How to Reduce Acne Scars There are numerous online and offline companies that will happily take your money for the promise of reduce acne scars. These treatments often involve laser procedures and even harsh chemicals. These solutions don’t come cheap and they are not always very effective. 5o unless you want to, you really don’t need to visit a clinic and / or spend a lot of your hard earned dollars for this. There are quite a few home remedies as well as off the shelf herbal products to treat acne scarring that will do a good job! How to Reduce Acne Scars Naturally So…one question that is often asked is how to reduce acne scars naturally and without the cost and discomfort that is often associated with the options already discussed. Here are a few tips to get you started. These are simple home remedies that you can easily use to reduce acne scars on your face on your back or practically anywhere on your body. And I have also given details of an off the shelf (well online actually) natural acne removal cream which is getting excellent reviews (works on all scars including acne scars). See below for details. Make Sure To Exfoliate Your Skin Daily Exfoliating your skin is easy, quick and cheap. By doing this you are encouraging the pores of your skin to open and will help to keep the skin looking young, bright and natural. This will help to reduces the unnatural look of the acne scars (as people will be looking at your natural beauty rather than anything else! ). Needless to say, there are no shortage of exfoliation kits available. Just make sure that they are natural (and organic) if possible. You might even try this home remedy – apply half a lemon dipped in sugar (or baking soda) on your face or the affected area. This uses items that you’ll already have at home, or which you can purchase next time you are at the supermarket. See this short YouTube video for a step by step guide. Try and Keep Your Skin Well Hydrated You already know this, but you are probably guilty anyway – most of us are! Skin looks less healthy when it is not hydrated properly. So you will find that being dehydrated will tend to make scars look more prominent. Surprisingly you will probably also look like you have even more acne scars than you actually do. The solution is simple – stay hydrated, and be proactive about it! Don’t wait until you feel thirsty before you take some water (by then it’s too late), drink fresh clean un-chlorinated water (mineral water is best
although filtered water is a good 2nd) throughout the day. Aim to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure per day, more if you are bigger than average. Another source of water that people often forget is high water fruits (grapes, apples etc, etc) and veggies & salads. Of course fruits and vegetables should to be as fresh as possible and (ideally) organic. Do this and you’ll look better and you’ll also feel a whole lot better as well! You’ll also find that you will be far less likely to get pimples (and so a proactive kind of pimple scar removal) if you follow this simple step. Moisturizing Creams Moisturizing creams applied once or twice a day will keep the skin flexible. This will serve two purposes – it will help to reduce the effect and dominance of the scars and will assist in new scars forming in future. As with my suggestions above, natural and organic is the best way to go. For Best Results – Be Consistent Yes you are busy. I am busy. We are all busy. But if you can put into practice these few acne treatment tips for just a couple of weeks then you will quickly see good results – reduced acne scars! Your face will look better, your back will look better. Wherever you have acne scars will start to look better. And then you want to maintain the regime. Once you get into the swing of it, you’ll have it ingrained within your daily schedule. Let Your Acne Heal The body can do an awful lot to heal itself. So picking at your acne scars (and picking at acne as well) is just going to make the situation worse! And don’t pick at your scars as they are healing – give them a chance. What About Covering Up Acne Scars? This is a tempting strategy – cover the scarring with makeup. The upside of course is that the scars have gone away or have been significantly masked whilst the makeup is in place. But the downside is that the region of skin that you have covered up cannot breath and will therefore restrict and slow down the healing process. If you really must cover up your scars then do it then use natural makeup and use one that does in no way irritate your skin / scars. And use the makeup for as short a period as you can get away with, then remove as quick as possible. And then apply the natural acne reduction techniques described. And as promised here is the herbal acne scar treatment that I promised to highlight: Dermefface 7x to Reduce Acne Scars
First off this product can be used for a variety of scar types including acne scars. It’s also recommended for accident scars, chicken pox scars, and burn scars. It’s a good all round scar treatment lotion. As I have rambled on enough already and time is short, I’m just going to give you a flavor here – a brief overview to this product that getting hot reviews for acne treatments. You can click here for a fuller acne Dermefface 7x scar treatment review. Dermefface 7x is a fairly new acne treatment cream from Skinception. Skinception are a well established company that make a range of cutting edge skin care products of which Dermefface is one. Dermefface cream removes damaged and dead skin in and around the scar area (often red). Then fresh healthy new skin generates in the place of the scar and then - with increased collagen - the scars appear to be erased from the skin. With good reason, this is fast becoming a best selling scar treatment cream. Here again is the scar treatment review. I hope that these tips will help you to address and reduce your acne scars. The few methods described are simple, quick and cheap to implement. Do them and you’ll soon start to look and feel much better about things.