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Pure Florida - Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach
Experience Pure Florida

Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach - The Charlotte Harbor Gulf Island Coast is a charming, laid-back destination nestled between Sarasota and Fort Myers on the gulf coast. The area features an array of quality courses allowing any golf aficionado to experience some of the best golf Florida has to offer.
Southwest Florida is home to many different ecosystems, providing the aesthetic appeal and natural obstacles necessary to enhance any player’s experience while providing good challenges. There’s a course for every taste and skill level, including heavily wooded terrain, salt marshes, wetlands, and Audubon-certified courses teeming with a variety of native wildlife. Riverwood in Port Charlotte polled at No. 1 in Florida and No. 15 nationally in the GolfPass (formerly Golf Advisor) Golfer’s Choice 2021 list. Heritage Landing in Punta Gorda was ranked No. 34 in Florida on the same list.
Adding to the value, virtually every course in Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach is open to the public year-round and greens fees in peak season average approximately $55 per round. Summer and fall rates may be even lower. Find adventure off the greens with nearly 200 miles of Blueway Trails ideal for kayaking, canoeing and standup paddle boarding. Charlotte Harbor is known

for its world-class fishing, featuring offshore and back bay angling opportunities. The area is also referred to as “The Tarpon Capital of the World,” so fishing for the silver king is a true adrenaline rush.
Soak up the sun and beachcomb on some of the 12 miles of Gulf of Mexico beaches on the five barrier islands that hug the coast— some only accessible by boat—for a true natural Florida adventure.
On land, take advantage of the City of Punta Gorda’s free bicycle loaner program. Pedal away on one of the four bicycle routes, which range from 17 to 33 miles, or ride the 18-mile Punta Gorda Pathways, which circles the city and includes a ride along the tranquil Peace River.
The dining scene in Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach is an eclectic mix of seafood shacks, sidewalk cafés, waterfront eateries, fine dining, and sweet spots. In 2020, Punta Gorda was ranked #2 in USA Today’s Best Small Town Food Scene 10Best list. Primary dining districts include downtown Punta Gorda, Fishermen’s Village, Manasota Key, and Dearborn Street in Englewood. There’s a restaurant to satisfy every taste bud.
For a comprehensive look at the destination – on and off the course – visit www.pureflorida.com

Arrowhead Golf Club (239) 596-1000 www.arrowheadgolfnaples.com Cedar Hammock Golf & Country Club (239) 793-1134 www.cedarhammockgolf.com Cypress Woods Golf & Country Club (239) 592-7860 www.cypresswoodsgolf.com Eagle Lakes Golf Club (239) 732-0034 www.eaglelakesgolfclub.net Hammock Bay (239) 389-6600 www.jwmarco.com Heritage Bay Golf Course (239) 353-7056 www.golfheritagebay.com Hibiscus Golf Club (239) 774-3559 www.hibiscusgolf.com LaPlaya Beach and Golf Resort (239) 254-5001 www.laplayaresort.com Lely Resort Golf & Country Club (239) 793-2600 lelyresortgolfandcountryclub.com Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club (239) 261-2222 www.naplesbeachhotel.com Naples Grande Golf Club (239) 659-3700 www.naplesgrandegolf.com National Golf & CC (230) 867-9090 www.thenationalgc.com Panther Run Golf Club
Quail Village Golf Club Rookery At Marco (239) 304-2835 www.pantherrungolfclub.com (239) 598-2815 www.quailvillagegolfclub.org (239) 389-6600 www.jwmarco.com
Tiburon Golf Club
(239) 594-2040 www.tiburongcnaples.com TPC At Treviso Bay (239) 331-2052 www.tpctrevisobay.com Valencia Golf & Country Club (239) 352-0777 valenciagolfandcountryclub.com Vanderbilt Country Club (239) 348-2663 www.vanderbiltcountryclub.com
Alden Pines Golf Club
Cape Royal Golf Club Copperhead Golf Club Coral Oaks Golf Course
(239) 283-2179 www.aldenpinesgolf.com (239) 283-5522 www.caperoyalgolfclub.com (239) 369-8200 www.copperheadgc.com (239) 573-3100 www.coraloaksgolf.com Dunes Golf & Tennis Club (239) 472-3355 www.dunesgolfsanibel.com Eagle Ridge Golf & Tennis Club (239) 768-1888 www.playeagleridge.com Eastwood Golf Course (239) 321-7487 www.cityftmyers.com/eastwood Fort Myers Country Club (239) 321-7488 www.cityftmyers.com
Gasparilla Golf Club Majestic Golf Club Mirror Lakes Golf Club
Old Corkscrew Golf Club (941) 964-4565 www.the-gasparilla-inn.com (239) 369-8216 www.majesticgolfclub.com (239) 369-1322 www.mirrorlakesgolfclub.com (239) 949-4700 www.oldcorkscrew.com
Palmetto-Pine Country Club Pelican Preserve Golf Club
Raptor Bay Golf Club River Hall Country Club Royal Tee Country Club San Carlos Golf Club
Sanibel Island Golf Club (239) 574-2141 www.palmettopine.com (239) 985-1707 www.pelicanpreservelifestyles.com (239) 390-4610 www.raptorbaygolfclub.com (239) 313-4653 www.hamptongolfclubs.com (239) 283-3989 www.royaltee.net (239) 267-3131 www.sancarlosgolfclub.com (239) 472-2626 www.sanibelislandgc.com

Florida’s Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach gives you more than 20 courses offering great year-round play, with two ranked at 4 ½ stars by Golf Digest and three Audubon-certifi ed. And recently, Golf Advisor ranked Riverwood Golf Club #1 in Florida and #15 nationally. We’ve also welcomed Babcock National and Heritage Landing Golf & Country Club into our golf community, and Kingsway Golf Course is slated to open next fall. You’ll enjoy great prices, too, all year long at area courses, hotels, restaurants and more. It’s no wonder the area was ranked the “3rd Best Place in the Country to Live and Play Golf” by Golf Digest.
Shell Point Golf Club
Stoneybrook Golf Club Westminster Golf Club (239) 433-9790 www.shellpointgolf.com (239) 948-3933 www.stoneybrookgolffm.com (239) 368-1110 www.westminster-golf.com
Bluffs Golf Course
Buffalo Creek Golf Course
Calusa Lakes Golf Club
Capri Isle Golf Club
(863) 993-4310 www.thebluffsgolf.com (941) 776-2611 www.manateegcpublic.com (941) 484-8995 www.golfinvenice.com (941) 485-3371 www.golfinvenice.com Esplanade at Azario (941) 218-8172 www.esplanadeazariohoa.com IMG Academies Golf & Country Club (941) 758-1466 www.imggcc.com Lake Venice Golf Club (941) 488-3948 www.lakevenicegolf.com Legacy Golf Club Links At Greenfield Plantation (941) 907-7920 www.legacygolfclub.com (941) 747-9432 www.linksatgreenfieldplantation.com Longboat Key Club (941) 387-1632 www.longboatkeyclub.com Manatee County Golf Course (941) 792-6773 www.golfmanatee.com Meadows Country Club (941) 378-5153 www.meadowscc.org Mocassin Wallow (941) 721-0500 www.golfthemoc.com Oak Ford Golf Club (941) 371-3680 www.oakfordgolfclub.com Pelican Pointe Golf & Country Club (941) 496-4653 www.pelicanpointeclub.com Ritz-Carlton Members Golf Club (941) 309-2900 www.ritzcarlton.com River Club (941) 751-4211 www.riverclubgc.com River Run Golf Links (941) 708-8459 www.riverrungolflinks.com River Wilderness Golf & Country Club (941) 776-2602 www.riverwildernesscc.com Rolling Green Golf Course (941) 355-6620 www.rollinggreengc.com Rosedale Golf & Tennis Club (941) 756-0004 www.rosedalegcc.com Sabal Trace Golf & Country Club (941) 426-4883 www.sabaltracegolfcourse.com Sarasota Golf Club
Sarasota National Golf Club
Serenoa Golf Club (941) 371-2431
www.sarasotagc.com (941) 496-8676 www.sarasotanationalgolf.com (941) 925-2755 www.serenoagc.com Stoneybrook GCC of Sarasota (941) 966-1800 www.stoneybrook.net Stoneybrook GC Heritage Harbour (941) 749-1842 www.golfstoneybrook.com Tatum Ridge Golf Links (941) 378-4211 www.tatumridgegolflinks.com Preserve Golf Club At Tara (941) 756-2944 www.golfthepreserve.com University Park Country Club (941) 359-9999 www.universitypark-fl.com Waterford Golf Club (941) 484-6621 www.golfinvenice.com Waterlefe Golf & River Club (941) 744-0393 www.waterlefegolf.com
Arcadia Golf Course
(863) 494-4223 arcadiamunicipalgolfcourse.webs.com Babcock National (941) 347-2200 www.babcocknationalgc.com Boca Royale Golf & Country Club (941) 474-7475 www.bocaroyale.com Deep Creek Golf Club (941) 625-6911 www.deepcreekgc.com Golf Links of Charlotte Harbor (941) 625-4109 www.golftheharbor.com Heritage Landing (941) 347-2222 www.heritagelandinggcc.com Heron Creek (941) 423-9655 www.heron-creek.com Heron’s Glen Golf & Country Club (239) 731-4520 www.hggcc.com
Lemon Bay Golf Club (941) 697-3729 www.lemonbaygolfclub.com
Myakka Pines Golf Club Port Charlotte Golf Club
Riverwood Golf Club (941) 474-3296 www.myakkapinesgolfclub.com (941) 625-4109 www.portcharlottegolfclub.com (941) 764-6661 www.riverwoodgc.com
Rotonda Golf Club
Twin Isles Country Club (941) 698-0918 (941) 637-1232 www.rotondagolf.com www.twinislescc.org