The first one is related to the construction of an igloo made with the alternative construction system known as earthbag or superadobe. This system consists in filling sacks with earth forming little circles. The igloo will be useful in the future for other volunteers. The volunteers will also help in the maintenance work of the place: repairing the mood walls, repairing the roofs made of leaf palm, maintenance of the vegetables as well as of our ways and paths. Finally, it is programmed to visit a school of the neighboring community where a talk about the importance of taking care of the environment and about the labour of Igloo Kokolo in the zone is

given to the children. Accommodation: Volunteers stay at the Igloo Kokolo center in shared igloos or tents (male and female separate). 27

Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes (or send them to a laundry). Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: Igloo Kokolo is situated in the south brook of Chapala Lake just next to the Little community called Mismaloya, in the state of Jalisco (1 hour, 20 minutes far from Guadalajara City and 10 minutes far from Tuxcueca). FREE TIME: After 5 days of work there are going to be 2 days of rest. During this time the volunteers will be visiting Mazamitla which is a magic village situated in the so called “Sierra del Tigre” where they stay for 2 nights in a cabin in the forest. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Please refer to the available dates. Terminal: The closest international airport: Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, Guadalajara Jalisco. Bus Terminal: Tuxcueca Jalisco. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Angels of Love


CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-08 Angels of Love 1 San Cristobal 13/04/13 - 27/04/13 DISA/AGRI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-23 Angels of Love 2 San Cristobal 15/06/13 - 29/06/13 DISA/AGRI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-47 Angels of Love 3 San Cristobal 20/07/13 - 03/08/13 DISA/AGRI 18+ 12 € 170 Project: The civil organization “Farm and Workshops for Persons with Different Capacities Angeles de Amor” was founded in 2005 with the aim of supporting youth and disabled persons. The activities carried out by the organization further the coexistence and integration of disabled adults into society, including training and development of capacities towards formal employment and other educational experiences to broaden their horizons. Amongst the group, activities regarding life occupational skills have been realized, including reading and writing, art education, physical education, song and dance, basic mathematics, environmental education, and other visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and socialization. There is a center and small farm where activities take place. Work: The activities held by volunteers on this camp are related to agriculture, precisely to preparing vegetable patch and building a chicken coop. Furthermore the volunteers will be providing cultural and educational activities with young people with disabilities and will take care of small remodeling of association facilities. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in shared rooms in a convivial youth hostel in San Cristobal de las Casas, located five minutes walking distance from the Our organization office and ten minutes from the historic city centre. They will have access to all basic facilities, including eco-kitchen and eco-bathrooms. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes (or send them to a laundry). Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: This project will be implemented in the beautiful city of San Cristobal de las Casas, located in the Mayan Highlands of the state of Chiapas in South-eastern Mexico. San Cristobal is a distinctly charming town that has maintained its colonial architecture and Mexican flavour, while welcoming a

blend of indigenous, Mexican, and international bohemian cultures. As well, it is a strategic point of departure to the surrounding region, which exhibits incredible biodiversity and natural areas that can be reached within a half day’s travel or less. Nearby points of interest include natural parks, lakes, Mayan 29

archeological sites, coastal mangroves, waterfalls, canyons, and the beaches of the Pacific. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Jaguar de Madera CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-12 Jaguar de Madera 2 San Cristobal 4/05/13 - 18/05/13 MANU/RENO/ENVI 18+ 12 € 195 NAT13-15 Jaguar de Madera 3 San Cristobal 25/05/13 - 08/06/13 MANU/RENO/ENVI 18+ 12 € 195 NAT13-34 Jaguar de Madera 4 San Cristobal 29/06/13 - 13/07/13 MANU/RENO/ENVI 18+ 12 € 195 NAT13-57 Jaguar de Madera 5 San Cristobal 10/08/13 - 24/08/13 MANU/RENO/ENVI 18+ 12 € 195 Project: Jaguar de Madera (Wooden Jaguar) is a demonstrative center for urban permaculture, bioconstruction, carpentry, and intercultural exchange. The vision and objective of the organization is sustainable self-sufficiency with a positive impact on the environment, interpersonal relations, and lifestyle.

Work: During the workcamp, volunteers will have the opportunity to learn and practice various techniques of bio-construction using recycled materials of low cost and local availability. Much of the work will be focused on projects that are in progress including the building of cabins, composting toilets, a 30

biodigester, organic garden, solar water heater, and demonstrative domes. Volunteers will also visit sites in San Cristobal de las Casas where permaculture practices and bio-construction are already in place or in process. Accommodation: Volunteers stay at the Jaguar de Madera center in shared rooms. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes (or send them to a laundry). Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: The beautiful city of San Cristobal de las Casas is the capital of the municipality of the same name in the Mexican state of Chiapas. Located in the Maya Highlands at an altitude of 2,100 meters, San Cristobal is a distinctly charming town that has maintained its colonial architecture and Mexican flavour, while welcoming many contemporary influences. This “pueblo magico” (magical town) has an engaging character that results from the meeting and blending of indigenous, Mexican, and international bohemian cultures. The surrounding region exhibits incredible biodiversity and natural areas can be reached from the city within a half day’s travel or less. Points of interest nearby include natural parks, lakes, Mayan archeological sites, coastal mangroves, waterfalls, canyons, and the beaches of the Pacific. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus

Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 3,400 Mexican pesos (195 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative 31

costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Chulmeil CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-20 Chulmeil 1 San Cristobal 8/06/13 - 22/06/13 KIDS/ SOCI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-39 Chulmeil 2 San Cristobal 06/07/13 - 20/07/13 KIDS/ SOCI 18+ 12 € 170 Project: SYJAC assist displaced and migrant indigenous population who lives in the northern periphery of San Cristobal de las Casas. It aims to foster solidarity within each community and between communities to improve people’s quality of life, as well as to promote, systematize and share our experiences in order to increase the knowledge and skills of groups and people, to procure more and better socialdevelopment processes. SYJAC current projects include the Ch’ulme’il Mother–Child Education Centre (Centro de Educacion Materno-infantil Ch’ulme’il), which has been operating for a few years. In Chulmeil we host 16 children, and accordingly offer services to 16 families of single mothers, most of whom are domestic workers. The mothers of the children we care for, also receive capacity building and workshops to help improve their healthcare and education, as well as strengthening their mothering skills. Work: Volunteers will assist with the activities of the center, including childcare for children ages 3 months to 12 years. They may facility educational and recreational activities with indigenous youth and also participate in renovations and renovation of the building. Accommodation: Volunteers stay at the Syjac center in shared rooms (male and female separate). Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes (or send them to a laundry). Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;)

Location: The beautiful city of San Cristobal de las Casas is the capital of the municipality of the same name in the Mexican state of Chiapas. Located in the Maya Highlands at an altitude of 2,100 meters, San Cristobal is a distinctly charming town that has maintained its colonial architecture and Mexican flavour, 32

while welcoming many contemporary influences. This “pueblo magico” (magical town) has an engaging character that results from the meeting and blending of indigenous, Mexican, and international bohemian cultures. The surrounding region exhibits incredible biodiversity and natural areas can be reached from the city within a half day’s travel or less. Points of interest nearby include natural parks, lakes, Mayan archeological sites, coastal mangroves, waterfalls, canyons, and the beaches of the Pacific. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Foro de Desarrollo Sustentable CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-21 Foro de Desarrollo Sustentable Ocosingo 8/06/13 - 22/06/13 AGRI/MANU/SOCI 18+ 12 € 170 Project : Foro de Desarrollo Sustentable is a civil society organization, working in Chiapas, implementing economical, environmental and social alternatives in order to improve indigenous farmers' life conditions.

The association is focusing on an agro-ecological farm (greenhouse, laying hens and sheep grazing and farming). Work : Within the association, volunteers will help in different projects : work in the greenhouse 33

tomatoes project, to learn more about the first cycle of production, irrigation systems, pruning plants, organic seeds, fertilizers, laying hens and sheep grazing and farming, control of diseases, crossing of species, bio-construction projects (ecological dry toilets, irrigation channels, rainwater collection systems, sewage water treatment, alternative tourism, etc.) Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in shared cabins and will have all the basic services. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes (or send them to a laundry). Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location : Ocosingo is located 1h30 away from San Cristobal de las Casas. The State of Chiapas, where Ocosingo is located, is also one of the regions with the most biodiversity in the world. It offers many sights and adventures such as waterfalls, white-water rivers, lagoons, mangroves, tropical jungles, canyons, ancient Mayan ruins, and magnificent Pacific coast beaches, all within a half-day’s travel. Guatemala is also a few hours away. Volunteers will have a wealth of opportunities to discover and experience this cultural richness. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus

Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative 34

costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Summer Camp CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-27 Summer Camp I San Cristobal 29/06/13 - 13/07/13 KIDS 18+ 3 NO FEE NAT13-28 Summer Camp II San Cristobal 29/06/13 - 13/07/13 KIDS 18+ 3 NO FEE NAT13-29 Summer Camp III San Cristobal 29/06/13 - 13/07/13 KIDS 18+ 3 NO FEE NAT13-30 Summer Camp IV San Cristobal 29/06/13 - 13/07/13 KIDS 18+ 3 NO FEE NAT13-40 Summer Camp V San Cristobal 13/07/13 - 21/07/13 KIDS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-41 Summer Camp VI San Cristobal 13/07/13 - 21/07/13 KIDS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-42 Summer Camp VII San Cristobal 13/07/13 - 21/07/13 KIDS 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-43 Summer Camp VIII San Cristobal 13/07/13 - 21/07/13 KIDS 18+ 12 € 170 Project: Foreword. San Cristobal de las Casas is located in the heart of the Chiapas highlands nestled in the Mayan valley of Jovel. It is considered one of the most beautiful colonial cities in Mexico. Nevertheless there are still a lot of social and economic problems and as we know and as always, children are the first victims. The local host is the “La Casa en el Arbol” language school, founded in 2005 by a group of international volunteers, which is eager to cooperate with Our organization to promote sustainable social and economic development. According to the philosophy of Robin Hood, “La Casa en el Arbol” uses the school's profits to organize social solidarity projects and give scholarships to local children from the streets during summer camps. During this project, the volunteers will coordinate environmental workshops, activities, and games for 24 children coming from various socio-economic backgrounds in two groups, aged 4 to 6 and 7 to 11. The objective of the project is to foster the love for nature in the children, raise local awareness, and to teach them the importance of daily actions for environmental protection.

Work: Volunteers will create a space for education and recreation, which will focus on environmental themes. Together with a professional educator, the volunteers will lead activities like games, handicrafts 35

workshops, planting trees, building vegetable gardens, dividing rubbish into “organic” and “inorganic”, producing organic fertilizers, cooking, singing songs, recycling workshops, and painting walls with ecological messages, etc. The goal of this camp is that the kids will learn, enjoy, and take away valuable skills and lessons to apply in their daily lives. The volunteers will function as teachers and coordinators during these activities and it is hoped they will share aspects their own cultures. As the main work will involve kids, the volunteers are required to speak an elementary level of Spanish in order to realize more effective work with children, although volunteers will have the possibility to improve their knowledge of Spanish here at “La Casa en el Arbol” Scholastic material donations are welcome! During the volunteer camp, several activities (museum tours, conferences, local food tasting, etc.) will be organized for the volunteers. A taste of the country after a good day of work!! Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in shared rooms in a convivial youth hostel in San Cristobal de las Casas, located five minutes walking distance from the our organization office and ten minutes from the historic city centre. They will have access to all basic facilities, including eco-kitchen and eco-bathrooms. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes (or send them to a laundry). Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. This charming town is one of those places you can't miss while travelling through Mexico. Set in the pine-forested Jovel Valley at 2,200 meters, yet still at tropical latitudes, the weather is usually mild and pleasant. San Cristobal’s atmosphere is a mixture of both traditional Highland Mayan culture and cosmopolitanism within a colorful and lively colonial town. The combination of kaleidoscopic indigenous costumes and crafts, authentic Mexican flavour, and modern

international bohemianism give the town a fresh and vibrant atmosphere. Bustling open-air markets, thriving pedestrian avenues, shops, boutiques, restaurants, bars, and nightclubs abound. The nightlife is excellent and there are many popular festivals throughout the year. 36

San Cristobal is centrally located in the Mexican state of Chiapas, which is one of the most biodiverse regions in the world. It is a strategic point from which to explore waterfalls, white-water rivers, lagoons, mangroves, tropical jungles, deep canyons, ancient Mayan ruins, and magnificent Pacific coast beaches, all within a half-day’s travel. Guatemala is also a few hours away. Volunteers will have a wealth of opportunities to discover and experience this natural and cultural richness. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

World Heritage: Churches in the Zoque Province, Chiapas CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-31 World Heritage Chapultenango Chapultenango 29/06/13 - 13/07/13 HERIT/CULT/ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-36 World Heritage Copainala Copainala 06/07/13 - 20/07/13 HERIT/CULT/ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-48 World Heritage Tapalapa Tapalapa 20/07/13 - 03/08/13 HERIT/CULT/ENVI 18+ 12 € 170

Project: This valuable historic complex includes eight XVI-century churches built under the guidance of Dominican friars, whose goal was to evangelise the Zoque people, a culture which was still very much alive, and was heir to one of the most 37

ancient cultures in Mesoamerica. The building project was originally of European design, but it soon acquired local features, and it is therefore one of a kind in Mexican Colonial art. The presence of these churches triggered the development of a school of gilded and painted sculpture. Since 2009, Our organization has been organizing Patrimonito -World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) workcamps in the Churches in the Zoque Province, in a joint effort to support its possible inscription to the official World Heritage List. Work: During the workcamp the international volunteers will work in basic restoration activities supervised by professionals of INAH. They will also organize intercultural workshops with local students – creating promotional and educational materials for informative campaigns– and design activities strictly related with site management and sustainable development which will involve the local population, as well as national, State and local agencies. The international volunteers will participate in the tasks of maintenance and preservation of the church, organizing “heritage focused” workshops for the kids and youth of the Zoque province, support cleaning of the main site, and organizing different WH raising awareness and environmental activities. Volunteers will also take classes of Zoque language, learn traditional pre-Hispanic and Mexican folk dances, learn how to play local musical instruments, and co-organize a Cultural Zoque Festival together with the local community. These actions will implement the preservation of the churches, which are an important gathering site for the Zoque descendant population, and key site for the rescue of the Zoque language. Volunteers and local youth will also create a video and a photographic diary – a visual memory - of the site, works and activities done during the workcamp. Volunteers will publish these in a website, creating

visibility also through social networks. Videos and pictures will be also broadcasted and published by local media, to raise awareness among the population of the State of Chiapas regarding World Heritage and the importance of preserving this significant site. This action will eventually support the development of the 38

cultural touristic potential of Chapultenango, Tapaplapa and CopainalA. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay at house owned by the community and will have all the basic services. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes. Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: Chapultenango, Copainala and Tapalapa are towns. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

World Heritage Palenque CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-50 World Heritage Palenque Palenque 27/07/13 - 10/08/13 HERIT/CULT/ENVI 18+ 12 â‚Ź 170

Project: This project will be the first WH workcamp to start in the only declared WH site in the State of Chiapas. It will definitely be a great start for the participants involved.

The expected results? 1) A World Heritage sensitivity and a first step from non-formal education, to the introduction of a formal education about heritage in public schools. 39

2) Preservation of this cultural site, which is an incomparable achievement of Mayan art, and a key site to understand the Mayan philosophy. 3) To raise awareness among the local population regarding world heritage and the importance their participation to preserving this site. 4) To raise awareness among the local population regarding world heritage and the importance their participation to preserving this site. We are confident that this project will leave significant landmarks to this unique experience of world heritage in a declared WH site to volunteers, together with future generations of inhabitants and visitors alike. We are confident that this project will leave significant landmarks to this unique experience of world heritage in a declared WH site to volunteers, together with future generations of inhabitants and visitors alike. Work: During the first days volunteers will be instructed on the INAH and UNESCO Toolkit and will be assisting to conferences and creating their “own� workshops. Our main activities will be conducting workshops for children and families within the archaeological site, besides of preservation and maintenance tasks carried out under the direction of INAH and with the support the local community. Volunteers will work in basic but effective maintenance activities supervised by professional staff of INAH. Volunteers will also organize intercultural workshops and activities strictly related with WH sites management and sustainable development which will involve the local population and tourists (national and international), informative campaigns, cleaning of the area and creation and emplacement of informative signs. Volunteers and local youth will also create a video and a photographic diary – a visual memory - of the site, works and activities done during the workcamp. Volunteers will publish these in a

website, creating visibility also through social networks. Videos and pictures will be also broadcasted and published by local media, to raise awareness among the population of the State of Chiapas regarding World Heritage and the importance of preserving this significant site. 40

Accommodation: Volunteers will stay at a house owned by the community and will have all the basic services. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes. Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: Archaeological site of Palenque, Chiapas. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Sierra Morena CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-32 Sierra Morena 1 Villa Corzo 29/06/13 - 13/07/13 ENVI/RENO 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-58 Sierra Morena 2 Villa Corzo 10/08/13 - 24/08/13 ENVI/RENO 18+ 12 € 170

Work: The main activities will consist in giving tours, clearing paths and trails, the making of and placement of signs, creating outreach materials, lectures and environment-oriented educational workshops, cleaning of coffee plantations, making organic fertilizers, and cleaning rivers and streams.

During the camp, the volunteer may also perform activities that the Sierra Morena ecotourism center offers to the visitors, such as: visiting the viewpoints in the mountains, hill walking (hiking), bird watching, observing flora and fauna, mountain biking, visiting successful sustainable organic coffee and Camedor 41

palm projects, photography of incredible and beautiful dawn and sunsets from the mountains. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay at the Casa Ejidal (a house owned by the community) and will have all the basic services, as well as the opportunity to cook using the typical instrument from the Chiapanecan communities, the fogon (traditional stove). Volunteers can also take advantage of solar energy to heat water for bathing. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes. Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: The Sierra Morena project is located deep in the Biosphere Reserve La Sepultura, and is rated as the best viewpoint from the Sierra Madre in Chiapas. Sierra Morena is an example of community organizing and environmental commitment, farmers practice sustainable agriculture, conservation, bird monitoring, and fire prevention, among other activities. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative

costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Kuxul Lum Permaculture 42

CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-33 Kuxul Lum Permaculture 1 Teopisca 29/06/13 - 13/07/13 MANU/RENO/ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-53 Kuxul Lum Permaculture 2 Teopisca 27/07/13 - 10/08/13 MANU/RENO/ENVI 18+ 12 € 170

Project: “Kuxul lum” is a demonstrative permacultural center focused on sustainable development through implementation, distribution and introduction of eco-technologies. Activities are based on design and construction of infrastructures, done with local and natural resources (such as wood, mud, soil and stone) ; organic garden, farm management, production of organic fertilizers, worm farming, hydroponics, production of canned fruits. During the afternoon, cinema and music workshops take place. Training workshops can also be implemented in order to promote culture with young people from the community. In all these activities the center seeks to include local people from the communities nearby. Work: Several construction projects will be the focus of the workcamp, including construction of a pedestrian bridge made of wood in order to cross the stream, construction of two paths, made of stones, wood and cement in order to access to the facilities. Accommodation: Volunteers stay at “Kulum lum” center in shared rooms. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes. Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: Teopisca is located 45 minutes away from San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. Located in the Maya Highlands at an altitude of 2,100 meters, San Cristobal is a distinctly charming town that has maintained its colonial architecture and Mexican flavour, while welcoming many contemporary influences. This “pueblo magico” (magical town) has an engaging character that results from the meeting and blending of indigenous, Mexican, and international bohemian cultures. The surrounding region exhibits incredible biodiversity and natural areas can be reached from the city within a half day’s travel or less. Points of interest nearby include natural parks, lakes, Mayan archeological sites, coastal mangroves,

waterfalls, canyons, and the beaches of the Pacific. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while 43

here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Caimans, Crocodiles and Turtles CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-59 Caimans, Crocodiles and Turtles 1 Puerto Arista 17/08/13 - 31/08/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-71 Caimans, Crocodiles and Turtles 2 Puerto Arista 07/09/13 - 21/09/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-77 Caimans, Crocodiles and Turtles 3 Puerto Arista 19/10/13 - 02/11/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-89 Caimans, Crocodiles and Turtles 4 Puerto Arista 30/11/13 - 14/12/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170

Project: Wildlife Units Conservation (Unidades de manejo para la Conservacion de la vida silvestre -UMA) can be defined as production or exhibition units within a delimited area under ownership (private, municipal, communal, federal, etc.), allowing the greatest use of wildlife natural resources, which implements management strategies. UMA “El Caiman” aims to protect the local ecosystem and promote awareness for the protection and conservation of the regional flora and fauna. The main objective is the protection and reproduction of the crocodile, the caiman and the freshwater turtles. These species are at risk due to the exploitation made by the local population. Work: Volunteers will help with the cleaning up of some areas of the center, preparing food for the

species, welcoming visitors, implementing environmental educative workshops, helping with the guided tours of the center. - 5 working days – days off on Monday and Tuesday. 44

- Working hours from 7 am to 11 am OR from 11 am to 3 pm Accommodation: Volunteers live on site in the community, in the UMA “El CaimAn” facilities, with other volunteers. Living conditions are otherwise communal. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes. Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: Puerto Arista, Chiapas. Puerto Arista is located 195km from the state capital of Tuxtla Gutierrez, making it a popular getaway for this city as well as TonalA along with Boca del Cielo 15 km east. Although it is crowded mostly during Mexican vacation periods such as Holy Week and Christmas and empty most of the rest of the year, it is still the most visited beach area in the state. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Sea Turtles Puerto Arista CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-63 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 1 Puerto Arista 17/08/13 - 31/08/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-68 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 2 Puerto Arista 07/09/13 - 21/09/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-74 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 3 Puerto Arista 28/09/13 - 12/10/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-81 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 4 Puerto Arista 19/10/13 - 02/11/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-86 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 5 Puerto Arista 09/11/13 - 23/11/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-92 Sea Turtles Puerto Arista 6 Puerto Arista 30/11/13 - 14/12/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170

Project: Four of the world’s eight sea turtle species nest on beaches in Chiapas. All eight species are endangered. Puerto Arista is one of the 144 beaches in Mexico where sea turtles come to lay eggs. It is also one of twenty-two beaches where these nests of eggs have a high risk of being poached. In an effort to aid the survival of eggs and hatchling turtles, the Puerto Arista Turtle Sanctuary collects eggs year round and reburies them on their grounds for safe-keeping. When the hatchlings emerge, they are gathered and released together under protection of sanctuary staff. The sanctuary is open to visitors and provides information about sea turtles and the protection and preservation work that is performed. The project is supported by the Institute of Environment and Natural History of the state of Chiapas and seeks to actively involve the local community, students, scientists, and volunteers. The goal of this project is to further support the protection of sea turtles through the collaborative efforts of international volunteers and take part a global movement to understand and preserve the health and biodiversity of our oceans. Work: Volunteers will work with the staff of the turtle sanctuary, local volunteers, and biologists to patrol the beach, excavate and collect eggs, rebury them at the sanctuary, and assist in the care and release of hatchling turtles. Most of this work will take place at night so volunteers may have an adjusted sleep schedule. Volunteers will also assist in the collection of statistical information about the turtles such as counts of nests, eggs, and released turtles. Extra activities may include maintenance and/or improvement of sanctuary facilities. While in Puerto Arista, volunteers will share time, work, and fun with local people. Camp leaders will facilitate activities and outings where volunteers will have the opportunity get to know the people, places, and culture that surround them. Volunteers will also create a video and a photographic diary of the Turtles workcamp. Volunteers will


publish these in a website, creating visibility and an impact through social networks. Videos and pictures will be also broadcasted and published by local media, to raise awareness among the population of the State of Chiapas regarding Sea Turtles and the importance of preserving this endangered species. 46

On the first day of the workcamp, volunteers will be welcomed at the Our organization office in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. They will be given an orientation and will stay in shared rooms in a convivial hostel in San Cristobal de las Casas, located five minutes walking distance from the Our organization office and ten minutes from the historic city centre. They will have access to all basic facilities, including kitchen and bathrooms. The second day, volunteers will depart for a morning boat trip into the spectacular Sumidero Canyon, followed by a visit to the ZooMat zoological park of Tuxtla Gutierrez. In the afternoon, the group will travel to Puerto Arista and set up camp at the turtle sanctuary. Accommodation: Camping on the grounds of the Puerto Arista Turtle Sanctuary. Please bring your own tent (optional), sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and other camp comforts you may have. Bathrooms, showers, and kitchen facilities will be available. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes. Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: Puerto Arista, Chiapas; 4 hours from San Cristobal de las Casas. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas.

Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to 47

campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-64 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 1 Boca del Cielo 17/08/13 - 31/08/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-69 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 2 Boca del Cielo 07/09/13 - 21/09/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-75 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 3 Boca del Cielo 28/09/13 - 12/10/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-82 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 4 Boca del Cielo 19/10/13 - 02/11/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-87 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 5 Boca del Cielo 09/11/13 - 23/11/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-93 Sea Turtles Boca del Cielo 6 Boca del Cielo 30/11/13 - 14/12/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170

Project: Four of the world’s eight sea turtle species nest on beaches in Chiapas. All eight species are endangered. Boca del Cielo is one of the 144 beaches in Mexico where sea turtles come to lay eggs. It is also one of twenty-two beaches where these nests of eggs have a high risk of being poached. In an effort to aid the survival of eggs and hatchling turtles, the Boca del Cielo Turtle Sanctuary collects eggs year round and reburies them on their grounds for safe-keeping. When the hatchlings emerge, they are gathered and released together under protection of sanctuary staff. The sanctuary is open to visitors and provides information about sea turtles and the protection and preservation work that is performed. The project is supported by the Institute of Environment and Natural History of the state of Chiapas and seeks to actively involve the local community, students, scientists, and volunteers. The goal of this project is to further support the protection of sea turtles through the collaborative efforts of international volunteers and take part a global movement to understand and preserve the health and biodiversity of our oceans. Work: Volunteers will work with the staff of the turtle sanctuary, local volunteers, and biologists to patrol the beach, excavate and collect eggs, rebury them at the sanctuary, and assist in the care and release of hatchling turtles. Most of this work will take place at night so volunteers may have an adjusted sleep schedule. Volunteers will also assist in the collection of statistical information about the turtles such as counts of nests, eggs, and released turtles. Extra activities may include maintenance and/or improvement

of sanctuary facilities. While in Boca del Cielo, volunteers will share time, work, and fun with local people. Camp leaders will facilitate activities and outings where volunteers will have the opportunity get to know the people, places, and culture that surrounds them. 48

Volunteers will also create a video and a photographic diary of the Turtles workcamp. Volunteers will publish these in a website, creating visibility and an impact through social networks. Videos and pictures will be also broadcasted and published by local media, to raise awareness among the population of the State of Chiapas regarding Sea Turtles and the importance of preserving this endangered species. On the first day of the workcamp, volunteers will be welcomed at the Our organization office in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. They will be given an orientation and will stay in shared rooms in a convivial hostel in San Cristobal de las Casas, located five minutes walking distance from the Our organization office and ten minutes from the historic city centre. They will have access to all basic facilities, including kitchen and bathrooms. The second day, volunteers will depart for a morning boat trip into the spectacular Sumidero Canyon, followed by a visit to the ZooMat zoological park of Tuxtla Gutierrez. In the afternoon, the group will travel to Boca del Cielo and set up camp at the turtle sanctuary. Accommodation: Camping on the grounds of the Boca del Cielo Turtle Sanctuary. Please bring your own tent (optional), sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and other camp comforts you may have. Bathrooms, showers, and kitchen facilities will be available. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes. Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: Boca del Cielo, Chiapas; 4 hours from San Cristobal de las Casas. Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan

Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus 49

Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE VOLS FEE NAT13-65 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 1 Zacapulco 17/08/13 - 31/08/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-70 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 2 Zacapulco 07/09/13 - 21/09/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-76 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 3 Zacapulco 28/09/13 - 12/10/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-83 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 4 Zacapulco 19/10/13 - 02/11/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-88 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 5 Zacapulco 09/11/13 - 23/11/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170 NAT13-94 Sea Turtles Barra Zacapulco 6 Zacapulco 30/11/13 - 14/12/13 ENVI 18+ 12 € 170

Project: Four of the world’s eight sea turtle species nest on beaches in Chiapas. All eight species are endangered. Barra Zacapulco is one of the 144 beaches in Mexico where sea turtles come to lay eggs. It is also one of twenty-two beaches where these nests of eggs have a high risk of being poached. In an effort to aid the survival of eggs and hatchling turtles, the Barra Zacapulco Turtle Sanctuary collects eggs year round and reburies them on their grounds for safe-keeping. When the hatchlings emerge, they are gathered and released together under protection of sanctuary staff. The sanctuary is open to visitors and provides information about sea turtles and the protection and preservation work that is performed. The project is supported by the Institute of Environment and Natural History of the state of Chiapas and seeks to actively involve the local community, students, scientists, and volunteers. The goal of this project is to further support the protection of sea turtles through the collaborative efforts of international volunteers and take part a global movement to understand and preserve the health and biodiversity of our oceans. Work: Volunteers will work with the staff of the turtle sanctuary, local volunteers, and biologists to patrol

the beach, excavate and collect eggs, rebury them at the sanctuary, and assist in the care and release of hatchling turtles. Most of this work will take place at night so volunteers may have an adjusted sleep schedule. Volunteers will also assist in the collection of statistical information about the turtles such as 50

counts of nests, eggs, and released turtles. Extra activities may include maintenance and/or improvement of sanctuary facilities. While in Barra Zacapulco, volunteers will share time, work, and fun with local people. Camp leaders will facilitate activities and outings where volunteers will have the opportunity get to know the people, places, and culture that surround them. Volunteers will also create a video and a photographic diary of the Turtles workcamp. Volunteers will publish these in a website, creating visibility and an impact through social networks. Videos and pictures will be also broadcasted and published by local media, to raise awareness among the population of the State of Chiapas regarding Sea Turtles and the importance of preserving this endangered species. On the first day of the workcamp, volunteers will be welcomed at the our organization office in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. They will be given an orientation and will stay in shared rooms in a convivial hostel in San Cristobal de las Casas, located five minutes walking distance from the our organization office and ten minutes from the historic city centre. They will have access to all basic facilities, including kitchen and bathrooms. The second day, volunteers will depart for a morning boat trip into the spectacular Sumidero Canyon, followed by a visit to the ZooMat zoological park of Tuxtla Gutierrez., the group will travel to Barra Zacapulco and set up camp at the turtle sanctuary. Accommodation: Camping on the grounds of the Barra Zacapulco Turtle Sanctuary. Please bring your own tent (optional), sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and other camp comforts you may have. Bathrooms, showers, and kitchen facilities will be available. Be prepared for hand washing your own clothes. Try to be environmentally friendly as possible and use resources with care and modesty, especially because your behaviour is part of the project ;) Location: Barra Zacapulco, Chiapas; 8 hours from San Cristobal de las Casas.

Language: English is the most common language used in workcamps, however, being able to communicate in Spanish can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! 51

Comment: You are invited to join the Intensive Spanish Week Program for Volunteers, or also a Mayan Language Week Program if you are a Spanish speaker and you would like to discover the richness of the Mayan living culture. The courses take place a week before your workcamp. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Extra-fee: Since we do not receive funds to support your participation in the camp, you are asked to contribute 2,950 Mexican pesos (170 euros aprox.). It includes accommodation, food, administrative costs, transportation within the project, and some extra activities. The fee has to be paid by volunteers to campleader or to Our organization’s Workcamps Coordinator upon arrival to the meeting point.

Medium and Long Term Volunteer Projects Our organization Voluntariado Internacional offers opportunities to collaborate with community development projects in the State of Chiapas, Mexico. It is pertinent to mention that Chiapas has a long history of struggle for social justice among its indigenous peoples. By coordinating with non-profit organizations and supporting their worthwhile projects, Our organization is committed to participating in these struggles through peaceful means. Medium and Long-Term volunteers collaborate over a period of6 weeks to a year. During this time, the volunteers Involve themselves in the various work associated with each project, while having the opportunity to get to know Mexico from a more local perspective; within this framework, individual activities will contribute to common project goals. Our organization Voluntariado Internacional, as an organization, is committed to sustainable social and community development. For the most part, our work consists of creating links between international volunteers and local

communities through a process of coordination with local non-profit and philanthropic organizations. Years of experience have shown us that the success and effectiveness of volunteers is strongly influenced by the preparation and support they receive from our team during the entire duration of the their program. In 52

light of this fact, Our organization has developed and continually improved a program of compulsory Mexican Culture Immersion. These workshops, classes, and frequent personal interactions between Our organization staff and volunteers minimize cultural shock, address safety issues, enhance language capacities, activate participatory and initiative qualities, and catalyze adaptation to the volunteers' specific project needs and goals. In addition to working with partner organizations, Our organization has developed its own projects by establishing a variety of new programs, including: A Language & Cultures Teaching Program to support cultural exchange in combination with principles of permaculture at marginalized schools (a student population that otherwise would never access these experiences). (MLTV) A permanent program creating an Urban Permacultural Space, located on-site at the Our organization office. (MLTV) A MTV Leading Project (6 WEEKS to 6 MONTHS) An Itinerant Cine Debate Program, a permanent project which aims to raise awareness by screening documentary films and facilitating discussions in rural schools and in the locations where the workcamps take place. (MLTV) Our organization aims to activate the personal development of volunteers by offering a wide range of projects from which volunteers may choose according to their interests and needs. At the same time volunteers will develop and reinforce skills and abilities including: Understanding and engaging with the local culture; Learning the language(s) (Spanish and local Mayan language);

Sharing their culture with locals and other volunteers; Exchanging of ideas and experiences; Making friends; 53

Promoting voluntary service.

Type of Activities Activities related to the environment such as permaculture, sustainable building, recycling workshops, awareness campaigns, and reforestation. Education: working with children or disabled persons in the facilitation of lessons, artistic workshops, language and cultural workshops, environmental projects, and recreation. Restoration, renovation, and preservation of cultural heritage. Working in the Our organization office, including translation, promotion of volunteerism, presentations, preparation of activities and workshops, workcamp leadership, checking web-based queries and registrations, communications with organizations, etc. Depending on the project, volunteers work up to 35 hours per week.

Participation Fees Participation in the projects proposed by our organization requires a monthly fee that is paid by volunteers. Starting from 04th March, volunteers will be welcomed at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program that will allow them to gain a better and deeper understanding of local culture. These workshops, classes ,and frequent personal interactions between our organization staff and volunteers will minimize cultural shock, address safety issues, enhance language capacities, activate participatory and initiative qualities, and catalyze adaptation to the volunteers' specific project needs and goals. During the first fifteen days of participation, the fee will be $3,200 pesos (approximately equivalent to 185 euro), and subsequently will range from $1,700 (98 euro) to $2,900 pesos (165 euro) per month, depending on

the project. Our organization is a non-profit organization and does not receive governmental or private funding. For this reason participation fees are required to cover the costs of management, administration, promotions, 54

communication, accommodation, and food, in some cases, for three of the MLTV projects. In addition, fees cover administrative costs of Our organization, including rent, utilities, salaries, etc.

Mexican Culture Immersion Programme

Food and Accommodation Our organization provides housing for volunteers working on projects within the municipality of San Cristobal de las Casas. The volunteer house is located in the city center, near the offices of Our organization, and includes six bedrooms, which are shared by volunteers. Homestays with Mexican families are also available but most volunteers enjoy sharing a common space and social life. The volunteers’ house has six bedrooms, a living/dining room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, and a small patio. Please feel free to bring your laptop! You can access to Internet at Our organization’s office. For most projects, food costs are covered by volunteers The exceptions are for projects coded NAT-MLTV11, NAT-MLTV15, NAT-MLTV16, NAT-MLTV17, and NAT-MLTV18, for which meals are included in the participation fee. Otherwise, volunteers may cook their own meals in the house. Local markets and supermarkets provide a wide selection for preparing great meals. Vegetarians and vegans will have no problem accommodating their specific dietary needs. In addition, eating out is a pleasure as Mexican cuisine is a rich variety of exotic and delicious foods. Traditional and regional dishes are available at very economical prices. CODE NAME LOCATION DATES TYPE AGE FEE

NAT13-06 Mexican Culture Immersion 1 San Cristobal 23/03/13 - 06/04/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185 NAT13-10 Mexican Culture Immersion 2 San Cristobal 13/04/13 - 27/04/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185 NAT13-14 Mexican Culture Immersion 3 San Cristobal 4/05/13 - 18/05/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185 NAT13-17 Mexican Culture Immersion 4 San Cristobal 25/05/13 - 08/06/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185 NAT13-25 Mexican Culture Immersion 5 San Cristobal 15/06/13 - 29/06/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185 NAT13-38 Mexican Culture Immersion 6 San Cristobal 06/07/13 - 20/07/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185 NAT13-46 Mexican Culture Immersion 7 San Cristobal 20/07/13 - 03/08/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185 NAT13-52 Mexican Culture Immersion 8 San Cristobal 27/07/13 - 10/08/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185

NAT13-62 Mexican Culture Immersion 9 San Cristobal 17/08/13 - 31/08/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185 NAT13-67 Mexican Culture Immersion 10 San Cristobal 07/09/13 - 21/09/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185 NAT13-73 Mexican Culture Immersion 11 San Cristobal 28/09/13 - 12/10/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185 NAT13-78 Mexican Culture Immersion 12 San Cristobal 19/10/13 - 02/11/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185 NAT13-85 Mexican Culture Immersion 13 San Cristobal 09/11/13 - 23/11/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185 NAT13-95 Mexican Culture Immersion 14 San Cristobal 30/11/13 - 14/12/13 LANG/CULT 18+ € 185

In the case of projects that are located outside of San Cristobal de las Casas, accommodation and meal plans are different. Pertinent detailed information is provided in the project descriptions.

Recreational Activities San Cristobal has been called “El pueblo mas magico de los pueblos magicos” or ‘The most magical of Mexico’s magic towns.’ The city has maintained its colorful charm and colonial heritage through the centuries since its founding in 1528. Narrow cobblestone streets part solid blocks of vividly plastered buildings with tiled roofs, supported by rough-hewn wooden beams. Settled into a pine-forested valley at 2,200 meters, yet still at tropical latitudes, the weather is usually mild and pleasant. The state of Chiapas is home to various indigenous groups descended from the highland Mayas. Thus, San Cristobal de las Casas is a cosmopolitan town, surrounded by indigenous villages, whose inhabitants, many in their traditional dress, mix with the population of the city, including a large international contingent, to create a rich multicultural tapestry. The culture of Mexico, and Chiapas in particular, is thriving in San Cristobal de las Casas. Volunteers have a wealth of opportunities to discover and experience this cultural richness. Open-air markets, shops, boutiques, restaurants, bars, and nightclubs abound. The nightlife is excellent and there are many popular festivals throughout the year. The surrounding region offers many sights and adventures such as waterfalls, white-water rivers, tropical jungles, ancient Mayan ruins, and magnificent beaches, all within a half-day’s travel. Guatemala is also a few hours away. Our organization provides a warm welcome to volunteers, including an orientation and familiarization with the city. We also organize many special events such as group trips, international benefit dinners, language and cultural exchange, film showings and forums, and nights out on the town. Volunteers stay in close contact with our organization through weekly meetings and frequent casual visits to the office. The staff of our organization is available to volunteers from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday-Friday for any issues volunteers may have and 24


hours/day for emergencies. The organization shares space with a language school called La Casa en el Arbol (‘The Tree House’).. The two organizations are closely involved. 56

The school offers classes in Spanish, Italian, French, English, and the Maya dialects of Tsotsil and Tzeltal. In addition, cooking classes, outdoor, adventures, and cultural tours can be arranged by the school. Many volunteers complete their project work in the mornings and attend Spanish classes in the afternoon. The shared space provides patios, a cafe, outdoor spaces, and a small garden where volunteers can relax, use the internet, and enjoy a multicultural atmosphere. If you have interest in any of the classes and/or activities offered at the school, they can be arranged after you arrive.

List of MLTV Projects 2013-2014 CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS FEE NATMLTV10 Parque Educativo San Jose (Zoological Educative Park) Zinacantan, ChiapasENVI/RENO At specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program.18+ 4 INATMLTV11 Tzajala (Eco-community)Ocosingo, Chiapas AGRI/RENO 18+ 5 I NATMLTV12Urban Permacultural Garden NEW PROJECT! San Cristobal, Chiapas AGRI/ RENO 18+ 3 INATM TV13 Our organization – Volunteer Coordination (Administrative support)

San Cristobal, Chiapas ADMIN 18+ 2 I NATMLTV14 Our organization– Communication and Promotion (Administrative support)

San Cristobal, Chiapas ADMIN 18+ 1 I NATMLTV15 Tsomanotik 1 (Eco-community) Tzimol, Chiapas AGRI/ANI 18+ 2 II NATMLTV16 Tsomanotik 2 (Eco-community) Tzimol, Chiapas DESIGN 18+ 2 II NATMLTV17 Tsomanotik 3 (Eco-community) Tzimol, Chiapas AGRI/RENO 18+ 2 IINATMLTV18 Tsomanotik 4 (Eco-community) Tzimol, Chiapas KIDS 18+ 2 II NATMLTV19Alianza Civica (Civic Alliance) San Cristobal, Chiapas KIDS 18+ 3 I NATMLTV20 Jaguar de Madera(Sustainable building) San Cristobal, Chiapas RENO/ENVI 18+ 3 INATMLTV21Chantiik (Homeless youth training and education)


San Cristobal, Chiapas SOCI 18+ 2 I NATMLTV22Maderas del Pueblo (Eco-technological training for indigenous communities) San Cristobal, Chiapas RENO/ENVI 18+ 2 I NATMLTV23 Angeles de Amor (Work with disabled persons) San Cristobal, Chiapas SOCI/KIDS 18+ 3 I NATMLTV24 Voces Mesoamericanas(Mesoamerican Voices – Migrant Issues) San Cristobal, Chiapas SOCI 18+ 3 I NATMLTV25 CHULMEIL(Childcare and Education) San Cristobal, Chiapas SOCI/KIDS 18+ 3 INATMLTV26Languages & Cultures Teaching NEW PROJECT! Different locations, Chiapas TEACH 3 August 2013 18+ 5 400Eur NATMLTV27

Leading Project Our organization

NEW PROJECT! Different locations, Chiapas LEADING At specific dates to


attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program.

Itinerant Cinema Debate

NEW PROJECT! Different locations, Chiapas SOCI/KIDS 18+ 2 I

Fee I: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included. Fee II: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $2900 pesos (170 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are included. Fee III: 400 euro/$6920 pesos for the first month and 98euro/$1700 pesos for the subsequent month(s). Meals are included. The fee will be paid upon arrival in San Cristobal de las Casas and it covers administrative expenses of the project during their stay.

MLTV Projects Location Parque Educativo San Jose CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS NATMLTV10 Parque Educativo San Jose (Zoological Educative Park) Zinacantan, Chiapas ENVI/RENO at specific dates to attend the Mexican


Culture Immersion Program.18+ 4 Project: The San Jose Zoological Educative Park is an educative park and conservation 58

organization located in a village near San Cristobal de las Casas called Zinancantan. The park forms part of the Institute of Natural History of the State of Chiapas. Its primary objective is the protection of the native flora and fauna of Chiapas. It is a research center which houses many different species of plants and animals where biologists work to study and conserve the biodiversity and natural resources of the region. The park occupies approximately 16 hectares, of which 2 hectares are in use. The administration seeks to reorganize the facilities and exhibits in harmony with sustainable and ecologic principles so as to offer an experience and services to nature lovers, families, student groups, and practitioners of responsible tourism. Proposed projects include an aviary, bicycle paths, and ecologic refuges, among others. These projects form part of a strategic plan of development for the Institute. Work: Cultural, Environmental, and Volunteer Provide guided tours of the park to student groups and other interested parties. Rehabilitation of traditional/antique games (renovation, painting, etc.). Creation of instructional materials with environmental themes (banners, posters, storyboards, plays and skits, puppet shows, multimedia presentations, murals, paper/cloth animal figures, drawings, masks, dioramas, environmental games, etc.). Assist with the creation of a climate change exhibit. Education and Environmental Training Support the education of student groups of various levels. Creation of demonstrative exhibits (soil resources, water cycle, ecosystems, etc.) Assist in the creation of education programs for impoverished/homeless children and youth from rural schools near the park.

Assist in laboratory and exhibits (renovate and maintain exhibits and enclosures). Renovation of eco-buildings (reinforce doors, windows, roof, repaint, etc.) Rehabilitation of animal enclosures. 59

Alimentation of animals and maintenance of landscape and plant specimens. Design and construction of drinking troughs and shelters for park fauna. Notes: Level of Spanish should be adequate to communicate with park staff. Interest in environmental issues, natural resources, biology, and zoology is preferred. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the volunteer house in San Cristobal de las Casas. Housing is shared: 2 volunteers/bedroom. Rarely, 3 volunteers will share a bedroom. Male and female rooms are separate. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: Zinacantan, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: From 2 months to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included.

Tzajala (Eco-community) CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS NAT-MLTV11 Tzajala Ocosingo, Chiapas AGRI/RENO at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 5

Project: The cooperative eco-community of COTZASELCH hosts the sustainable project of Ha O Mek Ka located in the small village of Tzajala. With their traditional jewelry workshops and experimental agro-ecologic farm (including horticulture, 60

organic fertilization, organic coffee, row crops, fruit, and medicinal plant cultivation, etc.), the cooperative works on many sustainable development projects with the goal of total harmony with the natural environment. Located in a sub-tropical valley and surrounded by lush vegetation with a clear-running river on site, Cotzaselch is truly idyllic. Work: Agricultural work, including soil preparation, fertilization, care and harvest of crops, and beekeeping on a small-scale farm. Construction of guest cabins using eco-building techniques and local materials. Rehabilitation of existing dwellings and volunteer housing. Passive and worm composting. Food preparation, including preservation, honey processing and vegetarian cooking. Crafts, including jewelry-making, weaving, and wood-work, among others. Preparation and use of medicinal plants. Assist and participate in various workshops led by local women. Notes: Interest in sustainable development and ecological practices preferred. Vegetarian meals are prepared communally and volunteers are encouraged to help. Alcohol and tobacco use is prohibited within the community but may be indulged off premises if need be. Some members of the community practices a degree of holistic living and pantheist spirituality. These practices are not obligatory and in no way necessary for participation. That being said, the traditional sweat bath (temazcal) and some meditation can be a healthy and enlightening part of the experience. Accommodation: Volunteers live on site in the community within cabins shared with other volunteers (male

and female separate). Living conditions are otherwise communal. Many volunteers choose to stay in the community Monday through Friday and come to San Cristobal de las Casas for the weekends to share some social life with other volunteers. In this case, arrangements can be made to stay temporarily at the volunteer 61

house. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: The village of Tzajala, located within the municipality of Ocosingo, 1.5 hours by collective transport from San Cristobal de las Casas. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: From 6 weeks to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $2700 pesos (160 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are included.


NATMLTV12 Tzajala San Cristobal, Chiapas AGRI/RENO at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 2

Project: The Our organization Permacultural Space is an area where volunteers put into practice principles of restoration, re-organization, and maintenance of a natural environment using, as much as possible, the elements that exist in on site, including wood, organic matter, traditional and worm composts, etc. Furthermore, this space will become a demonstration site and meeting place for other volunteers and community members in reference to knowledge and training in the areas of urban agriculture, recycling and reuse, and sustainable culture and practices in San Cristobal de las Casas. Towards these

goals, volunteers will work in four principle areas. Work: RECYCLING . We are creating an urban garden and permaculture demonstration site by re-using diverse 62

materials that are already on hand. By being attentive to both the available materials and the proposed works, we can investigate and utilize techniques that will implement a thoughtful and effective transformation of this space. RESPECT FOR THE LOCAL CULTURE. The traditional knowledge of the region, especially in the area of medicinal and agricultural plant species, will be consulted in the design of this space. In Chiapas there is plentiful and available knowledge on this topic, which is used to treat and feed many. As such, this project includes an investigation into agricultural and forestry practices in the region. This will entail excursions to different parts of Chiapas to meet and consult with local persons with experience in the identification, harvest, processing, and application of medicinal plants. Also, knowledge in the area of organic pest-control, systems of cultivation, seed production, and recycling of organic materials will be sought. DEMONSTRATION SPACE . We hope this space will serve as an educational meeting place for those interested in the richness of Chiapas in terms of biodiversity, ethnobotany, and culture. It is important that the natural resources of this region are considered not only in economical terms, but as invaluable cultural components that... are tangible in their use and estimation. As we look for alternative and sustainable ways of living, we have found that their realization implies our careful attention, sharing of knowledge and resources, collaboration of efforts, and appropriate applications within contexts of culture and place. PERMACULTURE. We will endeavor to create a space, which may act as a point of reference with regards to permaculture practices. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the volunteer house in San Cristobal de las Casas. Housing is

shared: 2 volunteers/bedroom. Rarely, 3 volunteers may share a bedroom. Male and female rooms are separate. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to 63

communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: Minimum of 6 weeks; up to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included.

Our organization – Volunteer Coordination (Administrative support) CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS NATMLTV13 Natate– Volunteer Coordination San Cristobal, Chiapas ADMIN at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 2 Project: Our organization Voluntariado Internacional is a non-profit association whose vision of sustainable community development is realized through the service of international volunteers whose local actions support global change. The main functions of the association include: Partnership with and support of local development projects which integrate national and international volunteers; Reception of international volunteers and the organization of their project service, arrangement of

their accommodation and necessities, insurance of their safety, and support of their personal growth, integration, and education; Sending Mexican volunteers abroad to serve in projects organized by our partner associations in more 64

than 70 countries. These actions complement the creation of sensibilities of volunteers and locals with regards to the care of environment, reinforcement of practices of sustainable living, preservation of cultural and natural heritage, and the consideration of issues of equality for marginalized sectors of the population. The main work of our organization is affected through the efforts of volunteers in work camps and medium and long term voluntary service. Work: Volunteers will assist with the diverse tasks of the association and support the various departments of the organization. They will take on leadership roles amongst the other volunteers and follow progress of the various projects. Specific tasks may include: Periodic monitoring of volunteers (goals within project, finances, feedback, etc.) Support in the creation of promotional materials, descriptions of projects, volunteer program documents, informational packets, etc. Assistance during the various phases of volunteer activities: reception, orientation, monitoring, evaluations, departure preparations, etc. Communications with international organizations and development of relations with other associations. Leadership and participation in workshops and seminars at the local, regional, national, and international level. Assistance with writing of monthly newsletter. Translation and editing of various documents. Functions as leader for various work camps throughout the year. Notes: Volunteers for this project should be enthusiastic about volunteerism and excited to learn new skills

while working closely within a team. The Our organization staff is normally comprised of 4-6 individuals so cooperation and close interpersonal relations are required. Level of Spanish and English should be at least intermediate. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the volunteer house in San Cristobal de las Casas. Housing is shared: 2 volunteers/bedroom. Rarely, 3 volunteers may share a bedroom. Male and female rooms are separate. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: Minimum of 3 months; up to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included.

Our organization– Communication and Promotion (Administrative support) CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS

NATMLTV14 Our organization – Communication and Promotion San Cristobal, Chiapas ADMIN at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 12

Project: Our organization Voluntariado Internacional is a non-profit association whose vision of sustainable community development is realized through the service of international volunteers whose local actions support global change. The main functions of the association include: Partnership with and support of local development projects which integrate national and international volunteers;


Reception of international volunteers and the organization of their project service, arrangement of their accommodation and necessities, insurance of their safety, and support of their personal growth, integration, and education; 66

Sending Mexican volunteers abroad to serve in projects organized by our partner associations in more than 70 countries. These actions complement the creation of sensibilities of volunteers and locals with regards to the care of environment, reinforcement of practices of sustainable living, preservation of cultural and natural heritage, and the consideration of issues of equality for marginalized sectors of the population. The main work of Our organization is affected through the efforts of volunteers in work camps and medium and long term voluntary service. More information is available at www.our organization.org Work: In this project, volunteers will have the opportunity to assist in the growth and potentiation of the organization. They will be in charge of seeking novel models of functionality and expansion for the organization. Activities may include: Creations and enhancement of publishable materials (publicity, flyers, advertisements, brochures, project descriptions, etc.) Presentations of volunteer opportunities at schools and universities. Management, posting, and monitoring of website. Creation and editing of articles for the monthly newsletter. Other forms of publicity and promotion. Notes: Volunteers for this project should be enthusiastic about volunteerism and excited to learn new skills while working closely within a team. The organization staff is normally comprised of 4-6 individuals so cooperation and close interpersonal relations are required. Level of Spanish and English should be at least intermediate. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the volunteer house in San Cristobal de las Casas. Housing is shared: 2 volunteers/bedroom. Rarely, 3 volunteers may share a bedroom. Male and female rooms are

separate. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while 67

here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: Minimum of 3 months; up to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included.

Tsomanotik 1 (Agriculture and Animal Care) CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS

NATMLTV15 Tsomanotik 1 (Eco-community) Tzimol, Chiapas AGRI/ANI at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 2

Project: Tsomanotik is an educative and demonstrative agro-ecologic center focused on sustainable development. Their activities are realized in two parts: 1) Intercultural projects integrating youth of differing social strata, and 2) Solidarity projects with the interest of local community development. The center’s work allows participants to reflect on varied cultural and social conceptions in the hopes of motivating movements of solidarity on local and global scales. The vision of the association is to awaken a consciousness of solidarity in youth and instigate the discovery of the causes of poverty and injustice so that they may play a role in the creation of a more just and cooperative world. In this way, marginalized groups in Chiapas may be integrated into the society in general on an equal basis.

The team operating the center consists of eight people: five agriculturists, an engineer, a coordinator, and a promotion specialist. The center receives visitors, families, and groups that are interested in learning techniques of agro-ecology and sustainable development. They work with two schools in the nearby village of 68

Tzimol, instructing youth between the ages of 12-18 in topics of culture and environment. They also participate with two shelters in the city of Comitan, facilitating educational and recreational activities for children. Work: Volunteers will participate in work towards the realization of self-sufficiency at the center, increasing and improving agro-ecological processes in an effort to diminish dependence on external funding and resources. Activities will include the cultivation and harvesting of crops using organic practices, raising and feeding rabbits, cultivation of edible mushrooms, milling grains, and composting. Accommodation: Volunteers live on site in the center within cabins shared with other volunteers (male and female separate). Living conditions are otherwise communal. Many volunteers choose to stay in the community Monday through Friday and come to San Cristobal de las Casas for the weekends to share some social life with other volunteers. In this case, arrangements can be made to stay temporarily at the volunteer house. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Notes: Previous experience/study of agro-ecology, animal husbandry, and interest in alternative technologies of sustainable living is preferred. Level of Spanish should be adequate to communicate with center staff. Must be at least 20 years of age. Location: Near the village of Tzimol, 10 minutes from the city of Comitan, Chiapas. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: Minimum of 3 months; up to 1 year.

Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $2900 pesos (170 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are included.

Tsomanotik 2 (Graphic Design) 69

CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS NATMLTV16 Tsomanotik 2 (Eco-community) Tzimol,

Chiapas Design at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 2 Project: Tsomanotik is an educative and demonstrative agro-ecologic center focused on sustainable development. Their activities are realized in two parts: 1. Intercultural projects integrating youth of differing social strata 2. Solidarity projects with the interest of local community development. The center’s work allows participants to reflect on varied cultural and social conceptions in the hopes of motivating movements of solidarity on local and global scales. The vision of the association is to awaken a consciousness of solidarity in youth and instigate the discovery of the causes of poverty and injustice so that they may play a role in the creation of a more just and cooperative world. In this way, marginalized groups in Chiapas may be integrated into the society in general on an equal basis. The team operating the center consists of eight people: five agriculturists, an engineer, a coordinator, and a promotion specialist. The center receives visitors, families, and groups that are interested in learning techniques of agro-ecology and sustainable development. They work with two schools in the nearby village of Tzimol, instructing youth between the ages of 12-18 in topics of culture and environment. They also participate with two shelters in the city of Comitan, facilitating educational and recreational activities for children. Work: Volunteers will assist in the creation of various publications and educational materials for the center. They may also participate in promotional and educational programs. They will also assist in the improvement and maintenance of the center’s website. Other activities may include the cultivation and harvesting of crops

using organic practices, raising and feeding rabbits, cultivation of edible mushrooms, milling grains, and composting. Accommodation: Volunteers live on site in the center within cabins shared with other volunteers (male and 70

female separate). Living conditions are otherwise communal. Many volunteers choose to stay in the community Monday through Friday and come to San Cristobal de las Casas for the weekends to share some social life with other volunteers. In this case, arrangements can be made to stay temporarily at the volunteer house. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Notes: Creativity and experience with graphic design, digital video, publication, and website mechanics preferred. Level of Spanish should be adequate to communicate with center staff. Must be at least 20 years of age. Location: Near the village of Tzimol, 10 minutes from the city of Comitan, Chiapas. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: Minimum of 3 months; up to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $2900 pesos (170 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are included.

Tsomanotik 3 (Eco-Technology) CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS

NATMLTV17 Tsomanotik 3 (Eco-community) Tzimol, Chiapas AGRI/RENO at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 2

Project: Tsomanotik is an educative and demonstrative agro-ecologic center

focused on sustainable development. Their activities are realized in two parts: 1. Intercultural projects integrating youth of differing social strata 2. Solidarity projects with the interest of local community development. 71

The center’s work allows participants to reflect on varied cultural and social conceptions in the hopes of motivating movements of solidarity on local and global scales. The vision of the association is to awaken a consciousness of solidarity in youth and instigate the discovery of the causes of poverty and injustice so that they may play a role in the creation of a more just and cooperative world. In this way, marginalized groups in Chiapas may be integrated into the society in general on an equal basis. The team operating the center consists of eight people: five agriculturists, an engineer, a coordinator, and a promotion specialist. The center receives visitors, families, and groups that are interested in learning techniques of agro-ecology and sustainable development. They work with two schools in the nearby village of Tzimol, instructing youth between the ages of 12-18 in topics of culture and environment. They also participate with two shelters in the city of Comitan, facilitating educational and recreational activities for children. Work: Volunteers will assist in the development and promotion of eco-technologies in order to generate clean energy and facilitate the efficient use of natural resources. They will evaluate existing practices and study alternative technologies in order generate solutions for the enhancement of energy use and capacities. Other activities may include the cultivation and harvesting of crops using organic practices, raising and feeding rabbits, cultivation of edible mushrooms, milling grains, and composting. Notes: Basic knowledge and/or experience with engineering, appropriate technologies, eco-construction, and an interest in alternative sustainability practices preferred. Level of Spanish should be adequate to communicate with center staff. Must be at least 20 years of age. Accommodation: Volunteers live on site in the center within cabins shared with other volunteers (male and female separate). Living conditions are otherwise communal. Many volunteers choose to stay in the community Monday through Friday and come to San Cristobal de las Casas for the weekends to share some

social life with other volunteers. In this case, arrangements can be made to stay temporarily at the volunteer house. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to 72

communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: Near the village of Tzimol, 10 minutes from the city of Comitan, Chiapas. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: Minimum of 3 months; up to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $2900 pesos (170 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are included.

Tsomanotik 4 (Education and Work with Children) CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS

NATMLTV18 Tsomanotik 4 (Eco-community) Tzimol, Chiapas KIDS at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 2

Project: Tsomanotik is an educative and demonstrative agro-ecologic center focused on sustainable development. Their activities are realized in two parts: 1) Intercultural projects integrating youth of differing social strata, and 2) Solidarity projects with the interest of local community development. The center’s work allows participants to reflect on varied cultural and social conceptions in the hopes of motivating movements of solidarity on local and global scales. The vision of the association is to awaken a consciousness of solidarity in youth and instigate the discovery of the causes of poverty and injustice so that they may play a role in the creation of a more just and cooperative world. In this way, marginalized groups in Chiapas may be integrated into the society in general on an equal basis.

The team operating the center consists of eight people: five agriculturists, an engineer, a coordinator, and a promotion specialist. The center receives visitors, families, and groups that are interested in learning techniques of agro-ecology and sustainable development. They work with two schools in the nearby village of 73

Tzimol, instructing youth between the ages of 12-18 in topics of culture and environment. They also participate with two shelters in the city of Comitan, facilitating educational and recreational activities for children. Activities: Volunteers will assist in the development and facilitation of educational activities with school children and youth with the aim of creating an experiential process that will transform participants into leaders with interests in solidarity and sustainability. They will form part of the coordinating group engaged in the planning of educational programs. As such, they will create instructional materials and lead workshops. Notes: Volunteers are required to be capable of leading groups, have a basic knowledge and/or experience with educational methods, and have some familiarity with alternative/appropriate technologies. They should also be creative, dynamic, and enthusiastic. Level of Spanish should be adequate to communicate with center staff. Must be at least 20 years of age. Accommodation: Volunteers live on site in the center within cabins shared with other volunteers (male and female separate). Living conditions are otherwise communal. Many volunteers choose to stay in the community Monday through Friday and come to San Cristobal de las Casas for the weekends to share some social life with other volunteers. In this case, arrangements can be made to stay temporarily at the volunteer house. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: Near the village of Tzimol, 10 minutes from the city of Comitan, Chiapas. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas.

Duration: Minimum of 3 months; up to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $2900 pesos (170 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are included. 74

Alianza Civica CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS NAT-MLTV19 Alianza Civica (Civic Alliance) San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. KIDS at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 3

Project: The Civic Alliance of Chiapas is a non-governmental organization formed in 1994 by the initiative of a group of citizens and civil organizations interested in the active formation of collective consciousness through education, civic activities, and other actions that promote citizen participation in issues of public interest. Their goals include the full recognition and exercise of human rights in all forms: civil, political, economic, social, cultural, and environmental. One of their projects is to promote the habit of reading among 400 children in the ‘Eastern Alliance Zone’ in the neighborhood of La Garita, San Cristobal de las Casas. They also seek to promote the diffusion and exchange of proposals and projects that promote youth participation in public life. Work: Volunteers will assist in the installation of a traveling library, which will disseminate books with the goal of assisting children in forming their socio-cultural identities and values related to human rights while promoting healthy community coexistence. Create meeting spaces that are conducive to the organization of youth groups, where they can voice their concerns, find creative expression, and pursue active participation in public life. Volunteers will support young people in their efforts to create forums, publications, and other actions intended to enhance their environment and place in society. Notes: Volunteers with strong initiative preferred. Level of Spanish should be adequate to communicate in

general. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the volunteer house in San Cristobal de las Casas. Housing is shared: 2 volunteers/bedroom. Rarely, 3 volunteers may share a bedroom. Male and female rooms are separate. 75

Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: Minimum of 3 months; up to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included.

Jaguar de Madera (Sustainable building) CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS NAT-MLTV20 Jaguar de Madera San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. RENO/ENVI at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 3

Project: The eco-technological center Jaguar de Madera (‘Wooden Jaguar’) was founded in 2008 to promote the use of bio-construction. The next year a training center was opened with the collaboration of other organizations with the mission of teaching the use and application of appropriate technologies as an alternative to conventional models. The aims of efficient resource use and enhancement of quality of life are at the root of this mission. The work of the organization is carried out through workshops and projects at the center and throughout the community. Building projects include earth domes, bottle walls, and wattle and daub, super-adobe, and rammed-earth

constructions. Other technologies include bicycle-driven machines, bio-digesters, rainwater catchments, dry baths, grey and black water filtration, and carpentry using recycled materials. In addition to teaching technical skills, the center promotes environmental education, horticulture, and small-scale agro-ecology. 76

Work: Design, organization, and maintenance of workshop and agro-ecological demonstrative spaces such as the garden and compost area. Continuation of the construction of gardens, greenhouses, and paths. Assist with the emplacement of appropriate technologies at the center. Support the networking of farm cooperatives and local producers for the exchange of services and products (produce, farm animals, mushrooms, etc.) Participate in bio-construction projects at the center and in the surrounding communities. Assist in raising awareness of sustainable practices. Notes: Volunteers should be interested in learning and practicing bio-construction, have the ability to organize collective work, and be able to perform manual labor. Level of Spanish should be adequate to communicate with others. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the volunteer house in San Cristobal de las Casas. Housing is shared: 2 volunteers/bedroom. Rarely, 3 volunteers may share a bedroom. Male and female rooms are separate. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas.

Duration: Minimum of 3 months; up to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included.

Chantiik (Homeless youth training and education) NEW PROJECT! CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS

NATMLTV21 Chantiik San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. SOCI/KIDS at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+2

Project: Chantiik is an organization committed to the representation and support of marginalized individuals and groups, including youth and families in vulnerable social situations, disabled persons, elders, indigenous peoples, women, and persons deprived of rights and/or liberties. They seek to offer these people tools to further their education and skills, assisting them in their search for a better quality of life and more effective means of participating in society. Much of their work is with young itinerant and migrant workers and merchants within the city of San Cristobal de las Casas. These children are physically and emotionally vulnerable as they wander the streets trying to sell craft goods or offer services to tourists and residents. Chantiik offers various types of training for these young people in an effort to realize opportunities of stable, well-paid, and dignified employment. More information is available at www.chantiik.org Activities: • Translation and update of website in English: www.chantiik.org • Education of organization staff in the maintenance of English website. • Assist in the enhancement of the visibility, funding, and capacity of the organization through


promotional activities. • Support training activities and interact with youth. Notes: Technical skills include familiarity with website manipulation and capacity to translate Spanish and 78

Italian into English. Website skills can be learned on the job. It is not required to be a certified English teacher, merely to have strong English fluency. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the volunteer house in San Cristobal de las Casas. Housing is shared: 2 volunteers/bedroom. Rarely, 3 volunteers may share a bedroom. Male and female rooms are separate. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: Minimum of 3 months; up to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included.

Maderas del Pueblo (Eco-technological training for indigenous communities) CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS

NATMLTV22 Maderas del Pueblo San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. RENO/ENVI at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 2

Project: Maderas del Pueblo del Sureste A.C. is a non-governmental ecological organization, which supports indigenous communities and farmers through sustainable development projects. Their work is accompanied with the ideals of social justice, equality, and harmony with nature. The association seeks to encourage indigenous

communities in their efforts to organize and gain autonomy in defense of their lands and natural resources. Their goals are realized through activities of study, communication, reflection, diffusion, partnership, technical training, legal consultation, and networking. 79

The organization maintains an eco-technological demonstrative center where they facilitate workshops and trainings including organic fertilization, pest control, and soil conservation and enhancement, bio-fuel preparations, agro-forestry, seed preservation, and many others. Work: Translation of publications, educational/promotional materials, and other documents. Update and translation of website and blogs (www.maderasdelpueblo.org.mx). Update and feedback of social network sites linked to website (FB/Twitter) Maintenance of eco-technological demonstrative center. Support in the creation of a weekly radio program and bi-weekly video debate. Other activities related to the education and training of volunteers in regards to eco-technologies and socio-political organization. Notes: Interest in agriculture, traditional crafts, eco-technologies, and social work preferred. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the volunteer house in San Cristobal de las Casas. Housing is shared: 2 volunteers/bedroom. Rarely, 3 volunteers may share a bedroom. Male and female rooms are separate. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas.

Duration: Minimum of 4 months; up to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included. 80

Angeles de Amor (Work with disabled persons) CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS

NATMLTV23 Angeles de Amor; San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. DISA at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 3

Project: The civil organization “Farm and Workshops for Persons with Different Capacities Angeles de Amor” was founded in 2005 with the aim of supporting youth and disabled persons. The activities carried out by the organization further the coexistence and integration of disabled adults into society, including training and development of capacities towards formal employment and other educational experiences to broaden their horizons.. Amongst the group, activities regarding life occupational skills have been realized, including reading and writing, art education, physical education, song and dance, basic mathematics, environmental education, and other visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and socialization. There is a center and small farm where activities take place. Activities: Support workshops and trainings. Assist with farm activities: animal care, sowing and harvesting of crops, etc. Support physical therapies and psychomotor trainings. Lead and/or create games, sports, and other recreational activities. Lead/organize outings to parks, museums, zoos, etc.

Support communication, diffusion, and promotions such as creation of a website, blog, social networking, videos, photography, document production, etc. Notes: Interest in working with disabled persons, availability and enthusiasm for cultural exchange, creativity, 81

and patience preferred. Volunteers should have a basic level of Spanish. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the volunteer house in San Cristobal de las Casas. Housing is shared: 2 volunteers/bedroom. Rarely, 3 volunteers may share a bedroom. Male and female rooms are separate. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: Minimum of 3 months; up to 6 months. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included.

Voces Mesoamericanas (Mesoamerican Voices – Migrant Issues) CODE NAME LOCATION TYPE Date AGE VOLS

NATMLTV24 Voces Mesoamericanas San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. SOCI at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 3

Project: Voces Mesoamericanas (‘Central American Voices’) is a non-governmental civic organization that works with migrant individuals, families, and community groups in Chiapas. They arrange forums for dialogue, reflection, and strategizing to promote the common interests of Central and North American

societies. By supporting such organizational activities, they seek to increase civic participation and enhance transnational relations in the interest of supporting emigrant workers who wish to return to Chiapas. These goals are promoted through 82

the formation of transnational committees and the support of economic and employment initiatives. Much of the organization’s work is divided into three areas: 1) Encouragement of local investment and expansion of transnational markets, 2) Civic participation, communication, and representation of migrant culture, and 3) Networking and alliances with migrant advocacy groups in Mexico, Central America, and the United States. More information is available at www.vocesmesoamericanas.org Work: Assist with the facilitation of civic organization, workshops, and forums. Participate in the offering of support services to families of emigrant workers. Support transnational communication (correspondence, networking, etc.) Create educational materials regarding transnational development and citizenship. Development of educational programs and rural employment opportunities for workers as an alternative to emigration. Translation of website into English. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the volunteer house in San Cristobal de las Casas. Housing is shared: 2 volunteers/bedroom. Rarely, 3 volunteers may share a bedroom. Male and female rooms are separate. Language: Spanish and English proficiency/advanced level is required. Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: Minimum of 4 months; up to 6 months.

Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included.

CHULMEIL (Childcare and Education) 83


NATMLTV25 CHULMEIL San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. KIDS at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 3

Project: SYJAC assist displaced and migrant indigenous population who lives in the northern periphery of San Cristobal de las Casas. It aims to foster solidarity within each community and between communities to improve people’s quality of life, as well as to promote, systematise and share our experiences in order to increase the knowledge and skills of groups and people, to procure more and better socialdevelopment processes. SYJAC current projects include the Ch’ulme’il Mother–Child Education Centre (Centro de Educacion Materno-infantil Ch’ulme’il), which has been operating for a few years. In the Ch’ulme’il Mother–Child Education Centre (Centro de Educacion Maternoinfantil Ch’ulme’il) we host 16 children, and accordingly offer services to 16 families of single mothers, most of whom are domestic workers. The mothers of the children we care for, also receive capacity building and workshops to help improve their healthcare and education, as well as strengthening their mothering skills. Work: Support the childcare and educational activities of the center. Lead/assist with recreational activities. Conduct workshops and trainings. Enhancement of facilities (light construction, painting, decoration, etc.) Promotion of organization activities and fund-raising. Administrative assistance.

Notes: Interest in working with children and investigation of issues related to indigenous peoples preferred. Spanish proficiency required. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the volunteer house in San Cristobal de las Casas. Housing is 84

shared: 2 volunteers/bedroom. Rarely, 3 volunteers may share a bedroom. Male and female rooms are separate. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: Minimum of 3 months; up to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included.


NAT-MLTV26 Languages & Cultures Teaching Different locations, Chiapas TEACH 3 August 2013 18+ 5

Project: The volunteer will be teaching languages (mainly English, but also others) to support local youngsters and kids in public schools, as well as empowering our partners such as Chantiik, Chulmeil, Voces Mesoamericanas and also Our organization's local volunteers. The volunteer will spend two weeks at Our organization´s language school, La Casa en el Arbol (www.lacasaenelarbol.org). Here they will join; an intensive Teacher Training Course

to provide them with the tools to teach in an effective way, a permaculture and lombricompost workshop, and a Spanish/Mayan & Mexican Culture Immersion course. Together this will provide the volunteer with a truly eye-opening experience to the Mexican-Chiapas 85

mosaic. The volunteer will be promoting international understanding, participating in sports activities, raising environmental awareness through workshops and supporting permacultural initiatives in the school. The volunteer will receive support from local teachers and families, and also through a week-end workshop run monthly at Our organization and La Casa en el Arbol. Accommodation: Hosting and food will be provided for the whole length of the project and volunteers will be living with a Mexican family. Locations: Possible locations will include the multicultural city of San Cristobal de las Casas, Revolucion Mexicana, Villacorzo, the Zoque village of CopainalA and the Mayan villages of Mitontic and Aldama. The location of the volunteers host family and school they will teach at will be decided during the two weeks of training, through collaboration with the area coordinator. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Participation Fee: 400 euro/$6920 pesos for the first month and 98euro/$1700 pesos for the subsequent month(s). Meals are included. The fee will be paid upon arrival in San Cristobal de las Casas and it covers administrative expenses of the project during their stay.

More details about the program will be sent to our partners in April.

Leading Project Our organization NEW PROJECT! 86


NAT-MLTV27 Leading Project Different locations, Chiapas LEADING ? 18+ 10

Project: This year Our organization has several incredible MTV camp leader positions available and invites enthusiastic volunteers to embark on this rewarding experience. If the volunteer can only commit to joining two of Our organization’s work camps (1week Spanish & Mexican Culture Immersion+ 2 weeks project + 1 week free + 2 weeks project = total of 6-7 weeks) don’t worry! Don’t hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to welcome you as a volunteer! Work: Depending on the number of volunteers (10 or more) we will try to combine one local camp leader with one foreign camp leader in order to provide the best balance. It would be great if the volunteer could be provided with an induction to Latin American countries to help reduce the cultural shock. However if this is not possible Our organization offers a FREE week orientation as well as a FREE week of Mexican Culture Immersion before starting the project! In addition to this all volunteers will receive an orientation session on the first day of the workcamp. Accommodation: Hosting and food will be provided for the whole length of the project and volunteers will be living with a Mexican family. Language: Spanish and English proficiency/advanced level is required. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT 70% OF THE WORKCAMPS ARE IN SPANISH AND 30% IN ENGLISH. Location: All possible locations in Chiapas included in our workcamp list. The location of workcamps they will be leading will be decided during the two weeks of training, through collaboration with the area coordinator. Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas.

Notes: ESSENTIAL EXPERIENCE FOR LEADING AN MTV PROJECT: Speak at least intermediate Spanish. B2 of the CEF. 87

+20 years old. Previous work camp experience. Good Standard of Health Hold medical insurance, (we can’t provide this) A love for taking the initiative and the ability to work well under pressure. Open minded, flexible, understanding, patient, organized, team player and above all someone who enjoys having fun. Stuff to bring with you: Sleeping bag, Yoga mat (it is however possible to buy one here), Games and creative ideas Participation Fee: Free More details about the program will be sent to our partners by the end of March


NATMLTV28 Itinerant Cinema Debate Different locations,Chiapas SOCI/KIDS at specific dates to attend the Mexican Culture Immersion Program. 18+ 2

Project: Our organization Voluntariado Internacional has organized a workcamp called CINE DEBATE ITINERANTE (Travelling Film Screening and Discussion). This workcamp will focus on the screening of films and/or documentaries and the facilitation of workshops with social themes. This project focuses on the exchange of experiences via dynamic activities, theatrical presentations, and creation of murals to effect

workshops on topics such as recycling ethics, all this with the objective of letting volunteers and people in general to express themselves and use this activities to become awareness of reality in an alternative way. These workshops will be tailored 88

to address different sectors of the population. Work: Volunteers will be in charge of organizing screenings of films and documentaries followed by discussions, which will engage attendees in debate and reflection on specific themes. Volunteers will also facilitate workshops on the topic of recycling and present theatrical productions to different sectors of the population based on themes presented in screenings. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the volunteer house in San Cristobal de las Casas. Housing is shared: 2 volunteers/bedroom. Rarely, 3 volunteers may share a bedroom. Male and female rooms are separate. Language: Spanish is the most common language used in MLTV projects, however, being able to communicate in English can be very useful. Taking the opportunity to learn or improve your Spanish while here, will greatly enrich your experience! Location: San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Terminal: The closest international airport: Angel Albino Corzo, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas (TGZ). Bus Terminal: OCC San Cristobal de las Casas. Duration: Minimum of 3 months; up to 1 year. Participation Fee: $3200 pesos for the Mexican Culture Immersion Program (15 days) equivalent to 185 euro aprox., and $1700 pesos (98 euro) for the subsequent month(s). Meals are not included. More details about the program will be sent to our partners by the end of March

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