Let’s Get Social, Canadian Lakes
MONDAY 2nd TUESDAY 2nd 2nd 2nd WEDNESDAY 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 4th THURSDAY 1st, 3rd FRIDAY 1st SATURDAY 4th 2nd
9 am-10:30 am 9:30 am 1 pm 3:30-5 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 9 am 10 am-12 pm 1 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7:30 pm 2-3 pm 9-11 am 9 am 9 am-10:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:00 am 10 am-4 pm 11:30 am 12:30 pm 1 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 7 pm 7 pm Variable Variable 10-11 am 1 pm 1 pm 1 pm-3 pm 7pm- 9 pm 9-11 am 9 am-10:30 am 11:30 am 3:30 pm 9 am 1:00 pm 1-3 pm
Canadian Lakes Weekly Scheduled Activities NOTE: All activities are open to Canadian Lakes property owners, family members, and guests. Property owners are asked to obtain guest passes from the CLPOC office.
Castle Walkers Oct-March Castle Melody Makers (ladies) Apr-Jul/Sept-Dec. Highland Haus Dotted Cubes (bunko) Alpine Haus Canadian Lakes Men’s Chorus Apr-Dec. Highland Haus Euchre Club Alpine Haus Camera Club Every other Mon Highland Haus Morton Township Meeting Odd months 290 Main, Mecosta Women’s Bible Study Feb-May Highland Haus Pool Cue League Oct-Dec/Jan-Mar. Member homes Table Tennis Alpine Haus Morton Township Meeting Even months 290 Main, Mecosta Austin Township Meeting Monthly 14132 Pierce, Stanwood Exercise/Dance Class Alpine Haus Drop-In Mixed Tennis Seasonal Alpine Haus Courts Garden Club Apr-Nov. Highland Haus Castle Walkers Oct-March Castle Bible Study Alpine Haus Book Babes Book Club Apr-Dec. Member Homes Novel Friends Book Club Apr-Dec. Member Homes Quilt Club Highland Haus Mah Jongg Apr-Oct. Alpine Haus Mixed Bowling Sept-May Remus Lanes CLPOC Workshop/Agenda Mtg Main Conf. Rm. Girl Scout Troop 4788 Alpine Haus Canadian Lakes Players Highland Haus Canadian Lakes Fishing Club Apr-Oct. Alpine Haus Morton Twp. Planning Comm. Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct 290 Main, Mecosta Treasure Seekers Destinations Vary Fishing Fun Night May-Sept. Main Beach Exercise/Dance Class Alpine Haus Needles and News See Lite Lines Alpine Haus Drop-in Bridge Model Yacht Club Apr-Oct. Edgewater Park Social Dance Club Sept-May Alpine Haus Drop-In Mixed Tennis Royal Courts Castle Walkers Oct-March Castle Mah Jongg Apr-Oct. Alpine Haus Writers Quest Alpine Haus CLPOC Monthly Board Meeting Highland Haus Euchre Tournament Oct-April Highland Haus Model Yacht Club Apr-Oct. Edgewater Park
Indoor Pool & Fitness Area - 972-2123 (CLOSED on Tuesdays) Lap Swimming Mon, Wed-Fri 7-8 am Adult Open Swim Mon, Wed, Fri 9-10 am Thurs 7-9 am Open Swim Mon, Wed, Fri 11 am-8 pm Thurs 7-9 am Sat, Sun 9 am-8 pm Outdoor Pool/Pines Pavilion - 972-4462 May 28-Sept. 7 11 am-6 pm Pickleball - Contact: Laura Moore 231-972-0473 dlcdmoore@yahoo.com Legacy Park Daily 9am-12 pm (Apr.-Oct.) Tennis - Open play daily at all courts (see above for drop-in mixed tennis) Thursday Ladies 9-Hole Golf - Contact: Lynne Edin 231-972-4662 ledin6985@gmail.com Alternate contact: Sandy Engott 848-933-0759 jengott@aol.com Ladies 18-Hole Golf - Contact: Janet Dorer 517-719-5390 Euchre Tournament - Contact: Kathy Lawyer 231-972-3054 vklaw@charter.net Alternate contact: Diane Kennedy 231-972-3176 Tuesday Men’s 9-Hole Golf - Contact: Ken Swathwood 231-972-4039 swathkp41@gmail.com
CONTACT 231-972-0511 231-796-2460 231-972-7920 231-359-1114 231-972-7950 989-560-2124 231-972-7138 231-972-5132 231-972-7327 231-972-7749 231-972-7138 231-972-7472 231-972-0029 231-408-8801 231-972-5702 231-972-0511 231-972-8084 231-250-6319 231-972-4246 231-972-4039 231-972-3054 231-215-5556 231-972-7651 616-821-9887 231-972-4257 231-972-8663 231-972-7138 231-359-1023 231-972-8663 231-972-0029 231-972-2685 231-972-8530 231-629-1004 231-359-1355 231-408-8801 231-972-0511 231-972-3054 734-223-7841 231-972-7651 231-972-3054 231-629-1004
Writer’s Quest - Contact Joyce Wilcox: 734-223-7841 joycewilcox@gmail.com Alternate contact: Griz Holbrook 231-972-1947 grizh@yahoo.com Girl Scout Troop 4788 Club - Contact: Angela Veldman 616-821-9887 angela.veldman@yahoo.com Alternate contact: Jennifer Cady 231-629-2259 cady-jb@hotmail.com Alpine Haus 4:30pm-6pm meets bi-weekly (Oct.-June) Men’s Tuesday 9-Hole League - Contact: Ken Swathwood 231-972-4039 swathp41@gmail.com Tournament Bridge Club - Contact Karen Melson 231-972-2855 karenincanlakes@gmail.com; days, times and locations vary Silver Spokes - Contact James Diehm, 231-598-0383 jim-diehm@cmsimter.net CL Camera Club - Contact: Troy Smith 989-560-2124 smithtd1969@gmail.com MARSP - Contact: Mary Salisz 231-972-8084 marysalisz@gmail.com Alternate contact: Chris Wernette 231-972-7336 chrisandsandy@yahoo.com Novel Friends Bookclub - Contact: Dee Gilkerson 231-972-4246 dhgilkerson@aol.com Alternate contact: Julie Quick 231-972-7140 julaneq56@gmail.com
Please confirm before you partake in any Canadian Lakes function as COVID-19 may affect meetings, events, and operations.
T h e C a n ad i a n L a ke r