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Mobile Watch



MOBILE WATCH COORDINATOR 231-288-0148 spankky@charter.net

CLPOC Stickers

With the coming of spring, please remember to affi x your 2022 CLPOC stickers to your vehicle(s), membership cards, permanent guest passes (if you have them) and your boats, kayaks, etc. If you haven’t already received or picked them up and replaced last year’s sticker, be sure to do so soon.

Winter Watch Report

It was another busy Winter Watch (red light) season for your Mobile Watch and Canadian Lakes Safety. As usual, Mobile Watch volunteers in all nine areas reported numerous red lights to Canadian Lakes Safety.

Th e Mobile Watch and Canadian Lakes Safety watch over all the homes in Canadian Lakes. Over the years, the actions taken by Mobile Watch and Safety have undoubtedly saved residents thousands of dollars in damaged property. Th e “Resident Vacation” form is available at the CLPOC offi ce and online on our website: members.canadianlakes.org/vacation/.

What Will It Take?

We all have seen it - speeding.

Speeding is a problem in Canadian Lakes. We can blame contractors for some of the violations, but we should face facts – we are all part of the problem. We hope that it will not take the death or serious injury of a playing child, a walker, jogger, or a bicyclist to get us to slow down.

Canadian Lakes Safety has tried to raise our awareness by using the roadside speed monitor and by installing the dreaded portable speed bump devices. Usually, driving behavior changes – but only briefl y. Th en speeds go back up.

Rest assured that Mobile Watch volunteers will do its part by reporting speed violators to Canadian Lakes Safety. Can we count on you to watch your speed while driving? Th ink of your children or grandchildren out playing in our beautiful community as you are driving, so please obey the 25 mph limit. Th e time saved between 25 mph and 45 mph when driving fi ve miles is only seconds. Consider the time and anguish should something tragic occur because of your speeding.

Slow down! We want to make sure that everyone has a fun and safe summer.

If You See Something, Say Something

Whether it is summer or winter, Mobile Watch and Canadian Lakes Safety are always watching out for the safety and security of our common and private properties. Since we are not a gated community, our assets are limited as to where we can be at any given time. Th at is where you come in.

If you see something, say something. Report suspicious individuals and vehicles immediately. Call Canadian Lakes Safety at 231-972-8555, or if it is an emergency, call Central Dispatch at 911 or (231) 796-4811. Timely notifi cation is crucial.

I am strong.

Wheatlake Wellness Walk & 5K

May 21, 2022

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Go Green and White!

Nope! Mobile Watch is not taking sides between Go Green or Go Blue. Aft er all, we believe in our personal safety.

Do you have a green and white refl ective house number sign at your home? If you don’t, you should! As we have said in the past, “Th ese signs are lifesavers.”

Th e refl ective house number signs help emergency services (police, fi re, ambulance) and Canadian Lakes Safety fi nd your home more easily, especially in the dark. It also helps Mobile Watch in reporting suspicious activities and red lights at your house.

Signs and metal posts are low-cost items, but they pay high dividends. Refl ective house number signs and posts are available for less than $20 at most home improvement stores or through the Morton Township on their website at mortontownship.org.

Be smart and be safe. Install a refl ective house number sign in front of your home! For those who already have refl ective house number signs in place, we say THANK YOU, but please check to make sure the installed signs are high enough so that plowed snow next winter will not cover it, i.e., at least as high as your mailbox. If the sign isn’t visible, it doesn’t help.

Th ank You for Your Service

Canadian Lakes Mobile Watch would like to thank all those dedicated volunteers who donate their time, vehicle, and gas to help keep Canadian Lakes safe.

Did you know that some of our volunteers have been doing patrols for over a decade? Th ere are currently over 50 patrollers that are members of our prestigious Decade Club. Th is is a true commitment and dedication to community service!

Help Us Help You!

One of the Mobile Watch goals is to perform at least two patrols each day in each of the nine areas within Canadian Lakes. Th is involves some 6570 patrols each year to help keep Canadian Lakes safe and provide assistance when needed. While we have been successful in attracting some new Mobile Watch members, we still need your help.

For those returning from their winter retreats, now is the time to step up and show your appreciation to the Mobile Watch by joining. Gaps remain in the coverage in many patrol areas. Even if you cannot serve on a full-time basis, Mobile Watch could use your assistance as a part time or substitute member.

If you can help for even some months of the year to ensure Canadian Lakes remains safe, please contact Roger Stobert at 231-288-0148 (spankky@charter.net) or Canadian Lakes Safety at 231-972-8555.

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