3 minute read

From the General Manager

Greg Babbitt

General Manager gbabbitt@clpoc.org

CLPOC OFFICE 10690 Pierce Rd. Canadian Lakes, MI 49346 Phone: 231-972-7651

OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

MEMBER SERVICES Dawn McNeill Kathy Graham Jane Hensley memberservices@clpoc.org

At times, based on the edition of the Laker, I feel like I write some of the same things. The reason, with the Laker being six issues a year, it is important to include certain things at certain times each year. Example, this is my time of year to include being thankful and reflect on the past season. Hopefully, each of you can be thankful as well.


I am certainly thankful to all the many volunteers we have. Volunteerism is priceless and Canadian Lakes is extremely fortunate to have such an amazing group of volunteers. Whether you volunteer for the Board or a Committee, donate expertise or money, organize an event, support the amenities, you all play an important role in our community's success. I am also very thankful for my dedicated staff of employees. I would specifically like to thank my Department Heads, Kim Dowell, Casey Smith, Dennis Wolfe, Bill Hull, Kristin Wilcox, Kendall Ouwinga, Ryan Rasmussen, and Lindsay Halcomb. These Department Heads take operating this place very personal and attempt to do it in a professional business manner. They and their staff do their work both noticeably and behind the scenes. I am truly grateful for the staff I have and enjoyed watching them again this year, rise to the challenge of another season. Without all of their devoted efforts, Canadian Lakes would not be the place it is. I would also like to thank my General Manager Committees and the many volunteers from Mobile Watch, Lake Stewards, Flower Power, Yard Waste, all of whom are resourceful in assisting me and my staff with operations. I appreciate all of these individuals working together as a team on their respective tasks.


This past season, we continued to see increased activity at the Highlands, Pines, and Royal golf courses. We also saw increased activity at the Campground and both the Outdoor and Indoor pools. With the Royal course increased activity, this benefited the Royal Grille as activity was up and has continued to stay very busy thus far into the off-season. This has been one of our best amenity seasons. I really want to thank you the members, and all your guests, for the support you have given to the amenities this season.


We will be operating the Tubing Tow at the Highland Haus on weekends when the hill conditions permit. Please remember that it does take a significant amount of snow to build up the tube discharge area before we can make it operational. Without a proper working discharge area, it becomes a safety factor. Staff, along with some volunteers, will be maintaining the ice-skating rink again this year at the Highland Haus and the cross-country ski/ biking trail on the Highlands golf course. Stay tuned to the Member’s Bulletin and our website for the latest updates on all our wintertime activities.


We are currently in the process of preparing next fiscal year’s budget, FY 2024. One factor that exists is the Consumer Price Index is 8.7%, our ceiling is 4.3%, in which we are allowed to increase the amount of the Membership fee. The Board will need to decide as to the exact percentage that will be used. Some areas of concern are our contracts/vendors/service providers continue to increase their prices. Also, staffing and the higher wage needs that will most likely continue in order to operate the community effectively and not be understaffed or operating with under-qualified staff. This budget process involves establishing the 2023 Rates and Fees Schedule. The staff, Finance Committee, and Board are all in the process of preparing the FY 24 budget and 2023 Fee Schedule. The Proforma budget and fee schedule will be voted on at the Board’s December 17th meeting. The Board and Management continue to be cognizant of the current economic conditions while at the same time trying to balance expenses for services against income.

As with every year during this wonderful holiday time, my staff joins me in wishing each and every one of you a Joyous Holiday Season and a very Happy and Healthy New Year! We hope that your special holiday time will be spent making fond memories with family and friends!