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Raw Dog Diet Tuesday, July 22, 2014
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Advantages of Dog Raw Food Diet
▼ 2014 (1) ▼ July (1) Advantages of Dog Raw Food Diet
Until recent times, dogs primarily ate a raw food diet that consisted of meats from animals that they hunted. Today, we feed our dogs processed foods that may not meet all of their needs. In fact, a growing movement has encouraged a return to the traditional raw meat diet for dogs that is healthier overall for their digestive system. However, raw meat diets come with disadvantages as well as advantages. To better understand all of the issues before feeding your dog a raw food diet. It helps to know what it is and what it promises to do for them. What is a Raw Food Diet for Dogs? Basically, it is feeding your dogs raw, uncooked and unprocessed foods over the typical hard and soft dog food that they consume today. The idea of the raw food diet comes from the original meals that dogs consumed long before they became domesticated. This type of diet consists of raw meat, bones and vegetables with fruits sometimes thrown into the mix. Certain dog breeds actually live on raw food diets today such as greyhounds that race in competition and sled dogs which pull heavy loads across the snow. However, the advocacy of raw food for all Does your business need professional PDFs in your application or on your website? Try the PDFmyURL API!
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