1 minute read

CLPOC What are we?

Photography by Dan Strandt of the Canadian Lakes Camera Club

Canadian Lakes Property Owners Corporation (CLPOC)



This is a question which has caused much speculation and consternation since our transition in 1995. So, let’s settle it right now, we are a “Not for Profit Corporation.” We are governed by the NonProfit Corporation Act. PA 162 of 1982. We operate under Articles of Incorporation, which clearly state; The name of this corporation shall be “Canadian Lakes Property Owners Corporation” (hereinafter referred to as the “Corporation”) and is incorporated as a nonprofit corporation pursuant to the Michigan Nonprofit Corporation Act, MCL 450.2101. This is “Who we Are” and who we have been since 1995.


While many over the years have speculated, and yes even insisted we are an HOA or POA. We can state definitely we are not an HOA or POA in any legal sense of the designation. There are some who at reading this will run to social media and say, “you are an HOA because it says so on your LARA license.” Let us be clear, this LARA wording is not legally binding and is only for the purpose of providing the general nature of the business. In our future LARA submissions on advice of Attorneys we will reword this to make reflective of what we are.

We realize there will still be some who will cling to their beliefs, as they feel it allows them legal redress against CLPOC. Make no mistake regardless of what social media will claim we ARE NOT an HOA or POA.