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From the CLA

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Joyce's Choices

Joyce's Choices


Good day my fellow Canadian Lakers!

I hope all is well in your world. Lindsay Halcomb, our CL Marketing Director, always sends out a reminder to those of us who provide letters and articles for Th e Laker, as to our upcoming deadline to submit our information. When I received the deadline reminder for Friday, November 4, and it was for our DecemberJanuary Laker, I immediately thought, GEEZ another year has come and gone already. Th ank you, Lindsay, I really appreciate you for that email reminding me the snow will soon be here!

It’s November 1st and I’m writing this letter at 6:00 a.m. with a hot cup of coff ee, a homemade donut (thanks to our neighbor Glen Reed), and Agnes in my lap. Th e CLA is in the busiest twoweek period of the year. Saturday, October 29th was our annual Halloween Dance with 80 members attending, and Monday, October 31st was our Trick-or-Treat at the Castle with 350 little ghosts and goblins and their family members attending. Th is coming Th ursday, November 3rd is our Annual Cook-Off , featuring soup this year, where 12 Canadian Lakes members will vie to be “Top Chef” and get their name on a plaque in the Highland Haus, as well as money in their pocket. Monday, November 7th is our Gals Night Out Event where “yours truly” has the daunting task of playing Steve Harvey hosting a Family Feud Game and trying to entertain 140 Canadian Lakes Ladies ... boy do I have it tough! Friday, November 11th we have our Veterans Day Program. Th ank you to Tricia Donegan for organizing this Canadian Lakes Community Celebration as we honor our Veterans.

I guess it should be obvious why “time fl ies” in Canadian Lakes when you are busy having FUN with neighbors, family, and friends. It’s very easy to lose track of time, but let’s just hope the next three months go by as fast as possible because, as you have heard from me, I am not a “winter guy”.

During December we still have our Annual Home Decorating Contest on December 8th & 9th, and our New Year’s Eve Dance on December 31st. I’m certain my fellow Canadian Lakes members


appreciate everything the Canadian Lakes Association provides throughout the year, with events every month to look forward to, over 30 Sanctioned Clubs to enjoy, an Annual CLA Membership Directory and Buyer’s Guide, and the Lite Lines, our monthly newsletter keeping you informed of upcoming events. The Canadian Lakes Association provides all of this and then some with just a small group of dedicated volunteers. In order for us to be able to continue to provide this for our community, we are going to need your support.

By the time you receive this Laker, we will be saying goodbye to three of our very talented and dedicated Board Members, Jo Alex, Robin Bielby, and Sharon Schmidt, who have a total of 20 years of experience, and who will have completed their term limits and then some. To say they will be missed is a huge understatement. Jo has been our CLA Membership Director for the last six years. Her knowledge of this position is second to none. Sharon has been our secretary for the last

Harold Wolf

President haroldwolf63@gmail.com

Gals Night Out

seven years, as well as our Sanctioned Club Director this last year. Sharon is also our Medical Supplies Director. She has managed to handle all of these positions wonderfully. Robin has been in charge of Food Service and Volunteers the past six years, along with serving as Vice President under our previous CLA President, Earl Christianson. When you see these ladies out and about in Canadian Lakes, please thank them for their dedicated service to the Canadian Lakes Association and our Community.

I’m certain the CLA Board has never faced having to replace 20 years of experience in one year, and it will be a daunting task. So that is why we need you now more then ever to step up and help lead the CLA into the future. It is the best way to meet your Canadian Lakes neighbors and make new friends.

So, if it’s important to you that the CLA continues to provide all of our current events, and to be able to deliver all of the fun contests that you have grown accustomed to, now is the time for you to COME JOIN THE FUN of becoming a CLA Board Member...help shape the future of our great community!

JoAnn Jewell Enjoying Gals Night Out.

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