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Florida Senior Games
The Florida Senior Games, presented by Humana has something for everyone. But there’s one catch. Athletes must be age 50 and over.
For those who meet that requirement, yes, there is a sport for everyone. The Florida Senior Games offers sports requiring speed and stamina, like Basketball, Cycling and Track and Field. There are sports utilizing focus and accuracy, like Archery, Bowling, Golf and Horseshoes. If you’ve got good hand/eye coordination, there’s Racquetball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Tennis and Pickleball. If you’re a team player, bring your Basketball, Volleyball or Softball team.
One of the myths of the Florida Senior Games is, “Oh, I’m not good enough to be in any sports competition.” That’s ok.
The Florida Senior Games community is one of the most supportive and encouraging group of people around. You’ve got to start somewhere and your fellow Senior Games athletes will be there to provide support and advice along the way. Just Bring Your Game.
Competition in the Florida Senior Games is a journey from the Local, to State and to National Level events.
Beginning in January of every year, a variety of Florida communities offer local qualifiers with sports included in the annual Florida Senior Games and a variety of others. The spring qualifiers are held through April.
With Florida’s heat and humidity of May through August, the qualifiers take a break and continue from September through November.
The Local Qualifiers are held from Pensacola to Jacksonville to Fort Myers and Miami-Dade County. From January through November, athletes have the opportunity to start their Senior Games journey in one of 21 Florida locations.
The 31st Annual Florida Senior Games will be held the first two weekends of December, in a location to be determined. The 2022 Florida Senior Games will be a qualifier for the 2023 National Senior Games, to beheld in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the summer of 2023.
The 2021 Florida Senior Games, held in the Greater Fort Lauderdale area, featured the usual array of inspiring and motivating stories of athlete achievements.
Doug Webster, a cyclist in the 5K and 10K time trials, 75-79 age group, returned to the Games after suffering a heart attack after his 5K time trials race in 2020. His triumphant

return in 2021 earned him a gold medal and a qualification to the 2022 National Senior Games.
A total of 15 athlete age 90 and above competed in the 2021 Florida Senior Games, including three golfers. Dick Cheney, of Lakeland, won the gold medal in the 90-94 age group, turning in a 47 in nine holes of play.
Only the 90+ athletes play nine holes. Everyone under 90, plays 18. The lowest score of the day, played in an off and on rain, at the Club at Emerald Hills, in Hollywood, was recorded by 81-year old Charles James, who shot a 79.
The Club at Emerald Hills has a picturesque view at the 4th tee box with the Hard Rock Hollywood guitar-shaped hotel off in the distance.
Age Requirement: Athletes must be 50 years old in the year in which they begin competing. Competition is held in age groups of five-year intervals, beginning at 50-54, and advancing to 100 years old.
Sports: Archery, Badminton, Basketball Shooting, 3-on-3 Basketball, Bowling, Cycling (5K and 10K Time Trials and 20K and 40K Road Races); Dominos, Golf, Horseshoes, Pickleball, Powerlifting, Power Walk/Race Walk, Racquetball, 5K Road Race, Softball, Shuffleboard, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball
When: Local qualifiers are held statewide between January and November. Florida Senior Games held first two weekends of December annually.
For more information visit www.floridaseniorgames.com or follow the Games on Facebook.

Bonaventure Country Club Club at Emerald Hills
(954) 389-2100 www.golfbonaventure.com (954) 961-4000 www.theclubatemeraldhills.com Colony West Country Club (954) 726-8430 www.golfcolonywest.com Country Club of Coral Springs (954) 752-4500 www.ccofcs.com Davie Golf and Country Club (954) 797-4653 www.golfdavie.com Deer Creek Golf Club (954) 421-5550 www.deercreekflorida.com Flamingo Lakes Country Club (954) 435-6110 www.flamingolakescc.com Grand Palms Hotel & Golf Resort (954) 431-8800 www.grandpalmsresort.com Heron Bay Golf Club (954) 796-2000 www.heronbaygolfclub.net Hollywood Beach Golf & Country Club (954) 927-1751 www.hollywoodbeachgolfresort.com Inverrary Country Club (954) 733-7550 www.inverrarygolf.com Jacaranda Golf Club (954) 472-5836 www.golfjacaranda.com Orangebrook Golf & Country Club (954) 967-4653 www.orangebrook.com Oriole Golf & Tennis Club (954) 972-8140 www.oriolegolfclub.com Palm-Aire Country Club & Resort (954) 975-6225 www.palmairegolf.com Pembroke Lakes Golf Club (954) 431-4144 www.pcmgolf.com Plantation Preserve Golf Course (954) 585-5020 www.plantationpreserve.org Pompano Beach Golf Course (954) 781-0426 www.mypompanobeach.org
Biltmore Golf Course (305) 460-5364 www.biltmorehotel.com
Costa Greens Golf Club
Costa del Sol Golf Club
(305) 592-3300 www.costagreensgolfclub.com (305) 592-3300 www.cdsgolfclub.com Country Club of Miami (305) 829-8456 www.golfccmiami.com Crandon Golf At Key Biscayne (305) 361-9129 www.crandongolfclub.com Florida Keys CC (305)743-2551 www.floridakeyscc.com International Links Miami (305) 633-4583 www.internationallinksgolfclub.com Key West Country Club (305) 294-5232 www.keywestgolf.com
Killian Greens Golf Club
(305) 271-0917 www.killiangreensgolfclub.com Miami Beach Golf Club (305) 532-3350 www.miamibeachgolfclub.com Miami Shores Country Club (305) 795-2366 www.miamishoresgolf.com Miami Springs Golf & Country Club (305) 805-5180 www.miamispringsgolfcourse.com Miccosukee Golf and Country Club (305) 382-3931 www.miccosukeegolf.com Normandy Shores Golf Course (305) 868-6502 www.normandyshoresgolfclub.com Palmetto Golf Course (305) 235-1069 www.co.miamidade.fl.us Redland Golf & Country Club (305) 247-8503 www.redlandgolf.com Shula’s Golf Club (305) 820-8088 www.donshulahotel.com Trump National Doral (305) 592-2000 www.trumphotelcollection.com Turnberry Isle - JW Marriott (305) 932-6200 www.turnberryislemiami.com

Abacoa Golf Club
Atlantic National Golf Club
(561) 622-0036 www.abacoagolfclub.com (561) 969-6600 www.atlanticnationalgolfclub.com Atlantis Country Club (561) 965-7700 www.atlantiscountryclub.com Boca Dunes Golf and Country Club (561) 451-1600 www.bocadunes.com Boca Greens Country Club (561) 852-8800 www.bocagreenscountryclub.com Boca Raton Resort & Club (561) 447-3099 www.bocaresort.com Club at Ibis (561) 625-8500 www.clubatibis.com
Club at Winston Trails (561) 439-3700 www.winstontrailsgolfclub.com
Delray Beach Golf Club Forest Oaks Golf Club
(561) 243-7380 www.affordablegolf.com (561) 967-6810 www.forestoaksgc.com Golf Club of Jupiter (561) 747-6262 www.golfclubofjupiter.com Lake Worth Municipal Golf Course (561) 582-9713 www.lakeworth.org Links At Boynton Beach (561) 742-6502 www.boynton-beach.org Madison Green Country Club (561) 784-5225 www.madisongreengolf.com North Palm Beach Country Club (561) 691-3433 www.village-npb.org Okeeheelee Golf Course (561) 964-4653 www.pbcgolf.com Osprey Point Golf Course (561) 482-2868 www.pbcgolf.com Palm Beach National Golf & CC (561) 965-3381 www.palmbeachnational.com Park Ridge Golf Course (561) 966-7044 www.pbcgolf.com PGA National Resort (561) 627-1800 www.pgaresort.com Sandhill Crane Golf Club (561) 630-1175 www.gardensgolf.com
Southwinds Golf Course (561) 483-1305 www.pbcgolf.com
The Breakers
(561) 655-6611 www.thebreakers.com Village Golf Club (561) 793-1400 www.thevillagegolfclub.com Westchester Golf & Country Club (561) 734-6300 www.westchestercc.com
Champions Club At Summerfield (772) 283-1500 www.thechampionsgolfclub.com Evergreen Club (772) 286-2113 www.theevergreenclub.com Florida Club (772) 287-3680 www.floridaclubgolf.com Hammock Creek Golf Club (772) 220-2599 www.hammockcreekgolfclub.com
Heritage Ridge Golf Club (772) 546-2800 www.heritageridgegolf.com Indianwood Golf & Country Club (772) 597-3794 www.indianwoodgolfclub.com Jensen Beach Golf Club (772) 692-3322 www.jensenbeachgc.com Lost Lake Golf Club (772) 220-6666 www.lostlakegolfclub.com

PGA National
Marriott Hutchison Island (772) 225-6819 www.marriotthutchinsonisland.com
Martin County GC
(772) 287-3747 www.martincountygolfcourse.com North River GC (772) 692-0346 www.northrivergc.com Osprey Creek at Martin Downs (772) 286-6818 www.martindownsgolfclub.com Palm Cove Golf and Yacht Club (772) 287-5605 www.palmcovegolf.com

Swing by the sea.
Martin County, Florida is home to over 35 world-class golf courses—all within 15 minutes of each other. For a unique golf experience, grab your clubs and take a scenic drive down to Sailfish Sands Golf Course, where you’ll find a reversible 9-hole course, a traditional 18-hole course, and a 13-acre driving range. Stay and play at the meticulously maintained and intelligently designed Ocean Club Golf Course at the Marriott Hutchinson Island Beach Resort, Golf & Marina, designed by Charles Ankrom and ranked as one of the best executive courses in the U.S. With courses for every skill level, affordable day rates, and breathtaking views, the grass is certainly greener on this side of South Florida. Plan your trip at DiscoverMartin.com