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CLPOC Board Minutes

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From the Board

From the Board

CLPOC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Saturday, May 22, 2021 (Virtual Via Zoom)

1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Paul Szymkowicz,


President at 9:00 a.m. Board members present were: John Colley, Vice

President, James French, Treasurer,

Linda Tilley, Secretary, Dan Rice,

Dan Altier, Jerry Juncker and Steve

Wilcox. Director Halpin was absent. 2. Staff members: Greg Babbitt,

Kim Dowell, Jessica Slendak 3. Approval of the Agenda: Motion by

French / Support Rice Passed 8/0

AUSTIN AND MORTON TOWNSHIP REPORTS: Neither Austin nor Morton Township submitted a report for this meeting. 1. President’s Report: President

Szymkowicz wished everyone a safe and enjoyable Memorial

Day. The Canadian Lakes annual garage sale will be held on Friday and Saturday before Memorial

Day. There will be a lot of traffic in Canadian Lakes during the sale, please exercise extreme caution on the roads. As the holiday approaches our lakes will be congested, again please be cautious as you enjoy your holiday weekend. 2. Financial Report: Controller

Dowell reviewed the draft financial statements (not included in the agenda packet this month).

Noted that this month 250 lots have outstanding 2020 balances, 174 lots have outstanding balances from 2019.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. ACC: Secretary Tilley reported that no requests for approval have been received for this month. 2. CLA Liaison: Director Rice reports the CLA BOD meeting held in May was held in person at the Highland Housel. Please refer to the CLA Website and the

Lite Lines for complete minutes and details for the May meeting.

Random membership appreciation award Winner for May was Tom and Jane Foster. Please renew your membership for 2021. $25 gives you access to many family-friendly, enjoyable events, plus opportunities to win prizes. The

CLA Shopping event started Feb 1 and continues to run through

June 21. Refer to the Lite Lines for information on the Poker Run.

You must be member to win. 3. Executive: The committee met to discuss several legal items. There will be a short executive session after today’s meeting. 4. Finance: Treasurer French reported that 69 lots went back to the state.

Small claims are still being pursued, albeit slowly, as all courts are not yet open. Controller Dowell and her staff are pursuing the collection of outstanding membership fees. The success of the collection efforts are shown in the lower outstanding lot numbers. The committee and staff are preparing for the annual audit. 5. Lot Default AdHoc: Director

Halpin was absent. No report was submitted. 6. Strategic Planning: Director Altier reported that the committee met on the 10th where they reviewed the IT process and set a timetable for the Community Planning process. Jim Schwarzenruber has removed himself from the group to pursue other interests.

GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT: 1. The Agenda packet contains reports on amenity usage and safety activity. 2. Each month one of the department heads will attend the board meeting to present their reports in person. This month Shayna

Hancock reported on the Royal

Grille activities. 3. Please note: The departmental reports, normally listed here, have been posted on the Canadian Lakes website for your convenience. 4. Limitations on the amenity use will continue as required by the state. 5. Community buildings are now and following current COVID guidelines. 6. General Manager Committees have begun meetings for this year. 7. The Fawn Lake dam is leaking, the engineers are trying to determine the source and a solution. 8. The beach renovation project is on hold due to unavailability of the original contractor. 9. The Community Garage sale will be held as planned. The traditional 4th of July events will go forward as in prior years. The 4th of July fireworks celebration will be held on Saturday, July 3rd. 10. Consent Calendar: The notes from the Board Workshop on April 14, 2021 and the minutes from the

Board Meeting April 24, 2021 and the receipt and filing of the April, 2021 Check Disbursements were presented for approval. Motion by

Tilley, Support by Rice Approved 7/0.

11. Members Comments on Items

for action or discussion: None received. 12. Items for Action: None

ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Nominating Committee: President Szymkowicz asked for volunteers from the board of directors to chair and serve on the committee.

2. Campground Utility Vehicle:

A replacement Utility Vehicle is needed for the Campground $29,120.00 is needed from the

Replacement Reserve Fund. 3. Move to suspend the rules by

Wilcox, Support Rice Approved 7/0 4. Move to purchase a campground utility vehicle for $29,120, with the understanding that any funds received from the sale of the current vehicle will be deposited in the Replacement Reserve fund

Motion by Wilcox, Support Rice

Approved 7/0 5. Replace Six bunkers at the

Royal Golf Course: This is an in-house project by staff. The cost of material will be covered by the Replacement Reserve fund. $23,801.00 is budgeted.

6. Move to suspend the rules by

Wilcox, Support Tilley Approved 7/0 7. Move to approve the project with a cost not to exceed $23,801. Wilcox,

Support Rice Approved 7/0 8. Replacement of the Pines Park

Pavilion Roof: It was not planned to replace the roof this year, the wear and tear is too severe to wait. The lowest contractor’s bid is $3,960. and it will be covered by the Replacement Reserve fun. 9. Move to suspend the rules by

Wilcox Support French Approved 7/0 10. Move to approve the replacement of the Pines Park Pavilion roof, not to exceed $4,400 by Wilcox,

Support Rice Approved 7/0 11. Resolution to approve the Michigan

Liquor Control Commission Liquor

License. 12. CASTLE: Event scheduled for

September 25th, a Wedding

Reception. The Board is being requested to approve this event application for a special license to

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serve alcohol at this location on the requested date. 13. Move to suspend the rules by

French, Support Wilcox Approved 7/0 14. Move to approve the above stated special liquor license by French,

Support Rice Approved 7/0 15. Replacement of the Royal Pro Shop

Furnace and Air Conditioning

Units. The units are quite old and in need of replacement. The lowest contractor’s bid was $9,579 and will be covered by the Replacement

Reserve account. 16. Move to suspend the rules by Colley, Support Rice Approved 7/0 17. Move to approve the replacement of the Royal Pro Shop furnace and air conditioning units by Colley,

Support Tilley Approved 7/0

MEMBERS’ COMMENTS: 1. Louis Weijers, Member Lot

Number: 48 & 49. We emailed the office for an appointment so I can pay our annual dues, boat fees, etc. and >72 hours we are still waiting for a response. 2. Donna Fry, Member Lot Number:

NS088 When will the office be open to traffic, without having to make an appointment? 3. Directors’ Comments: None

4. Member Communication

Requirements: The general manager is asked to let the membership know that the Beach Project is stalled due to the contractor’s issues.

The General Manager and staff are working to find alternate solutions to the problem. Also to remind the members that most departments are currently understaffed or have new employees in training. We ask for your patience at this time.

5. Recess to Executive Session:

9:53 am 6. Adjournment: Adjourned at 10:19 a.m. 7. Notes: The next Board Workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.; the next scheduled Board Meeting is at 9:00 a.m. on June 26, 2021. 8. The May 14, 2021 Board workshop was cancelled.

9. Today’s meeting was viewed by 2 people. Respectfully submitted by Linda Tilley (Minutes are printed as submitted.)

CLPOC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Saturday, June 26, 2021 (Highland Haus)

1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Paul Szymkowicz,

President at 9:00 a.m. Board members present were: John Colley, Vice

President, James French, Treasurer,

Linda Tilley, Secretary, Dan Rice,

Bob Halpin, Dan Altier (via Zoom),

Jerry Juncker (via Zoom) and Steve

Wilcox. 2. Staff members: Greg Babbitt (via

Zoom), Kim Dowell 3. Approval of the Agenda: Motion by

French / Support Wilcox Passed 8/0


Township submitted a report for this meeting. 2. President’s Report: President

Szymkowicz noted that this was the first face-to-face board meeting in about 475 days. Feb of 2020 was the last meeting held at the Highland

Haus. Last of the state mandates have been released and Canadian Lakes can get back to normal.

Thanks to the members present for attending or viewing online. 3. Financial Report: Controller

Dowell reviewed the draft financial statements. Canadian Lakes remains on track financially. Note: As of the end of May, 244 lots have outstanding 2020 balances and 171 lots have outstanding balances from 2019.

Efforts to collect are ongoing.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. ACC: Secretary Tilley reported that two late arriving requests for new homes were reviewed and approved by email this month. 2. CLA Liaison: Director Rice reports the CLA BOD meeting was held in June in person at the

Highland Haus. Please refer to the

CLA Website and the Lite Lines for complete minutes and details for the May meeting. Random membership appreciation award

Winner for John and June Hipple.

Upcoming events: June 26, over 40 crafters are signed up for the

Annual Craft Show, July 3, Young

Anglers Fishing Contest, 5K Fun

Run/Walk and the Annual Summer Picnic. July 23-25 Pickleball

Tournament. The CLA shopping

Spree ended on June 21. There were over 2,000 receipts entered for over $46,000 in sales to our local merchants. The Poker Run winners received generous prizes from some of our local merchants. Please renew your membership for 2021. $25 gives you access to many family-friendly, enjoyable events, plus opportunities to win prizes. 3. Executive: The committee met to discuss several legal items, the Gypsy

Moth situation and the Hot Dog

Man. There will be a short executive session after today’s meeting. 4. Finance: Treasurer French reported that the committee was able to meet face-to-face. Small claims are being pursued. Dowell and her staff are pursuing the collection of outstanding membership fees. The success of the collection efforts are shown in the lower outstanding lot numbers. The committee and staff are preparing for the annual audit. A Replacement Reserve and

Funding Plan sub-committees are now able to meet. 5. Lot Default AdHoc: Director

Halpin reported that the committee met 3 times plus with the State Land

Bank for two workshops since the last board meeting. The proposed date for presenting the report is before Labor Day. 6. Strategic Planning: Director Altier reported that the committee met to review the timeline for reporting. Because the IT subcommittee members are very busy at work,

Treasurer Tilley will now be spearheading the review. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT: 1. The Agenda packet contains reports on amenity usage and safety activity. 2. Each month one of the department heads will attend the board meeting to present their reports in person.

This month Casey Smith reported on the Facilities and Compliance

Department. 3. Please note: The departmental reports, normally listed here, have been posted on the Canadian Lakes website for your convenience. 4. Limitations on the amenity use have been lifted by the state. 5. Community buildings are now and following current COVID guidelines. 6. General Manager Committees have begun meetings for this year. 7. The Fawn Lake dam is leaking,

The engineers will report on their findings and recommendation to remedy. 8. The beach renovation project was awarded to a new contractor.

Holiday Beach will be the first to receive new sand in mid-July. The other beaches will be renovated one at a time to minimize the inconvenience to members. 9. The Community Garage sale was held over the Memorial Day weekend. The traditional 4th of July events will go forward as in prior years. The 4th of July fireworks celebration will be held on Friday,

July 2nd. 10. Consent Calendar: The minutes from the Board Meeting May 22, 2021 and the receipt and filing of the May, 2021 Check Disbursements were presented for approval.

Motion by Tilley, Support by Wilcox

Approved 8/0. (Correction: the April 14, 2021 Board Workshop mentioned in the video was cancelled.)

11. Members Comments on Items for

action or discussion: Carl Norris commented on the condition of the lakes and beaches. He is looking forward to planned improvements and continued improvements.


12. 2021 Nominating Committee:

The committee will be Chaired by

President Szymkowicz, members are

Director Juncker and Jo Alex. 13. Motion by Rice/Support Wilcox

Approved 8/0

ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Resolution to approve the Michigan

Liquor Control Commission Liquor

License. 2. The Event is a Golf Outing scheduled for August 3rd and 4th at the

Castle. The Board is being requested to approve this event application for a special license to serve alcohol at

this location on the requested date. 3. Move to suspend the rules by Tilley,

Support Wilcox Approved 8/0 4. Move to approve the above stated special liquor license by Wilcox,

Support French Approved 8/0 5. Members in Good Standing. The date for determining that members of record in good standing will be entitled to notice and to vote at the

Annual Meeting of the Members.

The standard date is September 30, 2021, which will be voted on during the July meeting.


Welcome! If you haven’t already, please contact Member Services at 231-972-7651 or memberservices@clpoc.org to schedule your appointment to get membership cards, vehicle stickers, and any other amenities privileges you’d like.

Then, please visit our members website at members.canadianlakes.org to register. You’ll fi nd a ton of great, useful info and you’ll automatically be signed up to receive the Members Bulletin email. 6. Refurbishing the Castle Turrets.

Repair of the damaged blocks and upper eyebrow windows and clean and repaint the turrets. Costs will be $32,400. 7. Move to suspend the rules by

Wilcox, Support French Approved 8/0 8. Move to approve the above stated purchase by French, Support Wilcox

Approved 8/0 9. Replacement of Golf Course Equipment. The Tee & Approach Mower should be replaced. A small utility vehicle is also needed to replace the current vehicle. There will be funds available from the Replacement

Reserve. Bids are being sought. 10. Members’ Comments: Mike Burke expressed concern over the gypsy moth problems and asked that

Canadian Lakes work with Morton

Township for any treatments needed in the Spring. Carl Norris asked that the sand bars partially blocking the area behind Pierce Beach be addressed. Margery Raush also addressed the gypsy moth issue and discussed some things homeowners can do to help. Rick Lowe asked about an item erroneously added to the agenda packet that was not addressed during the meeting. 11. Directors’ Comments: Directors thanked the members for attending the session in person. Staff members were commended for their diligence.

12. Member Communication Re-

quirements: Timing of the beach renovations and information on the

Nominating Committee and where to find information for members wishing to run for a board position.

13. Recess to Executive Session:

10:13 am 14. Adjournment: Adjourned at 11:00 a.m. 15. Notes: The next Board Workshop is scheduled for Wednesday,

July 14, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.; the next scheduled Board Meeting is at 9:00 a.m. on July 24, 2021. 16. Today’s meeting was viewed by 6 people. Respectfully submitted by Linda Tilley (Minutes are printed as submitted.)

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