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SUMMER/FALL 2024 PUBLISHED BY Destination Media, Inc. PO Box 897, Melrose, FL 32666 352.475.2200
Gary A. Jones - President/CEO gary@dmiflorida.com
Deborah J. Green - Executive Vice President DESIGNED BY SVK Multimedia & Publishing svkmp.com Robin Vargo - Creative
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From the sugar-white beaches to north of the Choctawhatchee Bay, Walton County is home to a wide variety of golf courses that welcome all levels of experience.
Challenge yourself on championship links at modern golf and beach resorts or at a classic course that’s part of Florida’s Historic Golf Trail. Each course incorporates unique elements of the diverse terrain, allowing you to fully interact with these stunning natural landscapes.
Find your perfect beach at VisitSouthWalton.com.
South Walton has a way of drawing friends together for life...an atmosphere of spontaneity and tranquility, relaxation and play that makes every moment a paradise just for you. From unique neighborhoods to sugar-white sand and turquoise water, every detail celebrates time well spent.
Holiday Golf Club (850) 234-1800 www.holidaygolfclub.com
Sheraton Bay Point (850) 235-6950 www.baypointgolf.com
Signal Hill Golf Course, Inc. (850) 234-5051 www.signalhillgolfcourse.com
Sunny Hills Golf & Country Club (850) 773-3619 sunnyhillsgolfandcountryclub.com
A. C. Read Golf Club (850) 452-2454 www.navymwrpensacola.com
Club At Hidden Creek (850) 939-4604 www.theclubathiddencreek.com
Cypress Lakes Golf Club (850) 937-3820 www.cypresslakesgolfclub.net
Lost Key Golf Club (850) 492-1300 www.lostkey.com
Marcus Pointe Golf Club (850) 484-9770 www.marcuspointegc.com
Osceola Municipal Golf Course (850) 453-7599 www.osceolagolf.com
Perdido Bay Golf Club (850) 492-1223 www.perdidobaygolf.com
Scenic Hills Country Club (850) 476-0380 www.scenichills.com
Stonebrook Golf Club (850) 994-7171 www.stonebrook-golf.com
Tanglewood Golf Club (850) 623-6176 www.tanglewood-golf.com
Tiger Point Golf and Country Club (850) 940-4653 www.tigerpointgolf.com
St. James Bay (850) 697-9606 www.stjamesbay.com
Saint Josephs Bay Country Club (850) 227-1751 www.stjoebaygolf.com
Bluewater Bay Resort (850) 897-3241 www.bwbresort.com
Eglin Golf Course - Eagle (850) 678-8726 www.eglinservices.com
Emerald Bay Golf Club (850) 837-5197 www.emeraldbaygolfclub.com
Fort Walton Beach Golf Course (850) 833-9664 www.fwb.org
Indian Bayou Golf & Country Club (850) 837-6191 www.indianbayougolf.com
Kelly Plantation Golf Club (850) 650-7600 www.kellyplantationgolf.com
Regatta Bay Golf & Country Club (850) 337-8080 www.regattabay.com
Shalimar Pointe G&CC (850) 651-1416 www.shalimarpointe.com
Blackstone Golf Course (850) 520-4670 www.blackstonemossyhead.com
Camp Creek Golf Club (850) 231-7600 www.campcreekgolfclub.com
Eagle Springs Golf Club (850) 892-3812 www.eaglespringsgolfcenter.com
Sandestin Golf Resort (850) 267-8155 www.sandestin.com
Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club (850) 267-2229 www.santarosaclub.com
Seascape Resort (850) 654-7888 www.seascape-resort.com
Windswept Dunes Golf Club (850) 835-1847 www.windsweptdunes.com
Golf Club At Summerbrooke (850) 894-4653 www.summerbrookegolf.com
Golf Club of Quincy (850) 627-8386 www.golfclubquincy.com
Hilaman Park Golf Course (850) 891-3935 www.talgov.com
Seminole Golf Course (8500 644-2650 www.seminolegolfcourse.com
Southwood Golf Club (850) 942-4653 www.southwoodgolf.com
In Panama City Beach, you’ll enjoy white sands and turquoise waters whether you’re walking along the shoreline or cruising around the cart trail. The Gulf Coast is a golfer’s paradise, given that the weather is favorable for year-round play. Home to championship courses, 320 days of sunshine a year and an average temperature of 74 degrees, Panama City Beach is the place to tee it up. Whether you’re a beginner, an amateur or a seasoned professional, you’ll find a course to fit your skill level.
“Golfers from all over the country visit to Panama City Beach for its challenging but beautiful courses and abundant sunshine,” says Dan Rowe, President and CEO of Visit Panama City Beach. “With greens and fairways that never disappoint, visitors often return for an unparalleled golf vacation at the Real. FUN. Beach.”
Between the challenging marshlands of Bay Point Golf Club, the fast greens of Holiday Golf Club and the historic surroundings of Signal Hill Golf Course, you’re sure to find the perfect course for your getaway. Whether you are seeking a relaxed afternoon or the chance to make a once in a lifetime shot, you can find it here in Panama City Beach.
In addition to offering a collection of courses for novice, leisure and serious golfers, Panama City Beach provides ample entertainment off the course.
From offshore fishing charters, kayak tours, stand-up paddleboard adventures and sunset dolphin tours to pristine beaches, premier shopping, live music venues and the best seafood restaurants on the Gulf, there is truly something for everyone. Having been named TripAdvisor’s No. 2 “Emerging Destination” in the world, PCB is one place you don’t want to miss.
If golf is in your vacation game plan, you’ll enjoy the total package that is Panama City Beach. Tee it up in paradise and return home with lasting memories!
Discover the thrill of nature right beyond your doorstep in Crystal River, where you have direct access to the Gulf of Mexico. Just a little more than an hour's drive from both Orlando and Tampa, this pristine destination offers an escape from the bustle of everyday life, perfect for crafting memories. Nestled on the stunning Nature Coast, Plantation Resort on Crystal River boasts unique natural wonders waiting to be explored!
Chiefland Golf & Country Club (352) 493-2375 www.chieflandgolf.com
Country Club At Lake City (386) 752-2266 thecountryclubatlakecity.com
Ironwood Golf Course (352) 334-3120 www.cityofgainesville.org
Meadowbrook Golf Club (352) 332-0577 www.playmeadowbrook.com
Quail Heights Country Club (386) 752-3339 www.quailheights.com
Turkey Creek Golf Course (386) 518-6815 www.turkeycreekgolfcourse.com
Candler Hills Golf and Country Club (352) 861-9712 www.candlerhillsgolfclub.com
Continental Country Club (352) 748-3293 www.continentalcountryclub.com
Country Club At Silver Springs Shores (352) 687-2828 www.silverspringsgolfcc.com
Eagle Ridge At Spruce Creek (352) 307-1668 www.playeagleridgegolf.com
Huntington Golf Club (352) 347-3333 www.huntingtongolfclub.com
Juliette Falls Golf and Spa Club (352) 522-0309 www.juliettefalls.com
Lake Diamond Golf & Country Club (352) 687-1000 www.lakediamond.com
Links of Spruce Creek (352) 347-6172 www.linksatsprucecreek.com
Miona Lake Golf Club (352) 748-4200 www.mionalakegolfclub.com
Ocala Golf Club (352) 401-6917 www.ocalagolfclub.com
Ocala National Golf Club (352) 629-7980 www.ocalanational.com
Ocala Palms Golf & Country Club (352) 732-4653 www.ocalapalms.com
Pine Oaks Golf Course (352) 401-6940 www.pineoaksocala.com
Preserve Golf Club At Spruce Creek (352) 861-3131 www.playthepreserve.com
Royal Oaks Golf Club (352) 861-1818 www.royaloaksgolfclub.com
Shady Brook Golf & RV (352) 568-1808 www.shadybrookrvandgolf.com
Stone Creek Golf Club (352) 854-1272 www.delwebb.com/stonecreek
Stonecrest Golf Club (352) 245-0565 www.stonecrestgolfclub.com
SummerGlen Country Club (352) 307-1766 www.summerglen.com
Black Diamond Ranch (352) 746-3446 www.blackdiamondranch.com
Citrus Hills Golf Club (352) 746-4425 citrushillsgolfandcountryclub.com
Citrus Springs Country Club (352) 489-5045 www.citrusspringsgolf.com
Inverness Golf & Country Club (352) 637-2526 www.golfinverness.com
LakeSide Country Club (352) 726-1461 www.lakesideccgolf.com
Pine Ridge Community Golf Club (352) 746-6177 www.pineridgeassn.com
Plantation on Crystal River (352) 795-4211 www.plantationinn.com
Skyview At Terra Vista (352) 746-3664 www.citrushills.com
Southern Woods Golf Club (352) 382-1200 www.southernwoodsgc.com
Sugarmill Woods Country Club (352) 382-2663 www.sugarmillwoodscc.com
Twisted Oaks Golf Club (352) 746-6257 www.twistedoaksgc.com
PERCHED ALONG THE STUNNING ATLANTIC COASTLINE, Hammock Beach Golf Resort & Spa invites you to experience two extraordinary golf courses, perfect for your ultimate golf escape.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of our Jack Nicklaus Signature designed Ocean Course, where pristine wetlands, sparkling lakes, and six incredible holes along the Atlantic shoreline await. With over 100 acres of Platinum Paspalum grass, this course is a true golfer’s paradise. The final four holes, famously known as the “Bear Claw,” offer an unforgettable challenge that has earned accolades from top golf publications worldwide.
For a different yet equally captivating experience, our Tom Watson Signature designed Conservatory Course spans 140 acres of rolling greens, highlighted by waterfalls, babbling brooks, and intricate field stonework. Its classic links-style layout, including a picturesque island green, provides a unique and scenic challenge that’s rare in Florida golf.
In addition to world-class golf, Hammock Beach Golf Resort & Spa offers an array of activities and amenities for everyone to enjoy. Enjoy a round of putt-putt, bike rentals, ocean view accommodations, full-service spa, fitness center, ten pools, waterslide, and multiple dining options. Plus, sports enthusiasts will love our tennis courts and newly added four pickleball courts!
Grand Club (386) 437-5807 www.thegrandclub.com
Grand Reserve Golf Course (386) 313-2966 www.grandreserve.com
Hammock Beach Resort (386) 246-6710 www.hammockbeach.com
Palatka Golf Club (386) 329-0141 www.palatkagolfclub.com
Palm Harbor Golf Club (386) 986-4653 www.palmharborgolfclub.com
Amelia River Golf Club (904) 491-8500 www.ameliarivergolfclub.net
Deerfield Lakes Golf Club (904) 879-1210 www.deerfieldlakesgolf.com
Fernandina Beach Golf Course (904) 277-7370 fernandinabeachgolfclub.com
Golf Club At North Hampton (904) 548-0000 www.hamptongolfclubs.com
Omni Amelia Island (904) 277-5907 www.aipfl.com
Golf Club At South Hampton (904) 287-7529 www.golfsouthhampton.com
Palencia Club (904) 599-9030 www.vivapalencia.com
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club (904) 285-6911 www.pvresorts.com
Royal St. Augustine G&CC (904) 824-4653 www.royalstaugustinegolf.com
St. Augustine Shores Golf Club (904) 794-0303 www.capstonegolf.net
St. Johns Golf and Country Club (904) 940-3215 www.stjohnsgolf.com
St. Johns Golf Club (904) 209-0350 www.sjgc.com
TPC Sawgrass (904) 273-3235 www.tpcsawgrass.com
World Golf Village (904) 940-6088 www.golfwgv.com
Bent Creek Golf Course (904) 779-0800 www.golfbentcreek.com
Blue Sky Golf Club (904) 446-2899 www.golfbluesky.com
Champions at Julington Creek (904) 287-4653 www.championsclubgolf.com
Cimarrone Golf & Country Club (904) 287-2000 www.cimarronegolf.com
Country Club of Orange Park (904) 276-7664 www.ccofop.com
Eagle Harbor Golf Club (904) 269-9300 www.eagleharboronline.com
Eagle Landing Golf Club (904) 291-5600 www.eaglelandingonline.com
Fiddler’s Green At Cecil Field (904) 778-5245 www.fiddlersgreenclub.com
Golf Club At Fleming Island (904) 269-1440 www.flemingislandgolf.com
Hidden Hills CC (904) 641-8121 www.hiddenhillsgc.com
Hyde Park Golf Club (904) 786-5410 www.hydepark.golf
Jacksonville Beach Golf Course (904) 247-6184 jacksonvillebeachgolfclub.com
Magnolia Point Golf & Country Club (904) 531-9784 www.magnoliapointgolfclub.com
Panther Creek Golf Club (904) 783-2600 www.panthercreekgolf.com
Ponte Vedra Golf and Country Club (904) 285-0204 thepontevedragolfandcc.com
Queens Harbour Yacht & Country Club (904) 221-1012 www.clubcorp.com
Windsor Parke Golf Club (904) 223-4653 www.windsorparke.com
Windy Harbor Golf Club (904) 270-5380 www.windyharborgolf.com
Situated just minutes south of St. Augustine in seemingly undiscovered Palm Coast, Hammock Beach Golf Resort & Spa is an unspoiled haven overlooking two miles of pristine Atlantic shoreline. Presenting true luxury nestled among nature, the resort offers an upscale escape surrounded by scenes of old Florida, featuring premier accommodations, amenities and dining outlets, including two Signature championship golf courses, spa & fitness center, a multi-level pool complex and miles of coquina-laden coastline.
The resort offers all the comforts of home and more with 325 beautifully ornate and spacious villas, suites and luxury condominiums ranging from one-, two-, and three-bedroom options, each with private balconies and sweeping ocean views.
Offering the ultimate in oceanfront luxury and personalized service, the Lodge at Hammock Beach is a pet friendly, intimate accommodation option featuring 20 guest rooms with unobstructed ocean views, direct beach access and oceanfront dining at the award-winning Atlantic Grille.
Hammock Beach is home to two world-class golf courses, the Jack Nicklaus Signature Design Ocean Course and the Tom Watson Signature Design Conservatory Course. The Ocean Course is famed for its six Atlantic Ocean-hugging holes and thrilling closing stretch named “The Bear Claw,” and is one of the Top 10 Courses You Can Play in Florida. The Conservatory Course offers a distinctive style of play surrounded by spectacular views of the natural landscape. Spanning across 140-acres, the oversized course’s signature hole is a
picturesque island green on hole #8. Additionally, The Conservatory Course features a gorgeous, domed glass clubhouse with a nature conservatory, pro shop and restaurant.
Aside from championship golf, the amenityrich resort offers storybook experiences with a 6.5-acre multi-level pool complex with a lazy river, twisting water slide, sandy beach pool, adult experience pool, zero entry kids pool, group spa, indoor lap pool and two outdoor hot tubs.
Walk in the footsteps of the world’s greatest explorers and discover that youth is not in a fountain, but in a lifestyle. The rejuvenating oceaninspired 10,000 square-foot full-service spa and salon offers indoor treatments and draws from the bountiful resources of its unspoiled beaches, rich history and unique setting. The Spa at Hammock Beach offers serenity and luxury with relaxing massages, cleansing facials, hair treatments, nail services and more. Relax and unwind with unique and highly effective treatments that use products rich with minerals from the sea to deliver restorative benefits for the skin, hair, body and mind. Men’s and women’s locker rooms feature additional relaxation without an appointment in the form of an inhalation room, sauna and steam room.
Take a culinary adventure and experience the delight of the resort’s multiple restaurants and bars including the aforementioned Loggerheads, Delfinos, The Sushi Bar, Ocean Bar Café Cigar Bar, and its signature restaurant, Atlantic Grille, which is Palm Coast’s only public oceanfront restaurant. Offering a great epicurean experience,
the Atlantic Grille’s spectacular, and sweeping, ocean views paired with an elegant South Florida design, make this award-winning oceanfront restaurant the place to be for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With an emphasis on freshly caught seafood and an extensive beverage offering, the Atlantic Grille’s “Shore-to-Table” experience is a must. Indulge in great food and a fantastic atmosphere at Atlantic Grille where you can, sit indoors or out on the patio to enjoy ocean and golf course views.
Loggerheads Lounge is a comfortable and well-appointed sports bar, featuring multiple HD TV’s making it the perfect setting for viewing the game or watching major sporting events.
The Ocean Bar Café allows you the ability or order food and beverages from the comfort of your chaise lounge chair. Light pool fare and refreshing libations are available to enjoy surrounded by our multilevel pool complex.
Our gourmet Sushi Bar will awaken your taste buds and leaving you wanting more. Serving the finest sushi grade fish and freshly prepared varieties or uramaki, sashimi and futomake paired with your favorite sake.
Rounding out the amenities, the resort boasts a 200-slip marina, tennis center with eight lit HydroGrid clay tennis courts, 9-hole professionally manicured putting course, bike fleet, over 55,000 square-feet of indoor and outdoor flexible meeting and event space, and one of the most relaxing, unspoiled, coquina-laden beaches in the state.
Hammock Beach also has an array of outstanding amenities near the resort including swimming with the dolphins at Marineland, horseback riding on the beach, kayak tours, fishing guides, jet ski rentals and more.
The award-winning Hammock Beach has been recognized as one of the premium oceanfront golf resorts on the east coast, and provides the ideal setting for corporate incentives, meetings, retreats and conferences, and even offers couples in search of a storybook setting to tie the knot the perfect backdrop for their dream wedding to become a reality. Life at Hammock Beach is more than just a vacation getaway, it is something that becomes a part of you. We invite you to begin exploring with us today!
For more information visit HammockBeach.com.
The rolling hills of Florida’s Adventure Coast, Brooksville-Weeki Wachee beckon golfers to experience play like no-where else in Florida.
Six public courses, and several semi-private courses offer varied terrains and elevations that will challenge even the most experienced golfer, while allowing novices the fun and opportunity to learn and improve their game. Rolling hills, fairways carved through old lime rock quarries and breathtaking vistas set the stage for unparalleled rounds of golf.
Cabot Citrus Farms features sandy soil, 80-foot elevation changes, and expansive natural waste bunkers. Generous rolling fairways are flanked by a unique mix of palmetto trees, towering sand pines, and one-hundred-year-old oak trees draped in enchanting Spanish moss. Cabot’s world class amenities include two revitalized 18-hole courses, one 9-hole course, an 11-hole par-3 course, a new clubhouse, and incredible practice facilities made up of a putting course that spans nearly two acres and a double-ended driving range with TrackMan technology.
Brooksville Golf and Country Club offers tumbling fairways weaving through ancient
Hole #12 has been honored in Golf Digest as one of the 18 “most Fun Holes of Golf in America!”
Hernando Oaks Golf & Country Club offers an 18-hole course designed by Scott Pate, featuring 6,905 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 72. The back nine in particular provides golfers with a great mix of holes and a feeling of seclusion.
The Heather Golf Club is a 9-hole golf course located in Weeki Wachee, FL. The course is a 2,354-yard, 9-hole layout with beautiful live oaks and pines lining narrow and challenging fairways.
Silverthorn Country Club’s course has earned its challenging 131 slope rating through a combination of rolling terrain, unpredictable Florida Gulf Coast winds, and no less than 96 strategically placed bunkers. This exceptional course designed by renowned golf course architect, Joe Lee, offers a mixture of wide-open linksstyle holes and tight, tree-lined fairways.
Sherman Hills Golf & Country Club, designed by legendary course architect Ted McAnlis in 1993, provides golfers of all skill levels an enjoyable and memorable experience. The rolling landscape means that each hole presents a challenge for accomplished players while remaining friendly to novices and beginners.
Innisbrook Golf (727) 942-2000 www.innisbrookgolfresort.com & Spa Resort - Copperhead
Chi Chi Rodriguez Golf Club (727) 726-4673 www.chichi.org
Clearwater Golf Club (727) 443-5078 www.clearwatercountryclub.com
Cove Cay Country Club (727) 535-1406 www.covecaygolf.com
Crescent Oaks Country Club (727) 937-4653 www.crescentoaksgolf.com
Cypress Run Golf Club, Inc. (727) 938-3774 www.cypressrun.com
Dunedin Golf Club (727) 733-7836 www.dunedincc.com
East Bay Golf Club (727) 581-3333 www.eastbaygolfclub.com
Lansbrook Golf Club (727) 784-7333 www.lansbrook-golf.com
Mangrove Bay Golf Course (727) 893-7800 www.stpete.org
Renaissance Vinoy Golf Club (727) 896-8000 www.marriottgolf.com
Seminole Lake Country Club (727) 391-3318 www.seminolelake.net
Seven Springs Golf & Country Club (727) 376-0035 www.ssgcc.com
Tarpon Springs Golf Course (727) 937-6906 www.tarponsprings.com
Tarpon Woods Golf Club (727) 784-7606 www.hamptongolfclubs.com
Tides Golf Club (727) 392-5345 www.tidesgc.com
Timber Greens Country Club (727) 372-0789 www.timbergreens.net
Wentworth Golf Club (727) 942-4760 www.wentworthgolfclub.org
Apollo Beach Golf & Sea Club (813) 645-6212 www.apollobeachgolf.com
Babe Zaharias Golf Course (813) 631-4374 www.babezahariasgc.com
Bloomingdale Golfers Club (813) 685-4105 www.bloomingdalegolf.com
Club at Cheval (813) 949-4231 www.playcheval.com
Claw At USF (813) 632-6893 www.theclawatusfgolf.com
Club Renaissance (813) 642-9091 www.clubrenaissancescc.com
Diamond Hill Golf and Country Club (813) 689-7219 www.diamondhillgolf.net
Eagles Golf Club (813) 920-6681 www.eaglesgolf.com
Emerald Greens Golf Resort (813) 961-1369 www.stayandplaytampa.com
Golf Club At Cypress Creek (813) 634-8888 www.cypresscreekgolfclub.com
Heritage Harbor Golf & Country Club (813) 949-4886 www.heritageharborgolf.com
Heritage Isles Golf and Country Club (813) 907-7447 www.heritageislesgolf.com
Links of Lake Bernadette (813) 788-7888 www.linksoflakebernadette.com
Northdale Golf & Tennis Club (813) 962-0428 www.northdalegolf.com
Pebble Creek Golf Club (813) 973-3870 www.pebblecreekclub.com
River Hills Country Club (813) 653-1554 www.riverhillscountryclub.com
Rocky Point Golf Course (813) 673-4316 www.rockypointgc.com
Rogers Park Golf Course (813) 356-1670 www.rogersparkgc.com
Silver Dollar Golf & Trap Club (813) 920-3884 www.silverdollargolf.com
Summerfield Crossing Golf Club (813) 671-3311 www.summerfieldgc.com
TPC Tampa Bay (813) 949-0090 www.tpctampabay.com
Walden Lake Golf & Country Club (813) 754-8575 www.waldenlakegolf.com
Westchase Golf Club (813) 854-2331 www.westchasegc.com
Fox Hollow Golf Club (727) 376-6333 www.golfthefox.com
Groves Golf & CC (813) 996-0161 www.thegrovesgolf.com
Heritage Springs Country Club (727) 372-5281 heritagespringscommunity.com
Lexington Oaks Golf Club (813) 907-7270 www.lexoaks.com
Lake Jovita Golf & Country Club (352) 588-2233 www.lakejovita.com
Meadow Oaks Golf & Country Club (727) 856-2878 meadowoakscountryclub.com
Plantation Palms Golf Club (813) 996-4653 www.plantationpalms.net
Saddlebrook Resort (813) 973-1111 www.saddlebrookresort.com
Scotland Yards Golf Club (352) 567-7600 www.scotlandyards.com
Seven Springs Golf & CC (727) 376-0039 www.sevenspringsclub.com
Silverado Golf & Country Club (813) 788-1225 www.golfsilverado.com
Tampa Bay Golf & Country Club (352) 588-5454 www.tbgolfclub.com
Beacon Woods Golf Club (727) 868-9528 www.beaconwoodsgolf.com
Brooksville Country Club (352) 796-8236 www.brooksvillecc.com
Cabot Citrus Farms (352) 796-5500 cabotcitrusfarms.com
Glen Lakes Country Club (352) 597-1118 www.glenlakes.com
Hernando Oaks Golf and Country Club (352) 799-9908 www.hernandooaksgolf.com
Oak Hills Country Club (352) 683-6830 www.teetalk.net
Seven Hills Golfers Club (352) 688-8888 www.sevenhillsgolfersclub.com
Sherman Hills Golf Club (352) 544-0990 www.shermanhillsgolfclub.com
Silverthorn Country Club (352) 799-2600 www.silverthornclub.net
The Florida Senior Games, presented by Humana, offers athletes age 50 and over the opportunity to meet and compete for a round of golf in their own age group.
Golf is one of 25 sports being offered at the 2024 Florida Senior Games, to be held December 2-15, 2024, in Florida’s Sports Coast/ Pasco County.
To compete in the Florida Senior Games, Monday, December 2, at the Lake Jovita Golf and Country Club, golfers will need to qualify at a Local Senior Games Qualifying Event. Beginning in September, nine Florida locations will offer Golf among their local Senior Games.
The top five men’s and women’s finishers in their five-year age groups qualify for the 2024 Florida Senior Games. Age groups begin
at the 50-54 age group and continue through 100+.
The 2024 Florida Senior Games is a qualifier for the 2025 National Senior Games, to be held in Des Moines, Iowa, July 24-August 4, 2025.
The 2023 Florida Senior Games featured 135 golfers at the Lake Jovita Golf and Country Club. For the 2024 Florida Senior Games, the goal is to have golfers playing on both courses at Lake Jovita. To reach that goal, registration will need to reach approximately 200 golfers. Women’s golfers are encourage to qualify and register.
See the listing below for the Local Senior Games qualifiers. Links to each of the Local Games can be found at www.floridaseniorgames.com/all-sports-schedule. Florida Senior Games Golf information can be found at www.floridaseniorgames.com/golf.
PENSACOLA SENIOR GAMES Thursday, September 19, Osceola Golf Club, Pensacola
GAINESVILLE SENIOR GAMES Friday, Sunday, September 20, Ironwood Golf Course
TAMPA BAY SENIOR GAMES Thursday, October 10, Rogers Park Golf Course
CHARLOTTE COUNTY FIT FOR LIFE GAMES Tuesday, October 22, The Palms Course, Rotunda Golf and Country Club
ORMOND BEACH SENIOR GAMES Thursday, October 24, Daytona Beach Golf Club
GOLDEN AGE GAMES, SANFORD Friday, November 1, Mayfair Country Club
FLORIDA SENIOR GAMES, PRESENTED BY HUMANA (Qualifier for the 2025 National Senior Games) Monday, December 2, Lake Jovita Golf and Country Club
Where The Perfect Swing Makes A Perfect Landing. When you golf Central Florida, you can challenge Streamsong’s legendary Red, Blue and Black courses. You can take on Eaglebrooke’s lush fairways and shimmering hazards. You can attack the 7,200-yard track at Southern Dunes. And you can learn how to do it all at VisitCentralFlorida.com/Golf
We invite you to discover Florida’s Lakeside Escape. Lake County is home to natural wonders, first-class sporting facilities, charming small towns, exceptional dining experiences and so much more. Discover adventure waiting along the shorelines of our 1,000+ lakes. Find beautiful hiking trails, scenic overlooks, boutique shops and lakeside patios with sunset views that no photo will do justice. Centrally located 30 minutes from metro Orlando, Lake County is just a short drive from Florida’s famous theme parks and beaches.
Relaxing in nature and observing wildlife provides a true escape from the hustle of everyday life. From the stunning views of the Green Mountain Scenic Overlook to the Dora Canal, nicknamed one of the most beautiful miles of waterway in the world, it’s easy to see why visitors love it here. Lake Louisa State Park offers a range of experiences, including glamping tents, as well as horseback riding, kayak tours and guided hikes. Alexander Springs Recreation Area entices visitors to swim or paddle in the pristine spring waters and explore the tropical-like foliage on the hiking trails. Visitors who prefer to stay lakeside can take in the views of Lake Minneola and historic downtown Clermont from Victory Point, which is also part of the Lake Apopka Loop Trail.
Whether you are hosting a championship event, team training, or active leisure trip, Lake County’s natural resources and top-notch facilities welcome competitors of all levels. The City of Clermont is known as the Choice of Champions– it is home to triathlons, has a range of elevation and terrain favorable for championship training, and yearround access for athletes. It’s also where Olympic athletes come to train at the National Training Center. The well-known Harris Chain of Lakes regularly hosts professional and college fishing tournaments. In Tavares, Hickory Point Beach is Florida’s largest permanent sand volleyball complex with 21 lighted sand courts and an onsite athletics center. Mission Resort + Club is home to two championship golf courses that have hosted NCAA, PGF, U.S. Open and FSGA tournaments.
Part of what makes Lake County so special is the small-town charm and Southern hospitality that is prevalent throughout the area, especially in the walkable downtowns. Visit downtown Mount Dora for cobblestone side streets, unique restaurants, and boutique shopping, and then walk over to Grantham Point Park to see the iconic lighthouse. In neighboring Tavares, known as “America’s Seaplane City,” you can board a flightseeing tour for breathtaking ariel views. Historic downtown Clermont is known for its growing brewery scene and proximity to the city’s Waterfront Park, and downtown Leesburg is filled with bakeries, delicious eats, and one-of-a-kind shops.
Nature draws visitors into Florida’s Lakeside Escape, and events keep them coming back. Every year, Mount Dora hosts the Mount Dora Craft Fair, one of the nation’s top craft festivals and a multi-day event filled with fine art, fun crafts, food, drinks, and live music. Renninger’s Antique Extravaganza is a three-day event with more than 800 vendors selling antiques, collectibles, vintage items and more. In the spring, the roads of Lake County roar into action when bikers from around the U.S. arrive for the annual Leesburg Bikefest, and throughout the year, visitors to Lakeridge Winery & Vineyards can enjoy free wine tours and tastings, food trucks and live music at Weekends at the Winery.
Nestled among the rolling hills of Central Florida, visitors can find Mission Resort + Club in the town of Howey-in-the-Hills. Mission Resort + Club Resort’s two golf courses are wonderfully complementary. El Campeón (The Champion) — one of the oldest courses in the South, with classic design elements to prove it— showcases unusually sharp elevation changes in usually flat central Florida. The course is featured on the historic Florida golf trail. Las Colinas (The Hills) lives up to its name with wide fairways rolling over gentle rises. Both courses feature large, undulating greens, are surrounded by tropical vegetation, and incorporate large water hazards on many holes.
Mission Resort + Club features 176 graciously appointed guestrooms, suites and villas; three restaurants, two lounges and a poolside bar. Recreational amenities also include tennis, trap and skeet shooting range, jogging and bicycling trails, volleyball courts, outdoor pool and hydro-spa, fitness center, and a marina offering fishing, powerboat and eco-touring. The 6,200-squarefoot Spa Marbella provides an extensive menu of treatments and services. More than 30,000 square feet of well-appointed indoor and outdoor event space is available for meetings, banquets, holiday parties, weddings and special occasions.
Country Club of Sebring (863) 382-3500 www.countryclubofsebring.net
Golf Hammock Golf & Country Club (863) 382-2151 www.golfhammockcc.com
Harder Hall Country Club (863) 382-0500 www.harderhall.com
Highlands Ridge Golf Club (863) 453-9991 www.highlandsridge.com
Pinecrest on Lotela (863) 453-7555 www.golfpinecrestgc.com
Placid Lakes Country Club (863) 465-1626 www.placidlakescc.com
River Greens Golf Course (863) 453-5210 www.rgreens.com
Sebring Municipal Golf Club (863) 314-5919 www.sebringgolfclub.com
Spring Lake Golf Resort (863) 655-0900 www.springlakegolf.com
Sun ‘n Lake Golf Club (863) 385-4830 www.sunlakegolfclub.com
Arlington Ridge Golf Club (352) 728-4660 www.arlingtonridgegolfclub.com
Bella Collina Golf Club (407) 469-4961 www.bellacollina.com
Black Bear Golf Club (352) 357-4732 www.blackbeargolfclub.com
Clerbrook Resort, Inc. (352) 394-6165 www.clerbrook.com
Country Club of Mount Dora (352) 735-2263 www.golfgroupfl.com
Deer Island Country Club (352) 343-7550 www.deerislandgolf.com
Eagle Dunes Golf Club (352) 357-0123 www.eagledunes.com
Green Valley Country Club (352) 394-0632 www.gvcountryclub.com
Harbor Hills Country Club (352) 753-7000 www.harborhills.com
Kings Ridge Golf Club (352) 242-4653 www.kingsridgegc.com
Legends Golf and Country Club (352) 717-1684 www.legendsclermontgolf.com
Mission Inn Resort & Club (352) 324-3101 www.missioninnresort.com
Monarch At Royal Highlands (352) 314-9000 www.monarchgolfclub.com
Mount Dora Golf Club (352) 383-3954 www.mountdoragolf.com
Palisades Country Club (352) 394-0085 www.golfpalisadescc.com
Plantation Golf Club (352) 365-0526 www.plantationleesburggolf.com
Red Tail Golf Club (352) 383-2700 www.redtailclub.com
Sanctuary Ridge Golf Club (352) 243-0411 www.sanctuaryridgegc.com
Sarabande Golf Estates (352) 324-2511 www.sarabandegolf.com
Swiss Fairways (352) 429-9065 www.swissskischool.com
Water Oak Country Club Estates (352) 753-3905 www.wateroakgolf.net
Wedgewood Golf Course (352) 589-0072 www.golfwedgewood.com
Alaqua Country Club (407) 333-2582 www.alaquacc.com
Bay Hill Club & Lodge (407) 876-2429 www.bayhill.com
Celebration Golf Club (407) 566-4653 www.celebrationgolf.com
ChampionsGate Golf Resort (407) 787-4653 www.championsgategolf.com
Country Club At Deer Run (407) 699-9710 www.thegolfgroupfl.com
Dubsdread Golf Course (407) 246-2551 www.dubsdreadgolf.com
Eagle Creek Golf Club (407) 273-4653 www.eaglecreekgolf.info
EastWood Golf Club (407) 281-4653 www.eastwoodgolf.com
Errol Estates Country Club (407) 886-3676 www.errolestategcc.com
Falcon’s Fire Golf Club (407) 239-5445 www.falconsfire.com
Forest Lake Golf Club (407) 654-4653 www.forestlakegolf.com
Grande Lakes Orlando Ritz Carlton (407) 393-4900 www.grandelakes.com
Grande Pines Golf Club (407) 239-6909 www.grandepinesgolfclub.com
Harmony Golf Preserve (407) 891-8525 www.harmonygolfpreserve.com
Hawk’s Landing Golf Club (407) 238-8660 www.golfhawkslanding.com
Hunters Creek Golf Course (407) 240-4653 www.golfhunterscreek.com
Kissimmee Bay Country Club (407) 348-4653 www.playgolfinkissimmee.com
Kissimmee Golf Club (407) 847-2816 www.kissgolfclub.com
Lake Orlando Golf Club (407) 298-1230 www.golflakeorlando.com
Legacy Club At Alaqua Lakes (407) 444-9995 www.legacyclubalaqualakes.com
Magnolia Plantation Golf Club (407) 771-4343 magnoliaplantationgolfclub.com
MetroWest Golf Club (407) 299-1099 www.metrowestgolf.com
Mystic Dunes Resort & Golf Club (407) 787-5678 www.mysticdunesgolf.com
Oaks National Golf Club (407) 483-3700 www.oaksnationalgolfclub.com
Orange County National (407) 656-2626 www.ocngolf.com
Orange Lake Country Club (407) 239-0000 www.orangelake.com
Remington Golf Club (407) 344-4004 www.remington-gc.com
Reunion Resort (888) 418-9611 www.reunionresort.com
Rio Pinar Golf & Country Club (407) 277-5121 www.riopinar.com
Rolling Hills Golf Club (407) 831-1312 www.rollinghillsgolfclub.com
Royal St. Cloud Golf Links (407) 891-7010 www.royalstcloudgolflinks.com
Shingle Creek Golf Club (407) 996-9933 www.shinglecreekgolf.com
Stonegate Golf (863) 427-7150 www.stonegategolfclub.com
Stoneybrook East Golf Club (407) 384-6888 www.greatorlandogolf.com
Stoneybrook West (407) 877-8533 www.golfstoneybrookwest.com
Sweetwater Country Club (407) 889-4666 www.sweetwater-countryclub.com
Timacuan Golf & Country Club (407) 321-0010 www.golftimacuan.com
Tuscawilla Country Club (407) 366-1851 www.tuscawillacc.com
Twin Rivers Golf Club (407) 366-1211 www.twinriversgolfclub.com
Ventura Country Club (407) 277-2640 www.venturacountryclub.org
Waldorf Astoria Golf Club (407) 597-3782 www.waldorfastoriagolfclub.com
Walt Disney World Golf (407) 939-4653 www.wdwgolf.com
Wedgefield Golf Club (407) 568-2116 www.wedgefieldgolf.com
Wekiva Golf Club (407) 862-5113 www.wekivagolfclub.com
Windermere Country Club (407) 876-4410 www.windermeregolf.com
Bartow Golf Course (863) 533-9183 www.cityofbartow.net
Big Cypress Golf & Country Club (863) 859-6871 www.bigcypressgolfclub.net
Cleveland Heights Golf Course (863) 834-2377 www.clevelandheightsgolf.com
Club At Eaglebrooke (863) 701-0101 www.eaglebrooke.com
Cypresswood Golf & Country Club (863) 324-6174 www.cypresswoodcc.com
Grasslands Golf & Country Club (863) 680-1616 www.grasslandsgcc.com
Grenelefe Golf & Tennis Resort (863) 422-7511 www.thelefe.com
Highlands Reserve Golf Club (863) 420-1724 www.highlandsreserve-golf.com
Huntington Hills Golf & Country Club (863) 859-3689 huntingtonhillscountryclub.com
Imperial Lakes Golf & Country Club (863) 425-1154 www.imperiallakescc.com
Indian Lake Estates Country Club (863) 692-1514 www.indianlakeestates.net
Lekarica Hills Golf Course (863) 679-9478 www.lekarica.com
Oakwood Golf Club (863) 676-8558 www.oakwoodgolfcourse.net
Providence Golf Club (863) 420-2652 www.providence-golf.com
Ridgewood Lakes Golf & Country Club (863) 424-8688 www.ridgewoodlakesgolf.com
Sandpiper Golf Club (863) 859-5461 www.sandpipergolfclubflorida.com
Sanlan Golf Course (863) 665-1726 www.sanlangolf.com
Schalamar Creek Golf & Country Club (863) 666-1623 www.schalamar.com
Skyview Golf & Country Club (863) 665-4008 www.skyviewgolfcourse.com
Southern Dunes Golf & Country Club (863) 421-4653 www.southerndunes.com
Stonegate Golf Club (863) 427-7150 www.stonegategolf.com
Streamsong Resort (863) 428-1000 www.streamsongresort.com
Wedgewood Golf Club (863) 858-4451 www.golfwedgewood.com
Willow Brook Golf Course (863) 291-5899 www.golfwillowbrooknow.com
Discover two championship golf courses tucked away in Central Florida at Mission Resort + Club—where unlimited time on the green, deluxe accommodations, and relaxing amenities await.
M Two 18-hole championship courses
M 176 beautiful guest rooms
M 4 restaurants
M Spa M Marina
M Pickleball and tennis
M Fitness center
M Bike paths
M Walking trails
M 30,000 square feet of meeting space
LPGA International, the premier golf club of Daytona Beach, boasts 36 holes of world-class golf designed by Arthur Hills and Rees Jones. LPGA’s facility also offers a double-ended range, a Rees Jones designed 3-hole championship practice course, short game areas and putting greens. After play, relax and dine at Malcolm’s Bar & Grill. Tee off at LPGAInternational.com
Where the land ends, vacation begins. What will you find along 23 miles of The World’s Most Famous Beach? Warm sands. Gentle waves. Spacious accommodations. Delicious food. And, incredible memories that will live with you, always. Plan your trip at DaytonaBeach.com. Scan Now For Hotel Deals.
Baytree National Golf Links (321) 259-9060 www.baytreenational.com
Cocoa Beach Country Club (321) 868-3351 www.cityofcocoabeach.com
Crane Creek Reserve Golf Club (321) 674-5716 www.melbourneflorida.org
Duran Golf Club (321) 504-7776 www.durangolf.com
Great Outdoors Golf & Country Club (321) 269-5524 www.thegreatoutdoorsgolf.com
Habitat Golf Course (321) 952-6312 www.brevard.golf
Indian River Preserve GC (321) 385-2099 indianriverpreservegolfclub.com
LaCita Golf & CC (321) 383-2582 www.lacitacc.com
Mallards Landing Golf Course (321) 255-4606 www.melbourneflorida.org
Manatee Cove GC (321) 494-7586 www.gopatrickfl.com
Rockledge Country Club (321) 636-3160 www.rockledgecc.com
Savannahs Golf Club (321) 455-1375 www.golfspacecoast.com
Sherwood Golf Club (321) 269-4653 www.golfsherwood.com
Spessard Holland Golf Course (321) 952-4529 www.brevard.golf
Turtle Creek Golf Club (321) 632-2520 www.golfturtlecreek.com
Viera East Golf Club (321) 639-6500 www.vieragolf.com
Champion Turf Club at St James (772) 336-4653 www.championturfclub-stjames.com
Fairwinds Golf Course (772) 462-2722 www.fairwindsgolfcourse.net
Gator Trace Golf & Country Club (772) 464-0407 www.gatortracecountryclub.com
Indian Hills Golf Course (772) 461-9620 www.indianhillsftpierce.com
Island Pines Golf Club (772) 464-7018 www.islandpinesgolfclub.com
Meadowood Golf & Tennis Club (772) 466-4000 www.meadowoodgolfandtennis.com
PGA Village (772) 467-1300 www.pgavillage.com
St. Lucie Trail (772) 340-1444 www.stlucietrail.com
St. James Club (772) 336-4653 www.stjamesgolfclub.net
Saints Golf Course (772) 398-2901 www.cityofpsl.com
Sandridge Golf Club (772) 770-5003 www.sandridgegc.com
Sebastian Municipal Golf Course (772) 589-6801 www.sebastiangolfcourse.org
Club At Pelican Bay (386) 756-0040 www.pelicanbaycc.com
Crane Lakes Golf & Country Club (386) 767-4653 www.cranelakes.com
Daytona Beach Golf Club (386) 671-3500 www.daytonabeachgc.com
DeBary Golf & Country Club (386) 668-1705 www.debarycc.com
Deltona Club (386) 789-4911 www.thedeltonaclub.com
Glen Abbey Golf Club (386) 668-4336 www.glenabbeygolfclub.com
Golf Club At Cypress Head (386) 756-5449 www.cypressheadgolf.com
Halifax Plantation Golf Club (386) 676-9600 www.halifaxplantation.com
Hidden Lakes Golf Club (386) 427-4138 www.hiddenlakesgolfclub.com
Indigo Lakes Golf Club (386) 254-3607 www.indigolakesgolf.com
LPGA International (386) 274-5742 www.lpgainternational.com
New Smyrna Beach Golf Course (386) 424-2191 www.cityofnsb.com
Preserve At Turnbull Bay (386) 423-0203 www.thepreserveatturnbull.com
Riviera Country Club (386) 677-2464 www.rivcc.com
Sandhill Golf Course (386) 736-0560 www.sandhillgolfcourse.com
Spruce Creek Country Club (386) 756-6114 www.sprucecreekgolf.com
Tomoka Oaks Golf Club (386) 677-5931 www.tomokagolf.com
Venetian Bay Golf Course (386) 424-5775 www.venetianbaygolf.com
Victoria Hills Golf Club (386) 738-6000 www.victoriahillsgolf.com
From the most reliable and trusted source for Florida Golf Information comes the Official Website of the Florida Golf Alliance.
GREAT GOLF FOR EVERYONE – From some of the finest municipal and daily fee courses in the country to world renowned golf resorts, with more than 1,100 courses in our state, it’s easy to see how Florida is the World’s Leading Golf Destination! From the Florida Keys to the Panhandle you can play tracks designed by some of the best known architects and the very same courses the pros play on the tour. Whether this is your first time playing in Florida or are returning for more exciting golf, use this website to plan your vacation to the World’s Leading Golf Destination!
The Chief Marketing Organization for Florida Golf Tourism
Golf getaways can be hit or miss (not unlike your game some days.) The destination may o er some good courses to play, but everything o the course seems lacking. Or the destination o ers the incredible restaurants, accommodations and experiences you’re looking for, but the golf courses leave a bit to be desired. Fortunately, there’s one golf destination that o ers the best of everything both on and o the course: Naples, Marco Island and the Everglades.
It’s o cially known as Florida’s Paradise Coast, but it could just as easily be called “Florida’s Golf Paradise.” It o ers everything you’re hoping to find in a golf destination: Ideal weather yearround. Incredible courses designed by all big-name golf architects like Greg
Norman, Rees Jones, and Lee Trevino. And most importantly, plenty of places to tee it up. With 90 golf courses in the area, Florida’s Paradise Coast o ers an unrivaled golfing experience for everyone in your group, no matter what their handicap may be.
The golf here is so good, professional golfers come back year after year for events like the Chubb Classic and CME Group Tour Championship. So while you may not be able to play like Freddie Couples or Nelly Korda, you can certainly play where they do. And you can do it all while treating yourself to a very special kind of golf – one where luxurious clubhouses, challenging layouts, incredible greens, and panoramic views come standard with every round.
But the fun isn’t over when the last putt drops. Imagine relaxing and recharging for your next round on white sand beaches beside sparkling Gulf of Mexico waters. Enjoying incredible cocktails, thick steaks, and fresh-fromthe-Gulf seafood at one of the area’s many award-winning restaurants. Taking in a show at a world-class performing arts center. Or simply kicking back at your hotel with your favorite people and beverage, watching the sun set dramatically over the horizon.
While many golf destinations are limited by the seasons, you don’t have to worry about that in Naples, Marco Island and the Everglades. Here, you can tee it up and enjoy impeccable conditions all year round. So bring your foursome and your A-game. Make plans to tee it up in a golf getaway that has it all. Because if you’re looking for a destination that delivers unforgettable golf and so much more, ONLY Paradise will do.
Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach — The Charlotte Harbor Gulf Island Coast is a charming, laid-back destination nestled between Sarasota and Fort Myers on the scenic gulf coast. The area features an array of 15+ quality courses
allowing any golf aficionado to experience some of the best golf Florida has to offer.
Southwest Florida is home to many different ecosystems, providing the aesthetic appeal and natural obstacles necessary to enhance any player’s experience while providing good challenges. There’s a course for every taste and skill level, including heavily wooded terrain, salt marshes, wetlands, and Audubon-certified courses teeming with a variety of native wildlife. Heritage Landing in Punta Gorda was voted #11 in Golf Pass’s Top U.S. Public Golf Courses — Golfer’s Choice 2024 list and #2 on Top 25 Golf Courses in Florida list. Riverwood Golf Club in Port Charlotte also ranks nationally and is both challenging and playable. New to the area is Aileron Golf Club, a championship-level golf experience by Sunseeker Resorts and exclusive to their registered guests.
Adding to the value, virtually every course in Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach is open to the public year-round. Find adventure off the greens with nearly 200 miles of Blueway Trails ideal for
kayaking, canoeing and standup paddle boarding. Charlotte Harbor is known for its world-class fishing, featuring offshore and back bay angling opportunities. The area is also referred to as “The Tarpon Fishing Capital of the World,” so fishing for the silver king is a true adrenaline rush.
Soak up the sun and beachcomb on some of the 12 miles of Gulf of Mexico beaches on the five barrier islands that hug the coast—some only accessible by boat — for a true natural Florida adventure.
On land, take advantage of the City of Punta Gorda’s free bicycle loaner program. Pedal away on one of the four bicycle routes, which range from 17 to 33 miles, or ride the 18-mile Punta Gorda Pathways, which circles the city and includes a ride along the tranquil Peace River.
The dining scene in Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach is an eclectic mix of seafood shacks, sidewalk cafés, waterfront eateries, fine dining, and sweet spots. In 2020, Punta Gorda was ranked #2 in USA Today’s Best Small Town Food Scene 10Best list. Primary dining districts include downtown Punta Gorda, Fishermen’s Village, Manasota Key, and Dearborn Street in Englewood. There’s a restaurant to satisfy every taste bud.
For a comprehensive look at the destination — on and off the course — visit www. pureflorida.com
Arrowhead Golf Club (239) 596-1000 www.arrowheadgolfnaples.com
Cedar Hammock Golf & Country Club (239) 793-1134 www.cedarhammockgolf.com
Cypress Woods Golf & Country Club (239) 592-7860 www.cypresswoodsgolf.com
Eagle Lakes Golf Club (239) 732-0034 www.eaglelakesgolfclub.net
Hammock Bay (239) 389-6600 www.jwmarco.com
Heritage Bay Golf Course (239) 353-7056 www.golfheritagebay.com
Hibiscus Golf Club (239) 774-3559 www.hibiscusgolf.com
LaPlaya Beach and Golf Resort (239) 254-5001 www.laplayaresort.com
Lely Resort Golf & Country Club (239) 793-2600 lelyresortgolfandcountryclub.com
Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club (239) 261-2222 www.naplesbeachhotel.com
Naples Grande Golf Club (239) 659-3700 www.naplesgrandegolf.com
National Golf & CC (230) 867-9090 www.thenationalgc.com
Panther Run Golf Club (239) 304-2835 www.pantherrungolfclub.com
Quail Village Golf Club (239) 598-2815 www.quailvillagegolfclub.org
Rookery At Marco (239) 389-6600 www.jwmarco.com
Tiburon Golf Club (239) 594-2040 www.tiburongcnaples.com
TPC At Treviso Bay (239) 331-2052 www.tpctrevisobay.com
Valencia Golf & Country Club (239) 352-0777 valenciagolfandcountryclub.com
Vanderbilt Country Club (239) 348-2663 www.vanderbiltcountryclub.com
Shell Point Golf Club (239) 433-9790 www.shellpointgolf.com
Stoneybrook Golf Club (239) 948-3933 www.stoneybrookgolffm.com
Westminster Golf Club (239) 368-1110 www.westminster-golf.com
Bluffs Golf Course (863) 993-4310 www.thebluffsgolf.com
Buffalo Creek Golf Course (941) 776-2611 www.manateegcpublic.com
Calusa Lakes Golf Club (941) 484-8995 www.golfinvenice.com
Capri Isle Golf Club (941) 485-3371 www.golfinvenice.com
Esplanade at Azario (941) 218-8172 www.esplanadeazariohoa.com
IMG Academies Golf & Country Club (941) 758-1466 www.imggcc.com
Lake Venice Golf Club (941) 488-3948 www.lakevenicegolf.com
Legacy Golf Club (941) 907-7920 www.legacygolfclub.com
Links At Greenfield Plantation (941) 747-9432 www.linksatgreenfieldplantation.com
Longboat Key Club (941) 387-1632 www.longboatkeyclub.com
Manatee County Golf Course (941) 792-6773 www.golfmanatee.com
Meadows Country Club (941) 378-5153 www.meadowscc.org
Mocassin Wallow (941) 721-0500 www.golfthemoc.com
Oak Ford Golf Club (941) 371-3680 www.oakfordgolfclub.com
Pelican Pointe Golf & Country Club (941) 496-4653 www.pelicanpointeclub.com
Ritz-Carlton Members Golf Club (941) 309-2900 www.ritzcarlton.com
River Club (941) 751-4211 www.riverclubgc.com
River Run Golf Links (941) 708-8459 www.riverrungolflinks.com
River Wilderness Golf & Country Club (941) 776-2602 www.riverwildernesscc.com
Rolling Green Golf Course (941) 355-6620 www.rollinggreengc.com
Rosedale Golf & Tennis Club (941) 756-0004 www.rosedalegcc.com
Sabal Trace Golf & Country Club (941) 426-4883 www.sabaltracegolfcourse.com
Alden Pines Golf Club (239) 283-2179 www.aldenpinesgolf.com
Cape Royal Golf Club (239) 283-5522 www.caperoyalgolfclub.com
Copperhead Golf Club (239) 369-8200 www.copperheadgc.com
Coral Oaks Golf Course (239) 573-3100 www.coraloaksgolf.com
Dunes Golf & Tennis Club (239) 472-3355 www.dunesgolfsanibel.com
Eagle Ridge Golf & Tennis Club (239) 768-1888 www.playeagleridge.com
Eastwood Golf Course (239) 321-7487 www.cityftmyers.com/eastwood
Fort Myers Country Club (239) 321-7488 www.cityftmyers.com
Gasparilla Golf Club (941) 964-4565 www.the-gasparilla-inn.com
Majestic Golf Club (239) 369-8216 www.majesticgolfclub.com
Mirror Lakes Golf Club (239) 369-1322 www.mirrorlakesgolfclub.com
Old Corkscrew Golf Club (239) 949-4700 www.oldcorkscrew.com
Palmetto-Pine Country Club (239) 574-2141 www.palmettopine.com
Pelican Preserve Golf Club (239) 985-1707 www.pelicanpreservelifestyles.com
Raptor Bay Golf Club (239) 390-4610 www.raptorbaygolfclub.com
River Hall Country Club (239) 313-4653 www.hamptongolfclubs.com
Royal Tee Country Club (239) 283-3989 www.royaltee.net
San Carlos Golf Club (239) 267-3131 www.sancarlosgolfclub.com
Sanibel Island Golf Club (239) 472-2626 www.sanibelislandgc.com
Sarasota Golf Club (941) 371-2431 www.sarasotagc.com
Sarasota National Golf Club (941) 496-8676 www.sarasotanationalgolf.com
Serenoa Golf Club (941) 925-2755 www.serenoagc.com
Stoneybrook GCC of Sarasota (941) 966-1800 www.stoneybrook.net
Stoneybrook GC Heritage Harbour (941) 749-1842 www.golfstoneybrook.com
Tatum Ridge Golf Links (941) 378-4211 www.tatumridgegolflinks.com
Preserve Golf Club At Tara (941) 756-2944 www.golfthepreserve.com
University Park Country Club (941) 359-9999 www.universitypark-fl.com
Waterford Golf Club (941) 484-6621 www.golfinvenice.com
Waterlefe Golf & River Club (941) 744-0393 www.waterlefegolf.com
Arcadia Golf Course (863) 494-4223 arcadiamunicipalgolfcourse.webs.com
Babcock National (941) 347-2200 www.babcocknationalgc.com
Boca Royale Golf & Country Club (941) 474-7475 www.bocaroyale.com
Deep Creek Golf Club (941) 625-6911 www.deepcreekgc.com
Golf Links of Charlotte Harbor (941) 625-4109 www.golftheharbor.com
Heritage Landing (941) 347-2222 www.heritagelandinggcc.com
Heron Creek (941) 423-9655 www.heron-creek.com
Heron’s Glen Golf & Country Club (239) 731-4520 www.hggcc.com
Lemon Bay Golf Club (941) 697-3729 www.lemonbaygolfclub.com
Myakka Pines Golf Club (941) 474-3296 www.myakkapinesgolfclub.com
Port Charlotte Golf Club (941) 625-4109 www.portcharlottegolfclub.com
Riverwood Golf Club (941) 764-6661 www.riverwoodgc.com
Rotonda Golf Club (941) 698-0918 www.rotondagolf.com
Twin Isles Country Club (941) 637-1232 www.twinislescc.org
Golf is a game of emotions. But here it’s adoration, infatuation and elation.
Instantly elevate your game, by immersing yourself in the spectacular natural beauty of Sarasota’s many public and private courses. Featuring beautifully sculpted signature holes, abundant wildlife and tranquil waters, well – everywhere.
With more than 50 courses, Sarasota challenges golfers of every skill level. Lush fairways, sugar-white sand bunkers and ever-present water features beckon golfers from around the world. Including the completely renovated Bobby Jones Golf Club. Originally designed by Donald Ross in 1927, this municipal course features gorgeous new 18-hole championship golf, a new Gillespie 9-hole adjustable par-3 course, state-of-the-art practice facilities, plus an inviting nature park with serene trails.
The Bradenton Area is a perennial favorite for pros and amateur athletes where Real. Authentic. Florida is at the fore front of every occasion. Boasting endless sunshine and vibrant local flavors, the Bradenton Area is the destination for rich cultural experiences tied to luxury golf experiences. With courses designed by legendary pros like Jack Nicklaus and Tony Jacklin, you’ll be sure to play like a pro on our top greens. The Bradenton Area is home to over 16 premier venues like the Concessions Golf Course that frequently hosts professional golfers for nationally, USGA rated events like the inaugural World Champions Cup in December of 2023 and PGA World Golf Championship in 2021.
Resorts and luxury hotels are available in prime locations throughout the area. Rooftop restaurants and fresh Floribbean cuisine are just some of the amenities these hotels and local hot spots offer their guests. Spend the day beached along our seven miles of coastline with toes dipped in sugary white sand beaches and the subtle sound of gentle waves lapping in from the still turquoise water.
Dine on the freshest seafood Florida has to offer at historical Cortez Fishing Village where over 100 years generations have been bringing in the best local catch. From sustainably grown local greens to vibrant Floribbean, citrus flavors, your taste buds will jump in delight. The Bradenton Area offers only the best in
locally owned dining experiences. Whether it’s toes in the sand, dinner for two, or sunset soaked view of the stunning Gulf of Mexico, you’ll be sure to leave with memories par for the course.
Inquire about your next tee time in the Bradenton Area and get an introduction to local courses and clubs, call Bradenton Area Sports at (941) 729-9177 or email us at Sports@BACVB.com. bradentongulfislands.com
Whether you are gathering a crew of diehard golfers or seeking an entertaining environment for a group, you will find plenty of choices around the Fort Myers area.
Color the Fort Myers area in shades of green and blue. Near-constant azure skies mean you can hit the greens daily all year round. With legends like hall-of-famers Patty Berg and Gene Sarazen in the local history books, this Southwest Florida region has built a robust reputation through the decades as a golfer’s haven, with more courses than you could ever hope to play in a single trip. More recently, Fort Myers has aced its game with
new elite experiences that add high tech and celebrity power to the green-and-blue foundation.
The brainchild of PGA champ Tiger Woods, PopStroke debuted in Fort Myers as a nextlevel miniature-golf concept. In addition to two 18-hole designer putting courses, guests can enjoy outdoor gaming, a playground, and a full-service restaurant. Or have food and drinks delivered to you on the course.
Skip the sweating and golf in air-conditioned comfort while service staff deliver food and drinks to one of 70 comfy golf bays at Topgolf. Or you can hang out in the two-level bar and restaurant space.
In partnership with Topgolf, Chips Sports Pub is a virtual reality experience at downtown’s Luminary Hotel & Co. with two suites where you can play games from beginner and advanced golf to Zombie Dodgeball and more. Enjoy creative eats in the roomy bar space or have them delivered to tables within your own game room.
Explore these experiences, along with traditional golf links and the best ways to tour what’s superlative off the course — from the area’s famed beaches to its seafood-tastic dining scene. So, grab your clubs and get in the swing of things here in the land of play outside.
For more information, visit our website at VisitFortMyers.com
Bonaventure Country Club (954) 389-2100 www.golfbonaventure.com
Club at Emerald Hills (954) 961-4000 www.theclubatemeraldhills.com
Colony West Country Club (954) 726-8430 www.golfcolonywest.com
Country Club of Coral Springs (954) 752-4500 www.ccofcs.com
Davie Golf and Country Club (954) 797-4653 www.golfdavie.com
Deer Creek Golf Club (954) 421-5550 www.deercreekflorida.com
Flamingo Lakes Country Club (954) 435-6110 www.flamingolakescc.com
Grand Palms Hotel & Golf Resort (954) 431-8800 www.grandpalmsresort.com
Heron Bay Golf Club (954) 796-2000 www.heronbaygolfclub.net
Hollywood Beach Golf & Country Club (954) 927-1751 www.hollywoodbeachgolfresort.com
Inverrary Country Club (954) 733-7550 www.inverrarygolf.com
Jacaranda Golf Club (954) 472-5836 www.golfjacaranda.com
Orangebrook Golf & Country Club (954) 967-4653 www.orangebrook.com
Oriole Golf & Tennis Club (954) 972-8140 www.oriolegolfclub.com
Palm-Aire Country Club & Resort (954) 975-6225 www.palmairegolf.com
Pembroke Lakes Golf Club (954) 431-4144 www.pcmgolf.com
Plantation Preserve Golf Course (954) 585-5020 www.plantationpreserve.org
Pompano Beach Golf Course (954) 781-0426 www.mypompanobeach.org
Biltmore Golf Course (305) 460-5364 www.biltmorehotel.com
Costa Greens Golf Club (305) 592-3300 www.costagreensgolfclub.com
Costa del Sol Golf Club (305) 592-3300 www.cdsgolfclub.com
Country Club of Miami (305) 829-8456 www.golfccmiami.com
Crandon Golf At Key Biscayne (305) 361-9129 www.crandongolfclub.com
Florida Keys CC (305)743-2551 www.floridakeyscc.com
International Links Miami (305) 633-4583 www.internationallinksgolfclub.com
Key West Country Club (305) 294-5232 www.keywestgolf.com
Killian Greens Golf Club (305) 271-0917 www.killiangreensgolfclub.com
Miami Beach Golf Club (305) 532-3350 www.miamibeachgolfclub.com
Miami Lakes Golf Club (305) 820-8088 miamilakesgolf.com
Miami Shores Country Club (305) 795-2366 www.miamishoresgolf.com
Miami Springs Golf & Country Club (305) 805-5180 www.miamispringsgolfcourse.com
Miccosukee Golf and Country Club (305) 382-3931 www.miccosukeegolf.com
Normandy Shores Golf Course (305) 868-6502 www.normandyshoresgolfclub.com
Palmetto Golf Course (305) 235-1069 www.co.miamidade.fl.us
Redland Golf & Country Club (305) 247-8503 www.redlandgolf.com
Trump National Doral (305) 592-2000 www.trumphotelcollection.com
Turnberry Isle - JW Marriott (305) 932-6200 www.turnberryislemiami.com
Abacoa Golf Club (561) 622-0036 www.abacoagolfclub.com
Atlantic National Golf Club (561) 969-6600 www.atlanticnationalgolfclub.com
Atlantis Country Club (561) 965-7700 www.atlantiscountryclub.com
Boca Dunes Golf and Country Club (561) 451-1600 www.bocadunes.com
Boca Greens Country Club (561) 852-8800 www.bocagreenscountryclub.com
Boca Raton Resort & Club (561) 447-3099 www.bocaresort.com
Club at Ibis (561) 625-8500 www.clubatibis.com
Club at Winston Trails (561) 439-3700 www.winstontrailsgolfclub.com
Delray Beach Golf Club (561) 243-7380 www.affordablegolf.com
Forest Oaks Golf Club (561) 967-6810 www.forestoaksgc.com
Golf Club of Jupiter (561) 747-6262 www.golfclubofjupiter.com
Lake Worth Municipal Golf Course (561) 582-9713 www.lakeworth.org
Links At Boynton Beach (561) 742-6502 www.boynton-beach.org
Madison Green Country Club (561) 784-5225 www.madisongreengolf.com
North Palm Beach Country Club (561) 691-3433 www.village-npb.org
Okeeheelee Golf Course (561) 964-4653 www.pbcgolf.com
Osprey Point Golf Course (561) 482-2868 www.pbcgolf.com
Palm Beach National Golf & CC (561) 965-3381 www.palmbeachnational.com
Park Ridge Golf Course (561) 966-7044 www.pbcgolf.com
PGA National Resort (561) 627-1800 www.pgaresort.com
Sandhill Crane Golf Club (561) 630-1175 www.gardensgolf.com
Southwinds Golf Course (561) 483-1305 www.pbcgolf.com
The Breakers (561) 655-6611 www.thebreakers.com
Village Golf Club (561) 793-1400 www.thevillagegolfclub.com
Westchester Golf & Country Club (561) 734-6300 www.westchestercc.com
Champions Club At Summerfield (772) 283-1500 www.thechampionsgolfclub.com
Evergreen Club (772) 286-2113 www.theevergreenclub.com
Florida Club (772) 287-3680 www.floridaclubgolf.com
Hammock Creek Golf Club (772) 220-2599 www.hammockcreekgolfclub.com
Heritage Ridge Golf Club (772) 546-2800 www.heritageridgegolf.com
Indianwood Golf & Country Club (772) 597-3794 www.indianwoodgolfclub.com
Jensen Beach Golf Club (772) 692-3322 www.jensenbeachgc.com
Lost Lake Golf Club (772) 220-6666 www.lostlakegolfclub.com
Marriott Hutchison Island (772) 225-6819 www.marriotthutchinsonisland.com
Martin County GC (772) 287-3747 www.martincountygolfcourse.com
North River GC (772) 692-0346 www.northrivergc.com
Osprey Creek at Martin Downs (772) 286-6818 www.martindownsgolfclub.com
Palm Cove Golf and Yacht Club (772) 287-5605 www.palmcovegolf.com
Enjoy luxurious accommodations, lavish amenities, and four iconic golf courses. Elevate your stay with premier dining, The Trump Spa, and a variety of recreational activities. Stay and play in unparalleled style at Trump National Doral Miami, where luxury and golfing converge for an unforgettable experience.